Design Modelling Analysis and Implementation of Two Phase Interleaved Buck DC DC Converter

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Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456 –2165

Design, Modelling, Analysis and Implementation of

Two Phase Interleaved Buck DC-DC Converter
Vikas U1 K.P Guruswamy2
M.E IV Semester , Power Electronics Assistant Professor, Electrical Department,
University Visveseraya College of Engineering University Visveseraya College of Engineering
Bangalore, India Bangalore, India

Abstract:-In recent year Multiphase converter topologies we need to go for close loop control.TwoLevel Interleaved
are getting more interest for use in high performance and DC-DC Buck converter isintroduced to meet the increased
low voltage applications. In This paperthe two-phase demands such as low current ripple, high efficiency, faster
interleaved buck DC-DC converter (IBC) is designed for dynamics, light weight and higher power density.Interleaving
desired parameters and further by using state space also called multi-phasing, is a technique that is useful for
averaging technique small signals models are derived, reducing the size of filter components [3]. In this paper the
steady state performance is investigated in MATLAB- Two phase Interleaved buck Converter was modeled
Simulink , closed loop control is achieved by designing considering all the parasitic elements of the converter using
PID controller to achieve the proper regulator for the state space averaging technique [4, 5] and analyzed using
converters.. The hardware implementation of two-phase small signal analysis. The model is simulated in MATLAB/
IBC is performed using ARDUINO UNO as micro Simulation for closed loop with analog PID controller. This
controller. paper presents the design of two phase IBC and also
modelling and analysis of same. Section II, III presents
Keywords:-Two-phase interleaved buck DC-DC converter working principle of two phase IBC with duty cycle
(two phase IBC), conventional buck DC-DC converter D(0<D<0.5) (0.5<D<1). Section IV, describes the steady
(CBC), continuous conduction mode(CCM),ARDUINO state characteristics and design of two phase IBC converter.
micro controller ,sisotool. Section V presents modeling and analysis two phaseIBC.
Section VI gives the simulation results.Section VII gives the
I. INTRODUCTION Experimental resultsFinally section VIIIconcludes the paper.

DC -DC converters which converts the fixed voltage DC II. CONVENTIONAL BUCK DC-DC CONVERTER
source to the variable DC output . A DC-DC converter can (CBC)
be considered as the DC equivalent to an AC transformer
with a continuously variable turns ratio. Like a transformer, it Theconventional buck DC-DC converter consist of supply
can be used to step down or step up DC voltage source[1]. By voltage VS, inductor L1, Freewheeling diode D1,controlled
storing the input energy temporarily and then releasing that power switch S1, filter capacitor CO , and load resistance RO.
energy to the output at a different voltage, the electronic here we are considering that conventional buck converter is
switch-mode DC to DC converters is able to convert one DC operating in CCM, This converter produces an average output
voltage level to another, than linear voltage regulation, which voltage VO at a level lower than the supply voltage V S. The
dissipates unwanted power as heat. This conversion method is switch is turned ON and OFF with a switching frequency
more power efficient, often 80% to 90%. The storage ways f=(1/T ) and with duty ratio D = Ton / T, where T ON is the
may be in either magnetic components like inductors, ON time of the switch S1 and T is the switching period.
transformers or capacitors .This is beneficial to increasing the Circuit diagram for CBC is as shown in figure1, the supply
running time of battery operated devices. The demerits of voltage is in series with inductor acts as a current source. The
switching converters include cost, intricacy and electronic energy stored in L1 builds up when S1 is closed. When S1 is
noise (EMI / RFI)[2]. opened, current continues to flow through L1 to RO. As the
source and the discharging L1 are both providing energy with
Presently the new electrical apparatus working on low the switch open, the effect is to buck the voltage across R O.
voltage and high current or high voltage low currents needs The total output current Io, which is the sum of the two
Power converters that can supply regulated voltages from a inductor currents IL1are shown in Figure.2.
constant power source. The desired output parameters from
the apparatus can’t obtained with the present converters and
hence it is necessary to find new converter topologies. Such
that apparatus should be able to give a desired output like
constant output voltage even during varying loads and
varying sources and providing better switching pulses for
switches, for implementation of different control techniques
IJISRT18FB71 598
Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 –2165

Figure 1 : Circuit Diagram of Conventional Buck dc-dc


Figure 3 : Circuit Diagram of Two Phase Interleaved Buck

dc-dc Converter

Figure 2 : Circuit Diagram of Conventional Buck dc-dc




The two phase interleaved buck converter is as shown in

Figure.3.The two conventional converters are essentially
connected in parallel but operate in an interleaved mode. The
first converter is composed of inductorL1, Switch S1, and
Diode D1, whereas the second converter consists of L2, S2
and D2. The two phase IBC share the same filter capacitor C
at the output. It is assumed that the parameters of the two
converters are identical. The gating signals and the inductor
current waveforms of the converter are shown in Figure.2.
Figure.2a, represents waveforms of inductor currents and
input current and the converter is operated with duty ratio
D(0<D<0.5). In this duty ratio (0<D<0.5) any one switch will
be conducting at time and also at specific period of time both
inductors discharge. With the two phase IBC designs, the
gating signals Vgs1and Vgs2 for switch S1and S2 are
identical but shifted by 180°. The total output current Io,
which is the sum of the two inductor currents IL1 and IL2 are
shown in Figure.4. Figure 4 : Circuit Diagram of Two Phase Interleaved Buck
dc- dc Converter

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Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 –2165

A. Nomenclature For two phase IBC individual inductor current ripple will
vary for duty ratio as shown in figure 5, In figure 6 it is seen
that In two phase IBC total inductor current ripple will be
Symbol Description unit zero for duty ratio 0.5 and % ripple of IBC is less compared
V0 Output Voltage volt to CBC.
R0 Output resistance ohm
T Time period sec (%∆IL1)
TON Time sec %(∆IL2)
CO Filter capacitor µF 6
ICO Capacitor current Amps

%(∆IL1)and %(∆IL2)
IO Output current Amps
IS1 Current through switch Amps
one 2
IS2 Current through switch Amps
one 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
VL1 Voltage across inductor volt
Vgs1 Gate voltage across volt
switch one
D Duty ratio
Lmin Critical inductance Henry Duty ratio
∆IL1 Ripple current through Amps
∆IL2 Ripple current through Amps Figure 5: %ΔIL1 and %ΔIL2 versus Duty Ratio of
L2 two Phase IBC
VS1 Voltage across through volt
switch S1 %∆IL CBC
VS2 Voltage across through volt %∆IL IBC
switch S2 12

%ripple current


Steady state characteristics of CBC and two phase IBC:

Parameters CBC Two phase IBC 4

Buck ratio VO VO 2
D= D=
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Output current PO PO
IO = IO = Duty ratio
Figure 6: %∆IL Versus Duty ratio of both CBC
and two Phase IBC
Inductor current ∆IL1 ∆IL1 = ∆IL2 Design of Two phase IBC:Input data for designing two phase
ripple amplitude interleaved buck converter output of 10 V from a 20 V source
VS − VO VS − VO inductor current is continuous and output ripple of less than
= (DT) = (DT)
L1 L1 1%. The output power 25Watts, switching frequency
31.33kHz.individualInductor current ripple is considered as
Total ripple ∆IL = 5%.
∆IL1 + ∆IL2 VO
Duty ratio (D) =
Operating Iin Iin 10
currents in 2 D= = 0.5
semiconductors PO 25
output current = IO = = = 2.5A
VO 10
Table1: Parameters and its Expression for both CBC and VO 10
IBC output resistance = R O = = = 4Ω
IO 2.5
IJISRT18FB71 600
Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 –2165

Input current = Iin = IO D = 2.5 ∗ 0.5 = 1.25 A

For two phase IBC inductance and capacitance values
calculated as:
IO 2.5
Inductor current IL1 = IL2 = = = 1.25A
2 2
IO /2
∆IL1 = ∆IL2 = ( )∗5
∆IL1 = ∆IL2 = ( ) ∗ 5 = 0.0625
Since ∆IL1 , ∆IL2 are out of phase and as same value they will
cancel each other and
∆IL1 + ∆IL2 = 0 therefore there is no need of capacitor filter
VS − VO Figure 7:Equivqlent Circuit of Two phase IBC Equivalent
L1 = L2 = ( )∗D
∆IL1 ∗ n ∗ f During mode1
20 − 9
=( ) ∗ 0.45 = 570µH −rL1 − rs1 − rco rco 1
) ∗ 2 ∗ 31.3K − −
100 L1 L1 L1
IO ∆IL1 2.5 0.125 rco −rL2 − rd2 − rco 1
Imin = − =( )−( ) = 1.187 A A1 = − −
2 2 2 2 L2 L2 L2
IO ∆IL1 2.5 0.125
Imax = + =( )+( ) = 1.31 A [ CO (rco + R O ) CO (rco + R O ) CO (rco + R O )]
2 2 2 2 1 rco
VO 10 L1 L1
∆VO = = = 0.1 B1 = rco
100 100 0
Efficiency calculation L2
[0 0]
1.Losses in the switches due to drain-source resistance R NMOS R O rco R O rco RO
Pswitch = 2 ∗ R NMOS ∗ (IO1 )2 = 2 ∗ 0.077 ∗ (2.5/2)2 C1 = [ ]
= 0.24W R O + rco R O + rco R O + rco

2.Losses in the diode due to diode series resistance R D Mode-2 Mode-4:Switch S1 and S2 both are open. Analyze
2 the Figure8 ,by applying KVL and KCL we get the equation
Pdiode = R D ∗ (IO1 (1 − D)) + VF IO1 (1 − D) in matrix form.
Pdiode = (0.3 ∗ (1.25/2)2 + (0.875 ∗ 1.25 ∗ .5))*2=1.32W

3.Losses in the inductor due to internal series resistance R L

Pinductor = 2 ∗ R L ∗ (IO1 )2 = 2 ∗ 0.6 ∗ (1.25)2 = 1.875W

4.The input power is the sum of the output power and all the
above losses.
Pin = Pinductor + Pdiode + Pswitch + Po
Pin = 1.875 + 1.32 + .24 + 25 = 28.45W

5.Efficiency= (Po /Pin )*100=(25/28.45) =87.9%

V. MODELLING AND ANALYSIS TWO PHASE IBC Figure 8: Two Phase IBC Equivalent During Mode2

A. Modelling −rL1 − rd1 − rco rco 1

− −
L1 L1 L1
Analysis of two phaseIBC is done using state space rco −rL2 − rd2 − rco 1
averaging technique. The two phase IBC is analyzed for duty A2 = − −
L2 L2 L2
ratio D. The circuit can be analyzed in four modes of RO RO 1
operation by considering parasitic elements.
[ CO (rco + R O ) CO (rco + R O ) CO (rco + R O )]
Mode-1:Switch S1 are closed, S2 is open. Analyze the 0
Figure7 ,by applying KVL and KCL we get the equation in rco
B2 =
matrix form. 0
[0 0 ]
R O rco R O rco RO
C2 = [ ]
R O + rco R O + rco R O + rco

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Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 –2165

Mode-3Switch S1 is open, S2 is close. Analyze the Figure j = 1, 2, ... , 2N.

9,by applying KVL and KCL we get the equation in matrix now using Eqs.28,29, 31,32 we obtain
form N N
A = D ∑ A2i−1 + ( − D) D ∑ A2i … … 6
i=1 i=1
A = D ∑ B2i−1 + ( − D) D ∑ B2i … … 7
i=1 i=1

For two phase Substituting N=2 then we can write as

A = D[A1 + A3 ] + [1 − 2D] A2
B = D[B1 + B3 ] + [1 − 2D] B2
To investigate the small-signal behavior, we now assume that
duty cycle d varies from cycle to cycle. consider the
perturbations in the input voltage, in the duty ratio and in the
Figure 9: Two Phase IBC Equivalent During Mode3 state equations are introduced to Eqs 6 . By neglecting the
non-linear second-order term, the perturbed state-space
−rL1 − rs1 − rco rco 1 equation for an N-phase interleaved converter is obtained as,
− − ẋ = Ax + Bu + Ax̂ + Bû
L1 L1 L1
rco −rL2 − rd2 − rco 1
A3 = − − + [∑(A2i−1 − A2i )X + ∑(B2i−1
L2 L2 L2
i=1 i=1
[ CO (rco + R O ) CO (rco + R O ) CO (rco + R O )] − B2i )u] d̂
1 rco
L1 L1 When all perturbations are set to zero, the steady-state model
B3 = rco is obtained as
0 X = −A−1 BU
[0 Consequently, the small-signal model is found to be
R O rco R O rco RO
C3 = [ ] N N
R O + rco R O + rco R O + rco
ẋ = Ax̂ + Bû + [∑(A2i−1 − A 2i )X + ∑(B2i−1 − B2i )u] d̂
i=1 i=1

B. Analysis using Small Signal Modeling

Using the Laplace transform , we have the small signal model
for N parallel cells as
The general, waveforms of inductor currents at steady state in
a particular switching cycle of an N-phase interleaved will be

shifted by
degrees , Based on the assumption that all ẋ (s) = (SI − A)−1 {Bû(𝑠)
switching cells carry equal average current and are operated
at the same duty ratio in a switching cycle of interest we can
write duty cycle as follows, + [∑(A2i−1 − A2i )X + ∑(B2i−1
D2i−1 = D … … 1 i=1 i=1
D2i = − D … … 2 − B2i )u] d̂(𝑠)}
Where i= 1, 2, ...N, and Dis the duty ratio in the switching
On substituting the û(𝑠) = 𝑉𝑠 (𝑠) and corresponding values in
cycle considered. Here D is assumed to be constant cycle to
the above equation and on simplification the transfer function
cycle, it is defined as the steady-state duty ratio. According to
can be obtained.
the averaged state-space model over one particular cycle can
be written as 𝑉̂𝑜̇ (𝑠)
= (SI − A)−1 [A1 + A3 − 2A2 ]X … … … .8
ẋ = Ax + Bu … … 3 d̂(𝑠)
By applying state space model to the N phase interleaved s(1 − D)(L1 + L2 ) − s 2 L1 L2 (IL1 + IL2 )
inductor current waveforms , we obtain Gvd (s) = sL L
2N s 3 L1 L2 C + 2 2 + 𝑠(1 − D)2 (L1 + L2 )
A = ∑ Dj + A j … … 4
After getting the transfer function and Two phase IBC , the
2N same is fed into the SISO design tool command in the
B = ∑ Dj + B j … … 5 MATLAB closed loop step response of compensated
systemof two phase IBC is as shown in figure 10 and using
automated PID tuning we can find the Kp, Ki and Kd
values.The same values are fed in to the PID controller these
whereAj and Bj are the state matrix and the control vector of
values are set into the PID controller.
the interval Dj Trespectively, and

IJISRT18FB71 602

Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 –2165

Compensator gain values Two phase IBC

Proportional constant Kp Kp=0.01
Integral constant Ki Ki=50
Derivative constant Kd 0

Table 2: Compensator Gain Values two Phase IBC

Figure 12:Simulated Operating Waveforms During Closed

Loop Operation

Figure 10: Closed loop step Response of Compensated

System of two Phase IBC.


Figure 13:Output Voltage and Current Waveform for

Variation of Supply voltage ±25%

Figure 11: Two Phase IBC in Closed Loop Figure 14 :Output Voltage and Current Waveform For
Variation of load ±20%
IJISRT18FB71 603
Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 –2165



Figure 18: Individual Inductor Current and Total Inductor

Figure 15 :Practical Circuit Connection of Two Phase IBC
Current of IBC

A. Line Regulation

Line regulation with R=5.5Ω

Vs Vo Vf D %regulation
16 9.4 5.4 0.588 6
17 9.56 5.43 0.562 4.4
18 9.6 5.47 0.533 4
19 9.9 5.51 0.521 1
20 10 5.53 0.5 0
21 10.2 5.5 0.483 -1.5
22 10.2 5.52 0.464 -2
23 10.3 5.53 0.448 -3
24 10.5 5.53 0.438 -5
Figure 16: Complete Practical Setup of Two Phase IBC
Table 3: Line Regulation with R= 5.5 Ω

By close loop operation by varying input voltage V S ,but still

output voltage is still near to the desired output voltage.

%Regulation versus Vs with R=5.5Ω


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


Figure 17: Individual Inductor Current Waveform of IBC Figure 19: Plot of %Regulation versus VS

IJISRT18FB71 604

Volume 3, Issue 2, February – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456 –2165

B. Load Regulation ripple in the total inductor current is reduced to minimum

value .Then thus two phase IBC is able to achieve the
Load regualtion with Vs=20 objectives of reducing the size of the passive components and
decreasing the ripple in input current and output current thus
%loading R Vo Vf D %regulation achieves a higher efficiency.Closed loop implementation as
8 47 10.2 5.4 0.217 -2 done by using PID controller taking voltage as feedback for
both CBC and two phase IBC and thus line regulation and
12 33 10.1 5.43 0.3061 -1 load regulation graph plot as done and results obtained are
16 25 10 5.47 0.4 0 satisfactorily for close loop operation As a future scope, a
high step down interleaved buck converter can be
40 10 9.9 5.51 0.99 1 implemented and also better tuning procedure with fuzzy
72 5.5 9.8 5.53 1.7818 2 logic controller can be used so that it can as less ripple and
121 3.3 9.6 5.53 2.9091 4 better power quality and high efficiency, and constant output
voltage so that it support different appliances with different
voltage ratings.
Table 4: Load Regulation with Vin=20V for Closed Loop
By close loop operation varying load resistance and still
output voltage is still near to the desired output voltage ie 10 V. [1]. M. S. Umanand, "Power Electronics Essentials and
%Regulation versus %loading [2]. Daniel W. Hart, "Power Electronics",Ny America
5 McGraw-Hill 2011.pp 198-265.
[3]. C.N.M.Ho, H.Breuninger, S Pettersson, G.Escobar,
4 L.Serpa, and A. Coccia, “ Practical Implementation Of
3 An Interleaved Boost Converter Using Sic Diodes For
PV Application” in Proc IEEE, 8th International

conference on power electronics ECCE Asia, June 3,
1 2011,pp.372-379. APEC'96, vol. I, San Jose, CA, Mar.
1996, pp. 152-158.
[4]. Veerachary.M, Senyu.T, Uezato.K.“Modeling and
0 50 100 150
-1 analysis of interleaved dual boost converter” Proc. IEEE
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics 2001
Volume 2,June 2001 pp 718-722.
-3 [5]. Jantharamin, L.Zhang,“ Analysis of Multiphase
%loading Interleaved Converter by using State-space Averaging
Technique” ECTI-CON 2009 6thinternational conference
publications, May 2009,pp.288-298 .
Figure 22: Plot of %Regulation versus %loading
[6]. M.H Rashid “Power Electronics HandBook” London ,
VIII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE UK Academic 2001 pp 517-522.

The two phase IBC is designed, in which the size of passive

components i.e, output filter inductors and output side
capacitor filter is decided.Simulation is performed in Matlab-
Simulink for the calculated values and an expected output is
achieved in closed loops. Also the results obtained depicts
that the peak-to-peak ripple in inductor current is reducedto
0A for duty ratio 0.5.By considering all parasitic elements
two phase IBC is modeled using state space averaging
technique the accurate modeling of the converter and is
analyzed based on small signal analysis and found the
transfer function of output voltage to variations in duty
ratio.The hardware implementation has done two-phase IBC
for the designed values and tested. From Arduino Uno
Microcontroller the gate pulses for a duty ratio of 50% and at
a frequency of 31.33 kHz is generated. Also from the
experimental results, it can be seen that for two phase IBC

IJISRT18FB71 605

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