Life of Festo Products Brochure
Life of Festo Products Brochure
Life of Festo Products Brochure
Festo plug and work® Festo plug and work®: Festo plug and work®: Quality for a long working life Before the products of any In order for quality to deliver
Festo plug and work® packages Plant availability and The many aspects of quality series leave the Festo factory, maximum benefit, however,
include reliability backed by preventive maintenance Maximum reliability for optimum they must pass long-term the right products must be
long-term functional and endu- Festo products can increase your product quality: The objective of functional and endurance tests, installed in the right places.
rance testing. This guarantees plant availability. Thanks, for our Quality Management system both during the development This is why we provide complete
millions of operating cycles example, to the fact that they is to ensure that all the relevant phase and in all phases of the technical and industry-specific
for valves and valve terminals, are made of top-quality materi- processes work together to your product life cycle. This results in consultancy via our more than
and thousands of kilometres of als matched to the conditions of advantage. constant optimisation, leading 1,000 sales and project
running distance, for example, your application. Furthermore, Our system is certified by the to longer service life and higher engineers. Through dialogues
with standard cylinders. they allow you to implement DQS in accordance with DIN-ISO cost-effectiveness. The know- with customers, these engineers
In most cases, Festo plug and Total Productive Maintenance, 9001/9002 and VDA 6.1 and 6.4. ledge gained from tests under ensure that the properties of
work® means: Fit and forget. which prevents unexpected standard conditions forms the both our new and established
plant breakdowns. central basis for preventive products are matched precisely
maintenance activities, resulting to the needs of the various
Endurance testing at Festo is in full plant availability at all branches of industry.
based on defined test parame- times. In addition, it confirms an
ters.Under practical conditions, open secret - Festo products are The aim is simple: To ensure
the service life of any product the benchmark for quality. that Festo delivers first-class
is of course directly dependent quality for greater profitability.
on the relevant operating
2 3
Test conditions
Test parameters
Pressure -10 °C 23 °C 60 °C
Pmin x
Pnenn (6 bar) x x x
Pmax x
Welcome to the test marathon! The purpose of endurance tests, Test conditions Test sequence Typical Festo limit values, for
Festo carries out two kinds of on the other hand, is to obtain In the course of endurance example for standard cylinders,
long-term tests: Functional tests statistical data on the service Pressure testing, daily functional checks are leakage greater than 10 l/h
and endurance tests. life of individual products. This • Dry filtered air are carried out by acoustic, or the need for a pressure of
allows conclusions to be rea- • Lubricated filtered dry air visual and tactile means. Leaka- more than 1.5 bar before the
The aim of functional tests is ched regarding service intervals ge rates, characteristic pressure cylinder will move.
to determine whether the pro- and preventive maintenance. values, switching times, guide
duct in question is still capable backlash and minimum opera- Functional tests are terminated
of operating after a defined All tests are carried out under ting pressure are checked befo- after a predefined number of
number of switching cycles or standard specific test conditions re and after the test and at switching cycles or kilometres
kilometres travelled. and are thus not affected by cyclical intervals during the test. travelled.
variations in time, place or test Further special measurements
samples. are carried as necessary. Testing
is stopped as soon as either
a total failure has taken place or
certain limits for defined charac-
teristic values are exceeded,
even though the product is
fundamentally still capable of
operating (tolerance failure).
4 5
Probability of failure Probability of survival
in percent in percent
99,9 0,1
99 1
50 10
70 30
T 60 40
50 50
40 60
30 70
20 80
B10 10 % 90
5 95
3 97
2 98
1 99
0,5 99,5
0,3 99,7
0,2 99,8
0,1 99,9
Evaluating the results of ber of switching cycles comple- 63 %. The B10 value provides Example of a standard cylinder
endurance testing ted (abscissa). The service-life a reliable indication of service Testing carried out in accordan-
Endurance tests form the basis straight-line plots can be used to life, since this value is achieved ce with relevant Festo standard
for statistic evaluations. The determine statistical characteri- by 90% of all test samples and B10 Z 9.150 km
graph at top right shows the stic service-life data such as the is therefore referred to as the T Z 12.766 km
service life values achieved by B10 value or T value. These are “reliable service life” value.
a series of endurance test sam- the values for the expected servi-
ples. The straight line has been ce life of products. Endurance tests are carried
calculated by the Weibull out under standard conditions
method and represents the The T value is approximately the at 6 bar and 23°C.
test sample’s probability of mid-point of the distribution and
survival/failure (ordinate) as corresponds to the characteristic
a function of the number of service life value of a product.
kilometres travelled or the num- When the numbers of kilometres
or number of switching cycles
indicated by the T value is rea-
ched, the probability of failure is
6 7
Scope of tests at Festo Festo has been carrying out Characteristic and average Details of the test results for - Filtration of compressed air
The test series cover all our long-term testing for over 30 Technische Hotline service life these products, together with using filters with a mesh size
range of: years. We currently have around 0180 303 3000 The characteristic service life comprehensive advice on the smaller than 40 µm (DIN-ISO
• Cylinders 1,500 items on test at the same E-mail value is determined statistically subject of service life and 8573-1 class 5)
• Valves/valve terminals time. We store the resulting data [email protected] for test samples of the same type preventive maintenance, is avai- - In the case of operation with
• Sensors on our service life database, under constant test conditions. lable from your Festo partner. unlubricated air, the maxi
• Electric drives which contains detailed infor- mum permissible oil content
• Handling units mation on over 20,000 test The average service life value The service life values quoted is 0.1 mg/m3 (DIN-ISO 8573-
items, which needs to be con- applies to all the sizes and vari- by Festo apply only under these 1 class 1)
stantly updated. This includes ants within a series. This value conditions: - In the case of lubricated
data on our “Millionaires’ Club,” may therefore vary for individual • Good air preparation compressed air, the volume
with, for example, valves which sizes or variants. The calculation - Drying of compressed air for of oil added must not exceed
have completed over 1,000 milli- of average service life is based use in heated interior rooms 25 mg/m3 (DIN-ISO 8573-1
on switching cycles or cylinders on all the long-term tests that down to a dew point of 2 °C class 5)
which have covered a running Festo has conducted. (the dew point must be at • Cleaner environment (dirty
distance of over 45,000 km. least10 K lower than the ambient air can drastically
medium temperature, DIN-ISO reduce service life)
Tested quality from Festo 8573-1 min. class 4)
pays for itself.
8 9
Average service in millions of switching cycles Average service life in millions of double strokes
20 - 50 50 - 100 100 - 250 250 - 500 500 - 1000 Cylinder type <5 5 - 15 15 - 25 ≥ 25
Terminal valves Typ 03 Midi x DSNU (stroke < 100 mm) x
Maxi x ESNU x
Typ 04 Größe 1 x DSN, ESN ( stroke < 100 mm) x
ISO-5599/2 Größe 2 x ADN, AEN x
Größe 3 x ADVU x
Typ 14 Größe 02 x AEVU x
VDMA (15407-1) Größe 01 x ADV x
Typ 10 CPV10 x EZH x
CPV18 x EG, DG x
Typ 12 CPA10 x DFK x
CPA14 x EGZ x
Average service life in km running distance* DGS x
Typ 15 CDVI x
Typ 24 VTVB x DSL x
Cylinder type < 5.000 km 5 - 10.000 km ≥ 10.000 km
Typ 32 MPA1 x DSM x
MPA2 x DSNU (stroke > 100 mm) x DRQD x
Typ 44 Größe 02 x ESN, DSN x EV x
ISO-Plug In (15407-2) Größe 01 X ESN, DSN (stroke >100 mm) x DNCKE x
Typ 80 CPVSC1 x DNC x DNC-KP x
Typ 82 CPASC1 x DNCB x DSNU-KP x
Individual valves VUVB Größe QS4/6/8/10 x DZH x SLT x
Tiger Classic Größe 1/8 und 1/4 x DGC x SLF x
Größe 1/2 und 3/4 x DGP/DGPL x SLS x
Tiger 2000 Größe 1/8, 1/4 und 3/8 x DGO x DPZ x
Midi Größe 1/8 x SLG x DPZC x
ISO-Ventile Größe 1 x SLE, SLM x HMP-B, HMPL x
5599/1 Größe 2 x DFM x HSP x
Größe 3 x FEN/FENG x HGP, HGR, HGD, HGW x
ISO (VSVA) Norm- Größe 02 x DGEA x HGPT, HGPL x
ventil 15407-1 Größe 01 x DGE-ZR x HGPP x
CPE18 x
CPE24 x * Cylinder with standard stroke length
Miniature Valve MH1 x
Schnellschaltventil MH2, MH3, MH4 x
Prop. valves MPPE Größe 1/8, 1/4 und 1/2 x
MPPE-S Größe 1/8, 1/4 und 1/2 x
VPPE Größe 1/8 x
MPYE Größe M5, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 x
Shut/off, GRLA GRLA-QS x
pressure and flow GRLA-M5 und ähnliche x
control valves HGL Größe M5... 1/2 x
The quoted values are not
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Festo worldwide