Brochure-SANAC-Blast furnace

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for Blast Furnace


The chemical physical properties of the products

The tables hereinafter show the main The individual properties are
average properties of the products. determined according to ISO
These properties, verified by internal Recommendations and Standards
testings, are merely indicative and Pre Recommendations (Pre
should not be used as guaranteed Recommendations - Revision June
values for tender technical spe- 1990).
In default of recommendations from
In case of special requirements, the two above Bodies or should
technical specifications containing the special tests be required, special rules
guaranteed values and those detailing or company methods may be adopted.
Refractories for Blast Furnace

the various properties may be agreed Such rules and methods shall be
with the Customer during sales specified and agreed upon with the
negotiations. Customer.

Brick dimensions (shapes)

The refractory bricks are produced in

the great many shapes required for the
correct lining of each plant in which
they are to be installed.

SANAC is able to produce both

the shapes envisaged by the main
international standardization rules and
the special shapes for specific uses.

The Design Service is at the Customer’s

disposal to provide him with the most
profitable solutions.
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Dimensional Tolerances

The dimensional tolerances of bricks

generally conform with the PRE/R23
Recommendation (“Dimensional
tolerances of dense and insulating
refractory products”).

Particular tolerances, if any, should be

indicated at the time of the en-quiry
and be the subject of tender technical

Sorting and checkig

The bricks, removed from the furnaces, These tests are made on a routine basis
after heat treatment, are classified and in the Quality Control laboratory of each
checked (“Inspection by attributes”) works.
with respect to their dimensional
characteristics and their outward Special test are carried out by the
appearance (fissures, cracks, chipped CentraI Laboratory of Research.
edges, stains, etc.). The production control is effected in
Furthermore, on a statistical basis, accordance with Assurance Quality
controls are carried out on the System.
chemical-physical properties, such as

- Chemical analysis
- Refractoriness
- Bulk density
- Porosity
- Cold crushing strength
- Modulus of rupture
- Refractoriness under load (R.U.L.)
Refractories for Blast Furnace

- Linear thermal expansion

- Permanent linear change
- Thermal shock
- Permeability to gases.


The qualitative standard of a

refractory material has reached such
a determinant influence level as to
condition the operational results.
It is therefore evident the absolute
necessity to carry into effect a severe
policy of quality in manufacturing.

This policy is imposed by the ever-

increasing stresses to which the
material is subjected during the
operation as well as by the level of
high specialization and differentiation
reached by refractory products.

In the manufacturing process,

therefore all those measures are
adopted which are necessary to attain
the right quality level and to keep it
constant, namely:
- precise processing instructions for
each phase of the production process
and detailed quality manuals from the
raw material control up to the finished
- provision of a structure able to
produce according to the criteria of the
“Quality Assurance”.

All our works, as well as all our

laboratories, are conform to Assurance
Quality System in accordance with
UNI EN ISO 9001, certified by DNV as
shown at side.
Refractories for Blast Furnace




Industrial progress, greatly advances The Design Engineering and Technical

in the latest years, imposes more and Assistance Service constitutes an
more severe conditions to refractory integrated system set up in order
linings and demands materials of more to cover all stages from design
and more sophisticated qualities in engineering up to construction and
order to meet the requirements of better installation. Design engineering is
performances under every technical carried out with the C.A.D. system.
and economical aspect. The Service is in fact a company sector
whose function is to find out and solve
In order to take active part in this quick all problems connected with refractory
developing process, in addition to the materials.
individual Works Laboratories charged It operates on site in dose touch with
with the production control and the user and studies the most valid
testing (from raw materials to finished solutions under the technical and
products), SANAC owns a Central economical aspect, thus reaching a
Laboratory of Research which employs precise detailed design engineering of
several highly-qualified specialists. the individual components of a lining.

This unit is fitted with all the most

modem equipments necessary to
the most advanced technological
requirements in the sector, it carries
out its activity in applied research,
in the production and development
of new products, in the improvement
of the existing products and relevant
manufacturing processes.
The Central Laboratory of Research is
in Vado Ligure.

Refractories for Blast Furnace



Sanac technology is active all over From Company’s profile it is possible

the world. In fact, SANAC puts its own to identify the principles which are
experience at the disposal of other at the base of its activity and which
producers of refractory materials. explain its constant progress in a world-
wide refractory industry.
Many are the know-how agreements
stipulated with foreign countries.
The collaboration supplied by the
Company mainly consists of:

– setting out of the most up-to-date

production cycles;
– supervision of plant final design
– supervision of plant erection and
Refractories for Blast Furnace

– supply of complete know-how;
– training of the Customer’s technical
personnel in order to hit the
production targets.

Blast furnace

SANAC started the production of On the basis of operational tests and

refractories for blast furnaces since 1957. through the practical results attained
Up to to-day, lining materials have been and constant research, new high-quality
supplied to about 50 blast furnaces in Italy products have been obtained together
and abroad always achieving excellent with the steady improvement of fireclay
results and acquiring a solid reputation products mhours commonly in use.
among the users.
At the same time researches have been
It is well known that in the last ten years this made to improve both cement qualities,
sector has considerably developed. with the purpose of making them suitable
Volumes above 4500 m3, temperatures for the new more severe operating
from 2.000 to 2.200 °C around tuyeres, total conditions, and new types of bricks as well
pressure of about 5 kg/ cm2 on the bottom, as of filling materials for cooling elements,
of 2 to 2,5 kg/cm2 at the top. refractory lining and metal structure.

Pre-treatment of raw materials, oxygen Furthermore, special unshaped materials

Refractories for Blast Furnace

enrichment, injection of coal, heavy oil and are available for construction, repair and
tar are some indications on the extreme operation (castables, gunning and injection
operating conditions to which the and tap-hole masses).
refractory materials are subjected.
SANAC has carried out a widespread
research with the aim of obtaining a
constant optimization of all the lining

Sanac’s works

1. 13045 GATTINARA (VC) 3. 54100 MASSA

Corso Garibaldi, 321 Via Dorsale, 7
Phone +39 0163 824711 Zona Industriale
Fax +39 0163 89321 Phone +39 0585 799001
Fax +39 0585 799031

2. 17047 VADO LIGURE (SV) 4. 09032 ASSEMINI (CA)

Via Manzoni, 10 Loc. Grogastu
Phone +39 019 28951 Zona Ind. Macchiareddu
Fax +39 019 882555 Phone +39 070 24651
Fax +39 070 247058


Refractories for Blast Furnace

for Blast Furnace

Blast Furnace shapes

Dimensions Volume
Code Description Pieces per pallet
(mm) (dm3)
XT/4 key 172 x 152 / 148 x 65 1,68 -
XT65 key 172 x 152 / 140 x 65 1,63 -
AX 5 key 230 x 152 / 136 x 65 2,15 234
AX152-5 key 230 x 152 / 147 x 65 2,24 -
A straight 230 x 152 x 65 2,27 216
PX 18 key 265 x 152 / 134 x 65 2,46 180
PA straight 265 x 152 x 65 2,61 180
BX 23 key 300 x 150 / 127 x 65 2,70 180
BX 6 key 300 x 150 / 146 x 65 2,90 -
3 straight 300 x 150 x 65 2,92 180
EX 3 key 345 x 152 / 127 x 65 3,12 153
ER straight 345 x 152 x 65 3,40 153
EX 8 key 345 x 154 / 146 x 65 3,36 -

Refractories for Blast Furnace


Dimensions Volume
Code Description Pieces per pallet
(mm) (dm3)
XR/76 key 115 x 172 / 163 x 76 1,46 -
XH/TR/76 straight 172 x 152 x 76 1,99 -
XT76 key 172 x 152 / 140 x 76 1,91 -
XT/22 key 172 x 152 / 130 x 76 1,84 -
R/76 straight 230 x 115 x 76 2,01 -
76X3 230 x 115 / 89 x 76 1,78 -
76X1 key 230 x 115 / 70 x 76 1,78 -
HX152-5 key 230 x 152 / 147 x 76 2,61 -
HX 3 key 230 x 152 / 122 x 76 2,40 -
HX 5 key 230 x 152 / 136 x 76 2,52 208
H straight 230 x 152 x 76 2,65 192
XH/76 key 265 x 172 / 160 x 76 2,88 160
PX18/76 key 265 x 152 / 134 x 76 2,88 160
PH straight 265 x 152 x 76 3,06 160
X6 key 300 x 150 / 146 x 76 3,40 -
X 23 key 300 x 150 / 127 x 76 3,16 152
3/76 straight 300 x 150 x 76 3,42 160
RX 2T key 300 x 152 / 116 x 76 3,05 -
RX 3 key 345 x 152 / 127 x 76 3,65 136
RX 2 key 345 x 152 / 111 x 76 3,45 -
1L76 straight 345 x 115 x 76 3,02 -
RR straight 345 x 152 x 76 3,98 136
RX 8 key 345 x 154 / 146 x 76 3,93 -
4H straight 400 x 152 x 76 4,62 -
4HX/24 key 400 x 164 / 140 x 76 4,62 -
4L76 straight 414 x 300 x 76 9,44 -
3X-30 key 450 x 160 / 130 x 76 4,96 -
3X-56 key 450 x 160 / 104 x 76 4,51 -
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Dimensions Volume
Code Description Pieces per pallet
(mm) (dm3)
AX5/77 key 230 x 152 / 136 x 77 2,55 -
BX23/77 key 300 x 150 / 127 x 77 3,20 -
EX3/77 key 345 x 152 / 127 x 77 3,71 -
HX152-5/77 key 230 x 152 / 147 x 77 2,65 -
BX 6/77 key 300 x 150 / 146 x 77 3,44 -
EX 8/77 key 345 x 154 / 146 x 77 3,98 -

Dimensions Volume
Code Description Pieces per pallet
(mm) (dm3)
XT85 key 172 x 152 / 140 x 85 2,13 -
AX5/85 key 230 x 152 / 136 x 85 2,81 182
A/85 straight 230 x 152 x 85 2,97 168
BX23/85 key 300 x 150 / 127 x 85 3,53 140
3/85 straight 300 x 150 x 85 3,82 140
EX3/85 key 345 x 152 / 127 x 85 4,09 119
ER/85 straight 345 x 152 x 85 4,45 119

Dimensions Volume
Code Description Pieces per pallet
(mm) (dm3)
XT/98 key 172 x 152 / 140 x 98 2,46 -
AX5/98 key 230 x 152 / 136 x 98 3,24 156
A/98 straight 230 x 152 x 98 3,42 144
PX18/98 key 265 x 152 / 134 x 98 3,71 120
PA/98 straight 265 x 152 x 98 3,95 120
BX23/98 key 300 x 150 / 127 x 98 4,07 120
3/98 straight 300 x 150 x 98 4,41 120
EX3/98 key 345 x 152 / 127 x 98 4,72 102
ER/98 straight 345 x 152 x 98 5,14 102
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Safety lining bricks

PRODUCT AF 23 I AFO 44 I LF 62 SG 60 S

Main component Chamotte Andalusite Andalusite Bauxite

CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)

AI203 45,0 46,0 59,0 67,5
SiO2 51,0 49,5 36,5 29,0
Fe2O3 1,5 1,5 0,9 1,4
TiO2 1,5 1,5 0,4 1,8
Refractoriness SK > 34 34 > 37 > 37
Density Kg/dm3 2,38 2,36 2,56 2,59
Apparent porosity % 13.0 15,5 12,5 18,0
Cold crushing strenght Kg/cm2 > 500 650 1.000 750
Modulus of rupture at 1.500°C Kg/cm2 20 22 - 20
Refractoriness under load t 0,5 C 1.460 1.360 1.600 1.530
Reversible expansion at 1.000°C % 0,64 0,58 - 0,62
at 1.500°C
Permanent linear change, 5 hours ± 0,5 < ± 0,5 < ± 0,5 <±1
Thermal conductivity at 500°C 1,40 1,40 1,43 1,44
Thermal conductivity at 1.000°C 1,52 1,49 1,46 1,45
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Wear lining bricks

PRODUCT EP I AF 4 I AF 26 I AF 26 LI AF 60 AF 60/T AF 60/T/LI AF 80

Alumina Alumina
Main component Chamotte Chamotte Chamotte Chamotte Mullite
Chamotte Andalusite
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 43,5 45,0 45,0 46,5 56,0 65,0 66,0 80,0
SiO2 52,5 51,0 50,5 50,0 40,0 32,0 32,0 18,5
Fe2O3 1,2 1,2 1,1 0,9 1,1 0,6 0,5 0,5
TiO2 1,1 1.7 1,7 1,9 2,1 0,5 0,4 0,2
Refractoriness SK 34 34 35 35 37 > 37 > 37 > 37
Density Kg/dm3 2,33 2,40 2,38 2,40 2,50 2,47 2,50 2,85
Apparent porosity % 19,0 13,5 13,0 14,0 16,0 14,5 14,0 13,5
Cold crushing strenght Kg/cm2 > 450 > 500 > 550 > 550 > 650 > 800 > 800 > 800
Modulus of rupture at ambiental Kg/cm2 60 120 130 130 100 150 150 -
Refractoriness under load t 0,5 °C 1.400 1.460 1.470 1.480 1.470 1.510 1.520 1.700
Creep deformation under 2 Kg/cm , at °C % 1.150 <1 1.300 <1 1.300 <1 1.350 <1 1.350 <1 1.400 <1 1.400 <1 1.500 <1
50 hours
Reversible expansion at 1.000°C % 0,60 0,65 0,67 0,68 0,75 0,76 0,76 0,65
Permanent linear change, 5 hours at °C % 1.300 ± 0 1.600 < ± 1 1.600 < ± 1 1.600 < ± 1 1.600 < ± 1 1.600 < ± 1 1.600 < ± 1 1.500 < 0,5
Thermal conductivity at 500°C 1,28 1,40 1,42 1,45 1,47 1.59 1,58 2,20
Thermal conductivity at 1.000°C 1,39 1,53 1,53 1,53 1,59 1,69 1,70 2,20
Carbon monoxide disintegration Affected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected -
Thermal shocks nr  20 5 5 5  10  10  10 -

Refractories for Blast Furnace


Wear lining bricks


Corundum Mullite
Main component Andalusite Alumina Alumina andalusite
mullite alumina
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 68,0 68,0 73,0 91,0 80,0 62,0 62,0 72,0
SiO2 29,0 31,0 20,5 8,0 18,5 34,5 34,5 27,0
Fe2O3 % 0,6 0,7 0,6 0,2 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,3
TiO2 0,7 - 1,2 - 0,2 0,3 0,3 0.3
C - 5,5 - - - - 5,8 0,2
Refractoriness SK 37 37 > 37 > 40 > 37 > 37 > 37 > 37
Density Kg/dm3 2,35 2,50 2,79 3,00 2,85 2,64 2,58 2,55
Apparent porosity % 24,5 5,0 12,0 15,5 13,5 13,5 4,2 15,5
Cold crushing strength Kg/cm2 500 600 > 900 > 1.200 800 1.000 1.000 > 750
Modulus of rupture at room temperature 100 - 170 130 - - - 170
Refractoriness under load t 0,5 °C 1.600 1.600 1.550 1.700 1.700 1.610 1.610 1.600
Creep deformation under 2 Kg/cm2, at °C % 1.400 < 1 - 1.450 < 1 1.500 < 1 1.500 < 1 1.400 < 1 1.400 < 1 1.450 < 1
50 hours
Reversible expansion at 1.000°C % 0,60 0,59 0,75 0,71 0,65 0,76 0,76 0,62
Permanent linear change, 5 hours at °C % 1.600 < ± 0,5 1.600 < ± 0,5 1.600 < ± 0,5 1.600 < 0,5 1.500 < 0,5 1.600 < ± 0,5 1.600 < ± 0,5 1.600 < 0,5
Thermal conductivity at 500°C 1,39 - 1.59 2,78 2,20 1,39 - 1,59
Thermal conductivity at 1.000°C 1,47 - 1,69 2,55 2,20 1,51 - 1,68
Carbon monoxide disintegration nr Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected Unaffected - Unaffected
Thermal shocks nr  15 - 8  30 - - - -
Refractories for Blast Furnace


Chemical bonded Chemical bonded Air setting Heating setting

ready dry dry dry
AF KB Z 80 ZD A100D A100B 40 52 40 72
Chamotte Corindone Corindone Bauxite Corindone Corindone Corindone Chamotte Chamotte Chamotte Mullite
Main component Chrome Corundum Chrome
oxide oxide Bauxite
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 PRE R24 46,0 79,5 78,0 70,5 76,0 87,0 98,0 41,0 52,0 45,0 73,0
SiO2 PRE R24 48,0 1,05 12,0 20,0 14,2 8,5 1,3 53,0 42,5 51,0 26,0
Fe2O3 % PRE R24 3,0 3,2 3,5 1,4 3,0 3,3 - - 0,2 - -
TiO2 PRE R24 - - 5 - 5 - - - - - -
C PRE R24 - - - - - - - 3,5 1,5 - -
Grain size max. mm PRE R25 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,5 0,2 0,5
Fraction< 0,063 mm min. % 65 65 60 65 60 60 50 65 65 65 65
Refractoriness ISR 528 35 >37 >37 35 >37 >37 >37 26 29 33 37
Bonding strength after Kg/ (*) 50 80 40 30 40 40 (110) 30 (110) 50 (110) 10 (110) 5 (110) 10
heating: 24 h at 450°C cm2
Bonding strength after Kg/ 80 90 100 10 - 60 15 60 10 - -
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C cm2
Bonding strength after Kg/ 160 200 220 60 150 145 230 90 60 23 150
heating: 5 h at 1.400°C cm2
Water required % (*) - - - 18 18 17 16 38 25 33 25

Retentive time water min. (*) >2,00 >1,00 >2,00 1,05 >2,00 >2,00 1,05 1,00 1,00 >2,00 >2,00

Characteristics Air setting Heat setting

(*) Internal method

Refractories for Blast Furnace

Refractories for Blast Furnace


Regular castables

CF 44 F 44 LI CH 48 CH 56 CH 57 N CH 95 CH 98 S
Bauxite Tabular
Main component Chamotte Alumina alumina
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 PRE R24 45,0 51,0 53,0 57,0 55,5 88,0 94,5
SiO2 PRE R24 40,0 38,5 41,0 33,5 37,5 4,7 0,5
Fe2O3 % PRE R24 3,4 1,7 0,8 0,9 0,6 0,8 0,1
TiO2 PRE R24 1,0 1,0 0,7 0,9 1,6 - -
CaO PRE R24 10,0 7,5 4.0 6,6 4,5 4,0 4,5

Max. service temperature °C (**) 1.350 1.500 1.600 1.450 1.500 1.750 1.800
Quantity required t/m3 (**) 2,10 2,17 2,20 2,22 2,17 2,60 2,72
Water required % PRE R26 14 12 11 11 11 10 10
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 ± 0,01 ± 0,10 0,00 ± 0.05 ± 0,05 0,00 0,00
24 h at 110°C
P.L.C. after heating:
% PRE R28 0,00 -0,30 - 0,20 - 0,20 - 0,20 0,15 0,00
5 h at 1.000°C
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 0,5 1,5 0,8 0,8 - 0,8 - 1,9 0,5
5 h at max. service temperature
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,17 2,24 2,25 2,29 2,24 2,70 2,78
24 h at 110°C
Bulk density after heating:
gr/cm3 PRE R9 2,10 2,09 2,05 2,25 2,10 2,68 2,73
5 h at 1.000°C
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,05 1,89 2,00 2,35 2,15 2,84 2,76
5 h at max. service temperature
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 450 850 500 900 450 700 600
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Cold crushing strength after
kg/cm2 PRE R28 350 400 350 700 300 790 500
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Cold crushing strength after
heating: 5 h at max. service PRE R28 300 300 600 600 700 830 900
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 50 60 70 100 60 80 90
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Modulus of rupture after
kg/cm2 PRE R28 25 20 40 30 30 50 70
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after heating: PRE R28 80 60 100 150 150 250 130
5 h at max. service temperature
Thermal conductivity at 500°C PRE R32 0,72 0,71 0,74 0,83 0,88 0,94 1,20
Thermal conductivity at 1.000°C PRE R32 0,77 0,78 0,79 0,85 1,00 1,01 1,50
Characteristics - (*) NOx resistance - - -
Application method casting
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Low cement castables

LX 50 LX 48 LX 58 071 LX 60 LX 85 SC 16 LX 48 070 SC 70A
Mullitic Andalusite Mullitic
Main component Chamotte chamotte Mullitic chamotte Bauxite Corundum
Silicon chamotte
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 PRE R24 48,3 51,5 59,0 59,0 56,5 82,0 75,3 53,0 - -
SiC + C PRE R24 - - - - - - 16,9 - + 72,0 + 70,5
CaO PRE R24 2,3 1,4 2,4 1,6 2,3 2,3 1,15 1,5 1,5 1,8
SiO2 PRE R24 48,0 44,0 37,0 35,0 38,0 11,5 4,30 43,0 - -
Fe2O3 PRE R24 0,80 0,80 0,60 1,00 0,90 1,00 0,23 0,65 0,23 0,10
TiO2 PRE R24 1,2 - 0,3 - 1,5 2,4 - - - -
Metallic addition Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No

Max. service temperature °C (*) 1.500 1.500 1.600 1.650 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.500 1.550 1.500
Quantity required t/m3 (*) 2,35 2,45 2,50 2,48 2,43 2,85 3,08 2,40 2,59 2,58
Water required PRE R26 5,5 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
P.L.C. after heating: 5 h a PRE R28 - 0,45 - 0,20 ± 0,04 - 0,40 - 0,10 - 0,20 - 0,05 ± 0,20 - 0,12 - 0,20
1.000°C %
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 + 0,20 + 0,20 0,60 0,68 + 0,80 1,60 - 0,30 - 0,20 - 0,62 -
5 h at max. service temperature
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,38 2,48 2,69 2,53 2,47 2,90 3,10 2,45 2,65 2,66
24 h at 110°C
Bulk density after heating:
5 h at 1.000°C gr/cm3 PRE R9 2,36 2,46 2,66 2,57 2,44 2,86 3,09 2,42 2,64 2,63

Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,37 2,45 2,61 2,51 2,41 2,80 3,15 2,41 2,72 -
5 h at max. service temperature
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 1.000 1.000 1.300 1.050 1.100 1.300 420 1.250 550 850
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 1.100 1.000 900 1.300 1.000 1.200 1.100 1.000 1.290 1.300
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 900 1.300 1.300 1.250 1.000 900 1.000 1.350 1.700 -
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 80 120 170 130 135 190 70 120 80 70
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 80 170 70 180 90 170 180 165 205 200
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after heating: PRE R28 100 120 100 180 100 140 140 145 290 -
5 h at max. service temperature
Thermal conductivity at 500°C PRE R32 1,12 1,54 1,70 1,15 1,15 - 3,80 1,51 8,00 5,33
Thermal conductivity at 1.000°C PRE R32 1,33 1,50 1,01 1,18 1,75 2,32 4,00 1,45 6,73 4,76
Application method Vibrating Self flowing
Application method Main trough safety lining - - - -
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Gunning masses

CF 44 F 44 LI F 44 LIW BF 40 BF 50 BF 52 BF 525 BF 57
Main component Chamotte Chamotte Mullitic chamotte
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 PRE R24 46,0 51,0 51,0 47,5 55,0 52,5 53,8 58,0
SiO2 PRE R24 35,5 38,5 38,5 45,5 35,0 38,0 37,0 33,0
Fe2O3 % PRE R24 4,0 1,3 1,3 0,8 0,8 0,6 0,6 0,6
TiO2 PRE R24 1,4 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,8 1,5 - 1,4
CaO PRE R24 11,5 7,7 7,7 4,0 7,6 6,5 6,9 7,7

Max. service temperature °C (**) 1.280 1.350 1.350 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500
Quantity required t/m3 (**) 1,90 2,06 2,22 2,00 2,20 2,10 2,06 2,12
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 ± 0,20 - - ± 0,05 ± 0,10 ± 0,05 - 0,05 ± 0.05
24 h at 110°C
P.L.C. after heating:
5 h at 1.000°C % PRE R28 - 0,20 - - - 0,10 ± 0,20 -0,15 - 0,20 - 0,30

P.L.C. after heating: 5 h at max. PRE R28 - 0,80 - - - 0,03 - 0,50 1,50 0,40 ± 0,50
service temperature
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,10 2,16 2,22 2,07 2,20 - 2,09 2,18
24 h at 110°C
Bulk density after heating:
5 h at 1.000°C gr/cm3 PRE R9 1,90 - - 2,00 2,15 2,14 - 2,10

Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 1,85 - - 2,04 2,25 - - -

5 h at max. service temperature
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 550 630 850 400 650 950 850 600
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 450 - - 320 550 410 450 500
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 500 - - 610 700 750 650 400
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 60 65 75 35 70 70 65 60
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 50 - - 10 50 10 30 55
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after heating: PRE R28 50 - - 90 90 110 90 55
5 h at max. service temperature
- CO resistance
Characteristics - CO resistance
- - (*) -
Application method Gunning
(*) Alogun F44LI with metallic needles added
(**) Internal method
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Injection masses

BL 50 BL 48 BL 90 P BL 90 F

Main component Chamotte Tabular alumina Tabular alumina Tabular alumina

CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)

AI203 PRE R24 53,5 91,0 92,0 91,0
SiO2 PRE R24 41,0 6,5 6,5 6,5
Fe2O3 PRE R24 0,80 0,05 0,05 0,05
P2O5 PRE R24 2,2 1,7 5,0 2,0
Grain size max. mm PRE R25 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,5
Max. service temperature °C (*) 1.500 1.500 1.600 1.500
Quantity required t/m3 (*) 2,35 2,45 2,50 2,58
Water required PRE R26 5,5 5,0 5,0 7,0
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 - 0,45 - 0,20 ± 0,04 - 0,20
5 h at 800°C %
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 + 0,20 + 0,20 0,60 -
5 h at 1.200°C
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,36 2,46 2,66 2,63
5 h at 800°C
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,37 2,45 2,61 -
5 h at 1.200°C
Modulus of rupture after heating: PRE R28 80 120 170 70
24 h at 800°C
Modulus of rupture after heating: PRE R28 80 170 70 200
5 h at 1.200°C
Application method With special pump
Main application Safety lining
(*) Internal method
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Iron trough

With increases in blast furnace

capacity, top pressure, tapping speed
and volume the service conditions of
blast furnace iron troughs have become
more severe.

Accordingly higher grades of

refractories are used not only in the
main runner (fixed or mobile) but also in
the slag and pig iron runners.

Our company, which has long

experience in the rammed lining, is
producing and marketing lining for
installation by vibration forming or

Refractories for Blast Furnace


Ultra low cement castables

8037 80375 SC 75 ML 75 PRL 75 751 G
Silicon carbide Spinel
Main component Corundum silicon carbide carbon silicon carbide Bauxite silicon carbide carbon
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 PRE R24 70,4 65,5 17,5 71,0 62,0 75,5
MgO PRE R24 - - - 8,0 - -
CaO PRE R24 0,8 0,9 - - 0,7 0,7
SiO2 PRE R24 3,0 - 3,5 3,0 5,7 6,5
Fe2O3 PRE R24 0,2 0,3 - - - -
TiO2 PRE R24 - - - - - -
SiC + C PRE R24 22,5 27,5 75,0 15,5 27,5 13,0
Metallic addition PRE R24 Si Si Si Si Si Si
Max. service temperature °C (*) 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.650 1.650
Quantity required t/m3 (*) 3,10 3,10 2,65 2,95 2,81 2,83
Water required % PRE R26 3,5 ÷ 4,0 3,5 ÷ 4,0 4,5 ÷ 5,2 4,2 ÷ 4,9 4,0 ÷ 4,5 4,5
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 ± 0,05 ± 0,10 ± 0,20 ± 0,10 ± 0,05 - 0,10
5 h at 1.000°C
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 + 0,15 ± 0,30 ± 0,20 ± 0,05 + 0,50 + 0,40
5 h at max. service temperature
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 3,12 3,15 2,66 2,98 2,87 2,88
24 h at 110°C
Bulk density after heating:
5 h at 1.000°C gr/cm3 PRE R9 3,09 3,12 2,65 2,94 2,83 2,86

Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 3,03 3,11 2,67 2,99 2,79 2,84
5 h at max. service temperature
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 750 830 338 427 500 360
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 1.300 920 501 649 350 220
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Cold crushing strength after
heating: 5 h at max. service PRE R28 700 1.200 796 813 650 700
temperature kg/cm2
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 40 90 37 39 45 50
heating:24 h at 110°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 55 40 65 39 30 45
heating:5 h at 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after heating: PRE R28 50 100 178 85 80 95
5 h at max. service temperature
Thermal conductivity at 500°C PRE R32 8,47 8,50 - - - -
Thermal conductivity at 1.000°C PRE R32 7,54 7,60 - - - -
Application method Vibration
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Main Application Main trough Slag line main Iron line main Slag runner Iron runner
trough trough

Special gunning masses

73 KBS KSC 181 76 KS 091 80 S SL 75
Silicon carbide
Main component Bauxite silicon carbide carbon Corundum silicon carbide carbon carbon
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 PRE R24 70,0 62,0 64,7 50,0 70,0 18,5
CaO PRE R24 3,7 1,8 3,7 0,3 0,3 -
SiO2 PRE R24 8,5 7,4 6,8 12,3 7,0 2,3
Fe2O3 PRE R24 0,8 0,9 0,2 0,3 0,1 0,1
TiO2 PRE R24 - - - - - -
SiC + C PRE R24 + 14,5 + 25,0 + 21,0 + 27,0 + 22,5 76,0
Max. service temperature °C (*) 1.650 1.700 1.700 1.650 1.600 1.600
Quantity required t/m3 (*) 2,50 2,50 2,55 2,43 3,00 2,54
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 - 0,3 - - 0,1 - 0,1 - -
24 h at 110°C

P.L.C. after heating:

% PRE R28 - 0,30 ± 0,20 - 0,20 ± 0,10 0,06 -
5 h at 1.000°C

P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 ± 0,20 ± 0,60 ± 0,20 + 0,70 0,06 -
5 h at 1.550°C
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,39 2,52 2,46 - 2,85 2,56
24 h a 110°C
Bulk density after heating:
gr/cm3 PRE R9 2,30 2,44 2,39 2,40 2,84 2,54
5 h a 1.000°C
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,32 2,50 2,41 2,21 2,80 2,52
5 h a 1.550°C
Bulk density after heating: PRE R28 200 200 250 - 300 380
5 h a 1.550°C
Cold crushing strength after
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C PRE R28 180 210 165 130 750 740

Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 80 250 100 50 910 770
heating: 5 h at 1.550°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 30 50 40 - 30 20
heating: 24 h a 110°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 30 30 30 - 85 130
heating: 5 h a 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 20 35 25 - 55 120
heating: 5 h a 1.550°C
Application method Gunning Shot creeting
Refractories for Blast Furnace

Ramming masses

XG 65 S XG 90 S XG 95 S XG 90 S
Bauxite silicon carbide Bauxite Corundum silicon Bauxite Corundum silicon Bauxite Corundum
Main component carbon carbide carbon carbide Silicon carbide
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (on raw materials oxides)
AI203 PRE R24 51,0 52,0 60,0 80,4
MgO PRE R24 - - - 0,2
CaO PRE R24 - - - 0,6
SiO2 % PRE R24 11,0 11,0 7,7 13,2
Fe2O3 PRE R24 1,3 1,8 0,3 1,8
TiO2 PRE R24 - - - 3,2
SiC + C PRE R24 + 25 + 24 + 22 + 20
Max. service temperature °C (*) 1.600 1.700 1.700 1.700
Quantity required t/m3 (*) 2,50 2,70 2,82 2,75
P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 - 0,3 - 0,3 - 0,7 - 0,7
24 h at 110°C
P.L.C. after heating:
5 h at 1.000°C % PRE R28 - 0,3 - 0,1 - 0,4 - 0,4

P.L.C. after heating: PRE R28 - 0,7 - 0,3 - 0,9 - 0,9

5 h at max. service temperature
Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,40 2,50 2,67 2,40
24 h at 110°C
Bulk density after heating:
5 h at 1.000°C gr/cm3 PRE R9 2,35 2,40 - 2,30

Bulk density after heating: PRE R9 2,30 2,30 - 2,20

5 h at max. service temperature
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 120 100 100 50
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Cold crushing strength after PRE R28 200 140 - 100
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Cold crushing strength after
heating: 5 h at max. service PRE R28 100 140 - 70
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 20 10 - 20
heating: 24 h at 110°C
Modulus of rupture after PRE R28 15 10 - 10
heating: 5 h at 1.000°C
Modulus of rupture after heating: PRE R28 15 10 - 15
5 h at max. service temperature
Thermal conductivity at 500°C PRE R32 1,98 2,06 2,00 2,00
Thermal conductivity at 1.000°C PRE R32 2,15 2,41 2,35 2,35
Application method Ramming
Main application Runners
Refractories for Blast Furnace
Commercial Direction and Central Laboratory
17047 VADO LIGURE (SV) - Via Manzoni 10
phone +39 019 28951
fax +39 019 2160156/2161399

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