Bhrigu Marriage

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The passage discusses various astrological techniques and planetary combinations that can indicate the potential for extramarital affairs, including the roles of the moon, rahu, venus, mars, and the involvement of the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th houses.

Major combinations mentioned are Venus or Rahu conjunction with Mars, Moon and Mercury conjunction in Gemini, and Rahu conjunction with Venus in Scorpio navamsa.

Important houses mentioned are the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses and their involvement with malefic planets like Rahu and Mars. The lords of these houses are also important to examine.

Read and practice these two techniques and you can time any event to a pinpoint to a week- No book

has this
in print.

The timing of Events- Let us see some practical examples-

1st we will find out the timing for technique 1 and then confirm it from technique 2 - I am going to explain how
you can confirm and reconfirm the same event from at least 8 different techniques and the answer should
come same every time.

Technique -1 -Completing the Circuit- Any house will give you result or output only when the circuit of the
house is complete- In this case, marriage is the output.

For example - In the chart below- a Clear combo of love marriage with trouble is indicated- 5th (Love) and
Marriage (7th Lord) are combined in the house of 5th with trouble lord of 6th house is debilitated.

Secondly, 12th house Ketu-Shows problem in bedroom life will be in trouble.

Anyhow our topic is marriage timing- Now write down all planets which can give marriage.

1. 7th lord
2. Planets in the 7th house
3. Planets aspecting 7th house
4. Planets sitting with the 7th house lord.
5. Venus- significator of Marriage.
Then mark all of them in order according to their strength- using cuspal degrees and sign based strength- For
example- Aries Sign in 10th house has complete 100% strength but in 11th house, Aries will have only 83%
strength. (This is the biggest hint)

No book will teach you but I have given you an idea.calculate all other signs for all ascendants as well- If need
copy of all ascendants with sign strength contact me for a complete table.

Now let us come back to the timing - In the above case strength of Venus and Jupiter is part above than any
other planet and dasha of marriage was -Jupiter-Venus -Jupiter

Second Technique BCP (Brighu chakra paddati) Which my mentor taught me- Running year- Born in 1976- So
this is a well-known fact -when anyone approaches astrologer you see which house is running this year.

For example, if this guy approached astrologer in 2006- Then 2006–1976= 30

Subtract multiples of 12 from it- It becomes 30–24= 6

6th house is 12th to 7th so marriage will not happen in running year 30 (2005–2006) is running year 30.

While in 2007- 1976=31 and 31–24–7

2007 will be running year 7th- The house of marriage- So now we are sure that this year something regarding
marriage will happen and there is an advanced technique from which exact dates are to be found.

Now not necessary marriage as 7th house is for a lot of things to make sure use the 7th house of D-9 and D-
60. (Technique -3 and 4).
Extra Marital

To involve in any kind of Relation, our Mind plays an important Role. Moon is the Significator of Mind.Venus is
the Planet of Love and Romance. Rahu or North Node is known as the mlechha Karaka or which provokes a
person to break the social norms. Mars is the Planet of Aggression and passion. So majorly these three planets
are responsible for Extramarital affairs in Astrology. 5th House is the House of Love an Romance. 3rd, 7th and
11th house is known as the Kama Trikona or houses of Desire. 12th House is the House of Bed pleasure in
Vedic astrology. So 3rd,5th,7th,11th and 12 house and their Lord should be connected with Rahu,Venus, Moon
or Mars in Horoscope for any kind of secret love affairs.

 Planetary Combinations Indicating Extramarital Affairs in Astrology

1. For any Secret Love affair, Our mind should control our wisdom and intelligence. Moon is the Mind,
Jupiter is the wisdom and Mercury is the intelligence. Remember Moon is an ilicit planet. So we
must see whether our intelligence is connected with dharma or carnal desires. If Mercury is
conjunct or in 5th or 9th places from Moon in Rashi Chart or in Navamsa, it will follow the Mind or
the carnal desire. But if the Mercury is conjunct or in 5th or 9th places from Jupiter, the intelligence
will follow the dharma. The person who has mercury connected with jupiter will never try to follow
any illegal path. In Nadi Astrology, Mercury is taken as the Significator of friendship. So if Mercury
in trine to Moon is a indication of infidelity:astrology do not work in a isolated manner, remember
it. We have to check other factors too.
2. Venus is the significator of Love and Romance. Venus has an important role to play in Extramarital
affairs in astrology. If Venus is conjunct with Rahu or Mars it increases passion within a person.
When this conjunction happens in signs like Scorpio, Aries, Libra, Gemini etc or in Nakshatra Like
Bharani results are more prominent. If such conjunction happens in Navamsa, it increases the
chance of extramarital affair in astrology. Rahu and venus conjunction in Scorpio sign in Navamsa
is a highly potent combination of infidelity in astrology. As we know Gemini is the sign of Love and
Romance, Moon and Mercury conjunction in Gemini sign, is a indication of extramarital affairs in
astrology. If such combination is aspected by saturn, the person gets exposed for their infidelity.
3. The 8th house is the house of Secrecy. If the 8th lord or 8th house is connected with such
combination, is a strong indication of Extra Martital Affairs in Vedic Astrology.So if 5th lord is
conjunct with 7th lord in 8th house is strong indication of Extramarital affairs in astrology or some
kind of secret love affairs in astrology. As per Sage Jaimini if 2nd house in Navamsa is owned by
Venus or Mars or is having them or their aspect is there in, then a person can be adulterous. As
Navamsa is the divisional chart of Dharma it is an important indication of extramarital affairs in
4. The 9th House is the House of Dharma or righteousness. A person with strong 9th House generally
do not deviate from the path of righteousness. Jupiter is the planet of Morality. So Jupiter should
not be debilitated or weak. A person with strong Jupiter and 9th house will treat marriage as
Dharma or duty to perform with purity and will not involve in Illicit relationship easily. But If Jupiter
is weak or in Guruchandal Yoga and the 9th house is afflicted by Rahu or Mars or Moon, it increases
the chance of extramarital affairs in astrology.
5. Upapada Lagna or UL shows marriage, Arudha pada of 7th House shows physical relationship,
Arudha pada of 5th House shows Love or Romance. If the Upapada Lagna is connected with Arudha
Pada of 5th House(A5) and Arudha Pada of Seventh House (A7) there is chance of falling in love
affair after marriage. Specially If it happens in the Watery Signs like Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces as they
represents our emotions. For Example if the Arudha Pada of 10th house (A10) is connected with
Arudha Pada of Seventh House(A7) and Upadapada Lagna(UL) in scorpio sign it indicates physical
relationship in workplace out side of marriage. Ketu in 7th house or A7 and Venus in 12th house or
in Upapada Lagna(UL) can give two spouse at the same time i.e. it can indicate Illicit relationship
out side marriage or cheating spouse in Vedic astrology. If the Upapada Lagna (UL) and Arudha Pada
of 7th house (A7) is in 2-12 condition, it indicates lack of physical pleasure in marriage. Which can
leads infidelity or a indication of Extramarital affairs in astrology if other factors also involved.
6. If the Moon is conjunct with Rahu, it makes the mind clouded and a person becomes incline to all
sort of illicit relationships automatically. The Moon-Saturn Conjunction or in mutual aspect creates
Punarbhu Dosha. A person with punarbhu Dosha in Horoscope can Cheat his or her partner. If you
want to Know More About Puarbhu Dosha and its effect I will say it is one of the Major thing to
check During Kundali Matching. This is highly potent Yoga for cheating spouse in Vedic astrology.
When Saturn aspect the Lagna and the Moon, Extramarital Affairs is created only to spite the other
person and to create havoc in other persons life.
7. 3rd House,7th house and 11th house is known as Kama Trikona. These are the houses of desire. If
there is heavy affliction of malefic planets in these house chances of getting involved in extramarital
relationship increases. 3rd house is the house of courage and for getting involved in extramarital
affairs one need courage. So an Malefic like Rahu or Mars in 3rd house will enhance the potential
of extramarital affairs in astrology. If Venus is afflicted by 6th lord or 8th lord and placed in 7th
house, it is a indication of secret Love relation. If Rahu is placed in 7th house, it can give some sort
of cheating from spouse.

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