Rock Forming Minerals in Thin Section

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Rock-forming Minerals in

Thin Section
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Rock-forming Minerals in
Thin Section
H. Pichler
Professor of Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
University of Tubingen


c. Schmitt-Riegraf
Lecturer in Mineralogy
University of Munster

Translated by

L. Hoke
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences
New Zealand


London· Weinheim . New York· Tokyo· Melbourne· Madras
Published by Chapman & HaII, 2--6 Boundary Row, London SEt SHN, UK

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English language edition 1997

© 1997 Chapman & Hall

Original German edition Gesteinsbildende Minerale im Dilnnschliff

© 1987, 1993 Ferdinand Enke Verlag, P.O. Box 30 03 66, D-70443 Stuttgart, Germany
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Colour plate section appears between pages 134 and 135

Preface to the English edition viii

Preface to the German second edition IX
List of symbols and abbreviations X

Part A Optical Crystallography

1 The polarizing microscope 2 3 Observations under conoscopic
light 19
1.1 Microscope components and
their function 2 3.1 Introduction 19
1.2 Accessory equipment 4 3.2 Conoscopic examination of
1.3 Adjustment of the microscope 4 optically uniaxial crystals 19
1.3.1 Centring the condensing lens 4 3.2.1 Conoscopic images of uniaxial
1.3.2 Centring the objective 4 crystals in different
orientations 19
2 Orthoscopic observations 6 3.2.2 Determination of the optical
character of uniaxial crystals 20
2.1 Observations with one
3.3 Determination of the optical
polarizer 6
character of biaxial minerals in
2.1.1 Light impervious (opaque)
the conoscopic light path 22
minerals and substances 6
3.3.1 Conoscopic images of biaxial
2.1.2 Transparent minerals and
minerals in different
substances 6
orientations 22 Characteristic crystal shapes 6
3.3.2 Identification of the optical Cleavage 7
character of biaxial crystals 23 Colour and pleochroism 7
3.3.3 Estimation of the optic axial Refractive index: relief, chagrin,
angle 2V 23
and the Becke line 7
3.3.4 Determination of optic axial
2.2 Observations under crossed
angles 2V in oblique section 24
polars 8
2.2.1 Passage of light through
isotropic media 8 Summary 1: Mineral
2.2.2 Passage of light through identification with the
anisotropic media 9 polarizing microscope 26 Birefringence and polarization 9 The indicatrix model 12
Summary 2: Protocol of mineral Optical character of elongation 15
identification in thin section 27 Parallel, symmetric and oblique
extinction 17 Twinning 18

Part B Optical Mineralogy

1 Opaque minerals and 1.3 Hematite 31
substances 30 1.4 Pyrite 32
1.5 Pyrrhotite 33
1.1 Magnetite 30 1.6 Graphite 33
1.2 Ilmenite 31 1.7 Carbonaceous substances 34
vi Contents

2 Optically isotropic (also pseudo- 4.2.1 Orthopyroxene group: enstatite,

cubic) minerals and amorphous bronzite, hypersthene 81
substances 35 4.2.2 Clinopyroxenes 85 Diopside group 86
2.1 Perovskite 35 Augite group 87
2.2 Spinel group 36 Titanaugite 88
2.3 Pyrochlore and koppite 37 Pigeonite 90
2.4 Gamet group 38 Aegirine-augite series 90
2.4.1 Pyrope 40 Jadeite 92
2.4.2 Almandine 40 Omphacite 93
2.4.3 Grossularite 41 Determination of the maximum
2.4.4 Melanite 42 extinction angle for pyroxenes
2.5 Leucite 42 and amphiboles 94
2.6 Sodalite group 43 4.3 Amphibole group 96
2.7 Analcite 46 4.3.1 Actinolite group 97
2.8 Cristobalite 47 4.3.2 Green ('common') hornblende 98
2.9 Fluorite 48 4.3.3 Brown hornblende 101
2.10 Amorphous minerals, glass 4.3.4 Glaucophane and crossite 102
and cryptocrystalline material 48 4.3.5 Arfvedsonite and riebeckite 103
2.10.1 Limonite 48 4.4 Mica group 104
2.10.2 Opal 49 4.4.1 Muscovite 105
2.10.3 Rock-glass 50 4.4.2 Phengite 107
4.4.3 Lithionite series 107
3 Optically uniaxial minerals 54 Lepidolite 107 Zinnwaldite 107
3.1 Minerals which are optically 4.4.4 Biotite series 108
uniaxial positive 54 Phlogopite 108
3.1.1 Rutile 54 Biotite s.s. 109
3.1.2 Cassiterite 55 4.4.5 Oxybiotite 111
3.1.3 Zircon 56 4.4.6 Titanbiotite 111
3.1.4 Xenotime 57 4.5 Stilpnomelane 112
3.1.5 Melilite group 57 4.6 Glauconite and celadonite 113
3.1.6 Si02 group 59 4.7 Talc 114 Quartz 59 4.8 Chlorite group 115 Chalcedony 63 4.8.1 Orthochlorite 115 Tridymite 63 4.8.2 Leptochlorite 118
3.1.7 Chabazite 64 4.9 Serpentine group 118
3.2 Minerals with uniaxial negative 4.9.1 Antigorite 118
character 65 4.9.2 Chrysotile 119
3.2.1 Anatase 65 4.10 Feldspar family 120
3.2.2 Trigonal carbonate group 66 4.10.1 Alkali feldspars 122 Calcite 66 Sanidine 125 Dolomite 68 Orthoclase 126 Magnesite 69 Anorthoclase 126 Siderite 70 Microcline 127
3.2.3 Corundum 70 4.10.2 Plagioclase series 129
3.2.4 Vesuviu~ite 71 4.11 Zeolite family 134
3.2.5 Tourmaline 71 4.11.1 Fibrous zeolites 135
3.2.6 Apatite 73 Natrolite 135
3.2.7 Beryl 74 Mesolite 136
3.2.8 Nepheline 75 Thomsonite 136
3.2.9 Scapolite group 76 Scolecite 137
3.2.10 Apophyllite 78 Mordenite 138
3.2.11 Cancrinite 78 Laumontite 138
4.11.2 Flaky zeolites 139
4 Biaxial crystals 79 Heulandite 139 Stilbite 140
4.1 Olivine group 79 Epistilbite 141
4.2 Pyroxene group 81 4.11.3 Cubic zeolites 142
Contents vii Phillipsite 142 4.20 Epidote zoisite group 156 Harmotome 143 4.20.1 Zoisite 156
4.12 Aenigmatite (cossyrite) 143 4.20.2 Epidote 157
4.13 Sphene (titanite) 144 4.20.3 Clinozoisite 158
4.14 Topaz 145 4.20.4 Orthite (allanite) 159
4.15 Cordierite 146 4.21 Pumpellyite 160
4.16 Al2SiOs group 148 4.22 Lawsonite 160
4.16.1 Andalusite 148 4.23 Anhydrite 161
4.16.2 Sillimanite 150 4.24 Gypsum 162
4.16.3 Kyanite 152 4.25 Aragonite 163
4.17 Staurolite 153 4.26 Barite 164
4.18 Wollastonite 154 4.27 Goethite 165
4.19 Chloritoid 155 4.28 Prehnite 166

Part C Appendices
1 Tables for the microscopic 3 Diagrams of mineral and rock
identification of rock-forming structures 208
minerals 170
Bibliography 215
2 Diagrams for the classification
of magmatic rocks 205 Index 217
Preface to the English edition

The use of a polarizing microscope is still an The tables at the end of the book complement
essential tool for every earth scientist who does the more descriptive text, which the microscope
petrographic work. No student in mineralogy, user should use in the identification of minerals.
petrography and petrology, geology and mining Tables 6 and 7a-7d are particularly useful.
geology should leave university without knowl- 4. In order to make it easier for the beginner
edge of this fundamental method for determining we start off with the principles of polarization
minerals and rocks, which in 1850 revolutionized microscopy. This part is short and places empha-
our science and placed it on firm foundations. sis on the practical applications. The microscope
In German geological literature, this is the first user should know which observations can and
short comprehensive teaching book about using should be made in plane-polarized light and
a microscope in the identification of minerals for which ones in crossed polarized light; how to de-
at least fifty years. The classic German works of termine the optical character of the optical elon-
this kind, such as those by Weinschenk (1915) gation; what straight, symmetric and inclined
and Chudoba (1932), opened up polarizing extinctions are, and how to make observations
microscopy to earlier generations, including one in the conoscopic path of light. Comprehending
ofthe authors (H.P.) These have long been out of indicatrix models requires knowledge of the rela-
print and outdated. Therefore, in order to close tionship between crystal symmetry and its optical
this gap and to provide future earth scientists characteristics. All these points are covered in
with guidelines in practical microscopy, we have the first part of this book. Literature for further
compiled these notes, which have been used and reading about polarization microscopy is listed in
developed over many years at the Mineralogical the Bibliography. In particular we recommend
Institute in Tubingen. In writing this book the the clearly written, very practical small book by
following guidelines were used: Muller and Raith (1987).
5. Importance of paragenesis. The coexistence
1. The contents focus on rock-forming miner- of certain minerals in assemblages is characteris-
als. In our selection, we have been generous and tic for most rocks. For instance, as a general rule,
have also included some rare minerals, such as if a volcanic rock contains a mineral of the
perovskite, pyrochlore, koppite, cancrinite, etc. sodalite group then quartz will not be present.
We selected those minerals that are familiar, oc- However, minerals such as nepheline, leucite,
cur in rocks of central Europe, and that are well aegirine-augite and melanite can be expected.
represented in rock collections. The rare miner- Consideration of possible paragenesis can help in
als occur in volcanic and subvolcanic rocks of the the search and identification of minerals.
Kaiserstuhl, the Hegau, Schwabische Alb and in 6. Photomicrographs and black and white dia-
the Laacher volcanic areas of Germany. grams. We have tried to show all minerals de-
2. We give emphasis to the common minerals. scribed here either as a drawing (by C. S.-R.) or
They are shown in the tables in bold letters; the as a photomicrograph (by Manfred Pfleghaar).
less common and not so important minerals are
shown in normal type. Rare minerals and also We are pleased that, through this translation,
special rock-forming minerals which belong to it has been possible to bring this book to the
salt and clay-rich rocks and soils are not covered attention of the English-speaking mineralogy
in this book; we refer the reader to more special- community.
ized books, in particular Troger (1982, 1969). The
Troger edition (1969), unfortunately out of print, Hans Pichler
is recommended as an essential reference book. Cornelia Schmitt-Riegraf
3. Important data are presented in table form. Tubingen
Preface to the German second edition

Apart from some improvements to the text and We are grateful to all colleagues who have sent
updating the optical data, some black-and-white us suggestions for improvements. We look for-
photomicrographs were replaced by better ones, ward to further suggestions and comments.
photographed by C. S.-R. In addition some new
figures showing crystal forms and optical param-
eters, which for a number of minerals were miss- Hans Pichler
ing in the first edition, were added; the number of Cornelia Schmitt-Riegraf
illustrations has been increased to a total of 114. Tubingen and Munster
Symbols and abbreviations

/I Parallel Abbreviations of mineraI names in iUustrations

n Refraction and tables
n., (= Ilo) Index of refraction of
Ab Albite
ordinary light waves
Ae Aegirine-augite
n (= ne) Index of refraction of
Ak Actinolite
extraordinary light waves
An Anorthite
nlX<n~<Ily Main refraction indices
Ap Apatite
(= nx < ny < n z)
Bi Biotite
.l Maximum double refraction
Cc Calcite
ffi Optimum positive
e Optimum negative
MZ (+) Main positive zone/positive
Cpx Clinopyroxene
character of elongation
Co Cordierite
MZ(-) Main negative zone/negative
Ep Epidote
character of elongation
Gl Volcanic glass
2Va (= 2Vx) Axis angle round the negative
Go Goethite
centre line
Gr Gamet
2Vy (= 2Vz) Axis angle round the
Ha Hauyne
positive centre line
Hbl Hornblende
'Y Ac Angle between 'Y and c
Kf K-feldspar
# Cleavage
Ky Kyanite
nm Nanometer
LG Lithium-mica
Opt. ch. Optical character
Mu Muscovite
Ne Nepheline
01 Olivine
Crystallographical terms Opx Orthopyroxene
Crystallographical graph axes a, b, c Or Orthoclase
cub. Cubic PI Plagioclase
hex. Hexagonal Py Pyroxene
trig. Trigonal Q Quartz
tetr. Tetragonal So Sodalite
rhomb. Orthorhombic St Staurolite
monoc!. Monoclinic TA Titanaugite
tric!. Triclinic Ze Zeolite
ps.-cub. Pseudo-cubic
ps.-hex. Pseudo-hexagonal
Part A Optical Crystallography
1 The polarizing microscope

1.1 Microscope components and analyser. This is a second polarizer with the privi-
leged direction in N-S orientation (parallel to the
their function vertical line of the cross-hairs in the ocular). If an
object is viewed with the analyser inserted, it is
The polarizing microscope is a specialized magni- said to be viewed under crossed nicols or crossed
fication instrument. It is equipped with two polars. In older microscopes the privileged direc-
polarizers which enable minerals to be examined tions of the polarizer and analyser can be
under plane-polarized light, for their bire- reversed. .
fringence and refraction characteristics. Below the rotatable microscope stage is the
Modern microscopes are of a box-like con- condensing unit (Fig. 2). In the case of
struction equipped with the optical parts as orthoscopic observations at low magnifications,
shown in Fig. 1. The polarizer converts the upper condensing lens is not used and is
unpolarized light, which is emitted from the swung out of the path of light. When working at
microscope's light, source and which vibrates in high magnifications (using a xlO objective lens or
numerous directions, into polarized light, which higher) or looking at interference figures in the
vibrates within a single plane. The vibration di- conoscopic path of light, the upper condensing
rection of the plane-polarized light traditionally lens is used.
has an E-W privileged direction parallel to the Care must be taken to ensure that the condens-
horizontal line of the cross-hairs in the ocular. As ing lens is positioned directly below the object,
polarized light, it travels through the thin mineral thus providing optimum illumination. At low
section and undergoes a number of changes magnifications and during orthoscopic viewing,
which can be examined either with or without an

Fig. 1 Components of a student microscope

(LABOR-LUX 11 POL, Leitz).
1 Ocular with cross-hair and adjustable eye-piece.
2a Iris diaphragm.
2b Amici Bertrand lens.
3 Analyser (withdrawal, far side of microscope).
4a,b Mechanism to slot in, exchange or remove the
microscope tube.
5 Intermediate tubus piece.
6 Compensator slot.
7 Objective.
8 Microscope stand.
9 Circular rotatable stage with a vernier index and
a pair of stage clips.
10 Combined coarse and fine adjustment to set the
position of the stage.
11 Condensing lens and iris diaphragm.
12 Rotatable polarizer.
13 Microscope light source with adjustable aper-
14 Adjustment of light.
Microscope components and their function 3
the condensing lens might have to be slightly The rotatable microscope stage should rotate
lowered to achieve the best illumination. freely around the microscope axis and be cali-
The substage assembly consisting of condenser brated so that degrees of rotation can be deter-
lenses and an iris diaphragm are used to provide mined on a vernier index. This allows precise
the best illumination for the object. The iris dia- angular measurements to be made.
phragm (Fig. 2) may be opened or closed as de- Modern microscopes tend to have several ob-
sired by the turn of a lever. In orthoscopic light it jective lenses that can be rotated into the path of
is kept at a narrower setting than in conoscopic light. Generally three objectives suffice for a stu-
light. dent microscope: a low-power objective (x2.5 or
4) provides a good overall view of the thin sec-
tion, whereas at medium (xlO) and high (x40, 45
or 63) magnification more detailed observations
can be made, such as determination of the ex-
tinction angle, cleavage intersection angle and
1--- indicatrix observations in the conoscopic light
2 The engravings on the objective lenses (Fig. 3)
\ give the following characteristics: 160/0.17 means
that the achromatic objective has a free working
distance of 160mm and the thin section must
have a cover glass which is 0.17mm thick. The
engraving 25/0.50 gives the magnification (x25)
and the aperture width of 0.5 mm. Letters such as
NPI (not present in Fig. 3) give additional infor-
mation (NPI = plane chromatic); an additional P
means that the objective is tension free.
The ocular increases the convergence of light
rays from the objective lens so that the real image
can be seen. It should have a pair of mutually
Fig. 2 Example of a substage polarizer and con-
densing lens set-up.
perpendicular cross-hairs, which mark the two
privileged directions of the polarizer and
1 Exchangeable condensing lens head. analyser.
2 Adjustment levers for swinging the condensing lens The Bertrand lens is used when the object is
into and out of the path of light.
viewed in the conoscopic light path. This lens
3 Centring screws for adjusting the condensing lens.
4 Lever to adjust the iris diaphragm. tends to be positioned above the analyser on the
5 Slot for inserting the fJ4 plate for circular polar- right-hand side (Fig. 1) and can be inserted into
ization. the light path as desired.
6 Rotatable polarizer. The different light paths for orthoscopic and
7 Screw to control the pOSition of the polarizer. conoscopic observations are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 3 Objectives (LABORLUX 11 POL, Leitz).
1 Lever to fix or loosen the intermediate micro-
scope tube.
2 Microscope tube slot with inserted compen-
3 Centring screw for objective.
4 Objective showing engravings (explanation in
text) .
5 Springs to hold the thin section in position.
6 Rotatable microscope stage with degree mark-
ings engraved around its edge.
7 Nonius to read off rotations of the microscope
stage to~O accuracy.
4 The polarizing microscope

1.2 Accessory equipment mits a very accurate determination of the

change in retardation.
Transformer If no compensation wedges or plates are used
Power for the light source is supplied via a care should be taken not to get dust precipitating
transformer. into the slot.

Accessories Ocular
Accessory anisotropic plates and wedges are People wearing glasses should use a special ocu-
used to determine the direction and size of vibra- lar. For measurements of the size of an object, an
tion of light in the crystal when viewed under ocular with a micrometer should be used. It has
crossed nicols. They possess two mutually per- to be calibrated by using a micrometer on the
pendicular privileged directions; the one corre- microscope stage.
sponding to the larger index ILy, which is the slow
direction, is marked while ncr is perpendicular to
it and corresponds to the smaller index and hence 1.3 Adjustment of the
faster direction. microscope
Three accessories are commonly used in
optical mineralogy: The adjustment of the polarizers will be de-
1. A.-plate (first-order red or gypsum plate; Fig, scribed in section
4(a».lts birefringence and thickness are such
that it produces a retardation (;\) of 551 nm, 1.3.1 Centring the condensing lens
equivalent to the red I interference colour
(red of the 1st order). Prior to use the microscope must be checked to
2. The quartz wedge (Fig. 4(b» produces in- ensure that the object is properly and evenly illu-
creasingly higher retardations (interference minated. If this is not the case (Fig. 5(a», then
colours up to the 4th order) as its thicker parts the condensing lens must be centred in the fol-
successively move into the light path (Fig. 1, lowing way:
no. 6) and is sensitive within 0-4;\, 1. The light source aperture at the foot of the
3. The variable rotating compensator is gener- microscope is closed down.
ally used only in research microscopes. It per- 2, The condensing lens is inserted into the path
of light.
3. The substage assembly is slightly racked up or
down until the edge of the illuminated field is
in focus (Fig. 5(b»,
4, If the illuminated field is not centred (Fig.
5(b» then the condensing lens adjustment
screws are used (Fig. 2, no. 3) until the illumi-
nated field is exactly in the centre of the view-
ing field (Fig. 5(d».
5. Condensing lens is swung out.
6. The light source aperature is opened so that
the full field of view is illuminated right up to
its edges (Fig, 5(f»,

1.3.2 Centring the objective

An object is centred when it remains at the cross-
hair intersection during a 3600 rotation of the
a b stage. If this is not the case the objective needs to
be centred in the following way:
Fig. 4 Compensator accessory plate and wedge to
determine the privileged vibration directions (company
1. A small conspicuous mineral grain is aligned
photo, Leitz). with the cross-hair intersection (Fig. 6(a».
2. If the mineral grain describes a circle during
(a) A-plate (red I, gypsum plate). rotation of the stage, then the objective is not
(b) Quartz wedge 0-41... centred (Fig. 6(b».
Adjustment of the microscope 5

Fig. 5 Centring the condensing lens.

(a) Decentring: with the condensing lens in the light path and the light source aperture closed down the
illuminated field is not aligned with the intersection of the cross-hairs.
(b) Adjustment of the condensing lens, so that the edge of the illuminated field is in focus and sharp.
(c), (d) Rotating the condensing lens adjustment screws, so that the illuminated field is centred and brought into
alignment with the intersection of the cross-hairs.
(e), (f) Opening the aperture of the light source.

Fig. 6 Centring the objective.

(a) A mineral grain X is aligned with the intersection of the
(b) Decentred: the mineral grain X describes a circle when
rotating the stage. Note is taken of the centre of the circle. a b
(c) Using the objective centring screws the intersection of
the cross-hairs is brought into alignment with the centre of
the circle, by moving the grain when it is furthest from the
cross-hair intersection by half the X-M distance between
it and the cross-hair intersection towards the cross-hair
(d) By adjusting the thin section the grain is aligned with
the cross-hair intersection M. Further centring might be
c d

3. The cross-hair intersection is brought to coin- 4. The grain is brought into alignment with
cide with the centre of the circle described by the cross-hair intersection by moving the thin
the mineral grain by turning the centring section. If it remains in its position then the
screws on the objective. This is best done by objective is centred. If not, continue the pro-
moving the mineral grain when it is furthest cedure described above until the objective is
from the cross-hair intersection (X position) centred.
by half the distance between X and the cross-
hair intersection M in the direction of M (Fig.
2 Orthoscopic observations

2.1 Observations with one tend to be long to short columnar or prismatic or

they are fibrous or acicular in longitudinal sec-
polarizer tions and are commonly square, rectangular,
rhomboidal, triangular, hexagonal or octagonal
2.1.1 Light impervious (opaque) in cross-section (Fig. 7(b)-(d)).
minerals and substances Biaxial minerals, in cases where they are
Minerals in thin section which appear dark to
black under the microscope when viewed with
uncrossed polarizers are called opaque. In very
thin thin sections and also in certain orientations
some opaque minerals are transparent to light,
particularly at their edges, and show a weak
brightening into dark, reddish, brownish or
smokey greyish colours. Rock-forming opaque
minerals are predominantly comprised of ore (a)
minerals, graphite and carbonaceous substances.
Some minerals in this group, such as chromite,

I~ ®~ ~oD
hematite, ilmenite and others, in thin section can .. ~ ..
appear opaque as well as slightly transparent in
dark colours. Because of their slight transpar-
ency they should be listed in Part B, section 2
(transparent isotropic minerals) or in Part B, sec-
tion 3 (optically uniaxial minerals). Here, how-
ever, with the exception of chromite, we treat
(b) Tetragonal

(c) Trigonal
o 0
(d) Hexagonal
them as opaque minerals.

Reflected light microscopy on polished thin

~!I,. ~
sections is necessary to identify opaque minerals
(e.g. Schneiderhohn, 1952; Ramdohr, 1975;
MUcke, 1989). Magnetite (Fe 30 4) and ilmenite <>
o eID 0
(FeTi0 3) can be differentiated by transmitted
light microscopy only if they occur as euhedral
(idiomorphic) crystals showing their characteris-
tic crystal morphology. Rather than using the (e) Orthorhombic
wrong mineral name, the term opaque mineral
should be used.

2.1.2 Transparent minerals and

substances Characteristic crystal shapes
~I'II" 0,. ~.;
V m~
(f) Monoclinic ~~
': (g) Triclinic
The shape, habit and orientation of a crystal in
thin section can provide us with its crystal sym-
metry. Amorphous substances, SlJch as glass or Fig.7 Characteristic section of idiomorphic minerals.
opal, are without development of crystal faces. (a) Isotropic (cubic) minerals.
Cubic minerals tend to appear in equant polyhe-
(b)-(d) Uniaxial (tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal)
dral to spherical shapes with square, hexagonal minerals.
and octahedral cross-sections (Fig. 7(a)). Distor-
tion due to growth irregularities and corrosion is (e)-(g) Biaxial (orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic)
common (e.g. soda lite group, Figs 53, 55, 56). minerals.
Minerals belonging to the uniaxial crystal system From MOiler and Raith (1987), after Chudoba (1932).
Observations with one polarizer 7

euhedral, tend to be prismatic or tabular. In section is oriented parallel to the crystallographic

rhombic crystals cross-sections tend to be of c-axis or at an acute angle to c. However, if both
bladed columnar shape. Monoclinic and triclinic cleavage sets are developed with intersection
minerals commonly show tabular cross-sections angles of 90°, then the pyroxene section is
(e.g. feldspars). Cross-sections of rhombic and oriented approximately or exactly perpendicular
monoclinic crystals tend to have rectangular or to the c-axis.
octahedral shapes (Fig. 7(e ),(f)). Colour and pleochroism Cleavage Minerals in thin section are either colourless or
Observations of crystal cleavage is an important show varying colour intensities. Colour in
diagnostic tool. The breaking of a crystal along idiochromatic minerals is an important diagnos-
its crystallographic planes produces a cleavage tic feature. Colours get fainter and more difficult
which can be perfect, clear or poor. Perfect cleav- to recognize the thinner the thin section. Impor-
age forms straight clean surfaces in the crystal tant idiochromatic minerals are rutile, pyroxene,
which penetrate the whole crystal (e.g. in micas, amphibole, mica, chlorite, tourmaline and
Fig. 8( a)). If the cleavage trace is not penetrative others. Chemical variations in a single mineral
but abruptly stops then it is referred to as clear can be reflected in a colour change and can lead
cleavage (e.g. amphiboles, Fig. 8(b)). In cases to a zoned colour change (e.g. sphene) or a
where the cleavage is not straight and is irregular patchy colour distribution (e.g. andalusite,
following a general direction (e.g. in garnet, Fig. kyanite, corundum).
8(c)) then the cleavage is termed poor. The den- In coloured anisotropic crystals light is ab-
sity of cleavage traces has no influence on this sorbed differently depending on the crystal direc-
nomenclature. tion. This produces different colours and
In a single mineral section different cleavage intensity of colour for the grain in different orien-
sets can be developed, more or less equally, tations under plane-polarized light. The colour
which form characteristic intersection angles change phenomenon is called pleochroism.
(amphiboles 124° and 56° respectively, pyro- The orientation-dependent absorption can be
xenes nearly 90°; Figs 143, 118). When measuring weak to very strong. In the former case it can be
the cleavage intersection angle, the orientation too weak to be discernible with the human eye.
of the mineral grain within the thin section plane The effect of the pleochroism decreases the thin-
has to be considered because this has an effect on ner the thin section. The presence or absence of
the size of the angle. Ideally, the cleavage traces pleochroism is a very important diagnostic fea-
should be oriented perpendicular to the thin sec- ture (e.g. to differentiate between amphiboles
tion plane. This can be determined by slightly and pyroxenes).
moving the microscope stage up and down, Adjustment of the polarizer can be carried out
and selecting only those cleavage sets where the by looking at a mineral with straight extinction
defocusing of the cleavage set is symmetric rela- (e.g. anhydrite). The cleavage trace is oriented
tive to the cleavage trace rather than moving to parallel to the cross-hairs, then both polarizer
one side. In colourless minerals cleavage traces and analyser are rotated simultaneously until the
can be seen better by slightly closing the iris dia- crystal shows maximum extinction.
phragm and defocusing the image.
Cleavage traces in minerals are important ref- Refractive index: relief, chagrin,
erence systems in minerals, because they follow
crystallographic planes and therefore are diag- and the Becke line
nostic in determining the orientation of the min- Light rays incident at an oblique angle upon an
eral grain within the thin section. For instance, if interface between two different media will gener-
only one cleavage set is developed in a pyroxene ally give rise to refracted rays. These are depend-
grain, then it can be concluded that the mineral ent on the speed of light within the media

Fig. 8 Perfect (a), clear (b) and faint (c)

(a) Mica.
(b) Amphibole.
(c) Garnet.
After Chudoba (1932). a
8 Orthoscopic observations

concerned. According to Snell's law, the speed of

light within a medium (v) is inversely propor-
tional to the refractive indices of the medium (n)
and hence with decreasing travel time the refrac-
tive indices increase.
The refractive index of a vacuum is n = 1 and
hence all minerals have n > 1, because the speed
of light through minerals is considerably less than
through a vacuum. If the investigated mineral has Q b
a considerably higher refractive index than the Fig.9 Mineral with higher (a) and lower (b) refractive
minerals it is surrounded by then it will appear index relative to its surrounding mineral or the mount-
with a higher relief (positive or high relief) (Fig. ing material.
9(a)). The opposite is the case if the investigated
(a) Clear positive relief; mineral stands out like an
mineral has a lower refractive index than the island.
material it is surrounded by and it will show a
negative or low relief ('depressions' in a thin (b) No relief, negative relief; mineral forms a depres-
section; Fig. 9(b)). Under the microscope using sion in the thin section.
uncrossed polarizers one can observe some
grains which stand out and others which are
sunken in spite of all grains lying within a plane. Becke line moves from one grain into the adja-
Estimating the degree of relief is important in the cent grain. The following rule applies: when the
identification of minerals. Table 1 shows five microscope is lowered below the position of
major subgroups of minerals with characteristic maximum focus the Becke line moves towards
degrees of relief. the medium with the higher refractive index (Fig.
After the relief and birefringence of a specific 10). The reverse is the case when the microscope
mineral has been identified Table 6 can be used stage is racked up with the Becke line moving
to narrow down further the mineral identification into the mineral with the lower refractive index.
to only a few options. Roughness of mineral sur- Through observations of movements of the
faces are sometimes referred to as its chagrin Becke line the relative difference between re-
(French = scarred skin). A rough and wrinkled fractive indices can be determined between
surface can be observed in those minerals only adjacent minerals, particularly if the mineral to
where the refractive index considerably differs be determined borders on to a mineral of known
from the mounting media. A strong relief can be index.
enhanced by a strong chagrin. The chagrin of a
mineral is observed best when the iris diaphragm
is closed down and an objective lens of xlO to x25 2.2 Observations under crossed
is used. polars
The greater the contrast in refractive indices
between adjacent grains the clearer are the grain 2.2.1 Passage of light through
boundaries which are defined by a black rim next
to a bright rim, referred to as the Becke line. This
isotropic media
can be best seen using a xlO to x25 objective lens Materials through which monochromatic light
and viewing the mineral slightly out of focus. The travels with the same speed, regardless of its di-
Becke line disappears on focusing the image. rection of vibration, are called isotropic media,
During focusing and defocusing of the image the such as minerals of the isometric system (trans-

Table 1 Differences in refractive indices in the more important minerals

'Depressions' No relief Medium relief Strong relief Extreme relief

(negative relief
in thin section)

n <1.55 1.55-1.6 1.60-1.70 1.70-1.80 >1.8

Examples nepheline, zeolite quartz, feldspar apatite, mica, pyroxene, zircon, rutile, sphene
carbonate amphibole,
Observations under crossed polars 9
parent cubic minerals), glass and amorphous characteristic and diagnostic for certain cubic
minerals. Isotropic media viewed under crossed minerals.
polars do not show interference colours but ap-
pear black and viewed in a conoscopic light path
do not show an axial figure (Part A, section 3). 2.2.2 Passage of light through
To this group belong rock-glass, rare amorphous anisotropic media
minerals (such as opal) and all crystals of cubic Birefringence and polarization
In addition, we include within this group those General
minerals that show a very weak birefringence The wavelength').. of a light ray can be defined as
and are non-cubic, such as leucite, which com- the distance between two adjacent points in a
monly occurs as twinned paramorphs after its transversal wave which experiences vibrations of
cubic high-temperature form. the same amount and direction. Such points are
Deviations from this normal optical behaviour said to be in phase (Fig. 11). The trace of the
of isotropic minerals are referred to as optical vibration plane is perpendicular to the direction
anomalies. With the analyser in the light path of travel of the wave. The speed of light passing
they appear as patchily distributed brighter areas through isotropic crystals (cubic) or amorphous
(e.g. certain garnets), as very weakly birefringent media is equal in all directions but the travel time
lamellar areas or as regular patterns which are is reduced by a factor determined by the refrac-
tive index of the media. In anisotropic media a
light ray may travel with considerably different
speed in different directions of vibration within a
crystal. The light ray is split into two linear polar-
ized waves which travel with different speeds
(and hence different refractive indices). The two
planes of vibration are perpendicular to each
other. This phenomenon is referred to as
birefringence. It is strongly dependent on the ori-
entation of the crystal. The maximum difference
between the two refractive indices in a crystal is
Fig. 10 Becke line (shown as dotted line). referred to as maximum birefringence (~).
(a) Mineral with a higher relief than its surroundings. Different coinciding electromagnetic (trans-
With lowering the microscope stage, the Becke line verse) waves of the same vibration direction and
moves into the mineral. same travel time can either be added or sub-
(b) Mineral with a lower relief than its surroundings. tracted, or they cancel each other out (Fig. 12).
With raising of the microscope stage, the Becke line The interaction of coinciding waves is referred to
moves out of the mineral. as interference. Additive or constructive interfer-

Vibration direction


Polarization direction
Vibration plateau

Fig. 11 Harmonic vibration of an (electromagnetic) transverse wave, also showing vibration and polarization
10 Orthoscopic observations

ence occurs, if the two interfering waves are in

phase; that is, if their path difference is r = n , 2A,
3A, etc. then their wave amplitudes add up (Fig.
12(a». If the path difference of two interfering
waves is r = 1/2A, 3/2A, 51n, etc., then they are
exactly out of phase and the two waves annihilate
each other (Fig. 12(b». In cases where the inter-
fering waves are neither in nor out of phase the
resulting amplitude can be either bigger or
smaller than the original amplitude (Fig. 12(c».
If crossed polarized light passes through a
transparent anisotropic mineral, then the light is
split into two waves vibrating perpendicular to
each other (with different refractive indices nu ,
and n y ')' In those cases where the vibration direc-
tions are different from those of the analyser (A-
A) and polarizer (P-P) the crystal appears in
bright light (Fig. 13(a». As the two waves pass
from the polarizer to the analyser they slightly
vary in phase and interfere variably dependent
on their path difference. In the four diagonal
positions (45°, 135°, etc.) the interference is opti-
mal and maximum brightness is achieved.
In contrast, if the two vibration directions of
the waves in the crystal are parallel to the vibra-
tion directions of the polarizer and analyser
respectively, then the crystal appears dark and
is in total optical extinction (Fig. 13(b». If the
mineral is rotated out of this position, then
the mineral will progressively get brighter with
increasing interference in the analyser, until it
reaches maximum brightness in the diagonal po-
sition. If the section is rotated further then maxi-
Fig . 12 Superposition (interference) of light waves of
mum extinction is reached again in the 90° the same amplitude.
position and also in the 180° and 270° positions.
As commonly observed, a crystal may not (a) Retardation r = 1, 2 A, etc.
show evenly distributed extinction, but partial (b) Retardation r = tA, tA, etc.
extinction, with parts appearing brighter. All
(c) Retardation r = tA, tA, etc.
transitions between the two endmembers are
possible. If during rotation of the section the ex- From Patzelt (1974).
tinction sweeps across the crystal then we refer to
it as undulatory extinction, which is commonly
observed in tectonic quartz (Fig. 84).

t ny '

" ny, I


"" /
/ na'

I na'
Fig. 13 Main vibration directions
(n", and ny') in an anisotropic mineral
with straight extinction.

" '\.

P-P, A-A = vibration directions of
/ the polarizer and analyser.

Ie. I
~ (a) Diagonal position (45°, 135°,
+ etc.) = brightest position.
direction (b) Vertical position (0°, 90°, etc.) =
(a) Diagonal position (b) Normal position darkest position.
Observations under crossed polars 11

Normal interference colours fading of the colours, which ultimately pass into
the white of the upper order.
Visible light represents a relatively limited band
The interference colours are periodically re-
of wavelengths within the electromagnetic spec-
peated, but have subtle colour variations. The
trum with wavelengths ranging from 380 to
colour sequence is subdivided into orders. Each
780nm (Fig. 14). The two extreme wavelength
order represents a 551 nm retardation range, with
endmembers are in a 1: 2 ratio to each other;
the 1st order ranging from 0 to 551 nm 2nd order
hence a mineral with a 380nm retardation under from 551 to 1l02nm, etc. Particularly important
crossed polars in short-wavelength visible light
is the deep red of the 1st order (551 nm red),
will behave like an A-plate and in long-wave-
which is used in a A-plate (gypsum plate; Part A,
length visible light like a A/2 plate. Constructive
section 1.2) as compensator.
and destructive wave interference or elimination
of component wavelengths of the white light
causes interference colours.
Using compensators to determine the
In cases where the retardation is very small
interference colours
and only up to 300nm the interfering waves are
only slightly offset to each other with all compo- The gypsum plate (red 1st) is an accessory device
nent wavelengths being weakened equally. This used for determining the interference colours.
results in a slight difference in colour from the For example: A bright blue interference colour is
original white light and grey to grey-white observed. The question arises if this is a 2nd or
colours. 3rd order blue. In higher orders no blue colours
In the medium retardation range (300- occur. Using the gypsum plate the following pos-
1300nm) certain component wavelengths are to- sibilities have to be anticipated: if the blue is of
tally eliminated whereas others undergo positive the 3rd order, addition by 1A would cause the
interference. In this range strong clear colours interference colour to change to pale purple of
dominate, ranging from orange to deep red, in- the 4th order, subtraction by 1A would produce a
digo-blue, sky-blue, green to yellow (first- and sky-blue colour of the 2nd order. However, if the
lower second-order). These colours are repeated initial blue is of the 2nd order, then addition
but are somewhat weakened in the upper would result in a 3rd order dark blue and subtrac-
second- and lower third-order. tion in a 1st order pale-grey interference colour.
At an even higher retardation (>1300nm) an Colour addition occurs either in the 45° or 135°
increasing number of equally distributed Ain the position, and subtraction in the 135° or 45° re-
spectra are eliminated, leading to an increased spectively. The gypsum plate is inserted when the

X-rays 380
464 Indigo
1 nm Blue

Ultraviolet (UV)
Visible light (VIS) 1 ~m 578
592 Yellow
620 Orange
Infrared (IR)
Short radio waves

Broadcast band 1m

Long radio waves 1 km

28366-550 R

Fig. 14 Spectrum of electromagnetic waves (from Patzelt, 1974).

12 Orthoscopic observations

section is in the 45° and then in the 135° position. and short light wavelengths are different. There-
Subtraction in theory could lead to negative re- fore a complete extinction cannot be achieved
tardation values, but the smaller retardation and even in the darkest position some colour can
value is always subtracted from the larger one. In be seen. For example, if a mineral section is in
the case of 1st order yellow, 551 - 400 = 151 the extinction position for 1st order red, then
results in a dark-grey interference colour. some blue light still manages to get through, re-
When dealing with minerals with grey interfer- sulting in a grey-blue colour of the mineral. The
ence colours of the 1st order (e.g. quartz, feld- opposite is the case when the mineral is in the
spar, nepheline or apatite) then the use of a extinction position for blue light, then some red
gypsum plate leads to blue colours of the 2nd and yellow light will get through, resulting in
order in the case of addition, and subtraction brown-red colours (e.g. in certain clinopyroxenes
results in 1st order yellow. Again, the smaller cut parallel to the {OlO} plane).
retardation is subtracted from the larger one.
In cases of high interference colours greater The indicatrix model
than 4th and 5th orders, a quartz wedge (Part A,
section 1.2) is used instead of the gypsum plate General
(red 1st). The optical characteristics of crystals are better
understood by using a three-dimensional model
Anomalous interference colours of the index of refraction, referred to as the
Changes in the birefringence as a function of Ais indicatrix. It is either the shape of a sphere or
called dispersion. This can occur in three differ- ellipsoid where the surface of the indicatrix is
ent ways: interference colours that are higher proportional to the crystal's refractive indices
than normal, lower than normal or anomalous. which vary for different wavelengths (Figs 15, 16).
If the birefringence is higher for the short In the simplest case the indicatrix is a perfect
wavelengths of light than for the long wave- sphere (e.g. all cubic crystals) in which the refrac-
lengths, higher interference colours result; in this tion does not change with the vibration direction
case (nrn",) for purple > (ny~n",) for red. Instead of the light within the crystal. In minerals of
of grey-white and white-yellow interference col- lower symmetry the indicatrix has the shape of a
ours of the 1st order, bright blue and yellow col- two- or three-axial ellipsoid, which has a certain
ours typical for the 2nd order are observed: red orientation relative to the crystallographic axis
1st appears as bright red normally characteristic (a, b, c).
for 2nd order red, 2nd order green is brighter and The three axes of the ellipsoid are labelled X,
darker and is more like that of the 3rd order. Y, and Z with their half-lengths proportional to
Examples of minerals with higher then normal their respective refractive indices ncr, n~ and ny (=
interference colours are epidote and clinozoisite. n" ny, nz). For a three-axial indicatrix: ncr < n~ < ny.
Epidote shows bright-blue 1st order colours With the aid of the indicatrix model the physi-
which pass straight into bright yellow. cal behaviour of a light ray inside the crystal can
Lower than normal interference colours occur be illustrated in three dimensions. One imagines
when the birefringence for the long wavelengths that the light ray runs through the centre of the
of light is higher than for the short wavelengths; indicatrix. A section through the indicatrix per-
in this case (ny,-n",) for purple < (ny,-n".) for red. pendicular to the direction of travel of the light
Instead of interference colours of the 1st order, ray is either of the shape of a sphere or that of an
grey and brown colours appear: instead of 1st ellipse. In the latter case the axes of the ellipse
order grey, grey-blue can be observed, 1st order represent the vibration directions of the two per-
yellow changes to leather-brown, 1st order red pendicular transverse waves. The half-lengths of
into dull brown-red. This is characteristic for the axes of the ellipse are proportional to the
tourmaline and MgFe 2+-chlorite. respective refractive indices ny, and ncr"~ The wave
Anomalous interference colours occur when which vibrates parallel to the longer axis of the
the birefringence is positive EB for one end of the ellipse has the higher refractive index (n y,) and
light spectrum and negative for the other end, hence the smaller speed of travel. The wave
which vibrates parallel to the shorter axis of the
representing the (ny,-n",) 1 §: 0 case. Instead of
1st order grey, 1st order ink-blue to purple col- ellipse has the smaller refractive index (n".) and a
ours are typical. Minerals with anomalous inter- faster travel time.
ference colours are, for instance, vesuvianite,
melilite and Fe2+Mg-chlorite. The indicatrices of hexagonal, trigonal and
tetragonal crystal systems
Dispersion in the extinction position
Their symmetry defines a = a = a "* c and a = b
1 2 3
This is common in monoclinic and triclinic min- "* c respectively. Therefore the main or principal
erals where the extinction positions for the long refractive indices are equal (n" = n~ for optically
Observations under crossed polars 13

z x

a b 8
Fig. 15 Indicatrix ellipsoid for optically uniaxial crystals (rotation ellipsoid).
(a) Optically uniaxial positive.
(b) Optically uniaxial negative.

Z through the indicatrix are circles. The light ray

Acute bisectrix that travels parallel to the optic axis behaves as if
ny in an isotropic medium. Minerals of hexagonal,
Optic axis Optic axis tetragonal and trigonal symmetry have only one
\. I optic axis (also referred to as the axis of isotropy)
and are therefore classed as optically uniaxial.
Optically uniaxial minerals cut perpendicular
to the optic axis or cut in any other orientation
always show that one axis of the intersection el-
lipse is of equal length. Its half-length is propor-
X tional to the index of refraction of the ordinary
~~~~~Obtuse bisectrix ray (no or nco)' Independent of the direction of
na incidence of light, the ordinary ray has the same
y refractive index and behaves as if travelling
through an isotropic medium. The other wave is
called the extraordinary ray (ne , or nE or nE) with
variable indices of refraction dependent on the
direction of incidence of light. In a section per-
pendicular to the optic axis and the vibration
direction parallel to Z or X, ne represents the
Fig. 16 Three-axial ellipsoidal indicatrix for an opti- maximum value with ne = I1y or ne = lla (Fig.
cally biaxial positive crystal showing both optic axes lS(a),(b» (In all other sections the deviation
and circular sections (dotted pattern).
from the extreme value is expressed as ne, (ne')
and ny" na , respectively.)
positive and n~ = I1y for optically negative miner- For the hexagonal, trigonal and tetragonal
als. The indicatrix is a two-axial ellipsoid (rota- crystal systems the following rule applies: II" is
tion ellipsoid) with the half-axial lengths na < ny always parallel to the c-axis (and hence parallel
(Fig. lS(a),(b». The axis of rotation is the optic to the optic axis), n., always lies in a circle perpen-
axis. Sections oriented perpendicular to it dicular to it (Fig. lS(a),(b».
14 Orthoscopic observations

This leads to two options determined by the dicular which is always perpendicular to the opti-
relative size of the two refractive indices ne and cal axial plane. The angle between the two optic
no: axes is called axial angle 2V with its semi-value
V. Z and X halve the axial angle and are called
1. ne > no is equivalent to ne = ny and no = na-
medium lines or bisectrix. The first medium line
Therefore ne - no > O. The actual size of the
or acute bisectrix halves the acute angle between
maximum birefringence (~) is defined by the
the optic axes, the obtuse angle is bisected by the
maximum difference between the refractive
obtuse bisectrix. With regard to the bisectrix two
indices of the extraordinary and ordinary rays
cases can be distinguished:
and hence ~(~ = ne - no) is greater then zero
and positive. 1. Z is the acute bisectrix, X is the obtuse one:
Uniaxial crystals with lly parallel to c (and optically biaxial positive. The angle 2Vy is
therefore Z parallel to c) are optically uniaxial always < 90°, 2Va is always > 90 0 (Fig. 17,
positive. Their indicatrix is an ellipsoid which left).
is stretched along the optic axis or rotation 2. X is the acute bisectrix, Z is the obtuse one:
axis (Fig. 15(a)). optically biaxial negative. The angle 2Va < 90°,
Example: quartz with ne = ny = 1.5533 2Vy > 90 0 (Fig. 17, right).
no = n" = 1.5442 In the case where both axial angles are equal and
EB~ = 0.0091 therefore 90 the crystal is referred to as being

neutral. Optical neutral crystals can occur in solid

2. ne < no is equivalent to ne = nIX and no = ny. solution series, where one endmember is opti-
Therefore ne - no < O. Uniaxial crystals with n" cally positive and the other negative (e.g. olivine
parallel to c (and X parallel to c) are referred series, Fig. 115). In such cases changes in the size
to as optically uniaxial negative. Their indica- of the axial angle are related to chemical changes
trix is oblate in the direction of the optic axis of the mineral.
and stretched perpendicular to it (Fig. 15(b)). Orientation of the indicatrix in the low
Example: calcite with ne = n" = 1.4865 symmetry classes enable three cases to be
no = lly = 1.6584 distinguished:
e~ =0.1719 1. In rhombic crystals the X,Y,Z axes coincide
with the a,b,c crystallographic axes and the
triaxial indicatrix has rhombic symmetry.
The indicatrices of minerals of lower symmetry
How the indicatrix axes relate to a,b and c
(rhombic, monoclinic and triclinic)
depends on the mineral (there are six differ-
Here the indicatrix is a three-axial ellipsoid with ent orientations possible). All sections per-
the axes X, Y, Z and three principal indices of pendicular to (100), (010) and (001) always
refraction (n" < n~ < ny; Fig. 16). show straight extinction (Part A, section
Two extreme cases are examined, one where (e.g. orthopyroxene).
the light ray enters the crystal parallel to (II) Z Shape and orientation of the indicatrix
and the other where it is II X. In the former case within a crystal are dependent on the follow-
the two transversal waves vibrate II X and II Y ing parameters: a) wavelength (all optical
with refractive indices of n" and n~ respectively characteristics which depend on wavelength
(Fig. 16). In the second case the vibration direc- are called dispersion); b) chemical composi-
tions are II Z and II Y with refractive indices of n, tion; c) pressure and/or temperature. A classic
and n~ respectively (Fig. 16). If in both cases the example for dispersion is brookite (Ti0 2,
perpendicular wave becomes increasingly in- rhombic): in red light the optical axial plane
clined until in the first case it is II X and in the (AE) lies in (001). With reducing wavelength,
second case II Z, then ncr becomes larger in the 2V decreases and in yellow-green light 2V = 00
first case and ny, smaller in the second case. In (uniaxial). Even smaller wavelengths result in
both cases at certain directions of the incident ray increasing axial angles and in violet light AE
where nn' = n~ and ny, = n~ respectively, there is no lies in (010).
birefringence and both intersection ellipses are 2. In monoclinic crystals only one axis of the
circles, In a tri-axial indicatrix the axes perpen- indicatrix coincides with one of the
dicular to the two circular sections are called op- crystallographic axes, which is always the b-
tic axes or axes of isotropy, The crystals of the axis. The two other indicatrix axes are not
lower symmetry systems are biaxial (Fig. 16). crystallographically fixed but lie oblique to the
Both optic axes lie in the XZ principal intersec- crystallographic axes a and c. This results in
tion plane which is referred to as the optical axial oblique extinction (Part A, section
plane (AE). Y is referred to as the optic perpen- (e.g. clinopyroxenes; Fig. 126).
Observations under crossed polars 15

Acute bisectrix Obtuse bisectrix

z z



Fig. 17 Section through the axial plane of

an elliptical indicatrix for optically biaxial
crystals. O.A. = optic axis, A.E. = optic axial
plane, V = half the optic axial angle 2V. Left:
ny in the acute bisectrix (2Vy < 90°), optically
biaxial Ell. Right: ny in the obtuse bisectrix
(2Vy > 90°), optically biaxial e. opt.@ opt. 8 Optical character of elongation sory plate; nn is oriented parallel to its length.
Two cases are possible:
The principal zone (main zone (MZ) or elonga-
tion zone) is equal to the elongation direction in 1. ny gypsum is II ny, crystal and nn gypsum is II nn'
a mineral. In minerals of characteristic and fixed crystal ~ MZ(+).
crystal shape the optical character of the main 2. ny gypsum is II nu ' crystal and nn gypsum II ny,
zone (determined by the vibration directions of crystal ~ MZ( -).
ny{nz') and nn,(n x,» is very important for identifi-
cation. This applies to all cases where it is diffi- In the first case the retardation increases and
cult to get a clear conoscopic axial image. causes a colour-change towards blue to greenish-
Minerals of variable crystal shape, like those that yellow (if the initial birefringence colour is grey
are sometimes elongated parallel to one or the of the 1st order); in general the interference col-
other axis (e.g. calcite or anatase), do not have a ours shift towards higher orders. The process is
clear optical elongation. called addition = positive main zone (MZ) = (+)
Only elongated mineral sections of hexagonal, (Fig. 18(1».
trigonal, tetragonal and rhombic symmetry In the second case the retardation colour de-
classes are suitable for determining the optical creases, changing from grey of the 1st order to
character of the elongation. In elongated sections grey to orange-yellow of the 1st order; therefore
of monoclinic and triclinic crystals, which show the interference colours decrease = subtraction =
oblique extinction, it is difficult to determine the negative main zone = (-) (Fig. 18(2». In general
optical character of the main zone. It is only pos- the retardation of the gypsum plate (551 nm) is
sible if the extinction angle is less than 20° (e.g. added to or subtracted from the interference col-
amphibole, but not clinopyroxene). our of the mineral. With this simple device one
can easily determine if ny' or nn' vibrate parallel to
Methodology the longitudinal crystal direction. Furthermore,
with the exception of platy crystals, the orienta-
The mineral section is viewed under crossed tion of the indicatrix within the crystal can be
polars and rotated into the 45° diagonal position fixed (Fig. 18).
(NE-SW orientation) where it appears in its If there is uncertainty as to whether or not the
brightest colours. The compensator red 1st (gyp- diagonal crystal position produces addition or
sum plate) is inserted. The ny direction is en- subtraction, then rotate the section into the next
graved on the accessory plate (Fig. 4(a». It is diagonal position, which is at 90° from the start-
oriented perpendicular to the length of the acces- ing position (orientation NW-SE). If negative
16 Orthoscopic observations

c nr' ~cx c nr Opt.Ch. e (nrllc)
Quartz MZ e (nT'"I)

1,1 ~ Compensator

r c
ncx Opt.Ch. 8 (n cx II c)

Apatite MZ 8 (n cx 'lIl)

~ Compensator

Opt. Ch. e (nr II c)

MZ 8 (nill)

~ Compensator

ncx n, Opt.Ch. 8 (ncx llc )

MZ e (ncx'll)
~ Compensator

Fig. 18 Determination of the vibration direction ny. and na' and orientation of the indicatrix in optically uniaxial
crystals in longitudinal section (= principal zone or main zone MZ). Minerals with low birefringence have been
chosen as examples.
(1) Prismatic crystals: the c-axis is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the crystal.
Case 1:
ny, crystal II ny compensator, na, crystal II na compensator.
Interference colours increase (blue): MZ (+), optically uniaxial EEl.
(2) Prismatic crystals: the c-axis is II to the longitudinal axis of the crystal.
Case 2:
na, crystal II nycompensator.
ny, crystal II na compensator.
Interference colours decrease (subtract/yellow): MZ (-), optically uniaxial 8.
(3) Platy crystals: c-axis is perpendicular to the elongation direction of the crystal.
Case 1:
na, crystal II ny compensator.
ni crystal II na compensator.
Interference colours decrease (subtract/yellow): MZ (-), optically uniaxial EEl.
(4) Platy crystals: the c-axis is perpendicular to the elongation direction of the crystal!
Case 2:
ny, crystal II ny compensator.
na, crystal II na compensator.
Interference colours increase (addition/blue): MZ (+), optically uniaxial 8.
The optical character has to be determined in the conoscopic light path.
Observations under crossed polars 17

colours or subtraction occurs, then addition or different in negative crystals with Ily parallel or at
positive colours are produced for the first diago- a small angle to MZ and in positive crystals with
nal position and vice versa. nil parallel or at a small angle to MZ (example:
In minerals with 3rd or even higher order in- amphibole, Figs 146, 147, 152). The character of
terference colours, any positive or negative col- the MZ changes in all biaxial minerals, depend-
our shift is very difficult to determine. It is better ing on the orientation of the section, where n~
to use a quartz wedge instead of the red 1st com- vibrates within MZ. MZ is (+) in the case where
pensator. This has the effect, in the case of addi- nll-n~ lie within the section and it is (-) when Ily-
tion, of making colours of the higher orders n~ lie in the section (e.g. olivine, Fig. 112).
became fainter. They become stronger if subtrac-
tion occurs. It also helps to apply the quartz
wedge to thin wedge-shaped crystal edges. With ParaDe), symmetric and oblique
insertion of a quartz wedge, colours move out of extinction
the grain in the case of addition; this is best seen
Crystal symmetry and extinction
by following the red colour. In the case of sub-
traction colour bands migrate towards or into the Where the axes of the indicatrix coincide with the
crystal and get stronger, shifting towards colours crystallographic axis (a,b,c), which is the case in
of lower orders. all minerals of higher symmetry classes (hexago-
Attention should be paid to several further nal, trigonal, tetragonal and orthorhombic), the
considerations. Where the retardation of a min- vibration directions of both waves are parallel or
eral is smaller then 551 nm, then, in the case of symmetric to the morphological reference sys-
subtraction, colours initially decrease down to tems provided by the mineral (crystallographic
black of the 1st order and then increase again faces, edges, cleavage, twinning-plane, etc.). If
(for explanation see Part A, section In any of these reference lines are aligned parallel
strongly coloured minerals addition and subtrac- to the N-S or E-W direction of the cross-hairs,
tion are difficult to determine and it is best to then one observes total extinction under crossed
apply the quartz wedge technique to crystal polars: parallel extinction in 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°
edges. and 360° positions (Fig. 19(a),(b». A crystal
The sign of the main zone and the optical char- shows symmetric extinction if one vibration di-
acter of a mineral coincide in prismatic crystals rection lies exactly between two equally devel-
(Fig. 18(1» whereas they differ in uniaxial platy oped morphological reference lines or cleavage
crystals (Fig. 18(1),(2». In biaxial crystals it can systems (Fig. 19(b),(d» (e.g. halving the angle
differ: it is the same in positive crystals with Ily between the rhombic cleavage set developed in
parallel or at a small angle to the main zone calcite). Symmetric extinction only occurs if the
(MZ) and also in negative crystals with nil paral- section is cut exactly perpendicular to the cleav-
lel or at a small angle to MZ (examples are age intersection. If this is not the case, then even
natrolite, Fig. 199, and andalusite, Fig. 223). It is in minerals of higher symmetry classes, exact

a b c d e
Fig. 19 Extinction in anisotropic crystals.
(a) Parallel extinction.
(b) Parallel and symmetric extinction: parallel extinction in respect to the cleavage set which runs parallel to the
longitudinal axis of the crystal, symmetric extinction with respect to the perpendicular crystal faces (angle !O).
(c) Oblique extinction: the section cuts a monoclinic crystal parallel to (010).
(d) Symmetric extinction.
(e) Oblique extinction.
18 Orthoscopic observations

symmetric extinction is not observed. The latter basal sections parallel to (001) show symmetric
particularly applies to orthorhombic crystals. extinction).
On the other hand all monoclinic crystals
show straight extinction in all orientations within Twinning
the zone [010]. This is a limitation one must be
aware of. Nevertheless, the determination of General
the type of extinction is one of the quickest
Many minerals do not just consist of a single
methods to determine in minerals of the higher
crystal but are made up of more then one indi-
or lower symmetry classes (e.g. orthopyroxene
vidual intergrowth, forming double or multiple
or clinopyroxene). The possibility of finding an
twins. Where the c-axes of the twinned crystals
orthopyroxene which shows oblique extinction is
are parallel, the extinction will be the same in
three times less than in a clinopyroxene.
both twins. Twinning in quartz with parallel c-
axes is very common but tends to go unrec-
ognized under the microscope. Where the
Oblique extinction (Fig. 19( c),( e))
longitudinal axes of the twinned crystals are at an
This occurs when the vibration direction of the angle to each other (e.g. interpenetrating
light is at an oblique angle to crystallographic staurolite twins), then the extinction in all sec-
reference planes. This obliqueness occurs in min- tions which are not parallel to the twining plane
erals of the lower symmetry classes (monoclinic, are different in the individual twinned crystals.
triclinic) and varies between the different crystal The same is true for twinned monoclinic and
systems. In the monoclinic system there are triclinic crystals (Figs 144(b),(c), 179). Multiple
certain orientations where extinction is parallel twinning is particularly common in triclinic
or symmetric (e.g. clinopyroxene in sections feldspars where it is diagnostic (Figs 180, 185,
parallel to (100) show parallel extinction and 188).
3 Observations under conoscopic light

3.1 Introduction rotated because the travel time of the rays

changes, as do the retardation and vibration di-
The orthoscopic image is one where the mineral rections, depending on orientation. No changes
is viewed perpendicular to the path of light, occur in the case where the mineral is uniaxial
whereas under conoscopic light the mineral is and viewed perpendicular to its optic axis. Iso-
viewed simultaneously from different angles in a tropic minerals do not produce conoscopic im-
cone of light using the maximum aperture. Con- ages. One isogyre can be lost from the field of
ditions for viewing a mineral in the conoscopic view where the position of the optic axis falls
light path are: outside the field of view.
1. Objective 40, 50 or 63 POL.
2. Condensing lens is swung into the light path.
The aperture must be fully open. 3.2 Conoscopic examination of
3. Crossed polars. optically uniaxial crystals
4. Amici Bertrand lens (Fig. 1) is swung into the
light path; for small crystals the iris diaphragm
is used. 3.2.1 Conoscopic images of uniaxial
crystals in different orientations
An anisotropic mineral under conoscopic light
produces interference figures. In conoscopic light The interference figure is a black isogyre cross in
the mineral and its optical characteristics are an uniaxial crystal when it is oriented so that
seen in all directions within a cone of light. the optic axis is perpendicular to the plane of the
Within the light cone light waves travel in various microscope stage. The wedge-shaped ends of the
directions, each with two waves vibrating per- isogyres are referred to as homodromes (smaller
pendicular to each other, with speed, retardation end) and antidromes (broader end) (Fig. 20) (the
and vibration directions being equal in certain homodromes point to the position of the optic
cases and unequal in others. The isochrome cir- axis). The presence of an isogyre cross in optic
cles represent the emergence of rays from the uniaxial crystals equates to an extinction position
mineral of the same retardation and hence the in the orthoscopic light path (different in opti-
same birefringence colours, and the dark isogyre cally isotropic minerals). The intersection point
cross marks those areas where there is extinction of the isogyres, where they are thinnest, marks
(Fig. 20) and where the wave vibration directions where the optic axis in the crystal pierces the field
are parallel to the polarizers. The shape and of view (= melatope). The isogyre cross splits the
symmetry of the isochromes and isogyres vary field of view into four sectors (I-IV, Fig. 20)
with the orientation of the mineral. The interfer- which contain coloured concentric rings
ence figure changes when the microscope stage is (isochromes ).

Quadrants I-IV Antidromes Isochromes

Fig. 20 Conoscopic images of optically uniaxial crystals in sections approximately perpendicular to the optic
axis. The optic axis pierces the image at the intersection point of the two black isogyres. The concentric colour
rings (isochromes, shown in dotted pattern) are spaced with increasing density from each other and increasing
interference colours away from the centre. While rotating the stage the image does not change.
20 Observations under conoscopic light

Fig. 21 Conoscopic images of optically uniaxial crystals in sections of different orientation and rotation
positions. The isochromes are shown in a dotted pattern.
Upper row: section approximately perpendicular to the optic axis; the isogyres form a cross (melatope) which
remains in the field of view when rotating the microscope stage.
Lower row: section at an oblique angle to the optic axis; the melatope is outside the field of view.
Thick arrow: direction of rotation of the microscope stage (anticlockwise). Broken arrow: rotation of the
conoscopic image (anticlockwise).

If the mineral has been sectioned exactly per- 3.2.2 Determination of the optical
pendicular to the optic axis, then the melatope character of uniaxial crystals
and the isogyre cross do not change their position
when rotating the stage. If the section is at a small
angle to the perpendicular to the optic axis, then The compensator red I (gypsum plate) is inserted
the isogyre cross changes position when rotating while viewing the mineral in the conoscopic light
the stage (Fig. 21, upper row). path. Where quadrants I and III show addition in
In mineral sections cut at a large angle to the their interference colours by one order (551 nm),
optic axis, the melatope can lie and rotate along a the mineral has positive character. In the case of
circle outside the field of view. The diameter of quartz, which shows grey-white colours of the 1st
this circle depends on the angle to the optic axis. order, the accessory plate produces blue colours
The isogyres remain parallel to the N-S and E-W of the 2nd order. In quadrants II and IV, the
orientation respectively and move in and out of colours decrease by one order, e.g. they become
the field of view (Fig. 21, lower row), which is a 1st order yellow (subtraction). In minerals
quite different to optically biaxial minerals. The where the opposite is the case (e.g. apatite or
narrower end (homodrome) of the isogyres is nepheline), the minerals have negative optical
always in the direction of the melatope. When character (Fig. 23). Here the accessory plate pro-
restricted to images of the thicker end of the duces yellow in quadrants I and III and blue in II
isogyre (antidrome), inexperienced observers and IV.
can easily confuse the image with that of an opti- Observation of addition or subtraction in a
cally biaxial crystal. quadrant depends on the vibration directions of
Sections oriented approximately parallel to the ordinary and extraordinary rays (no, ne). This
the optic axis, show wide and diffuse isogyre pat- can be best illustrated in a Becke's 'Skiodrom-
terns. In sections parallel to the optic axis a broad sphere' (for more detail see e.g. MUller and Raith
black cross appears, which opens quickly even at 1987).
small rotations of the stage (Fig. 22); again this In minerals with high interference colours it
can easily lead to confusion with biaxial can be difficult to decide if addition or subtrac-
conoscopic images. tion occurs when inserting the red I compensator.
Conoscopic examination of optically uniaxial crystals 21


90° 180°
Fig.22 Conoscopic images of optically uniaxial crystals in section approximately parallel to the optic axis during
180° rotation of the microscope stage. Isochromes are shown in the dotted pattern. Addition of colours in the 45°
position and subtraction of colours in the 135° position apply to a uniaxial positive optical character. The opposite
is the case in uniaxial negative crystals .

..... :
Subtraction Addition Addition Subtraction
yellow':: blue blue : : . yellow
::. ::·.:e (±) (±) $.":: >.:-:'.
(±) e::::::
.' .

Fig. 23 Determination of the optical character of a Fig. 24 Determination of the optical character in
uniaxial crystal with low birefringence colours in uniaxial crystals with low birefringence colours in sec-
sections approximately perpendicular to the optic tions oblique to the optic axis.
Top row: determination with the aid of the compen-
Top row: determination with the aid of the compensa- sator red I. Left: addition of colours in quadrant I
tor red I. Left: addition with colours of a higher order in and subtraction in quadrant II = optic ®. Right: sub-
quadrants I and III = optic ®. Right: subtraction of traction of colours in I and addition in quadrant II =
colours in quadrants I and III = optic 8. optic 8.
Lower row: Determination with the aid of the quartz Lower row: determination with the aid of a quartz
wedge in minerals with higher birefringence colours. wedge in minerals with higher birefringence colours.
Left: isochromes in quadrants I and III move towards Left: isochromes move towards the centre in quadrant
the centre = optic ®. Right: isochromes move away I = optic ®. Isochromes move away from the centre in
from the centre in quadrants I and III = optic 8. quadrant I = optic 8.
22 Observations under conoscopic light

Fig. 25 Conoscopic images of optically biaxial crystals in different orientations and rotation positions.
Isochromes are shown in the dotted pattern.
Upper row: sections oriented perpendicular to the acute bisectrix (2V - 40°); the melatope remains in the field
of view.
Middle row: section oriented perpendicular to one of the optic axes (2V - 80°); one melatope is in the field of
view. Isogyres swing back and forth.
Lower row: section perpendicular to the obtuse bisectrix and parallel to the optic axial plane. The isogyre cross
is wide and rapidly expands and moves outside the field of view.
Black arrow: direction of rotation of both the microscope stage and the conoscopic image is anticlockwise.

It is better to use a quartz wedge (Fig. 23). In a 3.3 Determination of the optical
mineral with optical positive character the colour
rings in quadrants I and III move inwards to- character of biaxial minerals
wards the centre (= addition) and in quadrants in the conoscopic light path
II and IV they move outwards (subtraction). If
the opposite is the case then the mineral has 3.3.1 Conoscopic images of biaxial
optical negative character (colour rings in quad-
rants I and III move outwards and in II and IV
minerals in different orientations
inwards). Under conoscopic light, biaxial minerals present
Determination of the optical character as de- an isochromatic system of elliptical curves with
scribed above can easily be done in sections per- the optic axes and isogyres intersecting at their
pendicular or nearly perpendicular to the optic focal points (Fig. 25, upper row). The thinnest
axis (Fig. 24). However, if the section is oriented parts of the isogyres mark the points where the
parallel to the optic axis, then one follows the optic axes pierce through. The convex part of the
procedure illustrated in Fig. 22. If addition is ob- isogyres always point towards the acute bisectrix
served in the 45° position (i.e. the isogyres have (2V < 90°), and the concave side towards the
moved out of the field of view in quadrants I and obtuse bisectrix (2V > 90°).
III) then the mineral is optically positive. If sub- Minerals sectioned perpendicular to the acute
traction occurs in this position then the mineral is bisectrix show both isogyres in the field of view, if
optically negative. axial angles are small- or medium-sized. In the
Determination of the optical character of biaxial minerals 23

0°, 90°, 180° etc. positions the isogyres form a onal positions the isogyres are variably bent and
black cross similar to uniaxial crystals (Fig. 25, thin in places. The point of maximum curvature
upper row). However, the isogyres differ slightly always points towards the acute bisectrix.
from those observed in uniaxial crystals with the In sections perpendicular to the obtuse
thinner isogyre showing two constrictions (pierc- bisectrix viewed in the 90° position the isogyres
ing points of the two optic axes, with the isogyre form a wide cross which rapidly opens when ro-
resembling the optic axial plane) and the second tating the stage and disappears from the field of
isogyre being much thicker. During rotation of view after a 15°-25° rotation (Fig. 25, bottom
the microscope stage the cross opens up and the row). A similar conoscopic image is observed
isogyres become two hyperbolas which are fur- in sections parallel to the optic axial plane. Here
thest apart from each other in the diagonal po- the isogyres disappear from the field of view
sitions (45°, 135°, etc.). In mineral sections after a 10° rotation. Such sections can lead to
oriented at a high angle to the acute bisectrix or erroneous identification of the mineral as
perpendicular to one of the optic axes the optic uniaxial.
angle becomes very large and only one isogyre
can be seen in the field of view. It is straight and
oriented either N-S or W-E in the 90° position 3.3.2 Identification of the optical
(Fig. 25, middle row). During rotation into diag- character of biaxial crystals
The conoscopic image is viewed in the diagonal
position and then the compensator red I is in-
serted. If only one isogyre can be seen in the
field of view then it is positioned so that its con-
vex side points towards the SW (Fig. 26( e ),(f)).
If in a biaxial mineral of low birefringence col-
ours, blue colours (addition) are observed on the
concave side of the isogyre, and yellow colours
(subtraction) on the convex side, then it is opti-
cally positive. In the opposite case, with subtrac-
tion and reduced colours on the concave side and
addition and blue colours on the convex side, the
mineral is optically negative (Fig. 26(a)(b)).
For minerals with high birefringence colours
the quartz wedge is used rather then the red I
compensator. On inserting the quartz wedge the
isochromes move according to the illustration in
Fig. 26 «c)-(t)).
In sections where no melatope pierces the
conoscopic image an unambiguous uniaxial or
biaxial identification of a mineral is very difficult
and requires a lot of experience. Therefore, such
sections are best avoided; it is best to choose
those that show low birefringence colours in the
diagonal position.

- Conoscopic observations are best done in
sections that show minimal birefringence
Fig. 26 Determination of the optical character of bi-
axial crystals. - Determine birefringence in sections that
show maximum interference colours.
(a)-(d) Section perpendicular to the acute bisectrix.
(e), (f) Section approximately perpendicular to one of
the optic axes. 3.3.3 Estimation of the optic axial
(a), (b) Mineral with low birefringence: determination angle 2V
with the red I compensator.
The curvature of the isogyres is a measure of the
(c)-(f) Mineral with high birefringence: determination size of 2V (Fig. 27). If one or both isogyres are in
with the quartz wedge. a diagonal position, then the optic angle can be
(a), (c), (e) opt. 63; (b), (d), (f) opt. 8. determined according to the instructions given in
24 Observations under conoscopic light

Normal position Diagonal position

Isochromes I

Fig. 28 Bending of isogyres as a measure of the size

of the optic axial angle 2V in a section perpendicular to
one of the optic axes in a diagonal position.

1 5A =2a I

Fig. 29 Determination of 2V by measuring A'-A"

with the aid of a micrometer (Rittmann, 1963). In the
Fig. 27 Conoscopic images of optically biaxial min- example presented here 2r = 43 and 2a = 25; OA =
erals with varying axial angles. Left: 00, 90 0 positions, 0.58. In Fig. 30 for n = 1.70 V = 17° and hence 2V =
etc.; right: diagonal 45 0 position, etc. 34°.
Upper row: small axial angle; view perpendicular to
the acute bisectrix.
Middle row: large axial angle; view of one bisectrix.
Lower row: large axial angle; section approximately
perpendicular to one of the optic axes.

Fig. 28. If the isogyres are straight then 2V is are measured (Fig. 29). The following equation
approximately 90°. applies:
oA = 2a/2r,
3.3.4 Determination of optic axial . V oA·U
angles 2V in oblique section sm = - -
If the optic axial angle is small, then it can be where n = refractive index of the mineral
measured directly (without a universal stage). (average value n~ taken from Table 7) and U =
This method works for micas in basal section. numerical aperture (Fig. 30, U = 0.85). oA is
One condition is that both isogyres can be ob- determined by dividing the two measurements 2r
served in the field of view under conoscopic light. and 2a, the value n is obtained from Table 7 and
This means that section orientation should be 2V is read off Fig. 30.
approximately perpendicular to the acute
bisectrix (Rittmann 1963). Example: for muscovite (n = 1.6), oA is deter-
Both isogyres are placed in diagonal positions mined with 0.78 and V = 24.5°, 2Vx = 49°; for
and then the diameter 2r and the distance be- biotite (n = 1.65), oA is calculated as 0.16 and
tween the two points of maximum curvature 2a hence V = 4.8° with 2Vx = 9.6°.
Determination of the optical character of biaxial minerals 25

n 5° 10° 15° 20° V

.: Muscovite
2.0 H-t-++-+;





Fig. 30 Diagram for the determination of the half optic axial angle (V) for objectives with the numerical aperture
of 0.85 (Rittmann, 1963). OA is plotted against n. The oblique lines represent V. See example for biotite and
muscovite in the text.
26 Observations under conoscopic light

Summary 1: Mineral identification with the polarizing microscope

Unknown mineral or substance

Determination with one polarizer
Orthoscopic path of light

Transparency Non-transparency (opaque)
Colour, pleochroism Colour
Form, habit Form, habit
Refraction, relief, chagrin Refraction, relief, chagrin
Vibration orientations in crystal Cleavage, angular relationships
Cleavage, angular relationships Further observations with a
reflective microscope
Inclusions, twinning, alteration

Determination with crossed polars
Orthoscopic path of light

Isotropic sections
* l
Anistropic sections
Conoscopic path of light Birefringence
Axial figure No axial figure Birefringence dispersion
Extinction angle
Extinction dispersion
Character of elongation
with a compensator
Positive Negative
Zonar growth, subgrains
Cubic or amorphous Hourglass structure
Hex., trig., tetra., Inclusions, twinning,
Rhombic, monocl., alterations
crystals tricl., crystals
Conoscopic path of light
~ ,L
t ~
Optical character Optical character
Optically uniaxial Optically biaxial Optically uniaxial Optically biaxial
Determination of the optical sign Determination of the optical sign
with the compensator with the compensator
Optically uniaxial Optically biaxial Optically uniaxial Optically biaxial
Positive Negative Positive Neutral Negative Positive Negative Positive Neutral Negative
Estimation of Estimation of
axial angle axial angle
Determination of the optical character of biaxial minerals 27

Summary 2: Protocol of mineral identification in thin section


Thin section number Rock type

Mineral number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Determinations with only one polarizer



Estimate of the



Determinations with crossed polars



Extinction angle


optical character

Optic axial angle 2V

Main optical zone

(optical orientation)

Special optical
(e.g. zoning,
anomalies, etc.)

Mineral name
Part B Optical Mineralogy
1 Opaque minerals and substances
A precise optic identification is only possible with a reflecting light microscope.

1.1 Magnetite Alteration: quite resistant. Oxidized to

hematite (e.g. on the surface of lava flows).
cubic-hexoctahedral Titanomagnetite weathers to leucoxene by
hydrothermal and hydrous alteration; that leads
General features: most important and common
to Fe loss.
accessory ore mineral. Belongs to the spinel
group. In volcanic rocks it tends to occur as Occurrence: accessory mineral in most igneous
titanomagnetite, where one part of Fe is replaced rocks. It is more common in basic rocks (up to
by Ti (Fe2Ti0 4). 5%) than in acidic rocks. In volcanic rocks two
generations can be developed: as idiom orphic
grains and as disseminated grains in the
Thin-section characteristics
groundmass. Its presence in volcanic glasses can
Form: square, rare triangular or hexagonal cause a brown coloration. In magmatic rocks it
sections (Fig. 31), commonly as irregularly can occur as a deuteric mineral, formed by the
shaped aggregates; also developed as skeletal breakdown of water-bearing minerals (biotite
crystals. and hornblende) during the late stages of magma
crystallization (opacite rims around biotite and
Colour: black; in submicroscopic grains viewed in
hornblende; Part B, sections 4.3.3,, and
oblique reflected light smoky-grey to dark
Fig. 150). In metamorphic rocks it is common in
low- to high-grade rocks, typically as idiomorphic
Refraction: extremely high (n "" 2.4); however, it grains (e.g. in chlorite schist and as small grains in
is not transparent, and cannot therefore be used hornfels). It occurs in almost all clastic
for identification. sediments; locally enriched in alluvial deposits.
Distinguishing features: graphite has less de- Paragenesis: very common. In igneous rocks
fined, smeared grain boundaries and commonly commonly found together with ilmenite.
forms flaky parallel grains; magnetite can be
distinguished from ilmenite only if the latter
shows skeletal forms and/or is altered to

Fig. 31 Idiomorphic magnetite

grains in a nepheline
monzogabbro (essexite).
Ooupov (Ouppau), CR.
Uncrossed polarizers.
Hematite 31

Fig. 32 Skeletal ilmenite in

kersantite. Steinmauer, south-
east of Heppenheim,
Odenwald, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 33 Skeletal ilmenite

crystal showing leucoxene
alteration (white parts in the

1.2 Ilmenite
trigonal-rhombohedral Alteration: fairly stable mineral. Hydrothermal
and hydrous alterations along rims or complete
General features: the most important and com-
replacement into leucoxene (== alteration of
mon accessory ore mineral after magnetite.
ilmenite and titanoilmenite into a fine-grained ,
dark-red aggregate of rutile, anatase, sphene,
Thin-section characteristics hematite). Sometimes a laminar intergrowth be-
tween ilmenite and magnetite can be developed
Form: thin flakes; dendritic aggregates; skeletal
and is more clearly seen in altered than in fresh
(Figs 32, 33).
Colour: opaque; in very thin sections deep
Occurrence: it occurs together with magnetite as
transparent brown.
an accessory mineral in almost all igneous rocks.
Refraction: extremely high (n == 2.33-2.51). In In basic plutonic rocks it is commonly found as
crossed polarized light clear anisotropic charac- titanomagnetite (Part B, section 1.1). It occurs in
teristics, optically uniaxial in very thin flakes. metamorphic rocks (e.g. in amphibolites) in
detrital sediments and sedimentary rocks.
Distinguishing features: from magnetite and
other opaque minerals it can be distinguished Paragenesis: very common. In igneous rocks
only if present in skeletal form or by its charac- commonly found together with magnetite.
teristic alteration into leucoxene.

1.3 Hematite

Thin-section characteristics dark colour makes optical determinations

Form: thin plates (0001), fine scales, fibrous (kid-
ney iron ore; Colour plate 1), dusty aggregates, Refraction and birefringence:
oolitic or granular.
ne == 2.87 - 2.94
Colour: in thin sections of normal thickness it is no == 3.15 - 3.22
opaque and in very thin sections flakes are trans-
parent, showing a slight pleochroism from
8.:1 == 0.28
brown-red to yellow-red (to grey-yellow). This Extremely high refraction and birefringence.
32 Opaque minerals and substances

Distinguishing features: goethite and lepidolite

are of a lighter brown colour, ilmenite tends to be
skeletal with leucoxene alterations and brown;
aenigmatite forms part of very characteristic and
different paragenesis.
Occurrence: as a secondary mineral in igneous
rocks (Fig. 34) and as pseudomorphs after mag-
netite (Part B, section 1.1) (e.g. as disseminated
aggregate in fly-ash and in surface layers of lava
flows). It forms during the oxidation of dissemi-
nated magnetite as a result of hydrothermal al-
teration in volcanic glasses, e.g. in Permian
palaeorhyolites (quartz porphyry) which show a
characteristic red colouring. Hematite also oc-
curs as a very fine pigment in a variety of sedi-
mentary rocks (red coloration) and it is found in
low- to medium-grade metamorphic rocks.
Paragenesis: not typical.

Fig. 34 Hematite in radial fibrolitic form, kidney form.

Andesite from the Mojanda volcano, northern Ecua-
dor. Uncrossed polarizers.

1.4 Pyrite

Thin-section characteristics
Form: square, triangular and hexagonal sections
(Figs 35, 36), also granular.
Colour: opaque, in oblique reflected light brass-
Fig. 35 Typical form of pyrite. Pentagon-
Distinguishing features: from magnetite, ilmenite dodecahedron (pyritohedron) or cube with character-
and pyrrhotite only by reflected light microscopy. istic stripes.

Fig. 36 Idiomorphic pyrite

cubes in a Precambrian
sandstone. Republic of South
Africa. Uncrossed polarizers.
Graphite 33
Alteration: weathers easily, altering to limonite, mally altered rocks (e.g. as a result of fumerole
etc. activity); also in metamorphic rocks (Fig. 36), in
bituminous-rich limestones, and in black shales.
Occurrence: an accessory mineral in igneous
rocks; an impregnation mineral in hydrother- Paragenesis: not typical.

1.5 Pyrrhotite
FeS dihexagonal-dipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Occurrence: primary accessory mineral in mafic

to ultramafic plutonic rocks (diorites and
Form: granular or in irregular-shaped
peridotites). Rare in volcanic rocks. Also in low-
to high-grade metamorphic rocks.
Colour: opaque, in reflected light bronze-
Paragenesis: with olivine, ortho- and clinopy-
coloured to brown.
roxene, plagioclase magnetite and ilmenite.
Distinguishing features: from other ore minerals
only with the aid of a reflecting light microscope.

1.6 Graphite
c dihexagonal-dipyramidal
General features: carbon-bearing organic sedi- (Fig. 37). Grain boundaries tend to be irregular,
mentary material is changed into graphite during because graphite gets smeared during the process
metamorphism. of thin-section making.
Cleavage: tabular crystals with perfect cleavage
Thin-section characteristics along (0001), which cannot be seen under the
Form: commonly as thin flakes and scales after
(0001), occasionally as grains, also with egg- Colour: opaque, non-transparent and therefore
shaped cross-sections. Parallel alignment with or dark black; grey-green translucent, only in the
without folding and smeared edges are typical thinnest flakes. .

Fig. 37 Disseminated graphite.

Graphitic phyllite. East of Banos,
Eastern Cordillera, Ecuador.
Uncrossed polarizers.
34 Opaque minerals and substances

Refraction: n = 1.5- >2.0, very variable. gneisses (e.g. Bayerischer Wald, Germany). In
augen gneisses.
Distinguishing features: smeared edges are char-
acteristic and help to distinguish it from other Paragenesis: with quartz, K-feldspar, albite,
opaque minerals except molybdenite. mica, chlorite and rutile.
Alteration: none.
Occurrence: only in certain metamorphic rocks
such as graphite-rich phyllites and graphite-rich

1.7 Carbonaceous substances

C amorphous

Thin-section characteristics Alteration: during metamorphism at tempera-

tures greater than 200-250°C it changes into
Form: commonly as finely distributed and dis-
seminated dusty grains or as irregular and amor-
phous masses. Occurrence: rock-forming as coal, black shale or
coal shale. As a dark pigment in a variety of
Colour: opaque, dirty-brown shine; in very thin
sedimentary rocks, particularly in pelites (e.g.
sections brown to grey translucent.
black shales, slates) and also in limestones (e.g.
Refraction: n = 1.5-1.9, very variable. coal-limestones) .
Distinguishing features: under the microscope it Paragenesis: with quartz, calcite and clay
cannot be distinguished from disseminated ore minerals.
2 Optically isotropic (also pseudo-cubic)
minerals and amorphous substances

2.1 Perovskite
(Ca, Na, Fe 2+, Ce, Sr) (Ti, Nb)03 pseudo-cubic (rhombic-dipyramidal)

General features: rare mineral, commonly found polysynthetic twinning, as do leucite crystals
in Si02-undersaturated basaltic igneous rocks to- (Part B, section 2.5), and anomalous low
gether with melilite. birefringence colours (axial angle 2Vy - 90°).
Distinguishing features: picotite and melanite
Thin-section characteristics have considerable lower refraction; rutile occurs
in a different paragenesis. Easily confused with
Form: cubic and triangular cross-sections; rare
dysanalyte and pyrochlore because of similar re-
skeletal crystals.
fraction and colour, and hence best identified by
Cleavage: cubic after {l00) only developed in microprobe analysis.
larger crystals.
Distinguishing features: commonly unaltered.
Twinning: polysynthetic after {1ll), rare simple
Occurrence: forms as an early crystal phase in
twins after {1l0) and {100), only visible in larger
silica undersaturated, Ca-rich igneous rocks (Fig.
38), in particular in melilite-bearing volcanic
Colour: variable; predominantly violet-grey, rocks (e.g. melilite-bearing nephelinite of Hegau,
brown-red, amber to bright yellow, rarely green Schwabische Alb, Kaiserstuhl, Germany), in
to colourless. Concentric colour distribution dykes (alnoite), kimberlites, rare in nephelinites
possible. Very small crystals appear opaque be- and leucitites without melilite.
cause of their total light reflectance.
Paragenesis: with melilite, nepheline, soda lite
Refraction: extremely high, n == 2.30-2.38. group, also leucite and magnetite; never with
Special characteristics: paramorph, under
crossed polars all larger crystals show

Fig. 38 Granular perovskite

with clear relief and very dark
colour. Pyroxene melilitite,
Ilimaussaq, West Greenland.
Uncrossed polarizers.
36 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

2.2 Spinel group

Spinel MgAl20 4 cubic-hexaoctahedral
Hercynite FeAl2 0 4
Picotite (Mg, Fe) (AI, Fe, Cr)P4
Chromite FeCr20 4•

General features: divided into three subgroups:

Aluminospinel or spinel s.s. (spinel, hercynite,
pleonaste), ferrospinel (magnetite; Part B, sec-
tion 1.1) and chromiumspinel (picotite and

Thin-section characteristics
Form: euhedral hexagonal (Fig. 39), with square Fig. 39 Spinel with typical
and triangular cross-sections, also anhedral as octahedral form.
rounded and angular grains (Colour plate 2).
Cleavage: not visible in thin section. Exception:
spinel s.s. in forsterite-bearing marbles show a
well-developed cleavage after {100}.
Twinning: common after {lll}, not clearly visible
in thin section.
Spinel: Hercynite: Picotite: Chromite:
colourless, pale pink, dark green, bright yellowish and dark brown to nearly opaque, at
pale blue; green-grey emerald green brownish. thinned-out grain edges dark brown
if Fe 2+-rich (pleonaste). (Colour plate 2). to red-brown translucent.

Spinel: Hercynite: Picotite: Chromite:
n = 1.72-1.74 n = 1.78-1.80 n =2.0 n = 2.05-2.16

Differences in colour and refraction are due to

varying chemical composition. High refraction
produces a strong positive relief (Fig. 40), often
with dark rims around grains.

Fig. 40 Mg-spinel with

cleavage after {100} in
forsterite-bearing marble.
Notice the clear relief.
Hruby Jesenik, Moravia, CR.
Uncrossed polarizers.
Pyrochlore and koppite 37
Distinguishing features: similar to garnet, distin- as inclusions in olivine in alkali-basalts and re-
guished from it by triangular cross-sections and lated volcanic rocks, also in olivine aggregates
absence of optical anomalies. and in granular form in serpentinites. Chromite is
the earliest phase to crystallize in basalts, and
Alteration: none.
therefore occurs in peridotites, melilites, limbur-
Occurrence: spinel s.s. is rare. Occurs in gites, pyroxenites, picrites and also in gabbros
granulites and some contact metamorphic aure- and norites.
ole rocks. The Fe 2+ variety (pleonaste) can occur
as an early euhedral phase in basalts (e.g. gabbro Paragenesis: spinel s.s., with almandine,
from Radautal, Harz Mts, Germany) and also as cordierite and corundum, and with calcite, dolo-
an accessory mineral in dolomitic marbles and mite and serpentine;
siliceous marbles. Hercynite occurs in Ti-rich picotite, with olivine;
ultra basic igneous rocks and also in cordierite- chromite, with olivine, serpentine and
bearing gneisses. Picotite predominantly occurs titanaugite;

2.3 Pyrochlore and koppite

(Na, Ca)zCNb, Ti, Ta)206(OH, F, 0) cu bic-hexaoctahedral

Thin-section characteristics
Form: commonly fine-grained, as euhedral- melanite. Rutile and cassiterite occur in different
octahedral grains (Fig. 41). para geneses.
Cleavage: none. Alteration: none.
Colour: Occurrence: very rare. In foid-bearing peg-
Pyrochlore: Koppite: matites, in sanidinites; koppite in carbonatites
red-brown to brown, red to nearly (e.g. from Schelingen, Kaiserstuhl, Germany).
dark brown to black. colourless.
Paragenesis: with calcite, apatite and phlogopite.
Distinguishing features: under the microscope it
is not possible to distinguish between pyrochlore,
koppite, perovskite, chromite, picotite and

Fig. 41 Koppite (euhedral) in

koppite-bearing carbonatite.
Schelingen, Kaiserstuhl,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.
38 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

2.4 Garnet group

cu bic-hexa -octahedral

General features: most common in metamorphic The garnet group can be divided into two sub-
rocks where they form isomorphic mixtures of groups based on different ionic radii of Mg, Fe,
their endmembers (Table 2). Mn on the one hand and Ca on the other:
1. Pyralspite = pyrope (Mg, AI), almandine (Fe,
AI) and spessartine (Mn, AI)
2. Grandites or ugrandites = grossularite (Ca,
AI), andradite (Ca, Fe) and uvarovite (Ca,
Table 2 Composition of the most important end- Cr). This subgroup also includes melanite
members of the garnet group (= andradite with 5-15wt% Ti0 2).
R2+ Z3+ AI Fe Cr
Thin-section characteristics
Mg pyrope
Form: frequently euhedral (almandine, grossu-
Fe almandine
Mn spessartine
larite, Fig. 42), but also occurs as subhedral
Ca grossularite andradite uvarovite rounded or irregular unhedral grains (pyrope,
Fig. 43). Square and hexagonal cross-sections af-
ter the rhombic dodecahedra {110} or icositetra-
hedra {211}. The latter habit predominantly
occurs in felspathoid rocks and the rhombic
dodecahedral form is frequent in mica schists.
MgAt,FeAt,MnAt CoAt CaFe
Cleavage: none, {110} cleavage sometimes

present. Rare parallel or irregular fractures in
stressed crystals (Fig. 44).
Colour: colourless in thin sections of normal
thickness. Pale pinkish colours are typical in
pyraispites and pale-green to yellow and brown-
a b c green colours in the grandites. Stronger colours
are typical for melanites (brown, commonly
Fig. 42 Crystal form differs according to the chemi-
cal composition of garnets: (a) icositetrahedral:
zonal variations) and in uvarovites (bright emer-
pyrope, almandine, spessartine; (b) rhombic- ald green).
dodecahedral: grossularite; (c) combination of (a) and
(b): andradite.

Fig. 43 Pyrope with a

kelyphitic rim in garnet olivine
rock. Val Gorduno, Canton
Ticino, Switzerland. Uncrossed
Garnet group 39

Refraction: with grey interference colours of the first order

Pyrope n= 1.720 - 1.760 (Li up to 0.008, typically optically biaxial e, but
Almandine n= 1.770 - 1.820 also biaxial with 2V = 90°). Zonar growth is com-
Spessartine n= 1.790 - 1.810 mon. In metamorphic rocks prophyroblastic gar-
Grossularite n= 1.735 - 1.770 nets can show a sieve texture with other minerals
Andradite n= 1.850 - 1.890 distributed in a diffuse or zonal pattern in the
Uvarovite n= 1.838 - 1.870 garnet (poikiloblastic texture, Fig. 44). Snowball
Melanite n= 1.860 - 2.000 garnets form as a result of synmetamorphic de-
formation during porphyroblastic growth, pro-
The high refraction gives rise to a high relief, ducing heliocentric inclusions (Fig. 46).
with a rough, grooved surface and dark edges.
Distinguishing features: garnet is easily recog-
Even small crystals clearly stand out from their
nized under the microscope. Presence of anom-
surrounding minerals.
alous birefringence colours can make the
Special characteristics: grossularite, andradite identification more difficult. If grains are very
and uvarovite tend to show anomalous bire- small they can be mistaken for minerals from the
fringence, particularly in larger crystals (Fig. 45) spinel group. However, spinel-group minerals

Fig. 44 Poikiloblastic almandine

with tectonically induced parallel
fractures. Garnet amphibolite.
Xenolith in the volcanic complex
of Doria Juana, southern
Colombia. Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 45 Euhedral uvarovite with

anomalous birefringence colours
in a calcite matrix. Magog,
Quebec, Canada. Crossed
40 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

Fig. 46 Poikiloblastic
almandine with heliocentric
inclusions. Deformed garnet-
biotite-muscovite schist with
rotated garnet. Lukmanier
Pass, Switzerland. Uncrossed

tend to be green in colour with octahedral habits. picotite (kelyphitic rim) can occur in garnet and
Representatives of the grandite subgroup can be olivine-bearing rocks (Fig. 43). Kelyphitic rims
confused with periclase in marbles; melanite is of hornblende, plagioclase and quartz around
similar to picotite and perovskite, but the latter garnet in amphibolites and eclogites are com-
has a much higher refraction. mon; they probably form during retrograde
Identification of the endmember compositions metamorphism at lower pressures. Low-grade
with the aid of a microscope alone is not possible diaphthoritic metamorphic alterations some-
and one has to resort to microprobe analysis. times aided by hydrothermal alterations can lead
to replacement of garnet by chlorite (or biotite,
Alteration: radial replacement of pyrope or sericite or epidote).
pyrope-rich almandine by hornblende and

2.4.1 Pyrope
Mg3AI 2 [Si04h

Form: commonly shows round cross-sections kimberlite, eclogite. Placer deposits (e.g. Bohe-
with kelyphitic rims (Fig. 43). mian massive or as 'Kaprubin' in South Africa).
Occurrence: in high-pressure (high-temperature) Paragenesis: with olivine, serpentinite, pyroxene
paragenesis in peridotite, serpentinite, (omphacite in eclogite) and phlogopite.

2.4.2 Almandine
Fe3 AI 2 [Si0 4h

Occurrence: most common garnet. Occurs on a in igneous rocks (e.g. granites, granodiorites and
regional scale in metamorphic AI-rich rocks (Fig. calc-alkaline volcanic rocks) due to resorption of
44) and is found throughout most metamorphic AI-rich contact rocks into the magma.
rocks from phyllites to high-grade gneisses. In
amphibolites almandine tends to contain appreci- Paragenesis: in mica schist with biotite, musco-
able amounts of pyrope and grossularite. It is rare vite, chlorite, quartz, kyanite and staurolite.
Garnet group 41

Fig. 47 Characteristic
zoning pattern in

Fig. 48 Euhedral, zoned

grossularite in a contact
aureole. San Leone, Sardinia.
Uncrossed polarizers.

2.4.3 Grossularite
Ca 3AI2 [Si0 4h

Form: granular euhedral grains. rocks which have undergone calcium metaso-
Colour: colourless to pale green.
matism; in the case of metasomatic addition of
iron, andradite forms instead of grossularite,
Special characteristics: optical anomalies and which belongs to the ugrandite series and is typi-
zonal growth patterns are common (Figs 47, 48). cal of skarn formations.
Occurrence: a contact- and regional metamor- Paragenesis: with diopside, wollastonite vesu-
phic mineral in calcareous and marly rocks. In vianite and calcite.
siliceous carbonates and marbles. Also occurs in

Fig. 49 Zoned melanite in

phonolite. Niederrotweil,
Kaiserstuhl, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers. ,0,1 mm,
42 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

2.4.4 Melanite
Ca 3Fe 2 [(Si, Ti)04h

Colour: bright to dark brown; intensity of colour pyroclastic derivatives, e.g. Kaiserstuhl (Fig. 49)
and birefringence increase with increasing Ti0 2 and Laacher volcanic area, Germany) and in
content. Growth zones are common. equivalent plutonic rocks.
Occurrence: accessory mineral in alkali and Paragenesis: with nepheline, leucite, minerals of
Na-rich silica undersaturated volcanic rocks the sodalite group, aegirine-augite and sanidine.
(phonolite to tephrite and foidite and related

2.5 Leucite
cubic hexoctahedral and tetragonal-dipyramidal

General features: most common and characteris- form, and optically anisotropic polysynthetic
tic feldspathoid in K-rich and silica deficient vol- twinning is typical (Figs 50(c), 51).
canic rocks replacing the potassium feldspar
K[ AlSiPH]-Si0 2 --7 K[ AlSi20 6]. Thin-section characteristics
The cubic high-temperature form of leucite crys- Form: typically occurs in euhedral crystals, in
tallizes at temperatures in excess of 605°C. At trapezohedron form (2111 (Fig. 50(a» with octa-
lower temperatures it forms pseudo-cubic para- hedral or rounded cross-sections. Skeletal forms
morpho us crystals after the high-temperature are not uncommon.

Fig. 50 Characteristic forms of leucite.

(a),(b) Leucite with inclusions.
(c) Euhedral deltoid-icositetrahedron with
typical laminar twins.

Fig. 51 Euhedral leucite

phenocryst showing
characteristic twin lamellae.
Nepheline-nosean leucitite
(schorenbergite). Rieden,
Laacher volcanic area,
Germany. Crossed polars.
Sodalite group 43

Fig. 52 Euhedral leucite with

inclusions in leucitite. Capo di
Bove, Colli Albani, Italy.
Uncrossed polarizers.

Cleavage: imperfect on {llO}, not visible under xenomorphic and inclusions-free; chabasite has
the microscope. very low birefringence, anomalous subgrains
with a well-developed cleavage parallel to {lOll}
Twinning: fine lamellar twinning parallel to {110}
and shows rhombohedral habit; tridymite is op-
(Figs 50(c), 51).
tically uniaxial positive; rock-glass in general
Colour: colourless. shows a higher relief and is devoid of cleavage
and crystal forms.
Refraction and birefringence:
ne = 1.509 Alteration: late magmatic hydrothermal Na-rich
no = 1.508 fluids can alter leucite into pseudo-Ieucite by
metasomatic Na/K-exchange (= fine-grained
E!l~ = 0.001
intergrowth of alkali feldspar and leucite), or into
Very low, negative relief; in polysynthetic twins analcite pseudomorphs.
extremely low birefringence (compensator red I
Occurrence: in K-rich silica-undersaturated
necessary for identification); identification of
young volcanic rocks (e.g. the leucite tephrites
very small grains is very difficult (grey to black
and leucitites from Mt Vesuvius, the Colli
interference colours of the 1st order).
Albani, from northern Lazio, from the Laacher
Special characteristics: commonly two leucite volcanic area in Germany and other areas); it
generations can occur in a rock: large, partly never occurs in plutonic or metamorphic rocks.
glomerophyrically intergrown crystals and small,
Paragenesis: never found together with quartz.
rounded leucite crystals in the groundmass with
Commonly found with nepheline, minerals from
concentrically and radially aligned inclusions (in
the sodalite group, aegirine-augite, olivine,
most cases glass) (Figs 50(a),(b); 52).
clinopyroxene, melanite and rock-glass.
Distinguishing features: easily confused with
analcite, which has a lower birefringence, is

2.6 Sodalite group

Sodalite Na 8[CI21(AISi04)6] cubic-hexatetrahedral
Nosean Nas[S041(AISi04)6]
Hauyne (Na,Ca)8-4[ (S04)z_II(AISi0 4)6]
44 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

General features: isotypic crystals of the Special characteristics: in nose an and hauyne
feldspathoids, which occur in Na-rich silica- dark rims and zonar exsolution inclusions of sub-
undersaturated magmatic rocks. microscopic Fe-sulphides and Fe-oxides are con-
centrically arranged or define linear patterns
Thin-section characteristics (Figs 53, 56, 57).

Form: six, eight and ten-sided cross-sections are

very common, and they can be slightly distorted. Distinguishing features: the different sodalite-
Rounded corners and corroded, curved and group minerals are not easily distinguished from
embayed faces are typical (Figs 53, 55). In vol- each other under the microscope. Trager de-
canic rocks grains are predominantly euhedral, scribes some microchemical tests carried out on
and in plutonic rocks xenomorphic (sodalite, Fig. uncovered thin sections to help with further iden-
54). tification (Trager, 1969). Smaller grains tend to
Cleavage: weak parallel to {llO}. remain unrecognized, particularly when they
occur as colourless microliths within the matrix.
Twinning: parallel to {lll}. They can be mistaken for analcite and leucite.
Colour: in nose an and hauyne the colours may Leucite tends to show polysynthetic twinning
vary within a single crystal in a patchy or striped and/or is rich in inclusions. Analcite tends to be
fashion. restricted to cavities.
Sodalite: typically colourless, rare pale grey.
Nosean: colourless to grey-brown, rarely pale
blue. Alteration: late magmatic hydrothermal altera-
Hauyne: pale blue, purple or bluish green. tion produces fibrolitic zeolite aggregates, pre-
dominantly natrolite, growing and propagating
Refraction: very low, negative relief. from cracks. Weathering leads to sericite forma-
Sodalite n = 1.483-1.490 tion and alteration into kaolinite, during which
Nosean n = 1.488-1.495 initially the rock shows a brick-red colour due to
Hauyne n = 1.496-1.508 fine-grained disseminated limonite.

Fig. 53 Nosean and

hauyne showing
characteristic alignment
of inclusions along
growth zones (exsolved
Fe-ore) and corroded

Fig. 54 Euhedral sodalite (isotropic) next to sericitized microcline with

typical microcline twinning. Soda lite syenite (ditroite). Ditro, Transylvania,
Romania. Crossed polars.
Soda lite group 45

Fig. 55 Euhedral, corroded

nosean phenocryst with dark
edges. Nosean phonolite
(selbergite). Rieden, Laacher
volcanic area, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 56 Euhedral, partly

corroded and zoned hauyne
phenocrysts surrounded by
K-feldspar. Hauyne syenite.
Laacher volcanic area,
Germany. Uncrossed

Fig. 57 Euhedral hauyne

phenocryst with dark edges
and fine ore inclusions in the
centre. Hauyne tephrite, Monte
Vulture, Apulia, southern Italy.
Uncrossed polarizers.
46 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

Occurrence: sodalite is the most common repre- Paragenesis: sodalite-group minerals are never
sentative of this group. It can be rock-forming in found together with quartz. However, they occur
Na-rich and silica-undersaturated plutonic and with nepheline, leucite, aegirine-augite, mela-
volcanic rocks (e.g. sodalite-syenite, sodalite- nite, olivine, Ti-augite and rock-glass.
monzosyenite, sodalite-phonolite, etc.). Nosean
and hauyne are restricted to volcanic rocks and
are common in phonolites and tephrites, and also
in foidites and rare in hauynites.

2.7 Analcite
cu bic-hexaoctahedral.

General features: it is a post-magmatic mineral anomalous weak birefringence colours, optically

which predominantly occurs in cavities and frac- e
uniaxial to biaxial with small axial angle.
tures in volcanic rocks.
Special characteristics: in single crystals weak
birefringence similar to leucite.
Thin-section characteristics
Distinguishing features: easily mistaken for
Form: commonly xenomorph or as eight-sided or leucite, particularly if the latter is without its
rounded grains. characteristic inclusions. Chabazite has higher
birefringence colours; sodalite shows weak cleav-
Cleavage: not good, parallel to (001), rarely vis-
age traces parallel to {110}; opal has no cleavage;
ible in large crystals.
tridymite has lower birefringence colours.
Twinning: under the microscope rarely visible;
Alteration: into natrolite as a result of CO 2 flush-
lamellar parallel to (001) and (110).
ing and reaction with quartz and kaolinite.
Colour: colourless.
Occurrence: rare, as a late magmatic mineral to-
Refraction and birefringence: gether with foids in the ground matrix of volcanic
ne = 1.486 rocks (e.g. analcite basalts of the Cyclope islands/
no = 1.487 Aetna). Intergranular as interstitial material be-
tween plagioclase and clinopyroxene in basalts
eL1 = 0.001
(e.g. Vogelsberg basalt, Germany). Alteration
Very low, negative relief; common as isotropic product of other foids, particularly leucite. In
interstitial material; larger crystals tend to show fractures and cavities (Fig. 58), together with

Fig. 58 Paramorphous
analcite filling an amygdale in
an alkaline hawaiite. Cyclope
Islands near Catania, Sicily.
Crossed polars.
Cristobalite 47

zeolite. In low-grade metamorphic basaltic rocks In zeolite-facies rocks and with heulandite,
as mineral of the zeolite facies. stilbite and laumontite.
Paragenesis: magmatic, never together with
quartz, but with nepheline, leucite and Ti-augite.

2.8 Cristobalite
Si02 pseudo-cubic (tetragonal-trapezohedral)

General features: easily overlooked, rare silica Character of elongation: lussatite: (+), Lussa-
mineral in cavities in acidic volcanic rocks. tine: (-).
Paramorphous transItIOn of cubical high-
Extinction: tends to be straight.
cristobalite into tetragonallow-cristobalite at de-
creasing temperatures. Distinguishing features: tridymite is biaxial Ef>
and tends to be platy; chalcedony has higher
birefringence colours, quartz is uniaxial Ef>; and
Thin-section characteristics
also nepheline has a higher relief and bire-
Form: platy, in cavities of volcanic rocks in round fringence (Fig. 59). Chabazite shows anomalous
aggregates; fibrous or as needles forming part of subgrains and has a better developed cleavage
devitrification spherolites together with alkali and occurs in a different paragenesis.
feldspars (Fig. 65); like chalcedony in lussatite
Alteration: none.
and lussatine.
Occurrence: rare mineral, almost exclusively
Twinning: commonly parallel to (111).
restricted to fractures and cavities in silica-
Cleavage: none. oversaturated volcanic rocks, and also as
de vitrification mineral; also occurs as a contact-
Colour: colourless.
metamorphic mineral in sanidine-facies rocks.
Refraction and birefringence:
Paragenesis: with rock-glass, tridymite and alkali
ne = 1.484
no = 1.487
eL1 = 0.003.
Very low relief and birefringence, optically
uniaxial e, abnormal biaxial e (2V" = 25°).

Fig. 59 Low-cristobalite with

typical subgrain texture in a
glace (industrial fire-resistant
product). Uncrossed polarizers.
48 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

Fig. 60 Fluorite with two

intersecting cleavage planes at
70° and 110°. Fluorite-bearing
granite. W6lsendorf, Oberpfalz,
Bavaria, Germany. Uncrossed

2.9 Fluorite

Thin-section characteristics thorium. In purple-coloured fluorite coloured

haloes around radioactive inclusions are typical.
Form: usually anhedral, interstitial mineral,
rarely euhedral with square shapes {OO1}. Distinguishing features: isotropic, low refractive
index, usually zoned with perfect cleavage traces.
Cleavage: perfect octahedral {Ill}, cleavage
traces are either intersecting at 70° and 110° an- Alteration: none.
gles respectively (Fig. 60), or as three intersecting
Occurrence: rare, as a trace mineral (e.g. in Li-
lines at 60° and 120° angles.
rich granites, greisen and pegmatites). More
Colour: colourless, often bluish or purple with commonly found in association with hydrother-
zonar or spotted colour patterns. mal deposits. Also found as cementing material
in sandstone and in biogenic dolomite.
Refraction: n == 1.434, very low, negative relief;
isotropic. Paragenesis: with topaz, tourmaline, quartz and
Special characteristics: purple colour zonation
due to varying radioactive traces of uranium and

2.10 Amorphous minerals, glass and cryptocrystalline material

2.10.1 Limonite
FeOOH'nH20 amorphous

General features: breakdown product of Fe- Thin-section characteristics

bearing minerals. Mainly comprised of cryptoc-
rystalline goethite (a-FeOOH, Part B, section Form: amorphous, shapeless, interstitial mate-
4.27) and lepidocrocite (y-FeOOH) with variable rial, oolitic, crusty, detrital or earthy, radially fi-
water content. brous and in concentric layers.
Amorphous minerals, glass and cryptocrystalline material 49
Colour: orange-brown to red-brown; dendritic Alteration: breakdown in microcrystalline
forms are opaque. hematite.
Refraction: n = 2.0-2.1, very high refractive in- Occurrence: alteration product of oxidized Fe-
dex; isotropic (rare with anomalous low bearing minerals, in most rocks; common as a
birefringence colours). pigment.
Distinguishing features: crystalline goethite has a Paragenesis: not characteristic.
high birefringence and straight extinction.

2.10.2 Opal
SiOz + nH20 amorphous

Thin-section characteristics Alteration: during alteration and diagenesis opal

is replaced by chalcedony.
Form: amorphous, colloidal masses filling inter-
Occurrence: a secondary mineral in young rocks.
stitial spaces and grape- and kidney-shaped ag-
Absent in plutonic and metamorphic rocks. In
gregates (Fig. 61).
volcanic rocks present as water-clear hyalite in
Cleavage: none, only irregular shrinkage frac- grape- or kidney-shaped aggregates that grow
tures. in fractures and cavities in acidic and basic lavas
and pyroclastic rocks. Opal is formed as a result
Colour: colourless to yellow or red (due to Fe-
of hydrothermal and water interaction with the
silicate component of the rock. It also occurs in
Refraction: n = 1.44-1.46, exceptionally low re- sinter precipitates of geothermal springs and
lief; isotropic, occasionally anomalous tension- geysers. During weathering of silicates, silica-gel
induced birefringence (due to water loss). forms which crystallizes as opal, impregnating
the rock. Opal is a rock-forming mineral in
Distinguishing features: rock-glass, analcite and
diatomite and radiolarite as an organogenic
members of the sodalite group have a higher re-
fractive index. Fluorite shows excellent cleavage,
and chabazite shows weak birefringence.

Fig. 61 Grape- to kidney-

shaped opal as colloidal
interstitial mass filling cavities
in a young volcanic rock from
western Anatolia, Turkey.
Uncrossed polarizers.
50 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

2.10.3 Rock-glass
Variable chemistry amorphous
General features: metastable, product of rapidly a shard-rich matrix. However, this is not a result
cooled or quenched melts. Restricted to volcanic of flow but of welding together of hot rock parti-
rocks and dykes. cles and melt, with the melt being squeezed out
by the overburden. Also characteristic are the
spheroidal perlitic shrinkage cracks (Fig. 62).
Thin-section characteristics
Form: amorphous. Distinguishing features: difficult to recognize in
those cases where the glass is colourless and
Cleavage: none. Commonly irregular spherical occurs as interstitial material in small quantities
cracks (perlitic texture) formed during shrinkage (Fig. 64). Opal and fluorite have lower refractive
while cooling (Fig. 62). indexes. Analcite, leucite and members of
Colour: colourless, pale yellow to pale brown, the sodalite group show crystal forms and also
rarely pale coffee-brown (basaltic glass); colour cleavage.
due to submicroscopic inclusions of magnetite
Alteration: devitrification propagates from frac-
and ilmenite.
tures. The glass is replaced by fine crystalline
Refraction and birefringence: patchy aggregates (texture) comprised of those
Rhyolite glass n= 1.48 - 1.51 minerals which would have formed if the magma
Palaeorhyolite glass had cooled more slowly. Spherolite occurs in
(pitchstone) n= 1.49 - 1.51 acidic glass, where it forms radially arranged fi-
Dacite glass n= 1.50 - 1.53 bres of quartz or low-cristobalite and alkali feld-
Trachyte glass n= 1.49 - 1.53 spar, nucleating from crystal faces and other
Andesite glass n= 1.49 - 1.53 inclusions in the glass (Figs 65, 66). The same
Basaltic glass quench crystals, are rare in basic glasses, where
(tachylyte, siderome1ane) n = 1.53 - 1.58 they are called variolites, and consist of
Leucittephrite glass n= 1.51 - 1.61 plagioclase and pyroxene. In some glasses skel-
etal and dendritic microcrystals form during
The refractive index varies according to chemis-
cooling or/and devitrification (Fig. 68). Basic
try; isotropic, tension-induced birefringence col-
glasses of older volcanoes (e.g. Devonian to
ours are produced around inclusions.
lower Carboniferous diabase, spilite) show a
Special characteristics: Natural glasses often green colour, e.g. they are partly altered into oxi-
show flow textures (e.g. obsidian) or shard tex- dized chlorite (delessite). Hydrothermally al-
tures typical for ignimbrites (Fig. 63) with tered glasses contain zeolites, in particular
phenocrysts surrounded in a flow-like fashion by natrolite. Weathering of acidic glasses produces

Fig. 62 Volcanic glass with

perlitic cracks. Vitrophyric
Permian palaeo rhyolite
(quartz porphyry) . Schletta,
Sachsen. Uncrossed
Amorphous minerals, glass and cryptocrystalline material 51

Fig. 63 Volcanic glass with

typical ignimbrite texture: glass
shards. Rhyodacitic ignimbrite.
Alota, eastern Cordillera, SW
Bolivia. Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 64 Pale-brown basaltic

glass filling interstitial space in
an alkali-olivine basalt. Onset
of recrystallization around
plagioclase and titanaugite
phenocrysts. Lanzarote, Canary
Islands. Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 65 Acidic volcanic rock

with spheroidal devitrification
texture. Rhyolitic obsidian.
Hlinfk, Slovakia. Uncrossed

0,5 mm
I ,

52 Optically isotropic minerals and amorphous substances

Fig. 66 Acidic volcanic glass

with spherolites (devitrification
to alkali feldspar and
low-cristobalite). Rhyolite.
Kremnica, Slovakia. Uncrossed

Fig. 67 Volcanic glass with

bubbly pumiceous texture.
Dacitic pumice. Mojanda
volcano, northern Ecuador.
Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 68 Fern-like
devitrification micro lites (green
hornblende?) in a Tertiary
largely devitrified glass. Arran
Island, Scotland. Uncrossed
Amorphous minerals, glass and cryptocrystalline material 53
kaolinite and basic glasses alter to nontronite, which cooled close to the surface. In lavas and
montmorillonite or halloysite. ignimbrites it is common as matrix material: vol-
Volcanic glasses are distinguished from each canic glass (obsidian), pumice (Fig. 67), slag and
other by their water content, and how fresh they ash. With increasing Si02 and Al20 3 content the
are: melt viscosity increases and therefore the chance
Obsidian: 1-2% H 20: fresh. of glass formation also increases (about 90% of
Perlite: 3-4 %: H 20 shows perlitic all glasses are from acidic magmas). Higher iron
cracks from which and magnesium and reduced silica content re-
devitrification textures duce the viscosity. Therefore glass is more com-
propagate; low mon in acidic volcanic rocks than in basic rocks
birefringence (use (as interstitial material, Fig. 64). A high glass
compensator red I). content is present in the hyalo-basanite
Pitchstone: 4-8% H 20: older volcanic glass (limburgite) of the Kaiserstuhl, Germany.
(e.g. from the Permian
Paragenesis: in acidic volcanic rocks with quartz,
in Saxony) largely
sanidine, plagioclase, biotite and hornblende.
In basic volcanic rocks with plagioclase,
Occurrence: natural glasses are the product of clinopyroxenes/titanaugite, olivine, leucite,
rapidly cooling magmas; hence they are absent in nepheline, minerals of the sodalite group and
plutonic rocks. Glass can be present in dykes melanite.
3 Optically uniaxial minerals

3.1 Minerals which are optically uniaxial positive

3.1.1 Rutile
Ti02 ditetragonal-dipyramidal

General features: widely distributed as small pearl white, 16th order). High birefringence col-
grains in metamorphic rocks. Most common Ti0 2 ours are obscured by strong colour. Optically
polymorph (rutile, brookite and anatase) . uniaxial EB, sometimes anomalously biaxial.
Optic axial angle: small in anomalous biaxial
Thin-section characteristics crystals.
Form: columnar to needle-shaped parallel to Character of elongation: (+).
[001] (Figs 69, 70), also granular, occasionally
Extinction: tends to be straight.
forming a grid-like pattern (sagenite texture, Fig.
71). Distinguishing features: very dark rutile can be
differentiated from an opaque ore mineral by
Cleavage: perfect parallel to {110}, (100)
putting the front condenser lens into the viewing
path, which brings out the translucent nature of
Twining: common on (101) elbow-shaped, and rutile. Sphene and brookite are optically biaxial;
on (301) heart-shaped. zircon tends to be colourless with low refractive
index; limonite is isotropic; hematite is red-
Colour: yellow to red-brown (dependent on Fe
brown to dark red in thin flakes.
content); weak pleochroism; as inclusions in
biotite, radioactive trace content can produce Reactions: none.
pleochroic haloes. Small crystals and hair-like
Occurrence: common in many metamorphic
rutile needles appear black due to the high total
rocks as an accessory mineral (e.g. in shales,
reflection. quartzites, mica schists, gneiss, amphibolites,
Refraction and birefringence: glaucophan schists, eclogites). Occurs as small
ne == 2.899 - 2.901 grains in magmatic and plutonic rocks; rarely as
no == 2.605 - 2.613 exsolution mineral of opaque Fe-rich phases in
foid-bearing plutonic rocks and granites. Its sec-
EBll == 0.286 - 0.296
ondary occurrence is as an exsolution mineral in
Rutile has the second highest refractive index
Ti-bearing biotite as fine needles or twinned (==
and birefringence of all minerals (mother-of-
sagenite, Fig. 71). Rutile inclusions appear in

Figs 69 and 70 Crystal form and optical characteris-

tics of rutile (left) and cassiterite (right). Fig. 71 Grid network of rutile in biotite.
Minerals which are optically uniaxial positive 55

quartz as fine hair-like needles. Larger crystals Parageneses: with kyanite, cordierite, corundum
occur in granite-pegmatites and quartz veins. and spinel; with biotite and quartz.

3.1.2 Cassiterite
Sn02 ditetragonal-dipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Optic axial angle: rare anomalous biaxial with

2Vy = 10° (max. 38°).
Form: predominantly granular, also short col-
umns (Fig. 70) or long needles. Character of elongation: (+).
Cleavage: good, parallel to (100), under the mi- Extinction: tends to be straight.
croscope visible only as faint traces.
Special characteristics: can give rise to pleochroic
Twinning: simple twins, rare coarse lamellar haloes in adjacent minerals; irregular colour
twins parallel to (101). distribution.
Colour: rare colourless to grey, commonly yel- Distinguishing features: rutile has a higher re-
low, reddish or brown; weak pleochroism with fraction and birefringence and a stronger pleo-
zonar, patchy or striped colour distribution (Fig. chroism; orthite has a lower refraction and
72). birefringence.
Refraction and birefringence: Reactions: none.
ne = 2.093 - 2.100
Occurrence: trace mineral in granite. Main oc-
no = 1.990 - 2.010
currence is in pegmatitic-pneumatolytic dykes,
(B~ = 0.096 - 0.098 and in greisen.
Very high refraction and birefringence (strong Paragenesis: with quartz, K-feldspar, lithium
colours tend to obscure birefringence colours), mica, tourmaline, topaz, fluorite and rutile.
high relief; optically uniaxial positive, rarely
anomalously biaxial.

Fig. 72 Idiomorphic
cassiterite with zonar colora-
tion. Greisen. Altenberg,
Erzgebirge, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.
56 Optically uniaxial minerals

3.1.3 Zircon
Zr[Si04] ditetragonal-dipyrarnidal

General features: accessory mineral in many coloured minerals (biotite, hornblende, tourma-
rocks. line, etc.). Inclusions in zircon of magnetite,
biotite, cassiterite, quartz, tourmaline or glass or
fluid inclusions are common. Inclusions can
Thin-section characteristics
cause a grey coloration.
Form: short to long columns parallel to {llO} or
{100} (Fig. 73), also as rounded and granular Distinguishing features: from sphene, by its
grains in metamorphic rocks. bright interference colours; from rutile and
cassiterite by colour (colourless); monazite
Cleavage: {llO} imperfect.
shows a clear cleavage and is optically biaxial,
Twinning: rare, on {1ll}. and also has a low refractive index. Also
xenotime has a lower refraction, anatase is opti-
Colour: colourless, rare pale brown, green or
cal uniaxial e, and orthite has a lower refractive
pink, often radioactive (with pleochroic haloes in
index and lower birefringence colours.
coloured silicates), strongly pleochroic in col-
oured grains.
Alteration: very strong resistance but because
Refraction and birefringence: of radioactive decay it becomes isotropic
n. = 1.961 - 2.015 (metamict).
no = 1.922 -1.960
ffi~ = 0.042 - 0.065
Occurrence: one of the first mineral phases to
form in acidic magmas, in granites and also
High refraction, strong relief with dark rims, high quartz diorites. In volcanic rocks occurs as inclu-
birefringence colours with lively red, blue and sions in biotite and hornblende. In basic magmas
green interference colours of the 2nd and 3rd Zr is built into the lattice of pyroxene, and hence
order (Colour plate 3). Optically uniaxial Ea. Be- zircons are rare in these rocks. Zircon is very
cause of radioactive-induced lattice deformation common in nepheline syenite to monzosyenite
the refraction can be as low as n =1.826 and the and in pegmatites. It is a diagnostic detrital min-
birefringence as low as ~ = 0.000 (= amorphous, eral in sedimentary rocks (heavy mineral), and
metamict malacone). an accessory mineral in metamorphic rocks.
Optic axial angle: often anomalously biaxial with
2Vy= 100.
Paragenesis: with quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase,
biotite and hornblende; in nepheline syenite with
Character of elongation: (+). nepheline, apatite, biotite and K-feldspar.
Extinction: tends to be straight.
Special characteristics: clear zoning is common.
Pleochroic haloes are particularly clearly visible
when zircon occurs as an inclusion in strongly

Fig. 73 Crystal form and optical characteristics of

zircons of four different habits.
Minerals which are optically uniaxial positive 57

3.1.4 Xenotime

General features: rare, accessory mineral.

Thin-section characteristics
Form: short columnar (Fig. 74), also granular.
Cleavage: {110} good, visible only in larger
crystals. Fig. 74 Crystal form and
optical characteristics of
Twinning: rare parallel to (101). xenotime.
Colour: colourless to brownish, also red; occa-
sionally weak pleochroism from pale pink to pale
yellow or from yellow via grey-brown to pale
yellow-green; small magnetite inclusions result in
Extinction: straight.
Refraction and birefringence:
Special characteristics: when as an inclusion
ne = 1.816 - 1.827
forms pleochroic haloes.
no = 1.721 - 1.720
Distinguishing features: early crystallization
EElL\ = 0.095 - 0.107
phase in granites, aplites, pegmatites, nepheline-
High refraction with clear relief and very high syenites and orthogneisses. It is alteration resist-
birefringence (higher than zircon). Similar inter- ant and is therefore preserved as a heavy detrital
ference colours to carbonate, but masked by mineral in sand and sandstones.
crystal colour; optically uniaxial EEl.
Paragenesis: with brown zircon (hyacinth),
Character of elongation: (+). ilmenite, rutile and cassiterite.

3.1.5 Melilite group

Akermanite Ca 2Mg[Si20 71 tetragonal-scalenohedral
Gehlenite Ca2 AI[Al 1Si)z071

General features: there is isomorphic solid solu- Refraction and birefringence:

tion between the two endmembers, ilkermanite Akermanite Gehlenite
and gehlenite. Occurrence restricted to silica ne = 1.639 ne = 1.658
undersaturated magmas. Melilite is not a no = 1.631 no = 1.669
feldspathoid but considered to be a desolidified
EElL\ = 0.008 8L\ = 0.011
pyroxene and belongs to the dark components of
a rock. Medium high refraction, low birefringence (with
grey to maximum straw-yellow interference col-
ours of the 1st order; in cases where L\ "" 0.000
Thin-section characteristics
Form: square and elongate cross-sections (Figs
75-77). Akermanite, thin plates after {OOl};
gehlenite, short columns parallel to {100} and
thick plates after {OOl}.
Cleavage: ilkermanite, (001), not good; gehlenite,
(001) and {110}, not good.
Twinning: interpenetrating twins.
Colour: ilkermanite, colourless; gehlenite, col-
ourless, rare pale honey-yellow to brown with Fig. 75 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
weak pleochroism. akermanite (left) and gehlenite (right).
58 Optically uniaxial minerals

Fig. 76 Thin akermanite laths,

together with olivine and ore
(chromite). Olivine-melilite
nephelinite. Kappishausern near
Urach, Schwabische Alb,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 77 Idiomorphic melilite

(akermanite) laths with
characteristic rod-like
inclusions. Melilite nephelinite,
Jusi, Schwabische Alb,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.


opt. e
Gehlenile Melilite group Akermanile
o 20 40 60 Mol.-%
Fig. 79 Birefringence and the anomalous interfer-
Fig. 78 Typical rod-like structure in melilite with cen- ence colours depend on the chemical composition of
tral dividing line. the melilite crystal.
Minerals which are optically uniaxial positive 59

Fig. 80 Gehlenite crystals with

calcite as interstitial mineral.
Thick platy grains with weak
cleavage (001) and {110}.
Contact metamorphic marble.
Le Selle-Sea, near Predazzo,
Trentino, northern Italy.
Crossed polars.

anomalous blue or leather-brown interference a higher refraction; and zoisite is optically biaxial
colours. positive.
Character of elongation: opposite to the optical Alteration: alters easily. Hydrothermal altera-
character (Fig. 18). tion into zeolite: growth of nearly isotropic fibres
of mordentite, nucleating along the basal planes
Extinction angle: generally straight. of the crystal, which give rise to a rod-like texture
Special characteristics: may contain characteris- (Figs 77, 78). Weathers into carbonate.
tic rod-like inclusions such as zeolite fibres paral- Occurrence: in strongly silicata-undersaturated
lel to the c-axis and projecting into the crystal magmas (e.g. melilite nephelinites of the
from the (001) plane as far as the middle line. Schwabische Alb, Germany; melilite leucitite in
Can contain glass as inclusions (Figs 77, 78). the Colli Albani, Italy). Rare in dykes as alnoite
There is a continuous transition from the opti- (Alno Island, Sweden). In contact aureoles of
cally negative gehlenite to the optically positive plutonic with marly calcareous rocks pure
ilkermanite, during which t1 constantly decreases gehlenite porphyroblast can form (e.g. dolomitic
and is 0.000 at Ak s2 Ge 48 and then increases again marble of the monzonite area, Predazzo, South-
with increasing ilkermanite content (Fig. 79). ern Alps (Fig. 80)). Synthetic pure ilkermanite
Melilite with t1 = 0.000 is common in lavas, where forms in blast-furnace slag.
it has lavender-blue and bright-brown interfer-
ence colours due to its strong dispersion. Paragenesis: never together with quartz. In vol-
canic rocks next to nepheline, leucite, perovskite,
Distinguishing features: glass is isotropic; pyroxene and olivine. In plutonic rocks with
nepheline has a low refraction; apatite often perovskite, pyroxene, olivine, monticellite,
shows hexagonal cross-sections and never has nepheline, biotite and melanite. In dykes with
anomalous interference colours; vesuvianite has perovskite, pyroxene, olivine, hauyne, biotite
and primary carbonate.

3.1.6 Si0 2 group

Cristobalite, (Fig. 59) Quartz
Si0 2 trigonal-trapezohedral (low-quartz)

General features: the second most common and tions, a high- and a low-temperature quartz (a-
purest mineral on earth. There are two modifica- quartz = high-quartz, and ~-quartz = low-quartz;
60 Optically uniaxial minerals

Fig. 81). High-quartz crystallizes from melts Refraction and birefringence:

>573 °C and transforms into the low-temperature ne = 1.5533
paramorphoses. no = 1.5442
EBt1 = 0.0091
Thin-section characteristics
Low refraction and birefringence with grey to
Form: typically occurs as trigonal low-quartz;
white interference colours of the 1st order (in the
granular, hypidiomorphic to xenomorphic. In
case of yellow colours the thin section is too
volcanic rocks paramorphic hexagonal high-
thick); uniaxial EB, and anomalous biaxial EB.
quartz with hexagonal cross-sections and
resorbed rims is typical (Figs 82, 83).
Optic axial angle: strained quartz can give an
Cleavage: none, only irregular, curved fractures. anomalous biaxial figure with 2Vy = 0-10°.
Twinning: very common, but rarely visible under
Character of elongation: (+), but it can be
the microscope.
determined only in planes parallel to the prism

Extinction: generally straight.

Special characteristics: undulatory extinction is

common as a result of subgrains forming in re-
sponse to strain (Fig. 84). Each sub grain has a
slightly different orientation from the neighbour-
ing grains. Subgrains tend to be biaxial with a
slight difference in the orientation of the acute
Mortar-texture: fine-grained polygonal quartz
aggregates recrystallize around larger grains;
recrystallization postdates ductile deformation;
Fig. 81 Crystal forms and optical characteristics of there is irregular, random orientation in the
low-quartz (left) and high-quartz (right). recrystallized grains.

Fig. 82 Rounded quartz

phenocrysts, euhedral high-
temperature form, in a matrix of
recrystallized rhyolite. Permian
palaeo-rhyolite (quartz
porphyry). Nahe area,
Germany. Crossed polars.
Minerals which are optically uniaxial positive 61

Laminar undulatory extinction can mimic rel- crystals and also is optically e, similar to beryl.
ict texture of former dynamic deformation, e.g. Among the biaxial crystals quartz is easily mis-
quartz ribbons. Fluid and gas inclusions (com- taken for cordierite. However, the latter has an
monly H 20 and CO 2) can occur. They can be optic axial angle 2V of a minimum of 35°,
arranged along fractures and growth zones. whereas 2V biaxial quartz never exceeds 10°.
Cordierite as well as inclusion-free feldspar tends
Distinguishing features: absence of cleavage, to form crystals which are not as free of altera-
lack of alteration, low relief; twinning easily rec- tions as quartz. K-feldspar has a lower refractive
ognizable. Nepheline never forms such clear index.

Fig. 83 Strongly resorbed

quartz in ignimbrite. Rhyodacitic
ignimbrite. Soniquera, eastern
Cordillera, SW Bolivia. Crossed

Fig. 84 Anhedral quartz

forming an intergranular matrix
in a metagranodiorite. Undula-
tory extinction has resulted in
response to strain. Plagioclase
and other minerals are also
shown. Erratic boulder, Baltic
Sea coastline, near Kiel.
Crossed polars.
62 Optically uniaxial minerals

The white to grey interference colours of the (Part B, section 2.10.2) as matrix material in
1st order are taken as a measure to determine the silica-rich sediments, as secondary diagenetic
thickness of thin sections (30f..lm). The refractive mineral in organic radiolarite, hornfels and jas-
index of quartz (no) is the safest reference for per-concretions. It also occurs in sedimentary
determining the refraction of other unknown limestones, marls and evaporites as idiom orphic,
minerals. often long-prismatic secondary mineral.
Quartz is present in metamorphic rocks of all
Alteration: none. metamorphic grades, ranging from phyllite to
gneiss. It responds to shear deformation by pre-
Occurrence: in all magmatic rocks which are
ferred crystallization and ribbon formation (Fig.
silica saturated, therefore ubiquitous in mag-
85). Polygonal quartz textures form during static
matic rocks. Dark-coloured rocks which are rich
recrystallization. In some gneisses in which
in mafic minerals generally have very little, if any,
plagioclase is being replaced by K-feldspar
free quartz, whereas more light-coloured rocks,
myrmekite textures are developed that rim the
such as gabbroic and tholeitic basalts, have up to
feldspar, with quartz growing in worm-like fash-
5% vol., and graniteslrhyolites up to 35% vol.
ion perpendicular to the interface.
quartz. Generally, the amount of quartz in-
creases with decreasing darkness of the rock. Paragenesis: quartz only crystallizes in silica-
Magmatic rocks with more than 35% vol. quartz oversaturated rocks and therefore never co-
have probably not undergone secondary SiOz exists with felspathoids. Occasionally quartz is
metasomatism. In pegmatites and some other found in silica-undersaturated rocks, together
acidic plutonic rocks quartz can occur systemati- with corundum, spinel and olivine. This is inter-
cally intergrown with feldspar; this is referred to preted as the result of a change in the chemistry
as graphic intergrowth. In the case of an irregular of the magma, as phases that do not react with
intergrowth we speak about a granophyric tex- the melt crystallize (e.g. olivine) and the silica
ture. In rhyolitic to dacitic volcanic rocks (lavas content in the melt increases. Resorption rims of
and ignimbrites) corrosion features due to olivine give testimony of such chemical changes
remelting can be seen in the quartz phenocrysts in the melt.
(Fig. 83). These resorption features reflect rapid In granites, quartz crystallizes together with
physical changes in pressure and temperature microcline, albite and biotite, and also with green
which can lead to disequilibrium between the hornblende and sphene. In acidic volcanic rocks
quartz phenocrysts and the melt. Quartz resists it often occurs together with corroded K-feld-
alteration and is therefore concentrated in detri- spar, plagioclase, biotite, brown hornblende and
tal sediments, forming sandstones, etc. It occurs rock-glass.
sometimes together with chalcedony and opal

Fig.85 Ribbon quartz (arrow),

as a result of high shear strain.
Granulite. Meidling Valley,
Lower Austria. Crossed polars.
Minerals which are optically uniaxial positive 63

Fig. 86 Microfibrous radial

chalcedony. Secondary mineral
in a cavity in a Tertiary basalt.
Eskifjordur. eastern Iceland.
Crossed polars. Chalcedony
Si0 2 trigonal-trapezohedral

General features: crypto- to microcrystalline, Low refraction and birefringence, slightly lower
fibrous form of low-quartz; product of dehy- than quartz; optically uniaxial EB. Often anoma-
drated opal. lously biaxial with 2Vy = 0-25°.
Character of elongation: Chalcedony s.s. (-),
Thin-section characteristics quarzine (+).
Form: fibrous (Fig. 86), star-shaped, spherolitic, Extinction: commonly straight.
often forming pseudomorphs after other miner- Distinguishing features: very characteristic; pos-
als or filling voids in fossils. The fibre direction is sibly confused with fibrous natrolite, but this has
parallel to the c-axis. a lower refraction.
Cleavage: none. Alteration: very robust.
Colour: colourless. Occurrence: secondary mineral. In volcanic
rocks fills fractures and cavities (e.g. in
Refraction and birefringence: melaphyres of the Saar-Nahe area in Germany),
ne = 1.538 - 1.543 forming agate. Pseudomorph and silicification
no = 1.530 - 1.533 mineral particularly in fossil wood and other fos-
EBLl = 0.008 - 0.010 sils. In concretions in flint.
Paragenesis: opal and zeolites. Tridymite
Si02 pseudo-hexagonal (rhombic-disphenoidal)

General features: difficult to recognize; rare; fills wedge-shaped trillings; also as xenomorphic
cavities in acidic volcanic rocks. grains.
Cleavage: feeble, rarely visible.
Thin-section characteristics Twinning: common, wedge-shaped crystals of
Form: thin platy to flaky, in cavities as aggregate two or more individuals, trillings.
of hexagonal flakes, arranged like roof tiles, or as Colour: colourless.
64 Optically uniaxial minerals

Refraction and birefringence: zeolite shows higher refractive indices and higher
1\ = 1.481 birefringence colours; nepheline has a higher re-
n~ = 1.478 lief and is uniaxial 8; cristobalite is uniaxial 8;
ncr = 1.477 and fluorite has a well-developed cleavage.
EeLl = 0.004
Alteration: none.
Low relief and weak birefringence, almost al-
Occurrence: rare, easily overlooked. Typically
ways biaxial Ee, because only the rhombic
paramorph is stable at normal (STP) conditions. occurs in acidic to intermediate volcanic rocks
(rhyolite to andesite, trachyte, latite and obsid-
2Vy = 40-90°.
ian) in cavities and fractures. As contact-
Character of elongation: (-). metamorphic mineral in 'sanidinite facies'.
Extinction: tends to be straight.
Paragenesis: with rock-glass and cristobalite.
Distinguishing features: analcite and leucite tend
to show abnormal subgrains; sodalite is isotropic;

3.1.7 Chabazite
Cal Al zSi 20 12l· 6H20 ditrigonal-scalenohedral

General features: uniaxial representative of the Refraction and birefringence:

zeolite group. ne = 1.478 - 1.490 1\ = 1.488
no = 1.480 - 1.485 n~ = 1.485
Thin-section characteristics G;I Ll = 0.002 - 0.005 ...:n",,--_=_1_.4_8_5
EeLl = 0.003
Form: rhombohedral (pseudo-cubic; Figs 87, 88), Extremely low birefringence and negative relief
almost always idiom orphic, rarely xenomorphic (grey interference colours of the 1st order);
granular or polygonal aggregates. uniaxial Ee as well as 8, also biaxial Ee.
Cleavage: good to poor after rhombohedra. Optic axial angle: commonly anomalously opti-
Colour: colourless. cally biaxial Ee with 2Vy = 0-30°.
Extinction angle: symmetric to crystal outlines
and to cleavage.
Special characteristics: can show abnormal
Distinguishing features: its cubic habit means it
can easily be distinguished from the other more
fibrous zeolites. Analcite tends to be isotropic;
crystobalite often contains subgrains; gmelinite
has lower birefringence colours; apophyllite,
nose an and hauyne have a higher relief.
Alteration: none.
Occurrence: in cavities and fractures in basaltic
rocks (e.g. in basalts, phonolites, etc.). Also in
cavities in granites, granodiorites and other plu-
tonic rocks.
Fig. 87 Crystal form and optical characteristics of Paragenesis: with phillipsite, thomsonite, calcite
chabazite. and analcite.
Minerals with uniaxial negative character 65

Fig. 88 Cubic zeolite with

zonar growth rings and very
low refraction (chabazite).
Secondary mineral in cavity in
alkali-olivine basalt. Capo
Passero, SE Sicily. Crossed

3.2 Minerals with uniaxial negative character

Hematite (Part B, section 1.3)

3.2.1 Anatase
Ti0 2 ditetragonal-dipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Alteration: none.

Form: often granular, rarely dipyramidal or thin Occurrence: a diagenetic mineral in sediments,
tabular (Fig. 89). alteration product of Ti0 2-bearing minerals in
weathered rocks. An accessory mineral in mag-
Cleavage: distinct after {111} and (001).
matic and metamorphic rocks; in granitic
Colour: yellow, brownish or dark blue to black pegmatites.
with a weak pleochroism, common patchy or
zonar colouring.
Refraction and birefringence:
ne = 2.488
no = 2.561
eLi = 0.073
Very high refraction and birefringence (strong
relief and bright interference colours of the 3rd
order); optically uniaxial e, rarely anomalously
Optic axial angle: if anomalously biaxial, 2Vu
very small.
Character of elongation: (-).
Extinction: straight.
Distinguishing features: zircon, rutile and sphene Fig. 89 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
are optically uniaxial to biaxial Efl. anatase.
66 Optically uniaxial minerals

3.2.2 Trigonal carbonate group

Calcite CaC03 ditrigonal-scalenohedral
Dolomite CaMg(C03)2 trigonal-rhombohedral
Magnesite MgC0 3 ditrigonal-scalenohedral
Siderite FeC03 ditrigonal-scalenohedral

General features: the calcite group (calcite, optically uniaxial 8; commonly anomalously
magnesite, siderite) and dolomite are the most biaxial 8.
important rock-forming minerals of carbonate
sedimentary rocks. Optic axial angle: in metamorphic rocks com-
monly deformation-induced twinning giving rise
to biaxial optical characteristics with 2V" = 4-14° Calcite (25°).
Thin-section characteristics Extinction: symmetric relative to rhombohedral
Form: massive, xenomorphic, granular, as rock- cleavage planes.
forming mineral; also star-shaped spherolitic,
fibrous, oolitic or pisolitic, and mimicks organic Special characteristics: the great difference be-
fossil structures. Common as sutured granular or tween the refractive indices and no creates a pleo-
as polygonal (in marble) aggregates. chroism-like feature, referred to as chagrin
change (it is colourless in the ne vibration direc-
Cleavage: perfect rhombohedral cleavage {lOll} tion). However, in the direction of no the relief is
with an intersection angle of adjacent planes at stronger with a strong chagrin, causing the sec-
75°. Not visible in fine granular aggregates. tion to appear much darker than in the ne direc-
tion. This is characteristic for all rhombohedral
Twinning: glide twins are very common carbonates. Crystals which are optically biaxial
(po!ysynthetic translation lamellar twinning) on do not show complete extinction but patchy blu-
(0112) parallel to the long rhombic diagonal or ish interference colours.
parallel to its sides (Fig. 90); commonly lamellar
Distinguishing features: without a universal stage
twinning is so dense that grey interference col-
it cannot be distinguishable from other carbon-
ours of the 1st order occur.
ates. Staining techniques and solubility in acids
are good tests. Rock-forming dolomite in rocks
Colour: colourless and transparent.
tends to be idiom orphic, contrary to calcite, and
rarely shows lamellar twinning along (0221),
Refraction and birefringence:
wh~reas calcite commonly is twinned after
ne = 1.486
no = 1.658
8~ = 0.172 Alteration: very robust with changing pressures
and temperatures, but during weathering it is
Extreme birefringence according to orientation easily dissolved.
of crystal (sections parallel to the c-axis show
mother-of-pearl white of the 10th order); strong Occurrence: very common. Rare as a major min-
chagrin change according to crystal orientation; eral in alkaline magmas (carbonatites; e.g.
Kaisterstuhl, Fig. 91) and as a hydrothermal min-
eral in ore deposits; fills cavities in rocks (Fig. 92)
(e.g. Saar-Nahe area, Germany). Occurs as
a retrograde reaction mineral in magmatic rocks
during breakdown of anorthite-rich plagioclase
and in sediments as concretions from organisms
such as corals, sponges and foraminifera-rich
marls, etc. (Figs 93, 94). Inorganic precipitation
from oversaturated solutions leads to very fine-
grained carbonates, oolites and travertine.
Matrix-forming in clastic sediments (e.g. cal-
careous sandstones). In metamorphic rocks cal-
cite occurs in marbles.
Fig. 90 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
calcite (left) and dolomite (right), illustrating different Paragenesis: not diagnostic. In cavities together
orientations of polysynthetic twinning. with zeolites.
Minerals with uniaxial negative character 67

Fig. 91 Primary calcite with

well-developed cleavage and
translation lamellar twinning .
Schelingen, Kaiserstuhl ,
Germany. Uncrossed

Fig. 92 Secondary calcite and

faint-green saponite filling
cavity. Note the perfect
rhombohedral cleavage and
also the stronger relief
compared to saponite. Spilite.
Gumpertsreuth, near Hof,
Bavaria, Germany. Uncrossed
polarizers .

Fig. 93 Organically formed

calcite (gastropod shell and
other fossils) (sparite) with
calcite cement (micrite) .
Miocene limestone (Hydrobia-
limestone) from the Mainz
Basin. Crossed polars.
68 Optically uniaxial minerals

Fig. 94 Jurassic oolite with

microfossils. Organically formed
calcite and ooides in calcite
cement (pseudosparite).
Schwabische Alb, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers. Dolomite
Thin-section characteristics Colour: colourless to pale, rarely grey or brown-
ish (Fe-bearing).
Form: rhombohedral, in carbonaceous rocks
idiomorphic in contrast to coexisting calcite; Refraction and birefringence:
detrital grains in marble are xenomorphic to Fe-free Fe-bearing
hypidiomorphic. ne = 1.500 - 1.520
no = 1.679 - 1.703
Cleavage: perfect, after rhombohedral {lOll},
with the intersection of adjacent sides of the 8~ = 0.179 - 0.183
rhombohedron at 73 3/4°. Crystals can be cleaved Low to intermediate refraction and very high
parallel to the basal plane (0001). birefringence (mother-of-pearl white of the
higher orders); optically uniaxial 8.
Twinning: not as common as in calcite, lamellar
twinning on (0221). Twinning lamellae are paral-
lel to the short rhombohedral diagonal (Fig. 90).

Fig. 95 Hypidiomorphic
dolomite crystal with typical
rhombohedral cleavage.
Dolomitic marble. Campolungo,
Ticino, Switzerland. Crossed
Minerals with uniaxial negative character 69
Extinction: symmetrically relative to cleavage Alteration: very robust, not easily affected by
traces. weathering.
Distinguishing features: difficult to distinguish Occurrence: in hydrothermal deposits, as
from the other carbonates without the aid of a veinlets in ore deposits, in cavities in altered ba-
universal stage. Staining techniques and solubil- saltic volcanic rocks also occurs as sugar-grained
ity in acids are good tests. The twinning lamellae dolomitic marble (Fig. 95), as well as in the form
are oriented parallel to the short diagonal of the of beautiful rhombohedral porphyroblasts in talc
rhombohedron; the thin lamellae of calcite are and chlorite schist.
oriented at right angles and tend to show grey
Paragenesis: not typical.
interference colours of the 1st order. Magnesite
Thin-section characteristics Extinction: symmetric relative to cleavage
Form: hypidiomorphic to xenomorphic aggre-
gates, rare as idiom orphic crystals; also granular, Distinguishing features: difficult to distinguish
fibrous or compact porcelain- or gel-like masses. from the other carbonates without the aid of a
universal stage. Staining techniques and solubil-
Cleavage: perfect on rhombohedral planes
ity in acids are good tests.
Alteration: very robust mineral.
Twinning: rare lamellar pressure twins on (0112).
Occurrence: hydrothermal to metasomatic,
Colour: colourless, grey to pale, brownish if Fe-
forming coarse tabular masses, locally mined.
Also occurs as idiom orphic porphyroblasts in talc
Refraction and birefringence: and chlorite schist. It is alteration product in
Fe-free Fe-bearing serpentinites, forming gel-like fracture-filling
ne = 1.509 - 1.563 masses. It forms pseudomorphs after olivine (Fig.
no = 1.700 - 1.782 96).
e~ = 0.191 - 0.219 Paragenesis: as gel-magnesite together with
Low to intermediate refraction and extremely opal.
high birefringence (mother-of-pearl white of the
higher orders); optically uniaxial 8.

Fig. 96 Magnesite replacing

olivine in an olivine-bearing
melilitic tuff. Urach,
Schwabische Alb, Germany.
Crossed polars.
70 Optically uniaxial minerals Siderite
Thin-section characteristics group), clearly developed 'pseudo-dichroism';
optically uniaxial 8.
Form: idiomorphic (fine- to coarse-grained),
commonly hypidiomorphic to xenomorphic Extinction: symmetrically relative to the cleav-
granular or oolitic. age planes.
Cleavage: perfect on {lOll}. Distinguishing features: difficult to distinguish
from the other carbonates without the aid of a
Twinning: lamellar twinning on (0112); lamellar
universal stage. Staining techniques and solubil-
pressure twins are very rare, but very common in
ity in acids are good tests. Sphene and cassiterite
dolomite and calcite.
are optically EB.
Colour: colourless to pale yellow-brown.
Alterations: oxidation into ice flower-like den-
Refraction and birefringence: dritic aggregates of goethite (limonite).
ne = 1.633 Occurrence: as veins in orebodies; as hydrother-
no = 1.875
mal and metasomatic alteration product of car-
8L\ = 0.242 bonate and dolomite, forming coarse-grained,
tabular, locally mined bodies.
Medium to high refraction and extremely high
Paragenesis: not characteristic.
birefringence (highest among the carbonate


Thin-section characteristics
Form: idiomorphic with tabular habit, of High refraction with a strong relief and low
commonly hexagonal shape (Fig. 97); columnar, birefringence (grey interference colours of the
barrel-shaped, massive granular crystals (emery). 1st order, similar to quartz); optically uniaxial 8.
Cleavage: none; parting on {lOll} and {OOOl} Optic axial angle: can be anomalously biaxial e,
intersecting at an angle of 94°. with 2Va = 5-7° (to >30°).
Twinning: lamellar on {lOll}, simple twinning on Character of elongation: (-), rare (+).
{OOOl} and {lOll}.
Extinction: tends to be straight.
Colour: colourless; occasionally characteristic
Special characteristics: can show irregular bluish
patchy, stripy or zonar reddish or brownish col-
pleochroism, which is diagnostic.
oration with pleochroism (no: purple red, violet,
blue; ne: yellow, grey-green, pale blue; Colour Distinguishing features: chrysoberyl is optically
plate 4). biaxial EB; vesuvianite has anomalous interfer-
ence colours; apatite has a lower refractive index
Refraction and birefringence:
and tends to be idiomorphic; tourmaline has
ne = 1.760 - 1.764
birefringence colours of a higher order and is
no = 1.768 - 1.772
also strongly pleochroic.
8L\ = 0.008
Alteration: retrograde alteration into an aggre-
gate of white mica.
Occurrence: during resorption of AI-rich wall
rocks into a magma, corundum-spinel xenoliths
can form (norites, tholeites) if resorption is com-
plete, larger single corundum crystals can survive
(very rare). It is very rare in nepheline syenite
pegmatites; in syenite together with scapolite
and nepheline and feldspars. It also occurs in AI-
rich contact-metamorphic rocks of low silica con-
tent; in silica-poor regional metamorphic rocks in
Fig. 97 Crystal form and optical general, and in metamorphosed bauxite (e.g.
characteristics of corundum. emery-rock, Island of Naxos, Greece).
Minerals with uniaxial negative character 71

Paragenesis: in magmatites with spinel, maline or andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, musco-

cordierite, garnet, sillimanite and andalusite; in vite and rutile; in emery with magnetite, ilmenite,
metamorphic rocks with cordierite, spinel, tour- hematite, quartz and rutile.

3.2.4 Vesuvianite
CalO(Mg, Fe )2AI4[ (OH)41(Si04)sISi207 )2] ditetragonal-dipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics

Form: idiomorphic, short prisms (Fig. 98), com-

monly xenomorphic granular; rarely needle-
shaped to spherulitic aggregates.
Cleavage: poor on (110).
Colour: colourless, sometimes yellowish, pale
green or brownish; commonly zoned or patchy; Fig. 98 Crystal form and optical
very rarely it shows a weak pleochroism. characteristics of vesuvianite.
Refraction and birefringence:
ne = 1.701 - 1.732
no = 1.705 - 1.738 ference colours (lavender-blue, leather-brown,
grey-green or purple; Colour plate 5); in section
e~ = 0.004 - 0.006
along its long axis, hourglass texture.
High refractive index with a strong relief and low
Distinguishing features: zoisite and clinozoisite
birefringence colours (interference colours of the
are optically biaxial E9 and can be confused with
1st order), commonly anomalous lower interfer-
wiluite; melilite and apatite have lower refractive
ence colours; optically uniaxial e, except the
indices; andalusite has a considerably greater
very rare variety wiluite is optically E9; also
axial angle; can be confused with grossularite.
anomalously biaxial e.
Optic axial angle: in anomalously biaxial e cases
Alteration: very rare, e.g. into prehnite.
2V" = 17-33°. Occurrence: in contact-metamorphic siliceous
limestone and marble, derived from marls and
Character of elongation: (-), also (+) in wiluite.
marly limestone, also in equivalent metamorphic
Extinction: tends to be straight. rocks.
Special characteristics: optically different growth Paragenesis: with fassaite, grossularite,
zones and anomalous patches, anomalous inter- wollastonite, calcite, epidote and sphene.

3.2.5 Tourmaline
Na(Fe2+, Mg, AI)3 (AI, Fe3+M(OH, F, O)41(B03)3ISi601S] ditrigonal-pyramidal

General features: the tourmaline group forms Colour: always coloured; blue-grey to olive-
a solid solution series between the two brown, green, pale-yellow to ochre. Strong char-
endmembers schorl (Fe) and dravite (Mg). acteristic pleochroism (Fig. 101), with the
ordinary ray being more strongly absorbed than
Thin-section characteristics the extraordinary (ne < no), which results in strong
colours perpendicular to the c-axis and pale col-
Form: short columnar (Fig. 99(a),(b», needle- ours parallel to c (Fig. 99(b». A zonar colour
shaped, spherulitic, in radiating groups of colum- change (blue and brown) is common.
nar and acicular crystals (Fig. 100), rarely
granular. Typically rounded triangular cross-sec- Refraction and birefringence:
ne = 1.635 - 1.650
tions (Fig. 99(c»; in pegmatites poikilitic
intergrowth with quartz. In metamorphic rocks it no = 1.660 - 1.671
can form microlites, which are easily overlooked. e~ = 0.Q25 - 0.035

Cleavage: none; irregular parting approximately High refraction with a positive relief, slightly
perpendicular to the long axis. varying according to composition. Intermediate
72 Optically uniaxial minerals

birefringence colours (maximum interference

colours ranging from the upper 1st order to the
middle part of the 2nd order, often masked by
the strong pleochroism); optically uniaxial e,
rarely anomalously biaxial.
o 0 Optic axial angle: deformed crystals tend to
be anomalously biaxial with a small axial angle
IN I ....
::: 0
(2V" ~ 50).
Character of elongation: (-).
a b c Special characteristics: basal sections do not
Fig. 99 (a) Crystal form and optical characteristics show any pleochroism. Colour zonation is com-
of tourmaline. mon (Fig. 101). Zircon inclusions have haloes
(b) Tourmaline with characteristic stripes parallel to its which are strongly pleochroic.
optic axis. Distinguishing features: corundum has a higher
(c) Section through a tourmaline crystal perpendicular refractive index; andalusite and staurolite are op-
to the crystallographic c-axis, showing the characteris- tically biaxial and have lower birefringence;
tic rounded triangular cross-section and zonar growth.

Fig. 100 Radiating tourmaline

stars, with green pleochroism
and irregular parting
approximately perpendicular to
the optical c-axis. Tourmaline
granite. Luxulyan, Cornwall,
Great Britain. Uncrossed

Fig. 101 Tourmaline crystal

with typical curved triangular
cross-sections and showing
strong pleochroism. Tourmaline
gneiss. Erratic boulder, Baltic
Sea coastline, near Kiel,
Germany. Uncrossed
Minerals with uniaxial negative character 73

biotite shows a perfect cleavage perpendicular to pneumatolytically formed mineral in contact

the c-axis; alkali-hornblende does not have metamorphism, in hornfels and pelitic rocks.
straight extinction. Absent in volcanic rocks. Tourmaline occurs in
most granite pegmatites and quartz-tourmaline
Alteration: none; next to quartz the most stable
veins and is a common mineral in most medium-
to high-grade metamorphic rocks. It is common
Occurrence: whenever boron is present in gran- as detritus in sedimentary rocks, authogenic in
ites and pegmatites tourmaline will be present carbonates and as secondary mineral in
(schorl represents biotite); crystallization im- sandstones.
mediately after the main phase of crystallization
Paragenesis: with topaz, beryl, lepidolite,
of acidic melts adjacent to the contact rocks
cassiterite, spodumene, fluorite and apatite.
(tourmalitization at the expense of biotite), as

3.2.6 Apatite
Cas[(F, OH, CI)I(P0 4 )31 hexagonal-dipyramidal

General features: important accessory mineral in

almost every magmatic rock. Most important
phosphorous-bearing mineral.

Thin-section characteristics [1011 1

~ lJ; 11
Form: short to thin and columnar, stretched
along the c-axis; in basal section hexagonal out-
lines (Figs 102(a),(b); 103), typically idiomorphic
and surrounded by quartz, biotite and horn-
blende, etc., also granular; in phosphorites star-
+ ~U I
shaped to cryptocrystalline, spherulitic and
oolitic. a
Cleavage: poor on (0001) and {l010}. Basal part- Fig. 102 (a) Crystal form and optical characteristics
ing (Fig. l02(c». of apatite.
Colour: colourless; often with oriented inclu- (b) Hexagonal basal section perpendicular to the
sions; concentric growth patterns; brownish c-axis.
or blue-grey, or orange, weakly pleochroic (c) Section along length of crystal showing basal part-
colours. ing with partly displaced fragments.

Fig. 103 Idiomorphic apatites

with strong, clear relief forming
inclusions in microcline.
Nepheline syenite. Laugen
valley near Larvik, southern
Norway. Uncrossed polarizers.
74 Optically uniaxial minerals

Refraction and birefringence: oured and altered; beryl and quartz have lower
ne = 1.631 refractive indices and different appearances;
no = 1.634 melilite tends to show anomalous interference
8,1 = 0.003 colours; sillimanite is biaxial and has a higher
birefringence, and shows good parting fractures;
Medium high refractive index with positive relief topaz is optically biaxial Ee and has a higher
relative to quartz and feldspar; low birefringence birefringence.
(colours of the 1st order); optically uniaxial 8,
Alteration: none, always fresh.
rarely anomalously biaxial.
Occurrence: one of the first minerals to crystal-
Optic axial angie: occasionally weakly anoma-
lize from a magma, an accessory mineral (0.1-
lously biaxial with 2V" = 0-20°.
1 %) in almost all magmatic rocks. More common
Character of elongation: (-). in dark Na- and K-rich magmatic rocks and their
derivatives (nepheline syenite, nepheline monzo-
Extinction: straight.
syenite, olivine nephelinite, etc.) and even more
Special characteristics: rare anomalous sub- common in carbonatites and lamprophyres. Apa-
grains. Inclusions in biotite and hornblende give tite also occurs in pegmatites (with Li-bearing
rise to pleochroic haloes. mica, beryl, etc.). In sedimentary rocks it occurs
as rounded grains; it is rock-forming in phos-
Distinguishing features: can be mistaken for
phorites (as kidney ore structures) as globular
nepheline, which is also optically uniaxial 8.
However, apatite has a much higher relief, and oolitic aggregates. In metamorphic rocks apatite
is stable over a wide pressure-temperature range.
tends to be idiom orphic and unaltered, whereas
nepheline tends to be xenomorphic, pale col- Paragenesis: ubiquitous mineral

3.2.7 Beryl
AI2Be3[Si601s] dihexagonal-dipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Birefringence and refraction:

ne = 1.565 - 1.599
Form: short to long columns along [0001] (Fig.
no = 1.569 - 1.610
104), commonly xenomorphic to idiomorphic,
granular; inclusion-rich; in tectonites cataclastic 8,1 = 0.004 - 0.009
fragments (Fig. 105). Medium strong refraction and very weak
Cleavage: poor on (0001), not visible under the birefringence (grey colours of the 1st order), can
microscope. be anomalously biaxial if tectonized.
Colour: colourless, rare pleochroism from pale Optic axial angle: in anomalously biaxial 8 cases
blue (ny) to pale green (n,,). 2V" = 0-6°.
Character of elongation: (-).
Distinguishing features: easily overlooked and
mistaken for quartz, which has a lower refraction
and a slightly higher birefringence, is uniaxial Ee
and has a Ee elongation; apatite shows a distinctly
higher relief; nepheline has a different para-
genesis and lower refraction; topaz is optically
biaxial Ee with a higher refraction.
Alteration: rare, nucleating from margins
and fractures. Hydrothermal alteration leads to
Occurrence: typically occurs in pegmatites as
pneumatolytic mineral in granites, rarely in
nepheline syenites and also rarely in regional
metamorphic mica schist and marbles.
Fig. 104 Crystal form and optical characteristics of Paragenesis: with quartz, tourmaline, topaz, Li-
beryl. mica and cassiterite.
Minerals with uniaxial negative character 75

Fig. 105 Tectonized beryl

crystal with cataclastic mosaic
texture. Unknown locality.
Crossed polars.

3.2.8 Nepheline
Na 3[AISi0 4]4 hexagonal-pyramidal

General features: next to leucite nepheline is the

most important feldspathoid and is particularly r""":::~ 001 .... :::.
common in silica-undersaturated, Na-rich mag-
matic rocks, where it replaces the albite t I t~il T~ 1+
component: t - 1010
Na[AISi 30 8] - 2Si0 2 4 Na[AISi0 4 ] .
1- L
Nepheline can contain up to 37mol % KAISi04
and up to 20mol % of isomorphic albite.
Fig. 106 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
Thin-section characteristics
sam, and has grey to greyish-blue interference
Form: commonly as xenomorphic interstitial
colours of the 1st order; it is optically uniaxial 8,
phase, which precipitates very late during the
occasionally optically biaxial. In very thin thin-
crystallization from a melt. It also occurs
section the birefringence can be seen only with
as idiom orphic short columnar crystals with
the red I compensator.
hexagonal {OOm} and rectangular [0001] cross-
sections (Figs 106, 107). Optic axial angle: rarely anomalously biaxial 8
with 2Vo. = 0-6°.
Cleavage: on {lOIO} and on (0001), not visible
under the microscope. Character of elongation: (-).
Twinning: rare on {lOIO}. Extinction: tends to be straight.
Colour: colourless; in plutonic rocks it tends to Special characteristics: can show anomalous
form a milky coloured exsolution of the kalsilite subgrains; in volcanic rocks crystals can be
component (this variety is called elaeolite). It zoned, and there can be inclusions of aegirine-
shows clouding at crystal margins. augite, greenish sericite and Fe-oxides.
Refraction and birefringence: Distinguishing features: if nepheline occurs as
ne = 1.526 - 1.542 interstitial material only it is often difficult to
no = 1.529 - 1.546 identify. Quartz and tridymite are both optically
EEl and always fresh ; apatite and beryl have much
8Ll =0.003 - 0.005
higher refractive indices; sanidine has oblique ex-
The refraction and birefringence are characteris- tinction, is twinned and has good cleavage;
tically low; it has no relief relative to canada bal- melilite has a higher refraction; scapolite has a
76 Optically uniaxial minerals

Fig.107 Idiomorphic
nepheline with hexagonal
~ symmetry containing inclusions
and showing alterations around
the rim into fibrous zeolite.
Other crystals present are
hauyne (small crystal in the top
right corner). Phononephelinite.
Katzenbuckel, Odenwald,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.

good cleavage and is tetragonal; zeolites have tephrites). Nepheline tends to crystallize from a
lower refraction. magma together with the alkali feldspars as one
of the last phases to crystallize. This gives rise to
Alteration: it alters easily, into sodalite, analcite
the commonly hypidiomorphic to xenomorphic
and rarely into cancrinite, and into fibrous zeolite
form. Exceptions to this are the idiom orphic
(in particular natrolite and the dendritic hydro-
nepheline phenocrysts in phonolites or phonone-
nephelite) by hydrothermal and pneumatolitic
phelinites of the Katzenbuckel in the Odenwald,
influences. Under the influence of CO 2-rich solu-
Germany (Fig. 107; two nepheline generations).
tions it alters into sericite (pseudomorphs of
sericite/muscovite are called liebenerite). Paragenesis: it never occurs together with quartz.
Typically it occurs with other foid representa-
Occurrence: in alkali magmatic rocks which are
tives (e.g. from the sodalite group), as well
silica undersaturated; particularly in nepheline
as leucite, aegirine-augite, melanite, melilite,
phonolites to nepheline tephrites, nephelinites,
olivine, Ti-augite, Ti-biotite, apatite, cancrinite
nepheline syenites and nepheline monzosyenites,
and feldspars.
essexites, etc. Next to leucite it occurs subor-
dinately in K-rich volcanic rocks (e.g. leucite

3.2.9 Scapolite group

Marialite Na8[(Clz, S04, C03)I(AlSi30 s)6] tetragonal-dipyramidal
Meionite Ca8[(Clz, S04, C03hl(AlzSi20 s)6]

General features: both endmembers of this Colour: colourless; inclusions often cause
group form a solid-solution series, similar to the clouding.
plagioclase group. The pure endmembers do not
Refraction and birefringence:
occur in nature. Scapolite is a very rare mineral.
Marialite Meionite
ne = 1.531 - 1.541 1.556 - 1.564
Thin-section characteristics no = 1.539 - 1.550 1.590 - 1.600
Form: granular, columnar (Fig. 108), stalk-like eLi = 0.004 - 0.005 0.034 - 0.038
(Fig. 110).
Refraction and birefringence clearly increase
Cleavage: good on (100), not so good {110}; in from marialite to meionite. Marialite has grey
cross-section the two cleavage planes intersect at interference colours of the 1st order, and
right angles (Fig. 109). In columnar crystals part- meionite of the 2nd order (bright violet); opti-
ing is on (001) (Fig. 110). cally uniaxial.
Minerals with uniaxial negative character 77

Fig. 108 Crystal

form and optical
characteristics of

Fig. 109 Scapalite showing

two sets of fractures
intersecting at right angles and
hydrothermally induced
alteration into zeolite.
Oedegarden near Bamle,
Telemark, Norway. Crossed

Fig. 110 Idiomorphic

scapolite porphyroblast in
microcrystalline quartz matrix.
Parting on (001). Scapolite
hornfels. Wolfsberger HOlte,
Saualpe, Carinthia, Austria.
Crossed polars.

Character of elongation: (-) Occurrence: in a CO 2 and S02 environment

Extinction: in most cases straight. it forms by autopneumatolyses and contact
pneumatolyses or by alteration of plagioclase. It
Special characteristics: inclusions are typical, occurs in some granites and nepheline syenites
such as poikiloblastic quartz, calcite and feld- and associated pegmatites, rarely in trachytes.
spar; fluid inclusions also occur. As a metamorphic mineral it occurs in
Distinguishing features: quartz is optically some siliceous limestones. In volcanic rocks it
uniaxial EB and shows no cleavage; nepheline occurs as a contact pneumatolytic mineral
and cancrinite occur in a different paragenesis; (Laacher volcanic area, Germany).
cordierite, andalusite and wollastonite are opti-
cally biaxial; feldspars tend to be twinned and Paragenesis: with vesuvianite, diopside, garnet,
show oblique extinction. calcite and wollastonite, and also with cancrinite,
Alteration: hydrothermal alteration into differ- melanite and andradite. In metamorphic rocks it
ent zeolites (chabazite, stilbite, analcite, etc.), tends to occur with pyroxene, amphibole,
and also into carbonate. Weathering leads to al- phlogopite, garnet and sphene; in volcanic rocks
teration into kaolinite. with anorthite, nepheline and wollastonite.
78 Optically uniaxial minerals

3.2.10 Apophyllite
KCa4 [FI(Si40 IO)2] ·8H20 ditetragonal-dipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Extinction: tends to be straight.

Form: in thin section it occurs in granular to Optical orientation: Ily II c (rarely nn II c).
sheet-like aggregates.
Distinguishing features: easily confused with
Cleavage: perfect on (001). zeolite, which shows lower refraction and tends
to be optically biaxial (with the exception of
Colour: colourless.
chabazite, which does not show a good cleavage).
Refraction and birefringence: Nepheline and marialite occur in different
most rare parageneses.
ne = 1.5345 - 1.5445 Occurrence: hydrothermal; in cavities and frac-
no = 1.5365 - 1.5439 tures in basaltic volcanic rocks. It occurs rarely as
EBL\ = 0.0020 - 0.0006 a hydrothermal alteration product along frac-
Low refraction and very low birefringence, tures in amphibolites; and it is rare in skarns.
strong dispersion can lead to L\ = 0.0000; occa- Paragenesis: in basaltic rocks with calcite and
sionally very strong anomalous interference zeolite. In amphibolite and skarns with prehnite,
colours. Can be anomalously biaxial. pectolite and datolite.
Character of elongation: (+), rarely (-).

3.2.11 Cancrinite
NClt;Ca2[(C03)2' (AISiO4)6] hexagonal-bipyramidal

General features: uncommon foid, and occurs in Colour: colourless.

alkaline magmatic rocks. Refraction and birefringence:
n. = 1.498 - 1.4885
Thin-section characteristics Do = 1.524 - 1.4890
Form: short columnar (Fig. 111) to needle- 8L\ = 0.026 - 0.0005
shaped, but typically granular (e.g. as interstitial Very low refractive indices and medium high
mineral-forming matrix). Tends to be fibrous in birefringence (ranging from pale-yellow interfer-
veins. ence colours of the 1st order to medium colours
Cleavage: perfect on {lOIO}, perpendicular to the of the 2nd order; Colour plate 6); optically
long axis (Colour plate 6) uniaxial 8, but can be anomalously biaxial with a
small axial angle.
Character of elongation: (-).
Extinction: straight.
Distinguishing features: analcite can show
anomalous sub grain formation; differs from
nepheline by its brighter interference colours;
scapolite has higher refractive indices.
Alteration: into calcite and zeolite.
Occurrence: in the presence of high CO2 partial
pressures cancrinite can form pseudomorphs
after nepheline in alkaline rocks (e.g. nepheline
Fig. 111 Crystal form and optical characteristics of Paragenesis: with nepheline, sodalite group,
cancrinite. sanidine, aegirine-augite, melanite and calcite.
4 Biaxial crystals

4.1 Olivine group


General features: important dark mineral in endmembers of forsterite Mg2 [Si0 4] and fayalite
ultramafic and basaltic rocks. Minerals of the Fe2 [Si0 4]·
group show complete diadochy between the

Mg2Si0 4 Fe 2Si0 4
forsterite chrysolite hyalosiderite hortonolite ferrohortonolite fayalite
10 30 50 60 90
Fo Fa

Thin-section characteristics
Optical characteristics strongly depend on the
Form: in volcanic rocks hexagonal and octagonal
cross-sections (Fig. 114), which often show corro-
sion and resorption rims (Fig. 113); in glass-rich
volcanic rocks as skeletal crystals (Fig. 112); and
in plutonic and metamorphic rocks as granular n Z .....
masses. In basic rocks it can form glomerophyric·····o
texture aggregates.
Cleavage: imperfect in Mg-rich members; mod-
erate in Fe-rich members; imperfect on (010) and Fig. 112 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
even less clear on (100). The imperfect cleavage fayalite (left) and forsterite (right) (olivine group).

Fig. 113 Idiomorphic, partly

corroded olivine phenocrysts
with iddingsite rims (black) in
microcrystalline matrix,
comprised of titan augite,
plagioclase and glass. Alkali
olivine basalt. Lanzarote,
Canary Islands. Uncrossed
80 Biaxial crystals

fringence is twice as high as in sections parallel to

(100). Depending on composition, optically biax-
ial Ef> or e (Fig. 115).

Optic axial angle:

Faoo-Fa 1S : opt. Ef> with 2Vy = 84-90°
FaIS-Fa lOO : opt. with 2V" = 90-50°.

Character of elongation: (+) or (-), according to

Extinction: straight.
Special characteristics: can show twin-like
subgrains (similar to undulatory extinction ob-
served in quartz) as an indicator of mechanical
deformation of the crystal. In Fe-rich basalts and
related rocks, zoning in olivine (best seen under
crossed polars) with Mg-rich cores and Fe-rich
rims is quite common.
Fig.114 Idiomorphic olivine crystal with spinel inclu- Distinguishing features: pyroxenes can be easily
sions in a tholeiitic basalt of the Vogelsberg, Germany.
mistaken for olivine because of their similar in-
Characteristic poor cleavage in olivine. Uncrossed
terference colours; however, pyroxenes show a
well-developed cleavage. Also epidote shows
good cleavage, is pleochroic and has anomalous
is diagnostic and allows olivine to be distin- interference colours.
guished from pyroxenes (Fig. 114).
Twinning: on different prism planes, but it is not a) Serpentinization (Part B, section 4.9) due to
diagnostic. Twin lamellae on {OIl}. hydrothermal alteration, associated with an in-
crease in water content and volume: during low-
Colour: colourless, rare pale yellow or pale green
temperature hydrothermal and very low-grade
(fayalite), in which case a pale-yellow pleo-
metamorphism, olivine is replaced by chrysotile,
chroism is typical.
replacing the crystal progressively. Chrysotile
Refraction and birefringence: nucleates along fractures, with the fibre direction
Forsterite Fayalite oriented perpendicular to the host-wall rock
n" = 1.635 1.827 (Colour plate 9), until the whole olivine is re-
n~ = 1.651 1.869 placed by a mesh texture. In lower greenschist
ny = 1.670 - 1.879 facies olivine is replaced by antigorite, leading to
Ef>d = 0.Q35 - e 0.052 a gridlike texture.
b) In high-temperature geothermal systems
Medium-high refraction and strong birefringence olivine changes colour to yellow-brown and
(bright interference colours of the 2nd order), reddish-brown along rims and fractures due to
strongly variable according to orientation and oxidation of Fe 2+ to Fe3+ and addition of H 20:
chemistry. In sections parallel to (001) bire- iddingsite (Fig. 113). During this alteration a sub-

~t-'".----+----t-----+--- opt.E!:l-
90 .-.. ~ .... -.---. ------------------ ----------------- ----------------t------
802Val1 - -------
-----1""""..._ ___ - -+--- - opt.e -

50°----t- - - - - - - t - - - - + -- --+---:::-..
- - =t"...........d
Forsterrte Chrysolite Hyalosider~e Hortonolite Ferrohortonolite Fayalite Fig. 115 The optical axial angle
Fo 10 30 50 70 90 Fa (2V) is dependent on the
Mol % chemical composition of olivine.
Pyroxene group 81

Fig. 116 Olivine crystals

forming inclusions in
plagioclase. Beginning of
kelyphitization . Olivine gabbro.
Rhum. Scotland. Crossed

microscopic assemblage forms, consisting of Fe-rich rims. Zoned crystals are common. In
goethite, haematite and clay minerals (smectite), volcanic rocks two olivine generations can be
chlorite, etc, replacing olivine. Iddingsite forms present, as phenocrysts (e.g. core FalO_2o , rim
pseudomorphs after olivine, shows a weak Fa4O-6Q) and as a matrix mineral (Fa3O-6O; e.g. in
pleochroism but is not a single mineral. It never alkali-olivine basalt). Olivine which forms early
occurs in plutonic or metamorphic rocks, only in during crystallization from a melt might accumu-
volcanic rocks and rarely in subsurface volcanic late at the bottom of the magma body. Pure
rocks. fayalite commonly occurs in blast-furnace slags.
Viridite, bowlingite and chlorophaeite are An exception is the fayalite-gabbro of the Radau
greenish hydrothermal mineral assemblages, Valley, Germany. The crystallization of olivine
which can replace olivine. They form mineral ag- requires a silica-undersaturated magma, other-
gregates consisting of chlorite, smectite, serpen- wise pyroxene would form: Mg2Si0 4 + Si02 ~
tine, Fe-talc, mica, goethite and quartz. Mg2Si 20 6• With the crystallization of olivine from
c) Reaction rims form where olivine is in con- the magma, the melt can become quartz-
tact with anorthite-rich plagioclase in gabbroic normative and hence olivine becomes unstable;
rocks (Fig. 116). These kelyphitic textures consist however, it does not completely react to
of radiating, fibrous green hornblende, some pyroxene, but shows resorption rims. Therefore,
pyroxene, garnet and spinel. olivine and quartz may occur together. In meta-
d) Reaction between olivine with silica-rich morphic rocks olivine occurs in serpentinites.
melt can lead to a reaction rim of orthopyroxene Olivine also forms during metamorphism of
(commonly bronzite). dolomite (e.g. forsterite marble).
Occurrence: characteristic mineral of ultramafic Paragenesis: in ultra basic rocks with chromite
and basic magmatic rocks (e.g. in peridotite, and picotite, ortho- and clinopyroxene. In basic
dunite, picrite, gabbro, alkali-olivine basalt, rocks together with titanaugite, ortho- and
basanite, etc.). Early formed idiomorphic crystals clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and leucite and
tend to be Mg-rich with increasingly more clinopyroxene respectively.

4.2 Pyroxene group

4.2.1 Orthopyroxene group: enstatite, bronzite, hypersthene
(Mg, FeMSi20 6] orthorhombic-dipyramidal

General features: there is a nearly complete solid (opx), but only the first three members occur in
solution between the orthorhombic pyroxenes nature.
82 Biaxial crystals

According to the recent nomenclature Here we follow the old tradition and give credit
(Morimoto, 1988) only the names enstatite to rock types such as hypersthene-granite,
(FsO--so ) and ferrosilite (Fsso_1oo) should be used. bronzitite, etc.

10 30 50 70 90

enstatite bronzite hypersthene ferro- eulite ferrosilite

En hypersthene Fs

Under higher pressures (e.g. in granulites) Colour: colourless (enstatite), pale light-green
orthopyroxene has a higher Al content. (bronzite), pale green to reddish-pale brown with
weak pleochroism: a, ~, yellowish to reddish; y,
Thin-section characteristics grey-green (hypersthene).
Refraction and birefringence:
The optical characteristics vary with increasing
Enstatite Hypersthene
na = 1.650 - 1.712
Form: in volcanic rocks columnar, stretched n~ = 1.653 - 1.724
along the c-axis (Fig. 117); in plutonic and meta- Ily = 1.658 - 1.727
morphic rocks predominantly as hypidiomorphic
to xenomorphic crystals. E9~ = 0.008 - 8 0.015

Cleavage: excellent parallel to prism planes High refraction and medium-high birefringence
(yellow to orange interference colours of the 1st
{21O}: in sections perpendicular to the c-axis two
order), both increasing with increasing Fe-
cleavage planes can be clearly seen intersecting
at angles of 87° and 93° respectively (Fig. 118). In content; zoning in volcanic rocks is common,
sections parallel to the c-axis only one set of with Mg-rich cores.
cleavage planes can be seen oriented parallel to Optic axial angle: systematically varies with in-
the length of the crystal. creasing Fe-content (Fig. 119).
Enstatite: optically biaxial EB
Twinning: not very common on (011), (023) and
(043): not a diagnostic feature. with 2Vy = 54°-83°.
Bronzite: optically biaxial ffi or 8
with 2Va = 97°-63°.
Hypersthene: optically biaxial 8
with 2Va = 63°-45°.
~102m:~ Character of elongation: (+).
II)00II -I III "'t)ncr Extinction: tends to be straight.

I 0)0' Special characteristics: in magmatic rocks

orthopyroxene tends to show exsolution lamellae
n~ ..... "'111 ~ I!I
····0 I r rt parallel to (100), and can be recognized by a
higher birefringence and oblique extinction (Fig.
120). Bronzite and hypersthene quite frequently
contain tiny lath-shaped inclusions of ilmenite,
Enstatite Hypersthene which are aligned either parallel (100) or at an
Fig. 117 Crystal form and optical characteristics of angle of 30° to the c-axis. These form by
the orthopyroxenes enstatite and hypersthene. exsolution and give rise to the slight dusting of
the crystal when viewed with uncrossed polar-
izers and they also cause a shimmering effect
(Fig. 121).
Distinguishing features: the minerals of the
epidote-zoisite group show anomalous interfer-
ence colours; andalusite has a lower refraction
Fig.118 Basal section of and a negative elongation; kyanite has oblique
pyroxene showing cleavage extinction and a perfect cleavage; the minerals of
planes intersecting at nearly the melilite and scapolite groups are optically
right angles. uniaxial; the colourless representatives of the
Pyroxene group 83



g 0.020 I--+---+---~-____I!_~q----l
g> 0.016 1--+--- +--- +-___~____I!_-_f___1
'§ 0.012 f---+----:;;>,F---+---f-- -+---1
0.0081"""--+-----+--+_---+- - + _-I Fig. 120 Exsolution lamellae in orthopyroxene
(hypersthene). Quartz andesite. Purace Volcano,
Enstatite southern Colombia. Uncrossed polarizers.
10 30 50 70 90
En Mol % Fs
Fig. 119 Optic axial angle (2V) and birefringence of

Fig. 121 Bronzite with

pervasive fine exsolution
lamellae of ilmenite parallel
(100). Peridotite. Finero, Ivrea
area, northwestern Italy.
Uncrossed polarizers.

amphibole group differ because of their oblique of the newly formed serpentine mineral
extinction and the cleavage intersection angles of (lizardite) is parallel to {1 ~O} in orthopyroxene.
1240 and 560 respectively. For differentiating fea- Also chrysotile with mesh texture can form and
tures between amphibole and clinopyroxene see replace the orthopyroxene. Weathering can lead
Table 3. to the formation of carbonate and Fe-hydroxide
or hematite.
Alteration: quite robust mineral. Can show
serpentinization in ultramafic (e.g. harzburgite) Occurrence: very common in plutonic rocks,
and volcanic rocks; commonly as pseudomorphs specially in ultramafic and basaltic rocks.
with oriented growth (bastite; bastitization in In pyroxenites and peridotites enstatite and
harzburgites (Figs 122, 123)) where the cleavage bronzite (bronzitite, lherzolite) predominate,
84 Biaxial crystals

Table 3 Features differentiating orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene

Orthopyroxene (rhombic) Clinopyroxene (monoclinic)

Habit squat columnar, tabular, granular columnar, stretched parallel to the c-axis;
aegirine can be needle-shaped to spherolitic
Colour tends to be colourless to pale brownish pale green to brownish with weak
with weak pleochroism pleochroism (exception: aegirine-augite with
strong green pleochroism)
Extinction straight oblique
Birefringence low (0.005-0.015) higher (0.023-0.031)
Optic axial angle enstatite-bronzite: 2V ~ 90 0 2Vy« 90 0 (exception aegirine-augite)

hypersthene is common. There is a clear trend

towards more Fe-rich members in more Si02-rich
magmatic rocks. In volcanic rocks opx occurs as
phenocrysts, particularly in andesitic to dacitic
rocks; generally opx is represented by
hypersthene (Fig. 124). In dark andesites opx
occurs as Fe-rich bronzite. Hypersthene is a char-
Fig. 122 Bastitization of acteristic phase in the granulite facies in meta-
orthopyroxene. Uncrossed
morphic rocks.
Paragenesis: in ultra basic rocks with opx, olivine,
cpx and spinel. In basic rocks with opx, cpx,
plagioclase and olivine. In volcanic rocks with
rarely hypersthene (harzburgite). In gabbros and hypersthene, cpx and plagioclase. In pyroxene-
norites (basic rocks with predominantly ortho- bearing granulites with hypersthene, quartz and
pyroxene (opx) and subordinate clinopyroxene garnet. In contact-metamorphic rocks with opx,
(cpx» bronzite and hypersthene are common; in quartz, plagioclase, biotite, cordierite and
diorites and in 'dry' granites (charnockites) only diopside.

Fig. 123 Hypersthene

affected by progressive
bastitization advancing from
fractures. Also shown are
clinopyroxene and sericitized
plagioclase. Norite. Bad
Harzburg, Harz Mountains,
Germany. Uncrossed
Pyroxene group 85

Fig.124 Idiomorphic
hypersthene phenocrysts next
to plagioclase and idiomorphic
olivine phenocrysts. Quartz
andesite. Chiles volcano,
northern Ecuador. Uncrossed

4.2.2 Clinopyroxenes
XY[Zz06] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: most common mineral group and 93° respectively (Fig. 118). Less well-
forming dark minerals; X position is generally developed cleavage on (100), (010) and (001).
filled by Ca, and also Na and Li; Y is filled with
Character of elongation: it cannot be determined
Mg, Fe 2+, Mn and subordinately Fe 3+, Al and Ti;
in clinopyroxenes with the exception of aegirine-
the Z position is filled with Si and subordinately
AI. The clinopyroxenes (cpx) can be represented
in the Ca2Si206-Mg2Si20oFe2Si206 triangle, with Extinction: oblique; in longitudinal sections per-
the exception of the alkali pyroxenes and pendicular to [010] it is at an angle of 45° (Fig.
titanaugite (Fig. 125). 140), which is a diagnostic feature for distinguish-
ing clinopyroxene from clinoamphibole; only in
basal sections is extinction symmetric (Fig.
Thin-section characteristics
Cleavage: perfect on {110} and (010). In basal
sections the two cleavage planes intersect at 87°


Fig. 125 Nomenclature of t---~C~Ii-no~e~n~s7ta~ti7te-----'--~C~li-no~f~e-rr-os~iI~it-e--~5
clinopyroxenes, excluding the Na-rich
representatives. 50
86 Biaxial crystals Diopside group

Ca(Mg, Fe)[Si20 6]

General features: solid solution of the Refraction and birefringence:

endmembers diopside CaMg[Si20 6] and Diopside Hedenbergite
hedenbergite CaFe[Si206]' (Fig. 125). = 1.664 - 1.730
= 1.672 1.735
Thin-section characteristics = 1.694 1.755
= 0.030 0.025
Form: short prisms (Figs 126, 127), slender col-
umns, to columnar or granular; in basal sections Medium-high refraction increases with increas-
octagonal (Fig. 118). ing Fe 2+ content, whereas the medium-high
Cleavage: perfect on {IlO}. birefringence tends to stay constant (bright inter-
ference colours as high as orange of the 2nd
Twinning: in volcanic rocks glomerates are typi- order); optically biaxial EEl.
cal, variably intergrown. Twinning predomi-
nantly on (100), forming pyroxene lamellae, Optic axial angle: increases with increasing Fe 2+
which are oriented obliquely to the cleavage content, with 2Vy = 50°-62°.
planes. Extinction: tends to be oblique, with increasing
Colour: colourless to pale green with a very obliquity with increasing Fe 2+ content. rAc = 38°-
weak, pale-green pleochroism. 48° (Fig. 140).
Special characteristics: lamellar exsolutions of
orthopyroxenes and bending of crystals.
Distinguishing features: olivine has a higher
birefringence and poor cleavage and has straight
extinction; omphacite and jadeite occur in differ-
ent parageneses; amphiboles are more strongly
pleochroic, have a different cleavage set and
tend to be optically 8; orthopyroxenes have a
straight extinction. Detailed determinations of
the birefringence and axial angle (universal
stage) are necessary to differentiate diopside-
group pyroxenes from pigeonite and augite-
group pyroxenes. Fe-rich members of the
Fig. 126 Crystal form and optical characteristics of epidote group show anomalous interference col-
clinopyroxenes: augite (left) and diopside (right). ours and have a different cleavage.

Fig. 127 Idiomorphic, partly

corroded diopside phenocrysts
in a porphyry surrounded by a
matrix consisting predominantly
of plagioclase laths and glass.
Untypical pleochroic halo in the
crystal with the longitudinal
section (bottom left). Quartz
andesite. Purace volcano,
southern Colombia. Uncrossed
Pyroxene group 87
Alteration: pneumatolytic to hot-hydrothermal and ultra basic rocks, such as dunites and
alteration (uralitization, Colour plate 8) into kimberlites (in the latter as chrome-diopside with
brush-shaped fibrous aggregates of amphibole bright emerald-green colours), and as pheno-
(tremolite or actinolite). Low-temperature crysts in tholeiitic basalts and andesites. In
hydrothermal alteration leads to serpen- contact-metamorphosed rocks diopside is fre-
tinization. Weathering produces carbonate, quently found in siliceous limestones, and
hematite and quartz. hedenbergite tends to occur in skarns (Fe-rich
siliceous carbonates) in the amphibolite facies.
Occurrence: diopside-rich pyroxenes are com-
mon in Na- and K-rich (alkali) magmatic rocks, Paragenesis: in magmatic rocks together with
also in alkali basalts and alkali gabbros and augite and pigeonite (commonly in the matrix),
related rocks (hawaiite, mugearite, latite and plagioclase, olivine, with or without foids (nephe-
monzonite, etc.), but are not so common in line and leucite). In contact-metamorphosed
tephrites, basanites and phonotephrites, nephe- rocks with diopside, grossularite, vesuvianite,
linites, etc. (titanaugite is more typical in these forsterite, wollastonite and clinozoisite.
rock types). They occur in certain lamprophyres Augite group

(Ca, Mg, Fe 2+, Ti, Al)2[Si20 6]

General features: differs from members of the Optic axial angle: dependent on chemical com-
diopside group (>45 atom-% Ca) in that the position, 2Vy = 25°-61 ° (Fig. 128).
solid-solution sequence of the augite-group
pyroxenes has by definition a lower Ca-content Extinction: tends to be oblique; dependent
«45 atom-%; Fig. 125). on chemical composition yAc = 35°-48° (Fig.

Thin-section characteristics Special characteristic: common in basaltic and

ultramafic plutonic rocks, showing exsolution
Form: see diopside (section In volcanic lamellae of orthopyroxene, with good cleavage
rocks augite occurs as short prismatic crystals on (100). Thin ilmenite exsolution lamellae can
(Fig. 126(a» in special sections; commonly forms occur.
glomerophyric intergrowths. In metamorphic
rocks it tends to be xenomorphic. Distinguishing features: see diopside (Part B,
section; titanaugite shows stronger col-
Cleavage: good on {lID}. ours and pleochroism and hourglass texture are
Twinning: see diopside (Part B, section; typical.
in volcanic rocks intergrowth twins are common Alteration: during crystallization from a magma
on (101).
augite tends to be altered under wet conditions
Colour: pale grey-green to bright grey-green, into green (sometimes also into brown) am-
rarely brownish; zoning (with Fe-rich rims and phibole (uralitization). This process can also be
brighter colours) and sectional colour change observed in low- to medium-grade metamorphic
can be common; the very weak pale-greenish to rocks and in contact-metamorphosed aureoles.
pale-grey pleochroism can be so faint that it is In these cases pseudomorphs of green horn-
missed. blende to actinolite form after augite. In mag-
matic rocks chloritization of augite can be
Refraction and birefringence:
observed, and if additional potassium is added,
nu = 1.671 - 1.735
deep-green celadonite pseudomorphs can form
n~ = 1.672 - 1.741
(celadonitization). In low-temperature metamor-
ny = 1.703 - 1.774 phic environments, chloritization with epidote
EEl~ = 0.018 - 0.033 and talc are typical. Exposed to weathering, car-
bonate, hematite and quartz form.
The medium-high refraction and birefringence
increase with increasing Fe-content (interference Occurrence: augite (augite s.s.) is the most com-
colours of the 2nd order, similar to diopside); mon dark-coloured representative in calc-
optically biaxial EEl. alkaline and tholeiitic basaltic magmatic rocks
88 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 128 Position of the axial

plane, refraction and axial angle
Clinoenstatite 2V is dependent on the chemical
Mg 2 Si 2 0 s composition of clinopyroxenes.

Fig. 129 Augite with

subophitic plagioclase
inclusions. The excellent
cleavage and the high relief
are characteristic. Diabase.
bveron, north of G6teborg,
Sweden. Uncrossed polarizers.

(Fig. 129). Therefore it can be found in gabbroic forms rather than diopside (e.g. in the pyroxene-
rocks, granodiorites, andesites and rhyodacites, hornblende facies or in pyroxene-granulites).
tholeiitic basalts and related rocks. By contrast,
the principal pyroxene in alkaline magmatic Paragenesis: in calc-alkaline magmatic rocks with
rocks is diopside. The Fe-rich endmembers augite, hypersthene, plagioclase, hornblende and
of the augite group occur in very rare rock types. biotite. In tholeiitic basalts with augite (com-
In high-grade metamorphic and contact- monly in the ground matrix), diopside (as
metamorphosed siliceous limestones augite phenocryst), plagioclase, pigeonite and olivine. Titanaugite
Ca(Mg, Fe, Ti)[(Si, AI)P61

General features: a pyroxene containing more easily recognized by its dark colour and occurs in
than 3% weight TiO z is called titanaugite. It is basaltic and ultramafic alkaline magmatic rocks.
Pyroxene group 89
Thin-section characteristics Special characteristics: zonar growth patterns,
where zoning is parallel to [001] colours are
Form: varies, short columnar to thick platy to
stronger compared to zoning parallel to [111],
long columnar phenocrysts (Figs 130, 131).
giving rise to hourglass textures (Fig. 131).
Cleavage: excellent on (1l0}.
Distingnishing features: distinct brownish-purple
Twinning: lamellar on (100) and equal-sided pleochroism, typical hourglass-growth textures,
twins, intergrown obliquely to the cleavage la- strong dispersion in the extinction position and
mellae. anomalous interference colours.
Colour: brownish-purple to reddish-purple; in- Alteration: in plutonic rocks post-magmatic al-
tensity of colour dependent on Ti 3+ content; teration into titanhornblende.
strongly pleochroic; in cases where Fe 3+ is
Occurrence: restricted to Ti-rich volcanic rocks
present, the colour tends to be brownish-yellow,
of the alkaline series, common in alkali-olivine
greyish or greenish weakly pleochroic; zonar
basalts, tephrites and basanites, phonotephrites,
growth patterns are typical: the core is commonly
nephelinites, hyalobasanites (limburgite); alkali-
free of Ti or Ti-poor.
gabbroic rocks, essexite, theralite, camptonite,
a: pale brownish-yellow.
monchiquite, etc.
~: brownish-purple to reddish-purple.
y. brownish-yellow to violet-brown. Paragenesis: with olivine, plagioclase, nepheline
and minerals of the scapolite group, leucite,
Refraction and birefringence:
aegirine-augite and diopsidic pyroxene.
nu = 1.695 - 1.741
n~ = 1.700 - 1.746
ny = 1.728 - 1.762
EB~ = 0.033 - 0.021

Medium-high refraction and birefringence (in-

terference colours of the upper 2nd order and
lower 3rd order); because of the strong disper-
sion of the optic axes anomalous interference
colours are typic in the extinction positions (Col-
our plate 7); instead of black to brown, bluish-
grey colours can be observed; optically biaxial EB.
Optic axial angle: dependent on the chemical
composition, 2Vy = 42°-65°.
Fig. 131 Titanaugite: optical characteristics and
Extinction: oblique, rAc = 32°-55° (Fig. 140). crystal form (left) and hourglass texture (right).

Fig. 130 Basal section of a

titanaugite, showing the typical
cleavage intersection at nearly
right angles. Monchiquite. Rio
de Ouro, Serra de Tingua,
Brazil. Uncrossed polarizers.
90 Biaxial crystals Pigeonite
(Mg, Fe, Ca)z[Si2 0 61

General features: easily overlooked Ca-poor Distinguishing features: easily confused with
mineral which is common in tholeiitic basalts. augite and diopside, but they both have a higher
axial angle; orthopyroxene has a straight extinc-
tion; olivine has a higher birefringence and
Thin-section characteristics
higher axial angle.
Form: typically xenomorphic granular, rarely
Occurrence: in mafic to intermediate tholeiitic
idiomorphic columnar, with columns longer than
basaltic volcanic and subvolcanic rocks, com-
in accompaning augite (Fig. 132) (can form rims
monly as matrix mineral next to augite. In
around augite); typical matrix crystal. diabase, dolerite and also in andesite and dacite.
Cleavage: good on (UO). Rare in gabbro and norite (Bushveld, South Af-
rica; Skaergard, Greenland; Harzburg, Harz Mts,
Twinning: lamellar and polysynthetic on (100).
Colour: colourless; weak pleochroism pale
Paragenesis: with diopside, plagioclase and with
greenish to brownish.
or without olivine (as phenocrysts); with
Refraction and birefringence: pigeonite and augite (as ground matrix). As in-
nu = 1.682 - 1.722 terstitial mineral between plagioclase lamellae.
n~ = 1.684 - 1.722 Not observed together with titanaugite in alkali
ny = 1.705 - 1.751 basalts.
EEl~ = 0.023 - 0.029

The medium-high refraction and birefringence

are equivalent to those of the augite and diopside
groups (see appropriate sections); optically bi-
axial EEl.
Optic axial angle: dependent on chemical
composition, 2Vy = 0°-30° (tends to be between
10° and 20°). Fig. 132 Crystal form and
optical characteristics of
Extinction: oblique, yAc = 37°-44° (Fig. 140). pigeonite. Aegirine-augite series

NaFe 3+[Si20 61+ Ca(Mg;.Fe 2+)[Si2061
General features: mixed crystals of 75-25mol%
aegirine and diopside are classed as aegirine-
augites. They form very characteristic dark min-
erals in alkali basalts of volcanic and plutonic
origin; their occurrence is indicative of an excess
of alkali elements relative to aluminium.

Thin-section characteristics
Form: short columnar to acicular crystals, elon-
gated along the c-axis (Fig. 133); rarely granular.
Octahedral cross-sections are typical; as branch-
ing aggregates developed in the ground matrix of
phonolitic volcanic rocks. a c
Cleavage: good on (UO). Fig. 133 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
aegirine-augite pyroxenes: (a) diopsidic augite, (b)
Twinning: common on (100). aegirine-augite, (c) aegirine.
Pyroxene group 91
Colour: greenish with a strong pleochroism; be masked by the strong colour; optically
zoning is common and shows the characteristic biaxial EB or 8 (dependent on the chemical
hourglass texture. composition).
ex: green, olive-green.
Optic axial angle: dependent on the chemical
~: pale green.
composition (Fig. 135): 2Vy = 60°-90° to 2V" =
y. pale green to pale brownish-yellow.
Refraction and birefringence:
Character of elongation: (-).
n" = 1.700 - 1.760
n~ = 1.710 - 1.780 Extinction: oblique, yAc= 55°- 85° (commonly'"
ny = 1.730 - 1.813 80°; Fig. 140).
(£l ~ = 0.030 - 0.053 Special characteristics: zoning is very distinct
with diopside-rich cores, surrounded by aegirine-
Medium-high refraction and high birefringence augite and aegerine-rich rims (Fig. 134); uneven
(maximum interference colours of the 3rd and distribution of the aegirine component during
4th orders), which are higher than those of growth leads to hourglass textures. Because of a
the diopside and augite series; however, this can strong dispersion near the extinction position,

. ':.
t. "
J ~~ ..

:;4 r

Fig. 134 Zoning in a euhedral

aegerine porphyroblast.
Nosean leucite rock
(selbergite). Rieden, Laacher
volcanic area, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.

--~~ 0 .060

t-----t----t-----j--::::::.,.-"~=--~ 0.050

Fig. 135 Optic axial angle

(2V) and birefringence of the
~::====~::~~:::I~:::::::!===---~~=t========jO. MO
Aeg irine-augite

Na-rich clinopyroxenes. 20 40 60
Ca(Mg.Fe 2 +) Mol % NaFe3+
92 Biaxial crystals

anomalous brownish to grey-blue interference sentatives of the alkali series of magmatic rocks:
colours, similar to titanaugite. in alkali trachytes, quartz alkali trachytes,
pantellerites, phonolites and their equivalent
Distinguishing features: green hornblende and
plutonic rocks; also in alkali syenites, alkali gran-
actinolite show characteristic cleavage intersec-
ites and foid-syenites and related dykes and sills.
tion at 124° and 56° respectively, and also have a
In related dark-coloured rocks occurs it in alkali
positive elongation and lower refractive indices.
basalts, tephrites and basanites, essexites and
Other similar minerals such as pumpellyite and
theralites, where aegirine-augite occurs only as
chloromelanite occur in different para geneses.
an alteration product of titanaugite or augite.
Alterations: very robust. Pneumatolytic to hy- Also found in contact aureoles of alkali-plutonic
drothermal alteration into sodium-amphibole rocks.
Paragenesis: with Na-sanidine, nepheline,
Occurrence: aegirine-augite is restricted to sodalite group, leucite and melanite; with quartz,
strongly differentiated magmatic rocks. Repre- albite, zircon and Na-amphibole. Jadeite
NaAI[Siz0 61

Thin-section charac~eristics Medium-high refraction and low birefringence

(maximum interference colours of the middle 1st
Form: commonly subhedral to anhedral, granu-
to middle 2nd order); optically biaxial EB.
lar, platy; also acicular to branching (Figs 136,
137, Colour plate 11). Optic axial angle: varies according to chemical
Cleavage: good on {llO}. Lamellae oriented per- composition, 2Vy = 60°-96°.
pendicular to longitudinal axis. Extinction: tends to be oblique, rAc = 32°-55°
Colour: tends to be colourless, rarely pale green. (Fig. 140).
Refraction and birefringence: Special characteristics: stress-induced undulatory
n" = 1.640 - 1.681 extinction and wave-like deformation can be
n~ = 1.645 - 1.684 observed.
ny = 1.652 - 1.692 Distinguishing features: easily differentiated
EB~ = 0.006 - 0.021 from the other clinopyroxenes because of the low
birefringence, the small extinction angle and its
typical paragenesis.
Alteration: alteration into albite, or, under retro-
grade and reduced pressure conditions, into
Occurrence: typical mineral in high-pressure and
\c medium-temperature mineral assemblages. In
glaucophane schists with basaltic protoliths. Also
in quartzites and meta-greywackes.
Paragenesis: in glaucophane-bearing rocks with
glaucophane, lawsonite, epidote, Fe-poor pum-
pellyite, Cr-epidote, albite, with or without
Fig. 136 Crystal form and quartz, locally also with chlorite, actinolite, cal-
optical characteristics of cite and augite-relicts. In jadeite-quartzite with
nO' jadeite. albite, quartz, sericite, chlorite, graphite, calcite
and sphene.
Pyroxene group 93

Fig. 137 Poikilitic subhedral

jadeite together with
glaucophane, quartz and
others. Jadeite-schist. Valle
d'Aosta, northern Italy.
Uncrossed polarizers. Omphacite
(Ca, Na)(Mg, Fe, AI)[Si20 61

General features: isomorphs of diopsideso_4o and Refraction and birefringence:

jadeite2o_60 , restricted to eclogite facies of meta- na = 1.662 - 1.701
morphic rocks. n~ = 1.670 - 1.712
ny = 1.685 - 1.723
Thin-section characteristics EB~ = 0.012 - 0.028
Form: commonly subhedral to anhedral
granoblastic grains, rare columnar (Fig. 138); The medium-high refraction and birefringence
rutile inclusions are common. are similar to those from diopside and augite;
optically biaxial EB.
Cleavage: good on {110}.
Optic axial angle: 2Vy= 56°-84°.
Colour: colourless to pale green, weakly
pleochroic. Extinction: tends to be oblique, yAc = 34°-48°
(commonly'" 40°; Fig. 140). In blueschists undu-
latory extinction is quite common.
Distinguishing features: it differs from diopside
and augite by its characteristic high-pressure
paragenesis and can be distinguished from
jadeite because of its higher refraction and
Alteration: retrograde metamorphism causes al-
teration at the rims to plagioclase and diopside
along grain boundaries (cellular exsolution; Fig.
.' .. f}ll.. Occurrence: restricted to eclogites, high-
b pressure rocks at low fluid partial pressure.
Fig. 138 Crystal form and Paragenesis: with pyrope-rich garnet, with or
optical characteristics of without smaragdite, kyanite, zoisite, quartz,
omphacite. rutile and muscovite (diaphthoritic).
94 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 139 Omphacite showing

partial cellular exsolution
during retrograde alteration.
Eclogite. Saualpe, Carinthia,
Austria. Uncrossed polarizers.

Determination of the maximum extinction angle

for pyroxenes and amphiboles

The determination of the extinction angle in mate value can be determined. Measurements of
monoclinal (triclinal) crystals is an important ny (or n~ or nn) from the c-axis (= nyA c, etc.) with
diagnostic feature, which is easily carried out the help of the 3600 scale on the circular stage in
under the microscope. In suitable sections it sections parallel to (010). Only sections with one
is possible not only to distinguish between cleavage set and the highest interference colours
amphibole and pyroxene (Figs 140, 141) but also are chosen (corresponding to sections parallel to
between members of the group. In order to de- subparallel to the axial plane). The following
termine the exact extinction angle sections paral- steps have to be followed when determining the
lel to (010) are necessary, which are rarely extinction angle:
present. Therefore, only approximate values can
be obtained in most cases; e.g. this method does 1. The objective lens, polarizer and analyser all
distinguish between diopside and augite, and ex- have to be centred.
act values can be obtained only with a universal 2. Choose a small aperture (close iris diaphragm
stage microscope. Nevertheless, if several indi- as far as possible).
vidual crystals are measured, a good approxi- 3. Align the cleavage trace parallel to the N-S

Jadeite 340

Diopside 380

Pigeonite 4rP

Augite, Titanaugite ]

Hedenbergite 480

Aegirine-augite 800 Fig. 140 Extinction angles of the

most important clinopyroxenes.
Pyroxene group 95

Oxyhornblende -0 0

Glaucophane, Kaersutite 5 - 10 0

Actinolite 10 - 150
Grammatite, Hastingsite 15 - 200

Tschermarkite 15 - 250

Arfvedsonite 70 - 800 n(J

Fig. 141 Extinction
angles of the most
important representatives
of the clinoamphibole

cross-hairs and read off the value on the 360° 6. Use the measured values ("" 0°_20°
scale on the circular table. in amphiboles and"" 30°-50° (80°) in c1ino-
4. Rotate the circular stage until the crystal is pyroxenes) for further determinations in
extinct under the crossed polars. Read off the respective tables and diagrams (Figs 140, 141).
5. Apply this procedure to several individual "
To achieve maximum extinction the following
crystals and use the maximum value. steps should be carried out (Fig. 142):


P-+-~~---44+-~~-+ P' P +-~~--h:~W----+P'


A' f:\
(a) Vertical (b) Extinction position D' (I)

Fig. 142 Determination of the

extinction angle in crystals with
oblique extinction (example:
(a) Orientation of crystal
cleavage parallel to the N-S
cross-hairs of the ocular. P P' P P'
(b) Rotation to the extinction
position (in this case 41°).
(c) Cleavage aligned parallel to
the W-E cross-hairs.
(d) Rotation towards the N- f:\ f:\
direction until the extinction
position is reached (in this case (c) Horizontal H' (d) Extinction position D" (II)
96 Biaxial crystals

a) Align the cleavage trace parallel to the N-S out in the correct direction, which is towards I1y
cross-hairs and rotate to the extinction posi- (or in special cases towards n~ or na respectively).
tion, recording the angle I. Rotation of the circular table clockwise or anti-
b) Align the cleavage trace parallel to the E-W clockwise leads in both cases to extinction posi-
cross-hairs and rotate towards the N-direction tions in the crystal. In order to determine in
until extinction occurs. Note angle II. which direction to rotate, the compensator red I
c) The direction which halves the two angles is used and the direction of rotation is chosen
I and II is the direction of maximum which produces additive colours ('blue'). In this
extinction. way ny can be determined and the rotation to
estimate the extinction angle is carried out clock-
During determination of the extinction angle, it
wise towards ny (Z), to get the deviation of nyAc.
is important that the measurements are carried

4.3 Amphibole group

General features: amphiboles cannot be clearly tions), with extinction angles between 0° and 25°
differentiated from each other using a polariza- (Fig. 141). The optical character of the main op-
tion microscope or the powder X-ray diffraction tical zone in longitudinal sections, which in most
method alone. The nomenclature is based on cases is positive, is also a diagnostic feature of
their chemistry. The general formula for amphiboles.
amphiboles is: A clear, unambiguous differentiation between
A0-1B2C5Ts022(OH, CI, F)2, the various amphiboles is possible only by chemi-
with positions occupied by: cal methods. Therefore, we treat only the most
A: Na important representatives in this book. Leake
B: Na, Ca, Mg, Fe 2+, ... (1978) deals extensively with the nomenclature
C: Mg, Fe2+, AI, Fe 3+, •.• and classification of amphiboles.
T: Si, AI.
Contrary to the pyroxene group, where the
rhombic representatives play an important part
(orthopyroxenes), the numerous amphiboles are
almost exclusively monoclinic. Rhombic
amphiboles are restricted to rare paragenesis,
and therefore are not dealt with in this book.
The only colourless monoclinic amphibole is Fig. 143 Basal section of
the Fe-poor tremolite. The presence of Fe 2+, Fe 3+ clinoamphibole showing clear
cleavage and cleavage
and Ti gives rise to the diagnostic pleochroism.
intersection at 124 0 and 56 0
Fe 2+ causes the greenish to yellow-greenish col- respectively.
our of the common hornblende and of actinolite.
Oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe 3+ and the high Ti-content
give rise to the brown to red-brown colours in
hornblende. Higher contents of alkalis, specially
Na and K, are responsible for the lilac and
purple-blue colours of the alkali amphiboles
(glaucophane, arfvedsonite, etc.).
All amphiboles are prismatic [001], where the
short columnar habit predominates in magmatic
and high-grade metamorphic rocks, whereas the
fibrous habit is common in low-grade metamor-
phic rocks. Characteristic for all amphiboles is
their good cleavage on {110}, with intersection Fig. 144 Basal sections of clinoamphiboles:
angles in basal sections of 124° and 56° respec- (a) Untwinned.
tively (Figs 143, 144). Amphiboles also differ
from pyroxenes in their optical characteristics, (b) Single twinning.
being optically negative (with some rare excep- (c) Multiple twinning in the form of lamellae.
Amphibole group 97

4.3.1 Actinolite group

CazCMg, Fe)s[(OH)2ISis022] monoclinic- prismatic

General features: restricted to low-grade meta- tinction angles as tremolite. Pleochroism varies
morphic rocks. Solid-solution series between the between pale yellowish-green to pale green.
Fe-free tremolite, Fe > Mg-bearing actinolite,
Birefringence and refraction:
Fe-bearing actinolite and Fe-endmember
Tremolite Actinolite
na = 1.608 1.647
n~ = 1.618 1.659
Thin-section characteristics nr = 1.630 1.667
Form: subhedral columnar, acicular to fibrous, e~ = 0.022 0.020
rare aggregates of asbestos-like parallel
Refraction is medium-high and increases with
(amianthus) or randomly (nephrite) oriented
increasing Fe 2+ content, whereas the bire-
fibres. Porphyroblastic blade-shaped actinolite-
fringence is medium-high and decreases with
or garbenschiefer-schist shows preferred growth
of [001] within the schistosity plane (Fig. 146). increasing Fe 2+ content (interference colours of
the lower to medium 2nd order); optically biaxial
Cleavage: perfect on {110} with cleavage inter- e.
section angles of 124° and 56° respectively (Fig.
Optic axial angle: dependent on chemical com-
145). Deformation-induced parting perpendicu-
lar to the long axis. position, decreasing with increasing Fe 2+ content.
Tremolite: 2Va = 85°; actinolite: 2Va = 80°.
Twinning: common on (100), also multiple twin-
Character of elongation: (+), of diagnostic
ning (Fig. 144), rare polysynthetic twinning on
Extinction: oblique yAc = 10°_15° (Fig. 141); in
Colour: colourless (tremolite) to pale green (Mg-
rich actinolite), with increasing Fe 2+ content; basal sections symmetric extinction (Fig. 151).
pale greyish-green, accompanied by a weak Distinguishing features: green hornblende is
pleochroism: clearly coloured; aegirine-augite has a greater
a: light yellowish-green extinction angle; negative main optical zone
p: pale greenish-yellow and cleavage are distinctive in pyroxenes.
y. pale bluish green. Wollastonite, which can be easily mistaken for
An emerald-green variety can occur in eclogites tremolite, shows nearly straight extinction and
(smaragdite), which shows the same characteris- has a smaller axial angle; cummingtonite tends to
tics in regard to refraction, birefringence and ex- be optically EB and has a higher refractive index;

Fig. 145 Basal section of a

nematoblastic actinolite crystal.
Actinolite-albite-chlorite schist.
Talgenkopfe, Zillertal Alps, Aus-
tria. Uncrossed polarizers.
98 Biaxial crystals

actinolite or garbenschiefer. It occurs as a

retrograde mineral in blueschists. In diaphtho-
ritic eclogite it forms pseudomorphs of fibrous
crystals after omphacite (Part B, section;
this variety is Cr-rich (smaragdite) and is also
found in gabbros which have been uralitized or
Paragenesis: tremolite occurs in greenschist
Fig. 146 Crystal form facies together with quartz, chlorite, epidote, cal-
and optical characteristics
of actinolite.
cite antigorite and talc. In amphibolitic facies
rocks it occurs together with diopside and
cummingtonite (Mg-Fe amphibole). Locally, ac-
tinolite occurs in greenschist-facies metamorphic
the rhombic amphiboles generally show straight mineral assemblages together with quartz, albite,
extinction. epidote, biotite, calcite, pumpellyite, chlorite and
sphene. With increasing temperature it is re-
Alteration: restricted to greenschist facies; with
placed by hornblende (recognized by the bluish-
increasing metamorphic grade replaced by
green absorption colours in the direction of the
long crystallographic axis).
Occurrence: tremolite occurs in low- to high- Actinolite also can form during late magmatic
grade metamorphic dolomite-bearing siliceous auto hydrothermal alteration of augite and salite.
carbonates. Actinolite forms in basaltic volcanic By contrast, diopside is replaced by tremolite.
rocks and in CaMgFe-rich sediments. It is stable These alterations tend to be fibrous to acicular
only under low-grade metamorphic conditions, and are referred to as uralite. Occasionally green
in greenschists, talcschists, serpentinite and in hornblende can form during uralitization.

4.3.2 Green ('common') hornblende

Hastingsite series NaCa2(Mg, Fe2+)4Fe3+[(OH)2IAI2Si602z] monoclinic-prismatic
Tschermakite series CazCMg, FeMAI, Fe3+)z[(OH)2IAlzSi6022]
Barroisite series CaNa(Fe2+, MgMAI, Fe3+)z[(OH)2IAISi70d

General features: the chemistry of the 'green' Colour: always strong green, varying between
hornblende is complex. It forms the most impor- greenish-yellow and bluish-green. Strongly
tant and common dark-coloured amphibole in pleochroic, with the stronger colours appearing
magmatic rocks (e.g. in tonalite) and in meta- in orientations parallel to y and the weaker ones
morphic rocks (e.g. amphibolite). In the former
case it is part of the hastingsite series and in the
latter case it is part of the tschermakite series.

Thin-section characteristics
Form: tends to be subhedral to anhedral, short to
long prismatic (Figs 147-150) or acicular to fi-
brous, rarely idiomorphic (specially in volcanic
rocks); basal sections are hexagonal.
Cleavage: perfect on {UO} with cleavage inter-
section angles of 124 and 56°. Sections

subparallel to the c-axis show one parallel cleav-

age set (Fig. 151), which marks the main optical
zone. a b
Twinning: single twins are common with twin Fig. 147 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
lamellae on (100) (Fig. 144). (a) hastingsite and (b) tschermakite.
Amphibole group 99

Fig. 148 Tschermakitic

hornblende in basal and
longitudinal sections. High relief
and strong colour are character-
istic. Amphibolite. Boulder from
the Rhine near Kehl, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 149 Ti-rich hastingsitic

hornblende with clear growth
zoning and opacite alteration
around the rims. Quartz
andesite. Pitay6, east of
Popayan, southern Colombia.
Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig.150 Oxyhornblende
replaced by opacite. Hexagonal
outline of the original
hornblende still clearly visible.
Quartz andesite. Dona Juana
volcanic complex, southern
Colombia. Uncrossed
100 Biaxial crystals

Special characteristics: pleochroic halos around

radioactive inclusions.
Distinguishing features: in order to differentiate
it from other members of the amphibole group,
paragenesis is important; actinolite shows signifi-
cantly paler absorption colours; clinopyroxene
generally exhibits only weak pleochroism (ex-
ceptions: aegirine-augite, titan augite ), greater
extinction angle and different cleavage charac-
Fig. 151 Extinction in clinoamphiboles:
teristics; tourmaline has a columnar habit and
(a) Oblique extinction in the a-c plane. straight extinction; and epidote is characterized
(b) Symmetric extinction. by bright anomalous interference colours.
(c) Straight extinction in the b-c plane. Alteration: rare in volcanic rocks, where green
hornblende can be replaced by brown horn-
blende, due to oxidation of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+
(~oxyhornblende). This process can be accom-
panied by a partial or complete opacitization
parallel to a; barroisite shows bluish-green (Part B, section 4.3.3). The onset of alteration
colours. into oxyhornblende is marked by a colour change
from green to green-brown, which affects the
crystal initially along fracture and cleavage sur-
Hastingsite and tschermakite:
faces. In plutonic rocks green hornblende can be
a: pale yellowish-green, pale bluish, yellow
replaced around the rim by biotite. Retrograde
~: greenish to olive-green, deep green, greenish-
metamorphism in low-grade metamorphic rocks
can lead to replacement of green hornblende by
y. olive-green to bluish-green, brownish-green.
actinolite and finally into chlorite (next to
epidote, quartz and calcite) or antigorite. During
a: pale yellowish, pale greenish
weathering green hornblende alters into an ag-
~: yellowish-green to grey-green
gregate comprised of carbonate, limonite and
y. deep bluish-green, indigo blue, greenish-blue.
Refraction and birefringence:
Occurrence: hastingsite occurs in magmatic
rocks, particularly in intermediate plutonic rocks
Hastingsite and barroisite
and dykes of granodiorite, tonalite, monzonite,
= 1.646 - 1.700 1.640 - 1.673
quartz-diorite and diorite. It also can be present
= 1.658 - 1.719 1.659 - 1.690
in gabbros (hornblende-gabbro) and granites.
= 1.662 - 1.722 1.658 - 1.696
Green hornblende is uncommon in volcanic
8Ll = 0.016 - 0.022 0.018 - 0.023 rocks (Fig. 149), where the 'brown' hornblende/
oxyhornblende, which is rare in dyke rocks and
In both hastingsite and tschermakite the siliceous plutonic rocks, predominates. The
medium-high refraction and birefringence (inter- green tschermakite hornblende is very character-
ference colours of the upper 1st and lower 2nd istic in amphibolite facies, found in amphibolite
order) increase with increasing Fe-content; all schists and amphibolites (Fig. 148). In high-grade
these amphiboles are optically biaxial 8. metamorphic rocks (e.g. marbles, siliceous car-
bonates, etc.) green hornblende is rare and be-
Optic axial angle: dependent on chemical com-
longs to the pargasite series rather than
position; increasing axial angle with increasing
the tschermakite group. The bluish barroisite is
restricted to the lower grade metamorphic rocks
Hastingsite: 2Va = 34°-90°
(greenschist facies). In contact-metamorphosed
Tschermakite: 2Va = 65°-90°
rocks green tschermakite hornblende is
Barroisite: 2Va = 65°-90°. typical in the hornblende-hornfels facies (e.g.
Character of elongation: (+), important diagnos- amphibole-fels ).
tic feature.
Paragenesis: in intermediate plutonic rocks to-
Extinction: oblique; basal sections show symmet- gether with oligoclase to andesine, microcline or
ric extinction. orthoclase, quartz, biotite, sphene and pyroxene
Hastingsite: yAc = 14°-20° (Fig. 141) (early formed minerals during crystallization,
Tschermakite:yAc = 15°_22° (Fig. 141) often rimmed by hornblende which can be
Barroisite: yAc = 15°_22°. uralitized). In granites it occurs in the same
Amphibole group 101

paragenesis as listed above with the addition of rutile. In high-grade rocks together with
orthoclase. In regionally metamorphosed rocks it diopside, phlogopite and scapolite. In contact-
appears first in the upper greenschist facies, to- metamorphic rocks green hornblende occurs to-
gether with albite, epidote and almandine. In gether with plagioclase, diopside, biotite and
medium-grade rocks it appears together with quartz.
oligoclase or andesine to labradorite, garnet and

4.3.3 Brown hornblende

Oxyhornblende NaCa 2Mg2Fei+[ 021A12Si60d monoclinic-prismatic
Kaersutite NaCaiMg, Fe 2+)iTi, Fe3+)[(OH)2IA12Si6022J
Katophorite Na2Ca(Mg, Fe2+)iFe 3+, Al)[(OH)2IA1Si7022J

General features: oxyhornblende found in vol-

canic rocks is to a large extent former green oxi-
dized hastingsite, with greatly changed optical
characteristics due to heating to a minimum tem-
perature of 800 DC. Apart from oxidation
of Fe 2+ to Fe 3+, (OH)- changes into 0 2-. Titan-
hornblende with >5% weight Ti0 2 is referred to
as kaersutite. Ti-poorer representatives are
called katophorites.

Thin-section characteristics
Form: euhedral to subhedral crystals with short
to long prismatic habit, often with corroded mar- a b
gins (Fig. 152).
Fig. 152 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
Cleavage: perfect on {IlO}. (a) kaersutite and (b) katophorite.
Twinning: lamellar twinning is common on (100).
Colour: strong brown to reddish-brown and biotite, showing strong pleochroism, often
strongly pleochroic, with partly patchy colour clearly zoned or with patchy or hourglass-like
distribution, due to uneven distribution of oxi- colour distribution. In katophorite ythe direction
dization within one crystal. Kaersutite and of maximum absorption is parallel to the b-axis
katophorite have brownish colours, similar to (important diagnostic feature).

Oxyhornblende Kaersutite Katophorite

a: pale yellow, pale brown, pale yellowish-brown pale yellowish-red, yellow-
yellowish-brown orange
13: dark brown, red-brown green-brown, red-brown dark brown, red-brown, black
y. black-brown, dark deep green-brown, green-brown, deep red-brown.
brown, dark red-brown. chestnut-brown.
Refraction and birefringence:
n" = 1.650 - 1.702 1.669 - 1.696 1.639 - 1.681
n~ = 1.683 - 1.769 1.683 - 1.725 1.658 - 1.688
nr = 1.689 - 1.796 1.695 - 1.743 1.660 - 1.690
8d = 0.039 - 0.094 0.026 - 0.047 0.021 - 0.009

The medium refraction and very high bire- Refraction and birefringence of kaersutite is
fringence (interference colours of the medium similar to those of the 'common' hornblende;
2nd order) vary, depending on the degree of birefringence of kaersutite is low to medium high
oxidation. The interference colours tend to be (interference colours of the 1st and 2nd order);
masked by the strong crystal colours; optically optically biaxial 8.
biaxial 8.
102 Biaxial crystals

Oxyhornblende Kaersutite Katophorite

Optic axial angie:
2Va = 56°-88° ('" 60°)
Character of elongation:
(+) (+) (-)
In dark-coloured crystals it is difficult to determine.
Extinction angle increases with increasing oxidation.
rAc = 0°_12° rAc = 3°_19°

Special characteristics: zoning with brighter core Occurrence: oxyhornblende predominantly

and darker rim, or isomorphic multilayered col- occurs in intermediate to acidic volcanic rocks,
our change. such as biotite-hornblende dacites, quartz-Iatite
andesites, ignimbrites and other pyroclastics.
Distinguishing features: very high birefringence
Kaersutite occurs in basic plutonic and vol-
colours and the small extinction angle are
canic to subvolcanic rocks and dykes rich in so-
diagnostic. Oxyhornblende has a much higher
dium (alkali series) (e.g. essexite, theralite,
birefringence; the common green hornblende has
tephrite, basanite, camptonite, monchiquite,
a lower birefringence and shows brown-green to
etc.). It is very rare in alkali basalts, and there-
greenish absorption colours; aenigmatite has a
fore the term basaltic hornblende, summarizing
larger extinction angle; katophorite shows the
Ti-poor amphiboles with 3-5% Ti0 2, is consid-
strongest absorption parallel to the b-axis which
ered here to be superfluous.
is at right angles to its crystal elongation direction
Katophorite can occur in Na-rich magmatic
(diagnostic feature to distinguish it from
rocks (e.g. in nepheline syenite and in sub-
kaersutite. ).
volcanic Na-shonkinites, such as phononephe-
Alteration: pressure decrease in ascending linites of the Tertiary Katzenbuckel volcanic
magma leads to disequilibrium between the ear- province in the southern Odenwald, Germany).
lier formed oxyhornblende with the magma. The
Paragenesis: oxyhornblende occurs with
crystal is replaced by an aggregate of magnetite,
plagioclase, biotite, ortho- and clinopyroxene,
hematite, Fe-poor clinopyroxene, etc. This pro-
magnetite and rock-glass.
cess is called opacitization (Fig. 150) and it can
Kaersutite occurs next to titanaugite, olivine,
also affect biotite, first around the margin and
plagioclase and apatite. Katophorite occurs to-
then progressively the whole crystal is replaced.
gether with nepheline, sodium sanidine, aegirine-
Pressure decrease also leads to corroded crystal
augite, Ti-biotite, arfvedsonite, olivine and
margins. Only in rapidly cooled lava flows and in
ignimbrites opacitzation is absent or minimal.
Weathering leads to formation of carbonate,
limonite and quartz.

4.3.4 Glaucophane and crossite

Naz(Mg, Fe2+MAI, Fe3+)z[(OH)2ISig022] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: characteristic alkali amphi- Colour: blue to purple absorption colours,
boles of high-pressure metamorphic rocks. strongly pleochroic (Colour plate 10), zoned with
colours increasing towards the rim:
Thin-section characteristics
Form: long prismatic to acicular along [001],
bladed, rare needle-like to fibrous.
Amphibole group 103

Glaucophane Crossite
a: colourless to pale yellow-green colourless to pale green
~: lilac to bluish-purple deep blue
y ultramarine to sky-blue. lilac to greyish-purple.
Refraction and birefringence:
n" = 1.595 - 1.630 n" = 1.630 - 1.665
n~ = 1.614 - 1.650 n~ = 1.650 - 1.670
Ily = 1.620 - 1.652 ny = 1.652 - 1.680
8L1 = 0.025 - 0.022 8L1 = 0.020 - 0.008

The medium-high birefringence increases with increasing Fe3+ content, whereas the relatively low
birefringence (interference colours of the 1st and 2nd orders) decreases; optically biaxial 8.

Optic axial angle: varies with chemical from Na-rich volcanic rocks. Also present in
composition. eclogites.
Glaucophane: 2V" = 0°_50°
Paragenesis: with clinozoisite, zoisite, lawsonite,
Crossite: 2V" = 0°-90°.
jadeite-rich pyroxenes, muscovite, almandine,
Character of elongation: glaucophane pumpellyite, carbonate, rutile, retrograde epi-
(+); crossite (+) or (-). dote, actinolite, albite and chlorite (penninite).
In eclogites together with garnet, omphacite,
Extinction angle: oblique.
rutile and epidote.
Glaucophane: rAc = 5°_7° (Fig. 153)
Crossite: ~Ac = 5°_9°.
Distinguishing features: the strong absorption
colours are diagnostic. Arfvedsonite occurs in
different parageneses, has different bluish-
green to grey-green or grey-blue colours and a
negative elongation (can also be optically biaxial
EEl); dumortierite has straight extinction and a
higher birefringence; tourmaline always has
straight extinction parallel to its long axis and is
optically 8 (if anomalously biaxial it has a small
axial angle) and has a negative elongation.
Alteration: retrograde alteration into barroisite,
actinolite or chlorite. a b
Occurrence: glaucophane and crossite occur in Fig. 153 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
glaucophane schists, which tend to originate (a) glaucophane and (b) crossite.

4.3.5 Advedsonite and riebeckite

Na3 (Mg, Fe 2+)iFe 3+, Al)[(OH)2ISis0 221 monoclinic- prismatic

General features: characteristic Fe-rich alkali Cleavage: perfect amphibole cleavage on {lID}.
amphiboles of rare alkali-magmatic rocks.
Twinning: simple on (100).
Colour: blue to brownish-green and grey-blue
Thin-section characteristics
absorption colours, showing strong pleochroism:
Form: thick prismatic parallel to the c-axis, acicu-
lar, granular or bladed parallel to {01O}; also
poikilitic (sieve texture) (Fig. 154).
104 Biaxial crystals

Arfvedsonite Riebeckite
a: blue-green, dark blue-green dark blue to green-blue
~: pale bluish-green, grey-blue yellow-brown to pale yellow-green,
y: pale yellowish-green, dark green, dark blue.
greenish blue-grey.
Refraction and birefringence:
na = 1.623 - 1.700 na = 1.650 - 1.701
n~ = 1.631 - 1.706 n~ = 1.655 - 1.711
nr = 1.635 - 1.710 nr = 1.670 - 1.717
$d = 0.010 - 0.012 $d = 0.006 - 0.016

The medium-high refraction increases with in-

creasing Fe 2+, whereas the relatively low
birefringence (interference colours of the 1st
order) decrease; optically biaxial 8 to EB.
Optic axial angle: dependent on the chemical
2Va = commonly 70°-80° (0°_100°)
Character of elongation:
(-) (-)
Extinction: angle tends to be oblique
aAc= _10° to -25°
~Ac= 65°-80°

Special characteristics: strongly anomalous inter-

ference colours are often masked by the strong
colour of the crystal.
Distinguishing features: glaucophane occurs in
different parageneses and is characterized by
purple to violet absorption colours; tourmaline is -1!.
characterized by minimum absorption colours
parallel to the c-axis, whereas arfvedsonite shows
a maximum in this orientation.
Alteration: none. a b
Occurrence: arfvedsonite occurs in nepheline- Fig. 154 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
syenite, Na-syenite and related pegmatites; in (a) arfvedsonite and (b) riebeckite.
volcanic pantellerite and comendite. Riebeckite
occurs in Na-rich magmatic rocks, particularly in
acidic plutonic rocks, less frequently in Na- and
nepheline-syenite and related pegmatites; in vol- rite, alkali feldspar, respectively and anorth-
canic pantellerite and comendite (alkali rhyolite oclase (in volcanic rocks) and nepheline.
to alkali trachyte). Riebeckite occurs with arfvedsonite, aegirine, al-
Paragenesis: arfvedsonite occurs with riebeckite, kali feldspar and anorthoclase, respectively (in
aegirine, aegirine-augite, hastingsite, katopho- volcanic rocks), and quartz or nepheline.

4.4 Mica group

General features: this is a very important, widely tives of the phyllosilicates (two of the three octa-
distributed mineral group of monoclinic- hedral lattice spaces are occupied with trivalent
prismatic (pseudo-hexagonal) flaky phyllo- cations). All other (dark) micas are trioctahedral
silicates. The white micas are comprised of (where all three octahedral positions are occu-
muscovite, phengite, paragonite and glauconite pied by bivalent cations).
and they belong to the dioctahedral represent a-
Mica group 105

Thin-section characteristics tion position interference colours of the 1st order

are visible, whereas with the vibration direction
Form: flakes, plates (Fig. 155) on {~Ol}, fine scales
perpendicular to the c-axis n~ does not vary much
(sericite), prismatic parallel to the c-axis (in
(ny-n~ maximum 0.005).
pegmatites), spherolitic (lepidolite) or fan-
shaped (zinnwaldite).
Cleavage: perfect on (001). Sections perpendicu-
lar to {~Ol} show parallel sets of cleavage (Fig.
155). Elastic bending due to mechanical stress,
increasing stress and strain leads to plastic
deformation and formation of kink bands (Fig. 10
158). ~~~~"F:' ~g~~ ..... ~.
Twinning: twinning with [310] as twin axis, but
not recognizable under the microscope. nr .......
• 'Q
Character of elongation: always (+). Muscovite Biotite
Extinction: parallel to cleavage, almost straight Fig. 155 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
~Aa and yAa respectively = 0.5°-2°. In the extinc- the phyllosilicates (e.g. mica).

4.4.1 Muscovite
KAI 2[(OH, F)zIAlSi30 IO] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: this white mica occurs in Extinction: in sections perpendicular to the
acidic plutonic rocks and is absent in fresh vol- cleavage the extinction is straight or nearly
canic rocks. A fine-grained scaly variety is com- straight: aAc = 0°_5°, ~Ac = 1°_3°.
mon in low-grade metamorphic rocks (sericite).
Special characteristics: occurs also as fine-
Phengite is also described as sericite and is very
grained scaly aggregates of sericite. Parallel
difficult to distinguish optically from muscovite.
intergrowth between biotite and muscovite can
occur. Pale-yellow pleochroic haloes around zir-
Thin-section characteristics con inclusions are rare occurrences.
Colour: colourless, rarely pale yellow, pale green Distinguishing features: sericite is distinguish-
or pale brown. Cr-rich muscovite is called able from other phyllosilicates only by X-ray
fuchsite, which is rare and pleochroic: a pale
greenish-blue, ~ yellowish, y pale bluish-green.
1.75 r-~--""----r---~--_--r-........,
Refraction and birefringence:
Muscovite Fuchsite
n" = 1.552 - 1.570 1.559 - 1.571
n~ = 1.582 -1.619 1.593 - 1.604
ny = 1.588 - 1.624 1.595 - 1.612
8!1 = 0.036 - 0.054 0.036 - 0.041

Medium-high refraction and high birefringence

...... ....
(bright, strong interference colours of the upper
2nd to lower 3rd orders) (Colour plate 11); sec-
tions parallel to the cleavage show very low inter-
ference colours of the 1st order, where there is
little difference between rays vibrating perpen- 1.55
dicular to the c-axis and n~ (ny-n~ maximum
0.005). 10° 20° 30° 40°
Optic axial angle 2 Va
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 28°-47° (Fig. 156); can
be measured in sections perpendicular to the c- Fig. 156 Optic axial angle (2V) and medium-high
axis (Part A, section 3.3.4). refraction in the mica group.
106 Biaxial crystals

methods; phengite is similar but has a smaller vite makes a major chemical contribution to
axial angle; chlorite and kaolinite have a the chemistry of mica schists and muscov~te
lower birefringence; lepidolite, talc, pyrophylhte gneisses (Fig. 157). The sequence from phylhte
and paragonite are difficult to distinguish from ~ mica schist ~ muscovite gneiss marks progres-
muscovite under the microscope. sive metamorphism. In eclogites and granulites
muscovite occurs only as diaphthoritic newly
Alteration: in higher-grade metamorphic rocks
formed mineral. In contact-metamorphosed
muscovite becomes unstable and is replaced
rocks sericite occurs in the outer zones of the
by alkali feldspar-bearing assemblages. It is a
contact aureole in knotenschiefer; nearer to the
fairly robust mineral when exposed to weather-
contact white mica appears in the form of musco-
ing; fine-grained aggregates can be altered to
vite. The rare Cr-rich variety, fuchsite, is found in
hydromuscovite and illite.
low-grade metamorphic schists (e.g. in the
Occurrence: not too common in granites to Zillertal Alps).
granodiorites, never in volcanic roc~s. Very com-
Paragenesis: in plutonic rocks to&ether with
mon in pegmatites and pneumatolytIcally forme.d
quartz, microcline, orthoclase, plagIOclase a?d
rocks. As sericite it occurs in numerous plutomc
biotite. In pegmatites it can appear together WIth
rocks and palaeovolcanic rocks (quartz-porphyry
phlogopite, lepidolite, tourmaline and topaz ..In
to porphyrite). In these rocks sericite formed as a
low-grade rocks sericite occurs together ~Ith
hydric or pneumatolytic alterati.on. mineral fr~m
albite, chlorite and quartz, and also parag~)ll~te;
feldspar (sericitization). In a SImIlar way fOlds
with increasing metamorphic-grade bIOtite,
undergo alteration (leucite, nephelin~). In chloritoid and microcline join the assemblage.
sediments and sedimentary rocks muscovite oc-
In medium-grade metamorphic-rocks musco~ite
curs in many clastic rocks such as arkoses and
is accompanied by biotite, albite, almandme,
greywackes. White micas weather into ~lay min-
staurolite, kyanite, and also sillimanite. In c~n­
erals which with the addition of potaSSIUm dur-
tact aureoles sericite occurs next to quartz, albIte
ing diagene'sis, react to sericite an?~or phen~i~e. and andalusite- or cordierite-blasts; muscovite is
In low-grade metamorphic condItions SerICIte
stable in the lower hornfels facies next to quartz,
can become rock-forming (e.g. sericite phyllites,
plagioclase, biotite and/or hornble~de. Fuch~ite
greenschist and quartzite). At medium-gr~de
occurs together with quartz, albIte, chlOrIte,
metamorphism sericite aggregates recrystalhze
biotite and actinolite.
and form mesoscopic muscovite flakes. Musco-

Fig. 157 Lepidoblastic

muscovite in a mica schist.
Muscovite schist. Gallivaggio,
SplOgen, southern rump,
northern Italy. Crossed polars.
Mica group 107

4.4.2 Phengite
K(Mg, Fe )o.sAI1.5[ (0 H)2IAlo.sSi3.s01O] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: fine- to coarse-grained white Medium-high refraction and high birefringence
mica in medium- to high-grade metamorphic (interference colours of the 2nd and 3rd orders);
rocks. optically biaxial e.
Optic axial angle: optically it cannot be differen-
Thin-section characteristics tiated from sericite muscovite (chemical diag-
nosis necessary). Chlorite and kaolinite both
Colour: colourless, rarely pale green (Fe3+-rich).
have lower refractive indices.
Refraction and birefringence: Occurrence: in glaucophane schists, eclogites,
Fe-free Fe-rich gneisses and phyllites.
na = 1.547 - 1.571
Paragenesis: glaucophane, clinopyroxene,
n~ = 1.584 - 1.610 lawsonite, paragonite as well as the parageneses
nr = 1.587 - 1.612
listed under muscovites (Part B, section 4.4.1).
ell = 0.040 - 0.041

4.4.3 Lithionite series Lepidolite
KLil.sAIl.s[(F,OH)2IAISi301O] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: rare mica, which occurs in Optic axial angle: 2Va = 23°-58° (Fig. 156), rarely
Li-rich pegmatites. 0°.
Special characteristics: commonly intergrown
Thin-section characteristics with muscovite.
Colour: colourless; in slightly thick thin sections a Distinguishing features: muscovite has a higher
weak pleochroism can be observed with pale- refraction and birefringence.
pink to pale-purple colours.
Occurrence: in Li-rich granitic pegmatites (e.g.
Refraction and birefringence: Erzgebirge, Germany); in greisen.
na = 1.524 - 1.548 Paragenesis: with quartz, topaz, tourmaline,
n~ = 1.543 - 1.587
spodumene, amblygonite, beryl and cassiterite.
Or = 1.545 - 1.588
ell = 0.018 - 0.038

Low refraction and medium-high birefringence

(bright interference colours of the 2nd order),
optically biaxial e. Zinnwaldite
KLiFe2+AI[(F,OH)2IAISi301O] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: rare mica, occurs in fluorine- Refraction and birefringence:

bearing pneumatolytic rocks. na = 1.535 - 1.558
n~ = 1.570 - 1.589
Thin-section characteristics
nr = 1.572 - 1.590
Colour: colourless, can be pale-coloured with a ell = -0.035
weak pleochroism (brownish-grey).
108 Biaxial crystals

Low refraction and medium-high birefringence Alteration: none.

(bright interference colours of the 2nd order);
Occurrence: as newly formed crystals replacing
optically biaxial 8 (Fig. 155).
pneumatolytically affected biotite and muscovite
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 15°-32° (Fig. 156). in greisen and granite pegmatites.
Special characteristics: commonly an oriented Paragenesis: with muscovite, lepidolite, quartz,
intergrowth with muscovite or lepidolite. topaz, cassiterite and wolframite.
Distinguishing features: lepidolite has a lower
refraction and muscovite a higher refraction and

4.4.4 Biotite series

Phlogopite KMg3[(OH)zIAISi30 lO] monoclinic-prismatic
Biotite s.s. K(Mg, Fe 2+)3 [(OH)2IAISi301O]
General features: the biotite series is comprised of the following dark mica representatives, which
have a diadochic exchange between Mg and Fe Z+:
Fe 0 20 50 80 100
phlogopite meroxene lepidomelane siderophyllite

Mg 100 80 50 20 o
The term biotite s.s. is used for the meroxene to siderophyllite members. Phlogopite

Thin-section characteristics Special characteristics: zoning is rare with a

greenish core and paler or darker coloured
Colour: dependent on the Fe-content, colourless
edges; pleochroic haloes around radioactive in-
to yellowish, greenish to pale brown, rarely pink;
clusions, similar to biotite (Fig. 159).
in sections parallel to (001) almost no pleochr-
oism; in sections oriented oblique or perpendicu- Distinguishing features: it differs from biotite by
lar to (001) absorption is very strong: a, its paler colour; and from muscovite by its
colourless, pale yellow, pale orange, pale pink; ~ smaller axial angle.
'" y, brownish-yellow, leather-brown, reddish-
Alteration: none.
orange, reddish-brown, pale red-brown.
Occurrence: in mafic and ultramafic plutonic
Refraction and birefringence:
rocks (e.g. mica-peridotite; Fig. 158), kimber-
n" = 1.522 - 1.568 lites, carbonatites and foids. In contact-
n~ = 1.548 - 1.609
metamorphosed siliceous carbonates and
IL, = 1.549 - 1.613
8~ = 0.027 - 0.045
Paragenesis: with olivine, diopside, calcite,
pyrope (in kimberlite) or olivine, melilite,
Relatively low refraction and high birefringence
leucite, nepheline (in silica-undersaturated vol-
(bright interference colours of the 2nd and 3rd
canic rocks) or calcite, tremolite, diopside,
orders; basal sections show a very low bire-
forsterite (in siliceous carbonates) or calcite,
fringence: blackish-grey interference colours of
apatite, coppite (in carbonatites).
the 1st order); optically biaxial 8.
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 2°_8° (rarely up to 15°;
Fig. 156); in very thin sections nearly optically
uniaxial 8.
Mica group 109

Fig. 158 Tectonically

deformed phlogopite with
clearly developed kink bands
and undulatory extinction, next
to deformed olivine. Phlogopite
peridotite. Finero, Ivrea area,
northern Italy. Crossed polars.

Fig. 159 Intensively brown-

coloured pleochroic biotite with
good basal cleavage and
pleochroic haloes surrounding
zircon inclusions. Cordierite
sillimanite gneiss. Erratic

boulder, Baltic Sea coastline,
near Kiel. Uncrossed
,O,3mm, Biotite s.s.

Refraction and birefringence:
Thin-section characteristics
Meroxene Lepidomelane Siderophyllite
Colour: strong brown, yellow-brown, red-brown, na 1.571 1.598 1.616
olive-green or green (in low-grade metamorphic np 1.609 1.651 1.696
rocks); strongly pleochroic, which is particularly ny 1.610 1.652 1.697
well developed in sections perpendicular or ob-
8L1 = 0.039 0.054 0.081
lique to (001) (Colour plate 12); parallel to (001)
there is hardly any absorption. Medium-high refraction and high birefringence.
a: yellow, leather-coloured, pale brown, pale Bright interference colours of the 3rd and 4th
greenish. order are generally not recognizable, because of
~: reddish-brown, greenish-brown, bluish-green, the strong mineral colour; optically biaxial 8,
dark brown, black. sometimes nearly uniaxial 8.
y. reddish-brown, yellow-brown, dark brown,
green, black.
11 0 Biaxial crystals

Optic axial angle: 2Va = 0°_35° (Fig. 156) de- tually the whole crystal is replaced. Exsolution of
pendent on the Fe-content; the axial angle can be titanium in biotite leads to inclusions of fine nee-
small, so that in basal sections the isogyre cross dles of rutile (sagenite, Fig. 71). Diaphthoritic
suggests uniaxial optical behaviour. alteration of biotite into chlorite (Fig. 160), also
epidote, carbonate and quartz, etc. During
Special characteristics: in volcanic rocks resorbed
weathering biotite is bleached (hydro biotite ) and
margins are common or opacitic rims (black,
weathers into an aggregate of carbonate,
opaque rim). Often rich in inclusions (apatite,
limonite and quartz.
quartz, rutile, hematite, tourmaline, etc.). In plu-
tonic rocks it can occur intergrown with mus- Occurrence: biotite occurs in plutonic rocks,
covite; pleochroic haloes around radioactive dykes and in volcanic rocks. Meroxene is found
inclusions are common (zircon, monacite, in basaltic rocks (e.g. gabbro, norite and
sphene, etc.). Tectonically strained crystals can lamprophyre). Lepidomelane is the most com-
be bent or kinked (kink-bands). mon biotite found in intermediate and acidic
magmatic rocks. The dark-green siderophyllite
Distinguishing features: brown hornblende in
occurs in nepheline syenite and related
longitudinal sections shows oblique extinction
pegmatites. In regionally metamorphosed areas
(oxyhornblende '" 0°); brown tourmaline shows
biotite (lepidomelane) occurs in medium
the maximum absorption colours perpendicular
greenschist-facies to upper amphibolite-facies
to the elongation direction, whereas biotite has
grade metapelitic rocks. In contact aureoles of up
them parallel; phlogopite is less strongly col-
to hornfels-facies grade.
oured; green biotite has higher birefringence
than chlorite. Can be confused with stilpno- Paragenesis: in magmatic rocks with brown horn-
melane, which, however, has a golden-coloured blende, plagioclase, orthoclase, quartz, augitic
pleochroism. pyroxene and hypersthene (intermediate to
acidic volcanic rocks); plagioclase, quartz, green
Alteration: in volcanic rocks biotite can be af-
hornblende, sphene, with or without muscovite
fected by oxidation (~ oxybiotite) and water
(granite). In metamorphic rocks with quartz,
loss; rapidly decreasing vapour pressure leads to albite, epidote and chlorite (epidote-chlorite
opacitization: biotite (and also syngenetic horn-
schist); quartz, muscovite, almandine, staurolite
blende) is replaced by a fine-grained aggregate of
and kyanite (mica schist); plagioclase, quartz and
magnetite, haematite, spinel and pyroxene dur-
muscovite (gneiss).
ing this process. The biotite is first affected
around its edges (black opaque rims), and even-

/. ' .'
". i." (.
.. .' . ,
- -
:\ - .' . .. ...

... '
t' •

Fig. 160 Chloritized biotite,

together with quartz and
others. Cordierite sillimanite
gneiss. Erratic boulder, Baltic
Sea coastline, near Kiel.
Uncrossed polarizers.
Mica group 111

4.4.5 Oxybiotite
KMgFe~+[02IAISi30JOl monoclinic-prismatic

General features: oxybiotite is formed from Optic axial angle: 2Va = 20°-30° (Fig. 156), which
biotite by oxidation of Fe 2+to Fe3+, which is com- is much larger than in biotite.
mon in volcanic rocks. As in oxyhornblende, the
Special characteristics: opacite rims; pleochroic
OR group is replaced by oxygen.
haloes around radioactive inclusions.
Distinguishing features: distinguished from
Thin-section characteristics
biotite by its higher refraction, birefringence, a
Colour: intensive brown to red-brown, strongly larger axial angle and strong colour; it differs
pleochroic; in sections parallel to (001) almost no from titan biotite by its higher birefringence.
Alteration: replaced by opacite, which is a fine-
a: yellow-brown to reddish-brown
grained aggregate of magnetite, hematite, spinel
~ "" y. brown-red to dark brown-red.
and pyroxene. Weathering leads to alteration
Refraction and birefringence: of the iron component into hematite and/or
nn = 1.600 - 1.610 limonite.
n~ = 1.677 - 1.722
Occurrence: as intratelluric blasts in intermedi-
Ily = 1.680 - 1.730
ary volcanic rocks, rich in Fe-rich biotite.
8~ = 0.080 - 0.120
Paragenesis: with oxyhornblende, clino- and
orthopyroxene, plagioclase, sanidine and
Medium-high refraction and very high bire-
sodium-sanidine respectively (in old rocks,
fringence. The very strong interference colours
orthoclase), and quartz.
of the 4th and 5th orders can be masked by the
strong colour; optically biaxial 8.

4.4.6 Titanbiotite
K(Mg, Fe 2+, TiM(O, OR, FhlA1SiPJOl monoclinic-prismatic

General features: rare biotite with a high Ti02 orders are masked by its strong colour; optically
content (7-12.5%), which has more or less the biaxial 8.
same optical characteristics as biotite.
Optic axial angle: 2Vn = 5°_38° (Fig. 156).

Thin-section characteristics Special characteristics: radioactive inclusions

surrounded by haloes.
Colour: differs from biotite by its reddish colour
Distinguishing features: biotite is not as red-
and strong pleochroism; in sections parallel to
(001) the pleochroism is very weak. coloured as oxybiotite and has a higher refrac-
a: yellow-orange to pale yellow tion and birefringence.
~: orange to brown-orange Alteration: none.
y. brown-red to deep red-brown.
Occurrence: in Na-rich (alkaline) magmatic
Refraction and birefringence: rocks with a high Ti0 2 content (e.g. subvolcanic
nn = 1.599 - 1.655 Na-shonkinite of the KatzenbuckellOdenwald,
n~ = 1.642 - 1.692 Germany; Fig. 161).
Ily = 1.643 - 1.695
Paragenesis: with nepheline, Na-sanidine,
8~ = 0.044 - 0.040 kaersutite (titanhornblende), nosean, aegirine-
augite and apatite.
Medium-high refraction and high birefringence;
strong interference colours of the 2nd and 3rd
112 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 161 Titanbiotite with a

clear 'bird's-eye' structure and
strong red-brown colour.
Intratelluric blasts in Na-
shonkinite. Katzenbuckell
Odenwald, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.

4.5 Stilpnomelane
Complex H 20-bearing phyllosilicate monoclinic and triclinic

Thin-section characteristics Cleavage: perfect on (001), sometimes parting on

(010) (Fig. 162).
Form: flaky, radiating and brush-like acicular.
Colour: yellowish, greenish and brownish with a
strong pleochroism:
a: pale yellow, gold-yellow, pale brown
~ '" y: deep brown, deep red-brown, black-
brown, chestnut brown, deep yellow-
Fig. 162 Crystal brown and dark green respectively (ferro-
form and optical stilpnomelane).
characteristics of

Fig. 163 Lath-shaped

stilpnomelane with a strong
biotite-like pleochroism.
Stilpnomelane quartzite. Gossl,
eastern Tirol, Austria.
Uncrossed polarizers.
Glauconite and celadonite 113

Refraction and birefringence: Distinguishing featnres: intergrown with biotite.

n" = 1.543 - 1.634 Biotite has a rougher surface with a mottled tex-
n~ = 1.576 - 1.745 ture ('bird's-eye' structure), has a different col-
ny = 1.576 - 1.745 our and a much better cleavage on (001) (Fig.
8~ = 0.033 - 0.111
Alteration: none.
Medium-high refraction and birefringence. In-
Occurrence: very common and often confused
terference colours vary between the 2nd-order
with biotite; in low-grade metamorphic rocks
white of higher orders. In basal sections isotropic
(stilpnomelane-schist, phyllites, calc-phyllite and
(~ = 0.000); optically biaxial 8. Varying optical
quartzite). Also in blueschist-facies metamorphic
characteristics dependent on different degrees of
rocks and in silicate-rich iron-ore deposits.
oxidation of iron: two major varieties are distin-
guished, ferro- and ferri-stilpnomelane. Paragenesis: with quartz, sericite, chlorite and
calcite. In blueschists next to glaucophane, gar-
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 00, pseudo-uniaxial.
net and sphene. Together with talc, phengite or
Character of elongation: (+). chloritoid in high-pressure parageneses in
Extinction: tends to be straight yAa = 00.

4.6 Glauconite and celadonite


General features: mica-like dioctahedral Optic axial angle: 2V" = 00_20 0 (to 300).
phyllosilicate. Glauconite is a synsedimentary
Character of elongation: (+).
to diagenetic mineral in marine sediments;
celadonite is a Fe 3+-rich glauconite, restricted to Extinction: oblique, yAa = 20_3 0.
basaltic volcanics.
Special characteristics: in very fine-grained ag-
gregates pleochroism is not visible.
Thin-section characteristics
Distinguishing featnres: ortho- and leptochlorite
Form: rounded to elliptically shaped aggregates have a lower birefringence, and green biotite a
(Colour plate 13), fine-grained to fine-grained much higher birefringence.
sheaths and fibrous radiating aggregates. Forms
Alteration: prone to weathering with new forma-
pseudomorphs after olivine or pyroxene
tion of limonite.
(celadonite) with preferred orientation.
Occurrence: glauconite occurs in green sands and
Cleavage: good on (001), but difficult to recog-
sandstones, also in carbonates and marls.
nize (Fig. 164).
Celadonite can fill cavities and fractures in basal-
Colour: green, yellow-green, olive-green and tic volcanic rocks (basalt, diabases, spilite) as
bluish-green with a clear pleochroism. well as forming pseudomorphs after olivine and
a: dark blue-green, pale yellow-green, green- pyroxene. Celadonite is also present in zeolite-
ish-yellow facies rocks.
~ '" y. brownish-yellow, dark olive-green, blue-
Paragenesis: glauconite with quartz, calcite and
pyrite. Celadonite with chlorite, chrysotile,
Refraction and birefringence: saponite, carbonate and heulandite, laumontite,
n" = 1.592 - 1.612 prehnite and montmorillonite respectively (zeo-
n~ = 1.613 - 1.643 lite facies).
ny = 1.614 - 1.644
EiM = 0.022 - 0.032

Medium-high refraction and birefringence (in- Fig. 164 Crystal

creases with increasing Fe 3+ content); bright form and optical
interference colours of the 2nd order are masked characteristics of
by the strong crystal colours; optically biaxial 8. glauconite.
114 Biaxial crystals

4.7 Talc
monoclinic-prismatic or triclinic

General features: layer-silicate; not very com- Optical axial angle: 2Vu = 0 _300 0 •

mon forms in Mg-rich rocks.

Character of elongation: (+).
Extinction: straight.
Thin-section characteristics
Distinguishing features: from pyrophyllite and
Form: fibrous, scaly or dense, randomly oriented
sericite by chemical or X-ray analyses; muscovite
or subparallel to radiating aggregates (Fig. 166).
has a higher axial angle; brucite is optically EE>
Cleavage: perfect on (001), nonelastic bending with anomalous interference colours; gibbsite is
(Fig. 165). optically biaxial EE> and has oblique extinction.
Colour: colourless. Alteration: none.
Refraction and birefringence: Occurrrence: in low-grade metamorphic rocks,
nu = 1.539 - 1.550 found in talcschists often together with ser-
n~ = 1.589 - 1.594 pentine. Pure talc rock is referred to as talcfels,
fly = 1.589 - 1.596 formed by hydrothermal interaction with dolo-
mite or mafic rocks, particularly those rich
8,1 = 0.050 - 0.046
in olivine and enstatite. In met ape lites the pres-
ence of talc is an indicator of high-pressure
Relatively low refraction and medium-high
birefringence (strong interference colours of the
upper 3rd order, similar to muscovite; basal sec- Paragenesis: in greenschist facies with tremolite,
tion shows grey-white interference colours of the clinochlore, quartz or antigorite, tremolite or
1st order); optically biaxial 8. magnesite to dolomite or actinolite, clinochlore,
quartz or antigorite and actinolite. In metapelitic
high-pressure assemblages with phengite,
kyanite, chloritoid, garnet, chlorite and

Fig. 165 Crystal

form and optical
characteristics of talc.

Fig. 166 Talc in taldels.

GopfersgrOn, Fichtelgebirge,
Germany. Crossed polars.
Chlorite group 115

4.8 Chlorite group

Genera1 features: very important rock-forming and MgFe 2+ Fe3+-chlorites (leptochlorite). The
minerals; subdivision according to the old con- polarizing microscope cannot differentiate be-
vention into MgFe 2+-chlorites (orthochlorite) tween these two groups.

4.8.1 Orthochlorite
(Mg, Fe 2+, Al)6 [(OH)sIAlSi 30 I0 1 monoclinic-prismatic

General features: in this general grouJ? the fol- to Mg-diabantite-Mg-pycnochlorite-Mg-rhipi-

lowing trioctahedral Fe-free 14 A-normal dolite series).
chlorites are summarized and can be distin- Fe2+Mg-chlorite (40-60% Fe; equivalent to
guished under a polarization microscope (Fig. Fe-diabantite-Fe-pycnochlorite-Fe-rhipidolite
167): series).
Mg-chlorite (0-20mol% Fe; equivalent to the
penninite-clinochlore-grochauite series).
Mg Fe2+-chlorite (20-40mol% Fe; equivalent

(Si 4 )[4] Mol % Fe IS]

(Mgs)[S] 20 40 60 80
MgFe-chlorite Fe"-chlorite

--+- I Fe· ...........

40 -
Dlaba~tlte ~ --~ - ---

f-- Mg· Fe~~ ~ vigite

Clinochlore Pycnochlorite:
I !
I Bavalite
Mg· Fe·1 Aphro·
Rhipidolite siderite
~ 80

' .. N •

:a: ~~:f~'~~...........
-.-.. ' . . ll'"
r.:;~,t-~ c...... ,-- Opt. e

, ';:...: !'7"' .
t-IT"-~-1-' . -- ~
1'- .... 1 ; ',.~ ; .};. , .

.\ ~
J-.. . ~
r-- Opt.@"'"I
~ .
- f ' .....
Mz e
"-~ .v-
..\. -".-.- \~-

"i . .
,', I ''1\ .
.....,.. \
i I> I. I.
" " " " "
0 0

6 "~ 0

I '" '" I
I '"
0 0 0

Normal Abnormal Abnormal , Normal

dark brown blue to purple

Interference colours
Fig. 167 Nomenclature and (M9 4 AI 2 )[S]
optical characteristics of
orthochlorites. (Si 2 AI 2 )14]
11 6 Biaxial crystals

Fe 2+-chlorite (60-100mol% Fe; equivalent to

brunsvigite-aphrosiderite-bavalite series).

Thin-section characteristics
Form: thin to thick {OO1} plates, flaky, radiating,
scaly to fibrous, dense to randomly oriented, rare nC{
tubular rosettes (MgFez+-chlorite) or layered
(Fe 2+-chlorite) aggregates; generally anhedral,
forming secondary alterations, particularly after
or .. ' ·····0

biotite; thin platy to fibrous, fine-grained with Fig. 168 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
inclusions of opaque minerals. Can be deformed
and kinked.
Cleavage: perfect on (001).
determining the optical character of very small
Twinning: lamellar after the penninite-twinning crystals.
law (001) and after the mica-law [310], rarely
developed in penninite and clinochlore. Extinction: nearly straight (yor aAa '" 0°); the
extinction angle viewed perpendicular to the
Colour: colourless to pale green with a weak cleavage plane (001) is always 0° (rarely 3°_7° in
pleochroism; colour intensity increases with in- clinochlore ).
creasing Fe 2+ content:
Mg-chlorite: colourless to pale yellowish-green Special characteristics: parallel intergrowth with
or blue-green. biotite or phlogopite is common; pleochroic
MgFe 2+- and Fe 2+Mg-chlorite: pale blue-green. haloes around radioactive minerals; in Fe-rich
Fe 2+-chlorite: dark olive-green or dark brown- Mg-chlorites strong colour zonation and isomor-
green to pale yellow or pale brown. phic layering is typical. The anomalous interfer-
Pleochroism in general is weaker than in biotite ence colours characteristic for various chlorites
and hornblende. are:
Refraction and birefringence: Mg-chlorite: optically 8, anomalous inter-
MgFe 2+- and ference colours (penninite, as
Mg-chlorite Fe2+Mg-chlorite well as diabantite and AI-poor
na = 1.562 - 1.594 na = 1.589 - 1.605 pycnochlorite); optically EB,
n~ = 1.565 - 1.594 n~ = 1.595 - 1.608 normal interference colours
nr = 1.565 - 1.606 Ily = 1.595 - 1.615 (grochauite; 20mol% Fe2+).
MgFe 2+-chlorite: optically EB, anomalous
$ Ll = 0.003 - 0.012 $ Ll = 0.002 - 0.010 leather-brown interference
Fe +-chlorite
2 colours (clinochlore and Al-
na = 1.632 - 1.665 rich pycnochlorite as well as
n~ = 1.638 - 1.676 rhipidolite with <50% Fe 2+;
fiy = 1.638 - 1.675 20-50mol% Fe 2+).
Fe 2+Mg-chlorite: optically 8, anomalous blue
8Ll = 0.004 - 0.010 interference colours (rhipi-
dolite > 50mol% Fe 2+ and
Medium-high refraction; noticeably lower bire- aphrosiderite; 50-80 mol %
fringence with anomalous interference colours Fe 2+).
(aspecial feature); optically biaxial EB or 8. Fe 2+-chlorite: optically 8, normal, rare ab-
Optic axial angle: not a very good diagnostic fea- normal blue-grey interference
ture; can appear pseudo-uniaxial, dependent on colours (bavalite; 80-100
chemical composition (Fig. 168). mol% Fe 2+).
Mg-chlorite 2Va = 0° - 5° (penninite) Bent, tubular chlorite aggregates are called
2Vy = 0° - 30° (clinochlore) 'helminth'.
MgFe 2+- and
Fe 2+Mg-chlorite 2Va = 0° - 10° Distinguishing features: all other similar
2Vy = 0° - 40° phyllosilicates have a higher birefringence and
Fe2+-chlorite 2Va = 0° - 30° normal interference colours; antigorite has a
similar pale colour and weak pleochroism as Mg-
Character of elongation: (+) or (-), always oppo- chlorite, but it has a lower birefringence; green
site to the optical sign, which is very helpful for biotite, glauconite and celadonite, which can be
Chlorite group 117

similar to each other in colour and pleochroism, higher-grade metamorphic rocks it appears only
all have a higher birefringence. The lepto- as a diaphthoritic secondary mineral, altering
chlorites can be distinguished clearly from the biotite, green hornblende, gamet, cordierite and
orthochlorites only by X-ray techniques. forms pseudomorphs (chloritization). Occurs as
an auto hydrothermal mineral in different mag-
Alteration: fairly robust to weathering; alteration
into clay minerals, Mg-Fe-carbonate, limonite matic rocks in cavities and fissures; as an altera-
tion mineral of mafic minerals (chloritization),
and Si02 • During progressive metamorphism and
e.g. in gabbro, diabase, spilite; and also as a fine-
addition of potassium, alteration to biotite and/
grained aggregate in fractures together with
or hornblende and in blueschist facies into
clinozoisite and epidote, actinolitic hornblende,
glaucophane and epidote respectively.
quartz and carbonate (pycnochlorite to
Occurrence: orthochlorite is an important rock- rhipidolite). Mg-rich chlorite (penninite) is rare
forming mineral in regional greenschist-facies and can form pseudomorphs after biotite in
metamorphosed rocks (Figs 169, 170), e.g. in acidic palaeorhyolites (quartz-porphyry) and in
chlorite schist, phyllite, chlorite-actinolite schist, granitic to granodioritic rocks. The Cr-bearing,
quartzite and also in rocks of lower contact meta- slightly pink chlorite can form as primary chlorite
morphism (albite-epidote-hornfels facies). In in ultrabasic (peridotite, lherzolite) rocks.

Fig. 169 Scaly orthochlorite.

Quartz-albite-chlorite schist.
Zi:iptau, Moravia, CR . Crossed

Fig. 170 Sheath-like

orthochlorite with perfect
cleavage on (001), together
with epidote and others.
Greenschist. Jambalo, north of
Popaytm, central Cordillera,
southern Colombia. Crossed
11 8 Biaxial crystals

Chlorite in cavities in basalts tends to be MgFe 2+- tremolite and magnesite (in chloriteschist). In
chlorite of the diabantite-pycnochlorite series. blueschists together with actinolite, albite,
Chlorites which form part of the groundmass in glaucophane, epidote, with or without lawsonite
diabase and spilites also belong to this series. and pumpellyite. MgFe 2+-chlorite (diabantite)
forms as an alteration mineral in basic volcanic
Paragenesis: with albite, sericite, biotite, quartz
rocks which contain biotite, pyroxene, am-
and epidote (in phyllites) or albite, epidote,
phibole as well as delessite (leptochlorite).
zoisite, actinolite, stilpnomelane, quartz, talc,

4.8.2 Leptochlorite
(Mg, Fe2+)5_iAl, Fe 3+)'_2[(OHhIAlSi 30 IO] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: trioctahedral 14A normal Occurrence: generally they occur together with
chlorite (oxidized chlorite) characterized by high the MgFe2+-orthochlorites. Delessite is a MgFe2+
Fe-content Fe3+> 4% weight. Fe:l+-Ieptochlorite occurring predominantly in
cavities and fractures and in the matrix of inter-
mediate and basic volcanic rocks e.g. in
Thin-section characteristics
palaeobasalt, diabase, spilite and also in gabbro.
Chlorites of the orthochlorite series cannot be
Paragenesis: with orthochlorite (diabantite,
distinguished from those of the leptochlorites
pycnochlorite), calcite, zeolite and quartz.
with a polarization microscope. Therefore they
are not described here in any detail. They are
very similar to the Fe 2+-rich orthochlorites (Part
B, section 4.8.1).

4.9 Serpentine group

General features: during alteration of Mg-rich mafic rocks, rock-forming trioctahedral phyllosilicates
can form. Three main groups can be distinguished: antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite.

4.9.1 Antigorite
Thin-section characteristics Low refraction and birefringence (grey-white
interference colours of the 1st order); optically
Form: flaky after {001}, lath-shaped, parallel or
biaxial 8.
felted fibrous masses, also dense (Fig. 171(a».
Optic axial angle: 2Vu = 27°-60°.
Cleavage: perfect on (001).
Character of elongation: (+).
Colour: colourless; Fe-bearing varieties have a
weak pleochroism from pale greenish-yellow to Extinction: tends to be straight with nAc '" 0°.
pale green.
Special characteristics: multiple twinning with
Refraction and birefringence: the same orientation forming a fan in the [010]
Fe-free Fe-rich direction with undulatory extinction. In
nu = 1.546 - 1.595 ultrabasic rocks, antigorite has a gridlike texture,
n~ = 1.551 - 1.603 where the fibres grow in two preferred
~ = 1.552 - 1.604 orientations forming a grid.
86 = 0.006 - 0.009
Serpentine group 119

Distinguishing features: chrysotile is also fine- other ultrabasic rocks, gabbros, lamprophyres,
grained and fibrous; Mg-chlorite has anomalous etc.); a major component in serpentinite. Also
interference colours, lower birefringence and is forms from Mg-rich orthopyroxenes. Can be ac-
optically biaxial ffi; talc and pale-green micas companied by lizardite which can form the
show a significantly higher birefringence. Can be major component in pseudomorphs after
differentiated from the extremely fine-grained orthopyroxene (bastite; Part B, section 4.2.1; Figs
lizardite only by X-ray analysis. 122,123).
Alteration: hydrothermally with the addition of Paragenesis: with olivine and/or enstatite or
Si02 into talc. bronzite, diallage, chrysotile and magnetite;
chrysotile, talc, magnesite to breunerite.
Occurrence: as low-grade metamorphic serpen-
tinization of olivine-rich rocks (peridotite and

Fig. 171 Crystal form and

optical characteristics of
serpentine minerals: (a)
antigorite in monoclinic form;
(b) lizardite in orthorhombic
form; (c) chrysotile yand (d)
chrysotile IX, both in trigonal
form. a b c d

4.9.2 Chrysotile
Form: fibrous, parallel growth, brush-shaped or ture (Fig. 172), where the margin is comprised of
irregular (Fig. 171(c),(d». chrysotile y, and the centre of a. chrysotile;
antigorite: fibrous masses, where the opposite is
Cleavage: none.
the case.
Colour: commonly colourless, rarely greenish
Distinguishing features: in larger crystals it can
(Fe2+-bearing varieties) with a weak pleochroism
be differentiated from antigorite; in small fibres
from greenish-yellow to pale green to pale
it can be identified by X-ray analysis; fibrous
amphiboles such as grammatite, actinolite, etc.,
Chrysotile y Chrysotile a.
have a higher refraction and birefringence. It is
= 1.532 - 1.552 1.538 - 1.560
distinguished from fibrous lizardite only by X-ray
= 1.545 - 1.561 1.546 - 1.567
= 1.545 - 1.561 1.546 - 1.567
Alteration: under low-grade metamorphic condi-
ffi.1 = 0.013 - 0.009 8 0.008 - 0.007 tions it reacts to antigorite. Low-temperature
hydrothermal interaction with ultrabasites can
Low refraction and birefringence (grey-white to
lead to serpentinization of olivine and pyroxene,
straw-yellow interference colours of the 1st or-
which are altered into chrysotile.
der). Chrysotile y. optically biaxial ffi; chrysotile
a.: optically 8. Occurrence: can occur together with lizardite,
which can form oriented pseudomorphs after
Optic axial angle: chrysotile y: 2Vy = 10°-90°; orthopyroxene (bastite; Part B, section 4.2.1; Figs
chrysotile a.: 2Va = 30°-35°.
Character of elongation: chrysotile y: (+);
Paragenesis: with olivine, enstatite or bronzite,
chrysotile a.: (-).
diallage and magnetite; also garnet (gamet-
Extinction: tends to be straight. serpentinites).
Special characteristics: chrysotile pseudomorphs
after olivine can appear in two forms: mesh tex-
120 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 172 Fibrous serpentine

(chrysotile), formed from
serpentinization of olivine.
Serpentinite. Finero, Ivrea
area, northwestern Italy.
Crossed polars.

4.10 Feldspar family

General features: the feldspars take up 60-65% At high temperatures there is complete solid
weight of the earth's crust and are therefore the solution and AI, Si-disorder among the alkali
most important rock-forming mineral group. feldspars (or-ab; Fig. 173) and among the
They predominate in magmatic rocks, where plagioclase feldspars (ab-an; Fig. 173). At re-
their chemical composition and abundance de- duced temperatures and increasing AI, there is
termine their systematics and nomenclature Si-disorder exsolution (Fig. 174). This occurs in
(Figs 255, 256). the solid state leading to exsolution lamellae in
Natural feldspar is comprised of three princi- the host feldspar (perthite and antiperthite re-
pal components: spectively; Part B, section 4.10.1).
Among the feldspars a high- and low-
K[AISiO s] K-feldspar or (orthoclase) temperature modification can be distinguished
Na[ AISi 30 s] Na-feldspar ab (albite) (Fig. 175). At high temperatures Si and Al are
Cal AI2Si20 s] Ca-feldspar an (anorthite). statistically in disorder and feldspars are of a



/, '----~~~---------------
Ab '----''-----'''--''''''''''---....---''----''---''---'---''-----lAn Fig. 173 Subdivision of high-temperature
Plagioclase group feldspars.
Feldspar family 121

A Perthite-like orthoclase
or microcline


15,...._ _ _- 10000

Ab 10 30 50 70 90
Fig. 174 Miscibility gap in the feldspar
system in the 'plutonic facies'. Plagioclase group


........... " ....... " ...

Fig. 175 Varying immiscibility with varying
temperatures in the feldspar system. Plagioclase group

monoclinic symmetry. If a magma, which con- feldspars are very slow, disequilibrium is
tains such feldspars, is rapidly cooled (volcanic very common. High-temperature and low-
facies), then the high-temperature modification temperature modifications express themselves in
remains metastable in sanidine and/or high- the form of different optical orientations (high-
temperature plagioclase. If the cooling path is temperature and low-temperature optics). Be-
slow (plutonic facies), then there is much more tween the two endmembers an infinite number of
order among Si and Al and feldspars tend to be intermediate structures are possible.
of triclinic symmetry. Because kinetics in alkali
122 Biaxial crystals

4.10.1 Alkali feldspars

Thin-section characteristics Cleavage: perfect on (001), good on (010) and
bad on {HO}. The crystals show two sets of cleav-
Form: thick to thin plates or laths stretched, par-
age planes which intersect at right angles with the
ticularly in the case of sanidine, along {01O} and
intersection direction parallel to the a-axis [100]
commonly forming Carlsbad twins (Figs 177,
(Fig. 176(a)-(d)).
179(a)). Untwinned feldspars, or those which
form the rare Baveno or Manebach twins, tend to Twinning: very common and characteristic. Sim-
be elongated in the [100] direction. Subhedral to ple, polysynthetic and complex twinning are
anhedral grains can occur as interstitial mineral equally frequently observed in feldspars. Com-
in volcanic rocks. Two generations of alkali- mon are plate-like twin pairs after the Carlsbad
feldspars can be common in volcanic rocks: one law (Figs 177, 178). Polysynthetic twinning is re-
developed as phenocrysts and the other as stricted to triclinic feldspars (e.g. microcline).
microliths in the matrix; spherolitic growth and Growth twins are distinguished from each other
fine crystalline intergrowth with quartz in by the length of the twin axis:
volcanic acidic glass-rich rocks can occur (Fig.

..... :~
Sanidine Orthoclase Anorthoclase Microcline
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 176 Crystal form and optical characteristics of alkali feldspars: (a) sanidine, (b) orthoclase, (c)
anorthoclase and (d) microcline.

Fig. 177 Idiomorphic sanidine

phenocrysts with typical
Carlsbad twins, embedded in a
matrix comprised of predomi-
nantly sanidine and aegirine-
augite. Phonolite with a
trachytic texture. Monte Rojo,
Gran Canaria. Crossed polars.
Feldspar family 123

Fig. 178 Perthite exsolution

in K-feldspar (centre) with
transition into graphic quartz-
feldspar intergrowth (top and
bottom). Plagioclase (left) and
quartz (right). Granite.
Halmstad, Sweden. Crossed

Fig. 179 Typical twinning laws in

(a) Carlsbad twin.
(b) Manebach twin.
(c) Baveno twin.
(d) Pericline twin.
a b c d

a) In monoclinic and triclinic symmetry (possible in all feldspars):

Twinning law Axis Twin plane
Carlsbad law parallel [001] (010) (Fig. 179(a))
Manebach law perpendicular (001) (001) (Fig. 179(b))
Baveno law perpendicular (021) (021) (Fig. 179(c)).
b) In triclinic symmetry (with the exception of sanidine, orthoclase and monalbite):
Albite law perpendicular (010) (010) (Fig. 188)
Pericline law parallel [010] (hOI) (Fig. 179(d)).
In low-temperature K-feldspars of triclinic symmetry the complex microcline twinning is common; it
forms by a combination of the albite and pericline laws (Fig. 180).
Colour: colourless (fresh) to milky (old).
Refraction and birefringence:
Sanidine Orthoclase Anorthoclase Microcline
ncr = 1.518 - 1.525 1.518 - 1.523 1.527 - 1.522 1.518 - 1.520
n~ = 1.522 - 1.530 1.522 - 1.528 1.533 - 1.528 1.522 - 1.524
fly = 1.523 - 1.532 1.523 - 1.530 1.535 - 1.529 1.524 - 1.526
8~ = 0.005 - 0.007 0.005 - 0.007 0.008 - 0.007 0.006 - 0.006

Low refraction and birefringence (grey interfer- perature at formation and increasing order 2V" =
ence colours of the 1st order); optically biaxial 8. 0°; at higher temperatures, K-feldspar falls into
the transition zone to the orthoclase optical field
Optic axial angle: 2V varies enormously:
60°-65° to 85° and 20°-110° respectively with 2V" = 60°-80° and the axial plane oriented
perpendicular to (010) (Fig. 176(b)).
(anorthoclase). In high-temperature feldspars
the axial plane is oriented parallel (010) with 2V" Special characteristics: very fine-grained inclu-
= 60°-65° (Fig. 176(a)). With decreasing tem- sions of sericite, chlorite, opaque minerals, etc.,
124 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 180 Cross-hatched

twinning in microcline next
to quartz and others.
Orthogneiss. Gallivaggio,
SplOgen, southern rump,
northern Italy. Crossed polars.

Perthite Antiperthite
antiperthite the higher refraction characteristics
:-J ;=.:~ Albite K-Feldspar
of Na-feldspar are made use of, by carrying out
the Becke line test: in the case of perthite the
K-Feldspar Albite Becke line moves into the albite spindle stage
and in the case of antiperthite it moves out of the
spindle stage into the host albite.

Characteristic features (Table 4)

Sanidine: clear, tabular, colourless, often elon-
nSplndle > nHost nHost > nSPlndle gated lath-shaped crystals which can be Carlsbad
Fig. 181 Exsolution in alkali feldspars. twinned.
Orthoclase: perthite exsolution lamellae with
simple growth twins are common. In comparison
to sanidine orthoclase has a higher axial angle
which can be aligned parallel to the two cleavage
planes, can produce cloudy grey to brownish (2V" > 60°).
Anorthoclase: fine-grained cross-hatched
colours. Oriented intergrowths of chemically
twinning similar to the microcline law (Fig. 184).
homogeneous crystal domains are common.
Rhomb-shaped cross-sections are common.
Exsolutions are:
Microcline: typical twinning after the
a) Perthite: K-feldspar is the host mineral, and
microcline law (Fig. 180).
it shows oriented intergrowth with Na-feldspar
(Figs 181, 182). Distinguishing features: generally feldspars are
According to the size of the host component, easily identified because of their characteristic
perthites are subdivided into: twinning: monoclinal alkali feldspars always
1. Macroperthite: the Na-feldspar intergrowth is show simple twinning, whereas in triclinic
recognizable with the naked eye. feldspars complex lattice twins are more com-
2. Microperthite: the Na-feldspar intergrowth is mon, with or without simple twinning. Lamellar
recognizable only with the aid of a microscope twinning is typical in plagioclase (with the excep-
(filmperthite and stringperthite). tion of microcline and anorthoclase). Plagioclase,
3. Cryptoperthite: the Na-feldspar intergrowth is with the exception of albite, has a higher refrac-
recognizable only by X-ray analysis (e.g. lunar tion compared to alkali feldspars. If no character-
rock). istic twinning is developed, then clouding, good
b) Antiperthite: Na-feldspar is the host and is cleavage and the biaxial character are important
intergrown in a systematic fashion by K-feldspar differentiating features, particularly from quartz.
(Fig. 181). A similar subdivision, based on the Nepheline is optically uniaxial, and shows
size of the host component, is made as for straight extinction, is not well developed and is
perthite. In order to differentiate perthite and untwinned.
Feldspar family 125

Fig. 182 Orthoclase showing

perthite exsolution and
characteristic Carlsbad twins.
Sodalite syenite. Ditro,
Transylvania, Romania.
Crossed polars.

Table 4 Features differentiating alkali feldspars

Sanidine Anorthoclase Orthoclase Microcline

n 1.518-1.532 1.522-1.535 1.518-1.530 1.518-1.526

2Va 0-65° 8 20-110°8 >60° 8 (>60° 8)

Twinning Carlsbad twin lattice Carlsbad twin lattice

d 0.005-0.007 0.007-0.008 0.005-0.007 0.006

Staining some + +
Exsolution + + + Sanidine
(K, Na)[AISi30 s] monoclinic-prismatic

General features: high-temperature form of Occurrence: major phase in young and fresh
alkali feldspars (Fig. 176(a)) with the composi- intermediate to acidic volcanic rocks. As
tion range of Or1OO_65 Ab0-35 Alla-1O (Fig. 173). phenocrysts (in e.g. trachytes; Drachenfels, near
Alkali feldspars with <Or65 are called Na- Bonn) as well as in the matrix (e.g. trachyte,
sanidine. phonolite, etc.; Fig. 177). Na-sanidine can
occasionally be found as a rim around
Special characteristics: fresh and young sanidine
shows poor or no cleavage.
Alteration: sericite alteration or replacement by Paragenesis: in silica-saturated volcanic rocks
kaolinite leads to clouding. Through geological with quartz, plagioclase, biotite, hornblende,
time the crystals develop exsolution compounds ortho- and clinopyroxene, and rock-glass. In
and transition into orthoclase. K-feldspars in trachytes with plagioclase, biotite or aegirine-
older volcanic rocks generally occur as augite. In phonolites with nepheline, aegirine-
orthoclase. augite and minerals of the sodalite group.
126 Biaxial crystals Orthoclase
K[AISiPsJ monoclinic-prismatic

General features: always cloudy, morphologi- inclusions. Hydrothermal alteration leads to

cally monoclinic, forming the transition between kaolinization.
sanidine and microcline with metastable inter-
mediate AI, Si ordering (Figs 176(b), 182, 183). Occurrence: as an exsolution and transition min-
The term orthoclase is also used for diagrams and eral between sanidine and microcline, orthoclase
petrological quantifications for the KAISi30 s tends to occur in older volcanic/magmatic rocks,
component. e.g. palaeorhyolites (quartz porphyry) to
palaeoandesites (porphyrites) (Fig. 182).
Alteration: orthoclase crystallizes towards the
end of the crystallization sequence in magmatic Paragenesis: with albite to andesine, biotite,
rocks (autometasomatism) and is often accompa- hornblende and pyroxene. In plutonic rocks
nied by sericitization and kaolinization, which re- with microcline, quartz, albite-rich plagioclase,
sults in clouding due to the fine distribution of biotite, muscovite and sphene.

Fig. 183 Orthoclase with

perthite exsotution (vein
perthite) and numerous
nepheline and apatite
inclusions. Elaeolite syenite.
Salt Range, Pakistan. Crossed
polars. Anorthoclase
(Na, K)[AISi30sJ monoclinic-prismatic

General features: morphologically monoclinic Occurrence: as phenocrysts and also in the ma-
(Fig. 176(c». A decay product of K-rich trix of Na-rich volcanic and shallow plutonic
monalbite as a consequence of exsolution and (subvolcanic) rocks, e.g. alkali rhyolites
transformation. The chemical range of Na-rich (pantellerite), alkali trachyte to latite, mugearite
alkali feldspar is Ab77-6Z0r12_3sAn2_2o' (matrix) and phonolite. Also in older volcanic
rocks (e.g. palaeolatitelrhombic-porphyry) and
Special characteristics: polysynthetic twinning
in some plutonic rocks.
(Fig. 184) similar to micro cline andlor antiper-
thite exsolution is common (Fig. 185). Zoning is Paragenesis: with quartz, aegirine-augite, aenig-
common! Rhombic-shaped sections are typical. matite, arfvedsonite, glass or nepheline and
aegirine-augite (in phonolites).
Distinguishing features: can be confused with
other feldspars. Paragenesis is important!
Alteration: see sanidine.
Feldspar family 127

Fig. 184 Anorthoclase

phenocryst with characteristic
fine lamellae forming a cross-
hatched twinning similar to
microcline in a hem i-crystalline
matrix of alkali feldspar
and glass. Trachyte.
Fontanafredda, Colli Euganei,
northern Italy. Crossed polars.

~ 001

,roll' .". 010


L...L.L..LL.L..JU '" . " .
Fig. 185 Twinning according to the albite and pericline laws 100
in (a) anorthoclase, (b) microcline.
b Microcline
K[AlSi30 s] triclinic-pinacoidal

General features: the term micro cline applies to c) Replacement of K-feldspar by albite to
all triclinic low-temperature K-feldspars (Fig. form chessboard albite.
176(d)) with or without perthite exsolution tex- d) Progressive replacement of K-feldspar by
tures. The fine polysynthetic cross-hatched twin- plagioclase forming myrmekite. This results in
ning (albite and pericline twinning law; Fig. 180) patches of plagioclase intergrown with vermicu-
is characteristic. However, is some sections lar quartz. The intergrowth is often wart-like in
microcline may not be so easily identified (Fig. shape and is commonly found at the margins of
186). feldspar and plagioclase crystals penetrating an
alkali feldspar crystal.
e) If fluor is added at a late stage (fluor
a) In slowly cooling plutonic rocks microcline
pneumatolysis) reaction into topaz and tourma-
perthite can form with albite string, veins and
line occurs.
f) Hydrothermal interaction can lead to
b) Hydrothermal interaction, which can occur
during the late stages of crystallization (auto-
metasomatism), can cause sericitization (the sec-
ond most important alteration.).
128 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 186 Granophyric

intergrowth of alkali feldspar
with quartz. Granophyric
palaeo rhyolite (quartz
porphyry). Rosskopf near Barr,
Alsace, France. Crossed

Fig. 187 Graphic intergrowth

of quartz showing undulatory
extinction with microcline with
typical cross-hatched twinning.
Granophyric granite. Erratic
boulder, Baltic Sea coastline,
near Kiel. Crossed polars.

Distinguishing features: sections of two orthoclase by its extinction angle in sections

plagioclase twins which grow at right angles to perpendicular to (010): maximum of 19° in
each other are free of spindles, but show sharply microcline, 0° in orthoclase (Fig. 187).
defined plates, which abruptly stop at a crossing
lamella. Microcline lacking the characteristic Occurrence and paragenesis: the same as
cross-hatched texture can be distinguished from plagioclase (Part B, section 4.10.2).
Feldspar family 129

4.10.2 Plagioclase series

Na[AlSi 30 s] ~ Ca[AI 2Si 20 s] triclinic-pinacoidal (monalbite = monoclinic)

General features: dependent on the anorthite in a cross or T-shaped fashion. Translation and
content six plagioclase minerals are distinguished pressure twins are not uncommon (Fig. 192).
(Fig. 174) which can crystallize either in a high-
Remarks: albite twins generally form sharply de-
or a low-temperature form (high- or low
fined lamellae parallel to (010). The width of the
anorthite and high- and low-albite). High-
lamellae can vary within one thin section and
plagioclase is restricted to volcanic rocks whereas
within a twinned crystal. Twinning lamellae can
low-plagioclase is found in plutonic and meta-
also pinch out (Fig. 190). In the case of pericline
morphic rocks.
twinning the lamellae are oriented perpendicular
to (010) and if albite twinning is also developed,
Thin-section characteristics then the two sets of lamellae intersect at right
angles. This can give rise to microcline-like tex-
The optical characteristics are dependent on the
tures, but the grid is coarser and the lamellae are
chemical composition and also the degree of All
better defined. If no twinning lamellae are devel-
Si ordering and hence the condition of formation
oped, as is common in albite (e.g. schists), then its
(Fig. 189).
identification is very difficult.
Form: thin to thick plates, isometric to stretched
along [100] or [001], as a matrix mineral in vol-
canic rocks; phenocrysts, often corroded and
zoned with glass inclusions aligned within the
growth zones. Two generations of plagioclase
crystals are common in volcanic rocks: pheno-
crysts and matrix microliths. Strong zoning in
volcanic but also in plutonic rocks with corroded
cores and rims can be observed.
Cleavage: perfect on (001), good on (010) and
not so good on (110) and (110) respectively.
Crystals show two cleavage intersection planes
at an angle of 86°. In young volcanic rocks Fig. 188 Typical twinning in plagioclase after the
this cleavage can hardly be seen under the albite law (polysynthetic twinning).
Twinning: several twinning laws can occur simul-
taneously in plagioclase. In the case of albite,
pericline twinning produces, polysynthetic lamel-
lae (Figs 188, 190). Albite-law twins are very
common and typical. In oligoclase albite-law
twinning tends to produce very thin lamellae. b
Increasing Ca-content leads to increasing width
in the albite-twin lamellae (Fig. 191); simple nC{
twinning tends to occur in the pure endmembers,
albite and anorthite. Often one twin lamella (e.g. a b c
albite law) is abruptly transected by another one
(pericline law).
Most important twin laws are:
Twinning law Twin axis plane
a) Albite law perpendicular (010)
[010] (Fig. 188)
b) Pericline parallel [010] (001)
law (Fig. 179(d» e f
c) Carlsbad parallel [001] (010)
law (Fig. 179(a» Fig. 189 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
low-temperature plagioclase: (a) albite, (b) oligoclase,
In volcanic rocks Banat intergrowth can occur, (c) andesine, (d) labradorite, (e) bytownite and (f)
where several plagioclase crystals are intergrown anorthite.
130 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 190 Idiomorphic

plagioclase showing twinning
after the albite and pericline
laws and zoning, surrounded
by a hyaline matrix. Dacitic
pumice. Mojanda volcano,
northern Ecuador. Crossed

Fig. 191 Polysynthetic twinning plagioclase in

anorthosite. The high anorthite content is visible by the
broad twin lamellae. Crossed polars.

Fig.192 Hypidiomorphic
plagioclase crystal with clearly
visible glide-twins next to
augite. Tectonized gabbro.
Northern Italy. Crossed polars.
Feldspar family 131

Colour: colourless (fresh). Inclusions (sericite,

50 0 .....
chlorite, opaque minerals) can lead to crowding
in the crystal. 60 0 '.
t - - ~Volcanic J
Refraction and birefringence: 2Va
I', £ .. ~

High-albite Low-albite Anorthite 80 0
n" = 1.527 1.527 1.575 ~ ··90 0
~-- --/. :/~----r~
n~ = 1.532 1.533 1.583
" "
• opt (j)

n,. = 1.534 1.539 1.588 2 Vy

80 o ~

@~ = 0.007 0.007 0.013 70 0

Albite Oligoclase ArKlestne Labradorite

The corresponding values for the various inter- Ab 10 30 50 70 90 An

mediate plagioclase crystals fall in between the Mol %
endmembers. Fig. 193 Change of the optic axial angle as a func-
tion of temperature of crystallization .
Low refraction and birefringence (grey, white-
grey to yellowish interference colours of the 1st Opt. EB plutonic: Ar0--17' Ar32_7o
order); optically biaxial EEl or 8 (Fig. 193). Opt. 8 plutonic: Ar '7--32' Ar7o-1oo
Optic axial angle: 2V" varies between 50° and Opt. 8 volcanic: ArO--38' Ar. 75--100
105°; in the plutonic facies it passes through the Opt. EB volcanic: Ar38-.75
90° (optically neutral) position three times,
whereas in the volcanic facies this occurs only
Special characteristics: plagioclase in magmatic
once (Fig. 193). The size of the axial angle and
and metamorphic rocks (specially in volcanic
the orientation of the axial plane are dependent
rocks) commonly shows zoning (Figs 194, 195).
on the anorthite content and condition of crystal-
Twinning can transect twinning lamellae. Extinc-
lization. The dispersion of the optical axes can
tion can vary within the growth zones, if there is
vary causing anomalous (low anomalous inter-
a slight chemical variation. The following types
ference colours: grey-blue to grey-brown) inter-
of zoning can be differentiated:
ference colours.
1. Normal zoning: decreasing anorthite con-
Remarks: the exact anorthite content can be de- tent from core to rim (Fig. 195(a» as a conse-
termined only by universal stage microscopy or a quence of chemical disequilibrium in the melt
geochemical method (e.g. use of an electron during crystallization. This is also common in
microprobe analyser). However, an estimate is metamorphic rocks.
possible in sections perpendicular to the albite 2. Oscillatory zoning: irregular, partly re-
twinning plane, by measuring the extinction an- versed changes in the anorthite content within
gle (see later in this section). the zones (Fig. 195(b», probably as a conse-

Fig. 194 Idiomorphic, strongly

zoned phenocryst of plagioclase
(core: bytownite, rim: andesine)
in a microcrystalline-
hemicrystalline matrix. Quartz
andesite. Galeras volcano,
southern Colombia. Crossed
132 Biaxial crystals

90 ~--------------------,90
Q) 'E
'E Q)
0 70 70
§40 ~1 40
0c: 50 50
~ 35 l1flAn:~ ~~~ 35
« c:
0 0.4 0.8 mm 0.5 1.5 mm
Fig. 195 Zoning in plagioclase: normal zoning (left) and oscillatory zoning (right).

quence of pH 20 variations in the melt phase by albite + calcite (spilitization). This is common
(volcanic rocks). in spilite and diabase.
3. Inverse zoning: increasing anorthite content c) Under retrograde metamorphic conditions
from core to rim as a consequence of progressive the anorthite component becomes unstable, and
metamorphism. is replaced by a fine-grained aggregate of
clinozoisite, zoisite, albite, actinolite and sericite;
Distinguishing features: non-twinned gran-
a greenish colour (saussuritization) results.
oblastic albite is common in schists. Plagioclase
d) Fluor-pneumatolysis results in the crystalli-
is easily differentiated from other minerals by
zation of topaz, tourmaline and Li-mica at the
the characteristic polysynthetic twinning. In the
expense of plagioclase.
absence of twins, identification is difficult and
e) Hydrothermal alteration can also lead to
plagioclase can be confused with orthoclase and
propylitization (greenish coloration), alteration
zeolite; however, plagioclase has a higher refrac-
into aggregates of albite, calcite, chlorite, sericite,
tive index and zonar growth is common. It differs
quartz, etc.
from quartz by its good cleavage, it is often
f) Zeolitization can occur during hydrother-
clouded, is twinned and is optically biaxial with a
mal alteration (natrolite, thomsonite, scolecite,
large axial angle. Non-twinned plagioclase can
also be confused with cordierite. Alkali feldspars
g) Weathering causes kaolinization and
show characteristic perthitic internal textures,
calcite formation. Albite is more stable than
which are absent in plagioclase. Characteristic
anorthite-rich plagioclase. The anorthite com-
twinning in micro cline can be distinguished from
ponent, commonly in the core, can be 'filled'
albite and pericline twins by the former being
whereas the albite rim remains unclouded.
irregular, discontinuous and bleb-like.
Alteration Occurrence
a) Under hydrothermal conditions there is al- 1. Present in almost all magmatic rocks. The
teration into sericite, which starts with a clouding anorthite content decreases progressively from
of the crystal (Fig. 196). basic to acidic rocks:
b) During the albitization of basaltic volcanic gabbro ~ diorite ~ granite ~ aplite, pegmatite
rocks the anorthite-rich plagioclase is replaced An > 50 <50 <30 <10
Feldspar family__ 133

Fig. 196 Sericitization in

albite-rich plagioclase. The thin
lamellae indicate a very low
anorthite content. Twinning
after the albite and periciine
laws. Granodiorite.
Hochstadten, east of Auerbach,
Odenwald, Germany. Crossed

In pegmatites albite is typical, and it can be are the zoning method by Rittmann and the mi-
antiperthitic (Fig. 181). Hydrothermal para- crolith method for matrix plagioclase in volcanic
genesis always contains pure albite. Decreasing rocks. The zoning method is based on the fact
anorthite content with increasing acidity can be that the extinction angle measured relative to
observed in volcanic rocks: cleavage or the prevailing twinning system is de-
basalt ~ andesite ~ dacite ~ rhyolite pendent on composition and therefore related to
An 70-50 60-40 50-30 40-20 the anorthite content. Plagioclase tends to be
twinned according to the albite law (010) and
Plagioclase phenocrysts in volcanic rocks tend to
shows polysynthetic twin lamellae. In sections
be more anorthite-rich than those in the
which are approximately perpendicular to the
groundmatrix (exceptions are rare). Hydro-
twinning plane the extinction is symmetric.
thermally altered plagioclase in spilites are pure
These sections are referred to as symmetric
zones and, since Schuster (1881) , they are the
2. In metamorphic rocks the albite-rich mem-
preferred sections to be used to determine the
bers are important. In low-grade metamorphic
extinction angle. When choosing these sections
and diaphthoritic rocks only albite and oligoclase
the following must be observed:
are representative for the plagioclase group. In
1. The lamellae of the twinned crystal should not
greenschist-facies rocks non-twinned or simply
be too small.
twinned albite is most common. In mid- to high-
2. Sections which are perpendicular to (010), or
grade metamorphic rocks (e.g. in gneisses)
nearly so, show very sharp cleavage or twin
oligoclase and andesine are the most common
planes along (010) which do not move side-
plagioclase representatives.
ways during focusing and unfocusing of the
3. In arkoses and greywackes (albite).
microscope (best viewed with x25 or x40 ob-
Paragenesis: in magmatic rocks with orthoclase, jective lens).
microcline, quartz, biotite, hornblende, clino- 3. Albite twins can be identified when the lamel-
and orthopyroxene or titan augite, olivine, rock- lae planes are oriented N-S and the lamellae
glass (alkali basalt) or diopside-rich augite, and show equal brightness.
olivine (gabbro). In low-grade metamorphic 4. This is followed by measuring the extinction
rocks with chlorite, sericite, epidote, actinolite, angle, by rotating to the right and to the left.
calcite and quartz. In medium grade metamor- The following should be observed:
phone rocks with hornblende and pyroxene. a) In both directions the extinction angle
should be nearly the same or very similar, and
Determination ofthe anorthite content using the should not differ by more than 5°. The higher
extinction angle in suitable sections: in order to value is used.
determine the anorthite content with the micro- b) Several crystals are measured and the
scope the universal stage is necessary. However, highest value is taken.
an approximate value can be obtained much 5. A compensator quartz red I (551 nm) is used
more easily. The most common methods applied to determine the optical sign.
134 Biaxial crystals

+50 1-'
I- ------- r::: .-.- -
I::If-- -
- Zoning methods by
Rittmann (1929) for
albite twinning

- - --
+40 ~

..-:. I- 1- I II /"
I-I- 1-
/,VI •• ~ Plutonic
<D L' I •• :;;or I I .
as +20
c::: V' Volcanic
c::: 1+ ~
1.' /j"" 1
U +10 L y..A ~I
1/ I ~

i ~ ~I
1/.7.,!i~1i ~_
Detenn'oatioo 0"'9"'
D'- -!/---:/ ..~~ ? tJ- 0 x' '0
.~ \,c§l by Michel-Levy
::E -10 i--
ac"'" ",,'e
I- ..~ (001) " (010) at (100) +-
"g §
0/- e " /6 X' in obtuse angle

l t--. - (001) " (010) at (100) i--
I ,
-30 0# I ~ Fig. 197 Determination

Ab 20
1"-1 40 60 80 An
of the anorthite content of
plagioclase, simplified
after the zoning method
Mol % of Rittmann (1929).

6. In the diagram above (Fig. 197) one reads off

the anorthite content against the extinction
angle. Volcanic and plutonic facies are distin-
guished by the rock textures first and then the
appropriate curve is chosen in the diagram.
The microlite method makes use of the obser-
vation that plagioclase-microlites tend to be
stretched along the a-axis. Sections parallel to the
a-axis have the (010) cleavage trace and albite
twins aligned parallel to it. If one measures the
maximum extinction angle relative to the long
axis of the microlite, then the anorthite content
can be estimated by reading off diagram Fig. 198. Ab 10 30 50 70 90 An
If the maximum extinction is between 0° and 20°, Mol % anorthite
then an estimate of the refractive index relative
Fig. 198 Determination of the anorthite-content in
to the mounting material must be carried out. If plagioclase after the microlite method.
canada balsam or caedax has been used, then it is
enough to observe the Becker line. If the latter
moves into the balsam, then the anorthite con-
tent is <30 and vice versa (e.g. the axial angle =
10° and n < caedax = anorthite 16).

4.11 Zeolite family

General features: zeolites are chemically and ferentiated by microscopic methods alone the old
structurally similar to the feldspars. They are procedure based on shape is used here and can
water-bearing tectosilicates, which according to be applied to thin sections viewed under a
modern nomenclature can be subdivided into microscope:
seven different groups. Since they cannot be dif-

... /.
,. ' -1


.. .. -.

Spheroidal hematite, coloured red-brown , filling cavities in a microcrystalline matrix comprised of plagioclase,
pyroxene and rock-glass. Pyroxene andesite. Mojanda volcano, northern Ecuador. Uncrossed polarizers, 1.4 x

2 Bright-green hercynite developed as octahedral and as rounded grains, showing a strong positive relief
relative to quartz (bright, unaltered, xenomorphic grains) and cordierite, which is pale yellow to pale light-brown,
originating from a slight pinitization. Small-grained sillimanite needles are recognizable because of their high
relief. Spinel-sillimanite-cordierite-gneiss. Bodenmais, Bavaria, Germany. Uncrossed polarizers, 1.3 x 1.8 mm.
3 Zircon forming an idiomorphic crystal which has crystallized early from the magma. It shows bright-yellow to
blue interference colours of the 2nd order, weak cleavage and sharply defined fractures. It is surrounded by
microcline-perthite (grey to white interference colours of the 1st order), spindles are mostly sericitized (brown);
nepheline shows grey-black to grey interference colours of the 1st order, and apatite (inclusion in microcline-
perthite; section is nearly perpendicular to the optic axis, therefore almost isotropic). Nepheline syenite. Laugen
valley in southern Norway. Crossed polars, 2.2 x 3.1 mm.

4 Idiomorphic, zoned corundum crystals with patchy blue pleochroism and strong relief relative to acicular,
colourless sillimanite (top right). Sillimanite-corundum gneiss. Urals. Uncrossed polarizers, 2.2 x 3.1 mm.
5 Hypidiomorphic vesuvianite crystals with strong anomalous interference colours (lavender-blue to leather-
brown), also showing weak cleavage. Accompanying minerals are calcite with greenish to reddish-white interfer-
ence colours of the higher orders. Contact-metamorphic siliceous carbonate. Predazzo, Dolomites, northern
Italy. Crossed polarizers, 8.0 x 11.0 mm.

6 Short to long prisms of cancrinite phenocrysts, showing well-developed cleavage and interference colours of
the 1st order (straw-yellOW) and 2nd order (blue). Accompanied by alkali feldspar, apatite and ore. Foyaite-
syenite ejecta. Laacher volcanic area, Germany. Crossed polars, 2.4 x 3.2mm.
7 Simple twinning in titan augite with clear zonal growth pattern and typical anomalous interference colours of
the 1st order (grey-blue to dark brown). Clearly developed pyroxene cleavage and crystal outlines. Hyalo-
basanite. Sasbach, Kaiserstuhl volcano, Germany. Crossed polars, 4.0 x 5.5mm.

8 Hypidiomorphic augite in a 'wet' environment altered to pale green to brown amphibole (uralitization). Augite
is partly intergrown with colourless, partly sericitized plagioclase (weak brownish, milky). Gabbro. Nieder-
Beerbach, Odenwald, Germany. Uncrossed polarizers, 3.3 x 4.6mm.
9 Serpentinization of olivine. Fibrous chrysotile aggregates with low birefringence replacing olivine along its
rims and fractures. Olivine phenocrysts show bright interference colours of the 2nd order embedded in fibrous
antigorite. Serpentinized peridotite. Northeast of Dillenburg, Hessen, Germany. Crossed polars, 3.6 x 5.5mm.

10 Lepidoblastic glaucophane with brownish to purple-blue pleochroism, showing cleavage characteristic for
amphiboles. Other minerals present are epidote (yellow to yellow-green pleochroism), chlorite (deep green),
albite (colourless) and opaque minerals. Epidote-glaucophane schist. Island of Syros, Cyclades, Greece.
Uncrossed polarizers, 2.5 x 3.4 mm.
11 Lepidoblastic muscovite with bright interference colours of the 2nd and 3rd orders, next to poikiloblastic
jadeite (white-grey to straw-yellow interference colours of the 1st order), almandine (isotropic) and quartz (grey-
white interference colours of the 1st order; undulatory extinction). Almandine-glaucophane-jadeite-muscovite
schist. Valle d'Aosta, northern Italy. Crossed polars, 4.0 x 5.5mm.

12 Biotite showing strong pleochroism ranging from pale to strong brown. Well-developed basal cleavage
traces are recognizable. Accompanying minerals are bronzite (weak brown) and pale-greenish pleonaste with
strong relief. Mica-bearing peridotite. Kaltes Tal near Bad Harzburg, Harz, Germany. Uncrossed polarizers,
4.0 x 5.5mm.
13 Rounded to elliptical stretched glauconite aggregates, showing concentric growth rings. Glauconite with
characteristic bright-green pleochroism. The matrix consists of colourless to red-brown Fe-hydroxide bearing
calcite. Canaglia, Sardinia. Uncrossed polarizers, 2.4 x 3.2mm.

14 Idiomorphic sphene crystal showing strong pleochroic colours which mask the higher-order interference
colours. Accompaning minerals are microcline-perthite, which locally is altered into sericite, nepheline and
apatite. Nepheline syenite. Gjone near Larvik, southern Norway. Crossed polarizers, 2.4 x 3.2mm.
15 Idiomorphic, weakly pleochroic staurolite phenocryst with straw-yellow interference colours of the 1st order,
next to almandine (isotropic) and lepidoblastic muscovite, which shows bright interference colours of the 2nd
order. Garnet-staurolite-mica schist. Alpe Sponda, southern side of Lukmanier Pass, Canton Ticino, Switzerland.
Crossed polars, 3.6 x 5.0 mm.

16 Idiomorphic, zoned epidote crystal with strong anomalous interference colours of the 2nd order (orange,
yellow, red, green, blue), together with calcite, which clearly shows rhombic cleavage and mother-of-pearl
interference colours of the higher orders. Epidote-marble. Lukmanier Pass, Canton GraubOnden, Switzerland.
Crossed polars, 5.0 x 6.9mm.
Zeolite family 135

a) Fibrous- or needle-shaped zeolites (natrolite, Zeolite has the lowest refractive index of all
mesolite, thomsonite, scolecite, mordenite minerals; zeolites are important minerals which
and laumontite). form during the hydrothermal-magmatic stage,
b) Flaky zeolites (heulandite, stilbite and filling cavities and veins. They also play an im-
epistilbite ). portant role in the classification of low-grade
c) Cube-shaped zeolites (chabazite, phillipsite metamorphic (zeolite facies) rocks. In sedimen-
and harmotome). tary rocks, particularly in pyroclastics and
greywackes, analcite, clinoptilolite, heulandite,
Trigonal chabazite (Part B, section 3.1.7) and the laumontite, mordenite and phillipsite are com-
cubic analcite (Part B, section 2.7) and other min- mon. Phillipsite and clinoptilolite are important
erals belong to the zeolite family. minerals in deep-sea sediments.

4.11.1 Fibrous zeolites Natrolite
N a2[ AI 2Si 30 IO]· 2HP rhombic- pyramidal (pseudo tetragonal )

Thin-section characteristics
Form: acicular to stalk-like parallel to the c-axis,
fibrous to radiating and kidney-shaped (Figs 199,
200); rectangular cross-sections are typical.
Cleavage: good on {110}.
Twinning: rare on {110}.
Colour: colourless, older crystals can be clouded.
Refraction and birefringence:
n" == 1.473 - 1.489
np == 1.476 - 1.491
ny == 1.485 - 1.501
ffiA == 0.012 - 0.012
Fig. 199 Crystal form and
Very low refraction with a negative relief and optical characteristics of
very low birefringence (white to straw-yellow in- natrolite.

Fig. 200 Fibrous zeolite

(mesolite) with very low
refraction and birefringence
forming the 'Brewster's Cross'.
Tertiary tholeiitic basalt. Faeroe
Islands. Crossed polars.
136 Biaxial crystals

terference colours of the 1st order); optically uniaxial; scolecite shows negative character of
biaxial $. elongation.
Optic axial angie: 2Vy = 58°-64°. Occurrence: in cavities and fractures in inter-
mediate and basic magmatic rocks, particularly
Character of elongation: (+). in volcanic rocks (e.g. in fractures in nepheline-
Extinction: in longitudinal sections straight, in phonolites of the Hohentwiel/Hegau, Germany).
basal section symmetric. As an autometasomatic alteration product of
feldspars and foids (e.g. in the form of natrolite),
Special characteristics: pseudomorphs after together with the mineral hydronephelite, which
plagioclase, nepheline and the minerals of the typically replaces nepheline; common in nephe-
sodalite group are common. line syenites.
Distinguishing features: thomsonite has a higher Paragenesis: with nepheline, Na-sanidine, scole-
refraction and the other fibrous zeolites tend to cite, mesolite, heulandite, stilbite, laumontite,
have oblique extinction; chabazite is optically analcite, thomsonite, calcite and chalcedony. Mesolite
Na2Ca2[Al2Si30 lO13 ·8H20 monoclinic-sphenoidic

Thin-section characteristics Extinction: in most cases oblique.

Form: fibrous aggregates. Distinguishing features: all other fibrous zeolites
show a much higher birefringence and tend to
Cleavage: perfect on (110) and on (110) (Fig.
have a smaller axial angle.
Occurrence: in cavities in basaltic flows, particu-
Twinning: simple twins on {lOO}, almost always
larly in basalts and phonolites.
Paragenesis: in basalts with zeolite and chal-
Colour: colourless. cedony. In phonolites with zeolite and calcite.
Refraction and birefringence:
na = 1.505
n~ = 1.505
fly = 1.506
$il = 0.001

Low refraction and extremely low birefringence

(maximum grey interference colours of the 1st
order); optically biaxial $. Fig. 201 Crystal
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 80°. form and optical
characteristics of
Character of elongation: alternating: (+) or (-). mesolite. Thomsonite
NaCa2[AlsSis0201·6H20 rhombic-dipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Cleavage: perfect on (010) and good on (100).

Form: fibrous to radial or irregular arrange- Twinning: sometimes developed on {110}.
ments, columnar stretched parallel to the c-axis
Colour: colourless.
or flaky parallel to {OlO}, rarely idiomorphic (Fig.
Zeolite family 137

Refraction and birefringence: Occurrence: particularly common in amygdales

ncr = 1.497 - 1.530 in basic to ultramafic magmas (e.g. alkali basalt,
np = 1.513 - 1.532 phonolite, theralite, etc.). It can replace
ny = 1.518 - 1.545 laumontite in the zeolite facies.
E!16 = 0.020 - 0.015 Paragenesis: with natrolite, chabazite, scolecite,
analcite, calcite, albite, chalcedony, chlorite and
Low refraction and relatively low birefringence, clay minerals.
which is nevertheless unusually high for zeolites
(white interference colours of the 1st order to
blue colours of the 2nd order); optically biaxial E!1.
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 44°-75°.
Character of elongation: alternates between (+)
or (-). \ ' 110
Extinction: tends to be straight. [ ~ I .. ~l. ..
, '.to b
Distinguishing features: natrolite has a lower re-
fraction and birefringence; all the other fibrous Fig. 202 Crystal form and

zeolites show oblique extinction; chabazite and optical characteristics of

analcite are optically uniaxial. thomsonite. Scolecite
Ca[ AlzSi30 lO] ·3HzO monoclinic-domatic (pseudorhombic)

Thin-section characteristics Occurrence: as a hydrothermal mineral, similar

to natrolite and thomsonite, in amygdales
Form: tends to be fibrous or radially arranged,
and fractures in basic rocks; also in cavities
rarely prismatic, growing parallel to the c-axis
in metamorphic rocks. Tends to form
(Fig. 203).
Cleavage: good on {110}.
Paragenesis: with natrolite, thomsoriite, stilbite,
Twinning: almost always on (100). heulandite, calcite, chlorite, adularia and
Colour: colourless to cloudy.
Refraction and birefringence:
ncr = 1.509 - 1.514
np = 1.516 - 1.520
ny = 1.521 - 1.525
86 = 0.012 - 0.011

Low refraction and birefringence (grey to white

interference colours of the 1st order), optically
biaxial 8.
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 36° (-58°).
Fig. 203 Crystal form and
Character of elongation: (distinguishes
(-) optical characteristics of
scolecite from natrolite and thomsonite). scolecite.
Extinction: tends to be oblique, aAc = 15°-18°.
Distinguishing features: natrolite and thomsonite
tend to show oblique extinction; laumontite has a
(+) elongation. Other fibrous minerals are char-
acterized by a much higher refractive index.
138 Biaxial crystals Mordenite
(Ca, K2 , Na 2)[A1Sis0 12h-6H20 rhombic-pyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Character of elongation: can be (+) or (-).

Form: tends to be fibrous, radiating aggregates, Extinction: tends to be straight.
dense in pore-space in sediments and sedimen-
Distinguishing features: natrolite and thomsonite
tary rocks.
have a smaller axial angle and a higher
Cleavage: good on (100), not so good on (010). birefringence; phillipsite tends to be twinned;
other zeolites show oblique extinction and a
Colour: colourless, can be coloured red by
higher refraction.
haematite inclusions.
Occurrence: in amygdales and fractures in basic
Refraction and birefringence:
to acidic volcanic rocks. It also occurs as a hydro-
n" = 1.472 - 1.483 thermal alteration product of volcanic glasses,
n~ = 1.475 - 1.485
and as a mineral of the zeolite facies.
ny = 1.477 - 1.487
Paragenesis: in intermediary to basic volcanic
G;l ~ = 0.005 - 0.004
rocks with heulandite, laumontite and stilbite. In
sandstones with quartz and analcite. In lime-
Extremely low refraction and birefringence
stones with carbonate, glauconite, kaolinite and
(black-grey interference colours of the 1st or-
der); optically biaxial E!> or 8.
Optic axial angle: 2V",y = 76°-90°. Laumontite
Ca[AI 2Si40d ·4H20 monoclinic-sphenoidic

Thin-section characteristics elongation; heulandite has a lower birefringence.

Other similar fibrous minerals all show a much
Form: tends to form radiating and spherolitic
higher birefringence.
aggregates; also as idiom orphic prismatic crystals
parallel to the c-axis (Figs 204, 205). Occurrence: in cavities and fractures in basic and
acidic magmatic rocks; in basalt, gabbro to
Cleavage: perfect on (010) and {IlO}, good on
rhyolite and granite. In regionally metamor-
(100); in the [001] zone, laumontite shows three phosed areas it occurs in the zeolite facies in
very distinctive cleavage sets.
metagreywackes and metatuffs; with increasing
Twinning: sometimes after (100). metamorphism it is replaced by heulandite.
Colour: colourless. Paragenesis: with heulandite, thomsonite,
stilbite, apophyllite, analcite, epidote, datolite,
Refraction and birefringence:
albite, quartz, calcite, prehnite and chlorite.
nn = 1.502 - 1.513
n~ = 1.512 - 1.524
ny = 1.514 - 1.525
8~ = 0.012 - 0.012

Low refraction and birefringence (white to

straw-yellow of the 1st order); optically biaxial 8.
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 22°-47°.
Character of elongation: (+).
Extinction: tends to be oblique, rAc = 8°-11 ° (de-
pendent on the degree of water loss.).
Fig. 204 Crystal form and
Distinguishing features: natrolite and thomsonite optical characteristics of
have a straight extinction; scolecite has a (-) laumontite.
Zeolite family 139

Fig. 205 Laumontite showing

red coloration along its rims
and fractures; characteristic
cleavage. Cavity in leucite
tephrite. Vesuvius volcano,
Italy. Uncrossed polarizers.

4.11.2 Flaky zeolites Heulandite
Ca[ A1 2Si70 1s] ·6HzO monoclinic-prismatic (pseudorhombic)

Thin-section characteristics Distinguishing features: natrolite and thomsonite

show straight extinction; scolecite and laumon-
Form: tabular, flaky {OW); subparallel aggre-
tite are optically biaxial 8; stilbite tends to occur
gates, rare in rosettes (Figs 206, 207).
in branching aggregates and intercrossing twins
Cleavage: perfect on (010). are typical.
Twinning: simple on (001). Occurrence: in amygdales and cracks of basic and
Colour: colourless, often coloured red by Fe-
acidic rocks. It is an important alteration product
in volcanic glass. Heulandite also occurs in the
zeolite facies in regionally metamorphosed
rocks, and as a diagenetic matrix mineral in
Refraction and birefringence: sandstones.
n" = 1.496 - 1.499
Paragenesis: commonly together with analcite
n~ = 1.497 - 1.500
ny = 1.501 - 1.505 and laumontite, quartz, stilbite and clay minerals.
In sedimentary rocks with stilbite, analcite,
EElLi = 0.005 - 0.006 laumontite and clay minerals.

Very low refraction and birefringence (grey in-

terference colours of the 1st order); sections par-
allel (010) with grey-black interference colours of
the 1st order (Li = 0.001); optically biaxial EEl.
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 0°_50° (tends to be
Character of elongation: (-).
Extinction: oblique, ~Ac = 0°_32°.
Special characteristics: conoscopic axial images Fig. 206 Crystal form and
show crossed dispersion in sections parallel to optical characteristics of
(010). heulandite.
140 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 207 Pale-red heulandite

next to dolomite with typical
rhombohedral cleavage. Cavity
filling in a porphyry. Lasfreide
Cave, Seiser Aim, South Tyrol,
Italy. Uncrossed polarizers. Stilbite
Ca[ A12Si70 18] ·7H20 monoclinic-prismatic

Thin-section characteristics Occurrence: same as all other zeolites, in

amygdales and fractures in basic and acidic
Form: commonly in branching aggregates, rare in
magmatic rocks.
spherolites and also as idiomorphic tabular crys-
tals parallel to {OlO} and elongated in the direc- Paragenesis: commonly together with heulan-
tion of the c-axis (Figs 208, 209). dite, laumontite, calcite, quartz and clay
Cleavage: perfect on (010), poor on {lOI}.
Twinning: interpenetrating twins on (100).
Colour: colourless.
Refraction and birefringence:
n" = 1.486 - 1.498
n~ = 1.494 - 1.507
nr = 1.496 - 1.509
8~ = 0.010 - 0.011

Very low refraction and low birefringence (grey

to white interference colours of the 1st order);
optically biaxial 8.
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 30°-49°. Fig. 208 Crystal
form and optical
Character of elongation: alternating (+) or (-).
characteristics of sti Ibite.
Extinction: tends to be oblique, uAc = 3°_12°.
Distinguishing features: heulandite, harmotome
and phillipsite are optically biaxial Et>.
Zeolite family 141

Fig. 209 Stilbite with

branching , flaky crystal
aggregates. Cavity in Tertiary
tholeiitic basalt. Teigarhorn,
eastern Iceland. Crossed
polars. Epistilbite
Cal AI 2SiIi0 11i ]· 5H20 monoclinic-prismatic

Thin-section characteristics tinctive; thomsonite has straight extinction;

stilbite has a lower refraction and two cleavage
Form: tends to occur in radiating branching crys-
sets; phillipsite is optically biaxial EEl and has
tal, rarely acicular and prismatic, stretched along
straight extinction.
the c-axis or blade-shaped (Fig. 210).
Occurrence: in hydrothermal amygdales in basalt
Cleavage: perfect on (010).
and andesite.
Twinning: simple on (IlO) and (102); intergrowth
Paragenesis: tends to occur together with stilbite,
twins on (100) and {IlO} .
mordenite, heulandite, chabazite, laumontite
Colour: colourless. and scolecite.
Refraction and birefringence:
n" = 1.502 - 1.505
n~ = 1.510 - 1.515
ny = 1.512 - 1.519
e~ = 0.010 - 0.014

Low refraction and low birefringence, the latter

being relatively high compared with other
zeolites (grey-white to straw-yellow interference
colours of the 1st order); optically biaxial e.
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 44°.
Character of elongation: (+).
Fig.210 Crystal form and
Extinction: generally oblique yAc = 10°. optical characteristics of
Distinguishing features: compared with other
zeolites, the relatively high birefringence is dis-
142 Biaxial crystals

4.11.3 Cubic zeolites

Chabazite (section 3.1.7) Phillipsite
(Caos, K, Na)s[Al sSi l1 0 32] ·10H20 monoclinic-prismatic (pseudorhombic)

Thin-section characteristics stilbite is optically

Distinguishing features:
biaxial 8; harmotome has a different optical
Form: thick columns parallel to the c-axis (Figs
211, 212) and flattened parallel {OlO}, idiomor-
phic intercrossed twins. Fine-grained it can fill Occurrence: in miarolitic basic volcanic rocks
pore spaces in sediments and sedimentary rocks. and in cracks (e.g. in alkali basalt, tephrite,
phonolite and also nepheline syenite). Fills cavi-
Cleavage: clear on (010) and (100).
ties together with calcite in the hyalobasanite
Twinning: interpenetrating twins on (100) and (limburgite) of the Kaiserstuhl, Germany. It is
{110}. an important mineral in ocean-floor sediments;
here, it also occurs as a secondary mineral,
Colour: colourless, also pale white and pale
formed by alteration of volcanic glass, in
Refraction and birefringence:
Paragenesis: with analcite, natrolite, mesolite,
na = 1.483 - 1.504 thomsonite, chabazite, calcite, chalcedony and
n~ = 1.484 - 1.509
clay minerals.
ny = 1.486 - 1.514
E9f1 = 0.003 - 0.010

Very low refraction and birefringence (grey to

straw-yellow interference colours of the 1st or-
der); optically biaxial E9.
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 60°-80°.
Character of elongation: (+).
Extinction: tends to be oblique "fAc = 11°_30°.
Special characteristics: twinning can produce Fig. 211 Crystal form and
pseudorhombic, pseudo tetragonal or pseudo- optical characteristics of
cubic symmetry. phillipsite.

Fig. 212 Columnar to acicular

zeolite crystal (phillipsite) filling
a cavity. Tertiary zeolite-rich
tholeiitic basalt. Teigarhorn,
eastern Iceland. Crossed
Aenigmatite (cossyrite) 143 Harmotome
Ba[ A1 2Si 6 0 16] ·6Hp monoclinic-sphenoidic

Thin-section characteristics Extinction: oblique, PAc = 28°-32° (during heat-

ing when mounting a section it can increase to
Form: tends to occur as interpenetrating twins of
pseudorhombic symmetry, rare in thick colum-
nar form (Fig. 213). Distinguishing features: stilbite is optically bi-
axial 8; phillipsite is very similar, but it has a
Cleavage: good on (010), poor on (100).
different optical orientation.
Twinning: interpenetrating twins on (100)
Occurrence: in miarolitic basic rocks, and in frac-
(= 'morvenite') or intergrowth of four crystals,
tures in gabbros.
along {IlO}.
Paragenesis: with hyalophane (barium feldspar),
Colour: colourless.
laumontite, natrolite and calcite.
Refraction and birefringence:
na = 1.503 - 1.506
n~ = 1.506 - 1.509
ny = 1.508 - 1.514
EBL1 = 0.005 - 0.008

Low refraction and birefringence (grey to white

interference colours of the 1st order), optically
biaxial EB.
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 79° (during heating when
mounting a section it can increase to 32°). Fig. 213 Crystal form and
optical characteristics of
Character of elongation: can be either (+) or (-). harmotome.

4.12 Aenigmatite (cossyrite)


General features: rare mineral, related to Refraction and birefringence:

amphiboles, restricted to Na-rich magmatic na = 1.81
rocks. n~ = 1.82
ny = 1.88
Thin-section characteristics EBL1 = 0.07
Form: columnar to acicular (Fig. 214). Similar
form and habit to amphibole.
Cleavage: good on {100} and {lTO}, with a cleav-
age intersection angle of approximately 66°
(this feature distinguishes aenigmatite from
amphibole). The twin plane halves the obtuse
angle of the cleavage set.
Twinning: polysynthetic twins on (011) are
Colour: almost opaque (= black, Fig. 215); thin
flakes red-brown to reddish-black translucent
and pleochroic. Fig. 214 Crystal
a: pale red-brown form and optical
p: dark chestnut-brown characteristics of
y. deep dark brown. aenigmatite.
144 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 215 Hypidiomorphic

aenigmatite showing bright
colours and strong relief in a
glass-rich sodium-trachyte
('pantellerite'). Mt. Gelkhamar,
Pantelleria island, Italy.
,O,3mm , Uncrossed polarizers.

High refraction and very high birefringence. The Distinguishing features: rhonite occurs with a dif-
interference colours are of the upper orders and ferent paragenesis; in the case of kaersutite and
are very pale, masked by the dark crystal absorp- arfvedsonite the twinning plane halves the angle
tion colours; optically biaxial Et>. of the cleavage planes.
Optic axial angle: 2Vy= 27°-55°. Occurrence: in light-coloured Na-rich (alkaline)
magmatic rocks, such as sodium syenite and
Extinction: always oblique, yAc 40°-45° parallel sodium trachyte, pantellerite, comendite,
(010) and yAc '" 4° (100). nepheline syenite (foyaites), phonolite and
nepheline-syenite pegmatites.
Special characteristics: homo axial intergrowth
with arfvedsonite is common; orthite inclusions Paragenesis: with aegirine-augite, arfvedsonite
are surrounded by a black to smoky-brown halo. or riebeckite, anorthoclase and nepheline.

4.13 Sphene (titanite)


Thin-section characteristics Refraction and birefringence:

na = 1.843 - 1.950
Form: tends to form idiom orphic, rhombic cross-
n~ = 1.870 - 2.034
sections, euhedra are common (in magmatic
ny = 1.943 - 2.110
rocks, Fig. 216), rarely spindle-shaped or in clus-
ters as thin granules (in metamorphic and sedi- Et>tl = 0.100 - 0.192
mentary rocks).
High refraction and birefringence. White inter-
Cleavage: good on {11O}, generally not parallel to ference colours of the upper orders tend to be
the crystal outlines. masked by the crystal colour and total reflection
(Colour plate 14); optically biaxial Et>. The high
Twinning: simple, along (100).
refraction causes a strong relief and an irregular
Colour: colourless, tends to be pale brown due surface.
to Fe-content, yellow to greenish with
Optic axial angle: 2Vy= 20°-56°.
noticeable pleochroism; can show patchy colour
distribution. Extinction: rhombic sections show symmetric ex-
ex: nearly colourless tinction; because of the strong dispersion the ex-
~: pale yellow to pale greenish tinction can be incomplete. Extinction tends to
y. yellow to red-brown. be oblique: yAc = 36°-51 °.
Topaz 145

Distinguishing features: rutile, zircon and

:c cassiterite are optically uniaxial EB; anatase and
I§)\ net members of the carbonate group are optically
c .... uniaxial 8. If fine grained, sphene could be con-
I fused with epidote and orthite.
n, \I \ I
I Alteration: under hydrothermal conditions it de-
010 cays into pale-yellow leucoxene (ilmenite; Part
...~[!. ...
b 0\ B, section 1.2).
S\ I \\
Occurrence: as a late magmatic phase in acidic
and intermediate plutonic rocks (granite,
granodiorite and tonalite, in particular in syenite

to nepheline syenite), commonly together with
greenish amphibole. It is rare in respective vol-
canic rocks, and absent in gabbro and basalt be-
cause there the Ti-content tends to pass into
pyroxene (titanaugite) and ilmenite respectively.
Sphene is a hydrothermal mineral in pegmatites
Fig. 216 Crystal form and optical characteristics and and in alpine fractures. It also occurs in low- to
typical cross-sections of sphene. medium-grade metamorphic rocks in amphi-
bolite, marble and siliceous carbonates.
Special characteristics: thorium content can Paragenesis: with green hornblende, plagioclase,
cause pleochroic haloes; zoned crystals have a K-feldspar, quartz, apatite or nepheline,
higher refractive index along their margins; in aegirine-augite, sanidine and apatite.
metamorphic rocks they tend to form clusters of
small rounded pellets.

4.14 Topaz

General features: fluor-bearing mineral, which Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 48° (F, OH); up to 68°
forms in greisen (e.g. in cassiterite granite). (F).
Character of elongation: (+).
Thin-section characteristics
Extinction: in longitudinal sections the extinction
Form: short columns (Fig. 217), acicular parallel is straight and in basal sections it is symmetric.
to the c-axis or brush-like (pycnite); typical as
Special characteristics: tends to be rich in fluid
single granules.
Cleavage: very good on (001).
Colour: colourless. n,:c
Refraction and birefringence: l'~1
(F) (F,OH)
na = 1.606 -1.634
n~ = 1.609 - 1.637
ny = 1.616 - 1.644
EB~ = 0.011 - 0.008
..... 0
Medium-high refraction and low birefringence
(grey-white to straw-yellow interference colours Fig. 217 Crystal
of the 1st order); optically biaxial EB. With in- form and optical
creasing F-content the refraction decreases and characteristics of
the axial angle increases. topaz.
146 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 218 Poikilitic topaz

showing strong relief compared
with quartz. Accompanying
minerals are lithium-mica and
quartz. Greisen. Zinnwald,
Erzgebirge, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.

Distinguishing features: quartz has a much lower Occurrence: tends to occur at the margin of gran-
refraction, tends to be optically uniaxial EEl and ite bodies (Fig. 218) and in contact aureoles as
has no cleavage; barite and coelestine occur in deuteric mineral which formed late during crys-
different parageneses; beryl is optically uniaxial tallization. Addition of fluor partly or completely
8; andalusite has a patchy pinkish colour and is alters feldspars and micas. It is also in topaz
optically biaxial 8. rhyolites.
Alteration: into kaolinite is possible.

4.15 Cordierite
rhombic-dipyramidal (pseudo-hexagonal).

General features: cordierite (dichroite) is an im-

portant mineral in AI-rich metamorphic rocks.

Thin-section characteristics
Form: short prismatic parallel to the c-axis (Fig.
219), very rare as idiomorphic crystals in volcanic
rocks or as porphyroblasts in hornfels; in meta- Fig. 219 Crystal form
morphic rocks it occurs as xenomorphic, and optical characteristics
irregular-shaped grains. of cordierite.

Cleavage: poor on (100), not visible under the

microscope, often irregular fractures.
Twinning: in {11O} and {310}; polysynthetic and
pseudo hexagonal parallel and interpenetrating
trillings are common (Fig. 220). These are easily
identified under crossed polars. Of the six sectors
revealed, two tend to show extinction and the
same interference colours at anyone time, be-
longing to one crystal. Interpenetrating trillings Fig. 220 Pseudohexagonal interpenetrating triplets
are common in hornfels schist. of cordierite. Crossed polars.
Cordierite 147

Colour: colourless, if the thin section is of stand- Table 5 Features distinguishing cordierite from
ard thickness; in 'thick' thin sections yellowish to quartz and feldspar
pale-blue to pale-purple pleochroism; in volcanic
rocks occasionally bright-blue and pale-purple Cordierite Quartz Feldspar
biaxial uniaxial, biaxial
Refraction and birefringence: (large 2V) also anomalously
na = 1.527 - 1.560 biaxial (small 2V)
n~ = 1.532 - 1.574
poor cleavage no cleavage good cleavage
nr = 1.537 - 1.578
yellow inclusion-
~ L1 = 0.008 - 0.018 pleochroic free
Low refraction and birefringence (grey to straw- irregular no alteration sericitization,
yellow interference colours of the 1st order); op- fractures minerals saussuritization
tically biaxial or EB. with clouding
Optic axial angle: 2V" = 35°-106°. and
Character of elongation: (-), in most cases it can-
not be determined.
Extinction: tends to be straight.
chlorite and also biotite. Cordierite pseudo-
Special characteristics: radioactive inclusions,
morphs comprised of sericite and other
such as zircon, cause pleochroic haloes in cor-
phyllosilicates are referred to as pinite, and the
dierite; in metamorphic rocks poikiloblastic tex-
process is called pinitization (Figs 221, 222). The
tures are typical, with quartz, biotite and/or
break-down reaction consumes water, and hence
graphite intergrowth. In volcanic rocks glass in-
is an indicator of hydrothermal interaction.
clusions are common; in paragneisses fibrolitic
sillimanite inclusions can be observed. Poly- Occurrence: in small quantities in magmatic
synthetic twinning is common. rocks, as well as in granite and gabbro, rhyolite
and andesite. Cordierite is an index mineral
Distinguishing features: can be mistaken for
for the anatectic origin of the rock, or contamina-
quartz, which, however, is uniaxial (rarely biaxial
tion by AI-rich contact rocks (e.g. clay-rich
EB) and always fresh. Plagioclase tends to be
sediments). It is very common in contact-
zoned and has better cleavage (Table 5).
metamorphic rocks. In the outer contact aureole
Alteration: subjected to weathering and cordierite porphyroblasts are nobbly schists and
diaphthoritic alteration, cordierite is progres- it occurs in cordierite-hornfels. Cordierite is also
sively replaced, starting from the edges and along present in regional-metamorphosed metapelites
fractures by a dense aggregate of sericite and/or of high grade (e.g. cordierite gneiss). It is also

Fig. 221 Cordie rite with

pinitized margins next to
quartz. Cordierite gneiss.
Erratic boulder, Baltic Sea
coastline, near Kiel, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.
148 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 222 Cordierite showing

the typical yellowish pinitization
along fractures and along the
grain margins, affecting the
whole crystal. Pleochroic
haloes around zircon inclusions
can be seen (arrows).
Cordie rite gneiss. Bodenmais,
Bavarian Forest, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.

common in granulites and charnockites, and can In hornfels together with biotite, muscovite,
be found in pegmatitic metatectites. quartz, plagioclase, andalusite, hypersthene and
garnet. In silica-undersaturated rocks together
Paragenesis: in magmatic and metatectites with
with corundum and spinel. In regionally meta-
quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, andalusite,
morphosed rocks together with sillimanite (as
sillimanite, biotite, garnet and hypersthene. In
fibrolitic inclusions in cordierite), garnet, biotite,
knobbly schist as newly formed blasts in a matrix
ilmenite and hercynite.
of quartz, biotite, sericite, chlorite and graphite.

Andalusite rhombic-dipyramidal phosed clay-rich sediments (metapelites). They
Sillimanite rhombic-dipyramidal are important metamorphic index minerals:
kyanite is indicative of higher pressures,
Kyanite triclinic-pinacoidal andalusite is stable at lower pressures but higher
General features: these three aluminum silicates temperatures and sillimanite occurs at higher
are almost exclusively restricted to metamor- pressures and temperatures.

4.16.1 Andalusite
Thin-section characteristics
Form: columnar parallel to the c-axis (Fig. 223),
nearly rectangular and square to longitudinal
and basal sections; acicular to fibrous, brush-like,
parallel fibrous, granular to skeletal, common in
aggregates; porphyroblasts can be densely
packed with quartz inclusions (sieve texture); in-
dividual crystals can form divergent, finger-like ...r;,/!..._..
arrangements. b
Cleavage: good on (llO), with the intersecting
angle at 89°, only visible in coarse crystals. Fig. 223 Crystal form
and optical characteristics
Twinning: rare along {lO1}. of andalusite.
Colour: colourless (as chiastolite), otherwise blue coloration; the orthopyroxenes have a (+)
pinkish colours with a patchy colour distribution elongation.
are common (Fe-content) or greenish (Mn-con-
Alteration: replaced by sericite if subjected to
tent); pleochroism is weak:
hydrothermal and diaphthoritic alteration (very
ex: pink, bright red, yellow
common in most crystals). With increasing pres-
~: colourless, pale yellow, greenish
sure it is replaced by kyanite.
y. colourless, pale yellow, greenish-yellow.
Occurrence: most common in metapelites in con-
Refraction and birefringence:
tact aureoles (e.g. knobbly schist of the outer
nu = 1.633 - 1.642
zone of contact aureoles) where it forms
n~ = 1.639 - 1.644
porphyroblasts; chiastolite can be common. In
ny = 1.644 - 1.650
the inner contact aureole it can occur together
8L1 = 0.009 - 0.012 with cordie rite in the hornfels facies. In regional
low-pressure metamorphosed areas (Abukuma-
Medium-high refraction (similar to apatite) type), andalusite can occur as porphyroblasts in
and low birefringence (grey to straw-yellow in- medium-grade andalusite mica schists; also in
terference colours of the 1st order); optically pegmatites.
biaxial 8. The greenish Mn-rich variety is called
Paragenesis: in knobbly schists as porphyroblasts
viridine; it shows clear pleochroism and is opti-
in a matrix of sericite and quartz. In hornfels
call y biaxial ffi. facies together with biotite, cordierite, quartz,
Optic axial angle: 2Va = 73°-86° (-84°). and occasionally pyroxene. In regionally meta-
morphosed rocks together with muscovite,
Character of elongation: in longitudinal sections
biotite, almandine, also sillimanite and kyanite or
staurolite and cordierite.
Extinction: tends to be straight parallel to the
prism sides and parallel to the {IlO} cleavage.
Basal sections show symmetric extinction.
Special characteristics: can have yellowish
pleochroic haloes around radioactive minerals
(zircon); commonly contains graphite inclusions
which can be symmetrically arranged forming a
weak cross (chiastolite variety; Figs 224, 225).
Distinguishing features: sillimanite has a (+)
elongation; kyanite shows oblique extinction and Fig. 224 Different chiastolite forms (symmetric ar·
has higher birefringence and also shows a patchy rangement of graphite).

Fig. 225 Andalusite with

graphite inclusions (chiastolite).
Schist from Fichtelgebirge,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.
150 Biaxial crystals

4.16.2 Sillimanite
Thin-section characteristics
Medium-high refraction and birefringence (in-
Form: acicular, fibrous parallel to the c-axis (Figs terference colours of the upper 1st order to blue
226, 227), branching, hair-like, rarely columnar of the 2nd order; not recognizable in needles;
parallel to the c-axis; common as subparallel basal sections show grey to white interference
whirlpool-like fibrous swarms and strings in colours of the 1st order); optically biaxial ®.
quartz or cordie rite (Fig. 228). Brush-like aggre-
gates of fibrous sillimanite are called fibrolite Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 21 °_30° (in most cases it
(Fig. 229). Fibrolite can be kinked or bent. cannot be measured).

Cleavage: perfect on (010), only visible in larger Character of elongation: (+).

crystals; cleavage traces run diagonally across the Extinction: straight parallel to the trace of
pseudo tetragonal cross-section. the cleavage, basal sections show symmetric
Colour: colourless, in 'thick' thin sections it can extinction.
be pale-brownish to pale-brown pleochroic; Distinguishing features: apatite and andalusite
fibrolite can be dirty yellow-brown. have (-) elongation; kyanite is optically biaxial 8
Refraction and birefringence: and also has two perfect cleavage sets; zoisite has
nn = 1.653 - 1.661 a lower birefringence and tremolite has oblique
n~ = 1.657 - 1.662 extinction.
ny = 1.672 - 1.683 Alteration: sericitization.
ElM = 0.018 - 0.022 Occurrence: high-grade metamorphism in
metapelites (e.g. cordierite sillimanite gneiss).
As contact-metamorphic mineral only in the
sanidinite facies.
Paragenesis: with andalusite, cordierite (often
001 :....loL
with whirl-pool like fibrolite inclusions), quartz,
~" ~

K-feldspar, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite,

i I II: 010 almandine and spinel. Sillimanite and kyanite
I i I, I often occur together; 'sillimanitization' (Fig. 230)
na .' ;. .! 110 I' .. "6" .... is characteristic for progressive metamorphic
····0 I I ' I
U Ii I Fig. 226 Crystal form and
optical characteristics of

Fig. 227 Idiomorphic

sillimanite laths showing perfect
cleavage and strong relief
relative to quartz. Sillimanite
gneiss. Erratic boulder, Baltic
Sea coastline, near Kiel,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.
AI 2Si0 5 group 151

Fig. 228 Fibrolite in quartz

next to biotite. Sillimanite
gneiss. Erratic boulder, Baltic
Sea coastline, near Kiel,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 229 Sillimanite fibrolite

forming dark fibrolitic aggre-
gates. Erratic boulder, Baltic
Sea coastline, near Kiel,
Germany. Uncrossed polarizers.

Fig. 230 Kyanite replaced by

sillimanite along its margins.
Kyanite granulite. Harlandenl
Danube, Austria. Uncrossed
152 Biaxial crystals

4.16.3 Kyanite
Thin-section characteristics Refraction and birefringence:
na = 1.710 - 1.718
Form: tabular, broad lath-shaped, stretched
n~ = 1.719 .: 1.724
along the c-axis (Fig. 231); in schists as broad
Ily = 1.724 - 1.734
prisms, rarely in radial arrangements. Kyanite
rich in fine dusty graphite inclusions is called 8~ = 0.012 - 0.016
rhaeticite. Can be crystallographically inter-
grown with staurolite; deformation-induced bent High refraction and relatively low birefringence
crystals have been observed. (orange-yellow interference colours of the 1st
order); optically biaxial 8.
Cleavage: perfect on (100) and excellent on (010)
(Fig. 232); along (001) characteristically frayed Optic axial angle: 2Va = 78°-83°.
Character of elongation: (+).
Twinning: simple on (100) and lamellar with
Extinction: always oblique: y/A, = 27°-32° on
[100] as twinning axis and nearly equal extinction
angle in both twin halves.
(100) and i Ac = 5°_8° (010); a/Aa = 0°_3° on
Colour: colourless to pale blue, sometimes with
Special characteristics: patchy blue, pleochroic
patchy blue weak pleochroism:
colour distribution. Porphyroblasts tend to con-
a: colourless
tain numerous inclusions of quartz and mica
~: pale purple-blue
(sieve texture). Crystallographic intergrowth
y: pale cobalt-blue.
with staurolite is possible (Part B, section 4.17).
Distinguishing features: hypersthene shows
straight extinction in longitudinal sections;
clinozoisite has anomalous interference colours;
sillimanite has a higher birefringence, but a lower
1.0 a n refraction and is optically EEl; andalusite has a
~'I~ 0 similar birefringence, but a much lower refrac-
11\ I I I j..........
..... b . tion and is distinct because of its patchy pink
colour distribution.
~~·a····· I(~ II Alteration: under progressive metamorphic con-
100 ,\ " Fig. 231 Crystal form
and optical characteristics ditions it is replaced by sillimanite; diaphthoritic
of kyanite. alteration leads to sericitization.

Fig. 232 Twinned kyanite

porphyroblast with perfect
cleavage in two directions and
a strong relief adjacant to a
large staurolite porphyroblast.
mica schist. Alp Sponda,
Canton Ticino, Switzerland.
Uncrossed polarizers.
Staurolite 153

Occurrence: characteristic for medium- and high- Paragenesis: with staurolite, almandine, green
pressure mineral assemblages; porphyroblastic hornblende, biotite, muscovite, quartz and rutile.
(e.g. in kyanite-staurolite-mica schist, kyanite
gneiss and kyanite quartzite as well as in granu-
lite and eclogite).

4.17 Staurolite
monoclinic-prismatic (pseudo-rhombic)

General features: index mineral in medium- Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 80°-90°.
grade AI-rich rocks, often together with kyanite.
Character of elongation: (+).
Extinction: occurs mostly in bases and cuts
Thin-section characteristics
which are symmetrical.
Form: idiom orphic with short prismatic habit,
Special features: can show oriented intergrowth
stretched parallel to the c-axis with hexagonal
with kyanite, rarely muscovite; poikiloblastic
cross-section; common as interpenetrating twins
intergrowth with quartz is common (sieve tex-
(Fig. 233). Smaller crystals can form
ture; Fig. 234); rare inclusion of other minerals
glomerophyric-textured aggregates.
(rutile, tourmaline, garnet).
Cleavage: good on (010); in a thin section, spe-
Distinguishing features: orange-yellow pleo-
cially in small crystals, difficult to recognize.
chroism and sieve texture are distinctive. Brown
Twinning: interpenetrating twins on {023} or tourmaline is optically uniaxial 8 and has a
{232); under the microscope not readily recogniz- negative elongation; epidote is greenish-yellow
able (Fig. 233). and has a higher birefringence with anomalous
interference colours and is optically biaxial 8;
Colour: bright orange-yellow (Colour plate 15)
the same applies to orthite.
with clear pleochroism in longitudinal sections.
In basal sections weak or non-pleochroic: Alteration: with increasing metamorphic grade
a: colourless it is replaced by almandine and kyanite or
~: colourless, pale yellow, yellowish-brown almandine and sillimanite respectively. During
y. light yellow, orange-yellow, reddish-brown. retrograde alteration staurolite tends to be re-
placed by chlorite and sericite.
Refraction and birefringence:
na = 1.736 - 1.747 Occurrence: restricted to medium-grade
n~ = 1.742 - 1.753 metapelites, such as staurolite micaschists, garnet
nr = 1.748 - 1.761 micaschist, quartzite and metabauxite.
EBA = 0.011- 0.014 Paragenesis: with biotite, muscovite, kyanite,
next to quartz, albite, rutile, andalusite and
High refraction and relatively low birefringence almandine or sillimanite or tourmaline.
(orange-yellow interference colours of the 1st
order); optically biaxial 8.

,n7 :~ c
I 001 "

Fig. 233 Crystal form and optical characteristics and twin- Fig. 234 Poikiloblastic (sieve texture) in
ning in staurolite. twinned staurolite crystal.
154 Biaxial crystals

4.18 Wollastonite
triclinic-pinacoidal (pseudo-monoclinic), monoclinic-prismatic (para-

Thin-section characteristics axial angle and higher birefringence; zoisite has a

higher refraction and lavender-blue interference
Form: columnar to acicular parallel to the b-axis
(Fig. 235), subparallel or diverging or brush-like
aggregates are common, also platy on {lOO} with Alteration: into quartz, chalcedony or opal.
almost rectangular cross-sections, poikiloblastic.
Occurrences: in contact-metamorphosed zones
Cleavage: perfect on (100), good on (102) and in the hornfels facies in lime silicate rocks and
(001) (Fig. 236). siliceous marbles. In the same rocks it is also
found in regionally metamorphosed areas in
Twinning: lamellar on (100).
low- to medium-grade facies (e.g. lime silicate
Colour: colourless. rocks Auerbach/Bergstrasse, Germany). It is
rare in phonolites (e.g. wollastonite phonolite
Refraction and birefringence:
from Kaiserstuhl, Germany), in nepheline
nu = 1.616 - 1.640
syenite and nephelinite.
n~ = 1.628 - 1.650
ny = 1.631 - 1.653 Paragenesis: with diopside, fassaite, vesuvianite,
epidote, grossularite, calcite, quartz and micro-
8Ll = 0.013 - 0.014
cline. Monticellite together with wollastonite are
index minerals of the onset of the sanidine facies.
Medium-high refraction and relatively low
birefringence (maximum orange-yellow interfer-
ence colours of the 1st order, in longitudinal sec-
tions grey to white interference colours of the 1st
order); optically biaxial 8.
Optic axial angle: 2Vu = 36 -60
0 0

Character of elongation: can be (+) or (-).

Extinction: always oblique; in longitudinal sec-
tions almost straight: ~A b = OO-SO; aAc = 300 -
44 0 •
Special characteristics: none.
Distinguishing features: tremolite has a charac- Fig. 235 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
teristic amphibole cleavage and a much larger wollastonite.

Fig. 236 Coarse prismatic

wollastonite with well-
developed cleavage. Siliceous
metacarbonate. Sala, central
Sweden. Crossed polars.
Chloritoid 155

4.19 Chloritoid
triclinic-pinacoidal (twinning can
produce pseudo-hexagonal symmetry)

General features: chemically very similar to Refraction and birefringence:

staurolite; it occurs exclusively in regionally nu = 1.705 - 1.730
metamorphosed areas in the greenschist facies. n~ = 1.708 - 1.734
ny = 1.712 - 1.740
Thin-section characteristics @Ll = 0.005 - 0.022
Form: idiomorphic, porphyroblastic, platy on
High refraction and relatively low birefringence
{Om \; longitudinal or flaky, radial and plate-like
(grey-white to straw-yellow interference colours
aggregates, often in glomerates (Figs 237, 238).
of the 1st order; basal sections are approximately
Habit similar to mica.
isotropic); optically biaxial EB. Low anomalous
Cleavage: perfect on (001), good on (110). interference colours are common (r > v).
Twinning: twins, trillings or polysynthetic twins Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 36°-70°, in rare cases
on (001). optically 8 with 2Vy '" 124°.
Colour: colourless, tends to be green or grey- Character of elongation: (-).
green with a very strong pleochroism:
Extinction: tends to be oblique, ~Ab = 20° (in the
a: greenish, olive-green, colourless, greenish-
triclinic form); straight in the direction of the b-
axis: aA b = 0° (in the monoclinic form).
~: slate-blue, indigo blue, blue-green
y: colourless, yellow-green, yellow pale Special characteristics: hourglass textures are
greenish-brown. common; zonal growth with darker cores and
brighter rims; inclusions (in particular of quartz)
are typical; four-fold partitioning.
Distinguishing features: chlorite has a much
lower refraction, absorption colours and com-
monly anomalous interference colours; biotite
has a smaller axial angle and is optically biaxial
8; all other micas show higher birefringence
Fig. 237 Crystal form colours.
and optical characteristics
of chloritoid in monoclinic Alteration: by progressive regional metamor-
form. phism it is replaced by staurolite, almandine and

Fig. 238 Columnar chloritoid

together with albite and
chlorite. Albite-chlorite-chloritoid
schists. Banos, eastern
Cordillera, Ecuador. Uncrossed
156 Biaxial crystals

hercynite. Retrograde chloritization and/or Paragenesis: with quartz, albite, sericite, chlorite,
weathering into kaolinitellimonite. biotite, almandine, rutile and also glaucophane,
never together with stilpnomelane. Can occur
Occurrence: typical mineral in Fe-AI-rich
with staurolite, kyanite and almandine.
metapelites of the greenschist facies (e.g.
chloritoid phyllites) and also in glaucophane

4.20 Epidote zoisite group

General features: zoisite replaces the albite com- Special characteristics: members of the epidote-
ponent in plagioclase in low- to high-grade meta- zoisite group show concentric zonal patterns,
morphic rocks. Both the endmembers, epidote with Fe-poor cores and Fe-rich rims (interfer-
and clinozoisite, form the epidote sequence, in ence colours); rims can alter to hornblende or
which part of the aluminium is progressively re- pyroxene. A characteristic section from a meta-
placed by Fe3+; epidote is a typical mineral of the morphic rock is illustrated in Fig. 239.
greenschist facies. Orthite differs from epidote
by its high content of rare earth elements, par-
ticularly cerium and lanthanum.

Fig. 239 Zoisite with three-

sided section and zonar growth.
Anomalous interference colours
(deep blue to brown) are
typical. Zoisite schist. Scotland.
Crossed polars.

4.20.1 Zoisite
Ca 2(Al, Fe3+)AI2[OIOHISi04ISi2071 rhombic-bipyramidal

Thin-section characteristics Colour: nearly colourless; the Mn-rich variety is

called thulite and shows purple-pink to yellowish
Form: short prisms parallel to the b-axis (Fig.
240), in longitudinal sections commonly
ex: pale greenish-yellow
rhombic-shaped or hexagonal cross-sections;
~: purple-pink
granular and divergent radiating prisms.
y: yellow.
Cleavage: perfect on (100) and poor on (001)
(Fig. 240).
Epidote zoisite group 157

Distinguishing features: clinozoisite is optically

very similar, but differs by its extreme anomalous
interference colours (bright prussian blue); apa-
tite is optically uniaxial 8, and so is vesuvianite,
which can be anomalously biaxial, with anoma-
lous interference colours and hence could be
a b confused with zoisite. Hypersthene is optically
biaxial 8.
Fig. 240 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
(a) Fe-poor and (b) Fe-rich zoisite. Alteration: none.
Occurrence: zoisite without exception occurs
in regionally metamorphosed rocks (e.g. in
Refraction and birefringence: greenschist, actinolite and glaucophane rocks).
nu = 1.685 - 1.705 At low-metamorphic grade it forms from
n~ = 1.688 - 1.701 the anorthite component of plagioclase
ny = 1.697 - 1.725 (saussuritization). During this process anorthite
is replaced by a very fine-grained aggregate of
EBA = 0.003 - 0.008
zoisite, epidote-clinozoisite, sericite and calcite
which is poikilitically intergrown with the stable
Medium-high refraction and relatively low
albite component (albite to oligoclase) in
birefringence with anomalous interference col-
plagioclase. In medium-grade rocks zoisite is
ours in sections approximately perpendicular to
common in the zoisite-amphibolite facies. At
the optic axis (deep blue-grey to brown interfer-
high grade it occurs in calc-silicate rock, gneiss,
ence colours); in different sections normal inter-
granulite and eclogite.
ference colours of the 1st order (grey to
orange-yellow); optically biaxial EB. Paragenesis: in medium-grade rocks, together
with chlorite, sericite, actinolite, epidote,
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 0°--69°.
clinozoisite, albite and prehnite. In the zoisite-
Character of elongation: in longitudinal sections amphibolite facies it occurs next to hornblende
always (-). and plagioclase. In calc-silicate rock it forms a
stable paragenesis with diopside, and in eclogite
Extinction: tends to be straight.
it occurs together with omphacite, garnet,
Special characteristics: anomalous interference kyanite and quartz.
colours; intergrowth with epidote and clino-
zoisite is common. Orientation of the axial plane
is dependent on the Fe-content (Fig. 240).

4.20.2 Epidote
Ca2Fe3+AI2[OIOHISi04ISi207] monoclinic-prismatic

Thin-section characteristics Colour: pale greenish-yellow with pleochroism;

the Mn-rich variety is called piemontite with a
Form: columnar acicular parallel to the b-axis
noticeable pink to purple pleochroism.
(Fig. 241) or xenomorphic granular, also diver-
Epidote Piemontite
gent radiating crystals; in longitudinal sections
a: colourless, light lemon-yellow to
lath-shaped. Cross-sections are hexagonal or
lemon-yellow orange
~: greenish, green- amethyst colour to
Cleavage: perfect on (001) and clear on (100) brown pinkish
with an intersection angle of ",115°. y: pale green, yellow- brick-red to
green. purple.
Twinning: sometimes on (100) with heart-shaped
158 Biaxial crystals

Distinguishing features: because of its intensive

and anomalous interference colours epidote is
easily differentiated from other similar minerals.
111 nfJ Olivine tends to be colourless with a bad cleav-
·····Ii····· age; pyroxenes are optically biaxial ffi and show
characteristic pyroxene cleavage with intersec-
tion angles of 87°.
Alteration: robust. Can be chloritized.
Fig. 241 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
epidote (left) and clinozoisite (right). Occurrence: epidote and clinozoisite are most
commonly found in low-grade metamorphic
rocks, where they occur in greenschists, calcare-
ous phyllites and blueschists; also in medium-
Refraction and birefringence: grade rocks where both minerals occur (e.g. in
na = 1.715 - 1.751 na = 1.730 - 1.794 certain mica schists and gneisses). During retro-
n~ = 1.725 - 1.784 n~ = 1.740 - 1.807 grade metamorphism epidote and zoisite form as
ny = 1.734 - 1.797 ny = 1.762 - 1.829 part of the saussuritization, e.g. decay of the
anorthite component of plagioclase (saussuriti-
88 = 0.015 - 0.051 <;!;) 8 = 0.025 - 0.073 zation by feldspar). Epidote is widely distributed
also in contact-metamorphic rocks (e.g. knobbly
High refraction and highly variable medium-high
schist, biotite hornfels, calc-silicate rock and
birefringence (similar to the pyroxene group),
skarns). Marly to calcareous clay-rich original
epidote has bright intensive anomalous interfer-
rocks are chemically suitable for epidote growth.
ence colours (bright blue, orange, red, green tur-
Epidote can also form hydrothermally, occurring
quoise of the 2nd order; Colour plate 16). In
in fractures and cavities in magmatites which
piemontite the interference colours of the higher
rocks are rich in pyroxene and amphibole where
orders are masked by its particular colour.
they replace the anorthite component in
Epidote is optically biaxial 8, piemontite is opti-
plagioclase. Piemontite occurs in Mn-rich schists,
cally biaxial ffi or 8.
and also in hydrothermally altered volcanic
Optic axial angle: epidote: 2Va = 64°_90°; rocks.
piemontite: 2Vy = 64°-106°.
Paragenesis: epidote and clinozoisite in low-
Character of elongation: not characteristic, grade rocks occur together with actinolite,
changing (+) or (-). microcline, albite, calcite and quartz, or with
chlorite, albite, vesuvianite, tremolite; with in-
Extinction: in direction of the b-axis (perpen-
creasing metamorphic grade together with albite!
dicular to cleavage) always straight, otherwise
oligoclase, hornblende and almandine. In the
oblique'" 30°. blueschist facies with epidote, glaucophane,
Special characteristics: often patchy colour distri- lawsonite, pumpellyite, clinozoisite, chlorite,
bution, anomalous (higher than normal) interfer- muscovite, quartz, albite, calcite and sphene. In
ence colours due to strong dispersion of the contact-metamorphosed rocks with vesuvianite,
birefringence; characteristic concentric pattern fassaite, andradite or grossularite, actinolite,
with Fe-poor cores and Fe-rich rims. hornblende, biotite and albite.

4.20.3 Clinozoisite
Ca2AIAI2[OIOHISi04ISi207] monoclinic-prismatic

Thin-section characteristics Colour: colourless.

Form: prismatic parallel to the b-axis (Fig. 241)
Refraction and birefringence:
or xenomorphic granular with hexagonal cross-
na = 1.670 - 1.718
sections and lath-shaped longitudinal sections.
n~ = 1.672 - 1.725
Cleavage: perfect on (001). ny = 1.690 - 1.734
Twinning: tends to be lamellar on (100). ffi8 = 0.004 - 0.015
Epidote zoisite group 159

High refraction and birefringence (anomalous Distinguishing features: zoisite is similar,

bright prussian-blue interference colours); opti- rhombic and has straight extinction; vesuvianite
cally biaxial ®. is optically uniaxial 8; kyanite shows patchy blu-
ish pleochroism, normal interference colours and
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 40°-90°.
is optically 8; anomalously biaxial grossularite
Character of elongation: changes between (+) has lower birefringence colours; lawsonite and
and (-). pumpellyite have higher birefringence colours;
where pumpellyite does not show any bluish-
Extinction: in longitudinal sections parallel to the
green colour, it can be differentiated from
b-axis (also parallel and perpendicular to the
clinozoisite only by X-ray analysis.
cleavage traces) always straight, otherwise ob-
lique ("'30°). Alteration: none.
Special characteristics: anomalous (blue) inter- Occurrence and paragenesis: see epidote (Part B,
ference colours. section 4.20.2).

4.20.4 Orthite (allanite)

(Ca, Mn, Ce, La, Y, Th)iFez+, Fe 3+, Ti) (AI, Fe 3+MOIOHISi0 4ISiz0 7] monoclinic-

Thin-section characteristics Optic axial angle: varies with 2V" = 40°-123°.

Form: tends to be in the form of rounded to Character of elongation: cannot be identified be-
irregular-shaped grains, rarely acicular parallel cause of the strong colour.
to the b-axis.
Extinction: in longitudinal sections parallel to the
Cleavage: good on (001) and poor on (100). b-axis, otherwise oblique.
Twinning: tends to be on (100). Special characteristics: almost always zoned and
rimmed by epidote and clinozoisite; occasionally
Colour: in a fresh stage pale grey-yellow to
it is metamictic-isotropic, radioactivity causing
orange-brown, with red-brown pleochroism, also
damage to the crystal lattice; as inclusions in
partly with greenish colours:
other minerals such as biotite, pleochroic haloes
a: grey-yellow, colourless
and extension fractures.
~: yellow-brown, brown
y. dark brown, greenish. Distinguishing features: brown hornblende
shows characteristic 124° cleavage intersection
Refraction and birefringence:
and occurs in different parageneses.
n" = 1.690 - 1.813
n~ = 1.700 - 1.857 Alteration: can alter into epidote; during weath-
ny = 1.706 - 1.891 ering it is replaced by carbonate and limonite.
@ ~ = 0.013 - 0.036 Occurrence: in granitic to dioritic plutonic rocks
as a rare pneumatolytic mineral; rare in low- to
High refraction and medium-high birefringence high-grade metamorphic rocks, but more com-
(interference colours are masked by the crystal mon in contact-metamorphic rocks.
colour; in case of complete metamictization iso-
Paragenesis: in magmatic rocks and pegmatites
tropic with n = 1.54); commonly optically biaxial
together with epidote, sphene, tourmaline and
8, rarely biaxial ®.
also with fluorite and monazite.
160 Biaxial crystals

4.21 Pumpellyite

General features: characteristic mineral of low- brown interference colours are common, normal
grade metamorphic rocks of basic volcanic interference colours are rare (straw-yellow of the
origin. 1st order to blue of the 2nd order); optically biax-
ial EB.
Thin-section characteristics Optic axial angle: varies strongly 2Vy = 7°-110°.
Form: lath-shaped parallel to the b-axis (Fig. 2V {Fe-poor variety = 10°.
y Fe-rich variety = 85°.
242), acicular or fibrous; generally in radiating,
divergent aggregates, rosettes or spherolites, also Character of elongation: not characteristic, ei-
in parallel or subparallel bundles. ther (+) or (-).
Cleavage: similar to zoisite, perfect on (100) and Extinction: oblique, depending on Fe 3+ content:
good on (001). A {in Fe-poor members = 4°.
Y c in Fe-rich members = 22°.
Twinning: common on (001) and (100).
Special characteristics: zonal growth; anomalous
Colour: colourless to blue-green, pleochroic; col-
interference colours are common; oak-Ieaf-
our intensity and pleochroism depend on Fe 3+
shaped intergrowth between pumpellyite and
content; colour zonation is common:
lawsonite on (010) together with epidote.
ex and y: colourless to pale yellowish
~: light green to blue-green. Distinguishing features: similar to clinozoisite
and epidote. Clinozoisite has a higher refraction
Refraction and birefringence:
and a lower birefringence; Fe-rich epidote is op-
n" = 1.665 - 1.710 tically biaxial 8; zoisite generally has a straight
n~ = 1.670 - 1.720
extinction, and so has lawsonite; the latter has
ny = 1.683 - 1.726
normal interference colours.
$~ = 0.010 - 0.020. Alteration: none.
Medium-high refraction and relatively low Occurrence: in metamorphic rocks of the
birefringence; anomalous blue and leather- greenschist facies, derived from basalts, diabase,
spilite and their pyroclastic equivalents. Also
stable at higher pressures, and stable in meta-
morphic rocks of the blueschist facies. Also fills
amygdaloidal basalt.
Paragenesis: in the pumpellyite-prehnite zone
with prehnite, chlorite, albite, quartz, calcite and
sphene. In the pumpellyite-chlorite zone with
Fig. 242 Crystal albite, chlorite, stilpnomelane, sericite, quartz,
form and optical calcite, sphene with/without actinolite. In the
characteristics of blueschist facies with lawsonite, glaucophane,
pumpellyite. crossite and epidote.

4.22 Lawsonite

General features: index mineral in metamorphic Cleavage: very good on (010), good on (100), not
rocks of the blueschist facies. perfect on (lOl): cleavage trace intersection of
Thin-section characteristics Twinning: polysynthetic on {lOll; parquet-floor-
like patterns are possible with undulatory
Form: commonly idiom orphic crystals, with a
platy habit, stretched along the c-axis (Fig. 243),
commonly in lath-shaped sections.
Anhydrite 161

Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 76°-87° (tends to "" 84°).

Character of elongation: (-).
Extinction: straight in longitudinal sections, sym-
metric in basal sections.
Special characteristics: commonly intergrown
with pumpellyite, typical undulatory extinction,
parquet-floor-like textures.
Fig. 243 Crystal form
and optical characteristics Distinguishing features: clinozoisite and zoisite
of lawsonite. tend to have anomalous interference colours;
epidote is yellow-green; pumpellyite is very simi-
lar and has oblique extinction; and prehnite has a
higher birefringence. Tremolite has a cleavage-
Colour: colourless, in 'thick' thin sections pleo-
trace intersection angle of 124° or 56°
chroic (a: blue, ~: yellow, y: colourless).
Refraction and birefringence:
Alteration: sericitization and chloritization can
nc< = 1.663 - 1.665
occur. There is replacement by epidote or
n~ = 1.672 - 1.675
pumpellyite at the transition into the greenschist
ny = 1.682 - 1.686
EBL1 = 0.019 - 0.021
Occurrence: in lawsonite-glaucophane schists; it
is rare in greenschists and amphibolites.
Medium-high refraction and relatively low
birefringence (orange interference colours of the Paragenesis: with glaucophane, albite, jadeite,
1st order to maximum blue of the 2nd order); with/without pumpellyite, sericite, sphene,
optically biaxial EB. epidote and clinozoisite.

4.23 Anhydrite

Thin-section characteristics Extinction: straight, parallel to the cleavage

Form: fine- to medium-grained sugar-like aggre-
gates (Fig. 245); commonly columnar to acicular, Special characteristics: can show deformation-
rarely fibrous. induced bent cleavage traces.
Cleavage: perfect on (001), very good on (010)
and good on (100) (Fig. 244(a)).
Twinning: tends to be polysynthetic on {101} in
response to deformation.
Colour: colourless.
Refraction and birefringence:
nc< = 1.570
n~ = 1.575
ny = 1.613
EBL1 = 0.044

Relatively low refraction and high birefringence

(interference colours up to green of the 3rd or-
der); optically biaxial EB.
a b
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 42°.
Fig. 244 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
Character of elongation: untypical, (+) or (-). (a) anhydrite and (b) gypsum.
162 Biaxial crystals

Fig. 245 Short to long

prismatic anhydrite crystals.
Anhydrite. MOhlberg near Ilfeld,
Harz Mts, Germany. Crossed

Distinguishing features: gypsum does not have Occurrence: rock-forming in NaCI accumula-
such good cleavage and has low refraction and tions; accompanying mineral in chloritic
birefringence. evaporites, diagenetically formed from gypsum.
Rare in amygdales in volcanic basalts together
Alteration: with the addition of water, there is a
with quartz, chlorite, prehenite and zeolite.
volume increase of up to 60% and progressive
replacement by gypsum, starting from the cleav- Paragenesis: with gypsum, rock-salt, illite, talc,
age planes. quartz and calcite.

4.24 Gypsum
CaSO 4' 2HzO monoclinic-prismatic
Form: platy on {OlD} (Fig. 244(b)) to coarse Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 58° (at 19°C), tempera-
prismatic or acicular along the c-axis (Fig. 246); ture sensitive, decreasing with increasing
also as fine scaly aggregates, fine grains, dense or temperature.
Character of elongation: untypical, (+) or (-).
Cleavage: very good on (010), good on (100) and
lOll}. Extinction: tends to be oblique, aAa = 15°; there
is marked dispersion of the extinction on (010);
Twinning: swallow-tail twins on (100) are com- in sections parallel to the b-axis straight extinc-
mon, twins on (001) are rare. tion occurs.
Colour: colourless.
Special characteristics: during the preparation of
Refraction and birefringence: thin sections, involving heating of the rock chip,
na = 1.519 - 1.521 polysynthetic twins can form on (100), which can
n~ = 1.523 - 1.526 be bent.
ny = 1.529 - 1.531
Distinguishing features: anhydrite has
EB~ = 0.010
pseudocubic cleavage and straight extinction,
Low refraction and birefringence (grey to white higher refraction and birefringence; with fine-
interference colours of the 1st order, similar to grained aggregates gypsum can be mistaken for
K-feldspar); optically biaxial EB. chalcedony, but the latter is optically uniaxial EB.
Aragonite 163

Fig. 246 Fine-grained,

commonly hypidiomorphic to
xenomorphic gypsum crystals.
Monomineralic gypsum.
Osterode, Harz Mts, Germany.
Crossed polars.

Alteration: diagenetic alteration into anhydrite; cretions in clay-rich rocks, and in areas of inter-
during heating (e.g. during thin-section prepara- action between fumeroles and basic volcanic
tion) there is water loss and transition into rocks.
bassanite (CaS0 4 ·tH20).
Paragenesis: with anhydrite, halite, clay miner-
Occurrence: rock-forming in rock-salt sequences. als, calcite and other carbonate minerals, and
Gypsum also occurs in sedimentary rocks, as con- quartz.

4.25 Aragonite

Thin-section characteristics stretched along the c-axis with hexagonal cross-

sections (Fig. 248).
Form: tends to occur in radiating acicular aggre-
gates (Fig. 247), rarely in short to long prisms, Cleavage: poor, not visible.

Fig. 247 Aragonite spherolite

(peastone) in a fine-grained
carbonaceous sinter deposit
(pisolite). Carlsbad, Germany.
Uncrossed polarizers.
164 Biaxial crystals

Optic axial angle: 2Va = 18°.

Character of elongation: (-).
Extinction: straight in longitudinal sections, sym-
metrical in basal sections.
Special characteristics: the relief varies depend-
Fig. 248 Hexagonal ing on the orientation of the section.
cross-sections in Distinguishing features: calcite is not always opti-
cally uniaxial 8, but it shows the characteristic
rhombohedric cleavage.
Twinning: tends to be lamellar on {110}, also con- Alteration: into calcite.
tact and interpenetrating twins. Occurrence: in cavities and fissures in basic
Colour: colourless. rocks; as a precipitate in geothermal areas
('Carlsbad sinter'), including geysers; as stalac-
Refraction and birefringence: tites in geodes; as a component of organic shell
na = 1.530 - 1.531 material; and as a high-pressure mineral in
n~ = 1.680 - 1.681 aragonitic marble (Crete).
Ily = 1.685 - 1.686
Paragenesis: with zeolite, calcite and other
8~ = 0.155 - 0.156 carbonates.
Medium refraction index and high birefringence
similar to calcite (white interference colours of
the 9th order); optically biaxial 8.

4.26 Barite

Thin-section characteristics
Form: tends to occur in flaky or radiating ag-
gregates; granular, dense, fibrous, and also
idiomorphic in long prisms or in plates (Fig. 249).
Cleavage: perfect on (001), good on (110) and
Twinning: polysynthetic interpenetrating on
{110}. Fig. 249 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
Colour: colourless.
Refraction and birefringence:
na = 1.636 - 1.637
n~ = 1.637 - 1.639 Special characteristics: in flaky aggregates they
ny = 1.647 - 1.649 can be kinked and crenulated.
Efl~ = 0.011 - 0.012 Distinguishing features: replaced by Si0 2
low and carbonate; chalcedony forms pseudomorphs
Medium refraction and relatively
after it.
birefringence (orange-yellow interference col- ,
ours of the 1st order); optically biaxial Efl. Occurrence: forms veins in many hydrothermal
deposits together with or without sulphides, and
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 36°-38°. also forms concretions in sandstones (e.g. as
Character of elongation: (+). desert roses).
Extinction: straight in the direction of the (001) Paragenesis: with different sulphides, quartz and
cleavage trace, symmetrical in basal sections. celestite.
Goethite 165

4.27 Goethite
FeOOH rhombic-dipyramidal

General features: crystalline hydroxide iron Special characteristics: because of its strong dis-
minerals are called goethite and lepidocrocite; persion, goethite is optically uniaxial 8, when A=
the cryptocrystalline form is limonite (Part B, 605-620nm.
section 2.10.1).
Distinguishing features: haematite is optically
uniaxial 8 and has predominantly red-brown ab-
Thin-section characteristics sorption colours; lepidocrocite, which is very
similar to haematite, is more platy in habit and
Form: acicular parallel to the c-axis; radiating
together with goethite it tends to be idiomorphic.
fibres, divergent acicular, flaky, oolitic, earthy
Similar to brookite.
(Fig. 251).
Alteration: none.
Cleavage: good on (010).
Occurrence: a weathering product of Fe-rich
Colour: bright yellow, brown and brownish-
minerals and rocks; a component of soils. Forms
orange, not strongly pleochroic:
concentric aggregates filling cavities and veins.
ex: bright yellow or brown
Occurs in fossilized marine iron ore deposits
~: yellow-brown
(minette, residual ore) as iron oolites. Dense
y: orange or olive-coloured.
masses of goethite and lepidocrocite are called
Refraction and birefringence: limonite.
Pure H 20-rich
Paragenesis: with lepidocrocite and hematite.
na = 2.275 - 2.15
n~ = 2.409 - 2.22
ny = 2.415 - 2.23
8A = 0.140 - 0.08

Very high refraction and birefringence, depend-

ing on the H 20 content. The interference colours
are not identifiable due to the strong crystal col- nO'
····b.. ····
our; optically biaxial 8.
Optic axial angle: strong dispersion of the optic
axis, 2Va = 0°_27° (according to the wavelength a
of light).
Fig. 250 Crystal form and optical characteristics of
Extinction: in longitudinal sections, straight. goethite: (a) for yellow light; (b) for red light.

Fig. 251 Ooid comprised of

goethite in an iron oolite,
middle Jurassic E. Fricktal,
Switzerland. Uncrossed
166 Biaxial crystals

4.28 Prehnite

General features: alteration product of the Refraction and birefringence:

anorthite component in plagioclase in magmatic nu = 1.611 - 1.630
and metamorphic rocks. n~ = 1.617 - 1.641
ny = 1.632 - 1.669
Thin-section characteristics EE>~ = 0.021 - 0.039
Form: platy on mosaic-like intergrowth
Medium-high refraction and birefringence (in-
(parquet-floor), in fan-shaped, radial configur-
terference colours of the 2nd order, often anoma-
ations or dendritic arrangements (Figs 252,
253(a),(b ». lous deep blue to leather-brown), increasing with
increasing Fe content; optically biaxial EE>.
Cleavage: good on (001).
Optic axial angle: 2Vy = 64°_71° (to 2Vy = 0° in
Twinning: rare in fine lamellae on (110) and
mosaic form).
Colour: colourless. Character of elongation: untypical, (+) or (-).

Fig. 252 Prehnite as

hydrothermal formation in
diabase-amygdale. Upper mid-
Devonian. Helgebachtal west of
Leun/Lahn, Germany. Crossed


Fig. 253 (a) Crystal

form and optical
characteristics of
prehnite. (b) Typical
a forms of prehnite. b
Prehnite 167

Extinction and special characteristics: straight certain gabbroic rocks, granodiorite, and in
parquet-floor pattern; microcline-like with amygdales. In basic and basalt-derived rocks in
anomalous interference colours and incomplete the greenschist and zeolite facies as low-
extinction. temperature replacement of anorthite in
plagioclase (e.g. in actinolite schist, prasinite,
Distinguishing features: lawsonite has a lower
metabasalt, etc.). During high-pressure meta-
birefringence, higher axial angle and normal in-
morphism prehnite reacts to lawsonite. Prehnite
terference colours; thomsonite and other zeolites
also occurs in certain calc-silicate rocks.
have a lower refraction and birefringence;
chondrodite shows a pale gold-yellow pleo- Paragenesis: in magmatites together with
chroism and lamellar twinning. epidote, albite, quartz and calcite. In regionally
metamorphosed rocks together with zoisite,
Alteration: none.
clinozoisite, pumpellyite, albite and actinolite;
Occurrence: hydrothermal replacement of and in contact-metamorphic rocks together with
plagioclase, in particular in spilites, diabase and zoisite, grossularite, axinite and albite.
their pyroclastic derivatives; can also occur in
Part C Appendices
Appendix 1 Tables for the microscopic identification of
rock-forming minerals
Table 6 Refraction plotted against birefringence of rock-forming minerals

Birefringence Up to 0.005 Up to 0.010 Up to 0.D15 Up to 0.020 Up to 0.025

Refraction Optical Apophyllite Gypsum Plagioclase Thomsonite

character Chabazite Harmotome Natrolite
Mesolite Heulandite
+ Mordenite Phillipsite
Analcite Alkali feldspar Epistilbite
Apophyllite Laumontite Plagioclase
Chabazite Scolecite
- Cristobalite Stilbite

Chalcedony Chrysotile Cordierite

+ Lizardite Clinochlore
Quartz Plagioclase
1.55 to 1.60
Antigorite Penninite Cordierite
- Chrysotile Plagioclase

MgFe-chlorite Barite
+ Topaz
1.60 to 1.65
Fe(II)-chlorite Andalusite
FeMg-chlorite Wollastonite

Akermanite Artvedsonite Jadeite Lawsonite

+ Bronzite Omphacite
Enstatite Sillimanite
1.65 to 1.70
Apatite Artvedsonite Crossite Barkevikite Actinolite
Magnesio-riebeckite Gehlenite Katophorite Glaucophane

Zoisite Chloritoid Pumpellyite

Staurolite Thulite
+ Clinozoisite

1.70 to 1.80
Corundum Chloritoid Kyanite Hastingsite
- Vesuvianite Hypersthene (disthene)


Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 171

Up to 0.030 Up to 0.050 Up to 0.075 Up to 0.100 >0.100 Birefringence

Optical Refraction



1.55 to 1.60
Lepidolite Mejonite
Talc -

1.60 to 1.65
Glauconite Glauconite Muscovite
Celadonite Phengite

Prehnite +
1.65 to 1.70
Titanbiotite Biotite s.s. Aragonite
Tourmaline Calcite -

Augite Diopside Xenotime

Diopside Piemontite
Pigeonite Stilpnomelane
1.70 to 1.80
Kaersutite Epidote Oxyhornblende Magnesite
Piemontite Oxybiotite

Orthite Aegirine-augite Cassiterite Rutile

Aenigmatite Siderite
Fayalite Sphene
Zircon (titanite)
Orthite Aegirine-augite Goethite
172 Appendix 1

Table 7(a) Opaque and nearly opaque minerals (important minerals are shown in bold)

No.1 Mineral Form and habit Cleavage Twinning Colour Refraction

Page (n)

1.1 Magnetite octahedral, iron-black 2.42

30 cub. skeletal

1.2 Ilmenite laminar, black, very thin; 2.33-2.51

rhombohedral, dark brown
skeletal, granular,
31 trig. flaky

1.3 Hematite tabular, foliated, simple black, very thin; 2.87-3.22

fibrous, oolitic, lamellar blood-red-
31 trig. granular yellowish red

1.4 Pyrite octahedral, cubic, interpenetrating black

32 cub. granular twins (110)

1.5 Pyrrhotite granular, rarely black

tabular, massive
33 hex.

1.6 Graphite flakes, grains perfect black, very thin; 1.5-2.0

33 hex. (0001) green-grey

1.7 Carbon. dust particles black, very thin; 1.5-1.9

substances brownish to grey
34 amorph.

2.2 Chromite octahedral, deep-brown, 2.05-2.16

36 cub. granular almost opaque

4.12 Aenigmatite columnar to good, polysynthetic dark brown to 1.81-1.88

acicular cleavage twinning almost opaque
143 tricl. angle 66°
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 173

Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

magnetite ~ martitization in almost all magmatic rocks, in many low- to high-grade

titanomagnetite ~ leucoxene metamorphic rocks, in sediments and sedimentary rocks;

skeletal leucoxene-forming; anisotropic effect in almost all magmatic rocks, in high-grade metamorphic
~ optically uniaxial e rocks, in sediments and sedimentary rocks; magnetite

pseudomorphs after magnetite are common; postmagmatic in igneous rocks, in low- to medium-grade
red coloration in different rock types, metamorphic rocks, in sedimentary rocks
optically uniaxial e
weathers easily; in transmitted light difficult to postmagmatic in igneous rocks, in metamorphic schists,
identify in bituminous limestones and in black shales

in transmitted light difficult to identify in mafic to ultramafic plutonic rocks, rarely in equivalent
volcanic rocks; magnetite, ilmenite, olivine, ortho- and
clinopyroxene, plagioclase

smeared margins in graphitic phyllites and graphitic gneisses; quartz, K-

feldspar, albite, mica, chlorite, rutile

black pigment in many sedimentary rocks in coals, sediments with organic components and low-
grade metamorphic rocks; quartz, calcite, clay minerals

small grains appear almost opaque in mafic and ultramafic magmatic rocks; olivine,
serpentine, titanaugite

for optical data and characteristics see in felsic, Na-rich magmatic rocks; aegirine-augite,
Table 7(d) arfvedsonite or riebeckite, anorthoclase, nepheline
174 Appendix 1

Table 7(b) Isotropic minerals with higher refraction (n > 1.7) (important minerals are shown in bold)

No.1 Mineral Form and habit Cleavage Twinning Colour Refraction

Page (n)

2.1 Perovskite octahedral, good on (1 OOj, simple and violet-grey, dark 2.30-2.38
cubic, rarely lamellar, rarely brown,
skeletal recognizable recognizable yellowish,
35 ps.-cub. colourless

2.2 Spinel colourless, pink, 1.72-1.74

pale bluish

.ri Pleonaste octahedral greenish grey 1.77


:J Hercynite simple, rarely deep green, 1.78-1.80
0 recognizable emerald green

c Picotite granular yellowish, 2.00
If) brownish

Chromite deep brown, 2.05-2.16

36 almost opaque

2.3 Pyrochlore octahedral, reddish-to-black 1.96-2.02

cub. granular simple brown

Koppite dodecahedral colourless, red, 2.12-2.18

37 cub. brown

2.4 Pyrope pale red 1.72-1.76

Almandine colourless, 1.77-1.82

u Spessartine pale yellow 1.79-1.81
rhombic- not good on
Grossularite dodecahedral, {110j, mainly colourless, 1.735-1.77
Co deltoid- subparallel, greenish,
icositetrahedron, irregular yellowish
C) rounded-granular fractures

Andradite greenish,

" Uvarovite pale emerald- 1.84-1.87


38 Melanite brown 1.86-2.00

Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 175

Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

can show zonal colour distribution; paramorphic in silica-undersaturated Ca-rich magmatic rocks,
with anomalous birefringence; very small grains predominantly in melilite-bearing volcanic rocks, alnoites and
appear opaque kimberlites; melilite, nepheline, sodalite group, also leucite,
magnetite but never ilmenite

in granulites and contact-metamorphic rocks; cordierite,

corundum, almandine
no anomalies
in mafic plutonic rocks and dolomitic marble; carbonates,

hercynite can be zoned (dark core) in ultramafic Ti-rich plutonic rocks and cordierite-sillimanite

minute inclusions in olivine or serpentine in olivine aggregates and in serpentinite, alkali basalts;
olivine, serpentine

small grains appear opaque in mafic to ultramafic magmatic rocks; olivine, serpentine,

in foyaitic pegmatites and ejected volcanic blocks

under the microscope differentiation from
perovskite, picotite, chromite and melanite is not
possible in carbonatites; calcite, apatite, phlogopite

celyphytic rims are common in peridotites, kimberlites, serpentinites and eclogites;

olivine, serpentine, pyroxene, phlogopite

sieve texture and heliocentric inclusion spirals in low- to high-grade metamorphic rocks, rare in magmatites;
biotite, muscovite, quartz, chlorite, hornblende

component with almandine in certain hornfels rocks and in sediments

in siliceous limestones, garnetiferous rocks and siliceous

marbles; diopside, vesuvianite, calcite, wollastonite

anomalous birefringence is common; zonal growth in Fe-metasomatosed skarn

patterns or patchy colour distribution

in chromite-rich rocks

clear zonal texture in silica-undersaturated, alkali-rich, Na-rich magmatic rocks;

nepheline, leucite, sodalite group, aegirine-augite, sanidine
176 Appendix 1

Table 7{b) Optically isotropic minerals, rock-glass and cryptocrystalline phases with generally low refraction
(n < 1.51)

No.1 Mineral Form and habit Cleavage Twinning Colour Refraction

Page (n)

2.5 Leucite deltoid- fine lamellar, colourless 1.508-1.509

tetr. icositetrahedron polysynthetic
42 ps.-cub.

2.6.1 Soda lite square, hexagonal colourless, 1.483-1 .490

and ten-sided rarely pale
43 cub. shape, rounded grey
0 edges, corroded on {ill};
2.6.2 CI Nosean crystals, not easily colourless, 1.488-1 .495
~ xenomorphic only poor on visible grey, rarely
43 iii cub. in plutonic rocks {110} under the blueish

light blue, 1.496-1.508
43 cub. blue-green

2.7 Analcite typically poor on polysynthetic, colourless 1.486-1.487

xenomorphic, (001), similar to
46 cub. rarely idiomorphic difficult to leucite

2.8 Cristobalite tabular, 'balls', complex colourless 1.484-1 .487

fibrous, lamellar, not
chalcedony-like clearly visible
tetr. under the
47 ps.-cub. microscope

2.9 Fluorite cubic, typically perfect on not colourless, 1.434

massive {111}, 2 to recognizable bluish,
3 cleavage under the purple
traces are microscope
48 cub. common

2.10.1 Limonite oolitic, crust- and ochre-yellow 2.0-2.1

I/) soil-like, radiating to reddish-
48 0 brown

.c Opal amorphous, irregular colourless, 1.44-1.46
I/) colloidal forms fractures yellowish,
49 I/)
::J reddish

2.10.3 2- Rock-glass amorphous conchoidal colourless, 1.48-1.61

E fractures yellowish,
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 177

Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

typically shows anomalous birefringence in silica-undersaturated Na-rich volcanic rocks; nepheline,

(paramorphous with lamellae twinning) sodalite group, aegirine-augite, olivine, clinopyroxene, melanite,
glass. Never together with quartz.

weakly birefringent around inclusions in Na-rich silica-undersaturated volcanic and plutonic rocks;
nepheline, leucite, aegirine-augite, melanite, olivine, titanaugite,
glass. Never together with quartz.

almost always dark rims, opaque streaks and predominantly in volcanic rocks, such as phonolites, tephrites,
clusters, zonar and irregular colour foids, rarely plutonic rocks; nepheline, leucite, sanidine,
distribution; locally as fine-grained inclusions plagioclase, aegirine-augite, melanite, olivine, titanaugite,

weak anomalous birefringence (similar to as interstitial mineral in cavities in basalts and other basic
leucite); optically uniaxial 8 volcanic rocks, in zeolite facies; nepheline, leucite, olivine,
titanaugite and heulandite, desmine, laumontite

very low birefringence, 'ball-structure'; in cavities in silica-oversaturated volcanic rocks, devitrification

optically uniaxial EEl, also optically biaxial 8 product, in rocks of sanidine-facies; glass, tridymite, alkali
with 2Va = 25° and L1 = 0.003 feldspar, zeolite

zonar and patchy colour distribution in hydrothermal veins, in sandstone and biogenic dolomite, rare
in Li-granite, greisen, pegmatites; topaz, tourmaline, quartz,

rarely weak birefringence; when dendritic in almost all weathered and altered rocks found as pigment
-7 opaque

commonly altered into low-cristobalite or in volcanic rocks forming crusts, in pores and cavities in acidic
chalcedony (shrinkage cracks and to basic volcanic rocks; tridymite, zeolite
anomalous birefringence)

inclusions surrounded by anomalous in volcanic rocks and in subsurface parts of dykes and sills;
birefringence colours; fluidal texture, parageneses are diverse (see Part S, section 2.10.3)
contraction fractures (ball to onion-shaped),
radial devitrification textures
178 Appendix 1

Table 7(c) Optically uniaxial minerals (important minerals are printed in bold)

No.1 Mineral Form and habit Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt.
Page ch.

3.1.1 Rutile idiomorphic, perfect on (110) 'knee' twins yellowish to red- generally not (jJ
columnar, and good on brown recognizable
acicular, (100)
54 tetr. granular

3.1.2 Cassiterite granular, good on (100) cyclically grey, yellowish, very weak (jJ
columnar, repeated 'knee' reddish, brownish
acicular, twins
55 tetr. idiomorphic

3.1.3 Zircon rounded poor on (110) not colourless, pale rare, very weak (jJ
grains; short- recognizable brownish,
to long- greenish, pink
56 tetr.

3.1.4 Xenotime short columns, good on (110) rare colourless, rare, very weak (jJ
granular yellowish,
57 tetr. greenish, reddish

3.1.5 Q, Akermanite platy colourless (jJ

'" tetr. weak on (001) interpenetrating rare and
~ and on (110) twins extremely weak
::;; Gehlenile short prisms, colourless, e
57 tetr. thick tabular yellowish Quartz hypidiomorphic- irregular not

xenomorphic, fractures recognizable
59 trig. corroded Chalcedony acicular, colourless (jJ

Q, radiating,
63 2 trig. dense 0'" Tridmyite platy to flaky, weak, difficult to interpenetrating

branching see twins or
63 ps.-hex. aggregates drillings
2.8 Cristobalite platy, complex e
spherical, lamellar,
acicular, rarely visible
47 ps.-cub like

3.1.7 Chabazite idiomorphic, clear, simple on colourless (jJ

pseudocubic rhombohedric (0001) e
64 trig. on (1011)
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 179

Main Refraction Max. Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

zone (n) 11

(+) 2.605-2.901 0.296 needle-like crystals appear black; grid-like accessory in many metamorphic rocks (e.g.
network (sagenite); can cause radioactive amphibolite), rare in magmatic rocks, secondary in
haloes; also anomalously biaxial $ biotite; in metamorphic rocks: kyanite, cordierite,
corundum, spinel, biotite, quartz

(+) 1.990-2.100 0.098 zonar to patchy or stripy colour in greisen and contact skarn, rare in granites, in
distribution, causes pleochroic haloes; pegmatitic-pneumatolytic ore deposits; quartz,
also anomalously biaxial $ Li-mica, K-feldspar, tourmaline, topaz, fluorite,

(+) 1.922-2.015 0.065 black rim caused by refraction; zonar and common in acidic, rare in basaltic rocks, frequently
rich in inclusions; causes radioactive found in nepheline syenites and related pegmatites,
haloes, sometimes anomalously biaxial, in sedimentary rocks and granular in metamorphic
metamict --> isotropic malacon rocks; quartz, K-feldspar, biotite, hornblende or
nepheline, apatite, biotite, K-feldspar

(+) 1.720-1.827 0.107 extremely high birefringence (typically in felsic plutonic rocks, orthogneisses, sands and
masked by its own colour); causes sandstones; brown zircon, ilmenite, rutile,
pleochroic haloes cassiterite

(-) 1.631-1.639 0.008 anomalous interference colours in extreme strongly silica-undersaturated volcanic
(lavender-blue or leather colours) are rocks, very rare in plutonic and contact
common metamorphic rocks (e.g. gehlenite), in slags of blast
furnaces; nepheline, leucite, perovskite, pyroxene,
(+) 1.658-1.669 0.011 central dividing line with rod-like structure olivine, never together with quartz. For other
parageneses see Part B, section 3.1.5

(+) 1.5442-1.5533 0.0091 always fresh and unaltered, often in acidic to intermediate magmatic rocks, in
anomalously biaxial $ with undulatory sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, never
extinction, often corroded (with 'bays' and together with foid minerals; microcline, albite,
'hollows') biotite, green hornblende, sphene or K-feldspar,
plagioclase, hornblende and rock-glass.

(-) 1.530-1 .543 0.010 commonly anomalously biaxial $, in fractures and amygdules of volcanic rocks, as a
(+) quartzine with Mz (+) mineral of pseudo morphosis and silification; opal,

(-) 1.477-1.481 0.004 almost exclusively optically biaxial $;

branching triplets with 'roof-tile texture'
in fractures and voids of acidic to intermediate
volcanics, in contact metamorphic rocks of the
(+) 1.484-1 .487 0.003 ps.cub.--> Table 7b; 'ball' shaped texture; sanidinite facies; rock glass, cristobalite, tridymite
(-) lussatite has Mz (+), lussatine has Mz (-)

1.478-1.490 0.005 cubed zeolite mostly showing subgrains; in fractures and cavities of mafic volcanic and also
often anomalously biaxial $ plutonic rocks; other zeolites, calcite, analcite
180 Appendix 1

Table 7c Continued

No.1 Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt.

Page habit ch.

3.2.1 Anatase detrital, perfect on (001) simple, rarely yellowish, 8

granular, and {111} visible brownish,
65 tetr. bladed bluish, black Calcite interlocked lamellar colourless pseudo-dichroism 8

granular, twinning, very
66 trig. fibrous, oolitic thin lamellae Dolomite granular perfect after lamellar colourless, grey-

:::J rhombohedral brownish
68 2 trig. faces {1011}
~r:: rare lamellar colourless, grey- Magnesite granular,
.c fibrous, dense, pressure-twins brownish
69 () trig. gel-like Siderite granular, simple, very colourless, pale

oolitic, bladed, rarely lamellar yellow-brown
70 trig. aggregates

3.2.3 Corundum platy, splits along lamellar colourless, clear in coloured 8

hexagonal {1011} and reddish, bluish crystals
outlines, {0001}: 94"
70 trig. detrital

3.2.4 Vesuvianite short columnar, not good on colourless, very rare weak 8
granular, (100) yellowish, (!)
acicular, greenish,
71 tetr. spherulitic brownish

3.2.5 Tourmaline· columnar, irregular grey, brownish, strong; in basal. 8

acicular, fractures greenish, sections no
spherulitic, yellowish, pleochroism
71 trig. rarely granular reddish, bluish

3.2.6 Apatite idiomorphic, poor on (0001) colourless, pale microscopic ore 8

short to long and {1010} red, grey, inclusions ->
columnar, brownish weak dichroism
granular; also
73 hex. branching
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 181

Main Refraction Max. Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

zone (n) ~

(-) 2.488-2.561 0.073 sometimes zoned or patchy colour in sediments and sedimentary rocks, in many
distribution; rarely anomalously biaxial e weathered rocks

1.486-1.658 0.172 chagrin changes according to orientation in sedimentary rocks (specially in carbonates), in
of section; in metamorphic rocks tends to metamorphic rocks, in cavities in volcanic rocks, in
be anomalously biaxial e ore deposits

1 .500-1 .703 0.185 always idiomorphic, coarser lamellae same as for calcite and as porphyroblasts in talc
than in calcite and chlorite schist

(-) 1.509-1.782 0.219 in talc and chlorite schist, as gel-magnesite in

serpentinites, as ore deposit in metasomatic zones

1 .633-1.875 0.242 highest relief and birefringence in as gangue in ore body, as ore in metasomatic and
carbonates; strongly developed 'pseudo- hydrothermal deposits

(-) 1.760-1.772 0.009 zonar or patchy colour distribution with in AI-rich and silica-poor contact-metamorphic
pleochroism, occasionally anomalously rocks; in regional metamorphic schist; in emery; as
biaxiale xenolithic inclusions in magmatic rocks; for
paragenesis see Part S, section 3.2.3

(+) 1.701-1.738 0.006 zonar or patchy colour distribution, in contact-metamorphic and in impure regional
(-) anomalous lavender-blue or leather- metamorphic marbles; fassaite, calcite,
brown interference colours; hour-glass grossularite, wollastonite, epidote, sphene, spinel
texture; often anomalously biaxial e
(-) 1.635-1.671 0.035 frequently zonar colour change; in pegmatites and metamorphic rocks, as
radioactive haloes around zircon; rarely pneumatolytic formation in tourmaline granite;
anomalously biaxial topaz, beryl, Li-mica, cassiterite, fluorite,
spodumene, apatite

(-) 1.631-1.667 0.005 mostly idiomorphic; zonar colours change accessory mineral in almost all magmatic rocks,
due to oriented inclusions; sometimes in pegmatites, sedimentary rocks, phosphorites
anomalously biaxial e and metamorphic rocks
182 Appendix 1

Table 7c Continued

No.1 Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt

Page habit ch.

3.2.7 Beryl short to long not good, often colourless, pale rare, weak e
columnar, not visible blue, pale green
74 hex. granular

3.2.8 Nepheline xenomorphic mostly not visible colourless, e

granular, cloudy
rarely short
75 hex. columnar

3.2.9 Scapolite granular, short good on (100) colourless, e

group columnar and {liD} yellow, cloudy

76 tetr.

3.2.10 Apophyllite platy, granular, very good on very good colourless <:9
78 tetr. tabular (001) e
3.2.11 Cancrinite short columnar clear along colourless, pale e
to fibrous {1010} yellow
78 hex.
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 183

Main Refraction Max. Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

zone (n) t.

(-) 1.565-1.610 0.009 commonly anomalously biaxial 8 in granite pegmatites, very rare in regional
metamorphic schists; quartz, tourmaline, topaz, Li-
mica, cassiterite

H 1.526-1.546 0.005 cloudy appearance; can show subgrains; in silica-undersaturated alkali magmatic rocks;
can be anomalously biaxial 8; in cross- leucite, sodalite group, aegirine-augite, melanite,
section rectangular cleavage melilite, olivine, titanaugite, titanbiotite, apatite.
Never together with quartz.

(-) 1.531-1.600 fluid and mineral inclusions are common in some granites, nepheline-syenites and
Marialite 0.005 associated pegmatites, in trachytes, contact
Mejonite 0.038 metamorphic siliceous limestones and ejected
volcanic blocks; for parageneses see Part B,
section 3.2.9

(+) 1.5345-1.5445 0.002 often anomalously biaxial Ell; anomalous in fractures and amygdules in basic volcanic rocks;
H subgrain formation calcite, zeolite

H 1.4885-1.524 0.026 sometimes anomalously biaxial very rare in nepheline syenites instead of
nepheline; nepheline, sodalite group, sanidine,
aegirine-augite, melanite, calcite
184 Appendix 1

Table 7d Optic biaxial minerals (important minerals are shown in bold)

No.1 Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt Main
Page habit ch. zone

4.1 ... Forsterite to hexagonal to not good rare simple colourless, rare very weak e (+)
"2 !eyente octahedral crystal ('curved' twins; also as pale yellow or (!ayalite)

..'"c outlines, granular,

skeletal corroded
distinctive mark
to pyroxenes)
broad twin

79 rhomb. e H
4.2.1 Enstatite colourless e
rare, knee-
.... shaped and
short columns,
rhomb. hypidiomorphic to
columnar twins
pale green e
~ very good along very weak to
0 xenomorphic, {210}, less good weak r---
t: Hypersthene granular along (100) pale green, e
0 reddish, pale

81 rhomb. Dlopslde rare, simple or colourless to

group lamellar pale green

short columns,
86 monocl. lath-shaped, weak, hardly
granular noticeable Augite group often lamellar, pale grey
'j§ interpenetrating green, pale
.e.. twins or star brown e
c twins
87 ~ monocl.
2 ~ Tltaneuglte short to long simple or brownish, clearly

columns, platy lamellar purple, visible
c yellow
~ good along
,.,...2 monocl. {IIO} and
(01 O); cleavage 0 Pigeonite xenomorphic often lamellar colourless, pale very weak
.5 angle of 87°
i3 granular, rarely pink, greenish,
long brownish
90 monocl. columns Aegirine- short columns, common strong green, clearly visible e H

augite granular, acicular brown-green to strong e
90 monocl. Jadeite granular, platy, rare as fine colourless, pale very weak
acicular, matted lamellae green

92 monocl.
e Omphacite granular, rarely rare lamellar colourless, pale very weak
columnar green
93 monocl.
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 185

Refraction Max. a Extinction angle Axial angle 2V Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

1.635-1.670 0.035 0' 84'-90' corrosion and alteration are common; in basic to ultrabasic magmatic
zonar growth mostly invisible picotite rocks, also in quartz-bearing
and chromite inclusions occur magmatites, in serpentinites and
in forsterite-marble;
titanaugite, plagioclase,
foids or chromite, picotite, opx,
1.827-1.879 0.052 90'-50' cpx, serpentine

1.650-1.658 0.008 0' 54'-83' zoning in volcanic rocks with Mg-rich in basic to ultrabasic rocks,
core; in plutonic rocks often with rare in acidic plutonic rocks;
exsolution lamellae; alteration into cpx, olivine, spinel or cpx,
serpentine olivine, plagioclase

63'-45' in intermediate to acidic

volcanic rocks, in contact
metamorphic rocks, in
pyroxene-granulites; cpx,
plagioclase, hornblende,
1.712':'1.727 0.015 biotite, rock-glass

1.664-1.755 0.030 38'-48' 50'-62' exsolution lamellae of opx. (diallage) in alkali basalts, tholeiitic
r Ac are common; alteration into uralite basalts, dunites and
and serpentine kimberlites, siliceous
limestones and skarns; augite,
pigeonite, plagioclase, olivine,
foids, etc. (see Part B, section

1.671-1.774 0.033 35'-48' 25'-61' zonar or sectional colour change; in calcalkaline and tholeiitic
r Ac partly irregular extinction; alteration magmatites, in siliceous
into uralite (amphibole), chlorite, limestones instead of diopside;
seladonite, epidote, talc olivine, hypersthene, diopside,
plagioclase, hornblende, biotite

1.695-1.762 0.033 32'-55' 42'-65' well-developed zonar or hourglass only in Ti-rich magmatic rocks
r Ac texture; in extinction position of the alkali series; olivine,
anomalous brown to blue-grey cpx, plagioclase, nepheline,
interference colours sodalite group, leucite,

1.682-1.751 0.029 37'-44' 0'_30' matrix pyroxene, often difficult to in basic to intermediate
r Ac recognize volcanic rocks; cpx,
plagioclase, olivine

1.700-1.813 0.050 55'-85' 60'-90' often strong zonar growth; hourglass in alkali rocks; nepheline,
r Ac 90'-60' texture; in extinction position sodalite group, leucite,
anomalous brown to grey-blue sanidine, melanite
interference colours

1.640-1.692 0.021 32'-55' 60'--96' shear-induced undulatory extinction in glaucophane rocks and
r Ac jadeite-quartzites;
glaucophane, lawsonite,
epidote, pumpellyite, etc. (see
also Part B, section

1.662-1.723 0.028 34'-48' 56'-84' cellular exsolution during diaphthorttic only in eclogites; garnet,
r Ac alteration; continuously together smaragdite, kyanite, zoisite,
with rutile rutile
186 Appendix 1

Table 7d Continued

No.! Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt Main
Page habit I ch. zone

4.3.1 Tremolite long columnar. common, colourless

lath-shaped. sometimes
acicular. fibrous. lamellar


c Actinolite pale-green very weak
smaragdite pale green to noticeable
97 yellow-green

4.3.2 "0 Hastingsite

Tschermakite short to long bright green strong
E group columnar. to yellow-green
0 acicular simple or twin
c to needle-shaped lamellae
e (+)
Barrosite blue-green noticeable
98 perfect along
4.3.3 Oxyhornblende short to long characteristic strong red-
columnar cleavage brown to dark

of 124'

~ Kaersutite lamellae are reddish-brown

~ common strong
... .c
short columnar
e IDe
Katophorite rarely fibrous greenish-brown
"" (matrix)

4.3.4 Glaucophane e (+)
long columnar.
rarely acicular. very rare blue to purple strong -
Crossite fibrous or platy e (+)
.!! (-)

:2 $
4.3.5 Arfvedsonite (-)

~ thick columnar. sometimes blue to strong

C acicular. granular. simple brownish-green

Riebeckite ® (-)
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 187

Refraction Max. t. Extinction angle Axial angle 2V Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

1.608-1.630 0.022 10'_15' 85' in greeno, talc and blueschists,

rAc serpentinite, prasinite and
hornblendegarben schists, and
product of uralitization; chlorite,
quartz, albite, sericite, calcite,
sometimes pleochroic haloes, also epidote, biotite and
untypically weak pleochroism sphene; in dolomitic marble
(stronger in all other amphiboles), no and siliceous limestone: talc,
1.647-1.667 0.020 80' pleochroism in tremolite; colour and chlorite, quartz, epidote, calcite
pleochroism increases with increasing
1.608-1.630 0.022 15' ~85' Fe-content in diaphthoritic eclogites and
rAc in uralite in saussuritized
gabbros; garnet, omphacite,
kyanite, muscovite

1.646-1.722 0.022 14'-20' 34'-90' in intermediary to acidic plutonic

rAc rocks and lamprophyrs, rare in
volcanic rocks, abundant in
amphibolite, amphibole-schists;
1.640-1.696 0.023 15'-22' 65'-90' microcline andlor orthoclase,
rAc sometimes pleochroic haloes; use plagioclase, quartz, biotite,
paragenesis to distinguish green pyroxene, sphene, also
hornblende from other amphiboles; plagioclase, garnet, sphene
diaphthoritic a~eration into actinolite, (in amphibolites)
chlorite, antigorite
1.640-1.696 0.022 15'-22' 65'-90' in low-grade metamorphic
rAc rocks; albite, epidote,

1.650-1.796 0.094 0'_12' 56'--88' tends to be opacitized; variable in acidic to intermediary volcanic
rAc refraction and birefringence in a single rocks; plagioclase, biotite,
crystal; radioactive haloes; orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene,
opacitization, corrosion rock-glass

1.669-1.743 0.047 3'_19' 74'--82' in Na-rich basic magmatic

rAc rocks; titanaugite, olivine,
zonar and patchy colour distribution;
1.639-1.690 0.021 _8'_16' 0'-57' hourglass structure; isomorphic; in Na-rich magmatites (Na-
rAc resorption, corrosion and opacitization shonkinites); nepheline Na-
common sanidine, aegirine-augite,
titanbiotite, arfvedsonite,
olivine, apatite

1.595-1.652 0.025 5'_7' 0'_50' zonar; strong absorption colours in glaucophane-schist and
rAc and strong pleochroism ranging eclogite; jadeite, lawsonite,
from blue to purple are very zoisite, clinozoisite, rutile,
1.630-1.680 0.020 5'_9' 0'-90' characteristic pumpellyite, almandine, also
~Ac garnet, omphacite, rutile, epidote

1.623-1.710 0.012 65'--80' 0'-100' poikilitic throughgrowth (sieve texture); in Na-syenite and associated
~Ac strong anomalous interference colours pegmatites; nepheline syenite,
pantellerite and comendite;
aegirine-augite, alkali feldspar,
also anorthoclase, nepheline,
sodalite, katophorite, riebeckite

1.650-1.717 0.Q16 3'_15' 40'-100' strong anomalous interference colours same as arfvedsonite; also in
aAc Na-rich acidic magmatic rocks
188 Appendix 1

Table 7d Continued

No.1 Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt Main
Page habit ch. zone

4.4.t Muscovite colourless,

rarely pale
yellow or

4.4.2 0 Phengite colourless,
rarely pale

107 Lepidolite colourless, very weak

I., rarely pale pink

S '"
platy, flaky, scaly,
perfect on
(001), kinking
not visible
under the colourless to weak
~ due to microscope brown-grey
107 deformation Phlogopite colourless, clear e (+)


108 :l IIII
Biotite strong brown or
very strong



4.4.5 Oxybiotite red-brown to

dark brown


4.4.6 Titanbiotite orange to red-



4.5 Stilpnomelane acicular, flaky, good yellowish, strong e (+)

radial, dendritic. greenish, brown
112 monocl. and tricl.

4.6 Glauconite and rounded, elliptic, clear green good to e (+)

celadonite scaly, radial, fine- absent
113 monoel.

4.7 Talc fibrous, dense, perfect cannot be seen colourless e (+)

scaly, subparallel
114 monocl.
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 189

Refraction Max. ~ Extinction angle Axial angle 2V Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

1.552-1.624 0.054 28°-47° fine-scaled aggregates in acidic plutonic rocks and

(= sericite); pleochroic haloes pegmatites, sericite also very
around zircon inclusions; greenish common in palaeovolcanics
Cr-muscovite pleochroic (variety: (sericitized feldspars), in
fuchsite) sedimentary rocks and phyllites,
abundant in metamorphic
rocks; quartz, microcline,
orthoclase, plag., biotite
or albite, chlorite, quartz, biotite
or quartz, albite, biotite,
staurolite, kyanite, almandine

1.547-1.612 0.041 24°-36° almost exclusively in fine-scaled in glaucophane schist,

(0°) aggregates (= sericite); optically it eclogites, gneiss and phyllites;
cannot be distinguished from paragenesis as for muscovite or
!! muscovite glaucophane, clinozoisite,
t3 lawsonite, paragonite
1.524-1.588 0.038 23°-58° '>-" pleochroic haloes around zircon; in Li-bearing granite pegmatites
(0°) ''"" also spherolitic and in greisen; quartz, topaz,
'E tourmaline, beryl, spodumene,
ec: cassiterite
1.535-1.590 0.035 15°-32° Sc: blue-grey pleochroism; also fan- in granite pegmatites and in
shaped greisen; lapidolite, quartz,

topaz, cassiterite, wolframite
parallel to cleavage 0
1.522-1.613 0.045 ~ 0° (0.5°_2°) 2°_8° U
c: rarely zonar; pleochroic haloes in basic to ultrabasic
(W) .~
around inclusions; with increasing plutoniC rocks, in kimberlites,
Fe-content intensive absorption marbles and siliceous
'0 colours limestones; olivine, diopside,
32 calcite, pyrope (in kimberlites)
"'a." or olivine, melilite, leucite,
'"d, nepheline
1.571-1.697 0.081 0°_35° '"
~ in volcanic rocks opacitized and in acidic to basic magmatic
c;; corroded; pleochroic haloes; rocks, in metamorphic rocks;
'0. often mistaken for optically e brown hbl, plagioclase,
orthoclase, quartz, cpx, opx,
glass (magmatic) or quartz,
albite, muscovite, chlorite or
almandine, staurolite, kyanite

1.600-1.730 0.120 20°-30° margins tend to be opacitized; only as intratelluric phenocrysts

pleochroic haloes around zircon esp. in intermediary volcanic
rocks; oxyhornblende, quartz,
plagioclase, sanidine, clino-
and orthopyroxenes, rock-glass

1.599-1.695 0.044 5°_38" weathered grains are bleached; in Na-rich, Ti-rich magmatiC
pleochroic haloes around zircon rocks; nepheline, nosean, Na-
sanidine, kaersutite,
aegirine-augite, apatite

1.543-1.745 0.111 0° 0° pseudo-uniaxial, similar to biotite, in phyllites, schist, quartzites

(but no bird's eye structure) and blueschist; quartz, seriCite,
kinked grains possible chlorite, calcite or glaucophane,
sphene, garnet

1.592-1.644 0.032 2°_3° 0°_20° never as oolite (contrary to chamosite) in green sands and green
yAa sandstones, sometimes in
limestones and marbles;
quartz, calcite, pyrite

pseudomorphs after olivine filling cavities in basalts, also

zeolite facies; olivine, pyroxene,
zeolite, calcite, chlorite,

1.539-1.596 0.050 0° 0°_30° can be distinguished from sericite in talcschist and talc-rich mafic
only by X-ray analysis rocks; tremolite, clinochlore,
quartz, antigorite or actinolite,
clinochore, quartz, antigorite
190 Appendix 1

Table 7d Continued

No.1 Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt. Main
Page habit ch. zone

4.8.1 Mg-chlorite colourless, very weak e (+)

greenish Ej) (-)

c MgFe'·-Fe'·Mg- pale green weak Ej) (-)
~ chlorite thin to thick very good along lamellar, only e (+)
0 plates, flaky, (001) sometimes
scaly, fibrous,
dense, matted
in Mg-chlorite
0 Fe'·-chlorite dark olive to good e (+)

115 "§
4.8.2 Delessite oolitic
~0 Chamosite cannot be distinguished from orthochlorites by polarizing microscopy alone.
:E Thuringite (see Fe" chlorite (orthochlorite))



4.9.1 Antigorite flaky, lath-shaped, perfect on (001) simple, not e (+)

scaly, dense visible
118 E
very weak
4.9.2 Chrysolile fibrous, brush- Ej) (+)
::I shaped colourless to e (-)
E! pale green

"~ Lizardite fine-scaly fibrous perfect on (001) e (+)

119 Sanidine

125 monoel. Orthoclase simple twin

pairs e

126 ." monael. thin to thick very good on
:!1 plates, lath- (001), good on r-- Q.
Anorthoclase shaped, (010), cleavage microscopic to
E! ~
hypidiomorphic to angle approx. submicroscopic colourless ©

'" < xenomorphic, 90" twins

126 .

monocl .

&! Microcline grid-twinning e

127 tricl.

4.10.2 Albite thin to thick platy, very good on commonly as Ej)
Oligoclase lath-shaped, (001), good on polysynthetic or
u Andesine granular (010), angle of twins e
0 Labradorite cleavage sets
129 tricl.
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 191

Refraction Max.!!. Extinction angle Axial angle 2V Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

1.562-1.606 0.012 00_5 0 anomalous blue interference colours in ultrabasic rocks, palaeo·
00_300 (pennine); normal interference rhyolites and acidic plutonic
colours (clinochlore) rocks; olivine, serpentine,
pyroxene or quartz, orthoclase,
microcline, biotite, brown or
green hornblende

1.589-1.615 0.010 00_100 anomalous brown interference colours in amygdules in magmatic

parallel to cleavage 00-40 0 (MgFe-chlorite); anomalous blue rocks, alteration products of
~ 00 interference colours (FeMg-chlorite) mafic minerals; biotite,
pyroxene, amphibole, delessite

1.632-1.675 0.010 00-300 commonly normal interference colours; in low-grade metamorphic

rare anomalous blue-grey interference rocks, in blueschists and as
colours diaphthoritic mineral formed
from biotite or garnet; albite,
sericite, biotite, quartz,
epidote or albite, epidote,
zoisite, actinolite, quartz or
actinolite, albite, glaucophane,
epidote, pumpellyite, lawsonite

delessite in amygdules, in
fractures and in the matrix of
intermediary to basic
volcanic rocks, otherwise
similar to MgFe-chlorite;
orthochlorite, calcite, zeolite,

1.546-1.604 0.009 270-60 0 fan-shaped multiple twins with in low-grade metamorphic

undulatory extinction; grid texture in serpentinized rocks, in
ultrabasic rocks serpentinites (stress-induced);
olivine, diallagite, chrysotile,
orthopyroxene or talc, magnesite

1.532-1.561 0.013 100-90 0 forms from olivine in mesh texture; in hydrothermally altered
1.538-1.567 0.008 30 0-350 asbestos-forming in fractures ultrabasic and basic rocks; in
00 greenschist facies (stress-free
diaphthoresis); for paragenesis
see antigorite

1.538-1.560 0.010 00 main phase in bastite in massive serpentinites or in

(pseudomorphous after opx) opx-rich bastitized magmatic
rocks; bronzite, chrysotile,

1.518-1.532 0.007 60 0-650 platy laths with twinning after in young volcanic rocks; quartz,
(00) Carlsbad law plag., biotite, hbl, opx, cpx,
rock-glass or nepheline,
sodalite group, aegirine-augite,

1.518-1.530 0.007 600-80 0 commonly perthitic exsolution and in acidic to intermediary

Carlsbad twins; sericite common plutoniC rocks, in older volcanic
and subvolcanic rocks, in
orthogneisses and arkoses;
microcline, quartz, plag., biotite,
hbl, sphene, sericite

1.522-1.535 0.008 1100-900 microcline-like twinning; rare zonar in Na-rich volcanic and
600-840 growth (similar to plagioclase) subvolcanic rocks; aegirine-
augite, aenigmatite,
artvedsonite, rock-glass, foids
or quartz

1.518-1.526 0.006 600-80 0 microcline twinning law; in acidic to intermediary plutonic

commonly sericitized rocks, in pegmatites, in medium-
to high-grade metamorphic
rocks, in arkoses; orthoclase,
quartz, plagioclase, biotite,
hornblende, muscovite

1.527-1.539 0.007 500-105 0 size of axial angle and anorthite in almost all magmatic and
content dependent on conditions of metamorphic rocks, in arkoses
formation: zonar growth is typically and greywacke; orthoclase,
resorbed and corroded, commonly microcline, quartz, biotite,
altered hornblende, orthopyroxene,
clinopyroxene or olivine,
1.575-1.588 0.013 titanaugite, glass, foids
192 Appendix 1

Table 7d Continued

No.1 Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt Main
Page habit ch. zone

2.7 Analcite rare rounded, bad on (001) polysynthetic, e

commonly similar to leucite
46 cub. octagonal Natrolite acicular, lath- good rare Ell (+)

shaped, fibrous,

135 rhomb.
:J 2 Mesolite fibrous not distinct colourless Ell

136 '"
~ monocl.
e1i z Thomsonite radially or perfect sometimes Ell (±)
randomly simple
~ oriented fibres,
rhomb. columnar, flaky

fibrous, radial good simple, very e (-)

~ common
137 monocl. Mordenite fibrous, dense, good colourless, © (±)

radial, fine- rare reddish

138 Q,
2 '" Laumontite radial, columnar, sometimes e
~ spherolitic simple

138 monocl. Heulandite platy, flaky, in simple Ell (-)

rosettes or
subparallel perfect colourless
:J aggregates

139 .. 2
'" monocl.
~ I
. 1
'0 I!I Stilbite radial, fibrous interpentrating e (±)
(desmine) to bundled twins are
ii: c
aggregates, rare common

140 .!! monocl. platy
:J ::c Epistilbite radial, fibrous simple and e (+)

aggregates, lath- interpenetrating
shaped twins
141 monocl. Phillipsite Ell (+)


.. 2
.!! monocl.
thick columnar,
mostly as
clear interpenetrating
twins or
~ ~ :E Harmotome
quadruplets Ell (±)
143 monocl. colourless

3.1.7 Chabazite idiomorphic, perfect on the simple on Ell

rhombohedral, rhombohedral (0001) e
64 trig. rare xenomorphic planes (1011)
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 193

Refraction Max. A Extinction angle Axial angle 2V Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

1.486-1.487 0.001 very small weakly birefringent subgrains; in cavities and as interstitial
pseudocubic habit (see Part B, material in volcanic rocks;
section 2.7) heulandite, stilbite,

1.473-1.50t 0.Ot2 0° 58°-64° pseudomorphs after plagioclase and in cavities and fractures in
foids are common; sometimes in the basic to intermediary
form of 'ice flowers' magmatic rocks; nepheline,
Na-sanidine, heulandite,
stilbite, analCite, calcite,
laumontite, scolecite,

1.505-1.506 0.001 2°-5° 80° isotypic with natrolite and scolecite in cavities in basic flows, (e.g.
~AC phonolites, basalts); zeolite,
chalcedony, calcite

1.497-1.545 0.020 0° 44°_75° shows highest birefringence in the in amygdules in basic to

zeolite family ultramafic magmatic rocks, in
fractures in metamorphic
rocks; natrolite, chabazite,
scolecite, analCite, calcite,
1.509-1.525 0.012 15°-18° 36°-58° albite, chalcedony, chlorite or
uAc natrolite, thomsonite, stilbite,
heulandite, calcite, chlorite,
adularia, chalcedony

1.472-1.487 0.005 0° 76°-90° in cavities and in fractures in

acidic volcanic rocks;
devitrification product, in
sedimentary rocks; heulandite,
laumontite, stilbite and other
parageneses (see Part B, sectior

1.502-1.525 0.012 8°_11° 33°-4]0 extinction angle dependent on the in cavities and in fractures in
r Ac degree of water loss acidic to basic magmatic
rocks, in metatuffs and
metagreywackes in the zeolite
facies; zeolite, apophyllite,
albite, quartz, calCite, prehnite,
datolite, chlorite, epidote

1.496-1.505 0.006 0°-32° 0°-50° conoscopic images in sections parallel in cavities and in fractures in
~AC to (010) show crossed dispersion basic to acidic volcanic
rocks, as devitrification product,
in sedimentary rocks and in
the zeolite facies; laumontite,
analcite, quartz, stilbite

1.486-1.509 0.011 3°_12° 30°-49° twins with subdivisions in grains in cavities and fractures in
uAc basic to acidic volcanic
rocks; heulandite, laumontite,
calcite, quartz, clay minerals

1.502-1.519 0.014 10° 44° high birefringence compared to other in hydrothermal amygdules in
r Ac zeolites basalts and andesites; stilbite,
mordenite, heulandite,
chabazite, laumontite, scolecite

1.483-1.514 0.010 11°-30° 60°-80° interpenetrating twins result in in cavities and fractures in
r Ac pseudorhombic or pseudocubic basic volcanic rocks, in
symmetry nepheline syenite, as alteration
product of rock-glass;
analCite, natrolite, thomsonite,
chabazite, chalcedony, calcite

1.503-1.514 0.008 28°-32° 79° heating during thin-section making in cavities in basic volcanic
(..... 82°) (..... 32°) changes the optical characteristics rocks, in veins in plutonic
~AC rocks; hyalophane,
laumontite, natrolite, calcite

1.478-1.490 0.005 0° 0°-30° anomalous subgrains; also optically same as harmotome;

biaxial (see Part B, section 3.1.7) phillipsite, thomsonite, calCite,
194 Appendix 1

Table 7d Continued

No.1 Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt Main
Page habit ch. zone

4.12 Aenigmatite columnar to good, polysynthetic dark brown to strong in very Ell
(cossyrite) acicular intersection twinning opaque thin sections
angle 66 0
143 tricl.

4.13 Sphene idiomorphic, clear simple colourless, clear Ell

(titanite) spindle-shaped, brownish,
granular greenish

144 monael.

4.14 Topaz short columnar, pertect on (001) colourless Ell (+)

divergent, lath-
145 rhomb. shaped, granular

4.15 Cordierite short columnar, poor, not visible simple lamellar, colourless, in weak @
xenomorphic, under the interpenetrating thick thin
granular microscope and contact sections bluish
twins to purple

146 rhomb.

4.16.1 Andalus",a short columnar, good on (110) colourless, commonly e H

acicular, brush- reddish, yellow, patchy pink
like, granular greenish

148 rhomb.
Sillimanite acicular, fibrous,
hair-like, brush-
pertect on (010) colourless, rarely
weak Ell (+)

0'" shaped, long

iii columnar
150 i rhomb.

4.16.3 Kyanite tabular, lath- good on (100), simple or colourless, pale sometimes e (+)
shaped, rarely very good on lamellar bluish, pale patchy blue
radial (OtO) purple, blue

152 tricl.

4.17 Staurolite wide lath-shaped, clear on (010), interpenetrating yellowish, clear in Ell (+)
tabular often not visible twins orange, longitudinal also
brownish to sections e
153 rhomb.

4.18 Wollastonite acicular, fibrous, pertect on lamellar colourless e (+)

divergent, lath- (100), good on (-)
shaped, platy (1"02) and (001)

154 tricl.

4.19 Chloritoid platy, angular, pertect on simple and colourless, strong © (-)
spherical (001), good on multiple twins greenish,
(110) grey-blue
155 tricl.
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 195

Refraction Max. '" Extinction angle Axial angle 2V Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

1.81-1.88 0.07 4° parallel (100) 27°-55° homoaxial intergrowths with in felsic, Na-rich magmatic
45° parallel (010) arfvedsonite are common; black to rocks; aegirine-augite,
yAc smoky haloes around orthite inclusions arfvedsonite or riebeckite,

1.843-2.110 0.192 36°-5P 20-56° rhomboidal-shaped cross-sections; in acidic to intermediary

yAc patchy colour distribution; common magmatic rocks (absent in
in homogeneous extinction; can gabbro and basalt), in alpine
cause pleochroic haloes; in veins, in amphibolites and
metamorphic rocks habit marbles; K-feldspar, plagioclase,
(look like 'insect eggs') quartz, green hornblende,
apatite or nepheline, sanidine,
aegirine-augite, apatite

1.606-1.644 0.011 0° 48°-68" swarms of fluid inclusions, divergent in 'greisen' and in granitic
aggregates (pycnite) contact aureoles; quartz,
Li-mica, tourmaline, cassiterite
wolframite, beryl, fluorite

1.527-1.578 0.018 0° 35°-106° commonly alteration around margins rare in acidic to intermediary
and along cracks in orange to yellow magmatic rocks, in pegmatites,
pinite; yellow pleochroiC haloes around in knobby schist, in cordie rite
radioactive inclusions; in metamorphic hornfels, in paragneiss,
rocks common with inclusions of granulite and charnockite;
biotite and quartz or graphite quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase,
andalusite, sillimanite, biotite,
garnet, hypersthene or quartz,
plagioclase, biotite, muscovite,
sillimanite, garnet, hercynite,

1.633-1.650 0.012 0° 73°-86° common patchy pink coloration; in knobby schist and hornfels,
sieve texture; graphite inclusions andalusite-bearing mica schists,
(chiastolite); pleochroic haloes are pegmatoidal metatectites;
common sericite or muscovite, biotite,
quartz, cordierite

1.653-1.683 0.022 21°-30 0 needle-rich swarms in quartz, in mica schist, cordierite gneiss
(in most cases cordierite; diverging fibrous and rocks of the sanidinite
cannot be aggregates of sillimanite needles facies; cordierite, quartz, K-
measured) (fibrolite) feldspar, plagioclase, biotite,
muscovite, kyanite, andalusite

1.710-1.734 0.017 oblique 78°-83° patchy blue pleochroic coloration; in mica schist and quartzite, in
stress-induced bending granulites and eclogites;
staurolite, almandine, biotite,
muscovite, quartz, K-feldspar,

1.736-1.761 0.014 0° 80°-90° typical interpenetrating twins and exclusively in middle-grade

pleochroism; sieve texture metamorphic rocks; kyanite,
quartz, biotite, muscovite,
albite and almandine

1.616-1.653 0.014 3°_5° 36°-60° nearly square cross-sections; in metamorphic siliceous

PAb poikiloblastic limestones and marbles, rare in
phonolites, nephelinites and
foyaites; diopside, fassaite,
vesuvianite, epidote,
grossularite, calcite, quartz

1.705-1.740 0.012 20° 36°-70 0 zonar, hourglass texture, sieve texture typical for low-grade
PAb (124°) metamorphic rocks; quartz,
albite, sericite, chlorite, biotite,
almandine, rutile
196 Appendix 1

Table 7d Continued

No.! Mineral Form and Cleavage Twinning Colour Pleochroism Opt Main
Page habit ch. zone

4.20.1 Zoisite perfect on colourless (strong) Ell H

(thulite) (100), poor on (purple)

156 rhomb.
4.20.2 Epidote hexagonal cross- rarely simple greenish-yellow, weak to e
(piemontite) section, divergent patchy or zonar (strong)
~ radiating, (red-purple)
III granular
monocl. @

4.20.3 w Clinozoisite perfect on sometimes colourless Ell (±)
158 monoel. (001), clear on lamellar
4.20.4 Orthite granular, acicular, commonly pale grey- quite clear e
(allanite) needle-shaped simple yellow, orange- also
brown Ell
159 monocl.

4.21 Pumpellyite lath-shaped, perfect on common colourless to very weak Ell (±)
needle-shaped, (100), clear on blue-green to clear
acicular, fibrous, (001)
radial rosettes
160 monael.

4.22 Lawsonite platy, lath-shaped very good on polysynthetic colourless, rare in most Ell H
(010), good on twinning bluish cases
(100) absent
160 rhomb.

4.23 Anhydrite granular, dense, perfect on polysynthetic colourless Ell (±)

acicular (001), very
good on (010)
161 rhomb. and (100)

4.24 Gypsum platy, fibrous, perfect on simple colourless Ell (±)

granular, dense, (010), very
spherolitic good on (100)
162 monocl. and (111j

4.25 Aragonite radial, acicular, poor, commonly simple to colourless e H

short to long not visible lamellar
163 rhomb.

4.26 Barite flaky, granular, perfect on polysynthetic colourless Ell H

fibrous, dense, (001), good on interpenetrating
columnar, platy, {110j and (010) twins
164 rhomb.

4.27 Goethite needle-shaped, good on (010) yellow, yellow- weak to e

radial fibrous, orange, orange- clear
dense, oolitic brownish,
165 rhomb. orange

4.28 Prehnite platy, flaky, fan- good on (001) rare fine colourless Ell (±)
shaped, in lamellar on
radiating (110) and (001)
aggregates or
166 rhomb. dendritic
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 197

Refraction Max. '" Extinction angle Axial angle 2V Special diagnostic features Occurrence; paragenesis

1.685-1.725 0.008 00 0 0 -69 0 anomalous blue to brown interference in low-grade metamorphic

colours; rare normal interference; rocks and siliceous limestones;
thulite shows pleochroism chlorite, sericite, actinolite,
epidote, clinozoisite, albite,

1.715-1.797 0.051 64 0 _90 0 anomalous bright interference colours; in low- to medium-grade

piemontite shows pleochroism from regional metamorphic rocks,
yellow to orange to red-purple epidote also in contact
aureoles and epidote-bearing
(1.730- magmatic rocks, in blueschist
1.829) (0.073) (64 0 -106 0 ) facies; for paragenesis see
0 0 parallel b, in Part S, section 4.20.2
1.670-1.734 0.015 all other cases 40 0 -900 also anomalous blue interference
oblique ~ 30 0 colours; in difference to epidote biaxialGl
1.690-1.891 0.036 400 -123 0 complete metamictic alteration is in low- to high-grade regional
possible ('" -> 0 0 ) metamorphic rocks, in acidic to
intermediary magmatic rocks;
epidote, sphene, tourmaline

1.665-1.726 0.020 40 _22 0 7 0 _110 0 commonly anomalous interference in greenschist facies, in

(dependent on colours (blue to brown); zonar, amygdules, in blueschist;
chemical oak-leaf-shaped intergrowth with for paragenesis see Part S,
composition) lawsonite section 4.21

1.663-1.686 0.021 00 760 -870 parquet floor-like subgrains with in lawsonite-glaucophane schist,
undulatory extinction in stressed in greenschist and
metamorphic rocks amphibolites; glaucophane,
albite, jadeite, pumpellyite

1.570-1.613 0.044 00 42 0 often bent cleavage planes; with in evaporites, rare in cavities
addition of water alteration into in volcanic rocks; gypsum,
gypsum halite, K-salt, quartz, calcite

1.519-1.531 0.010 15 0 58 0 tends to be bent; polysynthetic twins in NaCI-K-salt series and

nAb can form during thin-section sedimentary rocks; anhydrite,
preparation; simple twins common halite, K-salt, calcite, quartz

1.530-1.686 0.156 00 18 0 dependent on orientation differences in cavities and veins in basic

in relief volcanic rocks, in organic shell
material as thermal deposits;
zeolite, calcite

1.636-1.649 0.012 00 36 0 -38 0 in flaky aggregates, kinking and as gangue in hydrothermal

crenulation possible deposits, in concretions in
sandstone and in desert roses
(barite-rose); quartz,
celestite, sulphide

2.15-2.415 0.140 00 0 0 _27 0 component of limonite; strong in weathered/altered Fe-

dispersion of optic axes minerals and rocks, in cavities
and fractures, in Fe-ore
deposits; lepidocrocite, hematite

1.611-1.669 0.039 00 64 0 -71 0 sometimes anomalous blue to brown in basic volcanic rocks, rare
interference colours; commonly in gabbros to granodiorite, in
anomalous subgrains (parquet- greenschists, metabasalts and
floor-like); smaller axial angle in metamorphic siliceous
2V ~ 0 0 in subgrains limestone; for paragenesis see
Part S, section 4.28
198 Appendix 1

Table 8 Reflected colours and habit of opaque and nearly opaque minerals (important minerals are shown in

Number Mineral Colour Form and habit

1.1 Magnetite blue-black octahedral grains, rare skeletal crystals

1.2 Ilmenite purple-black feather-like crystals or irregularly shaped grains,
commonly intergrown with magnetite
1.3 Hematite steel-blue, red or at crystal edges and in very thin flakes blood-red
black translucent
1.4 Pyrite pale-yellow idiomorphic with square, rectangular or triangular
1.5 Pyrrhotite bronze-coloured irregularly shaped aggregates or 'serrated' crystals
1.6 Graphite black smeared-out margins, flaky or very fine granular
1.7 Carbonaceous black to black-brown dust-like, in thin flakes brownish to grey translucent
2.2 Chromite iron-black to crystal edges dark-brown translucent; small grains
brown-black are opaque
2.10.1 Limonite yellow-brown amorphous, oolitic; translucent edges are isotropic
Leucoxene white fine-grained alteration mineral of primary Ti-minerals
(e.g. ilmenite, sphene)

Table 9 Anomalous birefringence in isotropic miner- Table 10 Anisotropic minerals with optical isotropic
als and substances (important minerals are shown in behaviour (submicroscopic and metamictic minerals
bold) respectively) (important minerals are shown in bold)

Number Mineral Anomaly Number Mineral Submicroscopic Metamictic

1.3 Hematite +
2.1 Perovskite lamellar subgrains (crumbly)
2.4 Grossularite zonar subgrains Leucoxene +
2.4 Andradite cyclic subgrains 3.1.3 Zircon +
3.2.6 Apatite (in +
2.4 Uvarovite cyclic subgrains phosphorites)
2.5 Leucite lamellar subgrains Clay minerals +
(Fig. 51) 4.9 Serpentine +
2.6 Sodalite inclusions surrounded by 4.20.4 Orthite +
2.7 Analcite lamellar subgrains (Fig.
2.8 Cristobalite ball-shaped subgrains
with weak birefringence
2.10.2 Opal tension-induced
birefringence due to
changes in water content
2.10.3 Rock- tension-induced
glass birefringence around
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 199
Table 11 Rock-forming minerals sorted according to their colours in thin section and pleochroism respectively,
viewed in plain polarized light (strongly coloured minerals are shown in bold)

yellow, orange gold- reddish, red purple grey-purple bluish, blue greenish, brownish,
yellowish yellow green brown

orthite orthite almandine fluorite perovskite fluorite fluorite andradite

.2 perovskite perovskite hematite hauyne hauyne grossularite chromite
rock- rock- limonite nosean hercynite limonite
glass glass perovskite sodalite pleonaste melanite

cassiterite cassiterite rutile zircon rutile clinochlore cassiterite

.,> rutile cassiterite penninitee rutile
xenotime xenotime chlorite vesuvianite
a. zircon zircon vesuvianite xenotime
iii xenotime zircon
'c zircon
iii anatase tourmaline apatite corundum tourmaline anatase beryl anatase
cancrinite corundum tourmaline beryl tourmaline apatite
vesuvianite dolomite
c: siderite siderite
scapolite tourmaline
vesuvianite vesuvianite

plemontite piemontlte aenigmatite piemontite titanaugite chloritoid chlorite aenigmatite

pumpellyite sphene mordenite thulite cordierite chloritoid orthite
.~ sphene staurolite piemontlte titanaugite magnesio- chrysotile pyroxene
a. staurolite pigeonite riebeckite pumpellyite sillimanite
thulite thulite pyroxene sphene
sphene staurolite

crossite andalusite andalusite crossite katophorlte arfvedsonite aegirine-augite biotite

epidote goethite goethite kyanite barroislte barroisite cassiterite
'xIII fayalite phlogopite hypersthene glaucophane chloritoid actinolite chlorite
:0 hastingsite plemontite lepidolite lepidolite cordierite andalusite goethite
~ orthite staurolite mordenite piemontite crossite arfvedsonite hastingsite
~ phlogopite oxybiotite kyanite biotite hypersthene
a0 piemontite oxyhornblende glaucophane bronzite kaersutite

piemontlte riebeckite chlorite
iii epidote oxybiotite
fayalite oxyhornblende
fuchsite phlogopite
glauconite stilpnomelane
hastingsite titanbiotlte
200 Appendix 1

Table 12 Optically uniaxial minerals with anomalous biaxial behaviour (bold = commonly biaxial)

Anatase Cancrinite Nepheline Vesuvianite

Apatite Cassiterite Quartz Zircon
Apophyllite Chabazite Rutile
Beryl Chalcedony Tridymite
Calcite Corundum Tourmaline

Table 13 Optically biaxial minerals with nearly optically uniaxial behaviour (bold = mainly uniaxial)

Biotite Glauconite Phlogopite Talc

Chlorite Lepidolite Pigeonite Zoisite
Clinochlore Pennine Sanidine
Heulandite Phengite Stilpnomelane

Table 14 Minerals with distinct, strong zonar growth Table 15 Minerals with a distinct hourglass structure
(bold = very strong)
yellowish, yellow epidote, grossularite
Aegirine-augite Oxidized amphibole
orange, golden- cassiterite, orthite, tourmaline Chloritoid Prehnite
yellow Epidote Titanaugite

reddish, red andalusite, corundum,

piemontite, thulite

purple titan augite, tourmaline, zircon

bluish, blue arfvedsonite, glaucophane,

hauyne, corundum, tourmaline

greenish, green amphibole, aegirine-augite,

chlorite, chloritoid, epidote

brownish, brown anatase, biotite, hornblende,

kaersutite, melanite, orthite,
oxyhornblende, phlogopite,
tourmaline, vesuvianite

Table 16 Minerals with anomalous interference colours (bold = very characteristic)

Aegirine-augite Clinozoisite Plagioclase Titanaugite

Anatase Epidote Prehnite Vesuvianite
Antigorite FeMg-chlorite Pumpellyite Zoisite
Apophyllite Laumontite Sanidine
Chloritoid Melilite Sphene
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 201

Table 17 Minerals in which pleochroic haloes surrounding radioactive inclusions are common

Andalusite Cordierite Lepidolite Staurolite

Biotite Hornblende Muscovite Tourmaline
Chlorite Phlogopite

Table 18 Minerals which cause radioactive haloes in Table 19 Minerals with a characteristic cleavage
their immediate environment
In one In two In three
Cassiterite Sphene direction directions directions
Orthite Xenotime
Rutile Zircon cancrinite alkali feldspars anhydrite
chlorite amphiboles barite
chloritoid andalusite calcite
epidote meso lite cancrinite
gypsum natrolite corundum
glauconite plagioclase dolomite
mica pyroxene fluorite
heulandite rutile kyanite
clinozoisite scapolite lawsonite
corundum scolecite magnesite
piemontite sphene perovskite
prehnite wollastonite rutile
sillimanite siderite
staurolite scapolite

Table 20 Mainly idiomorphic minerals

Cubic Tetragonal Hexagonal and trigonal Orthorhombic Monoclinal Triclinal

analcite cassiterite apatite andalusite aegirine-augite microcline

fluorite melilite beryl hypersthene amphibole plagioclase
garnet rutile calcite lawsonite epidote
hauyne scapolite cancrinite olivine jadeite
leucite vesuvianite chabazite staurolite orthoclase
magnetite zircon corundum topaz pyroxene
nosean dolomite zoisite sanidine
perovskite nepheline sphene
pyrite quartz
sodalite tourmaline
202 Appendix 1

Table 21 Common crystal shapes in minerals

Granular Columnar Bladed Fibrous Acicular Platy

analcite alkali feldspars aegirine-augite actinolite aragonite antigorite

andalusite amphiboles actinolite gypsum mesolite chlorite
anhydrite barite andalusite jadeite natrolite chloritoid
apatite beryl aragonite magnesio-riebeckite rutile mica
barite cancrinite barite mesolite scolecite graphite
calcite chlorite beryl natrolite stilbite hematite
cassiterite clinozoisite biotite nephrite thomsonite stilpnomelane
chalcedony corundum clinozoisite prehnite tourmaline talc
chromite kyanite epidote serpentine
cordierite mica feldspars sillimanite
dolomite nepheline gypsum thomsonite
epidote plagioclase glaucophane tremolite
fluorite pyroxene hedenbergite wollastonite
gypsum quartz ilmenite
glauconite scapolite jadeite
garnet staurolite kyanite
hauyne topaz piemontite
lawsonite vesuvianite prehnite
leucite wollastonite scapolite
magnesite zoisite scolecite
magnetite staurolite
melilite thomsonite
nepheline thulite
olivine tremolite
orthite tourmaline
quartz vesuvianite
rutile wollastonite
sodalite zoisite
Tables for the microscopic identification of rock-forming minerals 203

Radiating Oolitic Spherulitic Micrographic intergrowth Fossil mineral

aragonite apatite (in phosphorite) anorthoclase glass - leucite apatite

chalcedony calcite calcite corundum - andalusite aragonite
chlorite chamosite chalcedony nepheline - feldspar calcite
natrolite limonite cristobalite quartz - actinolite chalcedony
stilbite siderite orthoclase quartz - feldspar dolomite
thomsonite prehnite quartz - staurolite glauconite
tourmaline sanidine opal
siderite quartz
204 Appendix 1

Table 22 Heavy minerals

colourless yellow red blue green brown opaque (black)

fluorite andradite almandine fluorite andradite fluorite hematite
"a. rock-glass rock-glass fluorite spinel fluorite rock-glass ilmenite
(5 grossularite grossularite perovskite g rossu larite melanite magnetite
"!!l spinel melanite picotite hercynite perovskite pyrite
picotite pyrope pleonaste pictotite pyrrhotite
spessartine spessartine spinel spessartine
uvarovite spinel

1ii zircon zircon
anatase anatase apatite anatase apatite anatase
~ apatite beryl beryl beryl beryl apatite
1ii beryl corundum corundum corundum tourmaline hematite
0 CIl
""5. > corundum dolomite hematite tourmaline vesuvianite magnesite
0 iii
C) dolomite tourmaline tourmaline vesuvianite tourmaline
c magnesite vesuvianite vesuvianite vesuvianite

anhydrite barite anhydrite anhydrite augite bronzite

augite lawsonite piemontite chloritoid chlorite chlorite
barite olivine pigeonite hedenbergite chloritoid enstatite
bronzite piemontite sphene lawsonite diopside olivine
chlorite pigeonite thulite sillimanite hedenbergite piemontite
chloritoid sillimanite topaz sphene olivine pigeonite

topaz pigeonite
pigeonite topaz titanaugite
"xctI staurolite
:0 topaz
~ zoisite
a0 actinolite actinolite andalusite arfvedsonite aegirine-augite biotite
andalusite aragonite biotite chloritoid actinolite chlorite
aragonite biotite crossite glaucophane andalusite goethite
biotite epidote glaucophane hornblende arfvedsonite hornblende
chlorite hornblende goethite kyanite biotite hypersthene
chloritoid hypersthene hornblende riebeckite chlorite olivine
> clinozoisite muscovite hyperstene chloritoid orthite
C) kyanite olivine orthite epidote piemontite
c muscovite orthite piemontite fayalite siderite
olivine piemontite glaucophane
tremolite wollastonite hornblende
wollastonite hypersthene
zoisite muscovite
Appendix 2 Diagrams for the classification of magmatic rocks

M = 0-90 M = 90-100


A p

Foyaite Foyaite monzodiorite


(synonym: essexite)

Q = Quartz Q: 45-60 = quartz-rich

A = Alkali feldspar F: 45-60 = feldspathoid-rich
(including albite An OQ-05) M: 75-90 = mafic
P = Plagioclase An 05-1 00
F = Foids
M = Mafic minerals

Fig. 254 Classification of plutonic rocks.
206 Appendix 2

M = 0-90 M =90-100


A p

Tephritic Phonolitic
phonolite tephrite (01 < 10)

Q = Quartz Q: 45-60 = quartz-rich

A = Alkali feldspar I F: 45-60 = feldspathoid-rich
(including albite AnOD-Os)
Phonolitic nephelinite Tephritic nephelinite
M: 75-90 = mafic

P = Plagioclase An 05-1 00
F = Foids
M =Mafic minerals
: /

Fig. 255 Classification of volcanic rocks.
Diagrams for the classification of magmatic rocks 207



CI = 90-100


Olivine websterite


Fig. 256 Classification

of part of ultrabasic Websterite
magmatic rocks (Field
16 of Fig. 254). Opx Cpx

CI <90 CI ~90

Alnoite I

Fig. 257 Classification of lamprophyres. Calc-

alkaline lamprophyres: minette, vogesite, kersantite,
spessartite. Alkaline lamprophyres: sannaite,
camptonite, monchiquite. Melilitic lamprophyres:
polzenite, alnoite. (Overlap between minette/
vogesite with sannaite and between kersantite/
spessartite with camptonite.) F
Appendix 3 Diagrams of mineral and rock structures

(a) Idiomorphic (b) Hypidiomorphic (c) Xenomorphic

(d) Granular (e) Columnar (I) Bladed

(g) Acic ular (h) Flaky (il Scaly

(syn. needle-like,

~ , .~
. ,~

OJ Platy (k) Dendritic (I) Skeletal

Fig. 258
(m) Oolitic (n) Variolitic (0) Spherulitic
forms and
Diagrams of mineral and rock structures 209

Fig. 259 Hyaline vesicular texture of a pumice with- Fig. 260 Spherulitic texture, typical for hyaline vol-
out phenocrysts. canic rocks (obsidian) . Glass has recrystallized to
alkali feldspar and Si0 2 minerals .

.....::::. ~ , ........ ~......... .

:: : :: :. ::: ..: ~~.: ~:: :::

......::::.... ......... ... ... .. .. .. .

.••··.• .•·.•·• · · · ·.~·~?il .••.·• :.

GHbl ...... ....... .. \)
.. .... -

~~ ~..~~ .••.••...••.. ..

_ ... .....: lJ~···· ~·· · ·· ··· ··· ··

.. . ...

Fig. 261 Vitrophyric texture. Phenocrysts embedded Fig. 262 Hyaline-porphyric texture in an ignimbrite
in a glass matrix (dacite) . with quartz, feldspar and biotite phenocrysts.
21 0 Appendix 3

Fig. 263 Microcrystalline-porphyric texture. Very Fig. 264 Hypocrystalline trachytic flow texture with
common in volcanic rocks. Phenocrysts of at least two aligned sanidine phenocrysts embedded in a matrix
generations are embedded in a matrix comprised of of oriented sanidine microlites and rock-glass
microlites and glass (dacite). (phonolite) .

Fig. 265 Intersertal texture. Plagioclase laths ran- Fig. 266 Amygdaloidal texture of a volcanic rock.
domly oriented embedded in a matrix of pyroxene and Filling of the amygdules by calcite, zeolite and
rock-glass (basalt). chalcedony.
Diagrams of mineral and rock structures 211

Fig. 267 Microcrystalline-intersertal texture. Abun- Fig. 268 Holocrystalline-hypidiomorphic (subhedral)

dant small plagioclase laths randomly oriented sur- texture in a granodiorite.
rounded by a matrix of pyroxene, plagioclase and
rock-glass (basalt). Older generation of various
phenocrysts is striking.

Fig. 269 Ophitic texture : idiomorphic plagioclase Fig. 270 Intergrowth texture of 'aggressive' quartz
phenocrysts surrounded by a matrix of pyroxene with plagioclase (myrmekitic texture).
(dolerite) .
212 Appendix 3

Fig. 271 Intergrowth texture: intergrowth of quartz Fig. 272 Corona texture in an olivine gabbro.
and alkali feldspar = graphic texture = granophyric

Fig. 274 Porphyroblastic garnet surrounded by a

Fig. 273 Lepidoblastic texture. Plicated small-scale matrix of lepidoblastic muscovite flakes and quartz
sericite flakes and fine quartz grains (phyllite). grains (garnet mica-schist).
Diagrams of mineral and rock structures 213

Fig. 275 Nematoblastic-Iepidoblastic texture with Fig. 276 Granoblastic texture, orthogneiss with mica
lath-shaped actinolite phenocrysts in an actinolite- layers. Polygonal texture with some serrated-grain
chlorite schist with lepidoblastic chlorite. boundaries between quartz and feldspar.

Fig. 277 Granoblastic marble with polygonal grains. Fig. 278 Porphyroclastic texture. Broken up quartz
porphyroblasts surrounded by a matrix of quartz, feld-
spar and mica (cataclastic gneiss).
214 Appendix 3

Fig. 279 Granular texture in a calcareous sandstone Fig. 280 Pseudosparitic-cataclastic texture with an-
with carbonate cement. gular quartz and calcite phenocryst fragments in a
carbonate cement.

Fig. 281 Oolitic texture. Goethite oolite in a carbon-

ate cement (iron-oolite, middle Jurassic).

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Page numbers appearing in bold refer to figures and page numbers appearing in italics refer to tables.

Abbreviations x Aragonite 163,163-4,171,196-7, Centring

Actinolite group 97, 97-8, 98, 170, 202-3,204 condensing lens 4, 5
186-7,199,202-3,204,213 Arfvedsonite 103-4, 104, 170, objective 4-5,5
Aegirine-augite series 90-2, 91, 186-7,199,200,204 Chabazite 43, 46, 47, 64, 64, 65,
171,184-5,199,200,201,202, Augite group 87-8, 88, 90, 171, 142,170,178-9,192-3,200,
204 ]84-5,204 201
Aenigmatite 32,143-4,144,171, Axial angle 2V 14 Chagrin 8
172-3, 194-5, 199 Axis of isotropy, see Optic axis Chalcedony 47,63,63,170,178-9,
Akermanite 57,58,59,178-9 200,202-3,210
Albite 120, 123, 129, 129, 131-3, Barite 164,164,170,196-7,201, Chamosite 190-1,203
190-1 202,204 Chiastolite forms 149
Allanite, see Orthite Barkevikite 170 Chlorite 7,12,115-18,170,190-1,
Almandine 38-9, 39, 40, 40, Barroisite 98-100,186-7,199 199,200,201,202-3,204
174-5,199,204 Basalts 62 Chloritoid 155, 155-6, 170, 194-5,
Aluminium silicate group 148-53, Becke Line 7-8, 9 199,200,201,202,204
194-5 Beckes 'Skiodromsphere' 20 Chlorophaeite 81
Aluminospinel 36 Bertrand lens, see Amici Bertrand Chromite 6,36,37,172-3,174-5,
Amici Bertrand lens 2, 3, 19 lens 198,199,202
Amorphous minerals 48-53, Beryl 74,75,170,182-3,199,200, Chromiumspinel 36
176-7 201,202,204 Chrysolite 79-81
Amphiboles 7, 7, 8, 15, 17, 96- Biaxial crystals 79-167, 184-97, Chrysotile 119,120,170,190-1,
104,186-~200,201,202 199,200,204 199
Analcite 43,44,46,46-7,170, Biotite 24, 25, 30, 54, 54, 56, 73, Cleavage 7,201
176-7,192-3,198,201,202 /88-9,199,200,201,202,204, Clinoamphiboles 96
Analyser 2, 10 209 Clinochlore 199,200
Anatase 15,31,54,65,65,171, Biotite series 108-10,171, Clinopyroxenes 12, 14, 17, 18,
180-1,199,200,204 188-9 85-96,184-5
Andalusite 7, 148-9, 149, 170, Birefringence 8,9,12,23,170-1, Clinozoisite 12, 158, 158-9, 170,
194-5,199,200,201,202-3, 198 196-7,200,201,202,204
204 Bisectrix 14, 15, 22, 22-4 Coal 34, 172-3, 198
Andesine 121, 129, 131, 131-2, Black shale 34 Condensing lens 2,2,3,4,5, 19
190-1 Bowlingite 81 Conoscopic viewing viii, 9, 19-26
Andradite 38-9, 41, 174-5, 198, Bronzite 81-4,83,170,184-5, Cordierite 61,109,110, 146-8,
199,203 199,204 147,148,170,194-5,199,201,
Anhydrite 7, 161-2, 162, 171, Brookite 14,54 202
196-7,201,202,204 Brown hornblende 101-2,186-7 Corundum 7,70,70-1,170,
Anisotropic minerals 9-19,198 Bytownite 121, 129, 131, ]90-1 180-],199,200,201,202-3,
Anomalous interference 204
colours 12 Calcite 14, 15,66,66-8,67,68,69, Cossyrite, see Aenigmatite
Anorthite 120,121,129, 131-4, 171,180-1,200,201,202-3, Cristobalite 47,47,59,170, 176-7,
132, ]90-1 210 ]78-9,198,203
Anorthoclase 122-5, 126-7, 127, Cancrinite 78,78,171,182-3,199, Crossed polars 2, 19
190-1,203 200,201,202 Crossite 102-3,103,170,186-7,
Antidromes 19 Carbonaceous substances 34 ]99,204
Antigorite 118-19,119,170, Carbonates 8,66-70, ]80-] Crystal shapes 202
190-1,200,202 Carbonatites 37, 37 Crystallographical terms x
Antiperthite 121, 124-5 Carlsbad twins 122-3, 125, 191 Crystals
Apatite 8, 12, 20, 73, 73-4, 170, Cassiterite 37, 54, 55, 55, 171, anisotropic 7
180-1,198,199,200,201, 178-9,188-9,199,200,201, euhedral 6
202-3,204 202,204 hexagonal 12-13
Apophyllite 78,170,182-3,200 Celadonite 113,171,188-9,199 monoclinic 7,14
218 Index

Crystals contd Foidite 42, 46 Idiomorphic minerals 6, 6, 201,

rhombic 7, 14 Forsterite 36,36,79,79-8,171, 208
tetragonal 12-13 184-5 Ignimbrites 50, 51, 53
trigonal 12-13 Fuchsite 105-6, 199 Illustration key x
Cubed zeolites 142-3,192-3 Ilmenite 6, 31, 172-3, 198, 202,
Garnets 7,37,38-40,174-5,201, 204
Delessite 190-1 202,212 Indicatrix models viii, 12-14
Diatomite 49 Gehlenite 57, 59, 59, 170, 178-9, Interference 2,9-10
Diopside group 86,86-7,88,90, 199 Interference colours 11-12, 12,
171,184-5,204 Glass 50-3,203,204 115
Dispersion 12, 14 Glauconite 104,113,113,171, anomalies 200
Disthene, see Kyanite 188-9,200,201,202-3 Iris diaphragm 2, 3, 19
Dolomite 48,66,68,68-9,171, Glaucophane 102-3, 103, 170, Isochrome circles 19, 19,20,21,
180-1,199,201,202-3,204 186-~199,200,202,204 22
Dykes 35 Gneisses 34,37,62 Isogyres 19,19,20,20,22,22-3
Dysanalyte 35 Goethite 32, 48, 49, 70, 165, 165, Isotropic minerals 35-53, 174-7,
171, 196-~ 199,204,214 199,204
Eclogites 40 Granites 48, 62
Electromagnetic spectrum 11, 11 Graphite 33, 33, 34, 172-3, 198, Jadeite 92,92-3,93,170,184-5,
Elongation zone, see Main zone 202 201,202
Enstatite 81-4, 82, 204, 170, Green hornblende 98-101,
184-5 186-7 Kaersutite 101,101-2,171,186-7,
Epidote 12,157-8,158,171, Greisen 48, 55 199
196-7,199,200,201,202,204 Grossularite 38-9,41,41,174-5, Kaolinite 44, 53
Epidote zoisite group 156-9, 198,199,200,204 Katophorite 101-2,170,186-7,
196-7 Gypsum 162-3,163, 170, 196-7, 199
Epistilbite 141, 141, 170, 192-3 201,202 Kersantite 31
Essexite 30 Gypsum plates 4, 4, 11, 20, 21, 23 Kidney iron ore 31,32
Euhedral crystals 6, 7 Kimberlites 35
Extinction Halloysite 53 Koppite 37,37,174-5
inclined viii Harmonic vibration 9 Kyanite 7,151,152,152-3,170,
oblique 17,17-18 Harmotome 143,143,170,192- 194-5,199,201,202,204
parallel 17, 17 3
straight viii, 10 Hastingsite 98,98-100,170,186- Labradorite 121, 129, 131, 190-1
symmetric viii, 17, 17 7,199 Lamprophyre 207
undulatory 10 Hauyne 43-4, 45, 46, 76, 176-7, Laumontite 138,139,170,192-3,
Extinction angles 199,200,201,202 200
anorthite 133-4 Hawaiite 46 Lawsonite 160-1,161,170,196-7,
c1inoamphiboles 95 Heavy minerals 204 201,202,204
c1inopyroxenes 94, 95 Hedenbergite 202,204 Lepidocrocite 48
determination 94-6 Hematite 6, 31, 32, 49, 54, 65, Lepidolite 32, 107, 109-10, 171,
micro lite method 134 172-3,198,199,202,204 188-9,199,200,201
Hercynite 36, 174-5, 199,204 Leptochlorite 118
Fayalite 79,79-81,171,184-5, Heulandite 139, 140, 170, 192-3, Leucite 9, 35, 42, 42-3, 43, 44,
199,204 199,200,201 176-7,198,201,202-3
Feldspar family 120-34, 121, 122, Homodromes 19 Leucoxene 30,31,31,198
170,190-1,201,202-3,209 Hornblende 30,56,74,186-7, Liebenerite 76
Feldspars 8, 12, 18,202-3 201,204 Light
Ferric chlorite 190-1,200 brown 101-2,186-7 cross-polarized viii
Ferrohortonolite 79-81 green 98-101,186-7 plane-polarized viii, 2
Ferrohypersthene 82-3 Hortonolite 79-81 Limburgite 37, 53
Ferrosilite 82-3 Hourglass structure 200 Limestones 34
Ferrospinel 36 Hyalite 49 Limonite 44, 48-9, 54, 70, 176-7,
Fibrous zeolites 135, 135-9 Hyalosiderite 79-81, 80 198,199,203
First-order red plates, see Gypsum Hypersthene 81-4,82,84,85, 170, Lithionite series 107-8, 188-9
plates 184-5,199,201,204 Lizardite 118-9, 119, 170, 190-1
Flaky zeolites 139-41
Fluorite 48,48,176-7,199,201, Iddingsite 79, 81 Magnesio-riebeckite 170,199,
202,204 Identification path 26 202
Index 219

Magnesite 69,69,171,180-1,201, Nosean 43-4, 45, 46, 176-7, 199, Phonolite 41, 42, 45, 46
202,204 201 Phyllites 34, 62
Magnesium chlorite 190-1 Numerical aperture 24, 25 Phyllosilicates 104-13,105
Magnetite 6,30,172-3,201,202, Picotite 35,35,36,37,40,174-5,
204 Objective lenses 3, 3 199,204
Main zone 15-17 Obsidian 51, 53, 209 Picrites 37
Marialite 76-7,170,183 Oculars 3,4 Piemontite 157-8,171,196,199,
Medium lines, see Bisectrix Oligoclase 121,129,129,131-3, 200,201,202,204
Meionite 76-7,171 190-1 Pigeonite 90,90,171,184-5,199,
Mejonite, see Meionite Olivine 8,17,37,69,79-81,80, 200,204
Melanite 35,37,40,41,42,174-5, 184-5,201,202,204,207,212 Pitchstone 51, 53
199,204 Omphacite 93, 93-4, 94, 170, Plagioclase series 129-34, 130,
Melatope 19,20,20,22,23 184-5 131, 132, 133, 170,200,201,
Melilite group 12, 35, 37, 57-9, Opal 46, 49, 49, 172-3, 176-7, 202, 210, 211
178-9,200,201,202 198,199,203 A-Plate, see Gypsum plates
Meroxene 109-10 Opaque minerals 6,30-4, 172-3, Plates, anisotropic, see Gypsum
Mesolite 136, 136, 170, 192-3,201, 198 plates
202 Optic axial angle 23-5, 24, 25 Platy crystals 16, 208
Mica 7,7,8,24, 104-11, 105, Optic axis 13, 20, 22, 22 Pleochroic haloes 201
188-9,201,202 Optical Pleochroism 7,199
Microcline 122-5, 127-8, 128, anomalies 9,200 Pleonaste 36-7,174-5,199,204
190-1,201 character 15-17,20-3,21 Plutonite 131, 205
Minerals main zone viii Polarizer 2, 3, 7
anisotropic 9-19,198 Optically Polarizing microscope
biaxial 6,7,79-167,184-97, biaxial crystals 13-14, 15, 22, accessories 4
199,200,204 22-3,79-167,184-97,199, components 2, 2
form and texture 208-14 200,204 Polarizing microscope viii
heavy 204 neutral crystals 14 Prehnite 166,166-7,171,196-7,
identification uniaxial crystals 13, 13-14, 16, 200, 201, 202-3
colours 199 19,19-22,20,54-78, Principal zone, see Main zone
path 26 178-83,199,200,204 Prismatic crystals 16, 17
protocol 27 Orthite 55, 159, 171, 196-7, 198, Protocol 27
idiornorphic 6,6,201,208 199,200,201,202,204 Pumpellyite 160, 160,170,196-7,
isotropic 6,6,174-7,204 Orthochlorite 115-18,117 199,200,204
monoclinic 7, 12, 14 Orthoclase 120, 122-5, 125, 126, Pyrite 32, 32, 172-3, 198,201,204
opaque 6,30-4,172-3,198 126,190-1,201,203 Pyrochlore 35,37,174-5
rhombic 14 Orthopyroxene group 14,17, Pyrope 38,38,40,174-5,204
transparent 6-8 81-5, 184-5 Pyroxene group 81-96,211
triclinic 7, 12, 14 Orthoscopic viewing 2, 6-17 Pyroxenites 7,8,37,184-5, 199,
uniaxial 6,6,54-78,178-83, Oxybiotite 111, 171, 188-9, 199 201,202,207
199,200,204 Oxyhornblende 99,101-2,171, Pyrrhotite 33,172-3,198,204
Miscibility 121 186-7,199
Molybdenite 34 Quartz 8, 12, 14,20,59-62,60,61,
Montmorillonite 53 Palaeorhyolites 32 170,178-9,200,201,202-3,
Mordenite 59, 138, 170, 192-3, Paragenesis viii 204,213
199 Paragonite 104, 106 Quartz porphyry 32, 60
Muscovite 24, 25, 105-6, 106, 171, Pegmatites 37, 48, 62 Quartz wedges 4, 4, 12, 21, 22, 23,
188-9,201,204,212 Pelites 34 23
Pennine, see Penninite
Natrolite 17, 44, 46, 53, 135, Penninite 170, 199,200 Radioactive
135-6,170,192-3,201, Peridotites 33, 37, 207 haloes 201
202-3 Perlite 50, 53 inclusions 201
Nepheline 8, 12, 20, 30, 75, 75-6, Perovskite 35,35,37,40,174-5, Radiolarite 49
76,170,182-3,200,201, 198,199,201,204 Record sheet, see Protocol
202-3 Perthite 121, 124-5, 125 Red 1 plates, see Gypsum plates
Nephrite 202 Phengite 107, 171, 188-9, 200 Refractive index 7-8,8,24,170-1,
Nicols, see Crossed polars Phillipsite 142,142,170,192-3 174,176
Nontronite 53 Phlogopite 108,109,171,88-9, Relief 8, 8, 8, 9
Norites 37, 70 199,200,201 Retardation 10, 11
220 Index

Riebeckite 103-4, 104, 199, 204 201,202,204 Tschermakite 98-100,99,170,

Rock glass 50-3,176-7,204 Staurolite 153,153,170,194-5, 186-7,199
Rock structures 208-14 199,201,202-3,204 Twinning 18
Rotating compensator 4 Staurolite twins 18
Rutile 7,8, 31, 35, 37, 54, 54, 55, Stilbite 140,141,170,192-3,201, U grandite 41
171,178-9,199,200,201,202, 202-3 Uniaxial minerals 178-83, 199,
204 Stilpnomelane 112,112-13,171, 200,204
188-9,199,200,201,202 negative 65-78
Sagenite 54, 54 Syenite 44, 45 positive 54--64
Sanidine 122,122,124,125,190-1, Symbols x Uvarovite 38-9, 40, 174-5, 198,
200,201,203,210 Symmetry, cubic 9 204
Sanidinites 37,47, 64
Scapolite 76-7,77,182-3,199, Talc 114,114,171,188-9,200,202 Variolites 50
201,202 Tectonic quartz 10 Vesuvianite 12,71,71,170,180-1,
Schor! 71, 73 Tephrite 42, 45, 46 199,200,201,202,204
Scolecite 137, 137, 170, 192-3, Textures 209-14 Vibration directions 9, 10, 10, 16
201,202 Thomsonite 136-7,137,170, Viridite 81
Sericite 44, 44, 76, 105-6, 106, 192-3,201,202-3 Volcanic glass 50-3,198,199
212 Thulite 170, 196, 199, 200, 202, magmatic rocks 205-7
Serpentine group 37, 69, 118-20, 204 Vulcanite 131, 206
120,190-1,198,199,202 Thuringite 190-1
Siderite 70,171,180-1,199,201, Titanaugite 88-9,89,171,184-5, Wavelength 9
203,204 199,200,204 Wedges, anisotropic, see Quartz
Siderophyllite 109-10 Titanbiotite 110,111,171,188-9, wedges
Silicate group 59--64, 178-9, 209 199 Wiluite 71
Sillimanite 150, 150, 151, 170, Titanite, see Sphene Wollastonite 154, 154, 170, 194-5,
194-5,199,201,202,204 Titanoilmenite 31 201,202,204
Skiodromsphere 20 Titanomagnetite 30,31
Smaragdite 186-7,199 Topaz 145--6,146,170,194-5,201, Xenotime 57,57,171,178-9
Snell's Law 7 202,204
Sodalite group 6, 43-6, 44, 176-7, Tourmaline 7,12,56,71-3,72, Zeolites 8, 42-3, 44, 46, 50, 59, 64,
198,199,201,202 171,180-1,199,200,201, 65,77,77,134-43,192-3,210
Spessartine 38-9,174-5,204 202-3,204 Zinnwaldite 107-8,171
Sphene 7,8,31,54,144-5,145, Tremolite 96,97-8,170,186-7, Zircon 8, 54, 56, 56, 171,
171,194-5,199,200,201,202, 202,204 178-9,199,200,201,202,204
204 Tridymitc 43, 63-4, 170, 178-9, Zoisite 156, 156-7, 170,196-7,
Spherolites 50, 52 200 200,201,202,204
Spinel group 36,36-7,39,174-5, Trigonal carbonate group 66-70 Zonar growth 200

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