PT Original
PT Original
PT Original
Name: Date:
Goal: In the following performance task you will demonstrate how well you understand the
impact of rhetoric on argumentative texts and how evaluating rhetoric can allow for you to be a
critical consumer of information.
Scenario: You have determined a change that you would like to see happen at your school and to
make this change occur, you need the support of your peers. Therefore, you will create an ad
(print, audio, or video) applying what you have learned about the persuasive power of rhetoric
to convince your peers to support your proposed school change.
Task: Your task here is: to plan and conduct an investigation to determine which rhetorical
appeals are most persuasive to your peers at school. Then, design an ad informed by knowledge Commented [HK1]: I’m thinking about totally deleting this
part and just having students design an ad based on their
gained from your investigation to persuade your peers of the school-level change you wish to knowledge of rhetoric from class. The investigation aspect
see happen that they should support. The challenge in this situation is to accurately determine of this PT seems to get into other learning objectives that
aren’t really being assessed in this unit. Thoughts on this?
which rhetorical appeal(s) are most effective and implement these to garner support for your
proposed change. You will share your ad with peers and employ your skills as a critical consumer
of information to evaluate the effectiveness of your peers’ ads (aka, arguments). Then, you will
engage in discussion as to which proposed school changes you will support and which you will
not, using descriptions of rhetoric employed in the various ads to support your reasoning.
Timeline for task: Commented [HK2]: Do you think this section is necessary?
Class 1 Determine school change you would like to see happen
Investigate appeals to rhetoric that are most persuasive to your
peers at school
Class 2-4 Design ad
Class 5 Post ads
Class 6 Discussion of ad effectiveness and self-reflection for unit on
Resources needed:
Class notes and other materials on rhetoric and rhetorical appeals
If creating a print ad: poster board, writing utensils, etc.
If creating an audio ad: recording device, computer
If creating a video ad: appropriate technology
1 2 3 4
15% Exam Goal of assessment: The exam will be an individual Topics assessed:
assessment which students will take after Rhetorical appeals
completion of Lesson 8. This assessment will allow Rhetorical strategies
for the teacher to assess student knowledge of key Analysis of rhetoric as a tool for
topics for the unit. persuasion
Constructed-response, with focus
on making and explaining
informed choices through an
examination of rhetoric
25% Rhetorical analysis Goal of assessment: Students will compose a Frameworks or strategies used may
rhetorical analysis demonstrating their include:
understanding of key topics through the use of OPTIC
frameworks/strategies for analyzing rhetoric. The SOAPSTone
analysis will be assigned after the completion of Joliffe’s
Lesson 10, prior to the performance task.
40% Performance Task: Goal of assessment: This assessment will allow the Including:
Advertisement student to demonstrate how well they understand Investigation of effectiveness of
the impact of rhetoric on argumentative texts and rhetorical appeals
how evaluating rhetoric can allow for them to be a Alignment of advertisement to
critical consumer of information. Further, this investigation findings
assessment builds on the learning objectives that Effective use of rhetoric in
students have worked toward throughout the unit. advertisement as persuasion tool
As such, this assessment brings together their Discussion to support
knowledge of rhetoric, rhetorical terms, and advertisement and decisions of
rhetorical appeals and requires students to apply which peer ads to support
this knowledge as a persuasive tool and then
evaluate the ways in which rhetoric effectively
persuaded them.
15% Reflective Essay/ Goal of assessment: The goal of this assessment if Including:
Action Plan for students to consider all that they have learned What has been learned about
about the persuasive power of rhetoric. Students rhetoric through unit (big take-
will reflect upon what they have learned about aways)
rhetoric and the ways in which their performance Reflection on how advertisement
task could have been modified to appeal to other could have appealed to other
aspects of rhetoric. Finally, the action plan aspects of rhetoric
students will create is intended to support Action plan of how student
students in considering ways in which they can intends to become (or continue
be/continue to be critical consumers of being) a critical consumer of
information in the real-world. information
Grading Philosophy