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Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Let’s Begin Reading in English – Grade 2
Learner’s Material
First Edition, 2013
ISBN: 978-971-0468-21-8

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC
Undersecretary: Dina S. Ocampo

Development Team of the Learner’s Material

Authors: Felicitas E. Pado, Marie Yvette Alcazar,

Ana Maria Margarita Salvador, Rose Ann Pamintuan,
Leonor Diaz, Amcy Esteban

Illustrators: Eric S. De Guia, Fermin M. Fabella,

Erich D. Garcia, Aro R. Rara

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Unit 2
I Love My Family

We all have a family.

Some may be big,
Some may be small.
My family is just right for me.
I love my family.

Week 1: I Have a Family

Lesson 1
Let's Try
Introduce your family. Show your family picture
to your classmates. Say the name of each member
of your family.
“This is my family.”

“My father is ___________.” (Say this for every

member who is part of your family.)

“I love my family.”

Get Set
I will read each word. Check the picture that tells
about that word.



Let’s Recall
What do you like to do with your family?

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
What Ben likes to do with his family.

Listen as I read the story.

The Picnic Surprise

I am Ben. I like to go out on picnic trips
with my family.
Nanay asked me, “What do you want me
to cook for the picnic tomorrow?”
I answered, “Well, Nanay, you know what
our favorite picnic foods are. I like spaghetti,
Kuya Ramon likes chicken sandwich, and Raya
likes hotdog on a stick.”
“Okay then,” Nanay anwered, “that's what
I am going to prepare for the picnic.”
The next day, everybody was excited.
I saw my Kuya Ramon help Nanay prepare
the food basket. I saw my little sister, Raya
folding the table napkins.
I hope Tatay is here. Tatay needs to work
in the farm on the barrio. He has to live there
most of the time. He only comes home
every end of the month. Today is not the end
of the month, so I know that he is not coming.
Just before we are about to leave for the
picnic, I heard a loud voice call, “Ben! Can I
join you?”
I ran out to find out who it was. It was Tatay!
I was so happy to see him! I know this is
my happiest family picnic!

Listen to my questions about the story and try

to answer them.
1. What does Ben like doing with his family?
2. What did his mother ask about?
3. What did Ben ask his mother to prepare
for the picnic?
4. What was everybody feeling about the picnic?
5. What was Kuya Ramon doing?
6. What was Raya doing?
7. If you were the brother or sister of Ben, what
would you do to help prepare for the picnic?
8. Who did Ben think about?
9. What do you think was he feeling when he
remembered Tatay?
10. Where does Tatay work?
11. What was the picnic surprise?
12. What do you think Ben felt when he saw Tatay?

What is your favorite part of the story? Draw it
in your notebook.

Lesson 2
Let's Recall
In our story yesterday, how many brothers and sisters
does Ben have?

I Can Do It
Listen to the question. Answer the question in front
of the class.

“How many brothers and sisters do you have?”

“I have ____________ brother/s and _________ sister/s.”

Let's Aim

The Pronoun I
Look at the pictures and listen as I read the
sentences in the dialogue bubble.
My name My name My name
is Ben. is Ramon. is Raya.
I am 8 years I am 13 years I am 4 years
old. old. old.

1. Who is speaking in picture A?
2. Who is 8 years old?
3. What word did he use to talk about himself?
4. Who is speaking in picture B?
5. Who is 13 years old?
6. What word did he use to talk about himself?
7. Who is speaking in picture C?
8. Who is 4 years old?
9. What word did she use to talk about herself?

Remember This
We use the pronoun I when the speaker talks
about himself or herself.

We Can Do It
I will ask a question about you. You have to answer
using the pronoun I.
1. How old are you?
2. What do you like to do after class?
3. What do you bring to school?

Let's Aim

Word Attack Skills

Listen as I read the sentences.

Ben received a hat from Nanay.

Tatay gave Ben a bat.
Kuya Ramon has a cat for Ben.
Raya placed all the gifts on a mat.
Let us name the pictures from the sentences.

What is the sound that you hear in all of the words?

Let us look at other words with -at.


hat mat cat

sat bat rat


We Can Do It
Read the word cards. Choose the correct picture
of the word that you read from the board.

Word cards: hat, fat, cat, mat, bat, pat, sat, rat

I Can Do It
Choose the correct word for each picture.

1. cat fat sat

2. mat map man

3. bet bat beg

4. sat rat hat

5. fat rat mat

Let's Answer
Group Game:
Each group will be given the letters a, e, h, t, r, s, n,
and m.
I will show you a picture one at a time. Spell the
word of each picture shown using the letters given
to you.
(Teacher will use words in the -at family as well as
short e words previously learned.)
Lesson 3
Let's Recall
Look at the pictures as I read the dialogue bubble.

I am Ben.
I like going to picnics
with my family.

What do we use when the speaker talks

about himself?

We Can Do It
Group Sharing:
In a group, each member will be sharing the answer
to one question. Make sure you answer with
the pronoun I.
“What do you like to do with your family?”

Let's Aim

Word Attack Skills

Listen as I read the sentences.
Father likes to cook with a pan.
Mother likes to use a fan.
Brother likes to clean with a rag.
Sister likes to bring a pink bag.

Let's name the pictures from the sentences.

What are the sounds that you hear in the words?

Let us look at other words with -an and -ag.


can fan man

pan ran van


bag hag

rag tag

We Can Do It
Each one will get a word card. Read the word
aloud. Look for the picture that shows the word
in your card from the basket. If you found the
correct picture, post the picture on the board
together with the the word card.

Word cards: -at, -an, -ag words

I Can Do It
Write in your notebook the correct word
for each picture.

Let's Answer
Choose the correct picture.

1. bat

2. bed

3. van

4. ten

5. fan

Lesson 4
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronoun I?

I Can Do It
Draw a self-portrait in your notebook. You may use
a mirror.

Complete the following sentences.

___ am _______.
____ am _____ years old.

Let's Aim

Word Attack Skills

Listen as I read the sentences.

We will go on a picnic. Mother prepared

ham sandwiches. She also brought jam for me.
The jam is in a colorful jar. We all rode our car going
to the picnic.

Let's name the pictures from the sentences.

What are the sounds that you hear in the words?

Let us look at other words with -am and -ar.


ham ram jam


car far jar

We Can Do It
Let's try to spell!
I will show you the picture cards of the words
with short a. Spell the words out loud.

I Can Do It
Match the words with the correct picture.

1. jam

2. car

3. jar

4. ham

5. ram

Let's Answer
Look at the picture. List the words of things in the
picture with short e and short a.

Lesson 5
Let's Try
Listen to my story.

Sam and Ram are twin sisters.

They both like to draw pictures.
Yesterday, they drew pictures for their
brother Bam. It's his 8th birthday.
Sam drew a cat on a mat with a red hat.
Ram drew a wet hen with eggs. Bam is so
happy with their pictures.

Answer the questions about the short story.
1. Who are twin sisters?
2. What do they like to do?
3. Who did they draw for?
4. Why did they give Bam pictures?
5. What picture did Sam draw?
6. What picture did Bam draw?
7. What can you say about the twin sisters?

We Can Do It
Write the correct word for each picture. Do this
in your notebook.

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Write the name of the pictures
in your notebook. Choose your answer from the box.

mat fan bag hat

men fed beg hen

Week 2: I Share with My Brothers
and Sisters

Lesson 6
Let's Try
Talk about your brother/s and sister/s. How many
do you have? What do you like doing with them?
“I like to ____ with my brothers and sisters.”

Get Set
Listen as I read the sentences. Listen to the questions
and choose the correct answer.

1. Yumi and Yana are twins. They are sisters born

on the same day and they look alike.
Choose the picture of twins.

2. Ana ate too much last night. This morning she

has a stomachache. Choose the picture
of Ana with a stomachache.

Let’s Recall
Do you like the same things that your brother
or sister likes?

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
What the twins like that are the same and different.

Listen as I read the story.

Tam and Ted

Tam and Ted are twins. They are both

seven years old. They are both in grade 2
and they both go to the same school.

There are a lot of things that they like

doing together. They like playing with toy trucks
together. They like catching frogs together.
They even like going to school together.

There are also a lot of things they like

that are the same. Green is both their
favorite color. Ms. Santos is both their
favorite teacher. Even their favorite shirt
is the same!

There is something that they like differently.

They don't like the same kind of food. Tam likes

to eat fruits and vegetables. He likes to drink
milk and juice too. Ted likes chips, candies,
and drinks a lot of cola.

Yesterday, Ted was brought to the

school clinic by Ms. Santos. He had a terrible
stomachache. The school doctor looked
at Ted and asked him many questions.
Finally, the doctor said, “Ted, you need
to learn how to eat healthy. Your body is not
getting enough vitamins from what you are
eating. If you don't, I'm afraid this
stomachache might not leave your body.”

“I don't like having a stomachache

anymore. It's hard for me to play and study,”
said Ted. “I want to get well!”

“I'll help you get well, Ted,” Tam said.

“From now on, you have to eat the same food
that I eat.”

“Try it Ted,” Tam said while handing Ted

a ripe yellow banana. “It tastes good, and it's
healthy too!”

Ted tried it and he liked it!

Listen to my questions about the story and try
to answer them.
1. Who are the twins in the story?
2. How old are they?
3. What grade are they both in?
4. What do they like playing together?
5. What do they like catching together?
6. Where do they like to go?
7. What is their favorite color?
8. Who is their favorite teacher?
9. What is something that they like differently?
10. What does Tam like?
11. What does Ted like?
12. Where did Ms. Santos bring Ted?
13. Why was he brought to the clinic?
14. Why do you think caused the stomachache?
15. What did the school doctor say?
16. How do you think did Ted feel when he heard
what the doctor said?
17. What did Tam do after hearing what
the doctor said?
18. Why do you think he did that?
19. What do you do to show your brother or sister
that you love him / her? Draw this
in your notebook.

Lesson 7
Let's Recall

Comparison and Contrast of Characters

In our story yesterday, what were the names
of the twins? What are the things that they both like?
What are the things that they like differently?

Let's Aim
Look at the following diagram. Listen as I read
the words. Look at where these words are written.

Tam Ted

1. What are the things that they both like?
Where are these written in the diagram?
2. What are the things that only Tam likes?
Where are these written in the diagram?
3. What are the things that only Ted likes?
Where are these written in the diagram?

This diagram is called a Venn diagram.

Remember This
A Venn diagram is used to show how
two characters are the same.
Same characteristics are written in
the middle part of the diagram. It also shows
how the characters are different from
each other. Different characteristics
are written on the left part and on the right
part of the diagram.

Let's Aim

The Pronouns You and I

Look at the pictures and listen as I read the
sentences in the dialogue bubble.

I am Tam. I am Ted.
You are Ted. You like fruits.
You are my twin I like candies.


1. Who is speaking in picture A?

2. Who is he speaking to?
3. Who is his twin brother?
4. What word did he use to talk about himself?
5. How about the word he used when he talked
about the one he is speaking to?
6. Who is speaking in picture B?
7. Who is he speaking to?
8. Who likes fruits?
9. What word did he use to talk about himself?
10. What word did he use when he talked about
the one he is speaking to?

Remember This
The pronoun I is used when the speaker talks
about himself or herself. The pronoun you
is used when referring to the person spoken to.

We Can Do It
Work with a partner. Think of something nice
you would like to say to your partner. Complete
this sentence:

“I like you because you are ______.”

Teacher will give you the signal to exchange


Let's Aim

Reading Phrases with Short a

Listen as I read the phrases. Look at the pictures
beside the phrases.

1. bag of Tam

2. has a rag

3. in the van

4. hat of Ted

Try to read the phrases on your own out loud.

Were you able to read all the phrases?

We Can Do It
Read the phrases. Choose the correct picture
for each phrase.

1. ten bats

2. cat in the van

3. the wet pan

Lesson 8
Let's Recall
1. What pronoun do we use when we refer
to the speaker?
2. What pronoun do we use when we refer
to the one spoken to?

We Can Do It
Work in pairs. Try to find out more about
your classmates by asking them questions.
Don't forget to use you in asking questions and I
in answering.

Sample questions:
“What do you like to play?”
“I like to play ______.”

“How do you go home?”

“I ______ going home.”

Let's Aim

Reading Phrases
Look at the picture. Complete the phrases
by giving the correct word on the blank.
Write the completed phrases in your notebook.

a fat ______
a man in a _____

a wet _____

We Can Do It
Read the phrases. Match the correct picture
with each phrase.

1. bell on the

2. ham in the

3. the cat ran

4. sat on the

5. the ten cans

I Can Do It
Read the phrases. Look for the picture
for each phrase. Write the letter of the phrase
of the correct picture. Do this in your notebook.
a. a set of cans d. a rat in the net
b. a tag on the bag e. ham in the pan
c. fell in the well f. fed the hen

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

Let's Answer
Read the phrases. Draw what it says
in your notebook.

a bat and a cat a red bell

a hat on a man a bag on a mat

Lesson 9
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronoun I and you?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures in the comic strip. Listen as I
read the dialogue to you. Write I or you on the

Hi! ____ am new Yes. ____ am ____ am Lana.

in this school. Paul. Who are I am in grade 2. ___ am also
Do _____ study ____? What grade are In grade 2!
here? ____ in?

We Can Do It

Reading Phrases
Read the phrases out loud. Answer the question
I will ask about the phrase.
1. men in the van
Where are the men?
2. hat on the mat
Where is the hat?
3. ham in the pan
Where is the ham?
4. bat in the car
Where is the bat?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Write a phrase about
each picture. Choose your answer from the box.
Do this in your notebook.

a fat cat a mad woman jam in a jar

ten bells a rat on the bed bat in a bag

Let's Answer
Look at each picture. Write a phrase about
each picture. Do this in your notebook.

Lesson 10
Let's Try
Listen to my story.

Blackie and Brownie are puppies. They are

also brothers. Blackie is a small black puppy
with fluffy fur. Brownie is a big brown puppy
with shorter fur. They both like eating bones
and meat. They both like running after balls.
They are both loved by their mother dog,

Answer the questions about the short story.
1. What kind of animals are Blackie and Brownie?
2. What does Blackie look like?
3. What does Brownie look like?
4. What do they like doing together?
5. Who loves them?

We Can Do It
Using the Venn diagram, show how the two puppies
are the same and different. I will read to you
the words and phrases that you can write
on the Venn diagram.

black brown big

small long fur short fur
likes bones and likes to run puppies of
meat after balls Lassie

Blackie Brownie

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Complete the phrases by
writing the missing words. Do this in your notebook.

a ____ and a ____ a ____ and a ____

a ____ and a ____

Let's Answer
Read the phrases. Look at the following pictures
and write the correct phrase for each. Do this
in your notebook.
a rat and a cat jam in a jar
a man and a pet fan on a mat
a bat on a car tag on a bag
Week 3: I Have a Home

Lesson 11
Let's Try
Talk about your home. What kind of home do you
live in? Where is your home?

Say: “I am _______. I live in a _______.”

(house, apartment, nipa hut, building)
“My home is in ______.”

Get Set
Listen as I read the words. Match each word
with the correct picture.

nipa hut


cool breeze


Let’s Recall
Who lives with you in your home? What do they do?

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
Who lives with Minda and what do they do.

Listen as I read the story.

Home by the Sea

Marlyn lives in a barrio near Catbalogan,

Samar. Her home is a nipa hut by the sea.
There is no electricity in her home because
their place is far from the city.

Marlyn's father is a fisherman. Every day,

he wakes up at 3:00 in the morning to ride
his fisherman's boat to catch fish and shells.
Her mother and Kuya Paeng leave the house
even before sunrise to sell the fish and shells
in the market. While waiting for them to come
back home, Marlyn takes care of Baby Sita,
while Lola Luisa cooks their meals.

Marlyn likes living by the sea. She likes

the cool breeze which is better than
the polluted air in the city. She likes the walls
of their home which is made of wood
and leaves.
One day while Marlyn's father, mother,
and Kuya Paeng were out of the house,
an unexpected storm disturbed the sea side.
The wind was so strong that it blew the roof
of their nipa hut away and slowly destroyed
the walls of the house. Marlyn with Baby Sita
and Lola Luisa were able run to the nearest
house and were safe. The owner of the house
let them stay there until the storm was over.
Marlyn was worried about her parents
and brother who were still out in the storm.

A few minutes later, Marlyn heard from

their neighbors that her parents and brother
were looking for them. She went outside
the house and called out to them.

Marlyn was crying when she told her

parents what happened to their home. She
was so sad that they lost their home. Her
mother told her that even if something bad
happened, they should still be happy
because no one from their family got hurt.
They still have each other and they could still
build a new home together.

Listen to my questions and try to answer them.

1. What kind of home does Marlyn's family live in?
2. Where do they live?
3. What can they see near their home?
4. What does her father do? What time does

he wake up?
5. What can you say about her father?
6. What does her mother do? Who goes with her?
7. What does Marlyn do while they are away?
8. What does Lola Luisa do?
9. What can you say about Marlyn's family?
10. What did the storm do to their house?
11. How do you think did that happen?
12. How did Marlyn feel when that happened?
13. Was anyone from her family hurt by the storm?
14. What did her mother say to comfort Marlyn?
15. What do you think will they do after the storm?
Draw it in your notebook.

Lesson 12
Let's Recall
In our story yesterday, who were living in Marlyn's

Let's Aim

The Pronouns He, She, and It

Listen as I read some sentences about the story.
a. Father is a fisherman.
b. He wakes up early to catch fish.
c. Mother is a vendor.
d. She sells the fish that Father catches.
e. The family lives in a nipa hut.
f. It is near the sea.
1. In sentence a, who is a fisherman?

2. In sentence b, who wakes up early to catch
fish? Is Father a man or a woman? How many
persons is the sentence talking about? What
word was used to replace the word Father?
3. In sentence c, who is a vendor?
4. In sentence d, who sells the fish that Father
catches? Is Mother a man or a woman? How
many persons is the sentence talking about?
What word was used to replace the word
5. In sentence e, where does the family live in?
6. In sentence f, what is near the sea? Is nipa hut
an object? How many objects is being talked
about in this sentence? What word was used
to replace the word nipa hut?

Remember This
The pronoun he is used to replace a name
of a person. He is only used of boys.
The pronoun she is used to replace a name
of a person too. She is only used for girls.
The pronoun it is used to replace a name
of an object or animal.

We Can Do It
Group Sharing:
Think about a member of your family that you would
want the class to know about. Think about one
object in your home that you would want to share.
Don't forget to use he, she, or it.

Example: My father is Jun. He is a taxi driver.
This is a spoon. It is used for eating.

Let's Aim

Reading Sentences with Short a

Let us see what are inside Marlyn's house.
Listen as I read the sentences. Look at the pictures
beside the sentences.

1. The bag is on the mat.

What is on the mat?

2. Dad has a hat.

Who has a hat?

3. The ham is on the pan.

Where is the ham?

4. Mama has a rag.

Who has a rag?

Try to read the sentences on your own out loud.

Were you able to read all sentences? Were you able
to answer all questions?

We Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Choose the correct sentence
for each picture.

Sam has a fan.

Sam has a pan.

The bat is in the net.

The bat is in the bag.

Ram has a wet leg.

Ram has a wet bed.

The man has a hat.

The man has a bat.

Jed sat on a mat.

Jed sat on a bed.

Lesson 13
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns he, she, and it?

We Can Do It
Look at these pictures in front (choose 2 famous
people and 1 popular object). Choose one picture
and say something about that person or object.
Don't forget to use he, she, or it.

We Can Do It

Reading Sentences
Look at the picture. Complete the sentences
by writing the missing words in your notebook.

The boy has a _____.

The bag is on the _____.

The egg is on the _____.

I Can Do It
Read the sentences and choose the correct picture.

Ben has
a red mat.

The man
is mad.

The cat is in
the car.

Let's Answer
Read the sentences. Answer the questions about
each sentence.
1. The red bag has a tag.
What has a tag?
2. Pam is in the car.
Who is in the car?
3. The rat is fat.
What is fat?
4. The cat sat on the mat.
Where is the cat?
5. Len has a fan.
Who has a fan?
Lesson 14
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns he, she, and it?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Choose one picture
and construct 3 sentences about your chosen
picture. Don't forget to use he, she, and it.

We Can Do It

Reading Sentences
Read the sentences out loud. Answer the question
I will ask about the sentence.
1. The bats are in the van.
Where are the bats?
2. The cat is fat.
What is fat?
3. The pens are in the bag.
Where are the pens?
4. The rats are on the mat.
Where are the rats?
5. The men are mad.
Who are mad?
I Can Do It
Read the sentences. Answer the questions that
follow each sentence. Write your answers in your
1. The rags are in the bag.
Where are the rags?
What are in the bag?
2. The bats are in the van.
Where are the bats?
What are in the van?
3. Ted sells the cans.
Who sells the cans?
What does Ted sell?

Let's Answer
Look at each picture. Write a sentence about
each picture. Do this in your notebook.

Lesson 15
Let's Try
Listen to my story.

Anton's Spider Lesson

by Leah N. Bautista

Anton loves to play with spiders. He wants

to catch one to play with his sister, Ericka.
One Saturday morning, while Ericka
was playing in the garden, she saw a spider
spinning its web. She stayed there until the
spider finished its web. Ericka was so amazed
when she saw how the spider laid its eggs in
the spider egg sac.
Suddenly, Anton tried to catch the spider.
Ericka stopped him.
“Do you know, Kuya, that spiders spend
a long time spinning their web? The mother
spider made it for her eggs and for her food,”
Ericka said seriously.
“They are like our parents. They make our
home.” Ericka added.
Anton learned a lesson from the spiders.

Answer the questions about the short story.

1. Who loves to play with spiders?
2. What did Ericka see in the garden?
3. How did Ericka feel when she saw that?
4. What did Ericka do when Anton was about
to catch the spider?
5. What did Ericka say?
6. What can you say about Ericka?

We Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the sentences.
Complete the sentences by writing he, she, or it.
Do this in your notebook.

This is Ericka. ____ is Anton's

sister. _____ saw the spider spin
its web.

This is Anton. _____ likes playing

with spiders. _____ is Ericka's

This is the spider in the garden.

_____ spins its own web. _____
lays eggs in the spider egg

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Arrange the jumbled words
to form a new sentence.

is The egg pan a on.

has tag. a The bag

mat. on The hen is the

the car. The men in are

bed. The fan on is the

Let's Answer
Read the sentences. Answer the questions that
come after each sentence. Write your final answer
in your notebook.
1. Tam has a map. Who has a map?
Tam Pam Ram
2. Jed ran to the van. Where did Jed run?
man van jam
3. The bag of Len is tan. What is tan?
bag hat pen
4. Ana has a hat. Who has a hat?
Tam Ana Bam
5. The bat is in the bag. What is in the bag?
rag hag bat

Week 4: Grandparents Are Great

Lesson 16
Let's Try
Let's talk about your grandparents. How many of
you still have grandparents? Where do your
grandparents live? What do you do with your
Say: “I am _____. My grandparents live _____.
I _____ with my grandparents.”

Get Set
Listen as I read the sentences. Choose the correct
1. Miguel likes eating chicken soup when it's cold
and raining. The hot soup really makes him
feel warm. Which of the following is a picture
of chicken soup?

2. Last night, Mateo wasn't feeling good.

He cannot eat anything because he lost
his appetite. What don't you like to do when
you lose appetite?
sleep eat study

3. Lucas was brought to the hospital because

he was sick. He was bitten by a mosquito
that caused his sickness. The doctor said he had
dengue fever. What insect caused this sickness?
cockroach ant mosquito

Let’s Recall
Is there something that your grandparents do for you
that you really like?

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
What Gab's Grandmother does for him.

Listen as I read the story.

Grandmother's Cooking

For Gab, Grandma Malou is the best cook

in the world! He loves it that Grandma asks him
what he wants her to cook before going
to the market. He could request anything
and Grandma can cook it – from lumpiang
shanghai, fried chicken, and porkchop,
to sinigang, bulalo, and ginisang munggo.
But his favorite of Grandma's cooking
is her special chicken soup. He can eat up to
five bowls of her soup!
Last August, Gab was brought to the
hospital because of dengue fever. It is an illness
brought by a certain kind of mosquito. His body
became so weak, and he also lost appetite.
The doctor told Gab that unless he started
eating and drinking, he wouldn't get well.
Gab's mother was so worried about what
the doctor said. She called up Grandma Malou
to tell her about it. Two hours later, Grandma
came with a whole container of Gab's favorite
chicken soup!

As soon as Gab smelled the soup,
it seems like his sickness disappeared. He
started eating the hot soup. He ate and he ate
until he was so full.
When he finished eating the delicious soup,
Gab said to Grandma Malou, “Thanks for doing
this for me, Grandma.” And he gave her
three big kisses on her cheek.
“You're welcome, my dear,” answered
Grandma Malou. “I'll do anything
for my grandchildren.”

Listen to my questions about the story and try

to answer them.
1. What does Gab's Grandma do for him?
2. What is the name of Gab's Grandma?
3. Can you give me some of the food that Gab
requests his Grandma to cook?
4. What is his favorite among Grandma's cooking?
5. When did Gab get sick?
6. What did he get sick of?
7. Why can't Gab eat anything?
8. What did the doctor say?
9. How did Gab's mother feel when she heard
what the doctor said?
10. What did Gab's mother do?
11. What did Gab's Grandma do after talking
to Gab's mother?
12. Why do you think did she do that?
13. What does that say about Grandma Malou?

14. What did Gab do when he saw Grandma's
15. What did Gab say to Grandma?
16. Why do you think is saying “thank you”
17. If you were Gab, what will you do to show how
thankful you are to Grandma? Draw your
answer in your notebook.

Lesson 17
Let's Recall
In our story, do you remember where the story
happened in the beginning of the story and at the
end of the story?

Let's Aim

Sequencing Three Events

Listen as I read the sentences that happened
in the story. Look at the pictures beside
each sentence.

Gab requests Grandma

to cook his favorite food.

Gab ate the chicken
soup that Grandma
brought to the hospital.

Gab got sick

of dengue fever.

1. Which of the pictures (sentences) happened first

in the story?
Write 1 beside the picture.
2. Which of these happened next?
Write 2 beside that picture.
3. Which of these happened last?
Write 3 beside that picture.

Let's Recall
In our story yesterday, who were in the hospital room
with Gab?

Let's Aim

The Pronouns We and They

Listen as I read some sentences that Mother said
when he talked to Gab.

1. Grandma and I are both worried

about your condition.
2. We think that you should start
eating well for you to get stronger.
3. The nurses work hard to help you.
4. They want you to get well too.

Who is the one speaking here?

1. In sentence 1, who are worried about Gab's
2. In sentence 2, who are thinking that Gab should
start eating well to get stronger? How many
are they? What word was used to replace
Grandma and I?

3. In sentence 3, who are working hard
to help Gab?
4. In sentence 4, who wants Gab to get well?
How many are they? What word is used
to replace the noun nurses?

Remember This
The pronoun we is used to replace names
of persons speaking when there is
more than one.
Example: Your father and I are going
to your school tomorrow.
We need to talk to your teacher.
The pronoun they is used to replace names
of the people being talked about in the
sentence, who are more than one too.
Example: Tina's classmates surprised her
on her birthday.
They all wrote birthday messages
for her.
The pronoun they could also be used
to replace names of objects and animals
being talked about.
Example: The sunflowers are now in bloom.
They are very pretty!
The pet puppies are very dirty.
They all need a bath.

We Can Do It
Group Sharing:
Work in small groups. Share about your family.
Choose one member of your family. Tell the group
things that you like to do with him / her. Don't forget
to use the pronoun we.
I like playing with my sister. We play hide
and seek during summer.
I like feeding the chickens with Tatay. We feed
the chickens in the morning.

Let's Aim

Reading Short Stories with Short a

Let's read the short story together.

Gab's Pet

Gab has a pet.

Gab's pet is a rat.
He has a fat rat.

Answer the following questions.

1. Who has a pet?
2. What is Gab's pet?
3. What is fat?

Try to read the story on your own out loud. Were you
able to read all sentences? Were you able to
answer all questions?

We Can Do It
Read the story aloud and answer the questions

The Pet Hen

Pat has a pet hen.

The hen is red.
The hen is fat.
Pat's hen has 10 eggs.
The eggs are in the nest.

1. Who has a pet?

2. What is his pet?
3. What color is the hen?
4. What is fat?
5. What does the hen have?
6. How many are the eggs?

Lesson 18
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns we and they?

We Can Do It
Class Sharing:
I will show you pictures of different families
doing different things. Choose one picture and tell
something about what the members of the family
are doing. Don't forget to use the pronoun they.

We Can Do It

Reading Short Stories

Read the short story. Answer the questions that

Dan's Bag

Dan has a bag.

The bag has a tag.
The tag is in the bag.
The bag is on the bed.

1. Who has a bag?

2. What does the bag have?
3. Where is the tag?
4. Where is the bag?
5. Draw Dan's bag in your notebook.

I Can Do It
Read the short story. Answer the questions that
follow. Write the letter of the correct answer
in your notebook.

The Fat Man

Dan is a man.
Dan is a fat man.
He has a hat.
Dan is in the car.

1. Who is the man?
a. Dan
b. Jed
c. Ram
2. What does Dan have?
a. ham
b. hat
c. hit
3. Where is Dan?
a. van
b. car
c. cat
4. Draw Dan in your notebook.

Lesson 19
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns we and they?
How about he, she, or it?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Complete the sentence
by adding we and they. I will read the sentences
for you.

The pupils are having

_____ are eating together.

Rob and Red are brothers.
_____ like reading

My sister and I like to

______ dance every

The kites are flying high.

______ are very colorful.

My friends and I like

walking by the beach.
_______ also like to play

We Can Do It

Reading Stories
Read the stories aloud. Choose the correct answer.

Jack's Net
Jack has a net.
The net fell.
Jack's net fell in the well.
The net is wet.
1. Who has a net?

Jack Len Gran

2. Where did the net fall?

3. What happened to the net?

I Can Do It
Read the short story. Answer the questions that
follow. Write the answers in your notebook.

The Pens

Den has pens.

He has ten pens.
Den's pens are red.
The pens are in a bag.

1. Who has pens?

_____ has pens.
2. How many pens are the pens?
There are ____ pens.
3. What color are the pens?
The pens are _____.
4. Where are the pens?
The pens are in a ____.

Lesson 20
Let's Try
Listen to my story.

Family Dinner

Mother prepared dinner. She is cooking

adobo, pinakbet, and rice. Mary helped her
mother in the kitchen. Michael helped set the
table. When Mother finished cooking, Mother
told Mary to call her father. Father, Mother,
Mary, and Michael sat at the table to eat
dinner. When dinner was over, Mary cleaned
up the table and Michael did the dishes.

Answer the questions about the short story.

1. Who cooked dinner?
2. What did she cook?
3. Who helped her in the kitchen?
4. Who ate dinner together?
5. What did Mary do after dinner?
6. How about Michael?
7. What can you say about their family?
Look at the pictures as I read the sentences.
Write 1, 2, and 3 according to the correct sequence.

Michael washed the dishes after dinner.

Mother cooked adobo, pinakbet,

and rice.

The family ate dinner together.

We Can Do It
Read the story and answer the questions.

Ren's Cat

Ren has a cat.

The cat has a bell.
The cat is on the mat.
The cat ran after the rat.
1. Who has a cat?
a. Ren
b. Ben
c. Den
2. What does the cat have?
a. pen
b. hat
c. bell
3. Where is the cat?
a. van
b. car
c. mat
4. What did the cat do?
a. sat
b. ran
c. fell

Let's Answer
Look at the picture. Write 3 sentences about the
picture. Write your sentences in your notebook.

Week 5: Welcome Home

Lesson 21
Let's Try
Let's talk about your older brother or sister.
How many of you have older brothers and sisters.
Do you want to be like them? Why?
Say: “I am _____. My older brother / sister is _____.
I want to be like him / her because ____.”

Get Set
Listen as I read the sentences. Choose the correct

1. My cousin Joshua studies in a university. It is

a big school with many buildings. You see a lot
of college students in a university.
What do you do in a university?
study play swim

2. Bambi is now a college student. One becomes

a college student after finishing high school.
When do you become a college student?
a. after grade school
b. after high school
c. after kinder

Let’s Recall
Do you know of somebody who is away from home?
Why is he / she away?

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
Who is away for a long time?

Listen as I read the story.

Welcome Home

Nanay Ester is busy preparing food for lunch

when I came home from school. It seems that
a visitor is coming because it looks like she
is preparing more food than our usual lunch.
“Do we have a visitor, Nanay?” I asked,
“Is somebody coming over for lunch?”
“Your Ate Adel is coming home!” Nanay
excitedly answered.
Ate Adel is my oldest sister. She studied
in a big university in the city after finishing
high school here in Pangasinan.

“Is school finished for her, Nanay?”
I asked again.
“Yes it is,” Nanay said. “She already
graduated from college, and she wants to go
back to work here in the province!”
“Yipee!” I shouted. “It seems like a long time
when she left home to study college.
I'm so excited to have her back home!”
A little later, there was a knock on the door.
I excitedly opened the door. When I opened
the door, I saw Ate Adel with a smile on her
face and holding a big bag.
“Ate!” I shouted, “I missed you! I'm so glad
you're back!”
“I missed you too, Tonio!” she said with a
hug, “I'm glad to be back home too.”
“Congratulations, Ate!” I said, “Nanay said
you graduated from college. Is college hard,
“Thank you,” Ate Adel started, “College
is not easy, Tonio, but it sure was fun!”
“When I get bigger, I want to study college
in the city too!” I said. “And when I graduate,
I'm going back home to work here too!
Just like you!”
“That's nice, Tonio,” she answered back.
“You can sure do that if you study hard.”

“Hmmm!” Ate Adel said, “I think I smell
kare-kare! Is Nanay cooking my favorite food
for lunch?”
I nodded and we went straight
to the kitchen where Nanay was.

Listen to my questions and try to answer them.

1. Who is coming home after a long time?
2. What's the name of the mother?
3. What was she doing?
4. Why is she cooking?
5. Why was she cooking kare-kare?
6. What does this say about Nanay?
7. Why was Ate Adel away for a long time?
8. Why is she back?
9. What can you say about her decision to work
in the province?
10. How did Tonio feel about his sister's decision?
11. What made you say that?
12. If you were Tonio, what gift can you give your
big sister as a graduation gift? Draw your answer
in your notebook.

Lesson 22
Let's Recall
In our story yesterday, who owns the small school
bag? Who owns the big bag?

Let's Aim

The Pronouns Mine and Yours

Listen as I read some sentences that Adel said.

1. This bag belongs to me.

2. This bag is mine.
3. This school bag belongs to you.
4. This bag is yours.

Adel Tonio

Who is the one speaking here? Who is she speaking

1. In sentence 1, to whom does the bag belong
2. In sentence 2, what word was used to show that
the bag belongs to the speaker?
3. In sentence 3, to whom does the school bag
belong to?
4. In sentence 4, what word was used to show that
the bag belongs to the one spoken to?

Remember This
The pronoun mine is used to show that
something belongs to the speaker.
Example: The pencil belongs to me.
The pencil is mine.

The pronoun yours is used to show that

something belongs to the one spoken to.
Example: The eraser belongs to you.
The eraser is yours.

We Can Do It
Work in pairs. Put four things that belong to you
on a table. Your partner will do the same. Each one
will speak one at a time by telling each other whom
each object belongs to.
Example: This notebook belongs to you. It is yours.
This ruler belongs to me. It is mine.

Let's Aim

Reading Words with Short i

Listen as I read the sentences.
1. Tonio has a pin on his bag.
2. Adel threw her thrash in the bin.
3. Nanay gave the baby a bib.
4. There is a big bowl of kare-kare on the table.
5. The baby is sick.

Answer the questions. Write your answers
in your notebook.
1. What does Tonio have on his bag?
2. Where did Adel throw the trash?
3. What did Nanay give the baby?
4. How does the bowl look like?
5. What happened to the baby?

What do you notice with the words you wrote?

What sound do you hear in the middle of the letters?

Let us read some more words with short i. Teacher

will discuss the meaning of the words with you.

-it -in -ip -ill -ig -ick -ib

bit bin rip bill dig sick rib
fit fin sip gill jig lick bib
sit pin tip mill pig pick
tin till wick
win kill kick

We Can Do It
Read the word cards. Choose the correct picture
of the word that you read from the board.

Word cards: kick, bib, bin, sip, rib, tip, fin

I Can Do It
Choose the correct word for each picture.

1. bib dig bat

2. pat peg pig

3. tin tan ten

4. bat bet bit

5. rip sip tip

Let's Answer
Group Game:
I will show you a picture one at a time.
Choose a group mate who will spell the words
on the board.
Lesson 23
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns mine and yours?

We Can Do It
In front of the class, place two things that belong to
you. Each one will go in front and choose an object.
If the object belongs to you, make a sentence
stating that it belongs to you. Don't forget to use the
pronoun mine.
If the object does not belong to you, go to your
classmate and make a sentence stating that the
object belongs to your classmate. Don't forget to
use the pronoun yours.

I Can Do It
Listen as I read the sentences. Complete
the sentences by adding mine or yours.
1. The new book belongs to me. This is ____.
2. The sandwich is given to you. That sandwich
is _____.
3. I bought a red ballpen. This ballpen is ____.
4. Those socks belong to you. Those socks
are ____.

We Can Do It

Reading Words with i

Each one of you will get a word card with short i.
Read the word card aloud. Look for the picture
that shows the word in your card from the board.
Post the word card beside its correct picture.

I Can Do It
Read the words with short i. Choose the
correct picture.






Lesson 24
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns mine and yours?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the sentences.
Complete the sentence by adding mine or yours.

My mother gave me this book.

This book is ____.

Nanay, this flower is for you.

This is ____.

This is my favorite dress.

This dress is _____.

This is my test yesterday.

This star is ____.

This milk is for you.
This milk is _____.

We Can Do It

Reading Words with Short a, e, and i

Look at the pictures. Provide the missing letter
for each picture. Write the words in your notebook.

p__n p__n p__n

b__g b__g b__g

t__g t__n t__n

b__t b__t m__t

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Write the correct word
for each picture. Choose your answer from the box.
Do this in your notebook.

bag rat fin

bin rib fan
bell rip sick

Lesson 25
Let's Try
Listen to my story.

Balikbayan Box

Last night, a big package was delivered to

our house. It's a balikbayan box! It came from
Kuya Caloy who works in Canada. It contains
lots of things that Kuya Caloy sent us. Mother
slowly opened the big box to find out what are
inside. Each object inside the box has a tag
with a name. Mother slowly looked at all the
things inside and read the names one by one:

school bag: Peter perfume: Nanay

belt: Tatay lotion: Tita Puring
chocolates: Timmy wallet: Ate Nena

Answer the questions about the short story.

1. What was delivered to the house?
2. From whom is the box?

3. Where did it come from?
4. Who opened the box?
5. What are inside the box?

Draw in your notebook the objects found in the

balikbayan box. Label the objects with the names
of the person who is getting the object.

We Can Do It
Listen as I read the sentences in the dialogue bubble.
Complete the sentences by writing mine or yours.
Don't forget to look at the name of the person
who is talking.

This perfume is ______.

This belt is _________.

Nanay Tatay

The chocolates are ____.

This bag is ______.

Peter Timmy

The lotion is ______.
This wallet is _______.

Tita Puring Ate Nena

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Provide the missing letters
of each word. Write the words in your notebook.

___a___ ___e___ ___i___

___e___ ___i___ ___a___

___i___ ___a___ ___e___

___a___ ___e___ ___i___

Let's Answer
Look at the pictures. Write the correct word
in your notebook.

Week 6: A New Baby

Lesson 26
Let's Try
Do you have a younger brother or sister? What do
you do together?

Say: “I am ______. I have a younger brother / sister.

His / Her name is _____.
I like _____ with him / her.”

Get Set
Listen as I read the words. Match the word
with the picture on the right.


watch over


Let’s Recall
Do you remember how you felt when you saw
your younger brother / sister for the first time?

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
What Mateo and Andrea felt when they met
the new baby.

Listen as I read the story.

A New Baby

Mang Paolo and Aling Sarah just came

home from the hospital today. They came
home with the new baby. They already have
two children, Mateo and Andrea, who are very
excited to see the new member of the family.
“It's so small!” was the first thing Mateo said
when he saw the baby for the first time.

“Were we that small when we were babies
too, Mama?” Andrea asked while curiously
checking out the small feet of the baby.
“Yes, anak,” Aling Sarah answered, “and in
time, Baby Mika will grow up just like you too.”
“But we need to help Mama take care
of the baby,” Mang Paolo said. “She cannot
do it alone.”
“I can watch over her while she's sleeping,”
Mateo started, “Mama can do other things
while I watch over Mika.”
“I can help fold the clothes of Baby Mika
after Manang Nelda washes them,”
said Andrea. “Mama said I am very good
in folding clothes.”
“That's a very good start!” Aling Sarah
happily said. “I know I will not have a hard time
when I have little helpers like you.”
“They are more than just little helpers,”
Mang Paolo said. “They are Big Brother Mateo
and Big Sister Andrea.

Listen to my questions and try to answer them.

1. Who came home from the hospital?
2. Who did they come home with?
3. Who saw the baby for the first time?
4. How did they feel when they saw the baby?
5. What did Mateo say?
6. Why do you think he said that?
7. What did Mang Paolo say about taking care
of the baby?

8. Why do you think he said that?
9. How did Mateo want to help?
10. How did Andrea want to help?
11. Do you think they can do that?
12. Why is it important to help?
13. If you were the older brother or sister
of Baby Mika, how would you help Mother
take care of the baby? Draw your answer
in your notebook.

Lesson 27

Let's Recall
In our story, do you remember how Mateo
and Andrea wanted to help take care of Baby Mika?

Let's Aim

Predicting Outcomes
Listen as I read the sentences that happened
in the story. Think of an answer to the question
that I will ask after every sentence.

Mateo will help by watching over Baby Mika

while she is sleeping.
1. What other things can his mother do while
Mateo is doing this?
2. What do you think will his father feel when
Mateo is doing this?
3. What made you give these answers?
Andrea will help by folding the clothes
of Baby Mika.
1. How do you think will Baby Mika's clothes look
like when Andrea folds them?
2. What made you give this answer?

Remember This
Predicting outcomes is telling / guessing what
will happen next in a story.
You can make a guess by:
1. Looking for clues in the story.
2. Understanding events by the pictures.

Let's Recall
In our story, who are the new big brother
and new big sister?

Let's Aim

The Pronouns His and Hers

Listen as I read some sentences.
Kuya Mateo has toys.
The toy truck is his.
Ate Andrea has books.
The red book is hers.
1. In sentence 1, to whom does the toys belong?
2. In sentence 2, to whom does the toy truck
belong? Is Kuya Mateo a boy or a girl?
What word was used to show that the toy
belongs to him?
3. In sentence 3, to whom does the books belong?
4. In sentence 4, to whom does the red book
belong? Is Ate Andrea a boy or a girl?
What word was used to show that the toy
belongs to her?

Remember This
The pronoun his is used to show that
something belongs to a boy being talked
about in the sentence.
Example: Uncle Tony has a new shirt.
The blue new shirt is his.

The pronoun hers is used to show that

something belongs to a girl being talked
about in the sentence.
Example: Mrs. Martinez has a new plant.
The sampaguita plant is hers.

We Can Do It
Work with a partner. Lend your pencil to your partner
as he / she does the same.

Group Sharing:
In front of the class, show your classmates the pencil
and tell the group whom the pencil belongs.
Example: I am _____. This pencil belongs to ______.
It is his / hers.

Let's Aim

Reading Phrases with Short e, a, and i

Listen as I read the phrases. Look at the picture
beside the phrases.

dig a pit

rip a bib

sick Tim

ten pins

Try to read the phrases on your own out loud.

Were you able to read all the phrases?
We Can Do It
Read the phrases. Choose the correct picture
for each phrase.

six bibs

a fat pig

a big bib

wet lips

lid on a jar

Lesson 28
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns his and hers?

We Can Do It
Class Sharing:
On a piece of paper, draw an object that your
father owns and an object that your mother owns.
Show it in class and construct a sentence about
each object. Don't forget to use the pronouns his
and hers.
Example: This comb belongs to my father. It is his.
This apron belongs to my mother. It is hers.

We Can Do It

Reading Phrases
Look at the picture. Complete the phrases by writing
the correct word in your notebook.

a big _____

six ______

a lid on a _____

a big ____

I Can Do It
Read the phrases. Match the correct picture
with each phrase.

set of six bibs

ten tin cans

lid on a bin

dig a pit

rip a mat

Lesson 29
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns mine, yours, his, and
What do these pronouns show?

I Can Do It

Reading Stories
Look at the pictures and listen as I read the
sentences. Complete the sentences by writing
the correct pronoun (his, hers, mine, yours). Do this
in your notebook.

1. Mother bought me a nice

balloon. This balloon is _____.

2. Mang Hector caught a big fish.

That fish is _____.

3. Kuya JR has a new favorite
book. That new book is _____.

4. Inay has a big pan that she

uses when she cooks. That
pan is ____.

5. I have a gift for you on your

birthday. This gift is _____.

We Can Do It

Reading Phrases
Read the phrases out loud. Answer the question
I will ask about the phrase.
1. six wet bibs
What is wet?

2. pig on the mat
Where is the pig?
3. red lips
What are red?
4. a red wig
What is red?
5. a mad kid
Who is mad?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Write a phrase about
each picture. Choose your answer from the box.
Do this in your notebook.

tip of a pen in the pit sit on the bed

a big wig bib of the kid hit the bin

Let's Answer
Look at each picture. Write a phrase about
each picture. Do it in your notebook.

Lesson 30
We Can Do It

Predicting Outcomes
Listen as I read the sentences on the left. Draw a line
to connect the idea on the left to the picture that
will most likely happen.

The sky is dark.

Ryan eats a lot.

The pupils study

their lesson well.

The children keep

their toys in proper places.

I Can Do It
Listen as I read the sentences. Write the letter that
tells what will happen next.
1. Joel jumped out of bed and looked at the
clock. “Oh! I'm late,” he said. He dressed up as
fast as he could. Then he took his cap and
basketball and went out of the house.
a. Joel is late for the church.
b. Joel was going to watch a baseball game.
c. Joel was going to play basketball.
2. Dandy knew that they will have a quiz in
Science the next day. But instead of reviewing,
he watched TV until midnight.
a. Dandy forgot to turn off the TV.
b. Dandy failed the Science test.
c. Dandy invited his classmates to watch TV.
3. Isabel likes eating candy. She eats candies in
the morning and at noon. Before going to
sleep, she still eats candies.
a. Isabel has perfectly white teeth.
b. Isabel has a toothache.
c. Isabel is always hungry.

I Can Do It

Reading Phrases
Look at the pictures. Complete the phrases by giving
the missing words on the blanks. Write the complete
phrases in your notebook.

a _____ and a _____

a _____ and a _____

a _____ and a _____

Let's Answer
Read the phrases. Look at the pictures and write
the correct phrase for each. Do this in your

a rat and a cat a sad kid ten tin cans

dig a pit bin with a lid a bib with a pin

Week 7: A Different Family

Lesson 31
Let's Try
Draw and tell. What is something that makes
your family special? Draw it in a piece of paper.
Tell the class something about your drawing.
Say: “I am _____. My family is special
because _____.”

Get Set
Listen as I read the sentences. Choose the picture
of the correct answer.
1. We keep our pictures in a photo album.
Which of the following is a picture
of a photo album?

2. Randy broke his leg in a terrible car accident.

Which of the following is a picture
of a car accident?

Let’s Recall
Do you know someone who has a different family
form? For example, the mother out of the country
and the grandmother takes care of the children.

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
How is Karlo's family different.

Listen as I read the story.

A Different Family

Aling Judy came home early from work

today. She was surprised to see her son, Karlo,
on the floor surrounded by pictures from his
photo album. Karlo seems to be looking for
a picture, and he also seems so sad.
“What's the matter, Karlo?” Aling Judy
“Ms. Cruz gave us an assignment. She told
us to bring a family picture tomorrow.”
answered Karlo.

“We have a lot of family pictures there,”
Aling Judy said. “All you have to do is choose.”
“Don't we have a picture with Papa?” Karlo
Aling Judy was a little surprised with Karlo's
question. Karlo's Papa died in an car accident
when Karlo was a baby.
“Karlo, we didn't get a chance to have
our picture taken when your father was still
alive.” Aling Judy simply said.
“But Ms. Cruz told us to bring a picture of our
whole family.” Karlo answered .
“Our family is still a whole family, Karlo.
We still have Ate Sam, Kuya Miguel, you, and
me. We live together and we love each other.
That's what a family is all about.”
Karlo now understood. He chose a picture
of his family taking a vacation in Bohol.

Listen to my questions and try to answer them.

1. Who came home early?
2. Who did she see?
3. What is Karlo doing?
4. Why does he need it?
5. Why do you think Aling Judy asked the question,
“What's the matter?”
6. Why is Karlo sad?
7. What was he looking for?
8. Why don't they have a complete family picture?
9. What happened to Karlo's father?
10. How is Karlo's family different?

11. Do you still consider Karlo's family a whole
family? Why?
12. What does your family look like?

Paste your family picture in your notebook.

If you don't have a picture of your family,
draw the members of your family.

Lesson 32

Let's Recall
In our story yesterday, do you remember what
Ms. Cruz asked the class to bring?

Let's Aim

Following Directions
Listen as I read the sentence from the story,
look at the picture.

Ms. Cruz: Bring a family picture tomorrow.

Did the boy in the picture follow Ms. Cruz?
How can you tell?

Let's have a game and see if you can follow

my directions.
Everybody get your English book.
Line up by height.
Sit on the floor.
Stand beside your chair.
Keep your book inside your bag.

Remember This
In school, it is very important to follow directions.

Let's Recall
In our story yesterday, who needs to bring a family

Let's Aim

The Pronouns Ours and Theirs

Listen as I read some sentences.

1. This is a picture of my family and me in Bohol.

2. This is our picture.
3. These other pictures belong to my friends.
4. These pictures are theirs.

In sentence 1, to whom does the picture belong?
In sentence 2, to whom does the picture belong?
What word was used to show that the picture
belongs to them?
In sentence 3, to whom does the other pictures
In sentence 4, what word was used to show that the
other pictures belong to friends?

Remember This
The pronoun ours is used to show
that something belongs to the speaker,
when the speaker is more than one.
Father bought ice cream for my brothers and I.
The chocolate ice cream is ours.

The pronoun theirs is used to show that

something belongs to people, animals, and
objects when they are more than one.
The pupils of grade have new chairs inside the
classroom. The chairs are theirs.

We Can Do It
Look at the picture. Listen as I read the sentences.
Complete the pictures by adding ours and theirs.

We are Yumi and Yana.

These bags are ____.

These are our puppies.

The milk bowls are _____.

The playground is for the children.

The playground is _____.

Father gave us flowers.
These flowers are _____.

Let's Aim

Reading Sentences with Short i

Let's read the sentences together. Try to answer
the questions.

1. Tim's bib has a rip.

What has a rip?
What does the bib have?

2. The pig is on a hill.

Where is the pig?
What is on the hill?

3. The wig is big.

What is big?
Is the wig small?

4. Sam's lips are red.
What are red?
Whose lips are red?

5. The bin has a lid.

What has a lid?
What does the bin have?

Try to read the story on your own out loud. Were you
able to read all sentences? Were you able to answer
all questions?

We Can Do It
Read the sentences and choose the letter
of the correct answer.

1. Sam is sick.

Who is sick?
a. Sam b. Pam c. Sim

2. The bib has a pin.

What has a pin?

a. lid b. bib c. pat

3. Len has six pens.

Who has six pens?

a. Lina b. Len c. Ben

4. The cat is in the pit.

Where is the cat?

a. pit b. mat c. pet

5. Jim has a pet rat.

Who has a pet rat?

a. Jen b. Sam c. Jim

6. Min is a fat cat.

Who is a fat cat?

a. fat b. cat c. Min

Lesson 33
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns ours and theirs?

We Can Do It
Look at the pictures and listen as I read the
sentences. Fill in the blanks with ours or theirs.

1. My sister and I wrote a nice

That story is ____.

2. The children got mangoes

from the tree.
The mangoes are ______.

3. We got a new cage for our

pet rats.
The cage is _____.

4. My friends and I cooked

pancakes for breakfast.
The pancakes are _____.

5. Our neighbors have lots of

The plants are _____.

We Can Do It

Reading Sentences
Read the sentences. Answer the questions.
Write the answer in your notebook.
1. The cat is on the hill.
What is on the hill?
Where is the cat?
2. The jar has a lid.
What has a lid?
What does the jar have?
3. The wig is on the bed.
What is on the bed?
Where is the wig?
4. Tom's bag is big,
Who has a bag?
What is big?
5. Pat digs a pit.
Who digs a pit?
What does Pat dig?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Read the sentences.
Complete the sentences by writing the correct word
in your notebook.

1. The _____ is big.

2. The ____ is on the bed.

3. The mat has a ____.

4. The _____ is wet.

5. A rat is in a _____.

Lesson 34
Let's Recall
When do we use the pronouns ours and theirs?
How about his and hers?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the sentences.
Complete the sentence by adding his, hers, ours,
and theirs.

1. Dad made my sister a sandwich.

That sandwich is _____.

2. Jack received a gift for

his birthday.
That gift is ____.

3. The twins are looking at the

The album is ____.

4. The man has a hat.

That old hat is ____.

5. My brother and I share

an umbrella.
This umbrella is ____.

Let's Aim

Reading Stories with a, e, and i

Let's read the short story together.


Tim is kid.
He has a bib.
Tim is on the bed.

1. Who is a kid?
2. What does Tim have?
3. Where is Tim?

Try to read the story on your own out loud.

Were you able to read all sentences? Were you able
to answer all questions?

We Can Do It
Read the story aloud. Choose the correct answer.

The Big Pig

Jig is a pig.
He is a big pig.
Jig fell in a pit.

What is Jig?

What kind of pig is Jig?

Where is Jig?

I Can Do It
Read the short story. Answer the questions that
follow. Write your answers in your notebook.

Jin's Pins

Jin has pins.

He has six pins.
The pins are in the bag.

1. Who has pins?
______ has pins.
2. How many pins does he have?
He has _____ pins.
3. Where are the pins?
The pins are in the _____.

Lesson 35
Let's Try
Listen to my story. Try to follow directions that I give
while reading the story.

Visit to the Zoo

One Saturday, my family and I went

to the zoo.
Joey and I were so excited for it was
our first time to go and visit the zoo. We saw
different kinds of birds, monkeys swinging
on trees, and giraffes, the animal with
the longest neck.

Can you fly like a bird?
Everybody, act like a monkey.
The zoo keeper was busy cleaning
the cage of the elephant. After a while,
we went in front of the cage of the lion.
Father told us how ferocious and strong
lions are. We listened to him attentively.
It was such a wonderful day.
Can you walk like an elephant?
Everybody, roar like a lion.
We did not want to leave the zoo,
but there were many more things that we had
to do at home. Mother promised to take us
again and see the beauty of the zoo.

1. Who went to the zoo?

2. What animals did they see?
3. How do you think the children feel while
in the zoo?
4. What made you say that?

We Can Do It
Read the story and answer the questions.

Din's Bag

Din has a bag.

The bag is in the car.
The bag has a tag and a pin.

1. Who has a bag?
a. Jim b. Din c. Dan
2. Where is the bag?
a. car b. cat c. can
3. What does the bag have?
a. rag and tin c. pen and wig
b. tag and pin

Let's Answer
Look at the picture. Write three sentences about
the picture. Write your sentences in your notebook.

Week 8: Brothers for Life

Lesson 36
Let's Try
Group Sharing:
Let's talk about your brothers and sisters. Do you like
having brothers and sisters? Why?
Say: “I like having brothers and sisters because ____.”
Get Set
Listen as I read the sentences. Choose the picture
of the correct answer.
1. I always see my classmates quarrel. They often
shout at each other when they are quarrelling.
Which of these pictures show children who

2. The boys ride a boat while catching fish

by the river.

Let’s Recall
Do you sometimes fight with your brother or sister?
What do you fight about?

Let's Aim
In the story that I will read, find out:
Why the brothers fight with each other.

Listen as I read the story.

Brothers for Life

In a village near the river lives a family

with three sons, Miguel, Mateo, and Lucas.
These brothers quarrel about everything!
Whose turn it is to wash the dishes, whose turn
it is to feed the dogs, whose turn is it to sit
beside Mother, and many other things. Even
if they always argue, Father always tells them
that whenever they go out of the house, the
three of them should always stay together.
One day, Mother asked the three brothers
to look for malunggay leaves that she would
need to cook dinner. The three brothers went
out together to the river shore where there
are a lot of malunggay trees. They were
quarelling as usual, who will be holding the
leaves, who will be searching for the trees,
who will be getting the leaves from the trees,
and it goes on and on.

On the way home, after collecting the
leaves, the youngest brother, Lucas,
accidentally slipped from the river shore.
He fell in the river, but quickly held on
to the small branch attached to a tree.

“Lucas!” Miguel cried out, “hold on!

Don't let go!”

Without even being told, Mateo held on

to a bigger branch and stretched out his
body. Miguel held on to Mateo's legs and
stretched out his body so that Lucas can hold
on to his legs. Quickly, but carefully, Lucas
held on to Miguel's legs until he was able to
climb out of the river. The two older brothers
quickly climbed out of the river too.
Without saying a word to one another,
they all looked at each other, and gave one
another the tightest hug they ever shared!

Listen to my questions and try to answer them.

1. What do the brothers always do?
2. Why do you think they always quarrel?
3. What do they fight about?
4. Are you the same with your brothers and sisters?
5. What did their father tell them? Why do you
think he said that?
6. What did Mother need for cooking?
7. Where did the brothers go to get it?
8. What happened to them by the river?

9. What lesson do you think did this teach the
10. How would you show that you learned
this lesson?

Lesson 37
Let's Recall
In our story yesterday, who were always quarrelling?

Let's Aim

The Use of This and That

Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the sentences.

1. This is our father.

He is Mang Oscar.

2. That is our house.

I live there with my old
father and my brothers.

In sentence 1, who is the lad referring to?

How many is he pointing to? Where is the old man?
What word did he use to show that the old man
is near him?
In sentence 2, what is the lad referring to?
How many is he pointing to? Where is the house?
What word did he use to show that the house
is far from him?

Remember This
We use this when the speaker is near one
person, animal, or object.
We use that when pointing to one person,
animal, or object.

We Can Do It
Choose a partner. Look around you. Tell your
partner about the things you see using this and that.

Let's Aim

Reading Words
Look at the pictures and try to read the words.

sister dinner

lizard bitter

bigger napkin

kitten zipper

We Can Do It
Read the words and match the words
with the correct picture.






Lesson 38
Let's Recall
When do we use this and that?
Can you give an example of sentences using this
and that?

We Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the sentences.
Write this or that to complete the sentences. Do this
in your notebook.

1. ____ hat is big for me.

2. Look! ____ is a falling star.

3. Is ____ sandwich delicious?

4. ____ is a heavy book bag.

5. ____ boy will jump into the


6. ____ is a deep swimming pool.

7. ____ is not my water bottle.

8. ____ is the notebook I want.

We Can Do It

Reading Sentences
Read the sentences. Answer the questions.
Write the answers in your notebook.
1. Rita has a red napkin.
Who has a napkin?
What color is the napkin?
2. Martin is in the market.
Who is in the market?
Where is Martin?
3. Darlin sets for dinner.
Who sets for dinner?
What does Darlin set?
4. A big lizard fell.
What fell?
What kind of lizard is it?
5. Ester has a sister.
Who has a sister?
What does Ester have?

I Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Read the sentences. Complete
the sentences by writing the correct word
on the blank. Do this in your notebook.

1. The ____ is on the mat.

2. Minda has a ____.

3. The bag has a _____.

4. Minnie is my _____.

5. The ham is in a _____.

Lesson 39
Let's Aim

The Use of These and Those

Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the sentences.

1. These are my barbecue

I will use these
to cook later.

2. Those are my brothers.
We used to quarrel a lot.

In sentence 1, what is the girl referring to? How many

is she pointing to? Where are the barbecue sticks?
What word did she use to show that the barbecue
sticks are near her?

In sentence 2, what is the lad referring to? How many

is he pointing to? Where are his brothers? What
word did he use to show that his brothers are near

Remember This
We use these when
the speaker is holding
or near two or more
persons, animals, or

We use those when

the speaker is pointing
to two or more
persons, animals, or

We Can Do It
Choose a partner. Go to the school ground or
garden or look outside. Talk about the things you see
using these and those.

Let's Aim

Reading Stories
Let's read the short story together.

Kim's Kittens

Kim has kittens.

She has six kittens.
The kittens are on her bed.

1. Who has kittens?

2. How many kittens does she have?
3. Where are the kittens?

Try to read the story on your own out loud.

Were you able to read all sentences? Were you able
to answer all questions?

We Can Do It
Read the story aloud. Check the correct answer.

Betty Helps

Betty helps Dad.

She helps set for dinner.
Dad is happy.

1. Who does Betty help?

2. How does Betty help?

3. How does Dad feel?

I Can Do It
Read the short story. Answer the questions that
follow. Write your answers in your notebook.

Lina's Bag

Lina has a bag.

She has a big red bag.
Lina's bag has a zipper.

1. Who has a bag?
______ has a bag.
2. What color is her bag?
She has a _____ bag.
3. What does Lina's bag have?
Lina's bag has a ______.

Lesson 40
Let's Try
Listen as I recite the chant. Try to recite with me.

Near or Far
by Elisa O. Cerveza

Near or far
Far or near
Here and there
There and here
One or two
Three or more
Want to know
What's here
And there
This or that
These or those
Please let me know.

We Can Do It
Look at the pictures. Listen as I read the sentences.
Write these or those to complete the sentences.

1. Are ____ toys yours?

2. _____ toys are from my


3. Are ____ dolls on top of the

shelf yours?

4. Oh, ____ are my sister's dolls.

She got them on her birthday.

5. _____ are small cars.

6. Oh, _____ are my father's toy

car collection.

7. ______ are new dolls.

8. _____ are my father's favorite.

I Can Do It

Reading Stories
Read the short story. Answer the questions that

Liz the Lizard

Liz is a lizard.
She is a big lizard.
Liz fell in a pit.

1. What is Liz?
2. What kind of lizard is she?
3. Where did Liz fall?

Draw Liz in your notebook.

Let's Answer
Look at the picture. Write 3 sentences about
the picture. Write your sentences in your notebook.


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