Electroencephalography Signatures of Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder: Clinical Utility

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Electroencephalography signatures of attention-

deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical utility
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment
22 October 2015
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Guzmán Alba 1 Abstract: The techniques and the most important results on the use of electroencephalography
Ernesto Pereda 2 (EEG) to extract different measures are reviewed in this work, which can be clinically useful to
Soledad Mañas 3 study subjects with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). First, we discuss briefly and
Leopoldo D Méndez 3 in simple terms the EEG analysis and processing techniques most used in the context of ADHD.
Almudena González 1 We review techniques that both analyze individual EEG channels (univariate measures) and
study the statistical interdependence between different EEG channels (multivariate measures),
Julián J González 1
the so-called functional brain connectivity. Among the former ones, we review the classical
Physiology Unit, Health Sciences
indices of absolute and relative spectral power and estimations of the complexity of the channels,
Faculty (S Medicine), 2Department
of Industrial Engineering, School such as the approximate entropy and the Lempel-Ziv complexity. Among the latter ones, we
of Engineering and Technology, focus on the magnitude square coherence and on different measures based on the concept of
University of La Laguna, 3Clinical
Neurophysiology Unit, University
generalized synchronization and its estimation in the state space. Second, from a historical
Hospital La Candelaria, Tenerife, Spain point of view, we present the most important results achieved with these techniques and their
clinical utility (sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy) to diagnose ADHD. Finally, we propose
future research lines based on these results.
Keywords: EEG, ADHD, power spectrum, functional connectivity, clinical assessment

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is recognized as a dysfunction char-
acterized by symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. In 1992, the
World Health Organization recognized the ADHD as a clinical entity in the Interna-
tional Classification of Diseases, tenth edition (ICD-10). This pathology is defined as
ADHD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV Text Revision
(DSM IV-TR) along with its three subtypes (inattentive, hyperactive, and combined).
Currently, ADHD is characterized by the criteria outlined in the DSM-IV-TR and
DSM-V.1,2 These criteria are used for the diagnosis through functional cognitive tests
and observations of the behavior.
Longstanding issues affecting the current diagnostic process include the subjec-
tivity of ADHD symptoms, the irregular correlation between parents and teachers
diagnostic classification scales, and the overlap of attention and behavioral symp-
toms with other disorders.3 In fact, Snyder et al reported, based on the results of their
own work and on a review made by them during 10 years, that the accuracy of the
Correspondence: Julián J González behavioral classification scales range between 47% and 79%, which clearly affects
Physiology Unit, Health Sciences Faculty their clinical validity.4
(U Medicine), University of La Laguna,
Carretera La Cuesta-Taco, s/n, 38071 La Neurophysiological measures could help solving this problem because ADHD
Laguna, Tenerife, Spain is largely related to neurophysiological impairments. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Tel +34 922 319 357
Fax +34 922 319 397 measurements have been widely used in neurophysiology due to their easy implementa-
Email [email protected] tion in low cost recording machines. These facts make these techniques attractive for

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the current diagnostic protocol. In addition, there are many the system that generates the EEG signals, as well as those
relevant results based on EEG studies that explain and clarify assuming its nonlinear nature. Then, we will review the
different aspects about ADHD. results obtained with these techniques and the most relevant
Neuroanatomical5–7 and functional connectivity (FC) findings in relation to their clinical utility for the diagnosis
alterations8–11 have been reported in ADHD using image of ADHD.
analysis (positron emission tomography, fMRI, etc). Execu-
tive attention and/or reward-motivational network altera- EEG techniques for ADHD
tions have been reported in some fMRI ADHD studies.11,12 assessment
It seems reasonable that such changes are also apparent in Univariate measures
the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex (EEG) and in Linear approach
EEG FC between cortical areas. The univariate and mul- The first quantitative EEG studies on ADHD were published
tivariate EEG measurements described later may be thus in the last years of the 70s of the past century, when the
modified in patients with ADHD, as happens with the fMRI computational algorithm of fast Fourier transform (FFT) was
measurements, and may also be related to the symptoms of introduced. The FFT very efficiently estimates the spectral
ADHD. content of a signal as a sum of orthogonal sine and cosine
In this review, we aim at explaining, in a way accessible waves (harmonics) of different frequencies up to half the
to readers who are not familiar with the field (but hopefully sampling frequency of the data. Thus, it allows computing
also in a way useful to experts), the EEG measures most the power spectral density (PSD) of an EEG, a measure that
commonly used in the context of ADHD. These measures estimates in which frequency bands the power or energy of
have been divided into two types: those stemming from the the signal is concentrated (Figure 1A and B). The PSD is
individual analysis of the EEG channels (univariate mea- considered a reflection of the local synchronized synaptic
sures) and those analyzing the interdependence or statistical activity of the cortical and subcortical neuronal areas next
correlation between different EEG channels (multivariate to a channel/electrode.
measures), used to estimate the FC between different corti- In the EEG, the classical frequency bands most com-
cal areas. In turn, within these two groups of EEG measures, monly studied are, from lowest to highest frequencies, delta
we will review both, those that assume the linear nature of (0.1–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), beta (14–30 Hz),


[ W 

\ W
[ W \ W

   +]    +]

[ Nτ \ Nτ
3[ 3\

   +]    +] [ N [ Nτ
\ N \ Nτ

Figure 1 Linear and nonlinear EEG measurements.

Notes: (A) Left: A view of two central EEG channels. Right: two EEG signals x(t) and y(t) recorded from them; (B) The power density spectra (Px, Py) of the signals x(t)
and y(t) versus frequency (Hz), note the peak within the alpha band (10 Hz); (C) the cross-power spectrum Pxy (at left) and the spectrum of the modulus of coherence
function (at right), note the peak at the alpha frequency (10 Hz); (D) the reconstructed state space (attractors) of the systems generating the signals x(t) (at left) and y(t)
(at right).
Abbreviation: EEG, electroencephalography.

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and gamma (.30 Hz), although the ranges may vary depend- the resulting picture is what we call the state space of the
ing on the authors. The absolute power of one EEG, recorded system representing the system trajectory. The latter is a
from one electrode attached to the scalp, is calculated at a geometric portrait that is, in the case of a low-dimensional
certain frequency band as the sum of the square of the ampli- linear system, usually very simple (eg, a 2D ellipse trajectory
tude of the harmonics in this band. It is also customary to in the case of a frictionless pendulum or a harmonic oscilla-
estimate the ratio between the power in each band and the tor, with variables x [displacement] and y [velocity] versus
total power of the signals, which is termed as the relative time [Figure 2]); for more complex and/or nonlinear systems
power in the corresponding band. Another common spectral such as the Lorenz model of the convective movement of
measures used in EEG analysis are the ratio between the masses of atmospheric air, the 3D trajectories produced by
power in different bands. In the context of ADHD, the most the state variables (x, y, z) are indicative that the dynamics of
commonly used one is the ratio of the power in the theta and the system is more complex (the famous Lorenz butterfly).13
beta bands (theta/beta ratio, TBR). Despite its complexity, the trajectories are limited to a certain
In this study, as we will use terms and concepts concern- region of the 3D space, termed “the attractor”, which in this
ing linear and nonlinear systems/signals, we have considered case is defined as “strange” (Figure 3).
appropriate to make a brief introduction to allow the reader In the simple frictionless pendulum, the state variables
a better understanding of them. (x, y) are sinusoidal signals of fixed frequency. In general, in
the absence of measurement noise, the signals generated by
A short outline of linear and nonlinear dynamical simple linear systems have power density spectra with clear
systems spectral peaks in well-defined frequency bands. This partly
A dynamical system is a system, whether physical, bio- reflects the fact that, in linear systems, the responses to each
logical, or otherwise (eg, an air mass or a neural network), of the inputs are independent of the existence of the other
whose state evolves with time over a state space according ones, and they present proportionality between stimulus
to a certain rule (its evolution equations). It can be studied and response. Both features derive from the superposition
from the analysis of the temporal evolution (signals) of the principle of linear systems. Besides, in deterministic linear
state variables that characterize its states. If the number of systems, once the initial conditions are set, the values of
state variables is 2, 3, … m, their time evolution or dynam- the variables can be predicted at any time thereafter. For
ics will take place in a 2D, 3D, … mD space, respectively; nonlinear systems such as the Lorenz model,13 the time



[  W


[ W \

\ W


Figure 2 Linear dynamical systems.

Notes: Top: two linear systems, the frictionless pendulum and the harmonic oscillator. Note the sinusoidal curve traced out by the movement of the oscillator versus
time (t). Bottom left: the sinusoidal curves of the displacement and velocity variables; right: the trajectory (ellipse) in the state space of the system plotted by x(t) versus y(t):
every cycle of x(t) and y(t) the system (pendulum or oscillator) runs the ellipse.

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Lorenz model for the convective

movement of a mass of atmospheric air






20 20

0 10
y 0
–20 –10
0 10 20 30 40 –40 –20 x
Lorenz variables Attractor
Figure 3 Nonlinear dynamical systems.
Notes: The Lorenz model for the convective movement of a mass of atmospheric air (at left). At bottom left are the curves drawn by the variables x(t), y(t), and z(t) of the
model. At right is the trajectory (attractor) drawn by the system model from the variables. This is representative of the system dynamics.

evolution of state variables (x, y, z) are often nonsinusoidal The behavior of many physiological systems is closer
irregular oscillations, with a power spectrum covering a to the nonlinear model than to the linear ones. Consider the
wide frequency band without noticeable peaks. Furthermore, cardiovascular system as an example, where variables such as
nonlinear systems do not verify the superposition principle: blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen consumption, blood flow,
the response to one of the inputs is affected by the existence etc, do not act independently in response to a given stimulus
of the others, which means that small stimuli may produce such as physical effort. The functioning of our brain, where
large responses. Two important features characterize non- the activation of different neural networks after a given
linear systems: one is that the dimension of their attractos, stimulus are not independent (because the brain integrates
often termed as strange, is fractal (noninteger) unlike what information from multiple brain locations), is even closer to
happens with the figures in Euclidean geometry. The second the nonlinear paradigm.
property concerns the so-called sensitivity to initial condi- In the context of neurophysiology, we usually record
tions, namely that a slight change in the initial conditions, output signals or responses from a physiological system in
with respect to the previous starting point, could produce, a given experimental condition or after a given stimulus.
after a certain time, a significant departure of the new trajec- We may know the anatomical structure of the system that
tory of the system with respect to the previous one (Figure 4). produces them, but little about the number of variables
This has been often termed as the butterfly effect, due to the that characterize the system and even less (or nothing at
shape of Lorenz’s attractor. This behavior means that in all) about its dynamics. But since we do record the output
nonlinear systems, it is only possible to predict the evolution signals of the system, we might wonder whether it is pos-
of the system for short periods of time; this effect constitutes sible to extract from them quantitative information about the
the outstanding property of deterministic chaos. system that generates them. The answer to this question was
Therefore, despite chaotic, nonlinear systems present provided by Takens’ time-delay embedding theorem, which
complex behavior, this complexity can be evaluated from mathematically proved that – under certain assumptions
the geometrical dimension of the set of trajectories in the about the system – it is possible to reconstruct the original
state space (strange attractor), which is also indicative of state space of the system from one single output signal.14
the number of variables that characterize the system; their The method used (called “delay embedding technique”) is
sensitivity to initial conditions can also be evaluated from explained in the section “Nonlinear approach”. Once the
the divergence of their trajectories in the state space. state space of the system is reconstructed in the appropriate

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20 50

10 45


x(t )

–10 35

–20 30
0 10 20 30 40
Time (s) 25

50 20
z(t )


10 5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 –20 –10 0 10 20
Time (s) x
Figure 4 The butterfly effect: sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
Notes: Left: in solid lines the variables x(t) and z(t) of the Lorenz model in dotted lines, the same two variables but after the “initial conditions” of both signals were slightly
changed. Note that after a certain time (20 sec), the solid and dotted lines significantly diverge. Right: a 2D portrait from x(t) and z(t), where it can be also seen the divergence
of the trajectories (solid line versus dotted lines) due to the different initial conditions of the system.

embedding dimension, we can make measurements of its using the heuristic approach termed false nearest neighbors,
entropy and complexity and also about its synchronization whereas τ can be estimated using the autocorrelation or the
or interdependence with other systems, similar in nature, for auto mutual information function of the data (Figure 5 shows
assessing its FC with them. an example of state space reconstruction).17
This celebrated result paved the way to characterize the
Nonlinear approach topological features of a dynamical systems whose state
The linear methods reviewed hitherto allow character- equations are unknown (as it is the case for most natural
izing properties of EEG in the frequency domain. Yet, as systems) from one single signal. Since then, many studies
commented before, at the beginning of the 80s of the 20th have analyzed the nonlinear properties of a single EEG
century, the Dutch mathematician Takens14 nicely proved channel, such as its correlation dimension, largest Lyapunov
a theorem whereby, under general conditions, it is possible exponent, entropy, and so on, and how they change in dif-
to reconstruct the state space of a complex dynamical sys- ferent stages (such as sleep versus awake) or as a result of
tem (even nonlinear systems in chaotic regime) using the different pathologies (we refer to Stam18 for an extensive
consecutive values of one of its time series.14–16 Indeed, he review).
demonstrated that, given the time series x(k), the delayed Among these measures, those estimating the complex-
vectors defined as: ity of the data19 (such as the approximate entropy20 or the
Lempel-Ziv complexity [LZC]21) have been used in the study
X i = ( x(i ), x(i + τ ),..., x(i + ( m − 1)τ )  (1) of ADHD from neurophysiological data.22,23

are equivalent to the original state vectors of the system that Approximate entropy
generates this time series. In Equation 1, m is the so-called A useful measure to characterize the dynamic of a (pos-
embedding dimension, which has to be at least equal to the sibly nonlinear) system from the signals it generates is the
dimension of the original system, and τ is the delay time, rate at which this system creates information (or the degree
which has to ensure that two consecutive components of of uncertainty on the next measure given the previous
the vector are (almost) independent. Usually, m is estimated history). Grassberger and Procaccia developed an efficient

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;  [[[
[ NW
;  [[[ ;


[ NW

[ N

Figure 5 Different steps for the reconstruction of the state space of a system from one sampled signal output according to Takens’ method (data is of the authors invention).
Notes: The state space points or vector (at bottom right) are obtained from the samples of the signal (at top) according to the embedding dimension m and the delay τ time
as is shown in the text.

algorithm to estimate such a rate (termed the entropy of the ε ≈0.2 SD (standard deviation of the time series), ApEn
time series).24 Later on, Pincus proposed a modification of provides a reliable estimation of the complexity of a system
this definition to deal with short time series from (possibly even for short time series (N=1,000 data points), which has
nonchaotic) dynamical systems.25 Namely, the approximate proven useful to analyze EEG data.26 The ApEn has been
entropy (ApEn) is defined as: proposed as a measure of the level of EEG desynchronization
or the interactive dependencies among multiple frequency
ApEn( m, ε , N) = Φ m (ε ) − Φ m +1 (ε ) (2) components during cognitive processing.

where m is the embedding dimension as in Equation 1, N is Lempel-Ziv complexity

the number of data points, ε is a distance, and The other complexity measure applied to extracranially
recorded neurophysiological data to study ADHD23 (albeit
N − m +1
1 magnetoencephalography [MEG] instead of EEG) is
Φ m (ε ) = ∑ log Cim (ε ) 
(N − m + 1) i =1
the LZC.21 The LZC is a measure of the complexity of the
local synchronized activity as reflected by the profile of the
where Cim (ε) is the probability of finding a reconstructed frequency spectrum. It simply counts the number of distinct
vector closer to Xi than the prefixed distance ε. By taking substrings and their rate of recurrence along the time series.

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More complex data has a lower rate of recurrence and a responsible for much of EEG’s oscillatory behavior”. They
higher value of LZC. also concluded that “Combined EEG and high resolution
EEG can provide distinct multi-scale estimates of func-
Multivariate measures tional connectivity in both healthy and diseased brains with
The measures presented hitherto are very useful in charac- measures like frequency and phase spectra, covariance,
terizing the features of individual EEG channels. However, and coherence”.
they do not provide any information on the degree of statisti-
cal dependence (FC)27 between two EEG channels. Yet the Linear approach
study of FC has become a necessary step to extract informa- The coherence spectral function is a measure of the linear
tion about EEG activity, which cannot be inferred from the correlation, both in amplitude and phase, between two signals
pattern of activation/complexity of each individual channel. at a given frequency. In other words, the coherence is a mea-
Its assessment, however, requires a different set of (bi- or sure of linear FC or temporal correlation between different
multivariate) techniques, which allow the analysis of rela- brain regions as a function of the frequency.
tionship between (or among) more than one simultaneously It is obtained from the (complex) coherency function
recorded EEG channels. We briefly describe henceforth the between two signals x and y, which is defined as follows:
FC indices most commonly used for the study of ADHD
from EEG data. S xy ( f )
C xy ( f ) =  (4)
The term FC is used to refer to the statistical interde- S xx ( f )S yy ( f )
pendence between two EEG channels or cortical areas or
from the average or global interdependence of a channel where Sxy( f ) is the PSD cross-spectrum between these sig-
or area of the cortex evaluated from a set of pairs of EEG nals, Sxx( f ) and Syy( f ) are the respective PSD auto-spectra,
channels associated with that area. The FC assessed by and f is the discrete frequency.
means of the interdependence between two EEG channels The coherence is simply the squared modulus of
is in agreement with the concept of FC given by Lang et al28 Equation 4. For each f, coherence values range between 0
who defined FC as the temporal statistical correlation or (no correlation) and 1 (full linear correlation). The mean
dependence between spatially remote neurophysiological value of the coherence for all the frequencies included in that
events in distributed neuronal groups and areas. FC was band is taken as the coherence in a certain frequency band.
initially used by Friston et al29 in the analysis of positron As an example, in Figure 1A–C, the auto PSD of two EEG
emission tomography images for assessing the existence signals from two central channels are shown; the cross-PSD
of statistical dependence between voxel time series. Pres- and coherence of both signals are also shown.
ently, the term FC is used also to refer to any measure of The argument of the coherency provides an estimate of
interdependence between cortical EEG channels. Indeed, the phase delay between the signals:
although EEG activity may be contaminated by multiple
sources and by the volume-conduction effects, the use of
tailored EEG preprocessing methods and FC assessment φxy ( f ) = arctag
Im C xy( f ) } (5)
techniques are useful tools to estimate the degree of statisti- Re {C xy
( f )}
cal dependence between EEG data. Such methods, which
will be detailed later, include (but are not restricted to): where Im() and Re() are the imaginary and the real part of
1) the calculation of coherence and/or phase synchroniza- Cxy( f ), respectively. The imaginary part of the coherency has
tion in specific frequency bands, 2) the computation of been proposed as a robust index of interdependence between
the generalized nonlinear indices of synchronization by EEG data, robust to volume conduction,31 although to the
using efficient and sophisticated algorithms, and finally best of our knowledge, this index has not yet been applied
3), the use of procedures such as the surrogate data test, to to ADHD research.
rule out that the results of the FC indices are not different
to what would be expected by chance. Furthermore, in a The nonlinear approach
recent paper by Nunez et al30 where they had discussed FC As happens with the univariate techniques, in the case of the
in the human brain, they stated: “Cross-scale interactions multivariate ones, the linear approach only cover a part of the
of local, regional, and global networks are apparently information that can be extracted from the EEG. In the case

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of FC studies, the nonlinear approach reviewed earlier also studies of multivariate EEG channels participate of this trend,
allows for a sophisticated assessment (ie, beyond the “tradi- which is also evident in MEG and fMRI studies.35,40
tional” one of the coherence or the cross correlation function) There is a plethora of graph theoretic measures that can
of the degree of statistical dependence between two EEG be used to characterize different aspects of the complex
channels, x and y. For this purpose, delayed state vectors Xi and brain network.46,47 However, the most popular ones can be
Yi are first reconstructed from x and y, as in Equation 1. Then, roughly divided into three categories: first, those assessing
let ai,j and bi,j be the time indices of the k nearest neighbors the centrality of a node, that is, its importance in the network,
of Xi and Yi, respectively. The existence of FC between both such as the degree (number of nodes it is connected to) or its
EEGs entails that vectors close in the state space of X are also weighted equivalent, the strength; second, those assessing the
close in Y, which can be measured using different bivariate segregation of a node, with the clustering coefficient being the
indices.32,33 Figure 1D shows an example of the state space more popular by far in this group; and finally, those ones mea-
reconstructed of two EEG signals from which the nonlinear suring the way in which a node (or the whole network) inte-
interdependence measures are derived (Figure 5). grates information, such as the average shortest path length.
For the study of ADHD from EEG data, one such index, All these indices can be defined in different ways, depending,
termed fuzzy synchronization likelihood (FSL), has been for example, on whether the links of the reconstructed network
recently used.34–36 This index, similar to its non-fuzzy version, are weighted or unweighted. We refer the interested reader
the well-known synchronization likelihood (SL),37 sacri- to the appropriate literature for details.43,45–47
fices the ability to provide information on the directionality
of the connectivity in return for greater robustness against Classification methods for clinical
the individual features of the data in the assessment of FC. evaluation of EEG indices
According to Ahmadlou et al,35 FSL is more reliable than SL Once the relevant features have been extracted from the EEG
for discriminating patients with ADHD from healthy indi- using any of the techniques described earlier (or combination
viduals. More recently, SL have been also applied to study thereof), it only remains to use them to better understand the
ADHD in a frequency-specific way36 and in the framework of signatures of ADHD. For this purpose, there are basically two
complex network theory as applied to EEG38,39 (refer section options. One is the traditional approach of applying a suitable
“From FC indices to complex networks”). A different, yet statistical test to compare two groups of subjects (ADHD
closely related index, this one based in rank statistics40 has also and healthy controls) and check what are the most impor-
proven successful to estimate EEG FC in ADHD subjects and tant differences between them. A  second, closely related
the difference with age-matched control subjects.41 All these yet not quite the same one, consists in training a classifier
indices of generalized synchronization measure the degree (ie, a mathematical function), which first detects the most
of (possibly nonlinear) temporal interdependence between salient features of each group and then use them to classify
different brain regions in the reconstructed state spaces. the subjects as either control or ADHD. This approach falls
in the research field usually termed as “machine learning”.
From FC indices to complex networks It is beyond the scope of the present review to give a detailed
A natural step forward to extract information from the set of account of such a vast and rapidly expanding field. Instead
bivariate FC indices between all possible pairs of EEG chan- we refer the interested reader to the specialized literature.48,49
nels consists in analyzing the whole interdependence matrix We will only briefly review here the basic ideas underlying
as if it were the adjacency matrix of a complex network. this approach, with emphasis on those techniques most often
Indeed, the set of EEG electrodes/sources and the bivariate used in ADHD studies from EEG data.
FC indices between them closely resembles a graph, where
the EEG electrodes/sources are the nodes and the FC indices Training of the classifier
are the links between them (refer to Stam,42 Papo et al,43 Regardless of the classification algorithm used, the process
Fornito et al,44 De Vico Fallani et al45 for recent reviews of defining the optimal classification function (classifier)
on the application of this idea on clinical neurology). Such always involves two steps. The first one is the training of
an approach has become very popular in the past decade, the classifier, whereby the appropriate measures (eg, the
so much so that nowadays, almost every study using high complexity estimations of a set of electrodes or the power in
density (.32) EEG setups includes, one way or another, a given frequency band) is fed to the classifier, which uses
some type of complex network analysis. Recent ADHD them to tune its internal parameters according to a given cost

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function. The second one is the validation of the classifier, In ADHD, the main frequency bands that have been stud-
which consists in determining how well it does its work ied are delta (,4  Hz), theta (4–7  Hz), alpha (8–12  Hz),
of classifying the data. Training and validation are com- beta (13–25  Hz), and TBR. Since Satterfield et al,51 one
monly used on different sets of data, to prevent overfitting, of the most consistent results in the field is that ADHD
and the training process often includes the reduction in the subjects show an increment of the power in the theta band
dimensionality of the data, to minimize the set of features as compared to age-matched controls. This increase occurs
that are taken into account in the classification (implicitly both in absolute power and in the relative power and is
following the well-known Occam’s razor principle). Among usually located in the frontocentral region of the cortex.52–58
the most used methods in ADHD, we can name the logistic Elevated theta power, however, may be a nonspecific marker
regression26,41 and the linear discriminant analysis.36 Again, of cortical dysfunction common to other disorders, such
we refer to the relevant literature for details.48,49 as sleep behavior disorders, schizophrenia and so on.59,60
Ogrim et al58 have analyzed the clinical utility of this EEG
Receiving operator curves signature and found that the theta power had an accuracy
Among the many validation methods for the classifier, the of 62% to differentiate between ADHD and controls sub-
receiving operator curve (ROC) is the most widely used in jects.57 Less frequently, experts have also found differences
the current framework, very likely because its visual character between ADHD and controls subjects in the frequency bands
facilitates its interpretation. A ROC is a graphical representa- delta, alpha, and beta. Power in the delta band is usually
tion of the true positive rate of the classifier (also known as its increased in ADHD.40,54,58 In contrast, power in the alpha
sensitivity, or the ratio of correctly classified subjects) against and beta bands are usually decreased in ADHD, although
the false positive rate (or 1-specificity, ie, the number of incor- literature on the effect of ADHD in these bands are somehow
rectly classified subjects) as a function of the discrimination inconsistent.52–56,58
threshold. The ideal classifier would have a sensitivity and a The TBR is the most widely used (both power-related and
specificity of 1 (all the subjects will be perfectly classified). overall) EEG index in neurophysiological studies of ADHD and
Real classifiers, however, present a trade-off between both its clinical utility has been thoroughly assessed. Most studies
desirable features: the more its sensitivity, the lower its speci- find that ADHD subjects present a higher TBR than control
ficity. Although there are many ways of quantifying the quality subjects.4,48,53,56 However, there are several studies in the litera-
of a classifier using a ROC,50 the usual one consists in estima- ture where the TBR did not discriminate between the control
tion of the normalized area under the curve. Thus, the closer and ADHD groups.55,57,58 Moreover Lansberguen et al57 found
the area under the curve is to 1, the better the classifier. that the increase in TBR can be considered as a nonspecific
measure. They observed that this increase does not occur when
Main results obtained from using the individualized frequency bands based on individual
univariate measurements alpha peak frequency; therefore, it is possible that the combina-
Once we have briefly introduced the mathematical techniques tion of several distinct neurophysiological subgroups is related
most commonly used to analyze the ADHD signatures of to this EEG index.56 Very recently, a clinical cohort study3
EEG data, we will review in this section, the main results evaluated the utility of TBR in a large group (275 children
obtained hitherto with each of these techniques, with special and adolescents) when it is integrated into the usual protocol
emphasis in their possible clinical utility, which, for lack of for ADHD diagnosis. These authors found that the diagnostic
a more specific definition, we will understand henceforth accuracy increased an outstanding 27% (from 61% to 88%)
as the ability of the corresponding technique to distinguish when the usual protocol for ADHD diagnosis was administered
ADHD subjects from control ones using some classification along with the TBR. This result seems to reinforce the role of
technique. In Table 1, the main works and results using TBR as a useful EEG-based biomarker of ADHD.
univariate measurements for clinical ADHD diagnosis are Some of these studies have associated the following
summarized, which will be discussed below in the Linear functional significance to spectral power: arousal disorders,
and Nonlinear approach sections. ADHD maturational lag, and different symptoms of the
disorder.52,53,55,56,61 Each study has associated these functional
Linear approach significances with different frequency bands, but all these
EEG spectral power variations are typically dominated interpretations have been indistinctly associated with all
by distinct changes in power in a few frequency bands. frequency bands.

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Table 1 Main works in the literature using univariate linear and nonlinear techniques for ADHD clinical diagnosis
Authors Sample Methods Conditions Results
Bresnahan (2002)
50 ADHD, 50 controls PSD (abs and relat), Resting EO ↑ θ relat and abs PSD ↑ TBR
Chabot53 (1996) 407 ADHD, 310 PSD (abs and relat), Resting EC ↑ θ relat and abs PSD; ↑ α relat PSD;
controls split-half replication 93.7% sensitivity; 88% specificity
Clarke54 (2001) 80 ADHD-C, PSD (abs and relat), Resting EC ↑ θ relat and abs PSD; ↑ TBR; ↓ α
80 ADHD-I, TBR and β relat and abs PSD
80 controls
Clarke55 (2011) 155 ADHD, Relative PSD Resting EC ↓ and ↑ α, β, δ, and θ relative power
109 controls
Fernández23 (2009) 14 ADHD, 14 controls LZC, logistic Resting EO ↓ LZC; 93% sensitivity; 79%
regression specificity
González41 (2013) 22 ADHD, 21 controls Relative PSD, ApEn Resting EC and EO ↑ δ relative power; ↓ ApEn
Khoeler57 (2009) 34 ADHD, 31 controls Absolute PSD, TBR Resting EC ↑ α absolute power and ↑ θ absolute
Magee62 (2005) 253 ADHD-C, 67 PSD (abs and relat), Resting EC 89% sensitivity; 79.6% specificity
controls logistic regression
Nazari61 (2011) 16 ADHD, 16 controls Relative PSD, TBR Resting EC EO and ↑ α and δ relat PSD
Lansbergen56 (2010) 49 ADHD, 49 controls Absolute PSD, Resting EC and EO ↑ TBR,
TBR, and ICA ↑ θ and β power
Ogrim58 (2012) 62 ADHD, 39 controls Absolute PSD and Resting EC and ↑ θ abs PSD; 62% θ accuracy;
TBR, ROC EO; G/NG task 58% TBR accuracy
Snyder4 (2008) 97 ADHD, 62 controls TBR Resting EC and EO ↑ TBR; 87% sensitivity;
CC 94% specificity
Snyder3 (2015) 275 ADHD TBR and χ2 Resting EO TBR good marker; 88% accuracy
and ICC
Sohn22 (2010) 11 ADHD, 12 controls ApEn Resting EO; CPT ↓ ApEn
Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder; PSD, power spectral density; abs, absolute; relat, relative; TBR, theta/beta ratio; EO/EC, eyes
opened/closed; ↑/↓, statistically significant increase/decrease; LZC, Lempel-Ziv complexity; ApEn, approximate entropy; ADHD-C, attention deficit and hiperctivity
disorder combined type; ADHD-I, attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive type; CPT, continuous performance test; ROC, receiver operating
characteristic; ICA, independent component analysis; G/NG task, go-no go task; CC, correlation coefficient; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; χ2, chi-squared

Based on the previous results, we can conclude that the in Equation 2 and found that EEG complexity was reduced
univariate linear measures generally discriminate between in ADHD during the CPT, mainly in the frontal electrodes.
ADHD subjects and controls,3,4,54,55,61,62 but a clear relationship In turn, Gonzalez et al41 also estimated the ApEn from EEG
between EEG power spectrum measurements and ADHD activity of 22 ADHD and 21 healthy controls at rest during
symptoms has not been found.52,53,55,56,61 eyes open and eyes closed. They found a reduction in ApEn
in ADHD during the resting condition of open eyes but only
Nonlinear approach for one single channel (O2).
As indicated in the section “A short outline of linear and In summary, the complexity of the EEG decreased in
nonlinear dynamical systems”, univariate nonlinear EEG ADHD subjects as compared to controls; this phenomenon
measures have been comparatively less studied in the case is mainly observed when subjects are in a condition of higher
of ADHD. These studies analyze the differences between arousal state (EO or making a task).22,23,41 To the best of our
ADHD and controls on EEG complexity. Fernández et al23 knowledge, the clinical utility of complexity estimators
calculated the LZC from MEG records in ADHD and controls has been studied only by Fernández et al23 who found that
for each individual sensor at rest with eyes open (EO). They age-corrected LZC values of the anterior sensors presented
also estimated the average LZC for five groups of sensors a sensitivity of 93% and a specificity of 79% to distinguish
(anterior, central, left lateral, right lateral, and posterior); they ADHD from controls.
found that LZC decreased in ADHD subjects. Furthermore, Altogether, these results suggest that the EEG of ADHD
Sohn et al22 recorded EEG in eleven ADHD and 12 age- subjects present reduced complexity as compared to age-
matched healthy boys both at rest with EO and during a matched healthy subjects, which can be useful to classify
­continuous ­performance test (CPT). They calculated ApEn as them from neurophysiological data, although more EEG

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studies are necessary to confirm the validity of this approach Despite the growing interest in the study of EEG coherence
in clinical applications. in ADHD, there are few results on its clinical utility. One
of the first studies to verify it was carried out by Chabot
Main results obtained from and Serfontein.53 From 407 ADHD and 310 controls, these
multivariate measurements authors calculated intra and interhemispheric EEG coherence
In Table 2, the main works and results using multivariate in the frequency bands delta, theta, alpha, and beta. Again,
measurements for clinical ADHD diagnosis are summarized, they found that, depending on the paired brain regions, EEG
which will be discussed below. coherence in ADHD may increase or decrease, and this fea-
ture presented a sensitivity and specificity of 93.7% and 88%,
Linear approach respectively. Dupuy et al65 following the methodology of the
In recent years, coherence (Equation 4) has been much studied University of Wollongong, observed that ADHD, with good
in the field of ADHD. There is a referent group from Brain & response to methylphenidate (MPH), experienced an increase
Behaviour Research Institute and Department of Psychology in EEG beta coherence. In addition, they observed differences
of the University of Wollongong, Australia, studying the EEG between ADHD and controls in the intrahemispheric EEG
coherence in ADHD.63,64 They have analyzed EEG coher- coherences using short–medium distances between electrode
ence in different interelectrodes distances (short, medium, pairs, with a sensitivity and a specificity of 72% and 89%,
and larger), intrahemispheric and interhemipheric electrodes respectively. Gonzalez et al41 following the methodology of
pairs, cerebral regions (frontal, temporal, and central/pari- Chabot and Serfontein,53 found that EEG coherence in ADHD
etal/occipital), and frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha and increased in certain brain regions with an accuracy of 74.4%.
beta). The different electrode pairs allow finding changes in As with the ApEn index, the results of the clinical utility of
coherence that would not be observed with global averages. the EEG coherence for diagnosing ADHD are promising, but
The intra and interhemispheric pairs provide information more studies to replicate the results, a greater consensus in
about hemispheric lateralization and specialization. The the matches between channels and classification techniques
pairings for cerebral regions give an idea about the cognitive used, are necessary.
functions that may be compromised. In general, the EEG
coherence in ADHD can either increase or decrease depend- Nonlinear approach
ing on the paired brain regions. Notably, one of the most The studies about the differences between ADHD and con-
replicated findings is that theta coherence increases in ADHD trols using nonlinear EEG multivariate measures are scarce.
as compared to healthy controls, especially in the frontal and In general, they often use measures of EEG synchronization,
central/parietal/occipital interhemispheric connections.63,64 but the measures used are heterogeneous. Nevertheless the

Table 2 Main works in the literature using multivariate linear and nonlinear techniques for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) clinical diagnosis
Authors Sample Methods Conditions Results
Ahmadlou (2010)
47 ADHD, 7 controls SL RBF Resting EC ↓ SL;
95.6% accuracy
Ahmadlou34 (2011) 12 ADHD, 12 controls FSL. Graph Theory LOO Resting EC ↓ FSL;
87.5% accuracy
Barry63 (2002) 40 ADHD-C, 40 ADHD-I, Coherence Resting EC ↑ or ↓ coherences
40 controls
Barry64 (2011) 40 ADHD, 40 controls Coherence Resting EC ↑ or ↓ coherences
Chabot53 (1996) 407 ADHD, 310 controls Coherence Resting EC ↑ or ↓ coherences;
93.7% sensitivity;
88% specificity
Dupuy65 (2010) 18 ADHDg, 17 ADHDp, Coherence LRA Resting EC ↑ β coherence;
18 controls 72% sensitivity;
89% specificity
González41 (2013) 22 ADHD, 21 controls Coherence and L index, Resting EC and EO ↑ Coherence with accuracy: 74.4%;
ROC and LRA ↑ L index with accuracy: 86.7%
Abbreviations: ADHD-C, attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder combined type; ADHD-I, attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive type;
SL, synchronization likelihood; RBF, radial basis function; ↑/↓, statistically significant increase/decrease; FSL, fuzzy synchronization likelihood; LOO, leave one out cross-
validation; LRA, logistic regression analysis; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; EO, eyes opened; EC, eyes closed.

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results of different studies are similar: the EEG synchroniza- EEG measures in ADHD has been studied. MPH effect in
tion is usually decreased in ADHD.34,41,66 ADHD EEG measures is not clear and neither is it clear in
The clinical utility of EEG synchronization indices in the relationship between cognitive/behavioral changes that
the diagnosis of ADHD has been even less tested. Ahmadlou can be observed after treatment.71–76 Furthermore, it has been
and Adeli66 studied differences in EEG synchronization found that ADHD subjects with good response to MPH treat-
between ADHD and control subjects using SL; this index ment differ from those with a poor response in EEG activity
decreased in ADHD, especially in posterior cortical areas and connectivity.65,77,78 Although the effect of MPH on the
at certain EEG bands, with an accuracy of 95.6%. The ADHD EEG profile is unclear, these studies suggest that EEG
following year, the same authors34 measured EEG syn- measures could be useful to assess which cases of ADHD are
chronization using the FSL in a group of 12 ADHD and worth treating with MPH and to follow up patient’s progress
other group of 12 controls; the FSL, which is decreased during the therapy.
in ADHD in posterior and anterior brain areas, had a
diagnostic accuracy of 87.50%. Later on, Gonzalez et al41 Prospects for future times
used the index of generalized synchronization (index L) to The results reviewed in this work demonstrate that quanti-
measure EEG synchronization; they observed that ADHDs tative EEG measures have clinical utility in the diagnosis of
presented higher values of L as compared to controls in ADHD because they can improve the accuracy and validity
certain cerebral regions (mainly in O1–C4 and C3–T4) with of the traditional cognitive tests used for this purpose. Thus,
an accuracy of 86.7%. within the revised measures, the TBR is the most studied
and considered to be the most useful in ADHD clinical.
Differential diagnosis and clinical The other EEG measures revised here show that they have
monitoring of the ADHD by EEG at present a good potential to be considered in the assess-
measures ment of ADHD according to the results already obtained.
The sections “Main results obtained from univariate However, we think they need to be further validated in
measurements” and “Main results obtained from multivariate the clinical context for knowing their real accuracy and
measurements” provided information about the EEG extent. The use of more sophisticated machine learning
measures capacity to discriminate between ADHD and classification methods such as Support Vector Machines or
healthy subjects. There are few studies that investigate the Bayesian Networks, which can handle highly dimensional
ability of EEG measures to discriminate between ADHD multimodal features, would also represent an important
and other mental disorders. Bresnahan and Barry52 analyzed step in this direction, as they will allow to combine, for
the absolute and relative power in an ADHD group, a non- example, power spectral measures with FC indices to
ADHD group (patients with some symptoms of ADHD), and improve classification accuracy.
a healthy control group. When they compared the ADHD Apart from the indices reviewed hitherto, the temporal
with the non-ADHD group, they found that both had different variability of the FC is a new EEG measure that has been
profiles of EEG power in different frequency bands. On the recently introduced for the assessment of ADHD.79,80 The
other hand, increase in theta power is not a specific marker method involves defining an index of variability of the
of ADHD, but it is also associated with other disorders.59,60 ensemble of FC indices along several EEG segments in
We have not found in the literature EEG FC studies about the same ­experimental condition, to assess the dynamics of
this issue. the FC. The study of Barttfeld et al79 was the first to study
Other studies have assessed the differences in EEG profile the EEG profile in ADHD using this method. They found
in ADHD subtypes and comorbid disorders. Two studies that ADHD had a higher level of inherent variability of
have shown differences between ADHD subjects with and EEG FC than controls. In the latest work by our group,80 we
without comorbid disorder; specifically, the group without compared this method with the traditional EEG analysis and
comorbid disorder had a lower intrahemispheric coherence found that the temporal variability appears to discriminate
for shorter distances in the delta band.67,68 In the literature, better between ADHD and controls subjects. We also noted
it has been found that ADHD and Atention Deficit Disorder that the variability of EEG FC was higher in ADHD subjects
(ADD) had similar EEG profiles, but the ADHD subjects than in controls. The results with this method are promising,
presented greater differences versus controls than the ADD but again additional work is necessary to confirm its possible
group.63,69,70 The effect of MPH in univariate and multivariate clinical utility.

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