G.1.Machisaca - Judith. Discourse Analysis. Activity.1

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Watch the video about Discourse Analysis onhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUeA0PEF_g4
Read the chapter 1 of the textbook. Make a mind map to include the most important aspects of the video and the
Chapter 1. Phenomenon –reason
Language beyond the sentences linguistics
Cause –Consequence
Language in use Discourse analysts are
Instrument – achievement
Applied linguistics conversation analysis. interested in a lot more
Empirical-focus on particular sleights of language than linguistic forms.
Critical Discurse analysis But
Textual Not entirely separate
segments from the study of
grammar and
Types phonology The larger systems of
thought within a
particular historical
Foucault’s location
It is the description of sense of
language above the Discourse
Applied sentence and an interest
understanding of in the contexts and cultural
that linguistic
Analysis influences which affect
language in use.
Discourse Phonology and
morphology syntax
Critical applied Basic Analysis Anything beyond
political. the sentence semantics
approaches pragmatics in a

How languages Descriptive (largely Discourse is Methodologically

and their interested in all Example:
grammars work How people go about doing People
these different
language in the context or conversation in
factors a coffee shop
Language in kind of situation.
Second the labels used First, fundamental .
distinction between It is in
to describe discourse Nonlinguistic and particular
nee not clash , others language forms and A broader range
nonspecific instances of situation
used to in grammar discourse functions of social practice
that includes
Spoken and written discourses display Discourse can include
grammatical connections between It is most used in social practices that are
individual clauses and utterances academia but is more nonlinguistic.
grammatical cohesion and textually difficult to understand.
Read the chapter 2 of the textbook about Discourse Analysis and Grammar.
Answer the following questions and add examples:
1. What is Reference?
2. What is ellipsis and substitution?
3. What is conjunction?
Listen to the discourse by Charlie Chaplin, analyze it in terms of: reference, ellipsis
and conjunction, theme and rhythm, and tense and aspect.
1. What is Reference?
According to the book reference is the personal pronouns (He, She, they, etc.),
possessives pronouns (my, him, her, etc.) demonstratives (this, that, those, these)
and article (the). Therefore, References to assumed, shared worlds outside of the
text are exophoric references, because, these are not text-internal, they are not
truly cohesive; because, it is presented when an element of the text refers to
elements of the reality or extra-linguistic factors that are not in the text but in the
situational context, Example: We are an essential part of the ESPE University.
We establish a relationship with some of the estates of the ESPE University and
that is not present in the text: students, teachers, employees, workers, etc
This sentence is anaphoric reference For example: My friend lives in a street in
the center of Cuenca. I do not like that street because there are always a lot of
people and a lot of noise.
This particular sentence, neither anaphoric nor exophoric reference supplies the
identity pronoun.
Cataphoric reference is often found in the opening sentences of the text.The
cataphoric reference announces something; it is often followed by a colon (:) -with
expressions such as, for example, etc. Example:
"All employees asked the directives ...” It establishes a cataphoric reference
to the directives.
I'll tell you just this: I do not want you to come back over here
For example: We all wanted to help one another, human beings are like that.
2. What is ellipsis and substitution?
Ellipsis is the omission of elements normally required by the grammar which the
speaker / writer assume are obvious from the context and therefore need not be
raised. Ellipsis is distinguished by the structure having some 'missing' element.
It deletion is a known element that appears very close to the original in the text and
that the receiver can reconstruct (subjects, complements, etc. Examples: Mary
has not come; or she is sick. In La Asuncion, that day the sky was clear; in Santa
Isabel was dark leaden. Some thought about the holidays; others in the refresher
3. What is conjunction?
It is somewhat different from reference, ellipsis and substitution. A conjunction
does not set off a search backward or forward for its referent, but it does
presuppose a textual sequence, and signals a relationship between segments of
the discourse. The conjunctions are better thought of as discourse markers, in that
they organize and 'manage' quite extended stretches of discourse.
The classification of conjunctive relations and includes phrasal types as well as
single-word everyday items, that are conjunction basic such as, and, but, or, etc.
. Listen to the discourse by Charlie Chaplin, analyze it in terms of: reference,
ellipsis and conjunction, theme and rhythm, and tense and aspect.
The reference
For example: We all wanted to help one another, human beings are like that.
Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing
men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and
imprison innocent people.
The ellipsis and substitution
For example: That will give youth a future and old age a security.
Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world.
The hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the
For examples:
You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life
a wonderful adventure. (Causal)
We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives
abundance has left us in want.
Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate; has goose-
stepped us into misery and bloodshed.
Theme and Rheme
Discourse analysts are interested in the implications of these different structural
options for the creation of text, and, as always, it is from the examination of natural
data that patterns of use are seen to emerge. Therefore, discourse analysts are
concerned with, for it is a speaker1 writer choice made independently of the
propositional content of the message; the speaker / writer decides how to 'stage'
the information, where to start, so to speak, in presenting the message.
For example:
The kingdom of God is within man"
Not one man, nor a group of men, but in all men;
In you the people have the power,
The power to create machines,
He power to create happiness.
You the people have the power to make this life free and beautiful,
to make this life a wonderful.
Tense and Aspect
The emphasis in discourse analysis on interactive features of discourse such as
speaker/ writer perspective and standpoint, and the focusing or foregrounding of
certain elements of the message, has led to reinterpretations of conventional
statements about tense and aspect rules.
For example:
The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries
out for universal brotherhood for the unity of us all.
Then in the name of democracy let us use that power. Let us all unite!
In this world there is room for everyone and the good earth is rich and can
provide for everyone.
Read the chapter 3 and make a question per each of the following items:
Use different words and how. Answer the questions you have made.
What are lexical cohesion and their types?
This is related vocabulary items occur across clause and sentence
boundaries in written texts and across act, it move and turn boundaries in
speech that are a major characteristic of coherent discourse. Moreover, this has
two items collocation and reiteration.
Collocation only refers to the probability that lexical items will co-occur, and is not
a semantic relation between words. And reiteration can be shown to be a
significant feature of textually, and then there may be something for the language
teacher to exploit.
Reiteration means either restating an item in a later part of the discourse by direct
repetition or else reasserting its meaning by exploiting lexical relations.
Lexical relations are the stable semantic relationships that exist between words
and which are the basis of descriptions given in dictionaries.
What is Lexis in talk?
This is how speakers reiterate their own and take up one another vocabulary
selections in one form or other from turn and develop and expand topics in doing
so, this is called relexicalisation. Hence, this model can be applied in everyday
conversation as well.
What are textual aspects of lexical competence?
Sometimes our expectations as to how words are conventionally used are
disturbed, when the writers arrange usual lexical relations for particular purposes of
the text. Moreover, they are found frequently in spoken and written texts and are
probably a universal feature in all languages but our interpretations may not
correspond to dictionary definitions.
Which are there types of Vocabulary in the organizing of the text?
There are three types of words:
1 closed systems that carry grammatical meanings.
2. - Open systems; noun, verb, adjectives, adverb, demonstratives, etc.
3.- A type that seems to share qualities of both the open and the closed set
Discourse organizing words have a broader textual function to signal to
reader that larger textual patterns are being realized. Moreover, we are lacking
here is vocabulary that would identify the field of discourse. These sentences tell
us a lot about the structure of the article, but nothing about the author’s subject
matter. Therefore, discourse organizing words that we can predict text, procedural
vocabulary, content vocabulary etc.
What is Signalling larger textual patterns
Besides representing segments of text and parcelling up phrases, discourse
organising words signal to reader what larger textual patterns are being reliased
1.- Problem -solution patterns, it show how organizing words used to wrap rou
round a long text.
2.- Claim- countercalin pattern funtions, this signal that larger textual patterns
are being realized. This increase our awareness in realizing the pattern
problem solution concern dificulty dilemma .
Talk about these two topics :Register and Signaling vocabulary
Register can be defined as configuration of means that are typically associated
with a particular situational configuration of field, mode and tenor.
Field involves the setting in which communication takes place, and includes the
purpose and subject matter or topic of the communication process
Mode refers to the function of the text in the event field that describes activities and
processes that are happening at the time ; in other words, the choice between
speech and writing.
Tenor describes the people that take part in an event. In others words, tenor
indicates the relationship between the speaker and the destination
What is Modality?
This has two parts, which are:
1. - Epistemic modality that expresses the speaker’s opinion about the truth.
2. Deontic modality it concerned with ability permission, requesting,
The vocabulary of modality includes verbs such as appear, assume, guess, look as
if, thing, etc. The adverbs such as actuality, inevitably, obviously, possibly, etc.,
and nouns and adjectives related to them. Likewise, in terms of frequency , the
verbs and adverbs are considerably more frequent than the nous and adjectives.
What is the relationship between Discourse Analysis and Vocabulary? (100
Discourse analysis is defined as the analysis of language beyond the sentence and
to organize words in the text. Moreover this focuses on some of the varied
contexts and strands of discourse analysis that is rationed with vocabulary.
Therefore, vocabulary shares qualities of the open and closed set words this can
be in a paragraph that form an article, news, books etc.
In conclusion the study of discourse analysis and vocabulary is concerned
with patterns in the text created by the vocabulary. Moreover, the role of certain
words in discourse analyzing is structure and the relation into vocabulary.
How would you apply this new information to teach Vocabulary to your
students? (200 words)
The vocabulary is a fundamental tool into process teaching learning, because it
helps to improve new knowledge and skills in the students. Through discourse
analysis we can conserve the knowledge of vocabulary because it helps to improve
our language learning in diverse manners. First, it consists to bring students to
know news items of vocabulary of common context that allows using new
words through synonym collocation, adjectives, nouns, verbs etc. It should also
improve students’ abilities and emphasize a clear understanding of learning.
Second, this helps us to encourage for the creation of word list to supplement the
traditional methods of teaching for example, the variation can add new dimensions
and distinctions to meaning, and serves to build up a progressively complex
context, since every new word that students learn.
Third, it is a greatest opportunity to develop to use the knowledge about the
second language, it arises an exposure to learn an authentic vocabulary. That
helps to produce a comprehensible communication in second language.
Finally vocabulary defines a role important in the language in both contexts
instantaneously recompensing much attention to possible improvement of the
students in second language.

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