Multiple Intelligences Chart: Strengths Preferences Learns Best Through Needs Ways To Implement
Multiple Intelligences Chart: Strengths Preferences Learns Best Through Needs Ways To Implement
Intelligences Chart
Learns Best
Strengths Preferences Needs Ways to Implement
Hearing and seeing
Writing, reading, Write, read, tell Books, tapes, paper read, spell, recall, tell, listen, write,
words, speaking,
Verbal / memorizing dates, stories, talk, diaries, writing tools, discuss, memorize, use mnemonics,
reading, writing,
Linguistic thinking in words, memorize, work at dialogue, discussion, rap, make puns and riddles, apply,
discussing and
telling stories solving puzzles debated, stories, etc. blogs
Working with
Things to think about
relationships and
Question, work and explore, science
Math, logic, patterns, sequence, think abstractly, think
Mathematical with numbers, materials,
problem-solving, classifying, critically, interpret data, prove, make
/ Logical experiment, solve manipulative, trips to
reasoning, patterns categorizing, a chart, make a pattern
problems the planetarium and
working with the
science museum, etc.
LEGOs, video, movies, graphic organizers, make a chart,
Maps, reading Working with
Draw, build, slides, art, create a poster or glog, highlight,
charts, drawing, pictures and
Visual / design, create, imagination games, create a word cloud, interpret a
mazes, puzzles, colors, visualizing,
Spatial daydream, look at mazes, puzzles, graphic, draw, visualize, mind maps,
imagining things, using the mind's
pictures illustrated book, trips video, color code, illustrate, respond
visualization eye, drawing
to art museums, etc. to color patterns
Role-play, drama,
things to build,
Touching, moving, role play, walkabout, move, dance,
Athletics, dancing, Move around, movement, sports and
Bodily / knowledge through sign language, activity center, body
crafts, using tools, touch and talk, physical games,
Kinesthetic bodily sensations, language, build, lip sync,
acting body language tactile experiences,
processing manipulatives, sports, skits, improv
hands-on learning,
Sing-along time, trips
Picking up sounds, Rhythm, singing, hum, sing, rap, create a jingle or
Sing, play an to concerts, music
remembering melody, listening song, make a cheer, connect to
Musical instrument, listen playing at home and
melodies, rhythms, to music and music, create soundtrack, react to
to music, hum school, musical
singing melodies sounds
instruments, etc.
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organizing, Friends, group games,
Comparing, jigsaw, discuss, think-pair-share,
understanding Talk to people, social gatherings,
relating, sharing, drama, debate, peer tutoring, give
Interpersonal people, have friends, join community events,
interviewing, feedback, role play, class meetings,
communicating, groups clubs, mentors/
cooperating cooperative grouping, blogs
resolving conflicts, apprenticeships, etc.
Working alone, reflect, journal, rehearse, connect,
strengths and Secret places, time
Work alone, reflect having space, use self-talk, understand one’s self,
Intrapersonal weaknesses, setting alone, self-paced
pursue interests reflecting, doing work independently, engage in
goals, projects, choices, etc.
self-paced projects metacognition
understanding self
Be involved with
Understanding Working in nature,
nature, make Order, same/different,
nature, making exploring living explore, classify, label, identify, form
distinctions connections to real
Naturalistic distinctions, things, learning a hypothesis, investigate,
among topics and life and science
identifying flora and about plants and experiment
skills being issues, patterns
fauna natural events
Natural insight
regarding deeper Asking probing
Question, work Open-ended
philosophical questions and probe, discuss, analyze, ponder,
with numbers, discussions, patience
Existential questions about viewing topics Socratic dialogue, debate, compare
experiment, solve and flexibility to delve
relevance of from multiple and contrast
problems into a process or topic
content and perspectives
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