Adding Dialogue Lesson Plan

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Michelle Kearsley

Date of Lesson: 11/13/18

Mrs. Hedden (Clinton Public School)

TCNJ - School of Education - Lesson Plan

1.Title: Adding Dialogue

2. Lesson Essential Question: How can you add dialogue to your personal narrative?


A. Learning Objectives
B. Assessments
Learning Objectives Assessments

Students will be able to add dialogue to The teacher will collect the personal
their personal narratives. narratives and check for dialogue.

5. Materials:
-Teacher: Smartboard
-Students: Pencil, Personal Narratives

6. Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge: The students learned what

dialogue looks like and how to incoporate it into a sentence in the previous lesson.

7. Lesson Beginning: The teacher will begin the lesson by reviewing dialogue. Then,
the students will practice adding dialogue to a sentence.

8. Instructional Plan: Time needed approximately 35 minutes

What the teacher will What the students Materials the teacher Approx.
be doing: will be doing: needs to have ready: Time:

The teacher will begin The students will Write sentence on 3 min
the lesson on the rug by help the teacher Smartboard
reviewing what dialogue add dialogue to a
is. Then, the students sentence.
will practice adding
dialogue to a sentence.

The teacher will explain The students will Paragraph on 5 min

how to use a carrot and listen to the Smartboard
arrows to add dialogue teacher.
to a paragraph. The
teacher will model with a
paragraph on the

The teacher will send The students will None 2 min

the students back to add dialogue to
their seats to add their personal
dialogue to their narratives.
personal narratives.

The teacher will walk The students will None 20 min

around the classroom continue writing.
and read the students
work. The teacher will
choose a few students
to share their work.

The teacher will call the The chosen None 5 min

students back to the rug students will read
and have a few chosen their personal
students read their narratives aloud.
personal narrative. The other students
will listen to their

The teacher will read all None

of the personal
narratives after the
lesson and check for

a. Differentiation: The teacher will walk around while the students are working to
help specific students. The rules for adding dialogue will be on the board while the
students are writing.
b. Questions: “What is dialogue?”, “How do you add dialogue to a paragraph?”
c. Classroom Management: The teacher will remind the class that they are trying
to earn popcorns. The teacher will use various phrases to command the students’
attention, when needed.
d. Transitions: The teacher will ask the table caller to call students from the rug
back to their desks.

9. Closure: To close the lesson, the teacher will call the students back to the rug and
have a few chosen students read their personal narrative.

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