Eemti Vicente Arruda TD 1

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STUDENT: ___________________________________________ Nº______ LEVEL: 3º grade


01- (UNIOESTE) Assinale a alternativa que e) heavy _______________________

expressa uma comparação de igualdade. __________________________

a) We are the world's leading producer. 04 - Choose the best alternative for each
b) You used to wait years to have a sentence:
telephone installed.
c) These resources are no longer exploited at a) They play tennis well but she can
the cost of the environment. play .
d) Brazilians are as technology-hungry as 1 – better
anywhere in the world. 2 – worst
e) We are the world's largest producer of 3 – good
sugar. b) Delbra is
the person I know.
02- (FATEC) Das frases reproduzidas a 1 – worse
seguir, aquela que traz exemplos de graus de 2 – worst
comparação está na alternativa: 3 – bad
c) I live far, but my parents
a) “Neither, in fact, are the programmers live .
themselves, who have grown up writing 1 – far
softwares to run on a single engine – serially, 2 – farthest
that is, not in parallel”. 1 – farther
b) "For 50 years we've done things one way, d) Nick is the shy
and now we're changing to a different model". person know.
c) "Within a decade we will likely see chips 1 – less
with 100 cores, maybe even more, Rattner 2 – least
says". 3 – little
d) "Moore's Law has held true, making
computers cheaper and faster and more
powerful". 05 - Leia o texto e marque a alternativa
e) "Writing programs for them is incredibly correta:
difficult and time consuming". Arnold Schwarzenegger is a tall man. He is
taller than Danny De Vito. Danny is a short
03 -Write the comparative and superlative
man. He is shorter than Arnold. Arnold is
forms of the words below. Follow the
example: younger than Danny. Danny is older than
Short – shorter – shortest
a) early _______________________
b) big _________________________
c) wise ________________________
d) angry _______________________
No texto, as palavras destacadas estão: Ebony and ivory
Ebony and ivory live together in perfect
A. Intimidando os dois atores. harmony
B. Comparando os dois atores. Side by side on my piano keyboard, oh Lord,
C. Descrevendo os dois atores. why don’t we?
D. Anunciando o filme. We all know that people are the same
E. Afirmando serem pai e filho wherever
We go There is good and bad in ev’ryone,
06 - Assinale a alternativa com o pronome We learn to live, we learn to give
adequado que completa a tirinha Each other what we need to survive together
McCARTNEY P. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30
maio 2016.

08 - Em diferentes épocas e lugares,

compositores têm utilizado seu espaço de
produção musical para expressar e
problematizar perspectivas de mundo. Paul
McCartney, na letra dessa canção, defende:

A) He A) Aprendizado compartilhado.
B) She B) A necessidade de donativos.
C) They C) As manifestações culturais.
D) We D) Bem em relação ao mal.
E) E) It
E) Respeito étnico.

07 - De acordo com o texto abaixo:

09 - O texto abaixo é:

“Sandra Rawson & David Osborn

Request the honor of your presence at
their marriage Saturday, the first of
December two thousand and eleven at
half past three o’clock at Christ Church,
Greenwich, and afterward at the
reception Round Hill Country Club.
A) Carta de notificação de compra de
uma casa.
B) Anúncio de festa beneficente em uma
A) Bullying não é legal, mas não afeta C) Alerta ao consumidor de defeito de
ninguém. aparelho.
B) Qualquer pessoa pode ser vítima de D) Nota sobre falecimento.
bullying. E) Convite para a cerimônia de
C) Bullying é um problema que só casamento.
acontece na escola.
D) Bullying é algo normal na adolescência.
E) Não há como parar o bullying.

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