Schedule Waste Management Presentation

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Environmental Quality Act

EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations
Jangan buang begitu saja!!! Kamu
mencemarkan alam sekitar dan
membahayakan orang lain!! Anda
Apa??? boleh didakwa!
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

1st Schedule - Classification of SW
2nd Schedule - Notification of SW
3rd Schedule - Labeling Requirement for SW
4th Schedule - SW of Potential
5th Schedule - Inventory of SW
6th Schedule - Consignment Note for SW
7th Schedule - Information of SW
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

Main regulations

* EQ (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations,

* EQ (Prescribed Premise) (Scheduled
Wastes Treatment and Disposal
Facilities) Regulations, 1989
* EQ (Prescribed Conveyance) (Scheduled
Wastes) Order, 2005
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

Context in this Regulations

"scheduled wastes" means any waste falling

within the categories of waste listed in the First
"waste generator" means any person who
generates scheduled wastes
"contractor" means any person licensed by the
Director General of Environmental Quality under
subsection 18(1A) of the Act
"prescribed premises" means premises
prescribed by the Environmental Quality
(Prescribed Premises) (Scheduled Wastes
Treatment and Disposal Facilities) Order 1989
[P.U. (A) 140/1989].
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

Main Issues

(1)Identification of Scheduled Wastes

(2) Notification of Scheduled Wastes to DOE
(3) Disposal/Treatment of Scheduled Wastes
(4) Storage of Scheduled Wastes of Potential
(5) Labeling Requirement for Scheduled
(6) Inventory of Scheduled Wastes
(7) Transportation of Scheduled Wastes -
Consignment Note
(8) Scheduled Wastes Information
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

1) Identification of Scheduled Wastes

Groups of waste generated by industrial

and services sectors are categorized and
listed in First Schedule of the Regulations.
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

2) Notification of generation of new

scheduled wastes

* To notify Director General of DOE

regarding generation of new scheduled
wastes within 30 days from the date of

* By using the form as shown in

Second Schedule Calling
DOE only
is not enough
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

3a) Disposal of scheduled wastes

* Disposal of scheduled wastes at

Prescribed Premises only
4 Only licensed scheduled wastes
contractors can collect and transport
these wastes
4 The licensed scheduled wastes
contractors need to get their licences
Licensed contractors
renewed annually available at
DOE web-site
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

3b) Treatment of scheduled wastes

* Scheduled wastes can be only treated

4 By licensed scheduled wastes
4 by on-site treatment facility (within
company’s compound).

Residuals from treatment of Scheduled

Wastes shall be treated or disposed of at
prescribed premises (by Licensed
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

3c) What about certain Scheduled Wastes

that are not toxic or hazardous?

Generators of Scheduled Wastes may apply

to the DG in writing to have scheduled
wastes from their particular facility or
process to be excluded from the disposal
of, treatment of or recovery of material or
product from such scheduled waste at the
prescribed premises.
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

4a) Storage of Schedule

Containers for storage Containers containing SW shall always
shall be compatible with the be closed during storage, except
Scheduled Wastes (SW) to add or remove Scheduled Wastes

Storage of
scheduled wastes

DG may direct waste generator to Storage of SW shall be

send any SW for recovery, treatment180 days or less, and the quantity
or disposal for such a period or quantityshall be less than 20 metric tons
as he may direct
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

4b) Storage of Schedule Waste

* Incompatible Scheduled Wastes shall be

stored in separate containers
* For guidance, refer to Fourth Schedule

For example
Acidic and Alkaline scheduled wastes shall not be stored
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

4c) Storage of scheduled wastes

* Stored in containers that durable to

prevent spillage or leakage
* Storage area shall be designed,
constructed and maintained to prevent
spillage or leakage
Not this way!
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

5) Labeling of Schedule Wastes

Date of generation, name, address and

telephone numbers of the SW generator
shall be clearly marked on the containers

Labeling of
Labelled according to Third Schedule -
Scheduled wastes Labeling Requirement for Scheduled

No person is allowed to alter the labels

or markings.
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

5) Labeling of Schedule Wastes

What’s wrong
with this?
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

6) Inventory of scheduled wastes

* Inventory of scheduled wastes being

generated, treated and disposed shall be
kept accurate and up-to-date, using
forms as shown in Fifth Schedule
The inventory shall include
- Categories
- Quantities of scheduled wastes
- etc.
ü Records shall be kept for 3 years.
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

7) Transportation and Delivery of SW

SW can be transported by licensed contractors only

Waste generator is to fill up 6 copies of Part 1 of 6th Schedule

(consignment note) and give to Waste Contractor

Waste Contractor shall fill up Part 2 of Consignment Note and hand over 2
copies to the waste generator, waste generator to submit to DOE one cop
within 30 Days from the date of transportation of SW

Transport contractor must deliver SW to waste treatment plant within 10 day

waste treatment plant shall complete Part 3 of Consignment Note and hand
one copy each to waste generator, transport contractor and DOE, within 20 D
from the date of receipt of SW. If the Consignment Note is not received with
30 days, notify DOE
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

7) Other Information during Transportation

and Delivery

Waste generator must provide information in 7th Schedule to

Waste Contractor

Waste generator must inform Waste Contractor of purpose and use of

7th Schedule

Waste Contractor must carry 7th Schedule for all types of SW being transp
observe and comply with instructions in 7th Schedule
EQ (Scheduled Waste) Regulations

8) Schedule Wastes Infromation

Delivery of scheduled wastes

* Waste generator shall provide
information for every category
of scheduled wastes delivered.
- Use 7th Schedule
* Waste generator shall assist
the waste contractor if there is
any spillage or accidental
- by providing technical
- by supporting assistance in
clean up operation
Thank you…

Ricky Godwin
Sustainability Deptartment

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