Oral Comm 2nd QRT EXAM

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Name: ___________________________________ Score:___________
Section: __________________________________ Date:____________

SE “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the lord and depart from evil.” (Proverbs 3:7)

TEST I. Multiple Choice (20 points)

Directions: Read the following questions and encircle the a. Re framing

letter of the correct answer. b. Bridging
1. All except one identifies non-verbal cues used in = c. Tripling
communication d. Red herring
a. Facial expression 9. All except one identifies a speech according to
b. Dress and physical appearance purpose.
c. Vocal projection a. Entertainment
d. Eye contact b. Informative
2. “ Allow me to mention” This line underlines the use c. Persuasive
of ______ communicative strategy? d. Impromptu
a. Turn-taking 10. A type of speech that provides the audience with a
b. Nomination clear understanding of the concept or idea presented
c. Repair by the speaker.
d. Termination a. Entertainment
3. “ Don’t get me wrong…I simply mean…” This line b. Informative
underlines the use of ______ communicative c. Impromptu
strategy? d. Persuasive
a. Repair 11. All except one is an example of a memorized
b. Topic shifting speech.
c. Restriction a. giving tribute to a person
d. Topic Control b. presenting an award
4. This type of illocutionary act allows the speaker to c. news reporting
express his belief about the truth of a proposition. d. introducing a person
a. Directive 12. What do you think does the speaker mean when
b. Commissive he/she says, “ Can you open the door?”
c. assertive a. The speaker wants to know if I have the
d. expessive ability to open the door.
5. This type of illocutionary act brings about a change in b. The speaker is requesting me to open the
the external situation. door.
a. Declaration c. The speaker does not make sense.
b. Commissive d. The speaker is asking me a question.
c. Directive 13. In which of the following statements is making a
d. Assertive commitment?
6. Martha a senior high school student interacts and a. I will be with you along the way
sends messages to a new found friend from UK in the b. We are very much delighted to see you
internet. She participates in a ______? c. Truly this one is the finniest
a. Interpersonal communication d. From now on, I will make a reform
b. Intercultural communication 14. This part of speech aims to provide emphasis on the
c. Intrapersonal Communication message and calls for action.
d. Intimate Communication a. Conclusion
7. This type of speech provides the audience with well- b. Introduction
argued ideas that can influence their own beliefs and c. Body
decisions. d. Title
a. Impromptu speech 15. It serves as the foundation of the speech with the
b. Manuscript speech goal of getting audience attention.
c. Entertainment speech a. Body
d. Persuasive speech b. Conclusion
8. A speaking strategy which prompts the speaker to c. Introduction
build a connection between what he knows and does d. title
not know.
16. This stage in speech writing which the speaker b. media personalities
determines the profile of his target audience. c. spokesperson
a. data gathering d. all of the above
b. audience analysis 19. This type of speech requires a speaker to commit the
c. determining your purpose speech to his memory when delivering it.
a. Memorized
d. Preparing your outline
b. manuscript
17. The following are strategies used to highlight main c. impromptu
idea EXCEPT ONE. d. extempo
a. present real life or practical examples 20. This communicative strategy establishes and sustains
b. show statistics productive conversation as it gives a chance to all
c. present comparisons communicators to speak.
d. tell a personal story a. Topic control
b. Topic shifting
18. The manuscript method is most advantageous to
c. Turn-taking
whom? d. Termination
a. public figures

II- Directions: Write T before each number if the statements is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE

___________1. Impromptu speaking challenges the speaker’s ability to organize ideas and deliver effectively in a very short
period of time.
___________2. In an extempo speech there is no need for non-verbal cues.
___________3. Warming up before the speech can tensed nerves and would result to poor delivery.
___________4. When you only know the speech by heart it would be harder for you to work on non-verbal cues.
___________5. Delivery of speeches should focus only on the content, this gives a chance to respond to audience feedback.
___________6. Extemporaneous speech is more challenging than manuscript speech because it is spontaneous and personal.
___________7. Audience needs a mentally exhausting messages to arouse their interest so there is no need to simply
___________8.The aim of a persuasive speech is to change the perception and convinces the audience that your argument
is more important, practical and attainable.
___________9. Audience analysis in speech writing is encouraged so you can tailor your speech fit to audience needs and
___________10.Restriction as a communicative strategy limits the chance of a healthy conversation.

III-Directions: Tell if each of the given statement is a question of fact (F), question of value (V) or a question of policy (P)

_________1. Senior high school students should have curfew.

_________2. Examination results provide real indication of ability.
_________3. Tricycles causes severe traffic going to school.
_________4. Video games makes students violent.
_________5. Marijuana should be legalized since it is use for medicinal purposes.
_________6. Absenteeism causes students to fail a subject.
_________7. Filipinos are dubbed as healthy eaters.
_________8. What is “right and wrong” changes from generation to generation.
_________9.Truth is never debatable.
________10. Children raised by a surrogate parent should be allowed to know their biological parents.

IV- Essay- Discuss the ff. question substantially.

a. How do you sustain audience attention all throughout your speech?

b. What requires a successful communication?

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