Biomechanic 1. Type of Motion Linear Motion

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Linear motion

 All parts travel the same distance in the same time, along the same path
 Measured in m

Angular motion

 Parts rotate around an axis of rotation

 Measured in linear distance

General motion

 A combination of both linear and angular motion

(a) 1st class lever system
 The fulcrum is between effort and load
(b) 2nd class lever
 The load is between effort and fulcrum

(c) 3rd class lever

 The effort is between load and fulcrum
(a) Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
 When a body is rest it remains at rest and when a body moves it continues moving
until an external force is applied to it.

(b) Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion

 The acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the force but inversely
proportional to its mass.

(c) Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion

 Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

(a) Compound Movement (multi joint)
 Overall movement is due to several joint working together. (eg: triceps dumbbell
kickback or bench press)

(b) Single Joint Movement

 Several movement is due to one joint moving about an axis. (eg: bicep curl muscle
extension or lateral)

(c) Closed
 Movement of one joint will produce the predictable motion of another joint. (eg:
barbell squat joint and hip movement altogether.)

(d) Open
 Compound or single joint movement where the movement of one joint do not require
the movement of another joint. (eg: dumbbell bench press).


(a) Carbohydrates
 Primary fuel for most type of activities
 Foods containing carbohydrates: bread, rice, pasta, cereals, crakers, fruits, juices,
vegetables, dried beans/peas.

(b) Protein
 Used for building and repairing muscles, red blood cells, hair and other tissues.
 Used for energy when carbohydrates are not available.
 For muscle growth and repair
 Meat, poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts, tofu and beans

(c) Fats
 Helps to sustain prolonged activities
 Source of stored energy, burned mostly during low level activity when other sources
are not available.
 Nuts, seeds, olive oil, canola oil, fish, avocado and olive.

(d) Vitamins and minerals

 Needed to regulate processes in the body- used to utilize energy from carbohydrates,
protein and fats.
 Helps your muscles contract and nerves function
 Calcium- builds bones, length and strength.
 Found in dairy products, calcium fortified orange juice, dark green vege, dried
 Irons- aids in energy metabolism.
 Iron is found in lean meats, eggs, legumes, whole grains, green leafy vegetables.
 Vitamin C increases the body’s ability to absorb iron.
(e) Water
 Regulate body temperature
 Maintains proper muscle tone by giving muscles their natural ability to contract and
by preventing dehydration.
 Rids the body of excess salt and other wastes.

(a) Anorexia Nervosa
 Calorie counting
 Hesitant to eat even in small amounts
 Hiding food
 Denial of being hungry
 Social withdrawal
 Absence of 3 consecutive menstrual cycle

(b) Bulimia
 Secretive behavior around eating
 Sneaking or hiding food
 Eating large amount of food quickly
 Overuse of laxatives
 They dispose their vomit secretly

(c) Similarities between anorexic and bulimia

 Intense fear of gaining weight
 Low self-esteem and depression
 Obsession with diets and body shape
(a) Questions to ask:
 What claims have been made about the supplement
 Is there any scientific basis to these claims?
 What is the supplement made off?
 Does it work? Is it allowed?

(b) Ergogenic Acids

 Ergogenic- the potential to increase work output
 Can be dangerous to your health now and later
 No scientific evidence for many of the claims
 May have unknown, serious side effects
 Placebo effect

4. 3G
(a) GO
 Grains are go food- they help us to run, jump and play all day

(b) Glow
 Fruits and vegetables are glow food- supply the body with vitamins and minerals to
keep it healthy. Furthermore, the skin will glow, eyes sparkle and hair will shine.

(c) Grow
 contain the Milk and the Meat & Beans Group foods that help the body grow and
develop strong bones and muscles. Children learn that GROW foods...."help me grow
bigger and stronger."
 All common injury:
 Sprain - stretch or tear to a ligament
 Symptoms – pain, swelling, bruising and restriction of movement in the
affected area.
 Treated with rest and anti-inflammatory medication
 Strains – twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon
 Symptoms – pain, muscle spasm and loss of strength in muscle
 Common in running, jumping or rapid changes in direction
 Tennis elbow – repetitive movement of the muscles in lower arm
 Symptoms – swelling around the outer edge of elbow, tenderness around the
elbow, and pain during elbow movement
 Treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, elbow split or cortisone injection
 Golfer’s elbow – all same with tennis elbow with the difference that the swelling
appears on the inside of the elbow due to difference in arm movement during
 Difference:
Tennis elbow Golfer’s elbow
repetitive movement of the muscles in difference in arm movement during
lower arm sport.

swelling around the outer edge of elbow swelling appears on the inside of the

 Runner’s knee – swelling at the back of kneecap (chondromalacia)

 Due to repeated impact through running on hard surfaces.
 Blisters – caused by friction on soft skin, small in size
 Long distance running or football
 Rowers – blisters on palms
 Head injury
 Cause concussion or even brain damage
 Symptoms – lost consciousness, light-headedness, dizziness, nausea and
 Tendonitis – caused by overuse, strain or tear in a tendon
 Symptoms – swelling, redness, pain, restricted movement of the area, and
change of injury area appearance.
 Shin splints – pain along the shin bone
 Caused by inflammation or tiny fractures
 Running on hard surface, running in shoes without foot and ankle support.
 Effects of:
Warm up Cool down
Increase blood flow to muscles Remove muscles’ waste products &
replacement with oxygen and nutrients
More flexible muscles Less muscle stiffness & soreness
Reduce risk of muscle strains
 R.I.C.E:
Rest – 2 days
Ice – apply ice pack to injured area for 10 – 30 mins. No direct tough – use towel
Compression – use compression bandages to limit swelling & movement
Elevation – raise arm of leg to elevated & comfortable height to reduce swelling

 Sports Psychology – understanding mental factors that affect performance, physical
activities, exercise and teamwork.
 To enhance individual and team performance
 Deals with – managing emotion and minimizing psychological effect of injury
and poor performance.

 Stages of psychological from injury:

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance and reorganization.
 Arousal vs performance charts

 How to improve performance:

 Have enough sleep and rest.
 Manage arousal, anxiety and stress properly
 Have proper diet and nutritious food
 Increase intrinsic motivation
 Be confidence by believing in capability to achieve goal
 Be able to block everything out be being focus.
 Use proper training and exercise methods
 Stay hydrated
 etc.
 Sports psychologist
 Clinical sport psychologist – licensed to treat individuals with emotional
 Educational sport psychologist – mental coach, who educates athletes &
exercisers about psychological skills and their development through group and
individual sessions.

 Differences between stress, arousal and anxiety:

Arousal Stress Anxiety

General physiological and Substantial imbalance Negative emotional state
psychological activation, between that demands that with feelings of worry,
varying in intensity along a someone feels and his or nervousness, and
continuum her feelings of capably to apprehension associated
meet that demands - when with the activation of the
failure of these demands body
has important

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