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Group Member Evaluation

Following the table, provide one paragraph of comments on each member's part in the team work (including
your own!!). In the table, add each group member's name in place of “Group member” below for each
column heading, including your own name. Add additional columns as needed. Rate each person along a 5
point scale with 5 being BEST and 1 being WORST. The specific results will be kept in strict confidence,
although I might share the combined (but anonymous) responses from a group to an individual member of
the group.

Simon Says Phillip Flimsey Walker Palmer Palmetto


Attitude toward 5 5 5 5
project and
achieving a good

Quality of work 5 5 4.5 5

Attendance at 5 5 5 5

Communication 5 5 5 5
outside meetings

Efforts to share 5 5 5 5
work and
contribute as “part
of the team”

Ability to meet 5 5 4.5 5

commitments and

Meeting the team’s 5 5 5 5


Suppose you have 25 25 25 25

100 units of
desireable to
distribute across
your team in
proportion to their
contribution and
effort on this
project. How
would you
distribute it? [The
sum over all of the
team members will
be 100%.]

Comment on each group member (including yourself), one full paragraph per person. For
each member, mention what they have done on the project, how well they did their job,
their strengths and their weaknesses.

I worked on the paper prototype for user story # 1, which covered a lot of functionality. I think I
do a good job pushing to get projects completed and coming up with ideas. I know I tend to take the lead
more than most, but I do actively try to get other group members to contribute so that I don't run rough
shod over their ideas. I do also tend to be opinionated and may seem suborn, but never I hope in a rude or
demeaning way. I am willing to concede to the consensus and put my best effort into what the group as a
whole thinks should happen. Overall I think I put forth good work and work well with others, I wouldn't
mind having another me in some of my other group projects at UWT.
Phillip worked on paper prototype # 4, which looked very good and covered what needed to be
done. He is very hard working and willing to do whatever it takes to finish up a project or find a solution
to a problem. He also did extra work to accumulate some of our check ins into single documents, which
ended up looking very good. It is difficult to come up with something for him to work on, but to an extent
he is too willing to bend over backwards for others, he should be able to say no when a task or date is
unfair. Overall Phillip is the kind of worker and group member I would want on any project or team
Flimsey worked on prototype # 3, and while he covered a lot of functionality on it he didn't seem
to put as much effort into it as the rest of the group. He does meet every deadline and is always ready to
provide ideas and discuss solutions. However, he did need to be coached into not missing the meeting
that he was supposed to facilitate. He is very personable and works well with others, for a professional
team he would make a good public face. Overall Flimsey has done good work and put in a good effort,
I'm glad he is part of my team.
Palmer worked on user story # 2, which was done at first too lightly but he re-did it very well. He
also set up our group website and discovered a lot on how to get it to work. He is hard working and has a
good sense of pride in his work, wanting it to be top quality in all things. He is a little quiet and at times
we might need to coax his thoughts from him. He needs to realize he is just as smart and capable as the
other members of the group, and that his ideas are just as valid as anyone else's. Overall I'm glad Palmer
is in our group, he is smart and hard working and just needs to know it.

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