Capstone Guidelines

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Guidelines for Capstone Project I (MGT738) (Major project)

Evaluation Parameters

Course Code: MGT738 Course Title: CAPSTONE PROJECT-I L :0 T :0 P :2 Cr. 2

00 100 0 0

1. Course Objective: The goal of the course is to develop a research proposal, gain approval on the
organizing framework for MGT739 Capstone Project-II and to develop an understanding of the
research process. Student will be required to take research mentors’ endorsement of the research
proposal as a basis for MGT739 Capstone Project-II to be undertaken in next semester.

2. Panel Evaluation: Three Faculty members will form the panel for evaluating written draft
and viva in two reviews as per the guidelines. Panel will maintain recommendation form
for each individual with 2 carbon copies, original be submitted to Capstone Project
Coordinator ,one carbon copy given to the student and one retained by the guide. Student is
required to bring previous recommendation form in the next review compulsorily. Format
of recommendation form (Annexure V1)

3. Parameters of evaluation: split up of 100 marks in detail

CA Component and Weightages

Panel Evaluation 90%

Periodic Reporting/Quality of discussions with Faculty Advisor 10%

• Panel Evaluation Frequency and Weightages

First Evaluation 30%

Second Evaluation 70%

First Review

a) Criteria for evaluation of Research Plan in First Review:

Evaluation Component Weightages

Problem definition (Need, scope

and objectives of the study) 15

Review of literature
b) Criteria for evaluation of oral presentation (viva-voce):

Evaluation Component Weightages

Question Handling and Power Point 50


Second Review
a)Criteria for evaluation of the Research Plan in Second Review:

Evaluation Component Weightages

Problem definition (Need, scope and 05

objectives of the study)
Review of literature
Research Methodology
Research instrument
Additional References

(b) Criteria for evaluation of oral presentation (viva-voce):

Evaluation Component Weightages

Question Handling and Power Point 50


4. Criterion for Periodic Reporting:

Student Attendance Sheet is to maintained by the guide to record the frequency of student
reporting date wise (twice a week as per the time slot allocated by the guide to the student).

File should also be maintained by the guide for recording the points of discussion with
every group date wise and the recommendations made thereof.

During each review, the faculty guide should bring register and file for evaluating the
periodic reporting.
Criterion for award of Periodic Reporting marks out of 10

Below 75% 0
75-80 2
80-85 4
85-90 6
95.100 8
95-100 10
5. Pedagogy:

• The students would start working on the research proposal soon after the allocation of the
research topics.
• Each student shall meet the respective Faculty Advisor at least once a week for consultation
and to apprise him/her of the work done.
• The faculty members would maintain a attendance sheet of register to record the date of
meetings, the attendance, details of meetings covering the work done as on date and expected to
be done till the next meeting and give their remarks.

General Guidelines for Layout and format for all written drafts

1. Paper Size must be A4 and margins should be maintained on all pages as

follows: Left margin = 1.5” (wider for binding) Top, right & bottom margins = 1”
2. Use Times New Roman font, 12 point size, for text.
3. Use 1.5 line spacing for all text in the main body of the thesis.
4. Draft should contain page numbers (1, 2, 3….) starting from Introduction Chapter.
Preliminary pages should be numbered: i., ii., iii, iv, v, vi, etc. A page number should not be shown on
the inside title page even though it is counted as i.
5. Page number should be placed at the bottom- center of page.
6. For Correct format of References refer to Annexure IV
7. Title page of synopsis should be as per annexure I, Certification in
annexure II, Declaration in annexure III, Topic submission form as in annexure V,
Recommendation form in annexure VI

Name , Designation and Sign of Course Planner

Approval of HoD-F

Approval of HoF
Detailed Guidelines
MGT 738 focuses on the 1st half of the capstone project for MBA 3rd semester students. It will
contain 2 reviews, after the completion of the course of seminar. Latter half of the capstone project
will be continued in MGT 769 in MBA 4th Semester

Following guidelines should be taken care during its implementation.

• Group Project: Capstone project will be a group project. A group of 3-5 students have been
allocated a single project under one guide. Allocation list of groups with the guides should be
made available (school wise) as additional file in announcement section of UMS a month before
the 1st review.

• Group Coding: Group number will be assigned to each group. All reviews or communication
regarding the project will be made as per group number, so students need to remember their group
number assigned in the allocation list.

• Online Topic Submission: Topic Submission by the group will be made online through a
link in UMS, similar to the link made for each subject code. The link will also act as a
medium for communicating between the students and the guide.

Important dates be decided school wise and communicated to COD-F

Tentative list of topics to be submitted by the group (after consultation with all the members of the
group) to the guide on or before – _______________

Final topic submission to the guide on or before – _______________

Department reporting the students about the amendment required in the topic- ____________

Re-submission of topics (only in case where amendment was required) _________________

• Evaluation Criterion:

Faculty guide – 10% for periodic reporting

Panel Evaluation – 90% on the basis of
Written Report (50%) & VIVA (50%)
Detailed criterion is mentioned in the evaluation parameters.

• Peer-rating: To ensure that every student gets the marks equivalent to the work done by
him/her towards the project, Peer Rating has been introduced.

In this all group members will give weight (W) to each member depending on the amount
of work done by each member (out of 10). There must be minimum difference of 2
between the lowest and highest. Weights must be written on the front page of the report
and signed by all the members of the group.
Panel will assign marks (M) to the group out of total marks based on written report.
Peer Rating will be made in each review of the capstone.
Each member marks for written report will be calculated as per the formula = W* M/10.
All the fractions will be rounded off to the higher side.
E.g. In a group of three members, weights assigned to A = 8, B = 7, C = 10
Panel has assigned 30 marks (out of 50) to the written report.
Marks of A = 8*30/10 = 24
Marks of B = 7*30/10 = 21
Marks of C = 10*30/10 = 30
Panel has assigned following marks (out of 50) based on Viva – A = 30, B = 35, C= 40
Final Marks of A = 24 + 30= 54
Final Marks of B = 21 + 35 = 56
Final Marks of C =30 + 40 = 70

Annexure I





Submitted to Lovely Professional University

Submitted by: Supervisor:

Name of Student1 Registration No. Roll No. Name of the Faculty Advisor

Name of Student2 Registration No. Roll No. Designation

Name of Student3 Registration No. Roll No.

Name of Student4 Registration No. Roll No.



Annexure II


This is to certify that the Synopsis titled “________________________________________”

carried out by Mr._________________(student name), S/o or D/o____________(Father’s Name)
has been accomplished under my guidance & supervision as a duly registered MBA student of the
Lovely Professional University, Phagwara.

His Synopsis represents his original work and is worthy of consideration for making a research
project in the next term.


(Name & Signature of the Faculty Advisor)

Annexure III


I, "________________________________(student's name)”, hereby declare that the work

presented herein is genuine work done originally by me and has not been published or submitted
elsewhere for the requirement of a degree program. Any literature, data or works done by others
and cited within this synopsis has been given due acknowledgement and listed in the reference


(Student’s name & Signature)


• Individual declaration will be given by each student of the group separately and should be
attached in the synopsis.
Annexure IV


This section is an introduction to writing references and covers the most common types of material in both
print and electronic form: books, chapters in books, conferences and their papers, official publications,
dissertations and theses, journal articles, images, pictures and illustrations, maps, internet resources.

Tip – Saving Time

Make sure that you get all the reference information you need while you still have the source material (e.g.
book) in front of you. You will waste a lot of time if you have to have to go back and find this information
later. For example: if you make a photocopy check that you have the page numbers; if you interview
someone make a note of the date; if you print a web page make a note of the full web address and the date
on which you accessed it.

Why should I include references in my work?

1.It shows the range of reading which you have done. This gains you marks.
2.You may support your arguments with the opinion of acknowledged experts and use data from
reputable sources. This can make your own arguments more convincing.
3.It is a basic academic requirement to show details of the sources of your information, ideas and
arguments. Doing so means that you cannot be accused of plagiarism, i.e. stealing from another
person’s work.

When should I include references in my work?

1. Whenever you quote someone else’s work. This does not just include words but tables, charts,
pictures, music, etc.
2. When you rewrite or paraphrase someone else’s work.
3. When you summarise someone else’s work.

Why should I give such detailed information?

The purpose of the details provided is to make it easy for someone else to follow up and trace the materials
which you have used. Without full references, your tutor may be led into thinking you are trying to take
credit for someone else’s work i.e. plagiarism.

What are the most important points about my list of references?

1. Keep it accurate. This means that the marker/tutor does not waste time if they wish to consult the
items you have listed. If your list is full of errors you will lose marks.
2. Provide all the relevant details. This makes it is easy for the marker to identify the items which you
have listed. Again, if some of the important information is missing you will lose marks.
3. Use a consistent format for your references. This will ensure that it is easy to locate a reference
within your reading list.

What do I need to include?

The most important parts of a reference are as follows:
1. The person(s) who ‘wrote’ the work: - The Author(s) or Originator(s).
2. Anyone who edited, translated, arranged the item.
3. The name of the work: - usually the Title.
4. Any additional information about the name of the item: - usually the Subtitle.
5. The person who puts the work into its physical format: - usually the Publisher.
6. The date when the work was made available or published (not necessarily when it was written,
7. The place of publication (if known).
8. Physical details of the item such as Vol. No. page numbers etc..
9. Any additional information helpful to locate the works (such as a web address, a catalogue number,
the title of a series, etc.).

How do I Cite an Item in the Text of my Project?

Researcher need to provide the following information if you mention another piece of work, book etc. in
your assignment.

(a) When quoting directly from someone else’s work give:

Author(s) followed by the year in round brackets.

e.g. “As with any investment, working capital exposes the business to risk.” Verma (2003)

(b) If there is no author give either:

A statement that the work is anonymous (Anon)followed by the year in round brackets:

e.g. Anon. (2006)


Title followed by the date in round brackets.

e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica (2003)

(c) If the author produced more than one work in the same year:

Use letters to indicate this (probably it is best to arrange the items alphabetically by their title first):

e.g. Singh (2004 a)

Singh (2004 b)

(d) When referring to or summarising put both the author(s) and year.

e.g. Verma (2007) describes how the business is exposed to risk by working capital.

(i). Authors
a) Single Author

Family name first, then a comma and space and then personal name(s) or initial(s). e.g. Singh, A.

b) Two Authors

List the authors in the form above with “&” between them.

e.g. Mohammed, A. & Khan, J.

c) Three Authors:

List the authors as above with a comma after the first and “&” after the second.

e.g. Pryce-Jones, T., Patel, V. & Brown, P.

d) More than three authors should be listed with only the first named followed by the Greek term
“et al”. This translates as “and others”.

e.g. Hussain, J. et al.

Editors are treated the same as authors except that Ed. or Eds. is put in brackets after the editor or
editors names.

e.g. Walker, T. (Ed.)

Corporate Author?
A corporate author is a group which takes responsibility for writing a publication. It could be a
society and professional body, an international organisation, a government department or any other
group. A government publication should begin with the country, then the department, then any
committee or subcommittee.

e.g. Great Britain. Department for Education and Skills

e.g. PriceWaterhouseCoopers

(ii) Date
The date of ‘publication’ should be included.

If there are a number of different reissues or reprints of the item give the earliest date of the edition you are
referring to.

e.g. if the information in the book reads “1989 reprinted in 1990, 1992, 1995, 1996, 2000” give 1989.

If it is not possible to ascertain the date put the following: [n.d.] or [undated] or [no date].

(iii) Title
The title should be copied from the item itself if possible and should be in italics. If there is no title on the
item you may need to invent a descriptive title. In this case you should put it in square brackets [ ].

(iv) Edition
If there are different editions of the work you should give details of which edition you are using. e.g 3rd ed

(v) Place
Where appropriate you should include the place where the item was published.

e.g. New Delhi (India)

If there is more than one place of publication given choose the first one.

e.g. for Paris, New York, London give “Paris”

(vi) Publisher
If the item is published give the name of the publisher as it appears on the item.

e.g Sultan Chand & Sons

If the item is unpublished it may still be possible to give the name of the body responsible for issuing the

e.g. Verma , R. (1998). Impact of Market Orientation on Corporate Success. Unpublished PhD
thesis, University of Himachal Pradesh.

(vii) Other Information

You may wish to include other information about the item such as its ISBN, physical format (e.g. Lecture,
Web Site, E-Mail, internet address, etc.). More detail is given in the section

(i) Books (or reports)
Information about a book should, if possible, be taken from the title page and the back of the title page.
It is usually laid out like this:

Kotler, P. (2006), Marketing Management, 12th Ed. New Delhi: Pearson Publishers Ltd., pp. 1-23.

Author Date of Title Edition Place of Publisher Pages

Publication Publication

(ii) Electronic Books

Electronic Books should be treated very similarly to print ones. You need to include the address of the
website at which you viewed the work and the date on which you viewed it.


Roshan, P. & Leary, J. (2003) Financial Analysis. Sebastopol, CA: Cisco Press

[available at: viewed on 11/03/2008]

(iii) Journal Articles

Publications that are published regularly with the same title and often a volume and/or part number are
usually known as serials. These could include publications published annually, quarterly (4 times per year),
bimonthly (every 2 months), monthly, weekly or daily.

Popular serials e.g. Business World, are usually called magazines but more academic publications are often
known as journals.

The reference from journal should be laid out like this:

Author Year Article Title Journal Title

Kumar, G. B. (2005) Changes Ahead in Health Care Management. HR Magazine, Vol 50, No
13, pp. 60-61.

Volume Part/Issue Page Numbers

(iv) Web Sites

A web page should be treated similarly to a print work in that it may have an author or editor and a title. It
may be dated and the main site (of which the page is a part) may also have a publisher and may also give an
address in the “about us” or “contact” section. You should include the address of the web page and also
include the date on which you viewed the page.


Barger, J. (2000) A biography of Leopold Paula Bloom [viewed 11/07/2006].


 All references should be given alphabetically.

 The literature reviewed should be arranged as per the requirement of theme.
Annexure V

Topic Submission Form for Students

Group Number (as allocated in the list) ______________

Name of Faculty Guide: _______________________

1. Name of Student _______________ Roll No. ___________ Registration. No. ________

2 Name of Student _______________ Roll No. ___________ Registration. No. ________

3.Name of Student _______________ Roll No. ___________ Registration. No. ________

4.Name of Student _______________ Roll No. ___________ Registration. No. ________

Topic for Capstone Project (Approved by Faculty Guide)

Annexure VI

Lovely School of ___________

Review of Capstone Project

Recommendations made by the panel

Group No. _________

Name of the student 1 __________________ Roll No. ____________ Reg No. _____________

Name of the student 2 __________________ Roll No. ____________ Reg No. _____________

Name of the student 3 __________________ Roll No. ____________ Reg No. _____________

Name of the student 4 __________________ Roll No. ____________ Reg No. _____________



Panel Members ( Name, signature, biometric)

Member 1 _________________________________________________________

Member 2 _________________________________________________________

Member 3_________________________________________________________

• Panel to maintain 2 carbon copies of the form. Original to Capstone Project Coordinator ,one copy to the
group and one retained by the guide.

• All students of the group have to carry previous recommendation form.

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