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(Bachelor of Science Examination)

Course structure of UG Chemistry Honours
Semester Course Course Name Credits Total marks

I AECC-I AECC-I 04 100

C-I Inorganic Chemistry-I 04 75

C-I Practical Inorganic Chemistry-I Lab 02 25

C-II Physical Chemistry-I 04 75

C-II Practical Physical Chemistry-I Lab 02 25

GE-I GE-I 04 75
GE-I Practical GE-I Lab 02 25

22 400


C-III Organic Chemistry-I 04 75

C-III Practical Organic Chemistry-I Lab 02 25

C-IV Physical Chemistry-II 04 75

C-IV Practical Physical Chemistry-II 02 25

GE-II GE-II 04 75
GE-II Practical GE-II Lab 02 25

22 400

III C-V Inorganic Chemistry-II 04 75

C-V Practical Inorganic Chemistry-II Lab 02 25

C-VI Organic Chemistry-II 04 75

C-VI Practical Organic Chemistry-II Lab 02 25

C-VII Physical Chemistry-III 04 75

C-VII Practical Physical Chemistry-III Lab 02 25
GE-III Practical GE-III Lab 02 25

SEC-I SEC-I 04 100

28 500

IV C-VIII Inorganic Chemistry-III 04 75

C-VIII Practical Inorganic Chemistry-III Lab 02 25

C-IX Organic Chemistry-III 04 75

C-IX Practical Organic Chemistry-III Lab 02 25

C-X Physical Chemistry-IV 04 75

C-X Practical Physical Chemistry-IV Lab 02 25

GE-IV GE-IV (Theory) 04 75

GE-IV Practical GE-IV (Practical) 02 25

SEC-II SEC-II 04 100

28 500

Semester Course Course Name Credits Total marks

V C-XI Organic Chemistry-IV 04 75

C-XI Practical Organic Chemistry-IV 02 25

C-XII Physical Chemistry-V 04 75

C-XII Practical Physical Chemistry-V 02 25

DSE-I DSE-I 04 75
DSE-I Practical DSE-I Lab 02 25

DSE-II Practical DSE-II Lab 02 25

24 400

VI C-XIII Inorganic Chemistry- IV 04 75

C-XIII Practical Inorganic Chemistry-IV 02 25
C-XIV Organic Chemistry-V 04 75
C-XIV Practical Organic Chemistry-V 02 25

DSE-III Practical DSE-III Lab 02 25

DSE-IV Practical DSE-IV Lab 02 25


DSE-IV Dissertation 06 100*

24 400

TOTAL 148 2600

Discipline Specific Elective Papers: (Credit: 06 each)

(4 papers to be selected by students of Chemistry Honours): DSE (1-IV)
1. Polymer Chemistry
2. Green Chemistry
3. Industrial Chemicals & Environment
4. Inorganic Materials of Industrial Importance
5. *Dissertation (can be opted as alternative of DSE-IV only and of 6 credits. Dissertation
content: 60, Seminar cumViva: 20)
6. Analytical Methods in Chemistry (Alternative)
Core course – 14 papers
Discipline Specific Elective – 4 papers (out of the 6 papers suggested)
Generic Elective for non Chemistry students – 4 papers. Incase the University offers 2 subjects
as GE, then papers 1 and 2 will be the GE paper.
Marks per paper - Midterm : 15 marks, End term : 60 marks, Practical- 25 marks
Total – 100 marksCredit per paper – 6
Teaching hours per paper – 40 hours Theory classes + 20 hours Practical classes


Atomic structure
Bohr’s theory, its limitations and atomic spectrum of hydrogen atom, Sommerfeld’s
modification. Wave mechanics: de Broglie equation, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle (time
independent) and its significance, Derivation of Schrödinger’s wave equation (for hydrogen
atom) in Cartesian coordinate, significance of ψ and ψ2. Normalized and orthogonal wave
functions. Sign of wave functions; Setting of Schrödinger’s equation in polar coordinates
(derivation not required), radial and angular wave functions for hydrogen atom. Radial and
angular distribution curves; Shapes of s, p, d and f orbitals; Quantum numbers and their
significance. Pauli’s Exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau’s
principle and its limitations.

Periodicity of elements
Periodicity of Elements: s, p, d, f block elements, the long form of periodic table. Detailed
discussion of the following properties of the elements, with reference to s & p-blocks. (a)
Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening effect, Slater rules, variation of effective nuclear
charge in periodic table. (b) Atomic radii (van der Waals) (c) Ionic and crystal radii. (d) Covalent
radii (octahedral and tetrahedral) (e) Ionization enthalpy, Successive ionization enthalpies and
factors affecting ionization energy. Applications of ionization enthalpy. (f) Electron gain
enthalpy, trends of electron gain enthalpy. (g) Electronegativity, Pauling’s/ Mulliken’s
electronegativity scales. Variation of electronegativity with bond order, partial charge,
hybridization. Sanderson’s electron density ratio.

Chemical bonding-I
Ionic bond: General characteristics, types of ions, size effects, radius ratio rule and its
limitations. Packing of ions in crystals. Born-Landé equation with derivation. Madelung
constant, Born-Haber cycle and its application, Solvation energy. (ii) Covalent bond: Valence
Bond theory (Heitler-London approach). Hybridization with suitable examples of linear, trigonal
planar, square planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral arrangements, equivalent
and non-equivalent hybrid orbitals, Resonance and resonance energy.
Molecular orbital theory. Molecular orbital diagrams of diatomic and simple polyatomic
molecules N2, O2, C2, B2, F2, CO, NO, and their ions (CO+, NO+, NO-).
Chemical bonding-II
VSEPR theory, shapes of simple molecules and ions containing lone and bond pairs of electrons,
multiple bonding (σ and π bond approach) and bond lengths. Covalent character in ionic
compounds, polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules and consequences of polarization.
Ionic character in covalent compounds: Bond moment and dipole moment. Percentage ionic
character from dipole moment and electronegativity difference.

Metallic Bond: Qualitative idea of valence bond and band theories. Semiconductors and
insulators. (ii) Weak Chemical Forces: van der Waals forces, ion-dipole forces, dipole-dipole
interactions, induced dipole interactions, Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole interactions.
Repulsive forces, Hydrogen bonding (theories of hydrogen bonding, valence bond treatment)
Effects of chemical force, melting and boiling points, solubility energetics of dissolution process.
Oxidation-reduction: Redox equations, standard electrode potential and its applications to
inorganic reactions. Principles involved in some volumetric analyses (iron and copper).

Recommended Text Books:

1. Lee J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry Wiley India, 5th Edn., 2008.
2. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
3. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017
4. Selected Topic in Inorganic Chemistry, S. Chand, New Delhi, 17th Ed., 2010.
Reference books
5. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I, CBS Publications, 2nd Ed.
6. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.


Students are required to learn the followings:

i. Calibration and use of apparatus
ii. Preparation of solutions of different Molarity/Normality of titrants.

List of experiments

(A) Acid-Base Titrations

i. Estimation of carbonate and hydroxide present together in mixture.
ii. Estimation of carbonate and bicarbonate present together in a mixture.
iii. Estimation of free alkali present in different soaps/detergents
(B) Oxidation-Reduction Titrimetry
i. Standardization of KMnO4 with standard sodium oxalate and estimation of Fe(II)
using standardized KMnO4 solution.
ii. Estimation of percentage of oxalic acid and sodium oxalate in a given mixture.
iii. Estimation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) in a mixture by standard K2Cr2O7 solution.
Reference text:
1. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009.
2. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., (2017).

Gaseous state-I
Kinetic molecular model of a gas: postulates and derivation of the kinetic gas equation; collision
frequency; collision diameter; mean free path and viscosity of gases, including their temperature
and pressure dependence, relation between mean free path and coefficient of viscosity,
calculation of σ from η; variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure.
Maxwell distribution and its use in evaluating molecular velocities (average, root mean square
and most probable) and average kinetic energy, law of equipartition of energy, degrees of
freedom and molecular basis of heat capacities.
Behaviour of real gases: Deviations from ideal gas behaviour, compressibility factor, Z, and its
variation with pressure for different gases. Causes of deviation from ideal behaviour. van der
Waal’s equation of state, its derivation and application in explaining real gas behaviour.
Isotherms of real gases and their comparison with van der Waals isotherms, continuity of states,
critical state, relation between critical constants and van der Waals constants, law of
corresponding states.

Liquid state
Qualitative treatment of the structure of the liquid state; physical properties of liquids; vapour
pressure, surface tension and coefficient of viscosity, and their determination. Effect of addition
of various solutes on surface tension and viscosity. Explanation of cleansing action of detergents.
Temperature variation of viscosity of liquids and comparison with that of gases. Qualitative
discussion of structure of water.
Ionic equilibria- I
Strong, moderate and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of
ionization, ionization constant and ionic product of water. Ionization of weak acids and bases,
pH scale, common ion effect; dissociation constants of mono- and diprotic acids.
Unit- III: Solid state
Nature of the solid state, law of constancy of interfacial angles, law of rational indices, Miller
indices, elementary ideas of symmetry, symmetry elements and symmetry operations, seven
crystal systems and fourteen Bravais lattices; X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s law, a simple account of
rotating crystal method and powder pattern method. Analyses of powder diffraction patterns of
NaCl, CsCl and KCl. Defects in crystals (stoichiometric and non- stoichiometric). Glasses and
liquid crystals.

Ionic equilibria - II
Salt hydrolysis-calculation of hydrolysis constant, degree of hydrolysis and pH for different salts.
Buffer solutions; derivation of Henderson equation and its applications; buffer capacity, buffer
range, buffer action and applications of buffers in analytical chemistry and biochemical
processes in the human body. Solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts –
applications of solubility product principle. Qualitative treatment of acid – base titration curves
(calculation of pH at various stages). Theory of acid–base indicators; selection of indicators and
their limitations.
Multistage equilibria in polyelectrolyte systems; hydrolysis and hydrolysis constants.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Atkins P. W. & Paula, J. de, Elements of Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
6th Ed., (2006).
2. Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
3. Kapoor K. L., Text Book of Physical Chemistry, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edn. 2017
4. Castellan G. W. Physical Chemistry 4thEdn. Narosa (2004).
Reference Books:
1. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications
2. Mortimer R. G., Physical Chemistry, Elsevier (Academic Press), 3rd Ed (2008).
3. Ball D. W. Physical Chemistry Thomson Press, India (2007).
4. Engel T. & Reid P., Physical Chemistry, 3rd Ed. Pearson (2013)


Surface tension measurements.

a. Determine the surface tension by (i) drop number (ii) drop weight method.
b. Study the variation of surface tension of detergent solutions with concentration.

Viscosity measurement using Ostwald’s viscometer.

a. Determination of viscosity of aqueous solutions of (i) polymer (ii) ethanol and (iii) sugar
at room temperature.
b. Study the variation of viscosity of sucrose solution with the concentration of solute.

a. Study the effect on pH of addition of HCl/NaOH to solutions of acetic acid, sodium
acetate and their mixtures.
b. Preparation of buffer solutions of different pH (i) Sodium acetate-acetic acid (ii)
Ammonium chloride-ammonium hydroxide
c. pH metric titration of (i) strong acid vs. strong base, (ii) weak acid vs. strong base.
d. Determination of dissociation constant of a weak acid.
Ionic equilibria
a. Determination of solubility product of PbI2 by titrimetric method.
Reference Books
1. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand &
Co., New Delhi (2011).
2. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. & Shoemaker, D. P. Experiments in Physical Chemistry, 8th
Ed.; McGraw-Hill, New York (2003).
3. Viswanathan, B., Raghavan, P.S. Practical Physical Chemistry, Viva Books (2009).
4. Halpern, A. M. &McBane, G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed.; W.H. Freeman
& Co., New York (2003).


Unit –I:
Basics of organic chemistry
Electronic Displacements: Inductive, electromeric, resonance and mesomeric effects,
hyperconjugation and their applications; Dipole moment; Organic acids and bases; their relative
Homolytic and heterolytic fission with suitable examples. Curly arrow rules; Electrophiles and
Nucleophiles; Nucleophilicity and basicity; Types, shape and relative stability of carbocations,
carbanions, free radicals and carbenes.
Introduction to types of organic reactions and their mechanism: Addition, Elimination and
Substitution reactions.
Carbon-carbon sigma bonds
Chemistry of alkanes: Formation of alkanes, Wurtz Reaction, Wurtz-Fittig Reactions, Free
radical substitutions: Halogenation -relative reactivity and selectivity.

Unit – II:
Fischer Projection, Newmann and Sawhorse Projection formulae; Geometrical isomerism: cis–
trans and, syn-anti isomerism E/Z notations with C.I.P rules.
Optical Isomerism: Optical Activity, Specific Rotation, Chirality/Asymmetry, Enantiomers,
Molecules with one and two chiral-centres, Distereoisomers, meso-structures, Racemic mixture
and resolution, inversion. Relative and absolute configuration: D/L and R/S designations.
Unit – III:
Chemistry of aliphatic hydrocarbons
Carbon-Carbon pi bonds:
Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reactions, Mechanism of E1, E2, E1cb
reactions. Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations.
Reactions of alkenes: Electrophilic additions their mechanisms (Markownikoff/ Anti
Markownikoff addition), mechanism of oxymercuration-demercuration, hydroboration oxidation,
ozonolysis, reduction (catalytic and chemical), syn and anti-hydroxylation (oxidation). 1,2- and
1,4-addition reactions in conjugated dienes and, Diels-Alder reaction; Reactions of alkynes:
Acidity, Electrophilic and Nucleophilic additions. Hydration to form carbonyl compounds,
Alkylation of terminal alkynes.
Cycloalkanes and Conformational Analysis
Types of cycloalkanes and their relative stability, Baeyer strain theory, Conformational analysis
of alkanes (ethane and n-butane): Relative stability with energy diagrams. Energy diagrams of
cyclohexane: Chair, Boat and Twist boat forms.
Unit – IV:
Aromatic hydrocarbons
Aromaticity: Hückel’s rule, aromatic character of arenes, cyclic carbocations/carbanions and
heterocyclic compounds with suitable examples. Electrophilic aromatic substitution:
halogenation, nitration, sulphonation and Friedel-Craft’s alkylation/acylation with their
mechanism. Directing effects of the groups
Recommended Text Books:
1. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
2. Bhal and Bhal, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher, 2012.
3. Kalsi, P. S., Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism; 8thEdn, New Age
International, 2015.

Reference Books:
1. Graham Solomons T. W., Fryhle, Craig B., Snyder Scott A, Organic Chemistry, Wiley
Student Ed, 11th Edition (2013)
2. Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition,
Oxford Publisher, 2014.
3. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications
Students are required to learn the followings:
• Checking the calibration of the thermometer
• Determination of melting point, effect of impurities on the melting point – mixed melting
point of two unknown organic compounds
• Determination of boiling point of liquid compounds [boiling point lower than and more
than 100°C (up to 160°C) by distillation and capillary method, respectively](e.g., ethanol,
cyclohexane, ethyl methyl ketone, cyclohexanone, acetylacetone, anisole,
crotonaldehyde, mesityl oxide etc.).
List of experiments
1. Functional group tests for alcohols, phenols, carbonyl and carboxylic acid groups and
identification of unknown organic compounds of CHO system (without element detection).
2. Separation and purification of any one component of following binary solid mixture based
on the solubility in common laboratory reagents like water (cold, hot), dil. HCl, dil. NaOH,
dil. NaHCO3, etc. and determination of melting point.
Benzoic acid/p-Toluidine; p-Nitrobenzoic acid/p-Aminobenzoic acid; p-Nitrotolune/p-
Anisidine etc.
3. Chromatography
• Separation of a mixture of two amino acids by ascending and horizontal paper
• Separation of a mixture of two sugars by ascending paper chromatography
• Separation of a mixture of o-and p-nitrophenol or o-and p-aminophenol by thin layer
chromatography (TLC)

Reference Books
1. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)
2. Furniss, B.S.; Hannaford, A.J.; Smith, P.W.G.; Tatchell, A.R. Practical Organic Chemistry,
5th Ed., Pearson (2012)
Chemical thermodynamics
Intensive and extensive variables; state and path functions; isolated, closed and open systems;
zeroth law of thermodynamics.

First law: Concept of heat, q, work, w, internal energy, U, and statement of first law; enthalpy,
H, relation between heat capacities, calculations of q, w, U and H for reversible, irreversible and
free expansion of gases (ideal and van der Waals) under isothermal and adiabatic conditions.

Thermochemistry: Heats of reactions: standard states; enthalpy of formation of molecules and

ions and enthalpy of combustion and its applications; calculation of bond energy, bond
dissociation energy and resonance energy from thermochemical data, effect of temperature
(Kirchhoff’s equations) and pressure on enthalpy of reactions.

Carnot cycle, efficiency of heat engine, Carnot theorem
Second Law: Concept of entropy; thermodynamic scale of temperature, statement of the second
law of thermodynamics; molecular and statistical interpretation of entropy. Calculation of
entropy change for reversible and irreversible processes.
Third Law: Statement of third law, concept of residual entropy, calculation of absolute entropy
of molecules.
Free Energy Functions: Gibbs and Helmholtz energy; variation of S, G, A with T, V, P; Free
energy change and spontaneity. Relation between Joule-Thomson coefficient and other
thermodynamic parameters, inversion temperature, Gibbs-Helmholtz equation, Maxwell
relations, thermodynamic equation of state.
Systems of variable composition
Partial molar quantities, dependence of thermodynamic parameters on composition; Gibbs
Duhem equation, chemical potential of ideal mixtures, change in thermodynamic functions in
mixing of ideal gases.
Chemical equilibrium
Criteria of thermodynamic equilibrium, degree of advancement of reaction, chemical equilibria
in ideal gases, concept of fugacity. Thermodynamic derivation of relation between Gibbs free
energy of reaction and reaction quotient (vant Hoff’s reaction). Equilibrium constants and their
quantitative dependence on temperature, pressure and concentration. Free energy of mixing and
spontaneity; thermodynamic derivation of relations between the various equilibrium constants
Kp, Kc and Kx. Le Chatelier principle (quantitative treatment) and its applications.
Solutions and Colligative Properties
Dilute solutions; lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult’s and Henry’s Laws and their applications.
Thermodynamic derivation using chemical potential to derive relations between the four
colligative properties: (i) relative lowering of vapour pressure, (ii) elevation of boiling point, (iii)
Depression of freezing point, (iv) osmotic pressure and amount of solute. Applications in
calculating molar masses of normal, dissociated and associated solutes in solution.
Recommended Text Books:
1. Atkins P. W. & Paula, J. de, Elements of Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
6th Ed., (2006).
2. Principles of Physical Chemistry, Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
3. Text Book of Physical Chemistry, K. L. Kapoor, Mac Grow Hill, 3rdEdn. 2017
4. Castellan G. W. Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. Narosa (2004).
Reference Books:
1. Engel T. & Reid P., Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed. Pearson (2013).
2. McQuarrie, D. A. & Simon, J. D. Molecular Thermodynamics Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.:
New Delhi (2004).
3. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications.

a) Determination of heat capacity of a calorimeter for different volumes using change of

enthalpy data of a known system (method of back calculation of heat capacity of
calorimeter from known enthalpy of solution or enthalpy of neutralization).
b) Determination of heat capacity of the calorimeter and enthalpy of neutralization of
hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.
c) Calculation of the enthalpy of ionization of ethanoic acid.
d) Determination of heat capacity of the calorimeter and integral enthalpy (endothermic and
exothermic) solution of salts.
e) Determination of basicity/proticity of a polyprotic acid by the thermochemical method in
terms of the changes of temperatures observed in the graph of temperature versus time for
different additions of a base. Also calculate the enthalpy of neutralization of the first step.
f) Determination of enthalpy of hydration of copper sulphate.
g) Determination of heat of solution (∆H) of oxalic acid/benzoic acid from solubility

Reference Books
1. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A., Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand &
Co.: New Delhi (2011).
2. Athawale, V. D. & Mathur, P. Experimental Physical Chemistry, New Age International:
New Delhi (2001).
3. Viswanathan, B., Raghavan, P.S. Practical Physical Chemistry, Viva Books (2009)
General Principles of Metallurgy
Chief modes of occurrence of metals based on standard electrode potentials. Ellingham
diagrams for reduction of metal oxides using carbon and carbon monoxide as reducing agent.
Electrolytic Reduction, Hydrometallurgy. Methods of purification of metals: Electrolytic
process, Parting process, van Arkel-de Boer process and Mond’s process, Zone refining.

Acids and Bases

Brönsted-Lowry concept of acid-base reactions, solvated proton, relative strength of acids,
types of acid-base reactions, Lewis acid-base concept, Classification of Lewis acids, Hard and
Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB) Application of HSAB principle.

Chemistry of s and p Block Elements - I
Inert pair effect, Relative stability of different oxidation states, diagonal relationship and
anomalous behaviour of first member of each group. Allotropy and catenation. Complex
formation tendency of s and p block elements.
Hydrides and their classification ionic, covalent and interstitial. Basic beryllium acetate and
Chemistry of s and p Block Elements - II
Study of the following compounds with emphasis on structure, bonding, preparation, properties
and uses.
Boric acid and borates, boron nitrides, borohydrides (diborane) carboranes and graphitic
compounds, silanes. Oxides and oxoacids of nitrogen, Phosphorus and chlorine. Peroxo acids
of sulphur, interhalogen compounds, polyhalide ions, pseudohalogens and basic properties of
Noble Gases
Occurrence and uses, rationalization of inertness of noble gases, clathrates; preparation and
properties of XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6; Nature of bonding in noble gas compounds (Valence bond
treatment and MO treatment for XeF2). Molecular shapes of noble gas compounds (VSEPR

Inorganic Polymers:
Types of inorganic polymers, comparison with organic polymers, synthesis, structural aspects
and applications of silicones and siloxanes. Borazines, silicates and phosphazenes, and
Recommended Text Books:
1. Lee J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry Wiley India, 5thEdn., 2008.
2. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
3. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
4. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn.(2010).
Reference books
1. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I, CBS Publications, 2nd Ed.
2. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.


Iodometric / Iodimetric titrations
(i) Standardization of sodium thiosulphate solution by standard of K2Cr2O7 solution.
(ii) Estimation of Cu(II) using standard sodium thiosulphate solution (Iodimetrically).
(iii) Estimation of available chlorine in bleaching powder iodometrically.
Inorganic preparations
(i) Cuprous oxide (Cu2O)
(ii) Cuprous chloride, Cu2Cl2
(iii) Manganese(III) phosphate, MnPO4.H2O
(iv) Aluminium potassium sulphate K2SO4.Al2(SO4)2.24H2O (Potash alum).
(v) Lead chromate (PbCrO4)

Reference Books:
1. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009.
2. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University Press
3. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., (2017).

Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons
Alkyl halides: Methods of preparation, nucleophilic substitution reactions – SN1, SN2 and SNi
mechanisms with stereochemical aspects and effect of solvent etc.; nucleophilic substitution vs.
Aryl halides: Preparation, including preparation from diazonium salts, nucleophilic
aromaticsubstitution; SNAr, Benzyne mechanism.
Relative reactivity of alkyl, allyl/benzyl, vinyl and aryl halides towards nucleophilic
substitution reactions.
Organometallic compounds of Mg and Li – Use in synthesis of organic compounds.

Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers and Epoxides
Alcohols: preparation, properties and relative reactivity of 1°, 2°, 3° alcohols, Bouvaelt-
BlancReduction; Preparation and properties of glycols: Oxidation by periodic acid and lead
tetraacetate, Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement;
Phenols: Preparation and properties; Acidity and factors effecting it, Ring substitutionreactions,
Reimer–Tiemann and Kolbe’s–Schmidt Reactions, Fries and Claisen rearrangements with
Ethers and Epoxides: Preparation and reactions with acids. Reactions of epoxides withalcohols,
ammonia derivatives and LiAlH4
Carbonyl Compounds
Structure, reactivity and preparation:
Nucleophilic additions, Nucleophilic addition-elimination reactions with ammonia derivatives
with mechanism; Mechanisms of Aldol and Benzoin condensation, Knoevenagel condensation,
Perkin, Cannizzaro and Wittig reaction, Beckmann rearrangements,α haloform reaction and
Baeyer Villiger oxidation, - substitution reactions, oxidations and reductions (Clemmensen,
Wolff-Kishner, LiAlH4, NaBH4, MPV.; Addition reactions of unsaturated carbonyl
compounds: Michael addition.
Active methylene compounds: Keto-enol tautomerism. Preparation and synthetic applications
of diethyl malonate and ethyl acetoacetate.

Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives
Preparation, physical properties and reactions of monocarboxylic acids: Typical reactions of
dicarboxylic acids, hydroxy acids and unsaturated acids: succinic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric,
maleic and fumaric acids;
Preparation and reactions of acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters and amides; Comparative study
of nucleophilic sustitution at acyl group -Mechanism of acidic and alkaline hydrolysis of esters,
Claisen condensation, Dieckmann and Reformatsky reactions, Hofmann-bromamide
degradation and Curtius rearrangement.
Sulphur containing compounds: Preparation and reactions of thiols and thioethers.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
2. Bhal and Bhal, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher, 2012.
3. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009..
Reference Books:
1. Graham Solomons T. W., Fryhle, Craig B., Snyder Scott A, Organic Chemistry, Wiley
Student Ed, 11th Edition (2013)
2. Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition,
Oxford Publisher, 2014.
3. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications
Organic preparations:
i. Acetylation of one of the following compounds: amines (aniline, o-, m-, p-toluidines and
o-, m-, p-anisidine) and phenols (β-naphthol, vanillin, salicylic acid) by any one method:
a. Using conventional method.
b. Using green approach
ii. Benzolyation of one of the following amines (aniline, o-, m-, p- toluidines and o-, m-, p-
anisidine) and one of the following phenols (β-naphthol, resorcinol, p-cresol) by
Schotten-Baumann reaction.
iii. Bromination of any one of the following:
a. Acetanilide by conventional methods
b. Acetanilide using green approach (Bromate-bromide method)
iv. Nitration of any one of the following:
a. Acetanilide/nitrobenzene by conventional method
b. Salicylic acid by green approach (using ceric ammonium nitrate).
The above derivatives should be prepared using 0.5-1g of the organic compound.
Calculate percentage yield, based upon isolated yield (crude) and theoretical yield.
Purification of the crude product by recrystallisation from water/alcohol, or sublimation,
whichever is applicable and determination of melting point.
Reference Books
1. Vogel, A. I. Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry, Part 1: Small scale Preparations,
Pearson (2011)
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)
3. Furniss, B.S.; Hannaford, A.J.; Smith, P.W.G.; Tatchell, A.R. Practical
OrganicChemistry, 5th Ed., Pearson (2012)
4. Ahluwalia, V.K. & Aggarwal, R. Comprehensive Practical Organic
Chemistry:Preparation and Quantitative Analysis, University Press (2000).
5. Ahluwalia, V.K. & Dhingra, S. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry:
QualitativeAnalysis, University Press (2000).


Phase Equilibria-I
Concept of phases, components and degrees of freedom, derivation of Gibbs Phase Rule for
nonreactive and reactive systems; Clausius-Clapeyron equation and its applications to solid-
liquid, liquid-vapour and solid-vapour equilibria, phase diagram for one component systems,
with applications (H2O and sulphur system).
Phase diagrams for systems of solid-liquid equilibria involving eutectic (Pb-Ag system,
desilverisation of lead), congruent (ferric chloride-water) and incongruent (sodium sulphate-
water) melting points, completely miscible solid solutions (intermediate, medium, maximum
freezing points).
Phase Equilibria-II
Three component systems, water-chloroform-acetic acid system, triangular plots.
Binary solutions: Gibbs-Duhem-Margules equation, its derivation and applications tofractional
distillation of binary miscible liquids (ideal and non-ideal), azeotropes, partial miscibility of
liquids, CST, miscible pairs, steam distillation.
Nernst distribution law: its derivation and applications.
Chemical Kinetics
Order and molecularity of a reaction, rate laws in terms of the advancement of a reaction,
differential and integrated form of rate expressions up to second order reactions, experimental
methods of the determination of orders.
Kinetics of complex reactions (integrated rate expressions up to first order only): (i) Opposing
reactions (ii) parallel reactions (iii) consecutive reactions and their differential rate equations
(steady-state approximation in reaction mechanisms) (iv) chain reactions.
Temperature dependence of reaction rates; Arrhenius equation; activation energy. Collision
theory of reaction rates, qualitative treatment of the theory of absolute reaction rates.

Types of catalyst, specificity and selectivity, mechanisms of catalyzed reactions at solid surfaces;
effect of particle size and efficiency of nanoparticles as catalysts. Enzyme catalysis, Michaelis-
Menten mechanism, acid-base catalysis.
Surface chemistry:
Physical adsorption, chemisorption, adsorption isotherms (Langmuir, Freundlich and Gibb’s
isotherms), nature of adsorbed state.
Recommended Text Books:
1. Atkins P. W. & Paula, J. de, Elements of Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
6th Ed., (2006).
2. Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
3. Kapoor K. L., Text Book of Physical Chemistry, McGraw Hill, 3rd Edn. 2017
4. Castellan G. W. Physical Chemistry 4thEdn. Narosa (2004).
Reference Books:
1. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications
2. Levine, I. N. Physical Chemistry 6thEd., Tata McGraw-Hill (2011).
3. Ball D. W. Physical Chemistry Thomson Press, India (2007).
4. Engel T. & Reid P., Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed. Pearson (2013)
1. Determination of distribution coefficients of:
(a) Iodine between water and carbon tetrachloride.
(b) Acetic/ benzoic acid between water and cyclohexane.
2. Study the equilibrium of at least one of the following reactions by the distribution
• I2 (aq) + I¯ → I3¯(aq)

• Cu2+(aq) + nNH3 → Cu(NH3)n

3. Study the kinetics of the following reactions.

(i) Integrated rate method:
a) Acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate with hydrochloric acid.
b) Saponification of ethyl acetate.
(ii) Compare the strengths of HCl and H2SO4 by studying kinetics of hydrolysis of
methyl acetate.
4. Verify the Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms for adsorption of acetic acid on activated

Reference Books:
1. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R.
Chand & Co.: New Delhi (2011).

2. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. & Shoemaker, D. P. Experiments in Physical

Chemistry8th Ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York (2003).

3. Halpern, A. M. &McBane, G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry 3rdEd.; W.H.

Freeman & Co.: New York (2003).


Coordination Chemistry
Werner’s theory, valence bond theory (inner and outer orbital complexes), electroneutrality
principle and back bonding.
IUPAC nomenclature of coordination compounds, isomerism in coordination compounds.
Stereochemistry of complexes with 4 and 6 coordination numbers. Chelate effect, Labile and
inert complexes.
Crystal field theory, measurement of CFSE weak and strong fields, pairing energies, factors
affecting the magnitude of 10 Dq in octahedral vs. tetrahedral coordination, tetragonal distortions
from octahedral geometry, Jahn-Teller theorem, square planar geometry. Qualitative aspect of
ligand field and MO Theory.

Transition Elements-I
General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, colour, variable valency,
magnetic and catalytic properties, and ability to form complexes. Stability of various oxidation
states and e.m.f. (Latimer &Bsworth diagrams). Difference between the first, second and third
transition series.

Transition Elements-II
Chemistry of Ti, V, Cr Mn, Fe and Co in various oxidation states (excluding their metallurgy).
Lanthanoids and Actinoids
Electronic configuration, oxidation states, colour, spectral and magnetic properties,lanthanide
contraction, separation of lanthanides (ion-exchange method only).
General features of actinoids, separation of Np, Pm, Am from U.
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Metal ions present in biological systems, classification of elements according to their action in
biological system. Na/K-pump, carbonic anhydrase and carboxypeptidase. Excess and deficiency
of some trace metals. Toxicity of metal ions (Hg, Pb, Cd and As), reasons for toxicity, Use of
chelating agents in medicine.
Iron and its application in bio-systems, Haemoglobin and myoglobin.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Lee J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley India, 5th Edn., 2008.
2. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
3. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
4. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..

Reference books
1. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. II, CBS Publications, 2nd Ed.
2. Bioinorganic Chemistry, Asim Kumar Das, Books & Allied (P) Ltd. 1st ed. 2015.
3. Selected Topic in Inorganic Chemistry, Mallick, Madan and Tuli, S. Chand Publisher.
17th Ed. 2010.
4. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.


Inorganic preparations
Preparation of complexes:
i. Hexamine nickel(II), [Ni(NH3)6]Cl2
i. Potassium trioxalatoferrate(III) trihydrate
ii. Tetraamminecopper(II) sulphate, [Cu(NH3)4]SO4.H2O
iii. Tetraamminecarbonatocobalt(III) nitrate
Complexometric titration
i. Estimation of Ca by EDTA
ii. Estimation of Mg by EDTA

Gravimetric Analysis:
i. Estimation of nickel(II) using dimethylglyoxime (DMG).
ii. Estimation of copper as CuSCN
iii. Estimation of iron as Fe2O3 by precipitating iron as Fe(OH)3.
iv. Estimation of Al(III) by precipitating with oxine and weighing as Al(oxine)3

Chromatography of metal ions

Principles involved in chromatographic separations. Paper chromatographic separation of
following metal ions:
i. Ni(II) and Co(II)
ii. Fe(III) and Al(III)

Reference Books:
1. Vogel, A.I. A Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, ELBS (1978).
2. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University Press
3. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., (2017).

Nitrogen Containing Functional Groups
Preparation and important reactions of nitro and compounds, nitriles.
Amines: Effect of substituent and solvent on basicity; Preparation and properties: Gabriel
phthalimide synthesis, Carbylamine reaction, Mannich reaction, Hoffmann’s exhaustive
methylation, Hofmann-elimination reaction; Distinction between 1°, 2° and 3° amines with
Hinsberg reagent and nitrous acid.
Diazonium Salts
Preparation and their synthetic applications.
Polynuclear Hydrocarbons
Reactions of naphthalene and anthracene Structure, Preparation and structure elucidation and
important derivatives of naphthalene and anthracene. Polynuclear hydrocarbons.

Heterocyclic Compounds
Classification and nomenclature, Structure, aromaticity in 5-numbered and 6-membered rings
containing one heteroatom; Synthesis, reactions and mechanism of substitution reactions of:
Furan, Pyrrole (Paal-Knorr synthesis, Knorr pyrrole synthesis, Hantzsch synthesis), Thiophene,
Pyridine (Hantzsch synthesis), Pyrimidine. Fischer indole synthesis and Madelung synthesis,
Derivatives of furan: Furfural and furoic acid (preparation only).

Natural occurrence, General structural features, Isolation and their physiological action
Hoffmann’s exhaustive methylation, Emde’s modification, Structure elucidation and synthesis of
Hygrine and Nicotine. Medicinal importance of Nicotine, Hygrine, Quinine, Morphine, Cocaine,
and Reserpine.
Occurrence, classification, isoprene rule; Elucidation of structure and synthesis of Citral, Neral
and α-terpineol.
Recommended Text Books:
1. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
2. Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Arun Bahl & B S Bahl, S. Chand Publisher,
Reference Books:
1. Graham Solomons T. W., Fryhle, Craig B., Snyder Scott A, Organic Chemistry, Wiley
Student Ed, 11th Edition (2013)
2. Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Oxford
Publisher, 2014.
3. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications


Qualitative organic analysis of organic compounds

1. Detection of extra elements (N, X, S) in organic compounds by Lassaigne’s test.

2. Qualitative analysis of unknown organic compounds containing simple functional groups

under CHN system (amine, nitro, amide and imide), determination of melting/boiling
point, and preparation of their derivative.
Reference Books
1. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)
2. Furniss, B.S.; Hannaford, A.J.; Smith, P.W.G.; Tatchell, A.R. Practical OrganicChemistry,
5th Ed., Pearson (2012)
3. Ahluwalia, V.K. & Dhingra, S. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry:Qualitative
Analysis, University Press (2000).
4. Ghoshal, A., Mahapatra, B., Nad, A. K. An Advanced Course in Practical Chemistry, New
Central Book Agency (2007).

Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Conductivity, equivalent and molar conductivity
and their variation with dilution for weak and strong electrolytes. Molar conductivity at infinite
dilution. Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. Debye-Hückel-Onsager equation,
Wien effect, Debye-Falkenhagen effect, Walden’s rules.

Ionic velocities, mobilities and their determinations, transference numbers and their relation to
ionic mobilities, determination of transference numbers using Hittorf and Moving Boundary
methods. Applications of conductance measurement: (i) degree of dissociation of weak
electrolytes, (ii) ionic product of water (iii) solubility and solubility product of sparingly
soluble salts, (iv) conductometric titrations, and (v) hydrolysis constants of salts.

Quantitative aspects of Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, rules of oxidation/reduction of ions
based on half-cell potentials, applications of electrolysis in metallurgy and industry.
Chemical cells, reversible and irreversible cells with examples. Electromotive force of a cell
and its measurement, Nernst equation; Standard electrode (reduction) potential and its
application to different kinds of half-cells. Application of EMF measurements in determining
free energy, enthalpy and entropy of a cell reaction, (ii) equilibrium constants, and (iii) pH
values, using hydrogen, quinone-hydroquinone, glass electrodes.

Concentration cells with and without transference, liquid junction potential; determination of
activity coefficients and transference numbers. Qualitative discussion of potentiometric
titrations (acid-base, redox, precipitation).
Electrical properties of atoms and molecules
Basic ideas of electrostatics, Electrostatics of dielectric media. Clausius-Mosotti equation and
Lorenz-Laurentz equation (no derivation), Dipole moment and molecular polarizabilities and
their measurements.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Atkins P. W. & Paula, J. de, Elements of Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
6th Ed., (2006).
2. Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
3. Kapoor, K. L., Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Mac Grow Hill, 3rdEdn., 2017
4. Castellan G. W. Physical Chemistry 4th Ed. Narosa (2004).

Reference Books:
1. Engel T. & Reid P., Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed. Pearson (2013).
2. Levine, I. N. Physical Chemistry 6thEd., Tata McGraw-Hill (2011).
3. McQuarrie, D. A. & Simon, J. D. Molecular Thermodynamics Viva Books Pvt. Ltd.:
New Delhi (2004).
4. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications
I. Determination of cell constant.
II. Determination of equivalent conductance, degree of dissociation and dissociation
constant of a weak acid.
III. Perform the following conductometric titrations:
i. Strong acid vs. strong base
ii. Weak acid vs. strong base
iii. Strong acid vs. weak base

I Perform the following potentiometric titrations:
i. Strong acid vs. strong base
ii. Weak acid vs. strong base
iii. Dibasic acid vs. strong base

Reference Books:
1. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A., Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand
&Co.,New Delhi (2011).
2. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. & Shoemaker, D. P., Experiments in Physical Chemistry8th
Ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York (2003).
3. Halpern, A. M. &McBane, G. C., Experimental Physical Chemistry 3rdEd.; W.H.
Freeman & Co., New York (2003).
4. Viswanathan, B., Raghavan, P.S., Practical Physical Chemistry, Viva Books (2009).
Organic Spectroscopy-I
UV Spectroscopy: Types of electronic transitions, λmax, Lambert-Beer’s law and its limitations,
Chromophores and Auxochromes,Bathochromic and Hypsochromic shifts, Intensity of
absorption; Application of Woodward rules for calculation of λmax for the following systems: α,β
the unsaturated aldehydes: ketones, carboxylic acids and esters; Conjugated dienes: alicyclic,
homoannular and heteroannular; Extended conjugated systems (aldehydes, ketones and dienes);
distinction between cis and trans isomers.

Organic Spectroscopy-II
IR Spectroscopy: Fundamental and non-fundamental molecular vibrations; IR
absorptionpositions of O and N containing functional groups; Effect of H-bonding, conjugation,
resonance and ring size on IR absorptions; Fingerprint region and its significance; application in
simple functional group analysis.

Organic Spectroscopy-III
NMR Spectroscopy: Basic principles of Proton Magnetic Resonance, chemical shift andfactors
influencing it; Spin-spin coupling and coupling constant; Anisotropic effects in alkene, alkyne,
aldehydes and aromatics; Interpretation of NMR spectra of simple compounds.
Mass Spectroscopy- Basic principle, Fragmentation pattern, instrumentation, determination of
m/e ratio. Application of mass spectroscopy on CH4, C2H6, n-butane and neo-pentane.
Applications of IR, UV & NMR for identification of simple organic molecules.

Occurrence, classification and their biological importance.
Monosaccharides: Constitution and absolute configuration of glucose and fructose, epimers and
anomers, mutarotation, determination of ring size of glucose and fructose, Haworth projections
and conformational structures; Interconversions of aldoses and ketoses; Killiani-Fischer
synthesis and Ruff degradation;
Disaccharides – Structure elucidation of maltose; Polysaccharides – Elementary treatment of
starch, cellulose.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Kemp William, Organic Spectroscopy, 3rd Edition, Palgrave Publisher, 1991.
2. Davis, B. G., Fairbanks, A. J., Carbohydrate Chemistry, Oxford Chemistry Primer,
Oxford University Press.
3. J Kalsi P. S., Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, 5th Edition, , New Age International
Publishers, 2016.
4. Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Arun Bahl & B S Bahl, S. Chand Publisher,
Reference Books:

1. Y R Sharma, Elementary Organic Spectroscopy, 5th Edition, S. Chand & Company, 2013.
2. Jag Mohan, Organic Spectroscopy and Applications, NarosaPublishrs, 2012.
3. Graham Solomons T. W., Fryhle, Craig B., Snyder Scott A, Organic Chemistry, Wiley
Student Ed, 11th Edition (2013).
4. Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Oxford
Publisher, 2014.
5. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications


1. Qualitative analysis of carbohydrate: aldoses and ketoses, reducing and non-reducing
2. Qualitative analysis of unknown organic compounds containing simple bifunctional
groups, for e.g. salicylic acid, cinnamic acid, nitrophenols etc.
3. Quantitative estimation of sugars:
(c) Estimation glucose by titration with Fehling’s solution.
(d) Estimation of sucrose by titration with Fehling’s solution.
(e) Estimation glucose and sucrose in a given mixture.
4. Identification of labelled peaks in the 1H NMR spectra of the known organic compounds
explaining the relative δ-values and splitting pattern.
5. Identification of labelled peaks in the IR spectrum of the same compound explaining the
relative frequencies of the absorptions (CORE PAPERH, O-H, N-H, CORE PAPERO,
CORE PAPERN, CORE PAPERX, C=C, C=O, N=O, C≡C, C≡N stretching frequencies;
characteristic bending vibrations are included).

Reference Books:

1. Vogel, A.I. Quantitative Organic Analysis, Part 3, Pearson (2012).

2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)
3. Furniss, B.S.; Hannaford, A.J.; Smith, P.W.G.; Tatchell, A.R. Practical
OrganicChemistry, 5 Ed., Pearson (2012)
4. Ahluwalia, V.K. & Aggarwal, R. Comprehensive Practical Organic
Chemistry:Preparation and Quantitative Analysis, University Press (2000).
5. Ahluwalia, V.K. & Dhingra, S. Comprehensive Practical Organic Chemistry:Qualitative
Analysis, University Press (2000).



Quantum Chemistry-I
Quantum mechanical operators, Postulates of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger equation and its
application to particle in one-dimensional box (complete solution) - quantization of energy
levels, zero-point energy, normalization of wave functions, probability distribution functions,
nodal properties. Extension to three-dimensional boxes, separation of variables, degeneracy.
Qualitative treatment of simple harmonic oscillator model of vibrational motion: Setting up of
Schrödinger equation and discussion of solution and wave functions. Vibrational energy of
diatomic molecules and zero-point energy.
Angular momentum: Commutation rules, quantization of square of total angular momentum and
Rigid rotator model of rotation of diatomic molecule: Schrödinger equation, transformation to
spherical polar coordinates. Separation of variables (Preliminary treatment).
Chemical Bonding
Chemical bonding: Covalent bonding, valence bond and molecular orbital approaches, LCAO-
MO treatment of H2+. Bonding and antibonding orbitals. Qualitative extension to H2.
Comparison of LCAO-MO and VB treatments of H2 (only wave functions, detailed solution not
required) and their limitations. Localized and non-localized molecular orbitals treatment of
triatomic (BeH2, H2O) molecules. Qualitative MO theory and its application to AH2 type

Molecular Spectroscopy-I
Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with molecules and various types of spectra; Born-
Oppenheimer approximation.
Rotation spectroscopy: Selection rules, intensities of spectral lines, determination of bond
lengths of diatomic and linear triatomic molecules, isotopic substitution.
Vibrational spectroscopy: Classical equation of vibration, computation of force constant,
amplitude of diatomic molecular vibrations, anharmonicity, Morse potential, dissociation
energies, fundamental frequencies, overtones, hot bands, degrees of freedom for polyatomic
molecules, modes of vibration. Vibration-rotation spectroscopy: diatomic vibrating rotator, P, Q,
R branches.
Molecular Spectroscopy-II
Raman spectroscopy: Qualitative treatment of Rotational Raman effect; Effect of nuclear spin,
Vibrational Raman spectra, Stokes and anti-Stokes lines; their intensity difference, rule of mutual
Electronic spectroscopy: Franck-Condon principle, electronic transitions, singlet and triplet
states, fluorescence and phosphorescence, dissociation and predissociation.
Characteristics of electromagnetic radiation, physical significance of absorption coefficients.
Laws of photochemistry, quantum yield, actinometry, examples of low and high quantum yields,
photochemical equilibrium and the differential rate of photochemical reactions, photosensitised
reactions, quenching, chemiluminescence.

Recommended Text Books:

1. McQuarie D., Quantum Chemistry, University Science Publishers, 2007
2. Chandra, A. K. Introductory Quantum Chemistry Tata McGraw-Hill (2001).
3. Banwell, C. N. &McCash, E. M. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy 4th Ed. Tata
McGraw-Hill: New Delhi (2010).
4. Prasad R K., Quantum Chemistry, New Age International Publishers, 4thEdn, 2010.
5. Rohatagi Mukherjee K K., Fundamentals of Photochemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1992.
Reference Books:
1. Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Principles of Physical Chemistry, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
2. Kapoor, K. L., Text Book of Physical Chemistry, McGraw Hill, Vol. II, IV
3. Levine, I. N. Quantum Chemistry, PHI


1. Study of absorption spectra (visible range) of KMnO4 and determine the λmax value.
Calculate the energies of the transitions in kJ mol-1, cm-1, and eV.
2. Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4/KMnO4/K2Cr2O7
in a solution of unknown concentration.
3. Determine the dissociation constant of an indicator (phenolphthalein).

Spectrophotometric titration
1. Determine the concentration of HCl against 0.1 N NaOH spectrophotometrically.
2. To find the strength of given ferric ammonium sulfate solution of (0.05 M) by using EDTA
3. To find out the strength of CuSO4 solution by titrating with EDTA spectrophotometrically.
4. To determine the concentration of Cu(II) and Fe(III) solution photometrically by titrating
with EDTA.
Reference Books
1. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A., Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand &
Co.: New Delhi (2011).
2. Garland, C. W.; Nibler, J. W. & Shoemaker, D. P. Experiments in PhysicalChemistry 8th
Ed.; McGraw-Hill: New York (2003).
3. Halpern, A. M. &McBane, G. C. Experimental Physical Chemistry 3rdEd.; W.H. Freeman
& Co.: New York (2003).
4. J. N. Gurtu, R. Kapoor, Experimental Physical Chemistry.


Organometallic Compounds-I
Definition and classification of organometallic compounds on the basis of bond type. Concept
of hapticity of organic ligands.

Metal carbonyls: 18 electron rule, electron count of mononuclear, polynuclear and substituted
metal carbonyls of 3d series. General methods of preparation (direct combination, reductive
carbonylation, thermal and photochemical decomposition) of mono and binuclear carbonyls of
3d series. Structures of mononuclear and binuclear carbonyls of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni using
VBT. π-acceptor behaviour of CO (MO diagram of CO to be discussed), synergic effect and
use of IR data to explain extent of back bonding.

Zeise’s salt: Preparation and structure, evidences of synergic effect and comparison of synergic
effect with that in carbonyls.
Organometallic Compounds-II
Metal Alkyls: Important structural features of methyl lithium (tetramer) and trialkyl aluminium
(dimer), concept of multicentre bonding in these compounds. Role of triethylaluminium in
polymerisation of ethene (Ziegler – Natta Catalyst). Species present in ether solution of
Grignard reagent and their structures.

Ferrocene: Preparation and reactions (acetylation, alkylation, metallation, Mannich

Condensation), structure and aromaticity, comparison of aromaticity and reactivity with that of

Catalysis by Organometallic Compounds
Study of the following industrial processes and their mechanism:
1. Alkene hydrogenation (Wilkinson’s Catalyst)
2. Hydroformylation (Co salts)
3. Wacker Process
4. Synthetic gasoline (Fischer Tropsch reaction)

Theoretical Principles in Qualitative Analysis (H2S Scheme)

Basic principles involved in analysis of cations and anions and solubility products, common ion
effect. Principles involved in separation of cations into groups and choice of group reagents.
Interfering anions (fluoride and phosphate) and need to remove them after Group II.

Thermodynamic & kinetic aspects and reaction mechanism of metal complexes
Thermodynamic and kinetic stability, Stepwise and overall formation constants and their
relationship, factors affecting stability. Introduction to inorganic reaction mechanisms-types of
reaction and classification od substitution reaction. Substitution reaction of square planar
complexes, Trans effect and its applications, theories of trans-effect (electrostatic polarization
and Static π-Bonding Theory). Kinetics of octahedral substitution (classification of metal ions
based on water exchange rate), General mechanism of ligand substitution reactions in
octahedral complexes (D, I, Id, Ia).

Recommended Text Books:

1. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
2. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
3. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..
4. Svehla, G. Vogel's Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996-0307.
Reference books
1. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. II, CBS Publications, 2nd Ed.
2. Selected Topic in Inorganic Chemistry, Mallick, Madan and Tuli, S. Chand Publisher.
17th Ed. 2010.
3. Mehrotra R.C. and Singh, A. Organometallic Chemistry, New Age International
Publishers, 2ndEdn, 2000.
4. Gupta B. D. and Elias A. J., Basic organometallic Chemistry, 2ndEdn., University Press


• Qualitative analysis of mixtures containing 4 radicals (2 anions and 2 cations). Emphasis

should be given to the understanding of the chemistry of different reactions. The following
radicals are suggested:
CO32 -, NO2-, S2-, SO32-, F-, Cl-, Br-, I-, NO3-, PO43-, NH4+, K+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Bi3+, Sn2+,
Sb3+, Fe3+, Al3+,, Cr3+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, Mg2+.
• Mixtures may contain one insoluble component (BaSO4, SrSO4, PbSO4, CaF2 or Al2O3)
orcombination of interfering anions e.g. CO32- and SO32-, NO2- and NO3-, Cl- and Br-, Cl-
and I-, Br- and I-, NO3- and Br- , NO3- and I-.
• Spot tests should be done whenever possible.

Reference Books

1. Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th Ed, Revised by G. Svehela, 4th Ed., Person
2. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., (2017).



Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins
Amino acids: Classification; α-Amino acids - Synthesis, ionic properties and reactions.
Zwitterions, pKa values, isoelectric point and electrophoresis.
Peptides: Classification, determination of their primary structures-end group analysis, methods
of peptide synthesis. Synthesis of peptides using N-protecting, CORE PAPERprotecting and
CORE PAPERactivating groups -Solid-phase synthesis.
Proteins: Structure of proteins, protein denaturation and renaturation
Introduction, classification and characteristics of enzymes. Salient features of active site of
enzymes. Mechanism of enzyme action (taking trypsin as example), factors affecting enzyme
action, coenzymes and cofactors and their role in biological reactions, specificity of enzyme
action (including stereo specificity), enzyme inhibitors and their importance, phenomenon of
inhibition (competitive, uncompetitive and non-competitive inhibition including allosteric
Nucleic Acids
Components of nucleic acids, Nucleosides and nucleotides;
Structure, synthesis and reactions of: Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Uracil and Thymine;
Structure of polynucleotides.
Introduction to oils and fats; common fatty acids present in oils and fats, Hydrogenntion of fats
and oils, Saponification value, acid value, iodine number. Reversion and rancidity.
Concept of Energy in Biosystems
Cells obtain energy by the oxidation of foodstuff (organic molecules). Introduction to
metabolism (catabolism and anabolism).
Overview of catabolic pathways of fat and protein.
Interrelationship in the metabolic pathways of protein, fat and carbohydrate. Caloric value of
food, standard caloric content of food types.
Pharmaceutical Compounds: Structure and Importance
Classification, structure and therapeutic uses of antipyretics: Paracetamol (with synthesis),
Analgesics: Ibuprofen (with synthesis), Antimalarials: Chloroquine (with synthesis). An
elementary treatment of Antibiotics and detailed study of chloramphenicol, Medicinal values of
curcumin (haldi), azadirachtin (neem), vitamin C and antacid (ranitidine).

Classification, colour and constitution; Mordant and Vat dyes; Chemistry of dyeing.
Synthesis and applications of: Azo dyes – Methyl orange and Congo red (mechanism of Diazo
Coupling); Triphenylmethane dyes - Malachite Green, and crystal violet; Phthalein dyes –
Phenolphthalein and Fluorescein.

Recommended Text books

1. Nelson, D.L., Cox, M.M. and Lehninger, A.L. Principles of Biochemistry. 6thEdn. W.H.
Freeman and Co. (2013).
2. Kar Ashutosh, Medicinal chemistry, New Age International (P) Ltd., (2007)
3. Debojyoti Das, Biochemistry, (part-I) Academic Publishers (1979)

Reference Books:
1. Talwar, G.P. & Srivastava, M. Textbook of Biochemistry and Human Biology, 3rd Ed.
PHI Learning.
2. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L. &Stryer, L. Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman, 2002.
4. Murray, R.K., Granner, D.K., Mayes, P.A. and Rodwell, V.W. (2009) Harper’s Illustrated
Biochemistry. XXVIII edition. Lange Medical Books/ McGraw-Hill.
5. Berg, J.M., Tymoczko, J.L. and Stryer, L. (2006) Biochemistry, 6th Edition. W.H.
Freeman and Co. (2002).
6. Wilson, K. & Walker, J. Practical Biochemistry. Cambridge University Press (2009).
7. The Tools of Biochemistry (1977; Reprint 2011) Cooper, T.G., Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
(New Delhi), ISBN: 978-81-265-3016-8.
1. Preparations of the following compounds
i. Aspirin
ii. Methyl orange
2. Estimation of phenol and aniline by bromination method.
3. Saponification value of an oil/fat/ester.
4. Estimation of glycine by Sorenson’s formalin method.
5. Estimation formaldehyde (formalin).
6. Estimation of ascorbic acid in fruit juices/Vitamin C tablet (Iodometric method)
7. Determination of Iodine number of an oil/ fat.

Reference Books:
1. Arthur, I. Vogel, Elementary Practical Organic Chemistry, Part-1 Small scale
preparations, Indian Edition, Pearson (2011).
2. Manual of Biochemistry Workshop, 2012, Department of Chemistry, University of
3. Arthur, I. Vogel, Quantitative Organic Analysis, Pearson.
4. Wilson, K. & Walker, J. Practical Biochemistry. Cambridge University Press (2009).
Discipline Specific Elective Paper-1

Introduction and history of polymeric materials:
Different schemes of classification of polymers, Polymer nomenclature, Molecular forces and
chemical bonding in polymers, Texture of Polymers.
Functionality and its importance:
Criteria for synthetic polymer formation, classification of polymerization processes,
Relationships between functionality, extent of reaction and degree of polymerization. Bi-
functional systems, Poly-functional systems.
Mechanism & Kinetics of Polymerization:
Polymerization reactions – addition and condensation, mechanism and kinetics of step growth,
radical chain growth, ionic chain (both cationic and anionic) and coordination polymerizations,
Mechanism and kinetics of copolymerization, polymerization techniques.
Crystallization and crystallinity:
Determination of crystalline melting point and degree of crystallinity, Morphology of crystalline
polymers, Factors affecting crystalline melting point.
Molecular weight of polymers and their determination (Mn,Mw, Mv, Mz) by end group
analysis,viscometry and osmotic pressure methods. Molecular weight distribution and its
significance. Polydispersity index.
Glass transition temperature (Tg) and it determination: WLFequation, Outlines of factors
affecting glass transition temperature (Tg).
UNIT-IVProperties of polymers (physical, thermal and mechanical properties).
Preparation, structure, properties and applications of the following polymers: polyolefins
(polyethylene, polypropylene), polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate,
polyacrylamide, fluoro polymers (Teflon), polyamides (nylon-6 and nylon 6,6). Thermosetting
polymers - phenol formaldehyde resins (Bakelite, Novalac), polyurethanes, conducting polymers
(polyacetylene, polyaniline). Brief outline of biodegradable polymers.
Recommended Text Books:
1. V. R. Gowarikar, Jayadev Sreedhar, N. V. Viswanathan, Polymer Science 1st Edition,
New Age International Publishers, 1986.
2. Premamoy Ghosh, Polymer Science and Technology: Plastics, Rubber, Blends and
Composites, 3rdEdition, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
3. P. Bahadur &N.V.Sastry, Principles of polymer science, Narosa Publishing house, New
Delhi 2002.
4. Fred W. Billmeyer, Textbook of Polymer Science, 3rd ed. Wiley-Interscience (1984)
Reference books
1. L.H. Sperling, Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons
2. Malcolm P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd ed. Oxford University
Press (2005)
3. Seymour/Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry, 9th ed. by Charles E. Carraher, Jr. (2013).
4. Nayak P.L., Polymer Chemistry, Kalyani Publisher (2017).

Discipline Specific Elective Paper I LAB

Polymer synthesis (At least three experiment)

1. Preparation of nylon-6,6 / Polyaniline
2. Preparations of phenol-formaldehyde resin-novalac / phenol-formaldehyde resin
3. Preparation of urea-formaldehyde resin
4. Free radical solution polymerization of styrene (St) / Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) /
Methyl Acrylate (MA) / Acrylic acid (AA).
a. Purification of monomer
b. Polymerization using benzoyl peroxide (BPO) / 2,2’-azo-bis-isobutylonitrile
5. Redox polymerization of acrylamide
6. Precipitation polymerization of acrylonitrile
Polymer characterization/analysis (At least two different experiemtn)
1. Determination of molecular weight by viscometry:
a. Polyacrylamide / Polystyrene
b. (Polyvinyl pyrolidine (PVP)
2. Determination of acid value/saponification value of a resin.
3. Determination of hydroxyl number of a polymer using colorimetric method.
4. Estimation of the amount of HCHO in the given solution by sodium sulphite method
5. Analysis of some IR spectra of polymers – Identification of labelled peaks in IR
spectra of known polymer.

Reference Books:
1. Hundiwale G.D., Athawale V.D., Kapadi U.R. and Gite V. V., Experiments in Polymer
Science, New Age Publications (2009)
2. Malcohm P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd Ed.
3. Joel R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall (2003)
4. Petr Munk and Tejraj M. Aminabhavi, Introduction to Macromolecular Science, 2nd ed.
John Wiley & Sons (2002)
5. Malcolm P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd ed. Oxford University
Press (2005)
Discipline Specific Elective Paper-1I

Introduction to Green Chemistry
What is Green Chemistry? Need for Green Chemistry. Goals of Green Chemistry. Limitations/
Obstacles in the pursuit of the goals of Green Chemistry.

Principles of Green Chemistry and Designing a Chemical synthesis-I

Twelve principles of Green Chemistry. Explanations of principle with special emphasis on -
Designing green synthesis processes: Prevention of Waste/ by-products; maximize the
incorporation of the materials used in the process into the final products (Atom Economy) with
reference to rearrangement, addition, substitution and elimination reactions; Prevention/
minimization of hazardous/ toxic products; Designing safer chemicals; Use of safer solvents and
auxiliaries (e.g. separating agent) - green solvents (supercritical CO2, water, ionic liquids),
solventless processes, immobilized solvents.

Principles of Green Chemistry and Designing a Chemical synthesis-II
Explanation of green chemistry principles with special emphasis on:
Energy efficient processes for synthesis - use of microwaves and ultrasonic energy. Selection of
starting materials (use of renewable feedstock); avoidance of unnecessary derivatization (e.g.
blocking group, protection groups, deprotection); Use of catalytic reagents (wherever possible)
in preference to stoichiometric reagents; designing of biodegradable products use of chemically
safer substances for prevention of chemical accidents, inherent safer design greener - alternative
to Bhopal Gas Tragedy (safer route to carcarbaryl) and Flixiborough accident (safer route to
cyclohexanol); real-time, in-process monitoring and control to prevent the formation of
hazardous substances; development of green analytical techniques to prevent and minimize the
generation of hazardous substances in chemical processes;
Examples of Green Synthesis/ Reactions and some real world cases-I
Green Synthesis of the following compounds: adipic acid, catechol, methyl methacrylate,
urethane, disodium iminodiacetate (alternative to Strecker synthesis), paracetamol, furfural.
Microwave assisted reactions: Applications to reactions (i) in water: Hofmann Elimination,
hydrolysis (of benzyl chloride, methyl benzoate to benzoic acid), Oxidation (of toluene,
alcohols); (ii) reactions in organic solvents: Diels-Alder reaction and Decarboxylation reaction.
Ultrasound assisted reactions: Applications to esterification, saponification, Simmons-Smith
Reaction (Ultrasonic alternative to Iodine).

Examples of Green Synthesis/ Reactions and some real world cases-II
Surfactants for carbon dioxide – replacing smog producing and ozone depleting solvents with
CO2 for precision cleaning and dry cleaning of garments; Designing of Environmentally safe
marine antifoulant; Rightfit pigment: synthetic azopigments to replace toxic organic and
inorganic pigments; Synthesis of a compostable and widely applicable plastic (poly lactic acid)
from corn; Development of Fully Recyclable Carpet: Cradle to Cradle Carpeting

Future Trends in Green Chemistry

Oxidizing and reducing reagents and catalysts; multifunctional reagents; Combinatorial green
chemistry; Proliferation of solventless reactions; Green chemistry in sustainable development.
(Bio-diesel, bio-ethanol and biogas)
Recommended Text Books:
1. Anastas P.T. & Warner J.K.: Green Chemistry- Theory and Practical, Oxford University
Press (2000).
2. Ahluwalia V.K. & Kidwai M.: New Trends in Green Chemistry, Anamalaya Publishers,
New Delhi (2004).
3. Kumar V., An Introduction to Green Chemistry, Vishal Publishing Co., (2015).

Reference Books:
1. Matlack A.S. Introduction to Green Chemistry, Marcel Dekker (2001).
2. Das Asim K. amd Das Mahua , Environment Chemistry with Green Chemistry, Books
and Allied (P) Ltd. (2010)

Discipline Specific Elective Paper II LAB

At least five experiments should be done:

1. Acetylation of primary amine (Aniline to N-phenylacetamide) using Zn dust.

2. Nitration of salicylic acid by green method (Using calcium nitrate and acetic acid).
3. Bromination of acetanilide using ceric ammonium nitrate/KBr.
4. Microwave assisted nitration of Phenols using Cu(NO3)2.
5. Detection of elements in organic compounds by green method (Sodium carbonate fusion)
6. Base catalyzed Aldol condensation (Synthesis of dibenzalpropanone)
7. Vitamin C clock reaction using vitamin C tablets, tincture of iodine, hydrogen peroxide
and liquid laundry starch. Effect of concentration on clock reaction.
8. Photoreduction of benzophenone to benzopinacol in the presence of sunlight.
9. Diels Alder reaction in water: Reaction between furan and maleic acid in water and at
room temperature rather than in benzene and reflux.
10. Preparation and characterization of nanoparticles (Cu, Ag) using plant extract.
11. Preparation of propene by following two methods or any other reactions like addition,
elimination, substitution showing atomic economy can be studied
(I) Triethylamine ion + OH- → propene + trimethylpropene + water

(II) 1-propanol propene + water

Reference Books:
1. Monograph on Green Chemistry Laboratory Experiments, edited and published by Green
Chemistry Task Force Committee, DST Govt. of India, p. 1-79.
2. Kirchoff, M. & Ryan, M.A. Greener approaches to undergraduate chemistryexperiment.
American Chemical Society, Washington DC (2002).
3. Sharma, R.K.; Sidhwani, I.T. & Chaudhari, M.K. I.K. Green Chemistry Experiment:A
monograph International Publishing House Pvt Ltd. New Delhi. Bangalore CISBN978-93-
81141-55-7 (2013).

Discipline Specific Elective Paper-1II


Industrial Gases and Inorganic Chemicals
Industrial Gases: Large scale production, uses, storage and hazards in handling of thefollowing
gases: oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, acetylene, carbon monoxide, chlorine, sulphur
Inorganic Chemicals: Manufacture, application and hazards in handling thefollowing chemicals:
hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, caustic soda, common salt, bleaching powder,
sodium thiosulphate, hydrogen peroxide, potash alum, potassium dichromate and potassium
Industrial Metallurgy
Preparation of metals (ferrous and nonferrous) and ultrapure metals for semiconductor

Environment and its segments
Ecosystems. Biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur.
Air Pollution: Major regions of atmosphere. Chemical and photochemical reactions in
atmosphere. Air pollutants: types, sources, particle size and chemical nature; Photochemical
smog: its constituents and photochemistry. Environmental effects of ozone. Major sources of air
Pollution by SO2, CO2, CO, NOx, and H2S and control procedures.
Effects of air pollution on living organisms and vegetation. Greenhouse effect and global
warming, Ozone depletion by oxides of nitrogen, chlorofluorocarbons and halogens, removal of
sulphur from coal.
Water Pollution: Hydrological cycle, water resources, aquatic ecosystems, Sources andnature of
water pollutants, Techniques for measuring water pollution, Impacts of water pollution on
hydrological and ecosystems.
Water purification methods. Effluent treatment plants (primary, secondary and tertiary
treatment). Industrial effluents from the following industries and their treatment: electroplating,
textile, tannery, dairy, petroleum and petrochemicals, fertilizer. Sludge disposal.
Industrial waste management: incineration of waste. Water treatment and purification (reverse
osmosis, ion exchange). Water quality parameters for wastewater, industrial water and domestic
Energy and Environment
Sources of energy: Coal, petrol and natural gas. Nuclear fusion/fission, solar energy, hydrogen,
geothermal, tidal and hydel.
Nuclear Pollution: Disposal of nuclear waste, nuclear disaster and its management.
Introduction to biocatalysis: Importance in green chemistry and chemical industry.
Recommended Text Books:
1. De, A. K. Environmental Chemistry: New Age International Pvt., Ltd, New Delhi,
2. Stocchi E., Industrial Chemistry, Vol-I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
3. Sharma, B.K. & Gaur, H. Industrial Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut (1996).
Reference Books:
4. Felder R.M. and Rousseau R.W., Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes,
Wiley Publishers, New Delhi.
5. Dara S. S., A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, S. Chand & Company Ltd. New
6. Miller G.T., Environmental Science, 11th edition. Brooks/ Cole (2006).
7. Mishra, Environmental Studies, Selective and Scientific Books, New Delhi (2005).

Discipline Specific Elective Paper III LAB

1. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in water.

2. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
3. Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
4. Percentage of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
5. Measurement of chloride, sulphate and salinity of water samples by simple titration
method (AgNO3 and potassium chromate).
6. Estimation of total alkalinity of water samples (CO32-, HCO3-) using double titration
7. Measurement of dissolved CO2.
8. Study of some of the common bio-indicators of pollution.
9. Estimation of SPM in air samples.
10. Preparation of borax/ boric acid.

Reference Books:
1. Dara S. S., A Textbook on Experiments and Calculations in Engineering
ChemistrySChand & Company; 9th Revised edition (2015).
2. E. Stocchi: Industrial Chemistry, Vol-I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
3. R.M. Felder, R.W. Rousseau: Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, Wiley
Publishers, New Delhi.
4. A. Kent: Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
5. S. M. Khopkar, Environmental Pollution Analysis: Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi.

Discipline Specific Elective Paper-1V

Unit 1
Silicate Industries
Glass: Glassy state and its properties, classification (silicate and nonsilicate
glasses).Manufacture and processing of glass. Composition and properties of the following types
of glasses: Soda lime glass, lead glass, armoured glass, safety glass, borosilicate glass,
fluorosilicate, coloured glass, photosensitive glass.
Ceramics: Important clays and feldspar, ceramic, their types and manufacture. High technology
ceramics and their applications, superconducting and semiconducting oxides, fullerenes carbon
nanotubes and carbon fibre.
Cements: Classification of cement, ingredients and their role, Manufacture of cement and the
setting process, quick setting cements.
Unit II
Fertilizers: Different types of fertilizers. Manufacture of the following fertilizers: Urea,
ammonium nitrate, calcium ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphates; polyphosphate,
superphosphate, compound and mixed fertilizers, potassium chloride, potassium sulphate.

Batteries: Primary and secondary batteries, battery components and their role, Characteristics of
Battery. Working of following batteries: Pb acid, Li-Battery, Solid state electrolyte battery. Fuel
cells, Solar cell and polymer cell.
Unit III
Surface Coatings:
Objectives of coatings surfaces, preliminary treatment of surface, classification of surface
coatings. Paints and pigments-formulation, composition and related properties. Oil paint,
Vehicle, modified oils, Pigments, toners and lakes pigments, Fillers, Thinners, Enamels,
emulsifying agents. Special paints (Heat retardant, Fire retardant, Eco-friendly paint, Plastic
paint), Dyes, Wax polishing, Water and Oil paints, additives, Metallic coatings, metal spraying
and anodizing.
Unit IV
Alloys: Classification of alloys, ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, Specific properties of elements in
alloys. Manufacture of Steel (removal of silicon, decarbonization, demanganization,
desulphurization, dephosphorisation) and surface treatment (argon treatment, heat treatment
nitriding, carburizing). Composition and properties of different types of steels.
Chemical explosives: Origin of explosive properties in organic compounds, preparation and
explosive properties of lead azide, PETN, cyclonite (RDX). Introduction to rocket propellants.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Stocchi E., Industrial Chemistry, Vol-I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
2. Sharma, B.K. & Gaur, H. Industrial Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut (1996).
3. P. C. Jain, M. Jain: Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Felder R.M. and Rousseau R.W., Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes,
Wiley Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Dara S. S., A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, S. Chand & Company Ltd. New
3. A. Kent: Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
4. R. Gopalan, D. Venkappayya, S. Nagarajan: Engineering Chemistry, Vikas
Publications, New Delhi.

Discipline Specific Elective Paper-IV LAB

List of Practicals

1. Determination of free acidity in ammonium sulphate fertilizer.

2. Estimation of Calcium in Calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer.
3. Estimation of phosphoric acid in superphosphate fertilizer.
4. Determination of composition of dolomite (by complexometric titration).
5. Analysis of (Cu, Ni); (Cu, Zn ) in alloy or synthetic samples.
6. Analysis of Cement.
7. Estimation of Iron from Cement Volumetrically
8. Preparation of pigment (zinc oxide).

Reference Books
1. Dara S. S., A Textbook on Experiments and Calculations in Engineering ChemistryS
Chand & Company; 9th Revised edition (2015).
2. E. Stocchi: Industrial Chemistry, Vol-I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
3. R. M. Felder, R. W. Rousseau: Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, Wiley
Publishers, New Delhi.
4. W. D. Kingery, H. K. Bowen, D. R. Uhlmann: Introduction to Ceramics, Wiley
Publishers, New Delhi.
5. J. A. Kent: Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
6. P. C. Jain, M. Jain: Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
7. R. Gopalan, D. Venkappayya, S. Nagarajan: Engineering Chemistry, Vikas Publications,
New Delhi.

Alternative to DSC CORE PAPERIV

Discipline Specific Elective Paper-V
A project work is to be carried out by the student in consultation with the teachers of the
department. The report of work (dissertation) in a standard format is to be submitted and
presented for evaluation.
Distribution of marks
(a) Project Report/Dissertation (Proper documentation of literature, data, discussion etc. and
logical flow of work undertaken): 50 Marks
(b) Seminar/Presentation: 30 marks
(c) Viva voce: 20 marks
A brief Guidelines to Project Work:

1. Students shall undertake the project work (experimental/theoretical) related to any branch of
chemistry/Chemical science under the guidance of teacher(s) from the department or jointly
with teachers/research personnel of other institutes.
2. The following activities have been outlined as guidelines (not exhaustive):
• Physiochemical studies (pH, conductivity, turbidity, etc.) of different wetlands (ponds,
lakes, river etc.)
• Analysis of iron in pond / tube well / river water.
• Analysis of Hardness of water samples.
• Adulteration detection activities in food stuff and other edible items.
• Extraction and preliminary characterization of useful chemicals (as far as possible) from
• Solubility, surface tension, and viscosity measurements of some solution of practical
relevance, (cough syrup, soap solution, pesticides, fertilizers.. etc.)
• Pollution related activities (Industrial/Agricultural/Municipal etc.)
• Nutrition related activities, (essential metal detection in food, cereals, pulses, fruits etc.).
• Small synthetical work (inorganic/Organic/Polymeric compounds)
2. The UG level project work is a group activity, maximum number of students being limited to
three. HOD to notify the name of teacher(s) for supervising the project work of each group. A
teacher can guide more than one group, if necessary.
4. No two groups in the same institution are permitted to do project work on the same problem.
5. Each student shall prepare and submit the project report separately for evaluation. Two copies
of project report are required to be submitted in bound form (spiral/paperback).
6. The project report shall be divided as:
Chapter I: Introduction (Introduction on the topic, review of literature, objective and
scope of the work)
Chapter II: Materials and methods
Chapter II: Results and discussion
Chapter IV: Conclusions and Scope of future studies
Chapter V: References

Reference Books:
1. M. A. Malati, An Investigative, Integrated Approach to Practical Project Work; Mid-Kent
College of Higher/Further Education, UK (October 1999); Imprint: Woodhead
Publishing; ISBN: 978-1-898563-47-1.
2. Dean, J. R., Jones, A. M., Holmes, D., Reed, R., Weyers, J. & Jones, A. (2011) Practical
skills in chemistry. 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall, Harlow.

Alternative for Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Papers

Discipline Specific Elective Paper-VI
Unit I
UV-Visible and IR Spectrometry
Origin of spectra, interaction of radiation with matter, fundamental laws of spectroscopy and
selection rules, validity of Beer-Lambert’s law.
UV-Visible Spectrometry: Basic principles, instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator
and detector) for single and double beam instrument; Basic principles of quantitative analysis:
estimation of metal ions from aqueous solution, geometrical isomers, keto-enol tautomers.
Determination of composition of metal complexes using Job’s method of continuous variation
and mole ratio method.
Infrared Spectrometry: Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator &
detector) for single and double beam instrument; sampling techniques. Structural illustration
through interpretation of data, Effect and importance of isotope substitution.

Unit II
Qualitative and quantitative aspects of analysis
Sampling, evaluation of analytical data, errors, accuracy and precision, methods of their
expression, normal law of distribution if indeterminate errors, statistical test of data; F, Q and t
test, rejection of data, and confidence intervals.
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator, detector, choice of flame
and Burner designs. Techniques of atomization and sample introduction; Method of background
correction, sources of chemical interferences and their method of removal. Techniques for the
quantitative estimation of trace level of metal ions from water samples.
Unit III
Thermal and electro-analytical methods of analysis
Theory of thermo-gravimetry (TG), basic principle of instrumentation. Techniques for
quantitative estimation of Ca and Mg from their mixture.
Classification of electro-analytical methods, basic principle of pH metric, potentiometric and
conductometric titrations. Techniques used for the determination of equivalence points.
Unit IV
Separation techniques
Solvent extraction: Classification, principle and efficiency of the technique. Mechanism of
extraction: extraction by solvation and chelation. Technique of extraction: batch, continuous and
counter current extractions.
Chromatography: Classification, principle and efficiency of the technique. Mechanism of
separation: adsorption, partition & ion exchange. Development of chromatograms: frontal,
elution and displacement methods. Qualitative and quantitative aspects of chromatographic
methods of analysis: TLC and HPLC.

Recommended text books:

1. Vogel, Arthur I: A Test book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (Rev. by G.H. Jeffery
and others) 5th Ed., The English Language Book Society of Longman.
2. Skoog, Holler and Crouch, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Cengage Learning, 6th
Indian Reprint (2017).
3. Christian, Gary D; Analytical Chemistry, 6th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2004.
Reference books
1. Harris, Daniel C: Exploring Chemical Analysis, Ed. New York, W. H. Freeman, 2001.
2. Willard, Hobert H. et al.: Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 7th Ed., Wardsworth
Publishing Company, Belmont, California, USA, 1988.
3. Mikes, O. &Chalmes, R.A. Laboratory Hand Book of Chromatographic & Allied
Methods, Elles Harwood Ltd. London.
4. Pavia, Lamman, Kriz and Vyvyan, Introduction to Spectroscopy, Cengage Learning,
3rd Indian Reprint (2017).
5. Dash U N , Analytical Chemistry
Discipline Specific Elective Paper -V LAB
1. Paper chromatographic separation of Fe3+, Al3+, and Cr3+.
2. Separation and identification of the monosaccharides present in the given mixture
(glucose & fructose) by paper chromatography. Reporting the Rf values.
3. Separate a mixture of Sudan yellow and Sudan Red by TLC technique and identify them
on the basis of their Rf values.
4. Chromatographic separation of the active ingredients of plants, flowers and juices by
5. Determine the pH of the given aerated drinks fruit juices, shampoos and soaps.
6. Determination of Na, Ca, Li in cola drinks and fruit juices using flame photometric
7. Analysis of soil: determination of pH of soil, total soluble salt, estimation of calcium,
magnesium, phosphate, nitrate
8. Separation of metal ions from their binary mixture.
9. Separation of amino acids from organic acids by ion exchange chromatography.
10. Determination of dissolved oxygen in water.
11. Determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD).

Reference Books:
1. Vogel, Arthur I: A Test book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis (Rev. by G. H. Jeffery
and others) 5th Ed., The English Language Book Society of Longman.
2. Willard, Hobert H. et al.: Instrumental Methods of Analysis, 7th Ed., Wardsworth
Publishing Company, Belmont, California, USA, 1988.
3. Khopkar, S.M. Basic Concepts of Analytical Chemistry. New Age, International
Publisher, 2009.

Generic Elective Paper I (Theory)


Atomic Structure
Review of: Bohr’s theory and its limitations, dual behaviour of matter and radiation, de-Broglie’s
relation, Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. Hydrogen atom spectra.
Quantum mechanics: Time independent Schrodinger equation and meaning of various terms in
it. Significance of ψ and ψ2, Schrödinger equation for hydrogen atom. Radial and angular parts
of the hydogenic wave functions (atomic orbitals) and their variations for 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and
3d orbitals (Only graphical representation). Quantum numbers and their significance, shapes of s,
p and d atomic orbitals, nodal planes.
Rules for filling electrons in various orbitals, Electronic configurations of the atoms. Stability of
half-filled and completely filled orbitals, concept of exchange energy. Relative energies of
atomic orbitals, Anomalous electronic configurations.

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Ionic Bonding: General characteristics, energy considerations.Lattice energy and solvation
energy and their importance in the context of stability and solubility of ionic compounds.
Statement of Born-Landé equation for calculation of lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle and its
applications, polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules and its applications.
Covalent bonding: VB Approach: Shapes of some inorganic molecules and ions on the basis of
VSEPR and hybridization with suitable examples of linear, trigonal planar, square planar,
tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral arrangements.
Concept of resonance and resonating structures in various inorganic and organic compounds.
MO Approach: Rules for the LCAO method, bonding and antibonding MOs and their
characteristics for s-s, s-p and p-p combinations of atomic orbitals, nonbonding combination of
orbitals, MO treatment of homonuclear diatomic molecules (N2, O2) and heteronuclear diatomic
molecules (CO, NO). Comparison of VB and MO approaches

Section B: Organic Chemistry-1

Unit- III
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Physical Effects, Electronic Displacements: Inductive effect, Electromeric effect, Resonance and
hyperconjugation. Cleavage of bonds: Homolysis and heterolysis.
Structure, shape and reactivity of organic molecules: Nucleophiles and electrophiles. Reactive
Intermediates: Carbocations, Carbanions and free radicals.
Strength of organic acids and bases: Comparative study with emphasis on factors affecting pK
values. Aromaticity: Hückel’s rule.
Conformations with respect to ethane, butane and cyclohexane. Interconversion of Wedge
Formula, Newmann, Sawhorse and Fischer representations. Concept of chirality (up to two
carbon atoms). Configuration: Geometrical and Optical isomerism; Enantiomerism,
Diastereomerism and Meso compounds). D and L; cis-trans nomenclature; CIP Rules: R/ S (for
one chiral carbon atoms) and E / Z Nomenclature (for up to two C=C systems).
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Functional group approach for the following reactions (preparations & reactions) to be studied in
context to their structure.
Alkanes: (Up to 5 Carbons).Preparation:Catalytic hydrogenation, Wurtz reaction,Kolbe’s
synthesis, from Grignard reagent. Reactions: Free radical Substitution: Halogenation.
Alkenes: (Up to 5 Carbons)Preparation:Elimination reactions: Dehydration of alkenesand
dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides (Saytzeff’s rule); cis-alkenes (Partial catalytic
hydrogenation) and trans-alkenes (Birch reduction). Reactions: cis-addition (alk. KMnO4) and
trans-addition (bromine), Addition of HX (Markownikoff’s and anti-Markownikoff’s addition),
Hydration, Ozonolysis,
Alkynes: (Up to 5 Carbons)Preparation:Acetylene from CaC2and conversion intohigher
alkynes; by dehalogenation of tetra halides and dehydrohalogenation of vicinal-dihalides.
Reactions: formation of metal acetylides, addition of bromine and alkaline KMnO4,ozonolysis.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Lee J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley India, 5thEdn., 2008.
2. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
3. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..
4. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
5. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
6. BhalArun & BhalB S , Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher,
7. Kalsi, P. S. Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism; 8thEdn, New Age
International, 2015.
Reference books
1. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. II, CBS Publications, 2nd
Ed. 2010.
2. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.
3. Mallick, Madan and Tuli, S. Chand Selected Topic in Inorganic Chemistry, ,
17thEdn. 2010.
4. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications

Generic Elective Paper I LAB

Section A: Inorganic Chemistry
Volumetric Analysis
1. Estimation of sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate present in a mixture.
2. Estimation of oxalic acid by titrating it with KMnO4.
3. Estimation of water of crystallization in Mohr’s salt by titrating with KMnO4.
4. Estimation of Fe(II) ions by titrating it with K2Cr2O7 using internal indicator.
5. Estimation of Cu(II) ions iodometrically using Na2S2O3.

Section B:Organic Chemistry

1. Detection of extra elements (N, S, Cl) in organic compounds (containing up to two extra
2. Separation of mixtures by Chromatography: Measure the Rf value in each case
(combination of two compounds to be given)
(f) Identify and separate the components of a given mixture of 2 amino acids (glycine,
aspartic acid, glutamic acid, tyrosine or any other amino acid) by paper
(g) Identify and separate the sugars present in the given mixture by paper

Reference Books:
1. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009.
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009)
3. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University Press

Generic Elective Paper II (Theory)


Section A: Physical Chemistry-I
Chemical Energetics
Review of thermodynamics and the Laws of Thermodynamics.
Important principles and definitions of thermochemistry. Concept of standard state and standard
enthalpies of formations, integral and differential enthalpies of solution and dilution. Calculation
of bond energy, bond dissociation energy and resonance energy from thermochemical data.
Variation of enthalpy of a reaction with temperature – Kirchhoff’s equation.
Statement of Third Law of thermodynamics
Chemical Equilibrium
Free energy change in a chemical reaction. Thermodynamic derivation of the law of chemical
equilibrium. Distinction between ΔG and ΔGo, Le Chatelier’s principle. Relationships between
Kp, Kc and Kx for reactions involving ideal gases
Unit- II
Ionic Equilibria
Strong, moderate and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of
ionization, ionization constant and ionic product of water. Ionization of weak acids and bases,
pH scale, common ion effect. Salt hydrolysis-calculation of hydrolysis constant, degree of
hydrolysis and pH for different salts. Buffer solutions. Solubility and solubility product of
sparingly soluble salts – applications of solubility product principle.

Section B: Organic Chemistry-II

Unit- III
Functional group approach for the following reactions (preparations & reactions) to be studied in
context to their structure.
Aromatic hydrocarbons
Preparation (Case benzene): from phenol, by decarboxylation, from acetylene, from benzene
sulphonic acid. Reactions: (Case benzene): Electrophilic substitution: nitration, halogenation and
sulphonation. Friedel-Craft’s reaction (alkylation and acylation) (up to 4 carbons on benzene).
Side chain oxidation of alkyl benzenes (up to 4 carbons on benzene).
Alkyl and Aryl Halides
Alkyl Halides (Up to 5 Carbons) Types of Nucleophilic Substitution (SN1, SN2 and SNi)
Preparation: from alkenes and alcohols. Reactions: hydrolysis, nitrite & nitro formation, nitrile
&isonitrile formation. Williamson’s ether synthesis: Elimination vs substitution.
Aryl Halides Preparation: (Chloro, bromo and iodo-benzene case): from phenol, Sandmeyer
&Gattermann reactions.
Reactions (Chlorobenzene): Aromatic nucleophilic substitution (replacement by –OH group) and
effect of nitro substituent. Benzyne Mechanism: KNH2/NH3 (or NaNH2/NH3).
Unit- IV
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers (Up to 5 Carbons)
Alcohols: Preparation: Preparation of 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols: using Grignard reagent, Ester
hydrolysis, Reduction of aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acid and esters.
Reactions: With sodium, HX (Lucas test), esterification, oxidation (with PCC, alk. KMnO4,
acidic dichromate, conc. HNO3). Oppeneauer oxidation Diols: (Up to 6 Carbons) oxidation of
diols. Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement.
Phenols: (Phenol case) Preparation: Cumene hydroperoxide method, from diazonium salts.
Reactions: Electrophilic substitution: Nitration, halogenation and sulphonation. ReimerTiemann
Reaction, Gattermann-Koch Reaction,
Ethers (aliphatic and aromatic): Cleavage of ethers with HI.
Aldehydes and ketones (aliphatic and aromatic): Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone and
Preparation: from acid chlorides and from nitriles.
Reactions – Reaction with HCN, ROH, NaHSO3, NH2-G derivatives. Iodoform test. Aldol
Condensation, Cannizzaro’s reaction, Benzoin condensation. Clemensen reduction and Wolff
Kishner reduction.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Atkins P. W. & Paula, J. de, Elements of Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
6th Ed., (2006).
2. Principles of Physical Chemistry, Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
3. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Mac Grow Hill, 3rdEdn. 2017.
4. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
5. Arun Bahl & B S Bahl, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher,

Reference Books:
1. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications.
2. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications
Generic Elective Paper II LAB
Section A: Physical Chemistry

Thermochemistry (any three)

1. Determination of heat capacity of calorimeter for different volumes.
2. Determination of enthalpy of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.
3. Determination of enthalpy of ionization of acetic acid.
4. Determination of integral enthalpy of solution of salts (KNO3, NH4Cl).
5. Determination of enthalpy of hydration of copper sulphate.
6. Study of the solubility of benzoic acid in water and determination of ΔH.

Ionic equilibria
pH measurements
a) Measurement of pH of different solutions like aerated drinks, fruit juices, shampoos and
soaps (use dilute solutions of soaps and shampoos to prevent damage to the glass
electrode) using pH-meter.
b) Preparation of buffer solutions:
• Sodium acetate-acetic acid
• Ammonium chloride-ammonium hydroxide
Measurement of the pH of buffer solutions and comparison of the values with theoretical
Section B: Organic Chemistry

1. Purification of organic compounds by crystallization (from water) and determination of

2. Preparations, recrystallisation, determination of melting point and calculation of
quantitative yields of the followings:
(a) Bromination of Phenol/Aniline
(b) Benzoylation of amines/phenols
(c) Oxime and 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazone of aldehyde/ketone
Reference Books
1. A.I. Vogel: Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th edition, Prentice-Hall.
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009).
3. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand &
Co., New Delhi (2011).
4. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University Press

Generic Elective PaperIII (Theory)


General Principles of Metallurgy
Chief modes of occurrence of metals based on standard electrode potentials. Ellingham
diagrams for reduction of metal oxides using carbon as reducing agent.
Hydrometallurgy, Methods of purification of metals (Al, Pb, Fe, Cu, Ni): electrolytic, oxidative
refining, Parting process, van Arkel-de Boer process and Mond’s process.
s- and p-Block Elements
Periodicity in s- and p-block elements with respect to electronic configuration, atomic and ionic
size, ionization enthalpy, electronegativity (Pauling &Mulliken scales). Allotropy in C, S, and
Oxidation states with reference to elements in unusual and rare oxidation states like carbides
and nitrides), inert pair effect, diagonal relationship and anomalous behaviour of first member
of each group.
Compounds of s- and p-Block Elements
Hydrides and their classification (ionic, covalent and interstitial), structure and properties with
respect to stability of hydrides of p- block elements.
Concept of multicentre bonding (diborane).
Structure, bonding and their important properties like oxidation/reduction, acidic/basic nature
of the following compounds and their applications in industrial, organic and environmental
Hydrides of nitrogen (NH3, N2H4, N3H, NH2OH); Oxoacids of P, S and Cl; Halides and
oxohalides: PCl3, PCl5, SOCl2.
Section B: Physical Chemistry-3
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases and derivation of the kinetic gas equation.
Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, compressibility factor, causes of deviation. van
der Waals equation of state for real gases. Boyle temperature (derivation not required). Critical
phenomena, critical constants and their calculation from van der Waals equation.
Maxwell Boltzmann distribution laws of molecular velocities and molecular energies (graphic
representation – derivation not required) and their importance.
Temperature dependence of these distributions. Most probable, average and root mean square
velocities (no derivation). Collision cross section, collision number, collision frequency,
collision diameter and mean free path of molecules. Viscosity of gases and effect of
temperature and pressure on coefficient of viscosity (qualitative treatment only).
Surface tension and its determination using stalagmometer. Viscosity of a liquid and
determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer. Effect of temperature on
surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment only).

Forms of solids. Symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and
identification of lattice planes. Laws of Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial
angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X–Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law.
Structures of NaCl, and CsCl (qualitative treatment only). Defects in crystals.
Chemical Kinetics
The concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on
reaction rates. Order and molecularity of a reaction. Derivation of integrated rate equations for
zero, first and second order reactions (both for equal and unequal concentrations of reactants).
Half–life of a reaction. General methods for determination of order of a reaction. Concept of
activation energy and its calculation from Arrhenius equation.

Theories of Reaction Rates: Collision theory and Activated Complex theory of bimolecular
reactions. Comparison of the two theories (qualitative treatment only).

Recommended Text Books:

1. Lee J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley India, 5thEdn., 2008.
2. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
3. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..
4. Principles of Physical Chemistry, Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
5. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Mac Grow Hill, 3rdEdn. 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications.
2. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.
Generic Elective Paper -III LAB
Section A: Inorganic Chemistry

Qualitative analysis of inorganic slat mixture using H2S: not more than four ionic species (two
anions and two cations and excluding insoluble salts) out of the following:
Cations : NH4+, Pb2+, Ag+, Bi3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Sn2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+,
Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, K+
Anions: CO32–, S2–, SO32–, NO3–, Cl–, Br–, I–, NO3–, SO42-, PO43-, F-
(Spot tests should be carried out wherever feasible)

Section B: Physical Chemistry

Chemical Kinetics
Study the kinetics of the following reactions.
1. Initial rate method: Iodide-persulphate reaction
2. Integrated rate method:
a. Acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate with hydrochloric acid.
b. Saponification of ethyl acetate.
c. Compare the strengths of HCl and H2SO4 by studying kinetics of hydrolysis of
methyl acetate

Reference Books:
1. Svehla, G, Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th Ed, 4th Ed., Pearson Education
2. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand &
Co., New Delhi (2011).
3. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., (2017).

Generic Elective Paper- IV (Theory)


Section A: Inorganic Chemistry-4

Chemistry of 3d metals
Oxidation states displayed by Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and Co.
A study of the following compounds (including preparation and important properties);
Peroxo compounds of Cr, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, K4[Fe(CN)6], sodium nitroprusside,
[Co(NH3)6]Cl3, Na3[Co(NO2)6].

Organometallic Compounds
Definition and Classification with appropriate examples based on nature of metal-carbon bond
(ionic, s, p and multicentre bonds). Structures of methyl lithium, Zeiss salt and ferrocene. EAN
rule as applied to carbonyls. Preparation, structure, bonding and properties of mononuclear and
polynuclear carbonyls of 3d metals. π-acceptor behaviour of carbon monoxide. Synergic effects
(VB approach).
Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
A brief introduction to bio-inorganic chemistry. Role of metal ions present in biological
systems with special reference to Na+, K+ and Mg2+ ions: Na/K pump; Role of Mg2+ ions in
energy production and chlorophyll. Role of Ca2+ in blood clotting, and structural role (bones).

Section B: Organic Chemistry-4

Polynuclear and heteronuclear aromatic compounds
Properties of the following compounds with reference to electrophilic and nucleophilic
substitution: Naphthalene, Anthracene, Furan, Pyrrole, Thiophene, and Pyridine.
Active methylene compounds
Preparation: Claisen ester condensation. Keto-enol tautomerism.
Reactions: Synthetic uses of ethylacetoacetate (preparation of non-heteromolecules havingup to
6 carbon).
Application of Spectroscopy (UV-Visible, IR) to Simple Organic Molecules
Electromagnetic radiations, electronic transitions, λmax&εmax, chromophore, auxochrome,
bathochromic and hypsochromic shifts. Application of electronic spectroscopy and Woodward
rules for calculating λmaxof conjugated dienes and α, β – unsaturated compounds.
Infrared radiation and types of molecular vibrations, functional group and fingerprint region. IR
spectra of alkanes, alkenes and simple alcohols (inter and intramolecular hydrogen bonding),
aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives (effect of substitution on >C=O
stretching absorptions).

Recommended Text Books:

1. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
2. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..
3. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
4. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
5. Arun Bahl & B S Bahl, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher,
Reference books
1. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. II, CBS Publications, 2nd
Ed. 2010.
2. Das Asim K., Bioinorganic Chemistry, Books & Allied (P) Ltd. 1st ed. 2015.
3. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.
4. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications

Generic Elective PaperIV LAB

Section A: Inorganic Chemistry
1. Preparation of following compounds (Any two)
a. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O)
b. Cuprous chloride, Cu2Cl2
c. Manganese(III) phosphate, MnPO4.H2O
d. Lead chromate (PbCrO4
2. Separation of mixtures by chromatography: Measure the Rf value in each case. (Combination
of two ions to be given)
• Paper chromatographic separation of Fe3+, A13+ and Cr3+ or
• Paper chromatographic separation of Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+

Section B: Organic Chemistry

Systematic qualitative organic analysis of organic compounds possessing mono-functional

groups (-COOH, phenolic, aldehyde, ketone, amide, nitro, amines) and preparation of one
Reference Books
1. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6thEdn, Pearson, 2009.
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009).
3. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University Press
4. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., (2017).
Course structure of UG Chemistry Pass

Semester Course Course Name Credits Total marks

I DSC-I Atomic structure, bonding, general 04 75

organic chemistry &aliphatic

DSC-I Practical 02 25

II DSC-II Chemical energetics, equilibria & 04 75

functional organicchemistry

DSC-II Practical 02 25

III DSC-III Chemistry of s- and p-block 04 75

elements, states of matter
&chemical kinetics

DSC-III Practical 02 25

IV DSC-IV Organometallics, bioinorganic 04 75

chemistry, polynuclear
hydrocarbons and UV, IR
DSC-IV 02 25

V DSE-I Polymer chemistry 04 75

DSE-I Practical 02 25

VI DSE-II Industrial chemicals and 04 75


DSE-II Practical 02 25

36 600

Discipline Specific Core – 4 papers

Discipline Specific Elective – 2 papers
Marks per paper - Midterm : 15 marks, End term : 60 marks, Practical: 25 marks
Total – 100 marksCredit per paper – 6
Teaching hours per paper – 40 hours theory classes + 20 hours practical classes

Discipline Specific Core Paper I (Theory)


Atomic Structure
Review of: Bohr’s theory and its limitations, dual behaviour of matter and radiation, de-Broglie’s
relation, Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. Hydrogen atom spectra.
Quantum mechanics: Time independent Schrodinger equation and meaning of various terms in
it. Significance of ψ and ψ2, Schrödinger equation for hydrogen atom. Radial and angular parts
of the hydogenic wave functions (atomic orbitals) and their variations for 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and
3d orbitals (Only graphical representation). Quantum numbers and their significance, shapes of s,
p and d atomic orbitals, nodal planes.
Rules for filling electrons in various orbitals, Electronic configurations of the atoms. Stability of
half-filled and completely filled orbitals, concept of exchange energy. Relative energies of
atomic orbitals, Anomalous electronic configurations.
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Ionic Bonding: General characteristics, energy considerations.Lattice energy and solvation
energy and their importance in the context of stability and solubility of ionic compounds.
Statement of Born-Landé equation for calculation of lattice energy, Born-Haber cycle and its
applications, polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules and its applications.
Covalent bonding: VB Approach: Shapes of some inorganic molecules and ions on the basis of
VSEPR and hybridization with suitable examples of linear, trigonal planar, square planar,
tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral arrangements.
Concept of resonance and resonating structures in various inorganic and organic compounds.
MO Approach: Rules for the LCAO method, bonding and antibonding MOs and their
characteristics for s-s, s-p and p-p combinations of atomic orbitals, nonbonding combination of
orbitals, MO treatment of homonuclear diatomic molecules (N2, O2) and heteronuclear diatomic
molecules (CO, NO). Comparison of VB and MO approaches
Section B: Organic Chemistry-1
Unit- III
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Physical Effects, Electronic Displacements: Inductive effect, Electromeric effect, Resonance and
hyperconjugation. Cleavage of bonds: Homolysis and heterolysis.
Structure, shape and reactivity of organic molecules: Nucleophiles and electrophiles. Reactive
Intermediates: Carbocations, Carbanions and free radicals.
Strength of organic acids and bases: Comparative study with emphasis on factors affecting pK
values. Aromaticity: Hückel’s rule.
Conformations with respect to ethane, butane and cyclohexane. Interconversion of Wedge
Formula, Newmann, Sawhorse and Fischer representations. Concept of chirality (up to two
carbon atoms). Configuration: Geometrical and Optical isomerism; Enantiomerism,
Diastereomerism and Meso compounds). D and L; cis-trans nomenclature; CIP Rules: R/ S (for
one chiral carbon atoms) and E / Z Nomenclature (for up to two C=C systems).
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
Functional group approach for the following reactions (preparations & reactions) to be studied in
context to their structure.
Alkanes: (Up to 5 Carbons).Preparation:Catalytic hydrogenation, Wurtz reaction,Kolbe’s
synthesis, from Grignard reagent. Reactions: Free radical Substitution: Halogenation.
Alkenes: (Up to 5 Carbons)Preparation:Elimination reactions: Dehydration of alkenesand
dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides (Saytzeff’s rule); cis-alkenes (Partial catalytic
hydrogenation) and trans-alkenes (Birch reduction). Reactions: cis-addition (alk. KMnO4) and
trans-addition (bromine), Addition of HX (Markownikoff’s and anti-Markownikoff’s addition),
Hydration, Ozonolysis,
Alkynes: (Up to 5 Carbons)Preparation:Acetylene from CaC2and conversion intohigher
alkynes; by dehalogenation of tetra halides and dehydrohalogenation of vicinal-dihalides.
Reactions: formation of metal acetylides, addition of bromine and alkaline KMnO4,ozonolysis.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Lee J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley India, 5thEdn., 2008.
2. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
3. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..
4. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
5. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
6. BhalArun & BhalB S , Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher,
7. Kalsi, P. S. Stereochemistry Conformation and Mechanism; 8thEdn, New Age
International, 2015.
Reference books
1. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. II, CBS Publications, 2nd Ed.
2. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.
3. Mallick, Madan and Tuli, S. Chand Selected Topic in Inorganic Chemistry, , 17thEdn.
4. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications

Discipline Specific Core Paper-I LAB

Section A: Inorganic Chemistry
Volumetric Analysis
1. Estimation of sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate present in a
2. Estimation of oxalic acid by titrating it with KMnO4.
3. Estimation of water of crystallization in Mohr’s salt by titrating with KMnO4.
4. Estimation of Fe(II) ions by titrating it with K2Cr2O7 using internal indicator.
5. Estimation of Cu(II) ions iodometrically using Na2S2O3.

Section B:Organic Chemistry

1. Detection of extra elements (N, S, Cl) in organic compounds (containing up to two extra
2. Separation of mixtures by Chromatography: Measure the Rf value in each case
(combination of two compounds to be given)
(h) Identify and separate the components of a given mixture of 2 amino acids (glycine,
aspartic acid, glutamic acid, tyrosine or any other amino acid) by paper
(i) Identify and separate the sugars present in the given mixture by paper

Reference Books:
1. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6th Ed., Pearson, 2009.
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009).
3. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University Press
Discipline Specific Core Paper II (Theory)


Section A: Physical Chemistry-I
Chemical Energetics
Review of thermodynamics and the Laws of Thermodynamics.
Important principles and definitions of thermochemistry. Concept of standard state and standard
enthalpies of formations, integral and differential enthalpies of solution and dilution. Calculation
of bond energy, bond dissociation energy and resonance energy from thermochemical data.
Variation of enthalpy of a reaction with temperature – Kirchhoff’s equation.
Statement of Third Law of thermodynamics
Chemical Equilibrium
Free energy change in a chemical reaction. Thermodynamic derivation of the law of chemical
equilibrium. Distinction between ΔG and ΔGo, Le Chatelier’s principle. Relationships between
Kp, Kc and Kx for reactions involving ideal gases.
Unit- II
Ionic Equilibria
Strong, moderate and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of
ionization, ionization constant and ionic product of water. Ionization of weak acids and bases,
pH scale, common ion effect. Salt hydrolysis-calculation of hydrolysis constant, degree of
hydrolysis and pH for different salts. Buffer solutions. Solubility and solubility product of
sparingly soluble salts – applications of solubility product principle

Section B: Organic Chemistry-II

Unit- III
Functional group approach for the following reactions (preparations & reactions) to be studied in
context to their structure.
Aromatic hydrocarbons
Preparation (Case benzene): from phenol, by decarboxylation, from acetylene, from benzene
sulphonic acid. Reactions: (Case benzene): Electrophilic substitution: nitration, halogenation and
sulphonation. Friedel-Craft’s reaction (alkylation and acylation) (up to 4 carbons on benzene).
Side chain oxidation of alkyl benzenes (up to 4 carbons on benzene).
Alkyl and Aryl Halides
Alkyl Halides (Up to 5 Carbons) Types of Nucleophilic Substitution (SN1, SN2 and SNi)
Preparation: from alkenes and alcohols. Reactions: hydrolysis, nitrite & nitro formation, nitrile
&isonitrile formation. Williamson’s ether synthesis: Elimination vs substitution.
Aryl Halides Preparation: (Chloro, bromo and iodo-benzene case): from phenol, Sandmeyer
&Gattermann reactions.
Reactions (Chlorobenzene): Aromatic nucleophilic substitution (replacement by –OH group) and
effect of nitro substituent. Benzyne Mechanism: KNH2/NH3 (or NaNH2/NH3).

Unit- IV
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers (Up to 5 Carbons)
Alcohols: Preparation: Preparation of 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols: using Grignard reagent, Ester
hydrolysis, Reduction of aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acid and esters.
Reactions: With sodium, HX (Lucas test), esterification, oxidation (with PCC, alk. KMnO4,
acidic dichromate, conc. HNO3). Oppeneauer oxidation Diols: (Up to 6 Carbons) oxidation of
diols. Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement.
Phenols: (Phenol case) Preparation: Cumene hydroperoxide method, from diazonium salts.
Reactions: Electrophilic substitution: Nitration, halogenation and sulphonation. ReimerTiemann
Reaction, Gattermann-Koch Reaction,
Ethers (aliphatic and aromatic): Cleavage of ethers with HI.
Aldehydes and ketones (aliphatic and aromatic): Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone and
Preparation: from acid chlorides and from nitriles.
Reactions – Reaction with HCN, ROH, NaHSO3, NH2-G derivatives. Iodoform test. Aldol
Condensation, Cannizzaro’s reaction, Benzoin condensation. Clemensen reduction and Wolff
Kishner reduction.
Recommended Text Books:
1. Atkins P. W. & Paula, J. de, Elements of Physical Chemistry, Oxford University Press,
6th Ed., (2006).
2. Principles of Physical Chemistry, Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
3. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Mac Grow Hill, 3rdEdn. 2017.
4. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt.
Ltd. (Pearson Education).
5. Arun Bahl & B S Bahl, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher,
Reference Books:
1. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications.
2. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications

Discipline Specific Core Paper II LAB

Section A: Physical Chemistry

Thermochemistry (any three)

1. Determination of heat capacity of calorimeter for different volumes.
2. Determination of enthalpy of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.
3. Determination of enthalpy of ionization of acetic acid.
4. Determination of integral enthalpy of solution of salts (KNO3, NH4Cl).
5. Determination of enthalpy of hydration of copper sulphate.
6. Study of the solubility of benzoic acid in water and determination of ΔH.

Ionic equilibria
1. pH measurements
Measurement of pH of different solutions like aerated drinks, fruit juices, shampoos and
soaps (use dilute solutions of soaps and shampoos to prevent damage to the glass
electrode) using pH-meter.
2. Preparation of buffer solutions:
• Sodium acetate-acetic acid
• Ammonium chloride-ammonium hydroxide
Measurement of the pH of buffer solutions and comparison of the values with theoretical
Section B: Organic Chemistry

1. Purification of organic compounds by crystallization (from water) and determination of

2. Preparations, recrystallisation, determination of melting point and calculation of
quantitative yields of the followings:
(a) Bromination of Phenol/Aniline
(b) Benzoylation of amines/phenols
(c) Oxime and 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazone of aldehyde/ketone

Reference Books
1. A.I. Vogel: Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th edition, Prentice-Hall.
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009).
3. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand &
Co., New Delhi (2011).
4. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University Press
Discipline Specific Core Paper III (Theory)



General Principles of Metallurgy
Chief modes of occurrence of metals based on standard electrode potentials. Ellingham
diagrams for reduction of metal oxides using carbon as reducing agent.
Hydrometallurgy, Methods of purification of metals (Al, Pb, Fe, Cu, Ni): electrolytic, oxidative
refining, Parting process, van Arkel-de Boer process and Mond’s process.
s- and p-Block Elements
Periodicity in s- and p-block elements with respect to electronic configuration, atomic and ionic
size, ionization enthalpy, electronegativity (Pauling &Mulliken scales). Allotropy in C, S, and
Oxidation states with reference to elements in unusual and rare oxidation states like carbides
and nitrides), inert pair effect, diagonal relationship and anomalous behaviour of first member
of each group.
Compounds of s- and p-Block Elements
Hydrides and their classification (ionic, covalent and interstitial), structure and properties with
respect to stability of hydrides of p- block elements.
Concept of multicentre bonding (diborane).
Structure, bonding and their important properties like oxidation/reduction, acidic/basic nature
of the following compounds and their applications in industrial, organic and environmental
Hydrides of nitrogen (NH3, N2H4, N3H, NH2OH); Oxoacids of P, S and Cl; Halides and
oxohalides: PCl3, PCl5, SOCl2.
Section B: Physical Chemistry-3
Kinetic Theory of Gases
Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases and derivation of the kinetic gas equation.
Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, compressibility factor, causes of deviation. van
der Waals equation of state for real gases. Boyle temperature (derivation not required). Critical
phenomena, critical constants and their calculation from van der Waals equation.
Maxwell Boltzmann distribution laws of molecular velocities and molecular energies (graphic
representation – derivation not required) and their importance.
Temperature dependence of these distributions. Most probable, average and root mean square
velocities (no derivation). Collision cross section, collision number, collision frequency,
collision diameter and mean free path of molecules. Viscosity of gases and effect of
temperature and pressure on coefficient of viscosity (qualitative treatment only).
Surface tension and its determination using stalagmometer. Viscosity of a liquid and
determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer. Effect of temperature on
surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment only).
Forms of solids. Symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and
identification of lattice planes. Laws of Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial
angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X–Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law.
Structures of NaCl, and CsCl (qualitative treatment only). Defects in crystals.
Chemical Kinetics
The concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on
reaction rates. Order and molecularity of a reaction. Derivation of integrated rate equations for
zero, first and second order reactions (both for equal and unequal concentrations of reactants).
Half–life of a reaction. General methods for determination of order of a reaction. Concept of
activation energy and its calculation from Arrhenius equation.

Theories of Reaction Rates: Collision theory and Activated Complex theory of bimolecular
reactions. Comparison of the two theories (qualitative treatment only).

Recommended Text Books:

1. Lee J. D., Concise Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley India, 5thEdn., 2008.
2. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
3. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..
4. Principles of Physical Chemistry, Puri, Sharma &Pathania, Vishal Publishing Co, 47th
Edn., 2017.
5. K. L. Kapoor, Text Book of Physical Chemistry, Mac Grow Hill, 3rdEdn. 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Kheterpal S.C., Pradeep’s Physical Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Pradeep Publications.
2. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.

Discipline Specific Core Paper III LAB

Section A: Inorganic Chemistry

Qualitative analysis of inorganic slat mixture using H2S: not more than four ionic species (two
anions and two cations and excluding insoluble salts) out of the following:
Cations : NH4+, Pb2+, Ag+, Bi3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Sn2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+, Mn2+, Zn2+,
Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, K+
Anions: CO32–, S2–, SO32–, NO3–, Cl–, Br–, I–, NO3–, SO42-, PO43-, F-
(Spot tests should be carried out wherever feasible)

Section B: Physical Chemistry

1. Chemical Kinetics
2. Study the kinetics of the following reactions.
3. Initial rate method: Iodide-persulphate reaction
4. Integrated rate method:
a. Acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate with hydrochloric acid.
b. Saponification of ethyl acetate.
c. Compare the strengths of HCl and H2SO4 by studying kinetics of hydrolysis of
methyl acetate
Reference Books:
1. Svehla, G, Vogel’s Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 7th Ed, 4th Ed., Pearson Education
2. Khosla, B. D.; Garg, V. C. & Gulati, A. Senior Practical Physical Chemistry, R. Chand
& Co., New Delhi (2011).
3. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd., (2017).

Discipline Specific Core Paper - IV (Theory)

Section A: Inorganic Chemistry-4
Chemistry of 3d metals
Oxidation states displayed by Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and Co.
A study of the following compounds (including preparation and important properties);
Peroxo compounds of Cr, K2Cr2O7, KMnO4, K4[Fe(CN)6], sodium nitroprusside,
[Co(NH3)6]Cl3, Na3[Co(NO2)6].

Organometallic Compounds
Definition and Classification with appropriate examples based on nature of metal-carbon bond
(ionic, s, p and multicentre bonds). Structures of methyl lithium, Zeiss salt and ferrocene. EAN
rule as applied to carbonyls. Preparation, structure, bonding and properties of mononuclear and
polynuclear carbonyls of 3d metals. π-acceptor behaviour of carbon monoxide. Synergic effects
(VB approach).

Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
A brief introduction to bio-inorganic chemistry. Role of metal ions present in biological
systems with special reference to Na+, K+ and Mg2+ ions: Na/K pump; Role of Mg2+ ions in
energy production and chlorophyll. Role of Ca2+ in blood clotting, and structural role (bones).
Section B: Organic Chemistry-4
Polynuclear and heteronuclear aromatic compounds
Properties of the following compounds with reference to electrophilic and nucleophilic
substitution: Naphthalene, Anthracene, Furan, Pyrrole, Thiophene, and Pyridine.
Active methylene compounds
Preparation: Claisen ester condensation. Keto-enol tautomerism.
Reactions: Synthetic uses of ethylacetoacetate (preparation of non-heteromolecules havingup to
6 carbon).
Application of Spectroscopy (UV-Visible, IR) to Simple Organic Molecules
Electromagnetic radiations, electronic transitions, λmax&εmax, chromophore, auxochrome,
bathochromic and hypsochromic shifts. Application of electronic spectroscopy and Woodward
rules for calculating λmaxof conjugated dienes and α, β – unsaturated compounds.
Infrared radiation and types of molecular vibrations, functional group and fingerprint region. IR
spectra of alkanes, alkenes and simple alcohols (inter and intramolecular hydrogen bonding),
aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives (effect of substitution on >C=O
stretching absorptions).

Recommended Text Books:

1. Puri, Sharma, Kalia, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry, Vishal Pub. Co., 33rd ed., 2017.
2. Shriver D. E.,Atkins P. W., InorganicChemistry, Oxford University Press,5thEdn..
3. Huheey J. E., Keiter E. A. and Keiter R. L., Inorganic Chemistry – Principles of structure
and reactivity, , Pearson Education, 4th Ed. 2002.
4. Morrison, R. N. & Boyd, R. N., Organic Chemistry, Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
(Pearson Education).
5. Arun Bahl & B S Bahl, Advanced Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, S. Chand Publisher,
Reference books
1. Das Asim K., Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. II, CBS Publications, 2nd
Ed. 2010.
2. Das Asim K., Bioinorganic Chemistry, Books & Allied (P) Ltd. 1st ed. 2015.
3. Pradeep’s Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. I & II, Universal Book seller, 14th Ed. 2017.
4. Dhawan, S.N., Pradeep’s Organic Chemistry, (Vol. I and II), Pradeep Publications
Discipline Specific Core Paper -IV LAB
Section A: Inorganic Chemistry

3. Preparation of following compounds (Any two)

a. Cuprous oxide (Cu2O)
b. Cuprous chloride, Cu2Cl2
c. Manganese(III) phosphate, MnPO4.H2O
d. Lead chromate (PbCrO4)
2. Separation of mixtures by chromatography: Measure the Rf value in each case. (Combination
of two ions to be given)
• Paper chromatographic separation of Fe3+, A13+ and Cr3+ or
• Paper chromatographic separation of Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+
Section B: Organic Chemistry
Systematic qualitative organic analysis of organic compounds possessing mono-functional
groups (-COOH, phenolic, aldehyde, ketone, amide, nitro, amines) and preparation of one

Reference Books
1. Mendham, J., A. I. Vogel’s Quantitative Chemical Analysis 6thEdn, Pearson, 2009.
2. Mann, F.G. & Saunders, B.C. Practical Organic Chemistry, Pearson Education (2009).
3. Ahluwalia, V.K., Dhingra, S. and Gulati A, College Practical Chemistry, University
Press (2005).
4. Gulati Shikha , Sharma Gulati JL and ManochaShagun, Practical Inorganic Chemistry,
1stEdn., CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., (2017).
Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) - Pass

Discipline Specific Elective Paper –I

Introduction and history of polymeric materials:
Different schemes of classification of polymers, Polymer nomenclature, Molecular forces and
chemical bonding in polymers, Texture of Polymers.
Functionality and its importance:
Criteria for synthetic polymer formation, classification of polymerization processes,
Relationships between functionality, extent of reaction and degree of polymerization. Bi-
functional systems, Poly-functional systems.
Mechanism & Kinetics of Polymerization:
Polymerization reactions – addition and condensation, mechanism and kinetics of step growth,
radical chain growth, ionic chain (both cationic and anionic) and coordination polymerizations,
Mechanism and kinetics of copolymerization, polymerization techniques.
Crystallization and crystallinity:
Determination of crystalline melting point and degree of crystallinity, Morphology of crystalline
polymers, Factors affecting crystalline melting point.
Molecular weight of polymers and their determination (Mn,Mw, Mv, Mz) by end group
analysis,viscometry and osmotic pressure methods. Molecular weight distribution and its
significance. Polydispersity index.
Glass transition temperature (Tg) and it determination: WLFequation, Outlines of factors
affecting glass transition temperature (Tg).

Properties of polymers (physical, thermal and mechanical properties).
Preparation, structure, properties and applications of the following polymers: polyolefins
(polyethylene, polypropylene), polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl acetate,
polyacrylamide, fluoro polymers (Teflon), polyamides (nylon-6 and nylon 6,6). Thermosetting
polymers - phenol formaldehyde resins (Bakelite, Novalac), polyurethanes, conducting polymers
(polyacetylene, polyaniline). Brief outline of biodegradable polymers.
Recommended Text Books:
1. V. R. Gowarikar, Jayadev Sreedhar, N. V. Viswanathan, Polymer Science 1st Edition,
New Age International Publishers, 1986.
2. Premamoy Ghosh, Polymer Science and Technology: Plastics, Rubber, Blends and
Composites, 3rdEdition, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
3. P. Bahadur &N.V.Sastry, Principles of polymer science, Narosa Publishing house, New
Delhi 2002.
4. Fred W. Billmeyer, Textbook of Polymer Science, 3rd ed. Wiley-Interscience (1984)

Reference books
1. L.H. Sperling, Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons
2. Malcolm P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd ed. Oxford University
Press (2005)
3. Seymour/Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry, 9th ed. by Charles E. Carraher, Jr. (2013).
4. Nayak P.L., Polymer Chemistry, Kalyani Publisher (2017).

Discipline Specific Elective Paper -I LAB

Polymer synthesis (Any three)

1. Preparation of nylon-6,6 / Polyaniline
2. Preparations of novalac resin/resold resin.
3. Preparation of urea-formaldehyde resin
4. Free radical solution polymerization of styrene (St) / Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) /
Methyl Acrylate (MA) / Acrylic acid (AA).
5. Purification of monomer
6. Polymerization using benzoyl peroxide (BPO) / 2,2’-azo-bis-isobutylonitrile (AIBN)
7. Redox polymerization of acrylamide
8. Precipitation polymerization of acrylonitrile

Polymer characterization/analysis
1. Determination of molecular weight by viscometry:
(Poly vinyl pyrolidine (PVP) in water
2. Determination of acid value / saponification value of a resin
3. Determination of hydroxyl number of a polymer using colorimetric method.
4. Estimation of the amount of HCHO in the given solution by sodium sulphite method
5. Analysis of some IR spectra of polymers

Reference Books:
1. Malcohm P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd Ed.
2. Joel R. Fried, Polymer Science and Technology, 2nd ed. Prentice-Hall (2003)
3. Petr Munk and Tejraj M. Aminabhavi, Introduction to Macromolecular Science, 2nd ed.
John Wiley & Sons (2002)
4. L.H. Sperling, Introduction to Physical Polymer Science, 4th ed. John Wiley & Sons
5. Malcolm P. Stevens, Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction, 3rd ed. Oxford University
Press (2005)
6. Seymour/Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry, 9th ed. by Charles E. Carraher, Jr. (2013).

Discipline Specific Elective Paper –II


Industrial Gases and Inorganic Chemicals
Industrial Gases: Large scale production, uses, storage and hazards in handling of thefollowing
gases: oxygen, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, acetylene, carbon monoxide, chlorine, sulphur
Inorganic Chemicals: Manufacture, application and hazards in handling thefollowing chemicals:
hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, caustic soda, common salt, bleaching powder,
sodium thiosulphate, hydrogen peroxide, potash alum, potassium dichromate and potassium
Industrial Metallurgy
Preparation of metals (ferrous and nonferrous) and ultrapure metals for semiconductor
Environment and its segments
Ecosystems. Biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur.
Air Pollution: Major regions of atmosphere. Chemical and photochemical reactions in
atmosphere. Air pollutants: types, sources, particle size and chemical nature; Photochemical
smog: its constituents and photochemistry. Environmental effects of ozone. Major sources of air
Pollution by SO2, CO2, CO, NOx, and H2S and control procedures.
Effects of air pollution on living organisms and vegetation. Greenhouse effect and global
warming, Ozone depletion by oxides of nitrogen, chlorofluorocarbons and halogens, removal of
sulphur from coal.

Water Pollution: Hydrological cycle, water resources, aquatic ecosystems, Sources andnature of
water pollutants, Techniques for measuring water pollution, Impacts of water pollution on
hydrological and ecosystems.
Water purification methods. Effluent treatment plants (primary, secondary and tertiary
treatment). Industrial effluents from the following industries and their treatment: electroplating,
textile, tannery, dairy, petroleum and petrochemicals, fertilizer. Sludge disposal.
Industrial waste management: incineration of waste. Water treatment and purification (reverse
osmosis, ion exchange). Water quality parameters for wastewater, industrial water and domestic

Energy and Environment
Sources of energy: Coal, petrol and natural gas. Nuclear fusion/fission, solar energy, hydrogen,
geothermal, tidal and hydel.
Nuclear Pollution: Disposal of nuclear waste, nuclear disaster and its management.
Introduction to biocatalysis: Importance in green chemistry and chemical industry.
Recommended Text Books:
1. De, A. K. Environmental Chemistry: New Age International Pvt., Ltd, New Delhi,
2. Stocchi E., Industrial Chemistry, Vol-I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
3. Sharma, B.K. & Gaur, H. Industrial Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut (1996).

Reference Books:
1. Felder R.M. and Rousseau R.W., Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes,
Wiley Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Dara S. S., A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
New Delhi.
3. Miller G.T., Environmental Science, 11th edition. Brooks/ Cole (2006).
4. Mishra, Environmental Studies, Selective and Scientific Books, New Delhi (2005).

Discipline Specific Elective Paper II LAB

1. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in water.
2. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
3. Determination of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)
4. Percentage of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
5. Measurement of chloride, sulphate and salinity of water samples by simple
titration method (AgNO3 and potassium chromate).
6. Estimation of total alkalinity of water samples (CO32-, HCO3-) using double
titration method.
7. Measurement of dissolved CO2.
8. Study of some of the common bio-indicators of pollution.
9. Estimation of SPM in air samples.
10. Preparation of borax/ boric acid.

Reference Books:
1. Dara S. S., A Textbook on Experiments and Calculations in Engineering ChemistryS
Chand & Company; 9th Revised edition (2015).
2. E. Stocchi: Industrial Chemistry, Vol-I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
3. R.M. Felder, R.W. Rousseau: Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes, Wiley
Publishers, New Delhi.
4. A. Kent: Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, CBS Publishers, New Delhi.
5. S. M. Khopkar, Environmental Pollution Analysis: Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi
Optional for SECC II paper

Skill Enhancement Compulsory Courses (SECC Option-I)

General introduction to pesticides (natural and synthetic), benefits and adverse effects, changing
concepts of pesticides, structure activity relationship.
Synthesis and technical manufacture and uses of representative pesticides in the following
classes: Organochlorines (DDT, Gammexene,); Organophosphates (Malathion, Parathion);
Carbamates (Carbofuran and carbaryl); Quinones (Chloranil), Anilides (Alachlor and Butachlor).
Ecofriendly pesticides.
Safety measures: Environmental aspects and degradability

Reference Books:
1. R. J. W. Cremlyn: Pesticides: John Wiley and Sons Ltd (1978)
2. D.S. Reddy, M. Pushpa Latha, Pesticides, New Vishal Publications (2015).
3. Roy N. K., Chemistry of Pesticides. CBS Publisher & Distributors P Ltd; 1st Ed. (2010)

Skill Enhancement Courses (SECC OptionII)

Review of energy sources (renewable and non-renewable). Classification of fuels and their
calorific value
Coal:Uses of coal (fuel and nonfuel) in various industries, its composition, carbonization ofcoal.
Coal gas, producer gas and water gas—composition and uses. Fractionation of coal tar, uses of
coal tar bases chemicals, requisites of a good metallurgical coke, Coal gasification (Hydro
gasification and Catalytic gasification), Coal liquefaction and Solvent Refining.
Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry:Composition of crude petroleum, Refining anddifferent
types of petroleum products and their applications.
Fractional Distillation (Principle and process), Cracking (Thermal and catalytic cracking),
Reforming Petroleum and non-petroleum fuels (LPG, CNG, LNG, bio-gas, fuels derived from
biomass), fuel from waste, synthetic fuels (gaseous and liquids), clean fuels. Petrochemicals:
Vinyl acetate, Propylene oxide, Isoprene, Butadiene, Toluene and its derivatives Xylene.
Lubricants:Classification of lubricants, lubricating oils (conducting and non-conducting)Solid
and semisolid lubricants, synthetic lubricants.
Properties of lubricants (viscosity index, cloud point, pore point) and their determination.
Reference Books:
1. E. Stocchi: Industrial Chemistry, Vol -I, Ellis Horwood Ltd. UK.
2. P.C. Jain, M. Jain: Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, Delhi.
3. B.K. Sharma: Industrial Chemistry, Goel Publishing House, Meerut.
List of topics included in CBCS syllabus requiring training of College
Teachers for 21 days

Theory (15 days)

1. Quantum Chemistry
2. Organometallics
3. Coordination Chemistry
4. Polymer Chemistry
5. Green Chemistry
6. Organic Chemistry

Practical (6days)

1. Green chemistry and other new practical’s introduced in the new

CBCS syllabus
List of minimum instrument required for undertaking practical classes of UG-CBCS in
Chemistry (Core and DSC Practicals)

Sl. Name of the instrument Numbers

1. Ostwald’s viscometer 02

Tensiometer (Surface tension

2. 01

3. Digital pH-meter with accessories 02

Digital Conductivity meter with

4. 02

5. Potentiometer with accessories 01

6. Colorimeter 01

Calorimeter with accessories

7. 01
(precision thermometer)

Visible spectrophotometer (single

8. 01

Magnetic stirrer (with/without hot

9. 02

10. Heating mantle 01

11. Melting point apparatus 02

12. Vacuum pump for filtration 01

Single distillation units (All glass)

13. 02
2lit/hr capacity
Single pan digital balance with
14. 02
precision 0.01 gm and 0.001 gm

15. Water bath (Electrical) 01

16. Fume hood 01

17. Kipp’sapparature (PP) 02

18. Fire extinguishers 02

Aspirator for chromatographic

19. 01

20. Air oven (up to 300oC) 01

21. Microwave oven (kitchen quality) 01

Small lab accessories like

glassware, plastic wares, laboratory
wires and other small accessories as
per requirement.

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