Algebra Heep207

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(i) Algebraic Expression

• Terms are formed by the product of variables and constants, e.g.
–3xy, 2xyz, 5x2, etc.
• Terms are added to form expressions, e.g. –2xy + 5x2.
• Expressions that contain exactly one, two and three terms are
called monomials, binomials and trinomials, respectively.
• In general, any expression containing one or more terms with non-
zero coefficients (and with variables having non-negative exponents)
is called a polynomial.
• Like terms are formed from the same variables and the powers of
these variables are also the same. But coefficients of like terms
need not be the same.
• There are number of situations like finding the area of rectangle,
triangle, etc. in which we need to multiply algebraic expressions.
• Multiplication of two algebraic expressions is again an algebraic
• A monomial multiplied by a monomial always gives a monomial.
• While multiplying a polynomial by a monomial, we multiply every
term in the polynomial by the monomial using the distributive
law a ( b + c) = ab + ac.


• In the multiplication of a polynomial by a binomial (or trinomial),

we multiply term by term, i.e. every term of the polynomial is
multiplied by every term in the binomial (or trinomial) using the
distributive property.
• An identity is an equality, which is true for all values of its variables
in the equality, i.e. an identity is a universal truth.
• An equation is true only for certain values of its variables.
• Some standard identities:
(i) (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(ii) (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
(iii) (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2
(iv) (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab

(ii) Factorisation
• Representation of an algebraic expression as the product of two or
more expressions is called factorisation. Each such expression is
called a factor of the given algebraic expression.
• When we factorise an expression, we write it as a product of its
factors. These factors may be numbers, algebraic (or literal) variables
or algebraic expressions.
A formula is an equation stating a relationship between two or more
variables. For example, the number of square units in the area (A) of a
rectangle is equal to the number of units of length (l) multiplied by the
number of units of width (w). Therefore, the formula for the area of a
rectangle is A = lw.
Sometimes, you can evaluate a variable in a formula by using the given
In the figure shown, the length is 9 units
and the width is 5 units.
A = lw
A = 95
A = 45
The area is 45 square units or 45 units2.
At other times, you must use your knowledge of equations to solve for a
variable in a formula.

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• An irreducible factor is a factor which cannot be expressed further

as a product of factors. Such a factorisation is called an irreducible
factorisation or complete factorisation.
• A factor which occurs in each term is called the common factor.
• The factorisation done by using the distributive law (property) is
called the common factor method of factorisation.
• Sometimes, many of the expressions to be factorised are of the
form or can be put in the form: a2 + 2ab + b2, a2 – 2ab + b2, a2 – b2
or x2 + (a + b) x + ab. These expressions can be easily factorised
using identities:
a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2
a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2
a2 – b 2 = (a + b) (a – b)
x2 + (a + b) x + ab = (x + a) (x + b)
• In the division of a polynomial by a monomial, we carry out the
division by dividing each term of the polynomial by the monomial.
• In the division of a polynomial by a polynomial, we factorise both
the polynomials and cancel their common factors.

  

In examples 1 to 4, there are four options given out of which one is

correct. Write the correct answer.

Example 1 : Which is the like term as 24a2bc?

(a) 13 × 8a × 2b × c × a (b) 8 × 3 × a × b × c
(c) 3 × 8 × a × b × c × c (d) 3 × 8 × a × b × b × c
Solution : The correct answer is (a).
Example 2 : Which of the following is an identity?
(a) (p + q)2 = p2 + q2 (b) p2 – q2 = (p – q)2
(c) p2 – q2 = p2 + 2pq – q2 (d) (p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2
Solution : The correct answer is (d).

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Example 3 : The irreducible factorisation of 3a3 + 6a is

(a)3a (a2 + 2) (b) 3 (a3 + 2)
(c) a (3a2 + 6) (d) 3 × a × a × a + 2 × 3 × a
Solution : The correct answer is (a).
Example 4 : a ( b + c) = ab + ac is
(a)commutative property(b) distributive property
(c) associative property(d) closure property
Solution : The correct answer is (b).
In examples 5 and 6, fill in the blanks to make the statements true.
Example 5 : The representation of an expression as the product of its
factors is called __________.
Solution : Factorisation.
Example 6 : (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ________.
Solution : ab.
In examples 7 to 9, state whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Example 7 : An identity is true for all values of its variables.
Solution : True.
Example 8 : Common factor of x2y and – xy2 is xy.
Solution : True.
Example 9 : (3x + 3x2) ÷ 3x = 3x2
Solution : False.
Example 10 : Simplify (i) – pqr (p2 + q2 + r 2)
(ii) (px + qy) (ax – by)
Solution : (i) – pqr (p2 + q2 + r 2)
= – (pqr) × p2 – (pqr) × q2 – (pqr) × r 2
= – p3qr – pq3r – pqr3
(ii) (px + qy) (ax – by)
= px (ax – by) + qy (ax – by)
= apx2 – pbxy + aqxy – qby2

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 

      You might think that algebra is a topic
found only in textbooks, but you can find algebra all around you – in some
of the strongest places.
Did you know there is a relationship between the speed at which ants
crawl and the air temperature? If you were to find some ants outside and
time them as they crawled, you could actually estimate the temperature.
Here is the algebraic equation that describes this relationship.
Celsius temperature
↓ t = 15s + 3

ant speed in centimetres per seconds
There are many ordinary and extraordinary places where you will
encounter algebra.
 What do you think is the speed of a typical ant?

Example 11 : Find the expansion of the following using suitable

 4 x y   4 x 3y 
(i) (3x + 7y) (3x – 7y) (ii)  +  + 
 5 4  5 4 
Solution : (i) (3x + 7y) (3x – 7y)
Since (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2, therefore
(3x + 7y) (3x – 7y) = (3x)2 – (7y)2
= 9x2 – 49y2
 4 x y   4 x 3y 
(ii)  +  + 
 5 4  5 4 
Since (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b)x + ab, therefore
 4x y
 4 x 3y 
 + 
 + 
 5 4
 5 4 
 4x   y 3y  4 x y 3y
= 5  + + × + ×
  4 4  5 4 4

 4x y 3y 
=  Here, x = , a = and b =
 5 4 4 
16 x 2 4y 4x 3y 2
= + × +
25 4 5 16
16 x 2 4 xy 3y 2
= + +
25 5 16

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Example 12 : Factorise the following.

(i) 21x2y3 + 27x3y2 (ii) a3 – 4a2 + 12 – 3a
(iii) 4x – 20x + 25 (iv) –9
(v) x4 – 256
Solution : (i) 21x2y3 + 27x3y2
=3×7× x × x × y× y× y + 3 × 3 × 3 × x × x × x × y× y
= 3 × x × x × y × y (7y + 9x) (Using ab + ac = a (b + c))
= 3x2y2 (7y + 9x)
(ii) a3 – 4a2 + 12 – 3a
= a2 (a – 4) – 3a + 12
= a2 (a – 4) – 3 (a – 4)
= (a – 4) (a2 – 3)
(iii) 4x2 – 20x + 25
= (2x)2 – 2 × 2x × 5 + (5)2
= (2x – 5)2 (Since a2 – 2ab + b2 = (a – b)2 )
= (2x – 5) (2x – 5)

(iv) –9
y  2
=   – (3)
 

If there are two numbers you don’t know, that’s not a problem.
You can use two different variables, one for each unknown number.

In Words Numbers An equation involving variables can

be true for all values of the variable
The sum of a and b a+b – for example, y + y = 2y (this kind
of equation is usually called an
The product of v and w v × w, or vw identity).
p is subtracted from 9q qq – p Or it can be true for only particular
values of the variable – for example,
You can use expressions with two q–p (or more) 2y + 3 = 11, which is true only if y =
variables to represent situations with more Finding the values that make an
than one unknown quantity. equation true is called solving the

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y y 
=  + 3   – 3  (Since a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b))
3  3 
(v) x4 – 256
= (x2)2 – (16)2
= (x2 + 16) (x2 – 16) (using a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b))
= (x2 + 16) (x2 – 42)
= (x2 + 16) (x + 4) (x – 4) (using a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b))
Example 13 : Evaluate using suitable identities.
(i) (48)2 (ii) 18 12 – 192
(iii) 497 × 505 (iv) 2.07 × 1.93
Solution : (i) (48)2
= (50 – 2)2
Since (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2 , therefore
(50 – 2)2 = (50)2 – 2 × 50 × 2 + (2)2
= 2500 – 200 + 4
= 2504 – 200
= 2304
(ii) 1812 – 192 = (181 – 19) (181 + 19)
[using a2 – b2 = (a – b) (a + b)]
= 162 × 200
= 32400
(iii) 497 × 505 = (500 – 3) (500 + 5)
= 5002 + (–3 + 5) × 500 + (–3) (5) [using
(x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ab]
= 250000 + 1000 – 15
= 250985
(iv) 2.07 × 1.93 = (2 + 0.07) (2 – 0.07)
= 22 – (0.07)2
= 3.9951

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Example 14 : Verify that

(3x + 5y)2 – 30xy = 9x2 + 25y2
Solution : L.H.S= (3x + 5y)2 – 30xy
= (3x)2 + 2 × 3x × 5y + (5y)2 – 30xy
[Since (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2]
= 9x2 + 30xy + 25y2 – 30xy
= 9x2 + 25y2
= R.H.S
Hence, verified.
Example 15 : Verify that (11pq + 4q)2 – (11pq – 4q)2 = 176pq2
Solution : L.H.S. (11pq + 4q)2 – (11pq – 4q)2
= (11pq + 4q + 11pq – 4q) × (11pq + 4q – 11pq + 4q)
[using a2 – b2 = (a – b) (a + b), here a = 11pq + 4q and
b = 11 pq – 4q]
= (22pq) (8q)
= 176 pq2
R.H.S. Hence Verified

To convert a Celsius temperature to a

Fahrenheit temperature, find nine-fifths of F = C + 32
the Celsius temperature and then add 32. 5

While the statement on the left may be easier to read and understand at
first, the statement on the right has several advantages. It is shorter and
easier to write, it shows clearly how the quantities – Celsius temperature
and Fahrenheit temperature – are related, and it allows you to try different
Celsius temperatures and compute their Fahrenheit equivalents.

Example 16 : The area of a rectangle is x2 + 12xy + 27y2 and its length

is (x + 9y). Find the breadth of the rectangle.
Solution : Breadth = Length

x 2 + 12xy + 27y 2
( x + 9y )

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x 2 + 9xy + 3xy + 27y 2

( x + 9y )

x ( x + 9y ) + 3y ( x + 9y )
= x + 9y

( x + 9y ) ( x + 3y )
= ( x + 9y )
= (x + 3y)
Example 17 : Divide 15 (y + 3) (y2 – 16) by 5 (y2 – y – 12).
Solution : Factorising 15 (y + 3) (y2 – 16),
we get 5 × 3 × (y + 3) (y – 4) (y + 4)
On factorising 5 (y2 – y – 12), we get 5 (y2 – 4y + 3y – 12)
= 5 [y (y – 4) + 3 (y – 4)]
= 5 (y – 4) (y + 3)
Therefore, on dividing the first expression by the second
15(y + 3) (y 2 –16)
expression, we get
5(y 2 – y –12)

5 × 3 × (y + 3)(y − 4)(y + 4)
= 5 × ( y − 4)(y + 3)
= 3 (y + 4)

2 1 1
Example 18 : By using suitable identity, evaluate x + 2
, if x + = 5 .
x x
Solution : Given that x + =5
 1
So,  x +  = 25
 x
2 2
 1 1 1
Now,  x +  = x2 + 2 × x × +   [Using identity
 x x x 
(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2, with a = x and b = ]

 1 
= x2 + 2 +  2 
x 

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 1 
= x2 +  2  + 2
x 
 1 1
Since  x +  = 25, therefore x2 + 2 + 2 = 25
 x x

or x2 + = 25 – 2 = 23

382 – 222
Example 19 : Find the value of , using a suitable identity.
Solution : Since a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b), therefore
382 – 222 = (38 – 22) (38 + 22)
= 16 × 60

382 – 222 16 × 60
So, =
16 16
= 60
Example 20 : Find the value of x, if
10000x = (9982)2 – (18)2
Solution : R.H.S. = (9982)2 – (18)2
= (9982 + 18) (9982 – 18) [Since a2 – b2 =
(a + b) (a – b)]
= (10000) × (9964)
L.H.S. = (10000) × x
Comparing L.H.S. and R.H.S., we get
10000x = 10000 × 9964

or x= = 9964

  

2 5
1. Can you find the reciprocal of × ?
11 55
2. Can you compare the ratio of this reciprocal with the earlier one?

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Find each side of a figure given below, if its area is
64 cm2.

Understand and Explore the problem

• What information is given in the question?

AB = BC = DC = AD, and ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D = 90°
Hence ABCD is a square.
• What are you trying to find?
The value of one of the sides of the square ABCD.
• Is there any information that is not needed?

Make a Plan
• In a square all sides are equal, therefore, square of a side
gives the area.


(Side)2 = Area
⇒ (x + 2)2 = 64
⇒ (x + 2)2 = 82
⇒ x+2 =8
⇒ x=8–2
∴ x=6
∴ Side = x + 2 = 6 + 2 = 8 cm


• The above answer is verified by squaring the side and

comparing the result with the given area.
∴ (Side)2 = 82 = 64 = given area.

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To become familiar with some of the vocabulary terms in the chapter,

consider the following:
1. The word equivalent contains the same root as the word equal. What
do you think equivalent expressions are?
2. The word simplify means make less complicated. What do you think it
means to simplify an expression?
3. The adjective like means alike. What do you suppose like terms are?
4. A system is a group of related objects. What do you think a system of
equations is?

 

In questions 1 to 33, there are four options out of which one is correct.
Write the correct answer.
1. The product of a monomial and a binomial is a
(a) monomial (b) binomial
(c) trinomial (d) none of these

2. In a polynomial, the exponents of the variables are always

(a) integers (b) positive integers
(c) non-negative integers (d) non-positive integers

3. Which of the following is correct?

(a) (a – b)2 = a2 + 2ab – b2 (b) (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
(c) (a – b)2 = a2 – b2 (d) (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab – b2

4. The sum of –7pq and 2pq is

(a) –9pq (b) 9pq (c) 5pq (d) – 5pq

5. If we subtract –3x2y2 from x2y2, then we get

(a) – 4x2y2 (b) – 2x2y2 (c) 2x 2y2 (d) 4x 2y2

6. Like term as 4m 3n 2 is

(a) 4m 2n2 (b) – 6m 3n 2 (c) 6pm3n2 (d) 4m3n

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7. Which of the following is a binomial?

(a) 7 × a + a (b) 6a2 + 7b + 2c
(c) 4a × 3b × 2c (d) 6 (a2 + b)

8. Sum of a – b + ab, b + c – bc and c – a – ac is

(a) 2c + ab – ac – bc (b) 2c – ab – ac – bc
(c) 2c + ab + ac + bc (d) 2c – ab + ac + bc

9. Product of the following monomials 4p, – 7q3, –7pq is

(a) 196 p2q4 (b) 196 pq4 (c) – 196 p2q4 (d) 196 p2q3

10. Area of a rectangle with length 4ab and breadth 6b2 is

(a) 24a2b 2 (b) 24ab3 (c) 24ab2 (d) 24ab

11. Volume of a rectangular box (cuboid) with length = 2ab, breadth =

3ac and height = 2ac is
(a) 12a3bc2 (b) 12a3bc (c) 12a2bc
(d) 2ab +3ac + 2ac

The five figures form a pattern.

1. Copy and complete the table to find the perimeter of each figure.
Each side of each individual square is 1 unit.
Figure 1 2 3 4 5
2. Without drawing a picture, describe what the sixth figure will look
like and predict its perimeter.
3. If you continue this pattern, what will be the perimeter of the 35th
4. Explain how the perimeter of each figure is related to its figure
5. Using the variables n for the figure number and P for the perimeter,
write an equation for the relationship in Question 4.

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12. Product of 6a2 – 7b + 5ab and 2ab is

(a) 12a3b – 14ab2 + 10ab (b) 12a3b – 14ab2 + 10a2b2
(c) 6a2 – 7b + 7ab (d) 12a2b – 7ab2 + 10ab

13. Square of 3x – 4y is
(a) 9x2 – 16y2 (b) 6x2 – 8y2
(c) 9x2 + 16y2 + 24xy (d) 9x2 + 16y2 – 24xy

14. Which of the following are like terms?

(a) 5xyz2, – 3xy2z (b) – 5xyz2, 7xyz2
(c) 5xyz2, 5x2yz (d) 5xyz2, x 2y2z2
15. Coefficient of y in the term is
−1 1
(a) – 1 (b) – 3 (c) (d)
3 3
16. a2 – b2 is equal to
(a) (a – b)2 (b) (a – b) (a – b)
(c) (a + b) (a – b) (d) (a + b) (a + b)

17. Common factor of 17abc, 34ab2, 51a2b is

(a) 17abc (b) 17ab (c) 17ac (d) 17a2b 2c

18. Square of 9x – 7xy is

(a) 81x2 + 49x2y2 (b) 81x2 – 49x2y2
(c) 81x2 + 49x2y2 –126x2y (d) 81x2 + 49x2y2 – 63x2y
19. Factorised form of 23xy – 46x + 54y – 108 is
(a) (23x + 54) (y – 2) (b) (23x + 54y) (y – 2)
(c) (23xy + 54y) (– 46x – 108) (d) (23x + 54) (y + 2)
20. Factorised form of r 2 – 10r + 21 is
(a) (r – 1) (r – 4) (b) (r – 7) (r – 3)
(c) (r – 7) (r + 3) (d) (r + 7) (r + 3)
21. Factorised form of p2 – 17p – 38 is
(a) (p – 19) (p + 2) (b) (p – 19) (p – 2)
(c) (p + 19) (p + 2) (d) (p + 19) (p – 2)

 


22. On dividing 57p2qr by 114pq, we get

1 3 1
(a) pr (b) pr (c) pr (d) 2pr
4 4 2
23. On dividing p (4p2 – 16) by 4p (p – 2), we get
(a) 2p + 4 (b) 2p – 4 (c) p + 2 (d) p – 2
24. The common factor of 3ab and 2cd is
(a) 1 (b) – 1 (c) a (d) c
25. An irreducible factor of 24x2y2 is
(a) x 2 (b) y 2 (c) x (d) 24x
26. Number of factors of (a + b)2 is
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1
27. The factorised form of 3x – 24 is
(a) 3x × 24 (b) 3 (x – 8) (c) 24 (x – 3) (d) 3(x – 12)
28. The factors of x – 4 are
(a) (x – 2), (x – 2) (b) (x + 2), (x – 2)
(c) (x + 2), (x + 2) (d) (x – 4), (x – 4)
29. The value of (– 27x2y) ÷ (– 9xy) is
(a) 3xy (b) – 3xy (c) – 3x (d) 3x
30. The value of (2x2 + 4) ÷ 2 is
(a) 2x2 + 2 (b) x2 + 2 (c) x2 + 4 (d) 2x2 + 4
31. The value of (3x3 +9x2 + 27x ) ÷ 3x is
(a) x2 +9 + 27x (b) 3x3 +3x2 + 27x
(c) 3x3 +9x2 + 9 (d) x2 +3x + 9
32. The value of (a + b)2 + (a – b)2 is
(a) 2a + 2b (b) 2a – 2b (c) 2a2 + 2b2 (d) 2a2 – 2b2
33. The value of (a + b)2 – (a – b)2 is
(a) 4ab (b) – 4ab (c) 2a2 + 2b2 (d) 2a2 – 2b2
In questions 34 to 58, fill in the blanks to make the statements true:
34. The product of two terms with like signs is a term.

35. The product of two terms with unlike signs is a term.

 


36. a (b + c) = ax ____ × ax _____.

37. (a – b) _________ = a2 – 2ab + b2

38. a2 – b2 = (a + b ) __________.

39. (a – b)2 + ____________ = a2 – b2

40. (a + b)2 – 2ab = ___________ + ____________

41. (x + a) (x + b) = x2 + (a + b) x + ________.

42. The product of two polynomials is a ________.

43. Common factor of ax2 + bx is __________.

44. Factorised form of 18mn + 10mnp is ________.

45. Factorised form of 4y2 – 12y + 9 is ________.

46. 38x3y2z ÷ 19xy2 is equal to _________.

47. Volume of a rectangular box with length 2x, breadth 3y and height
4z is _________.

48. 672 – 372 = (67 – 37) × ________ = _________.

49. 1032 – 1022 = ________ × (103 – 102) = _________.

50. Area of a rectangular plot with sides 4x2 and 3y2 is __________.

51. Volume of a rectangular box with l = b = h = 2x is _________.

52. The coefficient in – 37abc is __________.

53. Number of terms in the expression a2 + bc × d is ________.

54. The sum of areas of two squares with sides 4a and 4b is _______.

55. The common factor method of factorisation for a polynomial is based

on ___________ property.

56. The side of the square of area 9y2 is __________.

3x + 3
57. On simplification = _________

58. The factorisation of 2x + 4y is __________.

 


In questions 59 to 80, state whether the statements are True (T) or

False (F):

59. (a + b)2 = a2 + b2

60. (a – b)2 = a2 – b2

61. (a + b) (a – b) = a2 – b2

62. The product of two negative terms is a negative term.

63. The product of one negative and one positive term is a negative term.

64. The coefficient of the term – 6x2y2 is – 6.

65. p2q + q2r + r 2q is a binomial.

66. The factors of a2 – 2ab + b2 are (a + b) and (a + b).

67. h is a factor of 2π (h + r).

n2 n 1
68. Some of the factors of + are , n and (n + 1).
2 2 2
69. An equation is true for all values of its variables.
70. x2 + (a + b)x + ab = (a + b) (x + ab)
71. Common factor of 11pq2, 121p2q3, 1331p2q is 11p2q2.
72. Common factor of 12a2b 2 + 4ab2 – 32 is 4.

73. Factorisation of – 3a2 + 3ab + 3ac is 3a (–a – b – c).

74. Factorised form of p2 + 30p + 216 is (p + 18) (p – 12).

75. The difference of the squares of two consecutive numbers is their


76. abc + bca + cab is a monomial.

p 3
77. On dividing by , the quotient is 9.
3 p

78. The value of p for 512 – 49 2 = 100p is 2.

79. (9x – 51) ÷ 9 is x – 51.

80. The value of (a + 1) (a – 1) (a2 + 1) is a4 – 1.

 


81. Add:

(i) 7a2bc, – 3abc2, 3a2bc, 2abc2

(ii) 9ax, + 3by – cz, – 5by + ax + 3cz

(iii) xy2z2 + 3x2y2z – 4x2yz2, – 9x2y2z + 3xy2z2 + x2yz2

(iv) 5x2 – 3xy + 4y2 – 9, 7y2 + 5xy – 2x2 + 13

(v) 2p4 – 3p3 + p2 – 5p +7, –3p4 – 7p3 – 3p2 – p – 12

(vi) 3a (a – b + c), 2b (a – b + c)

(vii) 3a (2b + 5c), 3c (2a + 2b)

82. Subtract :

(i) 5a2b2c 2 from – 7a2b2c 2

(ii) 6x2 – 4xy + 5y2 from 8y2 + 6xy – 3x2

(iii) 2ab2c 2 + 4a2b2c – 5a2bc2 from –10a2b2c + 4ab2c 2 + 2a2bc2

(iv) 3t 4 – 4t 3 + 2t 2 – 6t + 6 from – 4t 4 + 8t 3 – 4t 2 – 2t + 11

(v) 2ab + 5bc – 7ac from 5ab – 2bc – 2ac + 10abc

(vi) 7p (3q + 7p) from 8p (2p – 7q)

(vii) –3p2 + 3pq + 3px from 3p (– p – a – r)

83. Multiply the following:

(i) – 7pq2r 3, – 13p3q2r

(ii) 3x 2y2z2, 17xyz

(iii) 15xy2, 17yz2

(iv) –5a2bc, 11ab, 13abc2

(v) –3x2y, (5y – xy)

(vi) abc, (bc + ca)

(vii) 7pqr, (p – q + r)

(viii) x2y2z2, (xy – yz + zx)

(ix) (p + 6), (q – 7)

 


(x) 6mn, 0mn

(xi) a, a5, a6

(xii) –7st, –1, – 13st2

(xiii) b 3, 3b2, 7ab5

100 3
(xiv) – rs; r 3s 2
9 4

(xv) (a2 – b2), (a2 + b2)

(xvi) (ab + c), (ab + c)

(xvii) (pq – 2r), (pq – 2r)

3 4  2 3 
(xviii)  x – y ,  x + y
4 3  3 2 

3 2 2 2
(xix) p + q , (2p2 –3q2)
2 3
(xx) (x2 – 5x + 6), (2x + 7)
(xxi) (3x2 + 4x – 8), (2x2 – 4x + 3)
(xxii) (2x – 2y – 3), (x + y + 5)
84. Simplify
(i) (3x + 2y)2 + (3x – 2y)2
(ii) (3x + 2y)2 – (3x – 2y)2
7 9 
(iii)  a + b  – ab
9 7 
3 4 
(iv)  x − y  + 2xy
4 3 
(v) (1.5p + 1.2q)2 – (1.5p – 1.2q)2

(vi) (2.5m + 1.5q)2 + (2.5m – 1.5q)2

(vii) (x2 – 4) + (x2 + 4) + 16

(viii) (ab – c)2 + 2abc

(ix) (a – b) (a2 + b2 + ab) – (a + b) (a2 + b2 – ab)

 


(x) (b2 – 49) (b + 7) + 343

(xi) (4.5a + 1.5b)2 + (4.5b + 1.5a)2

(xii) (pq – qr)2 + 4pq2r

(xiii) (s2t + tq2)2 – (2stq)2

85. Expand the following, using suitable identities.
(i) (xy + yz)2
(ii) (x2y – xy2)2
4 5 
(iii)  a + b
5 4 

2 3 
(iv)  x – y
3 2 

4 5 
(v)  p + q
5 3 

(vi) (x + 3) (x + 7)
(vii) (2x + 9) (2x – 7)

 4 x y   4 x 3y 
(viii)  +  + 
 5 4  5 4 

 2x 2   2x 2a 
(ix)  –  + 
 3 3  3 3 

(x) (2x – 5y) (2x – 5y)

 2a b   2a b 
(xi)  +  − 
 3 3  3 3

(xii) (x2 + y2) (x2 – y2)

(xiii) (a2 + b2)2
(xiv) (7x + 5)2
(xv) (0.9p – 0.5q)2
(xvi) x2y2 = (xy)2

 


86. Using suitable identities, evaluate the following.

(i) (52)2 (ii) (49)2
(iii) (103)2 (iv) (98)2
(v) (1005)2 (vi) (995)2
(vii) 47 × 53 (viii) 52 × 53
(ix) 105 × 95 (x) 104 × 97
(xi) 101 × 103 (xii) 98 × 103
(xiii) (9.9)2 (xiv) 9.8 × 10.2
(xv) 10.1 × 10.2 (xvi) (35.4)2 – (14.6)2
(xvii) (69.3)2 – (30.7)2 (xviii) (9.7)2 – (0.3)2
(xix) (132)2 – (68)2 (xx) (339)2 – (161)2
(xxi) (729)2 – (271)2
87. Write the greatest common factor in each of the following terms.

(i) – 18a2, 108a (ii) 3x2y, 18xy2, – 6xy

(iii) 2xy, –y2, 2x2y (iv) l2m 2n, lm2n2, l2mn2

(v) 21pqr, –7p2q2r 2, 49p2qr (vi) qrxy, pryz, rxyz

(vii) 3x3y2z, –6xy3z2, 12x2yz3

(viii) 63p2a2r 2s, – 9pq2r 2s2, 15p2qr2s2, – 60p2a2rs2

(ix) 13x2y, 169xy

(x) 11x2, 12y2

88. Factorise the following expressions.

(i) 6ab + 12bc (ii) –xy – ay

(iii) ax3 – bx2 + cx (iv) l 2m 2n – lm 2n 2– l 2mn 2

(v) 3pqr –6p 2q 2r 2 – 15r 2 (vi) x 3y2 + x 2y3 – xy4 + xy

(vii) 4xy2 – 10x 2y + 16x 2y2 + 2xy

(viii) 2a3 – 3a2b + 5ab 2 – ab

(ix) 63p 2q 2r 2s – 9pq 2r 2s 2 + 15p 2qr 2s 2 – 60p 2q 2rs 2

(x) 24x 2yz 3 – 6xy 3z 2 + 15x 2y 2z – 5xyz

 


(xi) a3 + a2 + a + 1

(xii) lx + my + mx + ly

(xiii) a3x – x4 + a2x2 – ax3

(xiv) 2x2 – 2y + 4xy – x

(xv) y2 + 8zx – 2xy – 4yz

(xvi) ax2y – bxyz – ax2z + bxy2

(xvii) a2b + a2c + ab + ac + b2c + c2b

(xviii) 2ax2 + 4axy + 3bx2 + 2ay2 + 6bxy + 3by2

89. Factorise the following, using the identity a2 + 2ab

ab + b 2 = (a
a + b )2

(i) x2 + 6x + 9 (ii) x2 + 12x + 36

(iii) x2 + 14x + 49 (iv) x2 + 2x + 1

(v) 4x2 + 4x + 1 (vi) a2x2 + 2ax + 1

(vii) a2x2 + 2abx + b2 (viii) a2x2 + 2abxy + b2y2

(ix) 4x2 + 12x + 9 (x) 16x2 + 40x +25

(xi) 9x2 + 24x + 16 (xii) 9x2 + 30x + 25

(xiii) 2x3 + 24x2 + 72x (xiv) a2x3 + 2abx2 + b2x

4 3 2
(xv) 4x + 12x + 9x (xvi) + 2x + 4

(xvii) 9x2 + 2xy +

ab + b 2 = (a
90. Factorise the following, using the identity a2 – 2ab a – b )2.

(i) x2 – 8x + 16 (ii) x2 – 10x + 25

(iii) y2 – 14y + 49 (iv) p2 – 2p + 1

(v) 4a2 – 4ab + b2 (vi) p2y2 – 2py + 1

(vii) a2y2 – 2aby + b2 (viii) 9x2 – 12x + 4

(ix) 4y2 – 12y + 9 (x) – 2x + 4

 


4x 2
(xi) a2y3 – 2aby2 + b2y (xii) 9y2 – 4xy +

91. Factorise the following.

(i) x2 + 15x + 26 (ii) x2 + 9x + 20

(iii) y2 + 18x + 65 (iv) p2 + 14p + 13

(v) y2 + 4y – 21 (vi) y2 – 2y – 15

(vii) 18 + 11x + x2 (viii) x2 – 10x + 21

(ix) x2 = 17x + 60 (x) x2 + 4x – 77

(xi) y2 + 7y + 12 (xii) p2 – 13p – 30

(xiii) a2 – 16p – 80

92. Factorise the following using the identity a2 – b 2 = (a

a+b a – b ).
b) (a

(i) x2 – 9 (ii) 4x2 – 25y2

(iii) 4x2 – 49y2 (iv) 3a2b3 – 27a4b

(v) 28ay2 – 175ax2 (vi) 9x2 – 1

x 2 y2
(vii) 25ax2 – 25a (viii) −
9 25

2p 2
(ix) – 32q 2 (x) 49x2 – 36y2

y x2
(xi) y3 – (xii) – 625
9 25

x2 y2 4x 2 9y 2
(xiii) − (xiv) −
8 18 9 16

x 3y xy 3
(xv) − (xvi) 1331x3y – 11y3x
9 16

1 2 2 16 2 2
(xvii) a b – b c (xviii) a4 – (a – b)4
36 49

(xix) x4 – 1 (xx) y4 – 625

 


(xxi) p5 – 16p (xxii) 16x4 – 81

(xxiii) x4 – y4 (xxiv) y4 – 81
(xxv) 16x4 – 625y4 (xxvi) (a – b)2 – (b – c)2
(xxvii) (x + y)4 – (x – y)4 (xxviii) x4 – y4 + x2 – y2

3 2
(xxix) 8a – 2a (xxx) x –
(xxxi) 9x2 – (3y + z)2
93. The following expressions are the areas of rectangles. Find the
possible lengths and breadths of these rectangles.
(i) x2 – 6x + 8 (ii) x2 – 3x + 2
(iii) x2 – 7x + 10 (iv) x2 + 19x – 20
(v) x2 + 9x + 20
94. Carry out the following divisions:
(i) 51x3y2z ÷ 17xyz (ii) 76x3yz3 ÷ 19x2y2
(iii) 17ab2c 3 ÷ (–abc2) (iv) –121p3q3r 3 ÷ (–11xy2 z3)
95. Perform the following divisions:
(i) (3pqr – 6p2q2r 2) ÷ 3pq (ii) (ax3 – bx2 + cx) ÷ (– dx)
(iii) (x3y3 + x2y3 – xy4 + xy) ÷ xy (iv) (– qrxy + pryz – rxyz) ÷ (– xyz)
96. Factorise the expressions and divide them as directed:
(i) (x2 – 22x + 117) ÷ (x – 13) (ii) (x3 + x2 – 132x) ÷ x (x – 11)
(iii) (2x3 – 12x2 + 16x) ÷ (x – 2) (x – 4)
(iv) (9x2 – 4) ÷ (3x + 2)
(v) (3x2 – 48) ÷ (x – 4) (vi) (x4 – 16) ÷ x3 + 2x2 + 4x + 8
(vii) (3x4 – 1875) ÷ (3x2 – 75)
97. The area of a square is given by 4x2 + 12xy + 9y2. Find the side of
the square.
98. The area of a square is 9x2 + 24xy + 16y2. Find the side of the

 


99. The area of a rectangle is x2 + 7x + 12. If its breadth is (x + 3), then

find its length.

100. The curved surface area of a cylinder is 2π (y2 – 7y + 12) and its
radius is (y – 3). Find the height of the cylinder (C.S.A. of cylinder =

101. The area of a circle is given by the expression πx2 + 6πx + 9π. Find
the radius of the circle.

102. The sum of first n natural numbers is given by the expression

n2 n
+ . Factorise this expression.
2 2

103. The sum of (x + 5) observations is x4 – 625. Find the mean of the


104. The height of a triangle is x4 + y4 and its base is 14xy. Find the area
of the triangle.

105. The cost of a chocolate is Rs (x + y) and Rohit bought (x + y)

chocolates. Find the total amount paid by him in terms of x. If x =
10, find the amount paid by him.

106. The base of a parallelogram is (2x + 3 units) and the corresponding

height is (2x – 3 units). Find the area of the parallelogram in terms of
x. What will be the area of parallelogram of x = 30 units?

107. The radius of a circle is 7ab – 7bc – 14ac. Find the circumference of

 22 
the circle.  π = 
 7 

108. If p + q = 12 and pq = 22, then find p2 + q2.

109. If a + b = 25 and a2 + b2 = 225, then find ab.

110. If x – y = 13 and xy = 28, then find x2 + y2.

111. If m – n = 16 and m2 + n2 = 400, then find mn.

112. If a2 + b2 = 74 and ab = 35, then find a + b.

 


113. Verify the following:

(i) (ab + bc) (ab – bc) + (bc + ca) (bc – ca) + (ca + ab) (ca – ab) = 0

(ii) (a + b + c) (a2 + b2 + c 2 – ab – bc – ca) = a3 + b3+ c 3 – 3abc

(iii) (p – q) (p2 + pq + q2) = p3 – q3
(iv) (m + n) (m 2 – mn + n2) = m 3 + n3
(v) (a + b) (a + b) (a + b) = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
(vi) (a – b) (a – b) (a – b) = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b3
(vii) (a2 – b2) (a2 + b2) + (b2 – c 2) (b2 + c 2) + (c 2 – a2) + (c 2 + a2) = 0
(viii) (5x + 8)2 – 160x = (5x – 8)2
(ix) (7p – 13q)2 + 364pq = (7p + 13q)2
2 2
 3p 7  3 7 
(x)  +  −  p+  =2
 7 6p  7 6p 

114. Find the value of a, if

(i) 8a = 352 – 272
(ii) 9a = 762 – 672
(iii) pqa = (3p + q)2 – (3p – q)2
(iv) pq2a = (4pq + 3q)2 – (4pq – 3q)2
115. What should be added to 4c (– a + b + c) to obtain 3a (a + b + c) – 2b
(a – b + c)?
116. Subtract b (b2 + b – 7) + 5 from 3b2 – 8 and find the value of expression
obtained for b = – 3.

1 1
117. If x − = 7 then find the value of x 2 + 2 .
x x
2 1 3
118. Factorise x + 2
+ 2 − 3x − .
x x
119. Factorise p4 + q4 + p2q2.
120. Find the value of

6.25 × 6.25 –1.75 ×1.75

198 ×198 –102 ×102

 


121. The product of two expressions is x5 + x3 + x. If one of them is x2 + x

+ 1, find the other.
122. Find the length of the side of the given square if area of the square is
625 square units and then find the value of x.

123. Take suitable number of cards given in the adjoining diagram [G(x ×
x) representing x2, R (x × 1) representing x and Y (1 ×1) representing
1] to factorise the following expressions, by arranging the cards in
the form of rectangles: (i) 2x2 + 6x + 4 (ii) x2 + 4x + 4. Factorise 2x2 +
6x + 4 by using the figure.

Calculate the area of figure.

124. The figure shows the dimensions of a wall having a window and a
door of a room. Write an algebraic expression for the area of the wall
to be painted.

 


125. Match the expressions of column I with that of column II:

Column I Column II
(1) (21x + 13y)2 (a) 441x2 – 169y2
(2) (21x – 13y)2 (b) 441x2 + 169y2 + 546 xy
(3) (21x – 13y) (21x + 13y) (c) 441x2 + 169y2 – 546xy
(d) 441x2 – 169y2 + 546xy

 

1. Algebraic Tiles

(i) Cut the following tiles from a graph sheet. Now, colour the tiles
as per the colour code. Arrange these algebraic tiles to form a

Find the length of the side of the square so formed. Also find the
area of the square. Using the above result factorise x2 + 4x + 4.

 



2. Find the length of the side of the rectangle so formed. Also find the
area of the rectangle. Using the above result factorise x2 + 5x + 4.

Now choose and cut more algebraic tiles from the graph sheet. Create
your own colour code and colour the tiles. Arrange them to form
square/rectangle. Find the area of the figure so formed using it to

a) x2 + 4x + 3

b) x2 + 9x + 18

3. Build a square garden. Divide the square garden into four rectangular
flower beds in such a way that each flower bed is as long as one side
of the square. The perimeter of each flower bed is 40 m.

(a) Draw a diagram to represent the above information.

(b) Mention the expression for perimeter of the entire garden.

Crossword Number Puzzle

Solve the given crossword and then fill up the given boxes. Clues are
given below for across as well as downward filling. Also for across and
down clues clue number is written at the corner of boxes. Answers of
clues have to be filled in their respective boxes.

 



1. A polynomial with two terms.

2. An expression containing one or more terms with non-zero coefficient

(with variables having non-negative exponents).

3. To find the value of a mathematical expression.

4. A _________ is formed by the product of variables and constants.

5. The abbreviation of the greatest no. (or expression) that in a factor

of two or more numbers.

6. A polynomial with three terms.


7. A polynomial with only one term.

8. An expression of the second degree.

9. Terms can be written as product of its _________.

10. The numbers –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3 are known as _______.

11. __________ terms are formed from the same variables and the powers
of these variables are the same term.

12. The highest power of a polynomial is called the _________ of the



1. Binomial

2. Polynomial

3. Evaluate

4. Term

5. GCF

6. Trinomial

7. Monomial

 


8. Quadratic

9. Factors

10. Integers

11. Like

12. Degree

 


Rough Work



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