A Proposed Davao Socio-Cultural Complex: A Study On The Concept of Place Attachment in Revitalizing The Urban Cultural Identity of Davao City.

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Theme: Mega City: Combating Urbanization thru Architecture

Title: “A Proposed Davao Socio-Cultural Complex: A Study on the Concept of

Place Attachment in Revitalizing the Urban Cultural Identity of Davao City”

Good day! I am Blissiah Q. Casinillo, a 5th year CENTER FOR VISUAL ARTS. Please check the
Bachelor of Science in Architecture student of Ateneo responses that apply. * Required
de Davao University. I am currently conducting my
undergraduate thesis entitled, “A Proposed Davao 1. Using the scale below, please rate your level
Socio-Cultural Complex: A Study on the Concept of interest in seeing visual arts and cultural
of Place Attachment in Revitalizing the Urban artifacts or archives. *
Cultural Identity of Davao City.” Circle the number that best matches your
In line with this, I am asking a bit of your time to assist Uninterested 1 2 3 4 5 Interested
me in this endeavor by carefully and completely
answering the following survey questions. Your 2. Have you visited any of the following
responses will be of significant help to my study, and establishments? *
rest assured that the information taken will be for Yes No
research purposes only and will be kept with utmost Museums  
confidentiality. I look forward to your support and
Art Galleries  
truthful response.
3. How often do you visit the following
Thank you very much and God bless! establishments? *
Museums Art Galleries
GENERAL INFORMATION. Please check the Very Often
responses that apply. * Required Often
Age group * Rarely
 18-28 Hardly Ever
 29-39 Never
 40-50
4. What is/are your motive/s in going to the
 51-62 establishments mentioned above? *
Check all that apply.
Gender *
 Curate and exhibit
 Male  Female
 Learn history and culture
Are you a resident of Davao City? *  Appreciate visual arts
 Yes  No  Research
 Academic tour
Length of residency:  Leisure or hobby
Please skip ahead if not applicable.
 Socialize
 1-10 years
 I don’t go at all
 10-20 years
 20-30 years 5. How much time do you usually spend in
museums and art galleries?
Please select which Philippine ethnic/cultural group Please skip ahead if you have not been to any
you are a part of. * museums and/or art galleries.
Mark only one.  10-15 minutes
 Bisaya/Binisaya  Tagalog  15-30 minutes
 Cebuano  Ilocano  30 minutes to 1 hour
 Boholano  Waray  1 hour +
 Davaweño  Other:  Half day
 Hiligaynon/Ilonggo ________  Whole day
Theme: Mega City: Combating Urbanization thru Architecture
Title: “A Proposed Davao Socio-Cultural Complex: A Study on the Concept of
Place Attachment in Revitalizing the Urban Cultural Identity of Davao City”

6. Please select the common problem/s you 4. What is/are your motive/s in going to the
often encounter in museums and/or art establishments mentioned above? *
galleries. * Check all that apply.
Check all that apply.  Perform or celebrate
 Unable to appropriately showcase  Learn history and culture
and preserve artworks and artifacts
 Appreciate performing arts
 Poor spatial organization
 Research
 Insufficient natural and artificial
 Academic tour
 Leisure or hobby
 Insufficient HVAC (heat, ventilation,
air conditioning) systems  Socialize
 Dilapidated facilities  I don’t go at all
 Average or dull building aesthetics 5. How much time do you usually spend in
 Poor user space and circulation cultural centers and theaters/auditoriums?
design Please skip ahead if you have not been to any
 Poor security cultural centers and/or theaters/auditoriums.
 Inadequate parking slots  10-15 minutes
 Unideal location  15-30 minutes
 30 minutes to 1 hour
 1 hour +
the responses that apply. * Required
 Half day
1. Using the scale below, please rate your level  Whole day
of interest in seeing cultural performances
and other types of performing arts. * 6. Please select the common problem/s you
Circle the number that best matches your often encounter in cultural centers and/or
response. theaters/auditoriums. *
Uninterested 1 2 3 4 5 Interested Check all that apply.
 Cramped stage
2. Have you been to any of the following
establishments? *  Limited seating and accommodation
Yes No  Poor acoustics or sound insulations
Cultural Centers    Poor lighting design
Theaters/Auditoriums    Insufficient HVAC (heat, ventilation,
air conditioning) systems
3. How often do you go to the following  Dilapidated facilities
establishments? *  Lack of amenities
Cultural Theaters/Auditoriums
Centers  Average or dull building aesthetics
Very Often  Narrow internal and external passage
Often ways
Sometimes  Poor security
Hardly Ever
 Inadequate parking slots
Never  Unideal location
Theme: Mega City: Combating Urbanization thru Architecture
Title: “A Proposed Davao Socio-Cultural Complex: A Study on the Concept of
Place Attachment in Revitalizing the Urban Cultural Identity of Davao City”

PLACE ATTACHMENT CONCEPT. The concept of What other amenities would you like to experience in
place attachment is characterized as an emotional a socio-cultural complex? *
bond between an individual or group and their Check all that apply.
meaningful environments. It is the goal of this study  Outdoor Activity Center
to develop design guidelines for a functional Davao
 Function Rooms
Socio-Cultural Complex (Center for Visual Arts and
Center for Performing Arts) using the concept of place  Audio-Visual Room
attachment.  Dance Studios
 Lecture Rooms
INSTRUCTION: Please rank the following items from
 Research Center
(1) most important to (n) least important. * Required
 Library
Emotional Attachment  Offices
What elements in a socio-cultural complex are
deemed important in forming and maintaining the  Food and Drink Facilities
identity of the people and distinctive character of  Restaurants
Davao City? *  Traditional Retail Shops
Rank from a scale of 1-7.
Strategic location  Recreational Areas
Accessibility, close to city center  Gardens
Greenery/trees  Other: __________
Unique landscape features Comments and Suggestions:
Architectural form and façade
Functional Attachment
What elements in a socio-cultural complex are to be
considered to satisfy users’ needs, goals, or
motivations? *
Rank from a scale of 1-8.
User activity
Social relations and interaction
Availability of service facilities
Mixture of culture and people
Cognitive Attachment
What considerations in a socio-cultural complex are
deemed necessary in providing place meaning and
familiarity to its occupants? *
Rank from a scale of 1-11.
Place image
Public open spaces
Facilities Thank you for your participation and support.
Environmental quality and awareness Have a nice day!
Surveillance (safety/security)

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