OpGL Product Instruction Manual

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Leading Technologies

For Control

Product Instruction Manual

Globe Control Valve
INTRODUCTION The OpGL is a spring-cylinder actuated globe
Scope of Manual ............................ pg. 1 valve in which the supply air pressure and the
Description...................................... pg. 1 fluid pressure combine forces to produce an
Specifications ................................ pg. 1 exceptionally tight shutoff. In addition, self-
Safety Information ........................ pg. 1 aligning seat rings make shutoff easier to
Unpacking ...................................... pg. 2 achieve. Valve specifications are as follows:
INSTALLATION .............................. pg. 2
Diameter 1/2 ’’- 42’’ : ANSI Class 150-600
MAINTENANCE ............................ pg. 3
Body Style Globe, Angle, Three-way, Steam-
Body Disassembly.......................... pg. 4
Body Reassembly .......................... pg. 5 Connections Separable flanges, Internal flanges,
Actuator Disassembly.................... pg. 7 Socketweld, Buttweld
Actuator Reassembly .................... pg. 8 Materials Carbon Steel, Stainless steel, Chrome-
AIR-ACTION REVERSAL molly, Alloy, Hastelloy, B&C, Titanium,
and others…
Air-to-Open .................................... pg. 9
Air-to-Close .................................... pg. 9 Bonnet Types Normal, Extended, Cryogenic, Coal box

Internals Flow characteristics, equal percentage,

INTRODUCTION linear, and quick-open. Seats available
in metal or soft (for "bubble tight" shut
Scope of Manual off)
This instruction manual includes installation, Table 1: Specifications
maintenance, and parts information for the
Optimux OpGL control valve. Refer to separate
manuals for information regarding installation, SAFETY INFORMATION
operation, and maintenance of additional
WARNING: Indicates a potentially
features such as the special trim diaphragm hazardous situation, which, if not
actuator, handwheel, extension bonnets, etc. avoided, could result in death or
Only qualified persons should install, operate, serious injury.
and maintain an Optimux OpGL valve. Any
questions about these instructions should be CAUTION: Indicates a potentially
hazardous situation, which, if not
directed to your Optimux sales office or sales avoided, could result in minor or
representative before proceeding. moderate injury and/or property
This publication does not contain information on damage.
Optimux positioners. Refer to the appropriate Note: Indicates a potential situation,
manual for information on positioner installation, which, if not avoided, may result in an
operation, maintenance, and calibration. undesired result or state.
OpGL Globe Control Valve

CAUTION: Do not insulate
1. While unpacking the valve, check the extension bonnets that are
packing list against materials received. provided for hot or cold
Lists describing valve and accessories are services.
in each shipping container.
2. When lifting the valve from shipping
container, position the lifting straps through 4. Be sure to allow sufficient overhead
the yoke legs to avoid damage to the tubing clearance to provide for disassembly of the
and mounted accessories. plug from the valve body. Refer to
Table 2 below for overhead clearance
WARNING: When lifting an
Valve Size Clearance
actuator with lifting straps (inches) (inches/mm)
through the yoke legs, be aware
that the center of gravity may 1/2, 3/4, 1 3/76
be above the lifting point. 1 1/2, 2 5/127
3 6/152
Therefore, support must be 4 8/203
given to prevent the actuator 6 10/254
from rotating. 8 13/330
10 14/356
12 15/381
3. Contact your shipper immediately if there is
shipping damage. Table 2: Overhead Clearance
4. Should any problem arise, call your Requirements
5. If welding the valve into the line, use
INSTALLATION accepted piping and welding practices. In
1. Before installing the valve, inspect it, and the case that the valve has separable end
other associated equipment, for any flanges, the half rings must be installed on
damage and any foreign material. the body before bolting the valve into the
line in order to insure a tight connection.
2. Be sure that the body interior is clean, that
pipelines are free of foreign materials, and
that the valve is oriented in such a way that WARNING: Failure to install half
pipeline flow is in the same direction as the rings on the valve body could
arrow on the side of the valve. result in serious injury.
3. The assembly of the control valve may be
installed in any orientation unless otherwise Note: Depending on valve body materials
limited. However, whenever possible, the used, post weld heat-treating may be
valve should be installed with the actuator required. This may cause damage to internal
vertical above the body. This is also elastometric and plastic parts. Shrunk-fit
important for cryogenic applications to keep pieces and threaded connections may also
the packing isolated from the flowing loosen. In general, if post weld heat-treating
medium, permitting the packing is to be performed, all trim parts should be
temperature to remain close to ambient removed. Contact your Optimux sales office
temperature. for additional information.

Product Instruction Manual

6. Connect air supply and instrument signal Inspection and maintenance frequency
(air or mA) lines. Throttling control valves depends on the severity of service conditions.
are equipped with a valve positioner. Two This section contains preventive maintenance
connections are marked: One for the air steps which can be performed while the valve
supply and the other for the instrument is still in-line and, in some cases, still in
signal. Both the actuator and positioner are service. If a problem is suspected of being
suitable for 150 psi/10.3 Bar air supply. An internal, refer to the Assembly/Disassembly
air regulator is not required unless the section.
supply pressure exceeds 150 psi/10.3 Bar. 1. Inspect end flanges and bonnet for signs of
The air filter should be installed before the gasket leakage. Tighten flange and bonnet
positioner unless the supply air is unusually bolting (if required). See Table 4
clean and dry.
2. Check the pressure-balance sleeve, metal
bellows seal, body drain plug, etc. (if
CAUTION: On valves equipped included) for fluid leakage to the
with air filters, the filter atmosphere.
must point down for proper 3. Keep valve clean and repaint areas
performance. affected by severe oxidation
4. Examine the valve for damage caused by
Note: In some unusual cases, air supply must corrosive fumes or process drippings.
be limited to less than the previously 5. Check lubricant supply and add lubricant if
mentioned amount of 150psi/10.3 Bar. In this necessary. See Table 3 for common
case, a sticker found near the upper air port lubricants.
on the actuator cylinder will indicate this and
an air regulator should be installed to insure 6. Packing box bolting must be slightly over
that the supply pressure does not exceed the finger-tight. Tighten only as necessary to
line pressure indicated on the sticker. prevent stem leakage.

CAUTION: Do not over-tighten

MAINTENANCE packing. This may cause
Valve parts are subject to normal wear and excessive packing wear and
must be inspected and replaced as necessary. high stem friction, which can

Lubricant Manufacturer Temperature Range Description Applications

Krytox 206 E.I. DuPont -5º to 550º F / Fluorinated general purpose grease; handles common
-20º to 285º liquids and gases; good lubricity in harsh mediums; non-
flammable, chemically inert; will not harm plastic or metal

GP 460 Graphite 32º to 1000º F / Graphite in petrolatum; high pressures; anti-galling,

Products Co. 0º to 540º C graphite remains above 600º F/ 316º C

Aeroshell Shell Oil Co. -100º to 300º F / Synthetic oil based; low temperature applications
Grease 7 -75º to 150º C

Garlock Garlock Inc. 32º to 500º F / General purpose molybdenum disulfide lubricant
Luball 0º to 260º C economical; good in water, steam and common chemicals;
not good in harsh mediums where Krytox 206 is

Table 3: Common Lubricants

OpGL Globe Control Valve

impede stem movement. 1. If valve is air-to-close, skip to step 2. If

7. Be sure that all accessories, brackets, and valve is air-to-open, apply air under piston
bolts are securely fastened. to raise the plug off the seat before taking
the valve apart.
8. Check rubber bellows for wear.
2. Take out the bonnet flange bolting which
9. Remove any foreign substances from the will allow for removal of the actuator,
plug system. bonnet, and plug from the valve.
10. Spray a soap solution around the cylinder
actuator that retains the ring, adjust screw
and actuator stem guide for air leaks CAUTION: Heavy actuators may
through the O-rings. require a hoist. A lifting ring is
provided on most valves for
11. If possible, remove air supply and observe this function; otherwise, lift the
actuator for correct fail-safe action. valve with the yoke legs using a
12. If the valve contains an air filter, check and lifting strap and a hoist. Care
replace cartridge if necessary. should be taken to lift the
13. Be certain that stem clamp and positioner actuator and plug straight out
linkage are securely fastened. If the stem of the body to avoid damage to
clamp is loose, check the plug thread the seat as well as to the plug.
engagement. (For the correct procedure 3. Lift retainer, seat ring, and gaskets from the
on aligning the plug with the seat, refer to body.
the "Reassembly of the Actuator" section of 4. See to it that the seating surfaces on both
this manual). the seat ring and plug are free of damage
14. Stroke the valve, if possible, and check for so that a tight shutoff is ensured. Be sure
smooth, full stroke operation. Wobbly stem that gasket surfaces on the seat ring,
movement could be a sign of an internal bonnet, and body are clean and
valve problem. undamaged.
5. To inspect the plug, remove by loosening
Note: Erratic stem movement is common the stem clamp and gland flange, also, take
whenever Grafoil packing is utilized. off the yoke clamps.

WARNING: Keep hands, hair,

Note: With air-to-close, fail-open valves, it
clothing, etc. away from all may be necessary to apply a small amount of
moving parts when operating air to the top of the actuator to move the plug
the valve. away from the bonnet. If not, some irritation
may occur to the plug.


Turn the actuator off the plug and bonnet
Body Disassembly without allowing the plug to rotate inside the
In disassembling the valve body, refer to Figure bonnet. Remove the plug carefully through the
4 and continue as follows: packing box.
6. If re-machining is necessary on the seat
surfaces, both surfaces on plug and seat
WARNING: Depressurize line to must be reworked. The seat angle on the
atmospheric pressure and plug is 30 degrees; the seat ring is 33
drain all fluids before degrees. Lapping will not be necessary if
commencing work on the valve. proper assembly procedures are followed.

Product Instruction Manual

as shown. Be sure to leave at least 1/8-inch

CAUTION: In the case that re- at the top of the packing box for the top
machining is necessary, be guide to enter. Different spacer lengths
sure to protect the stem during allow a wide variety of packing
turning. Insure concentricity of configurations, such as twin seal and
the seat surface with the plug vacuum pressure packing.
stem (or outside diameter of the
seat ring, if machining the WARNING: Valves with extended
seat). bonnets or metal bellows seals
must not have lower packing
7. To replace packing or change the packing installed. Rather, lower packing
box configuration, push out the packing, rings should be installed with
spacer, and guides with a dowel of a similar the upper set.
size as the plug stem.
Wherever graphite guides are used, the
WARNING: For valves equipped graphite liners should be replaced each
with separable end flanges, do time the valve packing is replaced. Under
not machine the body gasket no circumstance, should the valve be
surfaces. Machining could replaced without graphite liners and guides.
cause gasket leakage and
failure of the valve.
2. Insert the plug stem into the packing box,
being sure not to scratch the stem or
8. In the case that separable end flanges guides.
need to be removed, file off tack welds or 3. Turn actuator back onto the plug, without
pull rivets behind the flanges. turning the plug inside the bonnet. Be
certain that the gland flange and bonnet
flange are in place prior to engaging the
CAUTION: If separable end
plug stem and actuator stem threads.
flanges and spiral wound
gaskets are used, use gaskets
with outer back-up rings. Note: To prevent galling, do not let the gland
Failure to do so could result in flange come into contact with the polished
excess stress in some plug stem.

Leave about three to four plug stem

Note: To prevent flanges from dropping off threads exposed. Attach yoke clamp and
during shipping, a tack weld or stainless gland flange bolting. When working with
steel rivet has been installed behind the end valves using a 2-inch spud, make sure that
flanges. the half rings are in place between the yoke
and bonnet. Tighten yoke clamp bolting
Body Reassembly
4. Install new seat gaskets as well as a new
To reassemble the valve body, refer to Figure
bonnet beveled edge up for Teflon gaskets.
4, and continue as follows:
5. Introduce the seat ring into the body with
the step side down. Place the seat retainer
1. In the case that packing was removed, refer into the body with the thin end of the
to Figure 2 and install new packing exactly cathedral window down.

OpGL Globe Control Valve

Note: For ANSI Class 900 and above valves, possible to wriggle the flange. If improper
valve sizes up through 1.5-inch, the seat seating occurred, the bonnet flange can be
retainer window should be placed in the body wriggled with light hand force. If this
with the window facing toward the valve occurs, place air under the actuator piston
ports. For valves 2-inches or greater in size, and retract the actuator to approximate
the bar of the retainer should face toward the mid-stroke position. Turn the plug out of
valve ports. the actuator stem one additional thread and
repeat the seating procedure described
above. When the bonnet flange becomes
6. For air-to-open valves, place air under the tight against the finger tight body bolting,
actuator piston to retract the plug. the plug is then properly seated.
7. Let down the plug and body squarely into 10. For pneumatic actuators, put the plug in
the body. Take caution as not to scratch the the closed position. For electric, hydraulic,
plug as it enters the body. or mechanical actuators, move the plug to
8. To properly align the seat ring and plug, first the mid-stroke position. Tighten the bonnet
bring the bonnet bolting to finger tightness. flange bolting in such a way that will
a. If the actuator is pneumatic, apply air maintain the bonnet flange square (or
pressure above the piston to seat the parallel) with the body. Tighten the first bolt
plug in the seat ring, then skip to step 9. 1/6 of a turn, then,tighten the bolt directly
opposite 1/6 of a turn and so on around the
b. If the actuator is electric or hydraulic, flange. Tighten all the bolts firmly and
move the actuator stem down until it is evenly to compress the bonnet gasket and
fully extended. Then retract the actuator seat the bonnet. Torque the bonnet bolts to
stem 1/8-inch/3.175-mm. Mount the the suggested torque values in Table 4.
stem clamp onto the plug stem/actuator
limit switches according to the operating
manual of the actuator. Bolt Size Bolt/Stud Material
Carbon Steel Stainless Steel

Note: The following step (9) pertains only to 5/8 80/108 50/68
valves with pneumatic actuators. In the case 3/4 140/190 90/122
7/8 230/312 150/203
that an electric or hydraulic actuator is used, 1 350/475 220/298
return the plug to the mid stroke position and 1 1/8 510/690 330/447
proceed to tighten. 1 1/4 730/990 460/624
1 3/8 990/1342 630/854
1 1/2 1320/1790 840/1140
1 5/8 1710/2318 1080/1484
CAUTION: For electric or 2170/2942 1400/1898
1 3/4
hydraulic actuators, failure to 1 7/8 2700/3660 1700/2305
return the plug to a mid stroke 2 3350/4542 2100/2847
position will cause damage to
the actuator and/or the valve
while the bonnet is being
tightened. Table 4: Suggested Bonnet Bolting Torque
Values (ft. lbs. /Nm, ± 10%)
11. To seat the plug, apply air over the piston.
9. If the valve is air-to-close, skip this step and For throttling valves, adjust the stem clamp
continue to step 10. Check for proper plug so that, with full instrument signal to the
seating in air-to-open valves as follows: If positioner, the full signal scribe line on the
proper seating occurs, the bonnet flange positioner cam points to the center of the
will be forced up against the finger tight cam roller bearing.
body with such force that it will not be

Product Instruction Manual

Note: Concerning on/off valves, the bottom

of the stem clamp should be lined up with the CAUTION: Do not allow the plug
to drop and collide against the
bottom of the actuator stem (± 1/16- seat after turning the actuator
inch/1.60mm). off of the plug threads.

Make the stem clamp bolting tight. Proper 5. Disconnect tubing.

tightness is important since this adjustment
fastens the actuator stem to the plug stem. 6. Alleviate the spring compression by taking
Adjust the stroke plate so that the stem out the adjusting screw.
clamp points to the "closed" position.
12. Lastly, if the valve was taken out of the line, CAUTION: Do not put a
when reinstalling, be sure that the flow screwdriver through the lifting
arrow shows correct flow direction. ring to take out the adjusting
screw; doing so may cause
damage to the weld between
Actuator Disassembly the lifting ring and the adjusting
When dealing with air-to-open valves, the screw.
actuator may be disassembled while still on the
valve. In the case of air-to-close valves, the
actuator must be removed from the valve WARNING: Spring compression
before it is disassembled. Refer to Figure 5 to MUST be relieved before
disassemble the actuator. Proceed as follows: continuing with disassembly.

Note: Steps 1-4 pertain to the removal of the 7. Use two screwdrivers to remove the
actuator from the valve. If the actuator is to retaining ring from the groove. Insert them
be disassembled while still on the valve, skip in the ring’s slot and pry it from the groove.
to step 5. 8. For air-to-open configurations, pull the
cylinder off of the yoke and piston. Remove
spring for cleaning and inspection.
1. Be certain that the plug is not seated on the
seat ring as well as not back-seated against
the bonnet. To insure this, attach an air hose WARNING: Do not use air
to the appropriate side of the cylinder and pressure to remove the
release pressure on the opposite side. cylinder.

CAUTION: Critical surfaces may For air-to-close configurations, remove

be galled if the plug is not piston-retaining nut and slide piston off of
positioned correctly between the actuator stem. The spring can then be
the bonnet and seat ring. removed.
2. Loosen the stem clamp. 9. Inspect the actuator stem O-ring by
3. Take out the packing box bolting and yoke proceeding as follows: remove the stem
clamps. clamp and bellows, and push the actuator
stem through the yoke being careful not to
4. Completely unscrew the actuator off of the gall the stem. The O-ring can then be
plug and bonnet without rotating the plug removed and replaced.
inside the bonnet.

OpGL Globe Control Valve

Note: The actuator stem bushings are Note: For air-to-open configurations, be sure
pressed into the yoke; it is not necessary to that the hole in the spring button is directly
remove the bushing in order to replace the centered under the adjusting screw.

CAUTION: Do not put a

Actuator Reassembly screwdriver through the lifting
For actuator reassembly, refer to Figure 5. ring to reinstall the adjusting
Continue as follows: screw; doing so may damage
1. All O-rings should be replaced and the new the weld between the lifting ring
ones should be lubricated. Most O-rings and adjusting screw.
can be lubricated with a silicone lubricant.
(Do not use a silicone lubricant on silicone 8. Apply air over the piston and place the
O-rings) actuator subassembly, making certain that
2. Be certain to clean and lubricate all internal the gland and bonnet flanges are in place,
parts before beginning reassembly. onto the valve. If the valve has a 2-inch
3. In the case that the actuator stem has been spud, make sure that the half rings are in
removed, replace the piston stem O-ring, place between the yoke and bonnet.
and reassemble the piston and actuator Connect the plug stem and actuator stem
spacer on the actuator stem according to threads. Cautiously turn the actuator
the valve’s air-action. If air-to-close, the clockwise until the plug stem is engaged 3
spring button has to be inserted under the to 4 turns.
actuator stem-retaining nut. Tighten the
retaining nut firmly. CAUTION: Do not allow the plug
4. For air-to-close configurations, place the to turn on the seat to avoid
spring under the piston and insert the possible stem and/or seat
actuator stem through the yoke – be careful galling.
not to gall the stem or bushings. Be sure
that the spring is retained in the groove on
9. For air-to-open valves, apply air under the
top of the yoke. For air-to-open
piston, for air-to-close valves, apply air over
configurations, insert the actuator stem
the piston, do either in order to prevent the
through the yoke and place the spring and
plug head from touching either the seat or
spring button above the piston.
the bonnet. Continue turning the plug stem
5. Mount the cylinder and make certain that into the actuator stem until 2 to 3 plug stem
the yoke is pushed deep enough into the threads remain exposed.
cylinder for the retaining ring to be installed.
6. Reintroduce the retaining ring by pushing it
CAUTION: To prevent galling of
into the groove a section at a time until it is
the polished plug system, do
in place. Replace the stem bellows and the
not allow the gland flange to
stem clamp.
make contact with the polished
7. Reinstall the gasket and adjusting screw plug system.
using a new adjusting screw gasket. The
adjusting screw should be tightened only to
the point where it creates an air seal with CAUTION: Do not allow the plug
the gasket. to turn on the seat so as to
prevent possible stem and/or
seat galling.

Product Instruction Manual

10. Apply air over the piston to drive the plug 2. Reassemble the actuator with the spring,
and lift the yoke off of the bonnet. The actuator stem spacer, and spring button
yoke will lift approximately 1/16-inch over the piston. For proper alignment, the
(1.60mm). If the space is not that size, center hole in the spring button should
apply air under the piston to retract the engage the end of the adjusting screw.
actuator stem and screw the plug in or out 3. The positioner must be changed as well, to
as needed. Repeat until the 1/16-inch do so, refer to the appropriate positioner
(1.60mm) space is created. manual.
11. To attach the yoke clamps and packing box Air-to-Close
bolting, apply air under the piston. Tighten
the yoke clamp bolting firmly. The packing To switch the air action from air-to-open to air-
box nuts should be just over finger-tight. to-close continue as follows:
1. Adhere to the instructions for disassembly
of the actuator (see "Actuator Disassembly"
CAUTION: Do not over-tighten
2. Reassemble the actuator with spring and
actuator stem spacer below the piston. The
12. To seat the plug, apply air over the piston. spring should sit in the spring groove on top
For all throttling valves, adjust the stem of the yoke. The spring button is not used
clamp so that, with full instrument signal to on air-to-extend configurations and is
the positioner, the full signal scribe line on stored above the piston (the actuator stem
the positioner cam points to the center of retaining nut holds the spring button in
the cam roller bearing. place).
3. The positioner must be changed as well. To
Note: For on/off valves, the bottom of the do this, refer to the appropriate positioner
stem clamp should line up with the bottom of manual.
the actuator stem (±1/16-inch).

Tighten the stem clamp bolting to secure

the actuator stem to the plug stem. Adjust
the stroke plate so that the stem clamp
points to the "closed" position.
13. Reconnect the actuator/positioner tubing,
supply, and signal lines.

To switch the air-action from air-to-close to air-
to-open continue as follows:
1. Adhere to the instructions for disassembly
of the actuator (see "Actuator Disassembly"

OpGL Globe Control Valve

Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 210)

Spring Adjusting Screw Gasket

(Item No. 229) (Item No. 248)

Piston Stem O-ring Spring Button

(Item No. 272) (Item No. 227)

Cylinder Actuator Stem Locknut

(Item No. 202) (Item No. 348)

Piston Actuator Stem Spacer

(Item No. 225) (Item No. 228)

Actuator Stem Bushing

Piston O-ring (Item Nos. 253/254)
(Item No. 271)
Actuator Stem O-ring
Yoke O-ring (Item No. 275)
(Item No. 274)
Actuator Stem
Stem Clamp (Item No. 211)
(Item No. 249)
Cylinder Retaining Ring
Gland Flange (Item No. 256)
(Item No. 80)
Stroke Plate
Upper Packing (item No. 213)
(Item No. 88)
Stem Bellows
Yoke Clamp S (Item No. 247)
(Item No. 76)
Packing Spacer(s) (Item No. 201)
(Item Nos. 94-99)
Upper Stem Guide
Bonnet (Item No. 87)
(Item No. 40)
Upper Stem Guide Liner
Bonnet Flange (Item No. 86)
(Item No. 70)
Anti-Extrusion Spacer
Anti-Extrusion Spacer (Item No. 93)
(Item No. 93)
Bonnet Flange
Stud and Nut
Seat Retainer (Item Nos. 108/114)
(Item No. 30)
Bonnet Gasket
Seat Ring (Item No. 58)
(Item No. 20)
Lower Packing
Seat Ring (Item No. 88)
Lower Stem
(Item No. 55)
Body (Item No. 83)
(Item No. 1)
Lower Stem
Half Ring Guide Liner
(Item No. 11) (Item No. 82)

End Flange Plug

(Item No. 10) (Item No. 50)
Figure 1: OpGL Control Valve
NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Product Instruction Manual

Standard Twin Twin V-packing

V-packing V-packing w/ Lantern Ring

Twin Square Twin Square

Standard Twin Square Packing Packing
Square Packing Packing w/ Lubricator w/ Lantern
Fitting Ring

Graphite Graphite
Braided Rings (3) Rings (2)
Rings (3)
Rings (2)

Vacuum Seal
Standard Twin Graphite Vacuum Seal Twin V-packing
Graphite Packing Packing V-packing (w/ Lantern Ring)

Live Loading
(compressed) (not compressed)

Carbon-filled Carbon-filled
Teflon Teflon
Backups Backups
Virgin Teflon Kalrez Kalrez
V-rings (2) V-rings (2) V-rings (2)

Fugitive PT PTXT

Figure 2: Typical Packing Configurations

NOTE: See step 1 in ”Body Reasembly” section.

OpGL Globe Control Valve



Air-to-Open Air-to-Close

Figure 3: Air-action Configurations

Product Instruction Manual

Packing Box Nut

(Item No. 117)

Gland Flange
(Item No. 80)

Upper Guide
(Item No. 87)

Stem Guide Liner

(Item No. 86)

Anti-Extrusion Spacer Clamp Nut Clamp Bolt

(Item No. 93) (Item No. 118) (Item No. 107)

Yoke Clamp
Female Ring (Item No. 76)
Upper Packing V-Ring
(Item No. 88)
Male Ring Bonnet
(Item No. 40)

Packing Spacer
(Item No. 94-99)
Packing Box Plug
Bolt (Item No. 50)
Female Ring (Item No. 109)
Lower Packing
(Item No. 88) Male Ring
Bonnet Gasket
(Item No. 58)

Anti-Extrusion Spacer Seat Retainer

(Item No. 93) (Item No. 30)

Stem Guide Liner

(Item No. 82) Seat Ring
(Item No. 83)
Lower Guide
(Item No. 83)
Seat Ring Gasket
Bonnet Flange Nut (Item No. 55)
(Item No. 114)

Bonnet Flange Stud Body

(Item No. 108) (Item No. 1)

Bonnet Flange
(Item No. 70)

End Flange
(Item No. 10)

Half Ring
(Item No. 11)

Figure 4: Exploded View – Body Assembly

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

OpGL Globe Control Valve

Lifting Ring
(Item No. 209)

Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 210)

Adjusting Screw
(Item No. 248)

(Item No. 202)

Spring Button Actuator Stem

(Item No. 227) Lock Nut
(Item No. 348)
(Item No. 229) Spring Button
(Item No. 227)
Actuator Stem
AIR-TO- Lock Nut Piston O-ring AIR-TO-
RETRACT (Item No. 348) (Item No. 271) EXTEND
Stem Spacer Piston
(Item No. 228) (Item No. 225)

Piston O-ring Piston Stem O-ring

(Item No. 271) (Item No. 272)

Piston Stem Spacer

(Item No. 225)
Piston Stem O-ring (Item No. 229)
(Item No. 272)

Actuator Stem
(Item No. 211)

Upper Stem Bushing

(Item No. 253)

Actuator Stem O-ring

(Item No. 275)

Lower Stem Bushing

(Item No. 254)

Yoke O-ring
(Item No. 274)

(Item No. 201)

Stroke Plate Serial Plate

(Item No. 213) (Item No. 252)

Cylinder Retaining
(Item No. 256)

Stem Bellows Stem Clamp

(Item No. 247) (Item No. 249)

Stem Clamp Nut Stem Clamp Bolt

(Item No. 345) (Item No. 240)

Figure 5: Exploded View – Actuator Assembly

NOTE: Item numbers correspond directly to the valve's bill of material. Refer to it for specific part numbers.

Product Instruction Manual

Troubleshooting OpGL Globe Control Valve

Problem Probable Cause Corrective Action
Stem motion 1. Overtightened packing 1. Adjust packing box nuts to slightly over finger-tight
impeded 2. Service temperature is beyond 2. Reconfirm service conditions and contact factory
operating limits of trim design
3. Inadequate air supply 3. Check for leaks in air supply or instrument signal
system; tighten loose connections and replace
leaky lines
4. Malfunctioning positioner 4. Refer to positioner maintenance instructions
Excessive 1. Improperly tightened bonnet 1. Refer to step 3 of “Reassembling the Body”
leakage flange bolting section for correct tightening procedure
2. Worn or damaged seat ring 2. Disassemble valve and replace or repair seat ring
3. Worn or damaged seat or 3. Disassemble and replace gaskets
bonnet gasket
4. Inadequate actuator thrust 4. Check for adequate air supply to actuator; if air
supply is adequate, reconfirm service conditions
and contact factory
5. Incorrectly adjusted plug 5. Refer to steps 8 - 10 of “Reassembling the Body”
section for correct plug adjustment
6. Improper flow direction 6. Refer to original specifications or contact factory
7. Improper handwheel adjustment 7. Adjust handwheel until plug seats properly
acting as a limit-stop
Inadequate 1. Improper plug adjustment, 1. Refer to steps 8 - 10 of “Reassembling the Body”
flow limiting stroke section for correct plug adjustment
2. Malfunctioning positioner 2. Refer to positioner maintenance instructions
3. Service conditions exceed trim 3. Verify service conditions and consult factory
design capacity
Plug slams 1. Incorrect plug adjustment 1. Refer to steps 8 - 10 of “Reassembling the Body”
allowing improper cushion of section for correct plug adjustment
air between actuator piston
and yoke
2. Inadequate air supply 2. Check air supply to actuator; repair leaks and
remove any restrictions in supply line
3. Trim sized too large for flow rate 3. Install reduced trim
Valve does 1. Incorrect flow direction 1. Reconfirm direction and, if necessary, correct flow
not fail in cor- direction through valve
rect position

OpGL Globe Control Valve

Optimux customers should be aware that Optimux products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial
service conditions. Although Optimux can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings
for all possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection,
installation, operation and maintenance of Optimux products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Product Instruction
Manual (PIM) included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Optimux products in connection
with the specific application.
While the information and specifications presented in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative
purposes only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained
herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because
Optimux is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein
are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact
TRIMTECK, LLC at any of its worldwide operations or offices.

For more information about Trimteck and its products,

For more information, contact:
contact www.trimteck.com or call USA (954) 753-5545

12461 NW 44th Street
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Phones: (954) 753-5545
Fax: (954) 753-5561
[email protected]

Krytox 206 is a registered trademark of I.E. DuPont.

GP 406 is a registered trademark of Graphite Products Co.
Aeroshell Grease 7 is a registered trademark of Shell Oil Co.
Garlock Luball is a registered trademark of Garlock Inc. FORM # PIM0910

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