API Standard 521 - Guide For Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems

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API Standard 521 - Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems

Last update:December 10, 2005

Standard Edition Section Inquiry # Question Reply

521 4th - March General 521-I-01/04 Are there any API guidelines on minimum volumes or materials that No, API 521 does not have any minimum volume requirements
1997 would allow exclusions to relief cases? as to when to exclude an overpressure scenario.

521 4th - March 2.3.4 521-I-07/03 Can you clarify in 2.3.4 whether a check valve would minimize the Experience has shown that a single check valve is not an
1997 potential or avoid the occurrence of reverse flow. effective means for preventing overpressure by reverse flow from
a high-pressure source. Experience has also shown that when
properly inspected and maintained, series check valves are
sufficient to eliminate significant reverse flow. However, some
check valve seat leakage may still occur. The user needs to
determine if this leakage is significant to warrant additional
protection measure such as isolation valves.

521 4th - March 3.1 521-I-09/03 Do relief valves sized in accordance with Table 2 need to be sized for Table 2 provides a general listing of possible overpressure
1997 full flow? scenarios and the basis for determining relief loads. Ultimately,
the user needs to define which overpressure scenario from Table
2 is applicable to specific equipment, as well as the flow rate for
sizing the relief device.

521 4th - March 3.15 521-I-01/04 Background: I am working on a system where we have a block valve This question should be submitted to ASME for an interpretation
1997 and two dissimilar type NRVs isolating a high pressure seawater of the B31.3 code.
system (424 barg maximum operating pressure) from a pipework
system rated at 413 barg that would normally contain inert gas. When
we inspected ASME B31.3 (K322.6.3) it indicates that all pipework shall
have a relief valve and this would consist of a fire case. The volume of
the pipework in our case is small (less than 0.5 m3) and as stated
above will not contain hydrocarbon components.

Question: Will this system still require a relief valve capable of

covering a fire case?

521 4th - March 521-I-04/04 Section indicates that portions higher than 25 ft are normally Neither the wetted or the unwetted surfaces of equipment higher
1997 excluded from effect of fire on the wetted surface of a vessel. On the than 25 ft (7.6 m) above the surface of the pool fire is normally
other hand, in, on the effect of fire on the unwetted surface of included when determining relief load. An exception would be
a vessel, height limitation is not mentioned. However, with the same spheres (see Table 4 in the 4th Edition of API RP 521) where, at
concept as the wetted surface area, I understand that if a vessel a minimum, the entire bottom hemisphere is considered.
containing vapor is elevated higher than 25 ft above the source of
flame, the effect of fire on the unwetted surface of the vessel is not
necessarily considered. Could you please advise whether my
understanding is correct or not?

521 4th - March 521-I-02/02 Should the heat load from the fire be considered when designing a The heat input from the fire is generally ignored when designing
1997 vapor depressuring system for a dense phase fluid. vapor depressuring systems for vessels containing gases or
dense phase fluids (i.e., fluids above the thermodynamic critical

The user may choose to consider the additional contribution of

fire heat load during depressuring by, for example, the use of
Equation 8.
API Standard 521 - Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems
Last update:December 10, 2005
Standard Edition Section Inquiry # Question Reply

521 4th - March 521-I-03/04 Background: I am trying to estimate the relieving load from a vessel
1997 exposed to external fire. This particular vessel is liquid filled and the
relieving conditions are in the supercritical region (that is, the
pressure relieve valve has a set pressure above the fluid's critical

Question 1: Section states that the “rate of vapor discharge Reply 1: When pressure relieving conditions are above the
depends only on the rate at which the fluid will expand as a result of critical point, the rate of vapor discharge depends only on the
the heat input.” Could you please clarify the meaning of this rate at which the fluid will expand as a result of the heat input
statement? because a phase change does not occur.

Question 2: Is it still valid to use a latent heat of vaporization of 50 Reply 2: The appropriate application of various assumptions and
BTU/hr for purposes of estimating the vapor load? methodologies regarding transient behavior of the system, and
selection of device sizing calculations is left to the user’s

521 4th - March 3.19 521-I-02/04 Background: My company is working on the construction of a gas API 521 does not provide depressurization guidance for specific
1997 plant. There is an existing finger-type slug catcher in the inlet section types of equipment or vessels. It is up to the user to define what
of this plant that receives a three-phase gas stream from a 30-inch equipment is depressured.
pipeline. This slug catcher has been designed based on ASME B31.8
but its design pressure is different with the incoming pipeline. I have
the following question regarding of depressurization system for this
part of the plant.

Question: Is there any requirement to depressurize this system in

case of fire detection? If yes, please let me know if the criteria are
based on API 521, Section 3.19, or are there other criteria for this
API Standard 521 - Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems
Last update:December 10, 2005
Standard Edition Section Inquiry # Question Reply

521 4th - March 3.19.1 521-I-02/00 Background: The wording in Section 3.19.1 appears to make a Equipment operating below 250 lbf/in.2 (1724 kPa) may not
1997 521-I-01/01 differentiation between a fire depressuring scenario and a process necessarily need emergency depressuring since the
upset depressuring scenario. This wording is repeated in the second consequences of equipment failure due to fire exposure would
paragraph with respect to depressuring thick-wall vessels to 50%. In be less than that for larger high-pressure equipment.
the fifth paragraph, however, it appears that when a fire is controlling,
API recommends the depressuring of all vessels (including thick wall The statement “where fire is controlling” is intended to separate
vessels) to 100 lbf/in.2 gauge (690 kPa) of 50% of the vessel design those applications where there are no reactive hazards. If there
pressure, whichever is lower, in 15 minutes. is a reactive hazard that can cause loss of containment due to
over-temperature, then emergency depressuring valves may be
Question: Does emergency depressuring only apply to systems appropriate for equipment designed for any range of pressures or
greater than 250 lbf/in.2 (1724 kPa) with a vessel wall thickness greater services.
than 1 in. (25 mm), or can it be used to depressure any system?
For equipment below 250 lbf/in.2 (1724 kPa) in light hydrocarbon
service, emergency depressuring may be provided. One of the
original intents was to provide emergency depressuring LPG
vessels to prevent BLEVE during fire exposure. Generally,
systems in LPG service will have a design pressure of 250 lbf/in. 2
(1724 kPa) or less. Consequently, the plate thickness is often
less than one inch. As stated in 3.19.1, a greater depressuring
rate may be required for vessels with wall thicknesses less than
one inch. This implies that depressuring
to 100 psig is not a requirement for the higher pressure

521 4th - March 3.19.1 521-I-01/01 Background: The wording in Section 3.19.1 appears to make a Reply: Equipment operating below 250 lbf/in. 2 (1724 kPa) may
1997 differentiation between a fire depressuring scenario and a process not necessarily need emergency depressuring since the
upset depressuring scenario. This wording is repeated in the second consequences of equipment failure due to fire exposure would
paragraph with respect to depressuring thick-wall vessels to 50%. In be less than that for larger high-pressure equipment.
the fifth paragraph, however, it appears that when a fire is controlling,
API recommends the depressuring of all vessels (including thick wall The statement “where fire is controlling” is intended to separate
vessels) to 100 lbf/in.2 gauge (690 kPa) of 50% of the vessel design those applications where there are no reactive hazards. If there
pressure, whichever is lower, in 15 minutes. is a reactive hazard that can cause loss of containment due to
over-temperature, then emergency depressuring valves may be
Question: Does emergency depressuring only apply to systems appropriate for equipment designed for any range of pressures or
greater than 250 lbf/in.2 (1724 kPa) with a vessel wall thickness greater services.
than 1 in. (25 mm), or can it be used to depressure any system?
For equipment below 250 lbf/in.2 (1724 kPa) in light hydrocarbon
service, emergency depressuring may be provided. One of the
original intents was to provide emergency depressuring LPG
vessels to prevent BLEVE during fire exposure. Generally,
systems in LPG service will have a design pressure of 250 lbf/in. 2
(1724 kPa) or less. Consequently, the plate thickness is often
less than one inch. As stated in 3.19.1, a greater depressuring
rate may be required for vessels with wall thicknesses less than
one inch. This implies that depressuring
to 100 psig is not a requirement for the higher pressure
API Standard 521 - Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems
Last update:December 10, 2005
Standard Edition Section Inquiry # Question Reply

521 4th - March 5.2.3 521-I-05/00 Background: Section 5.2.3 states: “The maximum load from an open The flow rate through the depressuring valve should be based on
1997 depressing valve normally corresponds to the flow capacity of the the expected pressure upstream of the depressuring valve.
valve at the maximum pressure of the protected equipment; this may Typically, this would be the maximum normal operating pressure.
be the maximum accumulated pressure of the equipment”. A higher pressure (e.g., design pressure or maximum
accumulated pressure) may be used depending upon the
Question: Is the maximum load calculation based on the maximum scenario, the rate of pressure rise, and the rate at which the
operating pressure or on the design pressure? depressuring valve is opened.

521 4th - March 521-I-01/02 Should the pressure relief valve’s rated capacity or the required The rated capacity of the pressure relief valve (not the actual
1997 capacity be used when determining the outlet piping backpressure? capacity) should be used to size the tailpipe and the laterals in
the discharge line of the pressure relief device. Common header
systems should use the cumulative required capacities of all
devices that may reasonably be expected to discharge
simultaneously in a single overpressure event (see

A lateral is defined as the section of pipe from single source relief

device(s) outlet flange(s) downstream to a header connection
where relief devices from other sources are tied-in. In other
words, the relief flow in a lateral will always be from a single
source. In contrast, the relief flow in a header can be from either
a single or multiple sources simultaneously.

521 4th - March 520-I-01/00 What is the definition of "lateral" in A lateral is defined as the section of pipe from single source relief
1997 device(s) outlet flange(s) downstream to a header connection
where relief devices from other sources are tied-in. In other
words, the relief flow in a lateral will always be from a single
source. In contrast, the relief flow in a header can be from either
a single or multiple sources simultaneously.

521 4th - March 521-I-04/02 Background: I am taking part in a discussion concerning allowable Yes. Furthermore, since some types of flares can accommodate
1997 droplet size in the sizing of knockout drums. The request is for larger larger droplets of combustible liquids, the vendor should always
droplet sizes than the recommended size of 300 to 600 micrometer in be consulted regarding the adequacy of a specific flare in
diameter mentioned in Flare tip vendors claim that these burning liquids.
figures are based on pipe flares and that newer sonic flare tips can
handle larger droplet sizes.

Question: Is it true that droplets of larger size can result in incomplete

combustion with excessive smoking, possible “burning rain”, and
even flameout?

521 4th - March 521-I-02/01 In Section, is the noise level calculation in Equation 58 based The noise level (sound power level) expressed by Equation 58 is
1997 on the turbulent mixing noise associated with the pressure relief valve for either the noise due to flow across the pressure relief valve or
discharge pipe exit to atmosphere and/or from the pressure relief the noise generated by flow across the discharge pipe outlet
valve? wherever the final discharge point is to atmosphere.

521 4th - March Appendix B 521-I-03/02 Is it the intent of Appendix B to allow the process designer to use a Yes, provided all of the criteria in B.1 are met.
1997 single relief device to protect a system of vessels and still comply with
ASME pressure vessel code?
API Standard 521 - Guide for Pressure-Relieving and Depressuring Systems
Last update:December 10, 2005
Standard Edition Section Inquiry # Question Reply

521 4th - March B.3 521-I-12/03 Background: API 521, Section B.1 states, “In some cases, a single It is up to the user to determine whether to use a single relief
1997 pressure relief device may be desirable to protect several equipment device to protect multiple equipment items (reference ASME
components . . .” One of the four criteria to be satisfied is that “no Section VIII, Division 1 on when it is allowed). If the user so
means can exist for blocking any of the equipment components being chooses, then Appendix B of API 521 provides guidance.
protected from the installation of the single pressure relief device
unless closure of these valves is positively controlled as described in
API Recommended Practice 520, Part II, Section 2.3 and Section 4.”

Question: Can we provide “locked open” or “car-sealed open” valves

in the interconnecting piping between the equipment components
protected by a single relief device? Others are interpreting that B.1
only refers to the block valve in the inlet of pressure relief device, i.e.,
between equipment and pressure relief device, and that no valves
should be provided in the interconnecting piping between vessels
even if the valves are of “car-sealed open” design.

521 4th - March B.3 521-I-13/03 Background: When a single pressure relief valve protects a reaction Appendix B offers an example of a single relief valve protecting
1997 section, it is stated in par. B.3c that the set pressure should be 105% several equipment components. Section B.3c. provides guidance
of the settling-out pressure of the section, in case of compressor on the appropriate minimum vessel design pressure relative to
failure. This 5% pressure differential is also required with a pilot- compressor settle-out pressure. It does not unconditionally
operated relief valve. provide guidance on the relief device set point. Relief device set
point requirements are specified elsewhere in ASME Section VIII,
Question: Is it acceptable, from a safety viewpoint, to set the set Division I, Paragraph UG-134. RP 521, Section B.3.c.
pressure of a pilot-operated relief valve at 100% of the settling-out recommends the design pressure of the HP separator to be
pressure? selected at least 105% of the settle-out pressure to minimize
unnecessary flaring during compressor trips or shutdowns. The
relief valve is usually set at design pressure but consideration
should be given to proper blowdown.

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