KS3 Physical Education 12 Week Plan - Swimming Yr7 Lessons 7-12

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Year 7 & 8 Swimming

Beginners / Improvers – widths Intermediate – lengths Advanced – repeated lengths
7 – Mini Assessment 8 – Back crawl 9 – Back crawl 10 – Back crawl 11 – Back crawl 12 – Final Assessment
Front Crawl (Body / Legs) (Arms) (Breathing/Timing) (Starts and Turns) Front Crawl / Back Crawl
1.All students will know the 1. All students will be able to 1.All students will be able to 1. 1.All students will be able to 1.
swimming assessment levels float on back with or without perform activities to improve 2. demonstrate a push and glide 2.
for front crawl and will be aids co-ordination. 3. on back 3.
able to identify what level 2. Most students will 2. Most students will 2.Most students will be able
they are currently working at. understand and be able to understand the action for LEARNING ACTIVITIES to touch turn on back LEARNING ACTIVITIES
2.Most students will be able demonstrate the action for back crawl arm action. Warm-up/introduction: 3. Some students will be able Warm-up/introduction:
to identify strengths and back crawl leg kick. 3. Some students will be able Teacher guidance only to tumble turn on back crawl Student led – pick able
areas of development whilst 3.Some students will be able to define the term co- mainly student led using an efficient technique student
working with peers and to define the term muscular ordination. Students to swim stretch on Students to swim stretch on
provide constructive endurance and relate it to poolside whilst the teacher LEARNING ACTIVITIES poolside whilst the teacher
feedback to help them today’s lesson. LEARNING ACTIVITIES goes through the LO and key Warm-up/introduction: goes through the LO and key
improve. Warm-up/introduction: concepts for this lesson. Student led – pick able concepts for this lesson.
3. Some students will be able LEARNING ACTIVITIES Teacher guidance only Calf stretch student Calf stretch
to identify the key areas they Warm-up/introduction: mainly student led Quadriceps Stretch Students to swim stretch on Quadriceps Stretch
need to develop in order to Teacher Led Students to swim stretch on Hamstrings Stretch poolside whilst the teacher Hamstrings Stretch
improve assessment level. Students to swim stretch on poolside whilst the teacher Pectoral Stretch goes through the LO and key Pectoral Stretch
poolside goes through the LO and key Triceps Stretch concepts for this lesson. Triceps Stretch
LEARNING ACTIVITIES Calf stretch concepts for this lesson. Deltoid Stretch Calf stretch Deltoid Stretch
Warm-up/introduction: Quadriceps Stretch Calf stretch Abdominals Stretch Quadriceps Stretch Abdominals Stretch
Student led – pick able Hamstrings Stretch Quadriceps Stretch Hamstrings Stretch
student Pectoral Stretch Hamstrings Stretch Stretching – with questioning. Pectoral Stretch Stretching – Student led.
Students to swim stretch on Triceps Stretch Pectoral Stretch Recap the muscles stretched Triceps Stretch
poolside whilst the teacher Deltoid Stretch Triceps Stretch last lesson. Deltoid Stretch What did we do last lesson?
goes through the LO and key Abdominals Stretch Deltoid Stretch What did we do last lesson? Abdominals Stretch What were the key concepts
concepts for this lesson. Abdominals Stretch What were the key concepts of the lesson?
Calf stretch Stretching - with questioning. of the lesson? Stretching – Student led.
Quadriceps Stretch Recap the muscles stretched Stretching - with questioning. Fitness Swim – 5 mins
Hamstrings Stretch last lesson. Recap the muscles stretched Fitness Swim – 5 mins What did we do last lesson? Swim on front only (safety) –
Pectoral Stretch What did we do last lesson? last lesson. Swim on front only (safety) – What was the key concept of students to keep count.
Triceps Stretch What were the key concepts What did we do last lesson? students to keep count. the lesson? Widths / lengths (lane ropes)
Deltoid Stretch of the lesson? What were the key concepts Widths / lengths (lane ropes) depending on ability of the

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Abdominals Stretch of the lesson? depending on ability of the Fitness Swim – 5 mins group. Teacher to record at
Fitness Swim – 5 mins group. Teacher to record at Swim on front only (safety) – end of swim (progressive
Stretching – Student led. Swim on front only (safety) – Fitness Swim – 5 mins end of swim (progressive students to keep count. during swim module to
students to keep count. Swim on front only (safety) – during swim module to Widths / lengths (lane ropes) indicate fitness
What did we do last lesson? Widths / lengths (lane ropes) students to keep count. indicate fitness depending on ability of the improvements)
What were the key concepts depending on ability of the Widths / lengths (lane ropes) improvements) group. Teacher to record at
of the lesson? group. Teacher to record at depending on ability of the end of swim (progressive Main Activity:
end of swim (progressive group. Teacher to record at Students to sit on the side - during swim module to Module assessment
Fitness Swim – 5 mins during swim module to end of swim (progressive teacher to record numbers on indicate fitness
Swim on front only (safety) – indicate fitness during swim module to register improvements) Introduce assessment criteria
students to keep count. improvements) indicate fitness for lesson
Widths / lengths (lane ropes) improvements) Main Activity: Back Crawl Main Activity: Back Crawl
depending on ability of the BLABT – Breathing / Timing Touch and Tumble Turns Students to annotate what
group. Teacher to record at Main Activity: Back Crawl Main Activity: Back Crawl grade they think they are
end of swim (progressive BLABT – Body position / Legs BLABT –Arms Teacher: Introduce assessment criteria working at presently using the
during swim module to Students to be arranged in Students to be arranged in Discuss with students back for back crawl – touch and swimming assessment criteria
indicate fitness ability groups. ability groups. crawl breathing action tumble turns located on the wall /
improvements) When do you breathe on laminated sheet
Safety Safety back crawl? Students to annotate what
Main Activity: Front Crawl Keeping less able in the Keeping less able in the Where do you breathe? grade they think they are AMA
Mid module assessment outside lanes / near wall / outside lanes / near wall / working at presently. More able swimmers will be
shallow end / aids as required shallow end / aids as required Safety able to tumble turn both
Introduce assessment criteria Keeping less able in the AMA front and back using efficient
for front crawl Teacher to observe. Teacher: Discuss back crawl outside lanes / near wall / More able swimmers will be technique through each
Students to swim between 2- arm action with students. shallow end / aids as required able to tumble turn both phase (Level 5A).
Students to annotate what 6 lengths on back crawl front and back using efficient
grade they think they are What is the purpose of the Drill 1 – Breathing technique through each In pairs
working at presently using Teacher: to discuss body arm action in back crawl? Swim 4-6 lengths on back phase (Level 5A). Using the resource cards on
the swimming assessment position for back crawl with Arm action is continuous and crawl. Head central, breathe assessment (One will swim
criteria.. students alternating. Provides the in as one arm enters and Split class into 3 groups and one will assess) both to
T.P propulsion in the stroke. breath out as the other arm (random or ability) swim 2 lengths on front and 2
AMA Float on back, ears below enters. Emphasis on Swimming widths only space lengths on back. Constructive
More able swimmers will be surface water Teaching points technique and not speed. each group along the edge of feedback to be given to each
able to tumble turn both Streamlined, eyes up or (Little finger first/grab hold of the pool as shown below student
front and back using efficient slightly looking towards toes, the water / pull and push Mid lesson plenary
technique through each chin tucked water to feet / push Static windmill action, Shallow Mid-Lesson Plenary
phase (Level 5A). Horizontal, shoulder rolls backwards, push to hips) demonstrate breathing action 1st Grp What feedback have you
along with the stroke, legs on back crawl been given by your partner?
In pairs remain in the water In pairs What level are you currently
Using the resource cards on Using teaching cards Drill 2 – Timing working at?

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assessment (One will swim Teacher: to discuss body (differentiated for ability Swim between 4-6 lengths on 2nd Grp What level do you want to
and one will assess) both to position in conjunction with a groups) for back crawl arm back. Develop a 4 to 6 beat achieve?
swim 2 lengths on front. push and glide on your back action. Students to take turns leg kick action on back (4 = What do you need to do to
Constructive feedback to be at coaching / swimming and leg executes two upbeats per 3rd Grp achieve this level?
given to each student Students demonstrate a providing constructive arm cycle / 6 = leg executes 3 Deep
Push and glide on back feedback to each other upbeats per arm cycle) Students will swim again and
Mid-Lesson Plenary T.P Should be natural if stroke is will look to apply feedback on
What feedback have you Push off wall on back arms 1. Swim formulated. Encourage second rotation before
been given by your partner? sculling at side 2. Coach / feedback continuous leg and arm AMA ascertaining final assessment
What level are you currently Push and glide arms action. As the lesson evolves – those grade.
working at? extended Teacher to float around the students who are more able
What level do you want to Push and glide streamlined groups / motivate and help as Refer to leg and arm action in the tumble turns will work Streamlined body position
achieve? position one arm pull then required for back crawl lesson 8 & 9. on starts for front crawl in Alternating leg kick action
What do you need to do to sculling at side order to increase assessment Correct arm entry / pull /
achieve this level? Progressions KEY SKILLS/CONCEPTS levels recover phase
Teacher: to discuss leg kick Single arm action with float Head position
Students will swim again and action for back crawl (relate Single arm action with float 1st Group - Push and glide Breathing bi-laterally
will look to apply feedback on to key concept – muscular alternating arm action after ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Within the group students
second rotation before endurance) every 3 pulls will work in 2/3 and will teach Safety
ascertaining final assessment What is the purpose of the Single arm action no float KEY SKILLS/CONCEPTS each other the push & glide Keeping less able in the
grade. leg kick action on back crawl? Single arm action no float on back using the reciprocal outside lanes / near wall /
Helps balance the arm action alternating arm action after teaching cards for push and shallow end / aids as required
Streamlined body position and small contribution to the every 3 pulls glide.
Alternating leg kick action propulsion.
Correct arm entry / pull / T.P Progression 1: KEY SKILLS/CONCEPTS
recover phase Pick more able student to Thumb exits water first, P&G off wall on back arms at Cardio Vascular
Head position demonstrate extend arm up and out of the side – concentrating on leg Muscular Endurance
Breathing bi-laterally water to ceiling, enter water action Co-ordination
T.P with arm extended above Progression 2: Power
Safety Alternating leg kick action head with little finger P&G on back off wall arms
Keeping less able in the Alternating leg kick, floppy entering water first extended, one arm pull then ASSESSMENT CRITERIA
outside lanes / near wall / ankles, ankles in line with Streamlined, extend arms, sculling at side – emphasise
shallow end / aids as required hips, close to the centre line alternating windmill action, kicking LEVEL 4
of the body thumb exit, little finger Progression 3: 4C - Pupils can travel 1 length
Alternating leg kick action enters P&G on back off wall arms (25m) of the pool on front
KEY SKILLS/CONCEPTS heels should just break Arms close to centre line of extended, one double arm crawl however technique is
Cardio Vascular surface of water, kick up and body, extended at action then sculling at side – poor
Muscular Endurance recover down (entry/catch/exit and emphasise kicking 4B - Pupils can travel 1 length
Co-ordination recovery phase) Progression 4: (25m) of the pool on front
Students to demonstrate leg P&G on back off wall arms and back using a good

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ASSESSMENT CRITERIA kick action (4-8 lengths) Mid Lesson Plenary extended, then whole stroke technique
Progressions Q&A on group teaching concentrating on leg action 4A - Pupils can travel 1 length
LEVEL 4 With float What went well? (25m) of the pool on front
4C - Pupils can travel 1 length Without float – arms at side What could you improve 2nd Group - Touch Turns and back confidently showing
(25m) of the pool on front Without float – arms upon? Within the group students an efficient stroke
crawl however technique is extended Choose a student to answer will work in 2/3 and will teach
poor at random (use of lolly sticks) each other the back crawl AMA
4B - Pupils can travel 1 length Mid-lesson Plenary or use less able / SEN to touch turn To use level 5/6 & 7
(25m) of the pool on front All students to demonstrate a check understanding assessment criteria
and back using a good push and glide on back with Progression 1:
technique or without aids All students to demonstrate Swim to wall on back and Plenary
4A - Pupils can travel 1 length arm action on back crawl in touch with one hand, feet on What was the key concept of
(25m) of the pool on front Peer Verbal Assessment (2’s) lanes 2-6 lengths wall today’s lesson?
and back confidently showing 1 student swims – 1 observe Progression 2: What is the definition of
an efficient stroke and provide feedback to Key Points — Entry Swim to wall on back and Put your hands up if your
swimmer (repeat) so that The little finger should enter touch with one hand, feet on levels have changed since the
AMA each swimmer has been able the water first, straight arm wall, P&G off wall beginning of the lesson?
To use level 5/6 & 7 to act on feedback and close to the shoulder Progression 3: Why has your level changed?
assessment criteria line. Swim to wall on back and If your level has not changed
Final Activity/cool down: Key Points — Initial Down touch with one hand, feet on what do you need to do to
Plenary Runner bean game Sweep wall, P&G off wall into back move up to the next level?
What was the key concept of The arm sweeps downwards crawl
today’s lesson? Plenary: Relate to Los and outwards to the catch.
What is the definition of What was the key concept of This is assisted by a natural 3rd Group - Tumble turns
Put your hands up if your today’s lesson? shoulder roll. The hand is Within the group students
levels have changed since the How were we using muscular pitched downwards and will work in 2/3 and will teach
beginning of the lesson? endurance in this lesson? outwards by the palm. each other the back crawl
Why has your level changed? What is the definition of Key Points — Up Sweep tumble turn
If your level has not changed muscular endurance? The hand pitch is changed to
what do you need to do to Explain the action for a push sweep inwards and upwards. Progression 1:
move up to the next level? and glide? The arms are bent at a 90- Forward roll in space away
Explain the action for back degree angle at the elbow. from wall
crawl leg kick action? Key Points — Final Down Progression 2:
Sweep Swim towards wall on back
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The arm pushes through to turn onto front 2 arm’s length
Leg Kick the thigh. Fingers are away from edge
Level 3 pointing sideways and palms Progression 3:
3C Basic control, kick may be are downward. Swim towards wall on back
more of a flutter Key Points — Recovery turn onto front 2 arm’s length
3B Recognisable leg kick The hand comes out thumb from edge and tumble, place

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action but may kick from first. The arm turns gradually feet on wall
knees to ensure that the little finger Progression 4:
3A Good control kick is more is ready for entry. Arm Swim towards the wall on
consistent remains straight and relaxed back and turn onto front then
Level 4 throughout tumble, feet on wall, P&G
4C Can swim a length onto back into back crawl
however leg action becomes Final activity/cool down
inconsistent towards end of Sculling on back AMA
length Will develop starts (grab and
4B Can swim a length with ASSESSMENT CRITERIA track) and turns on back
good control leg kick Level 3 crawl using the reciprocal
becomes fatigued 3C Arms lack co-ordination, teaching cards for starts.
4A Can swim a length with erratic
good control and consistent 3B Arms recognisable but flat Mid-Lesson Plenary
leg kick action attempting 4 and no extension Group 1 demonstrate a push
or 6 beat leg kick action 3A Good co-ordination stroke & glide on back
Level 5 and above - AMA becoming more consistent Group 2 demonstrate a back
5C Can swim 50m showing a Level 4 crawl touch turn
consistent leg kick action 4C Able to swim a length Group 3 demonstrate a back
using a 6 beat leg kick however arm action becomes crawl tumble turn to the best
5B Can swim 100m showing inconsistent after10m of your ability
a consistent leg kick action 4B Able to swim a length with
using a 6 beat leg kick good arm action and control What level do you want to
5A Can swim 150m showing however arms become achieve?
a consistent leg kick action fatigued after 15m What do you need to do to
using 4 or 6 beat leg kick 4A Able to swim a length 25m achieve this level?
using good control and co-
KEY SKILLS/CONCEPTS ordination. Elbows are high Students will stay within the
Muscular Endurance and extended on entry. groups they are in however
(ability to use the same once they have mastered the
muscle for long periods of Level 5 and above- AMA activity they are on they can
time without tiring) C Can swim 50m showing freely move onto the next
consistent leg and arm action step.
on back crawl
B Can swim 100m showing Plenary relate to LO’s
consistent leg and arm action Describe the push and glide
on back crawl phase on back crawl?
A Can swim 150m showing Hands up if your level has
consistent leg and arm action changed since the beginning
on back crawl of the lesson.

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Choose a student whose level
KEY SKILLS/CONCEPTS has not increased and ask
them to describe if they know
Co-ordination how to move up to the next
(the ability to use 2 or more level.
body parts together) What key concept was used
as part of today’s lesson?
Give a definition of this key
Why was it relevant to today’s

Cardio Vascular
Muscular Endurance


5C – Push and glide on back,
evidence of a touch turn
5B – tumble on back but
technique lacks power and
does not flow through the
phases (start, tumble, exit)
5A – tumble on back using an
efficient streamlined
technique, all phases flow.

Should be working at a level
5A and above using the
swimming assessment criteria

Starts – grab and track starts

What was the key concept of
today’s lesson?
What is the definition of this

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key concept?
Put your hands up if your
levels have changed since the
beginning of the lesson?
Why has your level changed?
If your level has not changed
what do you need to do to
move up to the next level?

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