Proposal For Pumped and Continuous Rainwater Pico Generators Retrofitted For Drainage Canals in San Carlos Heights, Irisan, Baguio City.

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Background of the Study

Renewable energy resources or more commonly known as renewables, are defined in

Republic Act No. 9513 as the energy resources that are “renewable on a regular basis, and whose

renewal rate is relatively rapid to consider availability over an indefinite period of time.” RA 9513

includes in its list several renewable energy sources such as biomass, solar, wind, geothermal,

ocean energy, and hydropower. The stated act, otherwise known as the Renewable Energy Act of

2008 (RE Act), has been a major step to follow the environmental conservation trend. It allowed

the country to promote the utilization of its abundant resources while cutting down the economical

and productivity costs it poses to the growing population. Additionally, it also initiated the most

thorough law on renewables (Jala, Recalde, Santiago, Tan, & Tan, 2009).

Utilizing renewables is pertinent for withdrawing the causes of climate change (Aillerie,

Bogno, Hamandjoda, & Signe, 2019). Beyond that, the use of renewable energy resources has a

substantial impact on the economic growth and improvement of living quality while resolving

issues brought about by poor planning, cost compromises and most importantly to bring in a wider

prospect for electrification. It could also theoretically improve the outlook of future land

developments with renewables readily incorporated and planned by professionals in the near


Man has progressed as fast as usable energy has become widespread and available for many

applications. As far back as 12,000 BC civilization expanded as farming became easier to do

(Kurzgesagt, 2018) owing to the discovery of how to let forces around us - renewable energy - do

much of the work. A notable engineering milestone for such utilization of energy is an undershot

waterwheel described in De architectura, a 10-book treatise by Vitruvius of Greece (The Editors

of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2012). The device consisted of a paddled wheel that converted the

linear motion of water through gears and modified axles. Similar constructions were then used to

grind grains in mills, aid in the transport of construction materials or to power irrigation systems.

These devices further developed until it turned into larger turbines for more powerful inputs.

Generators, on the other hand, became a separate component to transform the mechanical energy

collected by the turbines into the more versatile and transportable electricity. Both components

became powered by increasingly larger bodies of running water either natural or man-made,

eventually turning into hydropower plants. The first modern water turbine, the Francis Turbine,

was developed in 1849 by the engineer James Francis (International Hydropower Association,


Hydropower plants make use of water intake from reservoirs or natural flows of water to

produce electricity (Nunez, 2019; Agbi, Azeta, Ishola, Olatunji, Oyawale, 2019) as in oceans,

rivers and waterfalls (Abdullah, Hamid, Jusoh, Noh, Othman, Zubli, 2015) or the run of water

through water distribution systems, canals, sewage or downspouts. The naming of hydropower

plants vary according to capacity: large hydropower facilities have greater than 30 megawatts

capacity; small or mini hydropower facilities have greater than 100-kilowatt and less than 10-

megawatts capacity; and micro hydropower facilities have less than 100-kilowatt capacity (US

Department of Energy, n.d). By comparison, larger hydropower plants exploit the massive volume

and pressure of water to drive its turbines while micro hydropower facilities allow higher heads

for the acceleration of water due to gravity as evident in the research of Abdullah, S.C. et al (2015).

Such projects existed historically in places outside the Philippines while the country

observed the development of similar technologies throughout its regions in 2016. Those have been

widely in use to supply as much as 16.66% of the total dependable capacity of the national energy

resource (Department of Energy, 2016). Beginning from the 1980’s during the 20 century around

1,000 mini-hydro plants were developed here in the Philippines for survey-selected areas, looking

at the estimated 13,097- megawatt-potential that can be provided by the surveyed sites

(Department of Energy, n.d.). These potential sites are evenly distributed among the regions,

making it a viable source of electrification for rural areas and the outskirts of cities.

However, the development of hydropower has its disadvantages such as the displacement

of inhabitants and the disruption of their livelihood (Ayalur, & Titus, 2019). With the case of the

construction of hydropower plants in the country, some concerns were met during the

implementation such as socio-environmental problems and developmental issues. Upstream

flooding, environmental issues and the scale of construction have halted the development of

commercial hydropower technologies.

Picking up from the RE Act of 2008, the country has taken its actions in promoting the use

of sustainable and reusable energy resources. This has become an open opportunity for developers

of hydropower eventually making it the second-largest energy resource of the country next to coal.

Continuing this trend will be the increase of its various implications in the research, prototyping,

and development especially of retrofitted grids considering its availability for the country. There

is still an abundance of untapped hydropower. The country makes use of water resources for

electrification that are only efficient for large scale hydro potentials, accounting for 90% of the

total capacity harnessed (Department of Energy, n.d.). The remaining portion will have to be

developed with mini- and micro-hydro potentials. The issue that limits such a process is the cost

of its development, as hydropower with less than 100 kW capacity are "best left undeveloped" for

commercial use (Delplanque, Erickson, Gaiser, & Stroeve, 2016). In retrospect, while pico

hydropower can be limiting commercially, it is incorrect to deem it insignificant in its capacity

because it proves essential for basic individual necessities such as charging cell phones and

providing lighting (Agbi et al, 2019).

Such is the potential of developing isolated grids that make use of the abundance of running

water whether for rural or urban areas. Retrofitted grids could be essential for existing or otherwise

potential locations for the growing and unsupplied demand of electrification. This existing

opportunity from which to draw supplemental or alternative sources of energy calls for research

in the areas it is needed. This presents researchers the task to perform a geographical profile for

delimiting the application of such technologies.

Analysis of the profile used by the Department of Energy during the survey-selection will

show key areas of improvement. The hydro potentials presented in the survey-selection offers the

initial criterion for the study. The Philippines is often hit by heavy precipitation due to monsoon

rains and typhoons. The annual rainfall in the country ranges from 965millimeters (mm) to

4,064mm, with Baguio City having the greatest rainfall record (PAGASA, n.d.). Arguably,

damages are caused by such heavy precipitation to power grids which affects the distribution of

electrical energy to its end-users. This problem becomes even more frequent due to the pressure

of population congestion that strains and pressures the resources of the city (Estoque & Murayama,


This shows from the Benguet Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BENECO, Inc.) power

interruption database for the whole year of 2018. It shows a total of 21,901.04 overlapping hours

of service interruption affecting a total monthly average of 422,258 residents in the City of Baguio

and the province of Benguet (BENECO, 2019). Power interruptions or outages are generally

understood and defined simply as interruptions in the supply of electricity, which then includes

intended and unintended occasions (Nunan, 2018). On the other side of the argument, the

occurrence of such power interruptions may be resolved as precipitation creates the flow of water

from its runoff, powerful enough that it could be harnessed by turbines and generators (Basar,

Boejang, Noh, Yaakub, 2018).

The term pico is synonymous with small. Pico hydro generators have outputs that range

from under a hundred watts to 5kW (Delplanque, et al, 2016; Azduwin, Firdaus, Hafis, Ridzuan,

& Zarina, 2015; Divya, Gouthami, Keerthana, Monika, Swapna, 2018; Booker, Stark, Williamson,

2011; Jantasuto, 2015; Basar et al, 2018; Agbi, et al, 2019) and no more than 10kW (Barbu, Dinoiu,

Bogdanffy, & Bubatu, 2011). They are, however, categorized under micro hydropower in the

Department of Energy in the Philippines as well as the US Department of Energy.

Originally, such energy systems are developed for rivers in rural areas but are now under

research for domestic areas (Azduwin, et al, 2015). Other related studies show that residential

pipes were utilized for the turbines (Ayalur, et al, 2019). Pico hydro turbine-driven generators were

purposed for regulating water flow, reducing CO emissions being an alternative electrification

system and energy storage. From other studies, pico hydro systems were intended for lighting

systems as an alternative that is cheap, environmentally friendly and does not cause noise pollution

that is in a scale small enough to be feasible but still enough for the demand (Abdulla, Munandy,

& Subhashini, 2017).

A key area that needs to be resolved is the capability of pico hydropower for residential

demand (Abdullah, et al., 2015). Combined statistics from the World Data (n.d.) and the Philippine

Statistics Authority (2015) calculate the average household consumption of electricity: roughly to

8.85kWH over a period of 24 hours. Moreover, the average Filipino household consumes 60kWH

for lighting and 84kWH for computer and computer-related activity both for a period of 6 months.

The breakdown shows that for lighting and computer use, an average of 0.79kWH is consumed in

24 hours. That amount of consumption is well under the generating power of pico hydro

generators. This is enough to stand as a supplemental and emergency energy source for use in

selected buildings during inevitable and maintenance power interruptions. The proceeding matter

is to condition pico hydropower for application in locales that fit the survey done by the

Department of Energy previously.

In 2018, a total of 42 days of power interruptions are accounted for by the BENECO, Inc.

(2019) in San Carlos Heights in Irisan, Baguio City. As previously presented, rudimentary

solutions could be applied to resolve the issue. Characterized by a sloped terrain, this residential

region has concrete structures that enable water to accelerate as it flows downhill. The heavy

amount of flowing water is channeled through a canal that runs the length of Purok 22 Sariling

Sikap down through Idogan Village and the area around Philippine Science High School. The final

velocity of the flowing water as it reaches can be utilized for driving pico hydro turbines. Some

structural modifications to facilitate and control the flow of water through the canals are necessary

for the efficiency of the pico generating system. In 2018, a total of 42 days of power interruptions

are accounted for by the BENECO, Inc. (2019) in their 2018 quarterly reliability and interruption


Despite pico hydropower being worthwhile for San Carlos Heights, factors come into play

for its retrofitting. The lack of its development makes it an unconventional source, but far from

being unreliable (Banerji, Biswas, Singh, 2014). A sizeable degree of improvement and several

additional components are needed for the initial use of pico hydropower until it has enough

development for wide use. It is also emphasized that pico hydropower is supplemental for grids

that are closer to major grids (Agbi, et al, 2019).

Turbines are categorized most frequently by their mechanism and design. Impulse turbines

utilize the flow rate and velocity of moving water without the making use of pressure (Tang, Yuan,

& Tang, 2017), recommended for high heads and medium to high flow rates. Accounting for the

head and flow rate of water through canals, three potential turbines are studied. First, turgo turbines

have the potential due to its relatively simple design that can be made rudimentary with recycled

materials; they are less sensitive to flow rate fluctuations hence perfect for the turbulent water flow

in canals; and have variable outputs (Delplanque, et al, 2016). In-line turbines do not need nozzles

to drive the rotation of its wheel; minimal to no loss in mass flow rate implies the highest efficiency

rates for turbines; and finally, has relatively simple design that can be made with recycled materials

(Ayalur, et al, 2019; Hatano, Inagaki, Li, & Nishi, 2015). Lastly, Pelton wheel turbines are the

most studied turbine design and should benefit the most for low flow which can be the case in

most days with precipitation and from the minimal need of a reservoir; but Pelton turbines are only

available manufactured and needs other components (Agbi, et al, 2019). They are however the

most suitable turbine design.

Generators may be classified as synchronous and asynchronous or induction. Synchronous

motor generators with AC output are conventional for larger power plants; while induction motor-

generators that output AC are suitable for less strenuous and low input turbines (Lee, Nag,

Suchitra, 2019). Induction motors need externally supplied current for its armature to work as

generators, but these generators benefit from simple controls albeit needing phase-correctors as

well as batteries for excitation (Divya, et al, 2018). Additional components are used in multiple

occasions in other related studies. Arduino UNO or equivalent microcontrollers are used for the

velocity sensor, ammeter, voltmeter, tachometer and the display (Abdulla et al, 2017).

Several problems come into view with the implementation of generators in the locale.

Canals throughout the city are evidently heavily polluted and the same is true for San Carlos

Heights. Turbulent water flow and variable velocity limit the efficiency of generators. Finally,

much of the area is already occupied by existing structures. All this can be resolved with a

relatively simple addition and modification of the reservoir. Supply pipes connected to the canals

are essential for controlling water flow (Barbu, et al, 2011; Azduwin, et al, 2015) and draining

back the water to the canals. Instead of manually operated valves, ball valves are attached to supply

pipes to create a passive flow control (Abdulla et al, 2017).

Statement of the Problem

The study will be conducted for prototyping a pico grid that could serve as a supplementary

source of electricity for the residents in San Carlos Heights, Baguio City and as a preliminary study

for the viability of drainage-retrofitted pico grid for locations having comparable topography

within the immediate vicinity.

The study will intend to answer the following questions:

1. Which specific locations in San Carlos Heights are practical for the pico grid?

2. What structural criteria of drainage canals are essential for the functionality of the

retrofitted setup?

3. What improvements for the standard design of conventional generating systems are

needed for prototyping the pico grid and its local assembly for drainage canals in San

Carlos Heights and similar locations?

Research Objectives

The study will accomplish the following objectives:

1. gather qualitative data from local engineers and conduct a visual analysis of the locale

regarding the canals and the conceptual pico grid;

2. formulate a criterion for the feasibility of the use of pico grids following the data from

the visual analysis phase; and

3. develop and prototype a Pico grid with energy storage solution from traditional

recycled and recovered materials according to the suggested improvements given by

professionals that will be tested and finalized for local assembly in the canals of San

Carlos Heights.

Significance of the Study

The study will be beneficial for the residents of San Carlos Heights. Conducting the

research and finalizing the prototype will provide a possible emergency or alternative

electrification system that can be used during power interruptions.

The BENECO, Inc. and the local government of Baguio City will benefit from this research

as it will open a new possibility of providing service to its end-users through the development of

alternative and renewable energy resources as well as a probable investment for the future of

electricity generation.

The scientific community, composed of engineers who plan with architects who design, as

well as students of the same program as the researchers, can incorporate the prototype of the study

in collaboration with the primary and secondary researchers.

The environment will be aided with the proliferation and availability of utilizing renewable

energy resources. This will alleviate the factors that sum up to its destruction. The study will

specifically be a step towards providing creative solutions for energy demand issues that the

progressively improving world is facing today.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted to deliver energy generated from the canals of San Carlos

Heights, Irisan, Baguio City. The study will discuss the possible improvements of isolated pico

grids for the locale as well as how this study would help the livelihood of the citizens of San Carlos

Heights. The study will employ mixed-method research. The sequential exploratory design will be

followed. The research will also be experimental, looking at the capacity and reliability of the pico

grid while modifying variables such as size of the reservoir, number of turbines, the flow of water,

generator capacity and size of the turbines.

The researchers will conduct interviews with local engineers in line with qualitative data

which will help in the gathering of data to serve as a guide to the study and quantitative data will

be from laboratory tests and the BENECO, Inc. database. The collected data will be used to widen

the study.


Research Design

The researchers will conduct mixed-method research, accommodated throughout three

phases of procedures. Mixed-method researches undergo quantitative and qualitative methods of

gathering and interpretation of data – hence the term mixed (Amelink, Borrego & Douglas, 2009).

This research will follow the sequential exploratory framework, which is the process of gathering

qualitative data followed by quantitative data and augmenting essential data for the results

(Amelink et al, 2009).

Qualitative data will be gathered during the first phase to acquire further and essential

knowledge as well as facilitate the needed information prior to the final design, fabrication and

finalization of the proposed solution. These data will come from a focus group discussion with

professionals who are sampled with non-probability expert sampling. Wilkinson (as cited by

Dickinson, Leech, Onwuegbuzie, & Zoran, 2009) defines focus group discussions as small groups

of people who discuss a specific subject. Non-probability expert sampling is a method focused on

sampling professionals or experts of the field being studied where there are little observational

data are available (Alkassim, Etikan & Musa, 2016). The professionals are mainly from different

departments such as electrical, civil and mechanical engineers, which is essential for the

proceeding steps. Those steps are parts of the experimental process namely blueprint designing,

pre-fabrication, tests and finalization.

Quantitative data will be gathered for the canal width variability, water flow rate and

velocity. The experimental research design will enable the gathering and application of

quantitative data. Experimental researches look at the relationship and manipulation of dependent

and independent variables while quantitative research designs gather continuous variables and uses

statistics to describe the data (Amelink et al, 2009).

The research will proceed with the experimental design during the third phase to test the

independent variables for gathering quantitative data such as measurements for the water flow and

velocity, and the size of the reservoir. The dependent variables will be number of turbines, size of

the turbines and capacity of the generator. The width of the canal will be a controlled variable.

Quantitative data will be utilized for the final phase where the research product is constructed and

tested experimentally.

Locale of the Study

The locale – Purok 22 Sariling Sikap, Irisan in Baguio City – is a representative site for

San Carlos Heights. The profile used for the representative site focuses on the maximization of the

hydro potential from rainwater gathered by canals. The primary criterion for delimitation filters

for places that have canals that are characterized by a depth and width of least one foot wide to

make the installation of turbines possible. The factor for the locale delimitation is for the place

have a sloped terrain to take advantage of the acceleration of water due to gravity, aptly known as

water velocity. The final specification needed for the study is a locale that is situated in relatively

higher altitudes for less turbulence of water without the compromise of water velocity and flow

rate, as well as to minimize accumulated pollutants.

The study will be conducted in three phases. Through the first phase, the researchers will

conduct an initial ocular analysis of the canals in Purok 22 Sariling Sikap, Barangay Irisan in

Baguio City and the general vicinity of Philippine Science High School. A follow-up ocular

analysis will be carried out with one each from electrical and mechanical engineers of Barangay

Irisan, along with an interview of one civil engineer for the same canals.

The second phase will be done inside the school campus of Saint Louis School, Inc. where

the initial design and prototype will be rendered and constructed. Controlled laboratory tests will

be done to test the viability of the initial prototype and then modifications will be made to the

initial prototype for the needed performance of the components.

The third phase will be done on-site in Purok 22 Sariling Sikap for the actual testing of the

prototype within the canals recommended by the interviewees. A fourth and fifth phase which are

modifications and on-site testing will be supplementary if the prototype needs further improvement

and so on.

Population of the Study

The number of panelists in focus group discussions vary greatly from study to study. The

first phase of the study maximizes data gathering from a diversity of sampled experts such that the

group size is conducive for the initiative of each member, taking consideration of quantity and

quality compromises. Dickinson et al. (2009) have cited different authors in their study such as

Krueger and Morgan, who recommend focus groups as small three to four and some supplementary

participants for good measure when they are experts of the matter. Cited in the same study, efficient

focus groups should range from six to 12 participants for a more saturated discussion according to

Baumgartner, Strong, Hensley, Bernard, Johnsen, Christensen, Langford, Schoenfeld, Izzo,

Morgan, Onwuegbuzie, Jiao, and Bostick. Multiple focus groups are also recommended.

In this study, the focus group will be comprised of 10 panelists at minimum of whom are

local professionals of Baguio City. The interviewees include three civil engineers from the City

Engineering Office, two each of electrical and mechanical engineers, an architect and two

BENECO, Inc. representatives. At least two local civil engineers of the focus group together with

one architect are involved during the ocular analysis of the canals. After the initial gathering of

data, the researchers will proceed with the focus group discussion primarily for recommendations

to the study and the formulation of the prototype design and its construction.

A BENECO, Inc. representative will be interviewed for any additional information of the

operation of the prototype alongside the local electric grid as well as how it could benefit

customers, their company and the environment. During the third phase, an ACE (Aralinks Coding

Education) Hub instructor will guide the researchers with the assembly of the Arduino UNO unit

as well as its peripheries.

Data Gathering Tool

The researchers will prepare an interpretivist and post-positivist questionnaire for the

interview of the second ocular analysis during the first phase and will be done through a focus

group discussion. The open-ended dialogue will primarily be used to collect data related to the

feasibility and initial prototype and the probable output of the product with an audio recording

device. The gathered information will be transcribed to guide the researchers with the formulation

of a second set of questions during the interview of the second phase. The data will be used to

refine the planned prototype and then simulated with a computer-aided design (CAD) for a

blueprint. The software to be used will either be, or a combination of 3D Builder, SketchUp,

AutoCAD depending on the sophistication of the prototype and the need off-site visualization

during the unavailability of the prototype.

During the experimental phase, electronic components and electronic measuring tools will

be operated namely Arduino UNO for the cumulative data; a tachometer for measuring the turbine

rounds-per-minute (rpm); flow meters for the water flow rate and velocity; and ammeters and

voltmeters for measuring the output of the prototype. The turbine-driven generators will be the

primary component to be tested and will provide the essential quantitative data for analysis. The

researchers will use Microsoft Excel for the handling, computation and summary of the

quantitative data.

Data Gathering Procedure

For the first phase, the researchers will conduct an ocular inspection of the canals that

would be suitable for the placement of the model. Quantitative data such as canal width will be

measured one-time while the water flow rate and velocity will be collected continuously on

multiple occasions to gather reliable data with the flow meter connected to the Arduino UNO. The

structural features of the canal will allow the formulation of an initial design which will then be

used for inquiry during the second ocular analysis.

The researchers will then contact all the potential interviewees of the first and second phase

for the gathering of qualitative data. The process will be done through a letter sent to the

interviewees, duly signed by Sir Rostom Niño B. Supsupin the research adviser, Ms. Rian I. Dela

Trinidad the academic coordinator for senior high school, and Mrs. Lily D. Ferrer the school

principal. Meetings will then be scheduled along with the interviewees for the ocular analysis and

the interview proper of the first and second phase. The interviewees will be inclusive of civil,

mechanical and electrical engineers; architects and representatives of BENECO, Inc. The

conducted discussion will help the researchers in determining the proper tools for the model of the

pico grid.

After accomplishing analyses and interviews, the researchers will then formulate a

prototype design and assembly for the second phase. Alongside the digital simulation of the design,

the purchase of materials will be carried out and be readied for the following steps. The materials

will then be constructed and assembled for the testing of the prototype with the aid of ACE hub

instructor. There will also be controlled laboratory tests for the initial prototype for the collection

of data, specifically the turbine rpm; the amperage, voltage and output of the generators measured

in watts; and the performance of a single and multiple turbine-and-generator couple. The data

gathered will be used for the modifications and improvements of the prototype. An Arduino UNO

or equivalent micro-controller will be used for monitoring the pico grid. It will be used to control

the sensors and the display. The laboratory tests will make use of simulated canals, flow rate and


On-site testing will be conducted on the selected canals of San Carlos Heights after a

successful simulation of the model. The same quantitative data are collected as in the laboratory

tests. The researchers will again collect data regarding the turbine rpm; the amperage, voltage and

output of the generators measured in watts; and the performance of a single and multiple turbine-

and-generator couple and will be done with all the electronic components installed in the Arduino

UNO. The researchers will perform modifications on-site as needed. The prototype will then be

brought back to the laboratory for final improvements.

Treatment of Data

The foundational quantitative data from the ocular inspection will be the means of the

width of the canal through the operational length of the research, the water flow rate and the water

velocity. The means will then be translated to the output of the proposed pico grid as well as the

bases for the interview questions. The qualitative data gathered from the interview will be

conducted with a post-positivist and interpretivist approach and perspective. The post-positivist

perspective views data as falsifiable realities that explains cause-and-effect relations while the

interpretivist perspective allows for multiple realities to describe the situation in the context, where

the inquiries are continuously adjusted as per the needs of the researcher (Amelink et al, 2009).

The data will be categorized as necessary to the corresponding solution provided by the

interviewed professionals. The reduced data are then to be weighed according to the presented

recommendations. The data points will then be collated to accomplish a mockup for the prototype

design suitable for the canal parameters.

During the laboratory and on-site tests, the performance of the pico grid as defined by the

mean of the variables voltage and amperage and the corresponding wattage will be analyzed with

two paired t-tests: one comparing original laboratory and initial on-site test results and another for

comparing the original laboratory and modified on-site test results. The two results will then be

compared with the test condition variables namely water flow rate and water velocity with the

Pearson correlation. The analyses will finally provide two sets of data which are laboratory results

and on-site results. The two data sets will be the basis of further improvement and modification,

in which case another data set will be needed as well as a comparative result; and will also be the

basis of the research conclusion.


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