ELMER - FEM Sif Files and Simulations

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The key takeaways are that Elmer is an open source multiphysics simulation software that can be used to model various phenomena like fluid flow and heat transfer using finite elements. It has a graphical user interface and input files are structured into sections like header, body, solver etc.

Elmer is an open source multiphysics simulation software. It can be used to model and solve various physics problems involving fluid flow, solid mechanics, heat transfer, electrostatics and electromagnetics using the finite element method.

The main sections of an Elmer input file are the header, constants, simulation, body, material, body force, initial condition, boundary condition, equation and solver sections.


Manuel Carmona
José María Gómez
José Bosch
Manel López
Óscar Ruiz

Barcelona, Spain.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-

NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Table of contents
I. Introduction to Elmer .................................................................................................................... 5
II. Elmer GUI..................................................................................................................................... 6
III. Elmer commands ........................................................................................................................ 10
III.1. Header section...................................................................................................................... 11
III.2. Constants section ................................................................................................................. 12
III.3. Simulation section................................................................................................................ 12
III.4. Body section ........................................................................................................................ 13
III.5. Material section.................................................................................................................... 14
III.6. Body Force section .............................................................................................................. 14
III.7. Initial Condition section....................................................................................................... 14
III.8. Boundary Condition section ................................................................................................ 14
III.9. Equation section ................................................................................................................... 15
III.10. Solver section ....................................................................................................................... 15
III.11. Examples .............................................................................................................................. 16
i) Flow through a circular tube ......................................................................................... 16
IV. Solvers......................................................................................................................................... 19
IV.1. SaveScalars .......................................................................................................................... 19
IV.2. SaveLine .............................................................................................................................. 20
IV.3. Fluidic Force ........................................................................................................................ 21
IV.4. Particle Dynamics ................................................................................................................ 22
V. Examples ..................................................................................................................................... 25
V.1. Obstructed artery (axi-symmetric) ....................................................................................... 25
VI. ElmerPost .................................................................................................................................... 26
VI.1. Graphics window ................................................................................................................. 26
VI.2. Commands window ............................................................................................................. 27
VI.3. Commands line .................................................................................................................... 32
VII. Types of simulations ................................................................................................................... 35
VII.1. Transient .............................................................................................................................. 35
VII.2. Coupled simulations ............................................................................................................ 36
VII.3. Axisymmetric models-simulations ...................................................................................... 36
VIII. UDFs and Solver Code ........................................................................................................ 37
VIII.1.Defining a solver .................................................................................................................. 38
I. Introduction to Elmer
Elmer [1] is a combination of different softwares aimed at the simulation of multiphysics problems
using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Three of these softwares are: ElmerGUI, ElmerSolver,
ElmerPost. Elmer is an open source software, released under the GNU General Public License

Elmer can be used in two different ways (or combining both):

 By using its Graphical User Interface (GUI). (A command text file can be generated after a
GUI session).
 By using a command text file.

Elmer has not good capabilities for geometry generation and meshing. Therefore, as a general
procedure, the geometry and mesh should be imported into Elmer. It accepts different geometry and
mesh formats. Among them, it accepts the GMSH mesh format.
II. Elmer GUI
Most of the things that can be done in Elmer can be accessed by its GUI. Nevertheless, there are
some specific things that will have to be done by manipulating its input script (explained in later

This chapter is going to explain the most common options used to define the boundaries and loads,
and the definition of the simulation parameters (type of simulation and its options).

We will assume that the geometry and the mesh of the problem has been generated by an external
software. Indeed, it will be assumed that Gmsh 2 was used for this purpose.

Before running ElmerGUI, the best thing is to create a directory, where we will create the Elmer
project and put there the mesh file from Gmsh. We will import this mesh in Elmer, although once
imported this file will never be used again by Elmer. Now, we can run ElmerGUI. It will appear the
GUI, like shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Elmer GUI.

First, we will import the mesh file, with File  Open. You should be able to view the mesh that
was generated with Gmsh:

Figure 2. Importing mesh.

By using the mouse, we can change the view of the model: Left (rotation), center (pan), wheel
(zoom). You can reset the view parameters in View  Model reset view.

In order to define all the boundaries and loads of the model, we will have to go through the option
of the Model section of the menu, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Model submenu.

First of all, we will go to Model  Setup. There are several parameters that we will have to set, but
most of them we will see them at the end of this section. By now we will just change the names of
the files: 'Solver input file' and 'Post file':

Figure 4. Setup.

The parameters in the simulation options are:

 Max. output level: Refer to the quantity of information provide by Elmer during simulation.
A high level means more information.
 Coordinate system: Here we can also select axi-symmetric axis.
 Coordinate mapping: To change the relationship between the axis and the associated
 Simulation type: For selecting steady-state or transient simulations.
 Steady state max. iter: Máximum number of iterations for obtaining convergence for every
steady state or time point. It should be bigger than 1 for nonlinear and bi-directional coupled
 Timestepping method: Here we can choose which timestepping method to use in transient
 BDF order (Backward Difference Formula): We can choose the order of the BDF method
(approximation of the derivatives).
 Timestep intervals: Number of timesteps to be run.
 Timestep sizes: The value of the time increments in transient simulation.
 Output intervals: Frequency of the simulated timesteps to be saved to the results file.

Maybe now it is a good moment to save the project, and we will repeat this action at the end of the
process. For this, just go to File  Save Project and select the directory we already created

The next step consists in defining which equations we want to solve in every part (body) of our
model. We have to go to Model  Equation Add. It appears a window with different tabs
corresponding each one to a specific equation of a specific field (fluidic, thermal, etc.). We have to
activate each equation we want to solve, specifying to which body applies these activated equations.
More than one equation can be solved in the same body.

Figure 5. Equations setup.

In this case, we have shown the application of the fluidic equation to Body 3 (the fluidic volume).
We activate the solve for Body 3, set an appropriate name for this equation setup and change the
solver parameters that apply in each case (for example, we have set the priority number to 1). We
have to apply this also to the Body 4, but with another equations (like 'NonLinear elasticity', for

Now we can set the material properties of our bodies: blood and membrane. We have to go to
Model  Material Add. In general, we have to set the corresponding properties in the General
tab and in those corresponding to the activated equations tabs.
Figure 6. Materials setup.

Next two steps are the definition of body forces and initial conditions. In our case, we are not going
to set them.

And now we set the boundary conditions. We have to go to Model  Boundary Add. If we have
some doubts on the number of the surfaces, we can double-click to show at the bottom of the
window which surface number has been selected.

Figure 7. Boundaries setup.

Here we have to apply the boundaries in all the appropriate tabs, depending on the ones that were
selected for the equations for each body.

Once we have defined all these steps, we can generate the Sif file (Elmer script file) (states for
Solver Input File) with Sif  Generate and save again the project.

And finally, we could already start running the solution with Run  Start solver.

If we have to modify the Sif file manually, we will have to avoid generating the SIF file again and
even save the project (because it generates also the Sif file). When you open the project, try also to
have de Sif file open with an editor to avoid overriding it.
III. Elmer commands
The Elmer commands file (named Solver Input File (SIF)) has a defined structure for defining the
different aspects related to the simulation of a defined mesh. Therefore, these commands define
aspects like:

 Boundary conditions.
 Loads.
 Solvers.
 Simulation parameters.

This file can be generated from zero, modified from another already existing file or create it
graphically with ElmerGUI after specifying all needed options. We will make an introduction to
ElmerGUI in the next chapter. In this chapter we will show some of the commands that we will find
in this file.

The command file has a default extension SIF (Solver Input File). This file is organized in sections.
Each section starts with the name of the section (header), followed by the commands applied to this
section and it is ended by and End command. The different headers can be:

 Header: Generally just used for indicating the location of the mesh files.
 Constants: For defining constants.
 Simulation: To provide parameters related to simulation, like the type of simulation, name of
output file, etc.
 Body n: Provides the material, body forces, equation, solver, boundary conditions and initial
conditions used for simulating the body number n. This n number identifies the body in the
mesh file.
 Material n: For defining material properties.
 Body Force n: For defining body forces.
 Initial Condition n: For defining initial conditions.
 Boundary Condition n: For defining a boundary condition.
 Equation n: For defining an equation set to be solved.
 Solver n: For defining a solver to be used.

All headers containing 'n' can be found multiple times. For distinguishing each one, we have to
provide a different integer number (n).

There are only a few things that can be put outside a section:

 Line Comments: They must start with a '!' symbol.

 MATC expressions: MATC allows to define mathematical expressions in Elmer. They are
also used to define variables that will be used afterwards in sections. In general, MATC
expressions start with a '$' symbol.
 Check Keywords "Warn": This commands activates outputting warning messages.
 echo on and echo off.
Many commands in Elmer consist of assigning a value to an Elmer keyword, by using the equal
sign ('='). For the assigned value, we can specify the type of variable (Real, Integer, Logical, String
or File) before the value is given. The value can also be a vector (example: temps(3)= 300 320 340)
or a 2D array (example: cond(2,3) = Real 3.0 2.0 1.0 \
4.0 3.0 2.0).
(The slash is not needed in last versions of Elmer)

Each value of the vector can be obtained with round brackets: temps(2).

In some occasions, parameters can depend on variables like time, position, temperature, or on a
variable that we want to solve for. These dependencies can be defined by a table or by a MATC
expression. An example using a table for defining a thermal conductivity as function of temperature
is the following:

Conductivity = Variable Temperature

273 95.2
273 1000
300 1020
400 1000

We could do a similar thing by using a MATC expression:

Conductivity = Variable Temperature

MATC "k0*(1+alpha*tx)"

'tx' is used for the independent variable (in this case the temperature). We could have more than one
variable. In that case, we use the vector notation (example: tx(1) or tx(2))

Examples of variables that can be used are: Time, Temperature, Pressure, Displacement 1,
Coordinate 1, Electric Current 1, Magnetic Field 1, etc.

Other language aspects:

 '::': Two semicolons are used for separating two instructions in the same line.
 RUN: Instruction for executing the FEM solution.

The mesh is divided in parts called bodies. For GMSH, these bodies are related to the physical
groups created during the mesh generation.

Let's see more specific commands for each section.

III.1. Header section

In this section we will define the location and names of the different files related with Elmer. We
can just put a command for declaring the location of the mesh files:
Mesh DB "directory" "meshfilename"

Another example:
Mesh DB "." "."
Include Path ""
Results Directory ""

We can define more things in this section, but we will not use it. Just for mentioning them, we can
indicate how many of the other sections exist in this file, we can also indicate another directory for
placing the results (Results Directory "directory") and include other paths if needed (Include Path
"directory"). We can also place here the command CHECK KEYWORDS Warn.

III.2. Constants section

In this section we define constants if we need it. The specific model that we want to solve can
require the definition of some constants. This is explained in the Models Manual of Elmer for each
specific simulation field (fluidic, thermal, etc).

Gravity(4) = 0 -1 0 9.82
Stefan Boltzmann = 5.67e-08
Permittivity of Vacuum = 8.8542e-12
Boltzmann Constant = 1.3807e-23
Unit Charge = 1.602e-19

III.3. Simulation section

In this section we provide some parameters defining general aspects of the simulation procedure
itself (independently of the specific field: thermal, mechanical, etc.) that we want to perform. For
example, if the simulation is transient of stationary, coordinate system, time steps, etc. More
specifically, we can define:

 Simulation Type: With the keywords Transient or Steady State.

 Coordinate Mapping: It is a vector of numbers providing the relation between the
coordinates in the mesh file and the coordinates in the simulation. If they are the same, we
will use 1, 2 and 3. for a 3-dimensional case.
 Coordinate System: With a text keyword for defining the type of coordinate system
(Cartesian 1D, Cartesian 2D, Cartesian 3D, Polar 2D, Polar 3D, Cylindric, Cylindric
Symmetric, Axi Symmetric).
 Timestepping Method: String with five possible options: BDF, Newmark, Implicit Euler,
Explicit Euler and Crank-Nicolson.
 Timestep Intervals: Vector of integers defining the number of intervals (or substeps) inside
every time step.
 Timestep Sizes: Vector providing the size in the time units of every time step.
 Output File: Name of the results output file (.dat).
 Output Intervals: Vector of integers providing the frequency of the obtained results that will
be saved to the output file.
 Post File: Name of the results file that is understood by Elmer Post. (.ep)
 Steady State Max Iterations: Maximum number of iterations of every time calculation in
order to get a converged solution.

Max Output Level = 5
Coordinate System = Cartesian
Coordinate Mapping(3) = 1 2 3
Simulation Type = Steady state
Steady State Max Iterations = 1
Output Intervals = 1
Timestepping Method = BDF
BDF Order = 1
Solver Input File = tube.sif
Post File = tube.ep

III.4. Body section

It is used to define, for each body of the mesh file (or created with Elmer), which other sections
apply for it. We have to specify which Equation, Material, Body Force and Initial Condition
sections applies.

Body 1
Target Bodies(1) = 1
Name = "Body 1"
Equation = 1
Material = 1

III.5. Material section

Here we define the properties of the material. The properties that we have to define depends on the
kind of simulation that we want to perform, like for example thermal or fluidic. These properties
have to be checked on the Elmer Models Manual.

Material 1
Name = "Fluido"
Viscosity = 1.0
Density = 1e3

III.6. Body Force section

In this section we specified the loads applied. The loads that we have to specify depends on the kind
of simulation. We have to obtain this information from the Elmer Models Manual.

III.7. Initial Condition section

Similary to body forces, we have to check the Elmer Models Manual to obtain the initial conditions
that can be applied to our specific simulation.

III.8. Boundary Condition section

In this section, we define first the boundary where it will be applied (assigning their number to the
vector Target Boundaries). And afterwards, we define the boundaries conditions that apply to them.
The possible options have to be found in the Elmer Models Manual.

Boundary Condition 1
Target Boundaries(1) = 2
Name = "Output P"
Pressure 1 = 0
Pressure 3 = 0
Pressure 2 = 0

III.9. Equation section

Each equation is related to a specific physical model (thermal, fluidic, etc). In this section we have
to indicate which equation(s) will apply to a body. It can be one, or more than one. We refer to each
equation by using the number(s) of the respective solver sections. We associate these numbers to
the Active Solvers vector.

Equation 1
Name = "Fluidic equation"
NS Convect = False
Active Solvers(1) = 1

III.10. Solver section

Here we specify one physical model to be solved and some options related to this physical model
and which method will be used to solve it (solver). The name of each equation and the different
options can be obtained in the Elmer Models Manual. The options for solvers and their options can
be found in the Solvers Manual.

General options in this section are:

 Variable = Variable_name: For defining a variable with name Variable_name. A vector can
also be defined with names of subcomponents. Example: Variable = vp[Vel:3, P:1]
(defines a variable called vp with four components, the first three are called Vel and the
fourth component is called P).
If we only need to specify a variable with three components: Variable = -dofs 3 vp.

 We can define when to execute a solver. By default, if we have more than one solver, they
are executed in the order that they are defined. With the command Exec Solver order we can
change this. order is a string that can have values of: never, always, before timestep, after
timestep, before all, after all, before saving and after saving.

Solver 1
Equation = Navier-Stokes
Procedure = "FlowSolve" "FlowSolver"
Variable = Flow Solution[Velocity:3 Pressure:1]
Exec Solver = Always
Stabilize = True
Bubbles = False
Lumped Mass Matrix = False
Optimize Bandwidth = True
Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-5
Nonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-7
Nonlinear System Max Iterations = 20
Nonlinear System Newton After Iterations = 3
Nonlinear System Newton After Tolerance = 1.0e-3
Nonlinear System Relaxation Factor = 1
Linear System Solver = Iterative
Linear System Iterative Method = BiCGStab
Linear System Max Iterations = 500
Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-10
Linear System Preconditioning = ILU0
Linear System ILUT Tolerance = 1.0e-3
Linear System Abort Not Converged = False
Linear System Residual Output = 1
Linear System Precondition Recompute = 1

III.11. Examples

i) Flow through a circular tube

Mesh DB "." "."
Include Path ""
Results Directory ""

Max Output Level = 5
Coordinate System = Cartesian
Coordinate Mapping(3) = 1 2 3
Simulation Type = Steady state
Steady State Max Iterations = 1
Output Intervals = 1
Timestepping Method = BDF
BDF Order = 1
Solver Input File = tube.sif
Post File = tube.ep

Gravity(4) = 0 -1 0 9.82
Stefan Boltzmann = 5.67e-08
Permittivity of Vacuum = 8.8542e-12
Boltzmann Constant = 1.3807e-23
Unit Charge = 1.602e-19

Body 1
Target Bodies(1) = 1
Name = "Body 1"
Equation = 1
Material = 1

Solver 1
Equation = Navier-Stokes
Procedure = "FlowSolve" "FlowSolver"
Variable = Flow Solution[Velocity:3 Pressure:1]
Exec Solver = Always
Stabilize = True
Bubbles = False
Lumped Mass Matrix = False
Optimize Bandwidth = True
Steady State Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-5
Nonlinear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-7
Nonlinear System Max Iterations = 20
Nonlinear System Newton After Iterations = 3
Nonlinear System Newton After Tolerance = 1.0e-3
Nonlinear System Relaxation Factor = 1
Linear System Solver = Iterative
Linear System Iterative Method = BiCGStab
Linear System Max Iterations = 500
Linear System Convergence Tolerance = 1.0e-10
Linear System Preconditioning = ILU0
Linear System ILUT Tolerance = 1.0e-3
Linear System Abort Not Converged = False
Linear System Residual Output = 1
Linear System Precondition Recompute = 1

Equation 1
Name = "Fluidic equation"
NS Convect = False
Active Solvers(1) = 1

Material 1
Name = "Fluido"
Viscosity = 1.0
Density = 1e3

Boundary Condition 1
Target Boundaries(1) = 2
Name = "Output P"
External Pressure = 0

Boundary Condition 2
Target Boundaries(1) = 3
Name = "wall"
Noslip wall BC = True

Boundary Condition 3
Target Boundaries(1) = 1
Name = "Input vz"
Velocity 3 = 1.0e-3
IV. Solvers

IV.1. SaveScalars
[ Equation = SaveScalars
Procedure = "SaveData" "SaveScalars]

It is used for two purposes: saving results to a file and calculating derived quantities (those that
depend on the results variables). Data is saved in ASCII format.

The main options for this solver are:

 Name of the file to be written: Filename = filename.

 Specify the variables to be saved: Variable i = namevar.
 Operator to be applied to variable i: Operator i = op.
 Specify a factor applied to the operator i: Coefficient i = coef.
 Restrict the n nodes (points list) to be saved: Save Points(n)= points list.

If we need to perform a calculation (like fluxes) over a boundary, we have to activate the option of
Save Scalars in the respective Boundary section (Save Scalars = True).
The different operators that we can use are: max, min, max abs, min abs, mean, variance, deviation;
volume, int mean, int variance; boundary sum, boundary dofs, boundary mean, boundary max,
boundary min, boundary max abs, boundary min abs, area, boundary int, boundary int mean;
diffusive energy, convective energy, potential energy; diffusive flux, convective flux, boundary int,
boundary int mean, area; dofs, norm, nonlinear change, steady state, nonlin iter, nonlin converged,
coupled converged, bounding box, partitions.
The same file, but adding the extension .names is created indicating the meaning of each column of
the saved data file.

This would be an example for saving all degrees of freedom at node 4:

Solver 4
Exec Solver = After Timestep
Equation = SaveScalars
Procedure = "SaveData" "SaveScalars"
Filename = "ss_d01.dat"
Save Points(1) = 4

Equation 3
Name = "Save scalar values"
Active Solvers(1) = 4
This another example is for obtaining the volume flow at a boundary:

Solver 4
Exec Solver = After Timestep
Equation = SaveScalars
Procedure = "SaveData" "SaveScalars"
Filename = "ss_d02.dat"
Moving Mesh = logical True
Variable 1 = Velocity 2
Operator 1 = boundary int

Boundary Condition 2
Target Boundaries(1) = 2
Name = "Po"
Mesh Update 2 = 0
External Pressure = 0
Save Scalars = True

IV.2. SaveLine
[ Equation = SaveLine
Procedure = "SaveData" "SaveLine"]

It is used for saving result values along a line to a file, in ASCII format.

The main options for this solver are:

 Name of the file to be written: Filename = filename.

 Specify the variables to be saved: Variable i = namevar.
 Definition of the lines: Polyline Coordinates(n,dim) = pointscoordinates.
n is the number of points of the lines and dim the spatial dimensions (1, 2 or 3). n must be
even, as each line is defined by two points.

We can also indicate to do this calculation for already defined boundaries. In that case, we have to
activate the option of Save Line in the respective Boundary section (Save Line = True).

As in the case of SaveScalars, an additional file with extension .names is created.

This example shows how to save the velocity profile on a fluidic channel as function of the

Solver 5
Exec Solver = After Simulation
Equation = SaveLine
Procedure = "SaveData" "SaveLine"
Filename = "sl_d01.dat"
Variable 1 = Coordinate 1
Variable 2 = Velocity 2
Polyline Coordinates(2,2) = 0.0 0.0 0.5e-3 0

IV.3. Fluidic Force

[ Equation = Fluidic Force
Procedure = "FluidicForce" "ForceCompute"]

It is used to compute the fluidic forces applied by fluids to solid boundaries. We can obtain two
forces: the normal force and the tangential (shear) force. Additional, we can also ask for saving the
shear stresses in a file.

The main options for this solver are:

 Calculate also the viscous forces: Calculate Viscous Force = True.

 Calculate also shear stresses: Shear Stress Output = True.

For those boundaries where we want to compute these forces, we have to specify it in the
corresponding Boundary section activating the variable Calculate Fluidic Force (Calculate Fluidic
Force = True).

A file for the shear stresses is created in case it is activated. By default, its name is "shearstress.dat".

This example shows how to define this solver to get these forces:

Solver 6
Exec Solver = After Simulation
Equation = Fluidic Force
Procedure = "FluidicForce" "ForceCompute"
Calculate Viscous Force = True
Shear Stress Output = True
Boundary Condition 6
Target Boundaries(1) = 7
Name = "FSI"
Fsi BC = True
Mesh Update 1 = Equals Displacement 1
Mesh Update 2 = Equals Displacement 2
Noslip wall BC = True
Calculate Fluidic Force = True

IV.4. Particle Dynamics

[ Equation = Particle Dynamics
Procedure = "ParticleDynamics" "ParticleDynamics"]

It is used to compute the trajectories of particles taking into account their dynamics. This means that
it is taken into account their inertia, and also it is possible to take into account the interaction
between particles (collision and contact models). An application example could be the trajectory of
particles within a fluid (without explicitly modeling the particles in the fluid). The forces that are
taken into account are: gravity, electrostatic, viscous force ( ) and buoyancy.

The main options for this solver are:

Particles: The number of particles and their spatial distribution can be indicated in several
different ways.

 Number of particles to be considered: Number of Particles = nparticles.

 Initial spatial distribution of particles: Coordinate Initialization Method = method.
Possible methods are: nodal ordered, elemental ordered, sphere random, box random and
box random cubic. For box options, we have to indicate Min Initial Coordinate i= imin and
Max Initial Coordinate i = imax. For the sphere option we have to specify Particle Cell
Radius = rad.
 Specify initial velocity of particles: Initial Velocity(n,dim) = velocities.
Random velocity distributions can be indicated with different methods: Velocity
Initialization Method = method (where we can choose thermal random, even random and
constant random). We have also to provide a random amplitude: Initial Velocity Amplitude
= amp.
 To indicate to reinitialize the position of the particles at each call, use: Reinitialize
Particles = True.
 Eliminate particles on the walls (stuck): Delete Wall Particles = True.
Timestepping for calculation of trajectories:

 We can set up: Timestep Size, Max Timestep Size, Min Timestep Size, Timestep Distance,
Timestep Courant Number, Max Characteristic Speed, Max Timestep Intervals, Max
Cumulative Time, Simulation Timestep Sizes.

Particle interaction parameters:

 Activate particle collisions and contact: Particle Particle Collision = True, Particle
Particle Contact = True.
 Activate particle box collisions and contact: Box Particle Collision = True, Box Particle
Contact = True.
 Activate calculation of distance from particle to walls: Particle Distance = Logical True.

 For boundaries, activate the particle-wall contact: Particle Reflect = Logical True.

Physical properties particle interaction parameters:

 Related to particle: Particle Mass, Particle Radius, Particle Gravity = True, Particle
Lift=True, Particle Damping, Particle Drag Coefficient, Particle Bounciness, Particle
Spring, Particle Charge, Particle Decay Distance.
 Related to wall-particle interaction: Wall Particle Radius, Wall Particle Spring, Wall
Particle Bounciness.

As an example, we have just obtained the bouncing of particles on the floor, with a free fall. The
domain is simply a box domain:

Max Output Level = 5
Coordinate System = Cartesian
Coordinate Mapping(3) = 1 2 3
Simulation Type = transient
Output Intervals = 1
Timestepping Method = BDF
BDF Order = 1
Timestep intervals = 200
Timestep Sizes = $tsv
Solver Input File = pd_tc01.sif
Post File = pd_tc01.ep

Gravity(4) = 0 -1 0 9.82
Solver 1
Equation = ParticleDynamics
Procedure = "ParticleDynamics" "ParticleDynamics"
Number of Particles = Integer $ 10
Coordinate Initialization Method = String "box random"
Min Initial Coordinate 1 = Real 0
Max Initial Coordinate 1 = Real 0.1
Min Initial Coordinate 2 = Real 0
Max Initial Coordinate 2 = Real 0.05
Simulation Timestep Sizes = Logical True
Timestep Size = Real $tsv
Time Order = Integer 2
Particle Gravity = Logical True
Particle Mass = Real 0.1
Particle Radius = Real 0.01
Box Particle Periodic = Logical False
Particle Accurate At Face = Logical True
Particle Accurate Always = Logical True
Particle To Field Reset = Logical True
Statistical Info = Logical True
Particle Info = Logical True
Box Particle Collision = Logical True
Wall Particle Spring = Real 100000
Wall Particle Bounciness = Real 1
Vtu Format = Logical True

Solver 2
Equation = String "ResultOutput"
Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
Output File Name = File "kinetic"
Output Format = String "vtu"
Show Variable = Logical True

Solver 3
Equation = String "ParticleOutput"
Procedure = File "SaveGridData" "ParticleOutputSolver"
Filename Prefix = String "particles"
Output Format = String "vtu"

Equation 1
Navier-Stokes = FALSE
Active Solvers(3) = 1 2 3
V. Examples

V.1. Obstructed artery (axi-symmetric)

Animation (avi)

Note: These files can also be found at http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66496.

VI. ElmerPost
Although Elmer comes with two post-processors (ElmerPost and VTK), we will just keep viewing
results with ElmerPost. We can run ElmerPost through the ElmerGUI (Run  Start postprocessor)
or directly through its icon. In the first case, the current results file will be read directly, while in the
second case we will have to read the results file (.ep). After running the postprocessor, we will get
two windows: the graphics window and the commands window (Figure 8). Here we are just going
to explain some key aspects about using ElmerPost. Additionally, we can see results in other post-
processing softwares, like ParaView [3].

Figure 8. Post-processor windows.

VI.1. Graphics window

In this window, we can do the typical mouse actions that can be expected: rotation (right), zoom
(left & right), Pan (left).

In the commands window, we have some buttons controlling the view (Graphics commands),
shown in Figure 9.

Rotation Rotation Rotation

x-axis y-axis z-axis Unzoom zoom Reset view

Pan x-axis Pan y-axis Pan z-axis Rotating Transformation priority:

(zoom) priority translate (t), rotate (r), scale (s).

Figure 9. Graphics commands.

By default, when something is plotted in the graphics window, the view is rescaled in order to fit it
in the window (this is referred as 'Update Normals'). With the 'Freeze Scaling' option, we can avoid
changing the scale, keeping the last used scaling factor.

VI.2. Commands window

We have several regions on this commands window, as shown in .

Bar menu


Plot commands

Graphics commands

Commands history

Message console

Commands line

Figure 10. Commands window.

In the bar menu, we can access most of the ElmerPost functionalities and configuration parameters.
The different submenus are shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Bar submenus.

In the plot commands buttons, we have mainly different ways to visualize the obtained results from
simulation. Nevertheless, the first button corresponds to the reading of the results file (generally
with extension ep, although other formats are also accepted). The options for reading the file is
shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Read model.

The first way to visualize results is called 'Color Mesh'. Basically, it paints the mesh with colors
depending on the values of the results obtained from a variable. In Figure 13, it is shown the
different options. In 'Color Variable', we can choose which variable to use for painting.

Figure 13. Color mesh.

An example is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14. Color mesh example (pressure distribution).

With isocontours, we can observe lines having the same value of a certain variable. With
isosurfaces, we can obtain surfaces having the same variable value. Isosurfaces can be used for
obtained cross-sections of the model, defining the contour variable as position and another variable
for 'Color Variable'.

Figure 15. Isocontours.

Figure 16. Isosurface.

An example for isosurfaces can be seen in Figure 17.

Figure 17. Isosurface example (absolute velocity).

Many times, we will want to draw vector magnitudes as vectors. This can be done with the 'Vectors'

Figure 18. Vectors.

An example is shown in Figure 19, showing the velocity vectors.

Figure 19. Vectors example (velocity).

The particles button allows us to obtain the trajectories of particles within a fluid. For this purpose
we have to set a variable ('Particle Variable') containing the initial positions of the particles to be
considered. This variable is a matrix, where the second index is referred to the particle number
(starting from 0). The first index is for the different parameters that have to be provided for each
particle. This parameters are: x, y, z, initial color guess (for example, 0), guess of the initial element
number containing the particle (for example 0).

Figure 20. Particles.

As an example, we have used a simple 2D axisymmetric fluidic problem. We have defined the
'Particle Variable' named as part in the following way:

math nps=5;
math rad=5e-4;
do i 0 (nps-1) {
math posx=$i*rad/nps;
math part(0,$i)=posx;
math part(1,$i)=0;
math part(2,$i)=0;
math part(3,$i)=0;
math part(4,$i)=0;

Click 'Apply' and then 'Advance' repeatedly in order to obtain the particle positions as time goes on.
One intermediate result is shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Particles position after some time, starting all at the input.
The color scale, provided with the colored bar in the graphics window, can be setup with the 'Color
Scale' button.

Figure 22. Color scale.

The graphics commands are used to change orientation, pan, zoom, etc. We can also fix the scale of
the plotted results (with the 'Freeze Scaling' button).

We have a commands line. We can introduce commands in the TCL/TK language and also in the
MATC language. MATC is used for managing mathematical calculations using matrices (generally
filled with the results data). In this last case (MATC) we have to start the command with 'math'. We
are just going to use it for creating some plots. A more detailed explanation is given in a next

Additionally, we have a console where the commands history is plotted and another console for

VI.3. Commands line

As mentioned previously, we have a commands line where we can add instructions in TCL/TK
language and also in MATC language. These commands can be entered manually, or included in a
file, executing it with the command 'source file'. The first language (TCL/TK) is an "external"
language, quite used in some other softwares. Detailed information can be found in books and
through internet. The second language (MATC) is a quite specific language for Elmer, that is used
for performing calculations with matrices. Elmer documentation comes with a MATC tutorial. We
are just going to comment some of the most important aspects of these two languages and apply it
to some examples.

In the Time Step Control Window, we can refer to the current time step with the variable t. And the
vector position for a given current time step can be obtained with time(t).
Before starting looking at these two languages, we have to know that, when results are read by
ElmerPost, the results are saved in matrices. The names of the variables can be seen in the "Read
Model" window. As an example, for a fluidic simulation we will have the variables Velocity and
Pressure. Obviously, these matrices contains the velocity and pressure results. They have as many
rows as components (Velocity has three rows, each corresponding to the velocities in directions x, y
and z respectively, while Pressure only have one row). And they have as many columns as nodes
we have in the model. In a transient simulation, the second index corresponds to the time point (we
can obtain it with the function time(time step)). Depending on the type of simulation (for example,
for transient simulations) there can be more indexes. The relationship between the nodes and the
column index is given by another matrix called nodes. This matrix contains the position of the
nodes of our model. It has three rows corresponding to the x, y and z positions. And it has as many
columns as nodes in our model. If we modify the nodes matrix, we will change the position of the
nodes, and so it will be shown in the graphics windows. This can be useful sometimes for a more
convenient visualization of the model/results, as we will see later.

With the display command, we can refresh the graphics window.

Let's see some basics of the TCL/TK programming language:

 Comments: #
 Command syntax: command arg1 arg2 arg3 ... .
 Variables:
Not declared.
Assign a value: set var val.
In order to obtain the value of a variable, we have to use $var.
Command info to obtain information about variables (among other things).
Text strings can be grouped with quotes ("") or rounded brackets ({}).
All variables are strings. If not, they have to be indicated explicitly with the
command expr.
 Expressions can be grouped with square brackets ([]).
 Mathematical functions: abs(x), acos(x), asn(x), atan(x), atan2(y,x), ceil (x), cos(x), cosh(x),
double(x), exp (x), floor(x), fmod(x,y), hypot(x,y), int(x), log(x), log10(x), pow(x,y), rand(),
round(x), sin(x), sinh(x), sqrt(x), srand(arg), tan(x), tanh(x).
 Conditional: if condition then action.
 For loop: for {inicialization} {condition} {increment} instruction.
 Foreach loop: foreach variable list instruction.
 While loop: while condition instruction.

MATC is a library used for evaluating mathematical expressions with matrices. These expressions
can be used in the SIF file, also can be evaluated during simulation, and it can also be used in
ElmerPost. When a MATC expression is going to be used in ElmerPost, we have to include the
word math at the beginning of the expression. Some basic aspects of MATC are:

 Two types of variables: matrices and strings.

 Ranges can be specified: Examples: 0:5, 5:0.
 Conditional if: if (expr) expr; else expr;.
 For loop: for (i=vector) expr;.
 While loop: while(expr) expr;.
 Function:
function name(arg1,arg2,...)
! Optional function description (seen with help("name"))
import var1 #import global variable
export var2 #convert a local variable to global
_name = value #Returned value
 Operators: ’, @, ~, ^, *, #, /, +, -, ==, <>, <, >, <=, >=, :, &, |, ?, %, =.
 Functions: funcdel(name), funclist(name), sprintf(fmt[,vec]), sscanf(str,fmt), matcvt(matrix,
type), cvtmat(special,type), eval(str), source(name), help or help(”symbol”), fread(fp,n),
fscanf(fp,fmt), fgets(fp), fwrite(fp,buf,n), fprintf(fp,fmt[,vec]), fputs(fp,str), fopen(name,
mode), freopen(fp,name,mode), fclose(fp), save(name,a[,ascii_flag]), load(name),
min(matrix), max(matrix), sum(matrix), trace(matrix), det(matrix), inv(matrix), tril(x),
triu(x), eig(matrix), jacob(a,b,eps), lud(matrix), hesse(matrix), eye(n), zeros(n,m), ones(n,
m), rand(n,m), diag(matrix) or diag(vector), vector(start,end,inc), size(matrix),
resize(matrix,n,m), where(a), exists(name), who, format(precision).
 Mathematical functions: abs(x), acos(x), asin(x), atan(x), ceil(x), cos(x), cosh(x), exp(x),
floor(x), ln(x), log(x), pow(x,y), sin(x), sinh(x), sqrt(x), tan(x), tanh(x).
VII. Types of simulations

VII.1. Transient

In Elmer we can specify how many points in time we want to simulation what is the time increment
between these points in time. Each point in time is a time step (TimeStep variable, taking values
from 1 until the number of time steps) and the time increment is the time size. The number of time
steps is defined with the 'Timestep Intervals' option. For defining the time increment between
timesteps we use the 'Timestep Sizes' option. Both options are vectors, allowing us to define
different "time sections" during the simulation. As an example, if we want to make a transient
simulation that is lasting 10s in total but with two different time sections: the first one lasting 1s
second (solved every 0.1s) and the second one arriving up to 10s (solved every 1s) we could set:

Timestep Sizes(2) = 0.1 1

Timestep Intervals(2) = 10 9

We can set a non-uniform time distribution by using the command 'Timestep Size' with TimeStep as
variable (this variable takes the values from 1 up to the number of intervals, as mentioned before).

Timestep Size = Variable TimeStep

Real MATC "t0*1.05^(tx-1)"

tx in the MATC expressions refers to the variable TimeStep.

In the previous expression, the first time point simulated is at t0. The second at t0+t0·1.5. The third
at t0+t0·1.5+t0·1.5·1.5. And so on. If we want to start the simulation at a given t0, and starting from
this time point a logarithmic scale, we could use a function in the SIF file in order to provide the
time increments to 'Timestep Size'. For example, we can include at the beginning of the SIF file
(outside of any section) the following code:


$ function calctsize(cts) import ti,tf,nps,a,b {\

if (cts==1) {\
else {\

And then we can specify in the Simulation section:

Timestep intervals = $nps

Timestep Size = Variable TimeStep
Real MATC "calctsize(tx)"

For setting parameters depending on time, we have to create tables, with the variable Time.

Body Force 1
Stress Bodyforce 2 = Variable Time
0.0 -1.0
4.0 -1.0
4.01 0.0
5.0 0.0

Initial conditions are generally needed for transient simulation. Nevertheless, usually these
conditions are taken zero.

VII.2. Coupled simulations

Coupled simulations refer to the problems where more than one field interacting each other has to
be solved in a common domain or in the boundary between two domains. They are specified in
solvers and boundary conditions.

We have to mention the difference in one-directional coupling and bi-directional coupling. In case
of a directional coupling, we will have to set (in Setup) the “Steady state max. iter” to a sufficiently
high number to be sure that the whole coupling problem converges.

VII.3. Axisymmetric models-simulations

In Elmer, the axis of rotation is always the y axis. We have to take it into account for building the
model. Also, we have to add the boundary conditions associated with the rotation axis.
VIII. UDFs and Solver Code
Elmer allows to incorporate compiled functions as simple functions and as new solvers. This code
have to be implemented in Fortran 90, compiled alone and incorporated to Elmer as an executable
of a shared object. To incorporate this functions in Elmer, we will have to write the following line
in the sif file:

Procedure "filename" "procedure"

The shared object file (filename) can have different functions (procedures). With this instruction,
we select the specific function of the file.

Most of the functions provided by Elmer are located in the DefUtils module. Moreover, the main
data structure is an element, and not a node. The type Element_t contains the element information.
The data in each section of the sif file is accessed through a pointer of the type ValueList_t. The
functions providing these pointers have a name starting with Get, followed by a name related to the
section. For example, GetSimulation(). Similarly, we can also get the information for a specific
element, by using, for example, GetMaterial(Element, Found). Found (optional) will be set to
TRUE if the requested information was obtained successfully. If Element is not provided, it is used
the ‘current’ element. For getting constants, we use functions like val=GetInteger(List, Name,

If we want to obtain values at specific mesh locations, we have to use the function val(:) =
GetReal(List, Name, Found, Element). It returns a real array with the values for all nodes of the
indicated element.

The real variable Time can be used in the sif file.

The information from within Elmer solver can be obtained through the type Solver_t. Different
functions are: GetElementNOFNodes(Element), GetActiveElement(ElementNumber),
GetBoundaryElement(ElementNumber), GetElementNodes(ElementNodes, Element, Solver)
(ElementNodes is a pointer of type Nodes_t; ElementNodes%x(i) is the x coordinate of the indicated
node by i), U = Element % Type % NodeU(i) (local coordinates) (similarly for V and W), Normal =
NormalVector(BoundaryElement, Nodes, U, V, CheckDirection).

For obtaining the nodal values of field variables we use the functions GetScalarLocalSolution(vals,
name, Element, Solver), GetVectorLocalSolution(vals, name, Element, Solver).

For obtaining the values, as before, but for the complete mesh, we have to use the function
VariableGet(Solver % Mesh % Variables, ’Variable’). It returns a pointer of the Variable_t type.

In Elmer, the time is obtained from a pointer of type Time_t, and considering it as a variable.
Therefore, we can get it with the command Tv => VariableGet(Solver % Mesh % Variables,
’Time’) and Tmp = Tv % Values(1).

We can show messages by using three functions: Info(’FunctionName’,’The displayed message’,

level=levelnumber), Warn(’FunctionName’,’The displayed warning’), Fatal(’FunctionName’,’The
displayed error message’). For defining the message to be displayed, we can use the function

We can write user defined functions for obtaining nodal values. The format is the following:

FUNCTION name_func ( model, n, var ) RESULT(result)

END FUNCTION name_func

n is the node, var are input variables and result is the returned value of the function.

VIII.1. Defining a solver

First of all, we have to distinguish between the solver code itself and the solver interface. Evidently,
the most important part for a solver is the code development. But you can also build an interface in
Elmer in order to introduce the different parameters of the solver. This interface is not compulsory
(all solver information can be given in the sif file), but it is desirable.

For defining a solver, first of all we have to obtain the linearized partial differential equations
(PDEs) of our problem. The general expression for these equations is given by:

where uj is the degree of freedom (DOF) of our problem in the j direction (for example, fluid
velocity along x direction), Mij is the mass matrix, Kij is the stiffness matrix and Fi is the force
vector in the i direction. Basically, we have to provide the different matrices and vectors of this

The solver subroutine has to include the following sections:

 Initialization.
 Start non-linear iterations.
 Matrix assembly for domain (or bulk) elements (through element loop).
 Matrix assembly for von Neumann and Newton conditions at boundary element (boundary
elements loop).
 Specify Dirichlet boundary conditions.
 Solve the problem.
 Check relative change of norms < Nonlinear Tolerance or nonlinear max. iterations within
the nonlinear loop.

You can find many examples of the already implemented solvers in the Elmer source code, in the
directory elmerfem-devel\fem\src\modules. Here, we are just going to provide a rough view of the
code structure. It is important to divide the different tasks in subroutines.
We are just going to explain a simple solver, provided by Elmer, mostly for educational purposes. It
is the advection-diffusion-reaction solver, with file name ‘ModelPDE.F90’. First, we provide the
code, and then we will explain the different sections. As it is stated in the file, it can also be used as
a starting point to generate more complex solvers. The code is the following:
!> A prototype solver for advection-diffusion-reaction equation,
!> This equation is generic and intended for education purposes
Solver subroutine. dt: timestep size,
!> but may also serve as a starting point for more complex solvers. TransientSimulation: logical value.
SUBROUTINE AdvDiffSolver( Model,Solver,dt,TransientSimulation )
USE DefUtils

TYPE(Solver_t) :: Solver
TYPE(Model_t) :: Model
REAL(KIND=dp) :: dt
The first step in the subroutine is to declare
LOGICAL :: TransientSimulation
!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ some needed constants and variables and
! Local variables their types, and also the libraries to be used.
TYPE(Element_t),POINTER :: Element
REAL(KIND=dp) :: Norm
INTEGER :: n, nb, nd, t, active
INTEGER :: iter, maxiter
LOGICAL :: Found

maxiter = ListGetInteger( GetSolverParams(),&

'Nonlinear System Max Iterations',Found,minv=1)
IF(.NOT. Found ) maxiter = 1
Start nonlinear iterations.
! Nonlinear iteration loop:
DO iter=1,maxiter
! System assembly:
!Initialize the system and do the assembly:
CALL DefaultInitialize()
Active = GetNOFActive()
DO t=1,Active
Element => GetActiveElement(t)
n = GetElementNOFNodes()
nd = GetElementNOFDOFs()
Matrix assembly for domain elements.
nb = GetElementNOFBDOFs()
CALL LocalMatrix(Element, n, nd+nb)

CALL DefaultFinishBulkAssembly()

Active = GetNOFBoundaryElements()
DO t=1,Active
Element => GetBoundaryElement(t)
IF(ActiveBoundaryElement()) THEN
n = GetElementNOFNodes()
nd = GetElementNOFDOFs()
nb = GetElementNOFBDOFs() Matrix assembly for von Neumann and
CALL LocalMatrixBC(Element, n, nd+nb) Newton conditions at boundary element.

CALL DefaultFinishBoundaryAssembly()
CALL DefaultFinishAssembly()
CALL DefaultDirichletBCs() Specify Dirichlet boundary conditions.
! And finally, solve:
Norm = DefaultSolve() Solve the problem.
IF( Solver % Variable % NonlinConverged == 1 ) EXIT
Check relative change of norms < Nonlinear
END DO Tolerance or nonlinear max. iterations
within the nonlinear loop.

! Assembly of the matrix entries arising from the bulk elements

SUBROUTINE LocalMatrix( Element, n, nd )
INTEGER :: n, nd
TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Element
REAL(KIND=dp) :: diff_coeff(n), conv_coeff(n),react_coeff(n), &
time_coeff(n), D,C,R, rho,Velo(3,n),a(3), Weight
REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(nd),dBasisdx(nd,3),DetJ,LoadAtIP
REAL(KIND=dp) :: MASS(nd,nd), STIFF(nd,nd), FORCE(nd), LOAD(n)
LOGICAL :: Stat,Found
INTEGER :: i,t,p,q,dim
TYPE(GaussIntegrationPoints_t) :: IP
TYPE(ValueList_t), POINTER :: BodyForce, Material
TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes
SAVE Nodes

dim = CoordinateSystemDimension()

CALL GetElementNodes( Nodes )

MASS = 0._dp
STIFF = 0._dp
FORCE = 0._dp
LOAD = 0._dp

BodyForce => GetBodyForce()

IF ( ASSOCIATED(BodyForce) ) &
Load(1:n) = GetReal( BodyForce,'field source', Found )

Material => GetMaterial()

diff_coeff(1:n)=GetReal(Material,'diffusion coefficient',Found)
react_coeff(1:n)=GetReal(Material,'reaction coefficient',Found)
conv_coeff(1:n)=GetReal(Material,'convection coefficient',Found)
time_coeff(1:n)=GetReal(Material,'time derivative coefficient',Found)

Velo = 0._dp
DO i=1,dim
'convection velocity '//TRIM(I2S(i)),Found)

! Numerical integration:
IP = GaussPoints( Element )
DO t=1,IP % n
! Basis function values & derivatives at the integration point:
stat = ElementInfo( Element, Nodes, IP % U(t), IP % V(t), &
IP % W(t), detJ, Basis, dBasisdx )

! The source term at the integration point:

LoadAtIP = SUM( Basis(1:n) * LOAD(1:n) )
rho = SUM(Basis(1:n)*time_coeff(1:n))
a = MATMUL(Velo(:,1:n),Basis(1:n))
D = SUM(Basis(1:n)*diff_coeff(1:n))
C = SUM(Basis(1:n)*conv_coeff(1:n))
R = SUM(Basis(1:n)*react_coeff(1:n))

Weight = IP % s(t) * DetJ

! diffusion term (D*grad(u),grad(v)):

! -----------------------------------
STIFF(1:nd,1:nd) = STIFF(1:nd,1:nd) + Weight * &
D * MATMUL( dBasisdx, TRANSPOSE( dBasisdx ) )

DO p=1,nd
DO q=1,nd
! advection term (C*grad(u),v)
! -----------------------------------
STIFF (p,q) = STIFF(p,q) + Weight * &
C * SUM(a(1:dim)*dBasisdx(q,1:dim)) * Basis(p)

! reaction term (R*u,v)

! -----------------------------------
STIFF(p,q) = STIFF(p,q) + Weight * R*Basis(q) * Basis(p)

! time derivative (rho*du/dt,v):

! ------------------------------
MASS(p,q) = MASS(p,q) + Weight * rho * Basis(q) * Basis(p)

FORCE(1:nd) = FORCE(1:nd) + Weight * LoadAtIP * Basis(1:nd)


IF(TransientSimulation) CALL Default1stOrderTime(MASS,STIFF,FORCE)

CALL LCondensate( nd-nb, nb, STIFF, FORCE )
CALL DefaultUpdateEquations(STIFF,FORCE)

! Assembly of the matrix entries arising from the Neumann and Robin conditions
SUBROUTINE LocalMatrixBC( Element, n, nd )
INTEGER :: n, nd
TYPE(Element_t), POINTER :: Element
REAL(KIND=dp) :: Flux(n), Coeff(n), Ext_t(n), F,C,Ext, Weight
REAL(KIND=dp) :: Basis(nd),dBasisdx(nd,3),DetJ,LoadAtIP
REAL(KIND=dp) :: STIFF(nd,nd), FORCE(nd), LOAD(n)
LOGICAL :: Stat,Found
INTEGER :: i,t,p,q,dim
TYPE(GaussIntegrationPoints_t) :: IP

TYPE(ValueList_t), POINTER :: BC

TYPE(Nodes_t) :: Nodes
SAVE Nodes
BC => GetBC()

dim = CoordinateSystemDimension()

CALL GetElementNodes( Nodes )

STIFF = 0._dp
FORCE = 0._dp
LOAD = 0._dp

Flux(1:n) = GetReal( BC,'field flux', Found )

Coeff(1:n) = GetReal( BC,'robin coefficient', Found )
Ext_t(1:n) = GetReal( BC,'external field', Found )

! Numerical integration:
IP = GaussPoints( Element )
DO t=1,IP % n
! Basis function values & derivatives at the integration point:
stat = ElementInfo( Element, Nodes, IP % U(t), IP % V(t), &
IP % W(t), detJ, Basis, dBasisdx )

Weight = IP % s(t) * DetJ

! Evaluate terms at the integration point:


! Given flux:
! -----------
F = SUM(Basis(1:n)*flux(1:n))

! Robin condition (C*(u-u_0)):

! ---------------------------
C = SUM(Basis(1:n)*coeff(1:n))
Ext = SUM(Basis(1:n)*ext_t(1:n))

DO p=1,nd
DO q=1,nd
STIFF(p,q) = STIFF(p,q) + Weight * C * Basis(q) * Basis(p)

FORCE(1:nd) = FORCE(1:nd) + Weight * (F + C*Ext) * Basis(1:nd)

CALL DefaultUpdateEquations(STIFF,FORCE)

! Perform static condensation in case bubble dofs are present

SUBROUTINE LCondensate( N, Nb, K, F )
USE LinearAlgebra
REAL(KIND=dp) :: K(:,:),F(:),Kbb(Nb,Nb), &
Kbl(Nb,N), Klb(N,Nb), Fb(Nb)

INTEGER :: m, i, j, l, p, Ldofs(N), Bdofs(Nb)

IF ( Nb <= 0 ) RETURN

Ldofs = (/ (i, i=1,n) /)

Bdofs = (/ (i, i=n+1,n+nb) /)

Kbb = K(Bdofs,Bdofs)
Kbl = K(Bdofs,Ldofs)
Klb = K(Ldofs,Bdofs)
Fb = F(Bdofs)

CALL InvertMatrix( Kbb,nb )

F(1:n) = F(1:n) - MATMUL( Klb, MATMUL( Kbb, Fb ) )
K(1:n,1:n) = K(1:n,1:n) - MATMUL( Klb, MATMUL( Kbb, Kbl ) )


The format of the solver interface xml file is:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE edf>
<edf version="1.0" >
<PDE Name=" AdvDiff" >

<Parameter Widget="Label" > <Name> Properties </Name> </Parameter>
<Parameter Widget="Edit" >
<Name> Source </Name>
<Type> String </Type>
<Whatis> Give the source term. </Whatis>

<Parameter Widget="Edit" >
<Name> Procedure </Name>
<DefaultValue> "AdvDiff" "AdvDiffSolver" </DefaultValue>
<Parameter Widget="Edit">
<Name> Variable </Name>
<DefaultValue> Potential</DefaultValue>

<Parameter Widget="Label" > <Name> Dirichlet conditions </Name> </Parameter>
<Parameter Widget="Edit">
<Name> Potential </Name>
<Whatis> Give potential value for this boundary. </Whatis>

2D: Two-dimensional

3D: Three-dimensional

CAD: Computer Aided Design

DOF: Degree of Freedom

FEM: Finite Element Method

GPL: General Public License

PDE: Partial Differential Equation

[1] http://www.csc.fi/english/pages/elmer.
[2] M. Carmona, J.M. Gómez, J. Bosch, M. López, "GMSH - Guide for mesh generation v02",
Universitat de Barcelona, 2014.
[3] http://www.paraview.org.

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