Quiz No. 6 Department of Mining Engineering Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (TH) 3 Semester - Fall 2014

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QUIZ NO. 6 5.

According to equation of continuity,

a. W1A1 = W2A2
MinE-203 Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (Th)
c. A1V1 = A2V2
3rd semester – fall 2014
d. A1/V1 = A2/V2
1. The discharge over a right angled notch is 6. In order to measure the flow with a
(where H = Height of liquid above the apex of venturimeter, it is installed in
notch) a. horizontal line
a. 8/15 Cd √2𝑔 H b. inclined line with flow upwards
b. 8/15 Cd √2𝑔 H2 c. inclined line with flow downwards
c. 8/15 Cd √2𝑔 H5/2 d. any direction and in any location
2. The length AB of a pipe ABC in which the 7. In a venturimeter, the velocity of liquid at
liquid is flowing has diameter (d1) and is throat is __________ than at inlet.
suddenly enlarged to diameter (d2) at B a. higher
which is constant for the length BC. The b. lower
loss of head due to sudden enlargement is 8. A manometer is used to measure
a. a. low pressure
b. moderate pressure
c. high pressure
b. d. atmospheric pressure
9. The pressure less than atmospheric
pressure is known as
c. a. suction pressure
b. vacuum pressure
3. Coefficient of contraction is the ratio of c. negative gauge pressure
a. actual velocity of jet at vena d. all of these
contracta to the theoretical
velocity 10. Euler's equation in the differential form for
the motion of liquids is given by
b. loss of head in the orifice to the
head of water available at the exit a.
of the orifice
c. actual discharge through an orifice b.
to the theoretical discharge
d. area of jet at vena contracta to c. ρ.dp + g.dz + v.dv = 0
the area of orifice d. ρ.dp - g.dz + v.dv = 0
4. When a tube of smaller diameter is dipped
in water, the water rises in the tube due to
viscosity of water
a. True
b. False

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