Q2 Compiled Elements CC3 1

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Elements II in CC3 Cavitation in fluid mechanics refers to:

a. the separation of the air flow behind a wing

b. the oscillations of a plate due to turbulent
An engineer found that the fluid flowing in the pipe fluctuations
is low. What diameter of pipe should be c. the liquid to gaseous phase transition of a fluid
recommended? due to low pressure
d. the condensation of vapor into liquid due to high
a. increase the diameter pressure
b. reduce the diameter
c. no diameter
d. constant diameter Alcohol finds use in manometers as:
a. Its density being less can provide longer length
The velocity of a fluid particle at the centre of the for a pressure difference, thus more accuracy can
pipe section is: be obtained.
b. It provides a suitable meniscus for the inclined
a. Logarithmic average tube
b. Minimum c. a and b above are correct
c. Maximum d. cheap and easily available
d. Average

Based on the 1986 PSME CODE, for piping

A turbine pipe determined its "nominal" size refers identification water pipes should be painted with
to: what color:
a. pipe wall thickness a. white
b. inside diameter b. yellow
c. approximate size c. green
d. outside diameter d. black

A measure of ratio of inertia to viscous forces in The speed with which a liquid escapes from a vessel
fluids: through an orifice is given by:
a. Atomic No. a. Bernoulli's theorem
b. Reynold's No. b. Torrecelli's theorem
c. Moody's No. c. Flow equation
d. Avogadro's No. d. Archimedes principle

At any instant, the number of particles passing When a fluid flows full through a pipe of cross-
every cross-section of the stream is the same, the section area A and with velocity v, the flow or
flow is said to be: discharge is:
a. turbulent flow a. Av2
b. uniform flow b. Av
c. continuous flow c. A2v
d. steady flow d. A2/2v

What is a check valve? Which of the following is the basis of Bernoulli's law
a. a valve used for checking the pressure of fluid for fluid flow?
b. a valve which allows flow of fluid in either a. Fourier's law
direction b. The principle of conservation of energy
c. a valve design to allow a fluid to pass through in c. The principle of conservation of mass
one direction only d. The continuity equation
d. a valve designed to release the excess pressure
A body wholly or partly immersed on a fluid is In a hydro-electric plant using a Francis turbine with
vouyed up by a force equal to the weight of the medium head, the speed can be regulated by using
fluid it displaces. This known as: the:
a. Bernoulli's Theorem a. deflector gate
b. Pascal's Theorem b. weir
c. none of the above (Archimedes Principle) c. nozzle
d. Torrecelli's Theorem d. wicket gate

In a flow of fluids through channel wherein the Capillarity results from:

velocity changes along the length of a channel from a. inadequate compaction
point to point on the account of changing its depth, b. surface tension
width and direction of flow is: c. low fluid pressure
a. unsteady flow d. turbulent flow
b. non uniform flow
c. constant flow
d. uniform flow For supersonic and subsonic divergent nozzle, what
is the Mach number for supersonic:
a. less than 1
Power transmitted through a pipe is maximum b. 0
when the loss of head due to friction is: c. 1
a. Equal to the total head supplied. d. greater than 1
b. one-half of the total head supplied
c. one-fourth of the total head supplied
Flow of fluids wherein its particles do not have
d. One-third of the total head supplied
definite paths and the paths of the individual and
distinct particles cross one another is
The energy of fluid flowing at any section in a a. turbulent flow
pipeline is a function of b. non-uniform flow
c. laminar flow
a. height above a chosen datum, density, internal
energy, pressure and velocity of/low d. unsteady flow
b. pressure, height above a chosen datum, velocity
of flow, density of fluid Which of the following types of flow meters is most
c. pressure only accurate?
d. velocity of flow only
a. foam type
b. flow nozzle
An equipotential line is one that: c. pilot tube
d. venturi tube
a. Exists in case of rotational flow
b. Has uniformly varying dynamic pressure
c. Has no velocity component tangent to it. The power required to deliver a given quantity of
d. Has no velocity component normal to it fluid against a given head with no losses in the
pump is called:

The fundamental difference between pipe and a. hydraulic power

tubing is: b. wheel power
c. indicated power
a. The dimensional standard to which each is d. brake power
b. The smoothness of the surface
c. Compression joints Neglecting the forces due to inertia, gravity and
d. Bell and spigot joint frictional resistance, the design of a channel can be
made by comparing:
a. Plandtl number
b. Reynolds number
c. Froude's number
d. Weber number
Mach number is significant in case of Entrance losses between tank and pipe, or loss thru
nozzle and valves are generally expressed as a
a. Full immersion or completely enclosed flow, such
function of:
as with pipes, aircraft wings, nozzles, etc.
b. Simultaneous motion through two fluids where a. friction factor
there is a surface of discontinuity, gravity forces, b. kinetic energy
and wave making effects, as with ship's hulls. c. volume flow rate
c. All of the above d. pipe diameter
d. Supersonics, as with projectiles and jet
The volume of a fluid passing a cross-section stream
in unit time is called:
As commonly used the pH value:
a. continuous flow
a. for boiler water is usually kept at a value between b. discharge
5 and 6 c. steady flow
b. of 7 represents a neutral solution d. uniform flow
c. has no relation to the hydrogen ion concentration
d. will be lower if boiler water is treated with caustic
soda Summation of all the heads in one section is equal
to the summation of all heads in other section:
a. Bernoulli's principle
What is the basis of continuity flow ?
b. Boyles law
a. mass balance c. Archimedes principle
b. heat balance d. Torrecellis Theorem
c. diameter balance
d. energy balance
The average pH of the normal rainfall is generally
a. none of the above
The Reynolds number for pipe flow is given as
b. 7
c. slightly less than 7
a. VDρ/m d. slightly more than 7
b. VD5/m
c. 2VD/u
d. VDm/8 The equation of continuity of fluids is applicable
only if:
a. The flow is one dimensional
The low pressure cutout switch is operated by:
b. The flow is steady
a. spring tension c. The velocity is uniform over the cross-sections
b. a bellows d. all of the above
c. water pressure
d. a magnet
A valve designed to allow a fluid to pass through in
one direction only:
Cavitation Is the result of:
a. globe valve
a. improper welding technique b. gate valve
b. pump under impact load c. float valve
c. static pressure in a fluid becoming less than fluid d. check valve
d. exposure to concrete salt water

A steady flow device used to increase pressure by

The pitot tube is a device used for measurement of slowing down the fluid.
a. Velocity a. nozzle
b. Pressure b. turbine
c. Flow c. diffuser
d. Discharge d. generator
The suction pressure switch is operated by; Orifice refers to an opening
a. a relay cutout a. With closed perimeter and of regular form
b. pressure on bellows through which water flows
c. electric current b. With partially full flow
d. thermocouple c. In hydraulic structure with regulation provision.
d. Witrtprolonged sides having length of 2 to 3
A device for measuring the velocity of wind: diameters of opening in thick wall

a. anemoscope
b. aneroid barometer In the processing section, there is an instrument
c. anemograph frequently used to measure the flow rate of fluids.
d. anemometer What is the instrument consisting of a vertical
passage with variable cross-sectional area, a float
The liquid pressure in the surface per area in the and calibrated scale?
surface at the bottom is: a. manometer
a. magnitude pressure b. pitot-tube
b. cohesion pressure c. rotameter
c. intensity pressure d. rota-aire
d. adhesion pressure
A type of water turbine:
The divergent section of the nozzle is subsonic or
supersonic, supersonic is; a. Banki
b. Hero
a. greater than unity c. Parson
b. less than unity d. Pelton
c. near unity
d. unity
Which of the following is a reason for the head loss
The phenomenon by which air enters a submerged in long pipeline?
suction pipe from the water surface is called: a. elevation
a. trixotropic b. pressure
b. dilatant c. friction
c. vortex d. velocity
d. vacuum
The value of coefficient of discharge in comparison
What is meant by choking in pipe flow? to coefficient of velocity is found to be:
a. the specified mass flow rate cannot occur a. More
b. shock waves always occur b. Same
c. a valve is closed in a line c. Less
d. a restriction in flow area occurs d. More/Less depending on flow

A nozzle is used to:

The line of action of the bouyant force always acts
a. increase velocity and decrease pressure through the centroid of the:
b. decrease velocity and increase pressure
a. Volume of the floating body
c. decrease velocity as well as pressure
b. Displaced volume of the fluid
d. increase velocity as well as pressure
c. Submerged body
d. Volume of the fluid vertically above the body
The lowest portion to storage basin from where the
water Is not drawn, is:
Hygrometer is used to find out
a. sub soil storage
b. Spring reserve a. Relative humidity
c. Dead storage b. Specific gravity of liquids
d. Bottom storage c. Specific gravity of gases
d. Specific gravity of solids
The temperature of fluid flowing under pressure The measure of the fluid resistance when acted
through a pipe is usually measured by: upon by an external force is called:
a. thermocouple thermometer a. viscosity
b. glass thermometer b. tackiness
c. all of the above c. flashpoint
d. electric resistance thermometer d. density

The property of liquid in which they extend Leads the exit water of the turbine is:
resistance to angular or shear deformation is
a. spillway
a. Specific weight b. none of these
b. Density c. dam
c. viscosity d. tailrace
d. Specific gravity

A device for forcing running water to a higher level

Property which measures fluid's resistance to flow: by using the kinetic energy of flow:
a. density Select one:
b. viscosity a. centrifugal pump
c. volatility b. hydraulic ram
d. ignition quality c. rotary pump
d. positive displacement plant

Hydraulic jump is used to

For stable equilibrium of floating body its
a. Increasing the flow rate metacentre should lie
b. Reducing the energy flow
c. Reducing the velocity flow a. below the centre of bouyancy
d. Reducing the flow rate b. above the centre of bouyancy
c. below the centre gravity
d. above the centre of gravity
Which property of fluids is of fundamental
importance in the study of hydraulics?
Pneumatic tools are powered by:
a. all of the above
b. viscosity a. water
c. unit weight b. air
d. mass density c. steam
d. natural gas

What is the result when the fluid's kinetic energy

during a stagnation process is transformed to The sum of the three types of energy at any point in
enthalpy? the system is called:
a. decrease in fluid's volume a. pressure heads
b. rise in the temperature and pressure of fluid b. enthalpy
c. rise in fluids volume c. internal energy
d. Decrease in the temperature and pressure of d. none of the above (bernoulli)

What part of the unloader that maintains the

The flow on two sides of a normal shock wave is pressure?
a. suction valve
a. supersonic on one side and sub-sonic on the b. discharge valve
other side c. manifold
b. supersonic d. exhaust pipe
c. sub-sonic
d. sonic
Absolute viscosity of a fluid varies with pressure and In a nozzle if back pressure is the same as inlet
temperature and is defined as a function of: pressure
a. density and angular deformation rate a. flow becomes subsonic in diverging section
b. shear stress and angular deformation rate b. flow becomes supersonic in converging as well as
c. density and shear stress supersonic sections
d. angular deformation rate only c. no flow takes place
d. maximum flow takes place

Which of the following is relative velocity?

Number that is used to determine the type of flow
a. Vector difference of two velocities.
in any system:
b. Average velocity
c. The average between the higher velocity and a. Reynolds number
average velocity. b. Mach number
d. The difference between two velocities. c. Average number
d. Froude number

What is a Bull Head Tee?

The locus of elevation to which water will rise in the
a. a pipe tee the branch of which is larger than the
piezometer tube is termed:
b. a pipe tee with its run larger than its branch a. critical path
c. a welded built-up tee b. energy gradient
d. a pipe tee with head shaped like a bull c. friction head
d. hydraulic gradient

Another name for discharge pressure is:

In steady flow of fluids, velocity at a section at the
a. suction pressure
stream lines remains
b. head pressure
c. condenser pressure a. uniform
d. absolute pressure b. equal
c. unsteady
d. constant
The intake pipe to a hydraulic turbine from a dam
Viscosity is a measure of:
a. spiral casing
b. penstock a. volume
c. surge tame b. thickness
d. tailrace c. temperature
d. pressure

The negative sign is for a gage reading called:

Select the parameters that determine the friction
a. summit of a pipe
factor of turbulent flow in a rough pipe are:
b. vacuum pressure
c. pressure head a. Mach number and relative roughness
d. vapor pressure b. Froude number and relative roughness
c. Froude number and Mach number
d. Reynolds number and relative roughness
What is the function of the compression joint of
pipes or tubes?
For smooth turbulent flow the friction factor
a. it is used to connect two pipes by welding
changes as:
b. it is used to connect two pipes by pressing both
ends a. NR3/2
c. it connects two pipes with the use of threaded b. NR1/2
couplings c. NR1/4
d. when tightened, compress tapered, sleeves so d. NR
that they form a tight joint on the periphery of the
tubings they connect
The pH values of a solution: The vertical distance from pump centerline to the
free surface of the liquid in a discharge tank or
a. is 7 for neutral solution at any temperature
point of free discharge:
b. decreases with decreasing acidity
c. decreases with increasing acidity a. static discharge head
d. is obtained gravimetrically b. total discharge head
c. net positive discharge head
d. potential head
Which is higher head?
a. 1.013 kg kcm2
A graphical representation between discharge and
b. 31.0 ft water
time is known as:
c. 75.0 cm of Hg
d. 33 inch Hg a. hydrograph
b. monograph
c. topograph
The work done by a force of R newtons moving in a d. hectograph
distance of L meters is converted entirely into
kinetic energy is expressed by the equation:
Fluid which exhibits linear stress-strain rate
a. RL=1/2MV2 relationship:
b. RL=RLN-m
c. RL = 2MV2 a. semi-solid
d. RL = 1/2 MV b. Mercury
c. Newtonian fluid
d. acidic fluids
If the viscosity of a certain liquid decreases with
agitation at constant pressure, the liquid is said to
be: The rise or fall of head "h" in a capillary tube of
diameter "d" and liquid surface tension "s" and
a. Dilatant
specific weight "w" is given by:
b. Newtonian
c. all of the above
d. Thixotropic a. 4ds/w
b. 4s/wd
c. 4ws/d
The condition prevailing in compressible flow where
d. 4wd/s
the upper limit of mass flow is reached or when the
speed of sound is reached in a duct.
a. surging Medium pressure when applied to valves and
b. overflowing fittings, implies they are suitable for a working
c. hunting pressure of from:
d. choking
a. 862 to 1200 kPa
The ratio of cross-sectional area of flow to the b. 685 to 1050kPa
wetted perimeter. c. 758 to 1000 kPa
d. 500 to 1000 kPa
a. hydraulic lead
b. hydraulic energy
c. hydraulic gradient The absolute viscosity of a fluid:
d. hydraulic radius
a. in centipoises is 100 times the number of poises
b. is usually expressed in Saybolt minutes
This law states that pressure applied at a point in a
c. when expressed in the English system is in the
confined liquid is transmitted equally to all other
units of Ibs per second per square inch
d. cannot be converted to a value of kinematic
a. Pascal's law viscosity
b. Charle's law
c. Boyle's law
d. Lenz's law
Which is incorrect statement of apparent shear The total energy in a compressible or
forces? incompressible fluid flowing across any section in a
pipeline is a function of:
a. can never be found if frictionless fluid regardless
of its motion a. pressure, density, velocity and viscosity
b. can never be found when the fluid is at rest b. pressure and velocity
c. may occur owing to cohesion when the fluid is at c. flow energy, kinetic energy, height above datum
rest. and internal energy
d. depend upon cohesive forces d. pressure, density and velocity

A Francis turbine has what flow:

For pipes extending more than 1000 times the
diameter what are the major losses of hydraulic a. outward flow impulse
head due to ? b. inward flow reaction
c. outward flow reaction
a. velocity
d. inward flow impulse
b. pressure
c. friction
d. cross-sectional change The external pressure applied to a confined fluid
increases the pressure of every point in the fluid by
an amount equal to the external pressure. This is
A leak from a faucet comes out in separate drops. known as:
Which of the following is the main cause of this
a. Pascal's law
b. Archimedes principle
a. viscosity of fluid c. Torrecelli's Theorem
b. surface tension d. Bernoulli's Theorem
c. gravity
d. air resistance Choking is:
a. change of mass flow rate in proportion to
Sl unit of viscosity is: pressure ratio
b. Fixed mass flow rate irrespective of pressure
a. 1/10 times poise ratio
b. 1/9.81 times poise c. all of the above.
c. 9.81 times poise d. Change of mass flow rate in inverse proportion to
d. 10 times poise pressure ratio

Density in terms of viscosity is: Is the attraction between unlike molecules:

a. Kinematic viscosity/ Dynamic viscosity a. cohesion

b. Dynamic viscosity/Kinematic viscosity b. adhesion
c. Kinematic viscosity x dynamic viscosity c. diffusion
d. None of the above. d. extraction

The convergent section of a nozzle increases the Centre of pressure on an inclined plane lies
velocity of the flow gas. What does it do in its a. above the centroid
pressure? b. Below the centroid
a. increase the pressure c. At metacentre
b. pressure becomes constant d. At the centroid
c. decrease the pressure
d. pressure is equal to velocity
Static head is:

The fluid forces taken into consideration in the a. H20 in a vertical pipe with pressure and no
Navier Stokes equation are: motion
b. water in a horizontal pipe with no pair
a. Pressure, viscous and turbulent c. water is motion
b. Gravity, pressure and viscous d. refers only to high viscosity fluids
c. Gravity, viscous and turbulent
d. Gravity, pressure and turbulent
An increase in pressure in a pipe caused by a The continuity equation for an ideal fluid flow
sudden velocity decrease
a. States that energy is constant everywhere in the
a. ball hammer fluid
b. contraction b. States that the net rate of in-flow into any small
c. water hammer volume must be zero
d. cavitation c. States that the energy remains constant along
stream line
d. Applies to irrotational flow only
The hydraulic formula CAÖ2gh is used to find:
a. length of pipe in a closed network
If the fluid travels parallel to the adjacent layers and
b. friction factor of a pipe
the paths of individual particles do not cross, the
c. quantity of discharge through an orifice
flow is said to be:
d. velocity of flow in a closed conduit
a. laminar
b. turbulent
In order to avoid vaporization in the pipeline, the c. dynamic
pipeline over the ridge is laid in such a way that it is d. critical
not more than:
a. 5.0 m above the hydraulic gradient
The continuity equation is applicable to:
b. 6.4 m above the hydraulic gradient
c. 10.0 m above the hydraulic gradient a. viscous unviscous fluids
d. 2.4 m above the hydraulic gradient b. steady unsteady flow
c. compressibility of fluids
d. conservation of mass
What is the minimum piping size of bottom blow
down line?
A point in a field of flow about a body where the
a. 1/2 in
fluid particles have zero velocity with respect to the
b. 2 1/2 in
c. 1 in
d. 3/8 in a. stagnation
b. onanation point
c. emanation point
In a pipe specification, schedule is used, when the d. choking point
pipe specified as " schedule 80", the pipe
corresponds to the
Is an abrupt reduction in flow velocity due to
a. "extra standard" weight
sudden increase of water depth in the down stream
b. "old standard" weight
c. internal pressure
d. extra strong a. Hydraulic energy
b. Hydraulic gradient
c. Hydraulic jump
Nozzles does not involved any work interaction. The d. Weirs
fluid through this device experiences.
a. vacuum
A plate or vane used to direct or control movement
b. no change in kinetic energy
of fluid or air within the confined area is called:
c. no change in potential energy
d. no change in enthalpy a. Diffuser
If the actual kinetic energy of a nozzle is Ka and Ki in b. Baffle
the max. value that can be attained by an isentropic c. Bellows
expansion from initial to final state, then efficiency d. Regulator
of a nozzle is
a. KaxKi
b. Ka/Ki
c. Ki/Ka
d. Ki=Ka
Fluids that are pumped in processing work are Uniform flow takes place when:
frequently more viscous than water. Which of the
a. Conditions remain unchanged with time at any
following statements is corrects?
a. Reynolds number varies directly as the viscosity b. Rate of change of velocity opt fluid is zero
b. Working head increases as the viscosity c. At every point the velocity vector is identical in
increases. magnitude and direction for any given instant
c. Efficiency of a pump increases as the viscosity d. The change in transverse direction is zero
d. Increased fluid friction between the pump parts
and the passing fluid increases useful work What is an expansion loop?
a. a double loop radius elbow to minimize friction
Doubling the speed, N, of a centrifugal pump, all of
b. a pipe expander fitting
the following are true except:
c. a pipe bent to a loop to change direction
a. Horsepower, P, is increased by a factor of 8 d. a large radius bend in pipe line to absorb
b. Head, H, is increased by a factor of 4 longitudinal expansion in the pipe line due to heat
c. Head, power and volume flow rate are
independent variable
d. Volume flow rate, Q, is increased by a factor of 2 The ratio h = t/du/d for turbulent flow is:
a. Dependent upon the flow and density
b. A function of temperature and pressure of fluid.
How do you differentiate surge from water
c. One of the physical properties of the fluid
d. The viscosity divided by the density
a. relative compressibility of liquid to expansion
b. rate of deceleration of flow
c. the pressure of reservoir at the end of the pipe The nature of flow of a fluid inside a tube, whether
d. time for a pressure to traverse the pipe it is turbulent or laminar, can be ascertained by:
a. Reynolds number
b. viscosity of fluid
A fluid flows at a constant velocity in a pipe. The
c. flow velocity
fluid completely fills the pipe, and the Reynolds
d. surface conditions
number is such that the flow is just subcritical and
laminar. If all other parameters remain unchanged
and the viscosity of the fluid is decreased a
significant amount, one would generally expect the
flow to:
a. not change
b. become turbulent
c. increase
d. become more laminar

What is the value of the Mach no. at the throat of a

converging- diverging nozzle?
a. One
b. zero
c. Two
d. Ten
The sum of the pressure head, elevation head, and
the velocity head remains constant. This is known
a. Bernoulli's theorem
b. Archimedes theorem
c. Boyle's law
d. Torrecelli's theorem

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