Lesson Plan On Author's Purpose

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Grade Level: Grade 8 Quarter: 3rd

EN8LT-IIIg-2.2.5: Determine key ideas, tone, and purposes of the author.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Determine the author’s purpose through activities and discussions.

 Appreciate the importance of knowing the author’s purpose of the story
when reading a literary piece.
 Construct their own ideas about determining the author’s purpose in
the given literary piece.


 Subject Matter: “Ananse: The Pot of Wisdom” (Afro-Asian
 Grade Level: 8
 Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Pieces of papers

A. Preliminaries
Routine activities

B. Motivation
Activity 1: “I’m good at something!”
The teacher will give the students a piece of paper. The teacher will
ask the students to write a word or two that they think they are really
good at. After writing, the teacher will ask some students to share their
answer/s and try to answer this question:
1. Why do you think you’re good in that?

C. Activity
Ananse: The Pot of Wisdom
By: Adwoa Badoe

One day Ananse collected all the wisdom in the world and decided to
keep it all in a large pot for himself. Now he said,”I have all the wisdom
of the world for myself.” At least that was what he thought being such a
greedy person.

Kweku Ananse then tied the pot of wisdom around his neck with a
strong vine rope and let the pot hang in front of him. But then he was
afraid that someone would find the pot of wisdom and steal it. “What
shall I do with my pot of wisdom?” He thought and thought and at last
he said,”I shall hide the pot on top of the tallest tree in the forest.” So
he searched the forest until he found the tallest tree which happened to
be the thorny silk cotton tree and brought the pot of wisdom to the tree.
While Ananse was trying to climb the thorny silk cotton tree his son
was watching him. ”Father?” he said, "What are you doing?" "Well" said
Ananse, “I have in this clay pot all the wisdom of the world and I am
going to hang it on the top of the tallest tree away from everybody.
Then I will be the wisest in the whole wide world." "I have an idea." said
his son. "Why not hang the pot behind you instead of in front of you.
Then you will be able to climb the tree?” Well the sly one Ananse hung
the pot behind him and to his surprise; he was able to climb to the top
of the tree with his pot. 

Finally Ananse sat on a branch of the tree holding the pot of wisdom. “I
thought I had all the wisdom in the world?” He thought to himself. 

“I thought I had it all in my pot but my own son has wisdom not in my
pot?” Then he made a statement that we still use today. “No one-
person can have all the wisdom in the world.” On his way down he
dropped the pot and it smashed into many pieces and scatted all the
wisdom all over the world.

D. Analysis
The class will process their understanding of the story by answering
the following questions:
1. What do you think the story was all about (theme)?
2. What have you learned in the story?
3. How will it help you become a better person?
4. Why do you think the author wrote this story?

E. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss about the different types of purposes that the
authors have.

An author’s purpose is his reason for or intent in writing.

An author’s purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the
reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

An author writes with one of four general purposes in mind:

1. To relate a story or to recount events, an author uses narrative
2. To tell what something looks like, sounds like, or feels like, the
author uses descriptive writing
3. To convince a reader to believe an idea or to take a course of action,
the author uses persuasive writing.
4. To inform or teach the reader, the author uses expository writing.

After discussing, the teacher will go back to the poem. The teacher will
then ask the students to read the poem again and answer the following
1. What type of writing did the author use in writing the story?

F. Application
The teacher will group the students into 5. The students will
make a performance encapsulating different situations in daily life that
talks about the different strengths that an individual have in something.
Group 1 – Individuals who are good in public speaking.
Group 2 – Individuals who are good in e-games.
Group 3 – Individuals who are good in sports.
Group 4 – Individuals who are good in writing.
Group 5 – Individuals who are good in music.
The group after the performer should identify the factors in the
performance that show the importance of appreciation towards the
individuals’ unique strengths.
Creativity – 10pts.
Content – 10pts.
Delivery – 10pts.
Total = 30pts.
G. Assessment

(The application will serve as the formative assessment of the


H. Assignment

The students will do an advance study for the next lesson.

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