Unit Electrical Installations To Buildings: Structure

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H Structure
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Assessment aid Survey
9.2.1 Assessment of Requirements
9.2.2 Survey of Site
9.3 Terminology
9.3.1 Supply Systems
9.3.2 Star and Deltz Connections
9.3.3 Power
9.3.4 Load and Tariff
9.3.5 Accessories
9.4 Iliternal Wiring
9.41 Conductors and Cables
9.4.2 Wiring Systems
9.4.3 Type3 of Wiring
9.5 Power Distribution
9.51 1)istribution Board
9.5.2 Pand Boards
9.5.3 Rising Majns
9.5.4 Power Cal$m
9.6 Lighting Design
9.6.1 Illumination Standards
9.6.2 Lamps and Lurninares
9.6.3 Lighting 1)esign

9.7 Earthing
9.7.1 Earth
9.7.2 1)efinitions
9.7.3 Classification of Earthing
9.7.4 Selection of Site
9.7.5 Earth Electrodes
9.7.6 EYth Conductors
9.7.7 Types of Eath Stations
9.7.8 Statutory Requirements
9 8 Voltage Regulatipn and Power Factor Improvement
9.8.1 Need for Voltage Regulation
9.8.2 Voltage Regulation
9.8.3 Voltage Correction Devices
9.8.4 Need for Higher Power Factor
9.8.5 Methods of In~provcmentin Power Factor
9.8.6 Economics of Power Factor Improvement
9.9 Electrical Lifts, Generators and UPS
9.91 Electrical Requirements for Lfts
9.9.2 Pllysical Requiren~entsfor Lfts
9.9.3 1)etermjnation of Generator C-apacity
9.94 Physical Requirements for Generator Set
9.9.5 UPS Systems
9.10 Electrical Substations
9.10.1 Transformer Capacity
9.10.2 Types of Substation
9.10.3, Substation Equipment
9.10.4 Physical Requirements
9.1 1 Summary
9.12 Answers to SAQs


I this unit, you will study the basic design aspects of electrical installations, the standards and
p.actice for such installations. Though electrical lifts do not usually form part of electrical
i~stallations, they are also dealt in this unit. All these will help you to make sufficient provisions
' I the architectural plan and to design the building for more safety and efficiency
Elements of Electrical and Objectives
Air-conditioning Design
After completing this unit, you should be able to

assess the electrical power requirement of the building,

provide for necessary structural facilities in the building and compound,and

take care of the requirements of electrical, lift and substation installations.


It is necessary to have a full knowledge of the purpose for which a building is planned including
the utility of each and every space in the proposed building and their demand for electric power
before attempting to design an electrical installation. Similarly it is also llecessary to conduct a
survey of the site and the surroundings of the proposed building with respect to the existing
resources, prevailing practices and the local rules and regulatiolls of the electrical power supply

9.2.1 Assessment of Requirements

Detailed discussions shall be held amongst the users of the buildings, builder, architect and
srructural designer to understand the following:

i) proposed usage of each and every area in the building and compound

ii) the requirement of electric power in each area

iii) the criticality of the electrical installatio~iin each area (for provision of standby s o m e of

iv) provisions for future (vertical and horizontal) expailsion of the building

v) structural details and materials proposed to be used in construction

vi) types of interiors if any, for ceiling, walls, columns and floor
vii) the power requirements for other services like air-conditioners, lifts, fire fighting, water
supply, computers and other special appliances.
These will lead the designer of electrical installation to estimate the total power requirenle~ltof
the building, type of wiring and protection to be provided and to plan for the emergencylstandby
power source.

9.2.2 Survey of Site

After a careful study of the plans of the proposed building, it is necessary to pay a visit to the site
to understand the local coilditions and to collect the following information.

i) the name and address of the electric supply company

ii) the upper limits (kVA or kW) of connected load upto which the company effects
service connections in a) single phase (230 volts), and b) three phase (400 volts)
iii) the applicable tariffs for the purpose to which the building is intended to be used. 111 case the
tariffs are different for different applications within the building whether the supply
conlpany will effect connections separately for each category of tariff. Is there a penalty for
operating the load at a power factor lower than a set point and if so what is the penalty and
what is the set point '?

iv) in case of supply at high tension (6.6 kV or 11 kV) details of two part tariff, prospective
fault level (MVA) at the building site

V) nature, duration and frequency of power outages

vi) voltage fluctuation in the locality

the prevailing practice of extendiiig seryce i,e. by overhead lilies or by underground Electricid Installation
) to Buildinps
the nearest point from where the supply company can meet the complete requirement of
electric power of the proposed building

) how long the supply compally will take to complete the formalities and to effect the
power supply

'1 the scope of work to he done by the customer to meet the requirements of supply

i) examine whether any low tensioli or high tension overhead line is passing through the
proposed building site ,and if so, advise the architect to maintain the minimum clearance from
the overhead electrical supply line as per the table below or to take up the issue with supply
company to divert the lines.
Table 9.1

I 1
Sr. No. Voltage Range Vertical Horizontal
Clearance (Mt.) Clearance
a) Low and medium voltage 2.5 1.2
b) High voltage upto aiid iiicluding 11 kV 3.7 1.2
c) H ~ g hvoltage above 1 1 kV upto 33 kV 3.7 2.0

Also look for power supply cables (low, medium or high voltage) laid in the plot and if iiecessary
inform the ardiitect for the project about such cables, who will, depeiidiilg upoii the layout of the
building in the plot, take appropriate action.

Having obtaiiled these information the designer has to evaluate various alternatives that may be
available, particularly with respect to supply voltage aud tariff and in coiisultatio~lwith the client,
select an ecoiiom~calyet reliable supply voltage and tariff.

I i ) What ii~forniationare required to estimate the total electrical power for a building8?

I) ii) What are the illformation collected during survey of site ?

Although you might be familiar with many terminology alid their definition commonly used in
electrical eiigineerillg it will be worthwhile to review few of them before we proceed further.
/ 9.3.1 Supply Systems

1 Alternating Current Supply (AC)

I11 this system, the supply voltage varies cyclically with respect to time. Thus the voltage is
considered as a vector with an amplitude (equal to the peak voltage) and an angular velocity and
expressed in the form Vgsin at,where V,, is the peak voltage, o is the angular velocity and t is
time in seconds. The current ilowing ill the circuit which is proportional to the applied voltage
also is a vector of the form I, sin ot + $, where I, is the peak current. The effective voltage or
current is called the iiormal (Root Mean Square) voltage or curreiit. For a siiiusoidal waveform
-. this is equal to 0.707 times the peak voltage or current. The voltage vector and the current vector
need not be ill phase. Depe~idi~ig up011 the characteristics of the load, the currelit either lags or
leads or in phase with the voltage vector. This is expressed by the angle $ in the equatioli for
current vector. In a circuit with purely inductive load, the current vector lags the voltage vector hy
Elements of Electrical and 90" (4 = - YOo)while it leads by the same 90" (4 = + 90") in a purely capacitive load. In a purely
Air-conditioning Design resistive load the current is in phase with voltage (41 = 0").In practice, no load is purely resistive,
inductive or capacitive and hence the current vector lies somewhere between + 90" to - 90" with
respect to voltage vector. Figure 9.1 illustrate these concepts.

I ( 0 ) V o l t a g e Vector

( b l Voltage and Current Vectors for Inductive ~ o o d

( c ) Voltage ond Current Vectors tor ~opoc;t;vc Load


(d1Volfoge and Current Vectors for ~ e s i s t i v e Load

Figwe 9.1 :V e h m

Single Phase and Three Phase Supply

When an alternator has only one set of coil on the rotor and produces a single voltage vector it is
said to he a Single Phase System. One end of the coil, called Neutral is grounded and is always
maintained at '0'potential. The power is distributed through a two wire system viz. Phase and
When a generator has three sets of coils placed exactly 120"apart on the rotor, it
three voltage vectors which are also 120"apart. This system is known as a Three Phase
these three phases are called Red (R), Yellow (Y) and Blue (B) for

I 4
9.3. Star and Delta Connections

The t ree coils of the three phase alternator can be connected in two ways as under.

Star onneetion

load is not halanced then the Neutral will carry



l Figure 9.2 :Star Connection

Delta onnection

Figure 9.3, the line voltage and phase voltage are the same.
is 43 times the phase current. As could be seen from the diagram, there
of distribution is with 3 wires only.

Figure 9.3 :Delta Connection

of voltage and current and is usually expressed in kVA.

Actua Power (kW)

We ha e seen earlier that in an alternating current supply, the voltage and current vectors need not
be in p ase. The actual work done in a circuit is given by multiplying the voltage vector by that
Elements of Electrical and component of the current vector in phase with the voltage vector. When the angle between the
Air-conditioning Design voltage vector and the current vector is $ then the current vector can be replaced by two Current
vectors, one in phase with the voltage vector given by I cos $ and the other exactly 90" away from
the voltage vector equal to I sin$ (See Figure 9.4). The actual power in an AC cucuit is given by 1
VIcos $ in case of a single phase system or 4 3 ~ cos1 $ in case of a three phase system.

t I

Figure 9.4

Reactive Power (LVAR)

This is given by multiplying the voltage by that component of current which is 90' away from
voltage vector. For a single phase system, this is given by VI sin $ and in a three phase system by
4 3 VI sin 0. This does not contribute to any work done and is idle. But this component reduces
the capacity of electrical equipment for actual work, increases the losses and voltage drops.
Power Factor
The ratio of actual power to the apparent power is known as Power Factor and is also equal to
Actual Power kW
p.f = COS$ = -
- -
Apparent Power kVA

9.3.4 Load and Tariff

Connected Load
In an electrical installation various kinds of appliances and equipment are connected. There may
be many in each kind. Any electrical appliance or equipment is designed to consume a certain
rated power while working at design conditions. This is known as the power rating of the
equipment and is expressed either in VA (kVA) or W (kW). The sum of all these power ratings in
an electrical installation is called the Connected Load and is expressed either in kVA or in kW
Maximum Demand
Though a large number of equipment are connected in an installation all of them need not be
working simultaneously and even if all of them work simultaneously, all of them need not draw
the maximum rated power simultaneously. Thus the combined demand on the system is always
less than the Connected Load. The highest of such combined demand in an installation is known
as Maximum Demand and is expressed in kVA or kW.
Diversity Factor
The ratio of the Connected Load to the Maximum Demand is known as the Diversity Factor for
that installation.
Connected Load
Diversity Factor =
Maximum Demand
Electrical installation
to Buildings
hour or popularly known as Unit, is the unit of electrical energy and is equal to work
Kilowatt in a period of one hour. This is obtained by simply multiplying the power
by the duration (Hour) for which the power flows.

charges collected by the supply company for supplying electrical energy to a consumer.

wo part system, one part of the charges is as per the single part system which takes care of

9.3. Accessories

Cic t Breaker/Switch/Syitch Fuse Unit

ffere~ittypes of mechanical switching devices capable of making, carrying and

ed current under normal circuit conditions and also capable of breaking specified fault
pending upon the requirements of the location of installation these can be mere switch
other equipment, or a switch fuse unit used for controlling
carrying power and will disconnect the supply down
whenever the current flow exceeds the fuse rating or air circuit breakerloil circuit breaker
h the supply is disconnected by separation of the fixed and moving contacts either
automatically when the current flow exceeds the pre-set limits either by overload or

Lumi ries
Equip ent which distributes, filters or transform the light from one or more lamps and includes
any p s necessary for supporting, fixing and protecting lamps.

This is e unit for measurement of intensity of light and is equal to one Lumen per square meter.

Explain star connection with sketches.

ii) 1 Define Actual Power; Apparent Power and ~ e a c t i v e ~ o w e r .
iii) 1) What is Power Factor'?
iv) 1 Define Diversity Factor.
Explain Single Part and Two Part Tariff.
v, I(
Elenlend of Electrical a d
Let us start with the last leg of utilisation of power in the buildings, i.e. lights, fans and
convenient socket outlets. This portion of the distribution arrangement is called Point Wiring and
is carried out with two wire (Phase and Neutral) system as the connected loads are single phase.

9.4.1 Conductors and Cables

In any system of wiring, conductors are used to carry the load current. These conductors can be
either of aluminium or copper and can be of either single stranded or multistmlded. The
conductor is insulated according to the voltage of the system. For single phase and neutral, the
conductor shall be insulated to withstand 660 volts while for a three phase system, the conductors
are insulated for 1 100 volts. The insulation is provided by PVC covering the conductor. This kind
of conductor is known as PVC illsulated conductor. Whenever these wires are laid in a open
manner it is also necessary to give protection for the insulation. This is achieved by an addit~onal
PVC sheath and these conductors are called PVC insulated and sheathed conductors. These are
available in 1.5 sq.mm, 2.5 sq.mm, 4.00 sq.mm, 6.00 sq.mm and 10.00 sq.mm cross-sections.
These are used to carry power in conductors buried underground or to carry power from receiving
point to the distribution centres inside the huilding and are laid in trenches, on walls and ceilings.
Two, three or four PVC insulated conductors are overall sheathed and provided with either round
or flat galvanised iron armour over which again a tough PVC sheathing is provided. These are
available generally in' 1100 volts grade and in single, two, three, three alld half (three conductors
of tiormal size and the fourth of half the normal cross section) and four core. The nomilla1 cross
sectional areas are 2.5 sq.mrn, 4.0 sq.mm, 6.0 sq.mm, 10 sq.mm, 16 sq'.mm, 25 scl.mm, 35 Sq.mm,
50 sq.mm, 70 sq.mm, 95 sq.mm, 120 sq.mm, 150 sq.rnm, 185 sq.mm, 225 sq.inm, 300 sq.mm,
400 sq.mm and 500 sq.mm. Sizes above these are also available on special orders.

9.4.2 Wiring Systems

This is defined as an assembly of electrical equipment supplied from the same origin and
protected against over current by the same protective device. It is the standard practice that not
more than ten light outlets, fan and convenient socket outlets of 5 amps capacity, whose combined
wattage does not exceed 800 watts, are connected, in one circuit.
It is defined as a termination of the fixed wiring intended for the connection of current using
equipment. It includes a control switch, a terminal device such as ceiling rose, connector or a
convenient socket outlet and the portioii of wiring in the circuit connecting these items.
The discussions in this section applies to point wiring and submain wiring only.
The point wiring generally includes circuit wiring for a group of points in a circuit from the
distribution hoard and include either bare conductor or insulated conductor earthwire for socket
outlet points in all types of wiring system and for light and fan points also in case of coiiduit .
wiring and in earthed systems.
Each 15 A socket outlet used for domestic appliances such as air-conditioser, water cooler, water
heaters, iron, etc. snall be taken on a separatecircuit from distribution board with appropriate size
of wires, normally 6 sq.rnm and occasionally 4 sq.mm, so that separate backup f ~ - sor e miniature
circuit breaker provides required discrimination. All socket outlets, 5 amps or 15 amps shall be
conttolled by a switch located Immediately adjacent to the outlet in addition to the control device
for the circuit at the distribution hoard. Socket outlets may be fixed at any height above 20 cm
from the floor level while all the controlling switches including those for lighting and fans shall
be fixed at an easily operable height say between 150 cm - 175 cm. The circuit and point wiring is
generally done with wires of 2.5 sq.mm and occasionally with 4 sq.mm for the circuit wiring only
(from the distribution board to thp first point). The point wiring is carried out in a looping system
as shown below. Note that looping is not done at any terminal device for light/fans/sockets etc. It
is usual practice to provide one control switch for each light point. However in large offices,
factories, halls etc., where a group of light is either switched ON dr OFF simultaneously, a
provided to control two or more light outlets in the circuit. At times this can Electrical Installation
the miniature circuit breaker in the distribution board controlling the circuit, provided the to Buildings
only that group of light fittings.

- ~ u s eproduction
j - point Control switch
0 -point out&
- S w .l f ~ h BOX

I1 Figure 9.5 :Point Wiring

9.4.3 Types of Wiring

i) 1 Cleated Wiring
I Wood Casing Wiring
PVC Sheathed Wiring
Metal Sheathed Wiring
Rigid Metal Conduit Wiring - Surface
vij Rigid Metal Conduit Wiring - Recessed
Rigid Non-Metallic Conduit Wiring
of installation of wiring system in relation to the type of conductor/cable used is
Table 9.2 of annexure.

Cleate Wiring

ntre to centre) between two wires in a system with voltage upto 250 volts is not less
uit wiring, point wiring and branch loads and 4 cms in case of submains.

level and shall be protected below this level by enclosing in conduit when

wood basing Wiring

tem applicable to low voltage systems upto 250 volts, PVC insulated cables shall be
carried within wood casing enclosure and this system shall not be used on damp
lings. All casing shall be made out of teakwood or approved hardwood, free from knots,
aps etc. all sides planed and well varnished. The casing shall have grooved body with
r plain moulded cover. The size of casing and capping shall be as per the Table 9.3 of

There ill be only two grooves and the width of grooves varies from 6 mm to 9 mm.Bunching of
cables f same polarity only is permitted in one groove, the maximum number of conductors
permis 'ble in one groove is determined by the size of groove and the size of conductor.
Elements of Electrical and The casing shall be fixed to the wooden plugs embedded on walls at intervals not exceeding
~ i ~ - c o a d i t i oDesign
ni~ 90 cm for casing wid& upto 64 mm and not exceeding 6 0 cm for casing width above 64 mm.
Screws shall be countersunk type and shall be fixed within the dividing wall of the grooves. An
insulated porcelain disc spacer of not less than 6.5 mm thick shall be provided between the
waluceiling and the casing. The capping shall be attached to the casing by round head screws
fixed on edges and screwed to the outer walls of casing at an interval not exceeding 15 cm
crosswise (30 cm between two successive screws on same side). When the width of casing is
above 6 4 mm, additional screws shall be fixed on the centre wall at an interval of 45 cm. All
joints in casing and capping shall be screwed with two or more screws. For corners, soft wood
corner piecespf radius not less than 7.5 cm and width equal to the width of casing with grooves at
the bottom shall be used. For crossing of conductors except in junction box a bridge piece shall be
fixed on top of casing.
PVC Sheathed Wiring System (Batten Wiring)
Wiring with PVC sheathed cables is suitable for medium voltage and may be installed directly
under exposed conditions of sun and rain or damp places. The wood battens shall be not less than
10 mm thick and the width shall suit total width of cables laid on the batten. The batten shall be
varnished on all sides. Where attack from white ants is expected, anti termite treatment shall be
given. These battens shall be secured to the walls and ceiling by flat head countersunk screws to
wood or other plugs embedded in wall or ceiling at intervals not exceeding 75 cm. Link clips shall
be fixed to the battens with brass nails at 10 cm intervals for horizontal run and at 15 cm intervals
for vertical runs. One clip shall be used for every pair of wires. The wiring shall not be bent at
right angle, but shall be rounded off to a radius not less than six times the overall diameter of the
largest cable.

Metal Sheathed Wiring

This system is identical to PVC sheathed wiring system except the conductors used have a metal
sheath like lead sheath, i:lstead of PVC sheathing. The metal sheathing shall be earthed and made
electrically continuous through their lengths.
Surface Wiring with Rigid Steel Conduits
All conduits shall be not less than 16 mm in diameter and finished with galvanised or stove
enamelled surface. All conduit accessories shall be threaded type only. Inspection type couplers at
reasonable intervals shall be provided. The outer surface of the complete conduit system shall be
protected against rust. No bare threaded portion of the conduit shall be allowed without
anticorrosive preservative. The number of insulated conductors that can b e drawn in rigid steel
conduit is given in Table 9.4 of annexure.
Conduit shall be fixed by heavy gauge saddles, secured to wall or ceiling with wood or other
plugs at an interval of not more than one metre subject to however that a saddle shall be fixed at a
distance not more than 3 0 cm from the centre of coupler, bend or similar fittings. The conduit of
each circuit or section shall oe completed before conductors are drawn in. The conduit system
shall be tested for mechanical and electrical continuity and connected to earth, by means of
earthing clamps fastened to conduit pipe.
Conductor of a.c. supply and d.c. supply shall be bunched in separate conduits. For lighting and
small power circuits, phase segregation in separate conduits is recommended.
Recessed Wiring with Rigid Steel Conduits
This system is similar to the surface conduit system except the following. The chase in the wall
shall be of sufficient dimensions for easy fixing of conduits. The conduit shall be fixed by means
of staples or saddles not more than 6 0 cms apart. It is preferable that all curves are maintained by
bending the conduit with a long radius to permit easy drawing in of conductors.
Rigid Non-metallic Conduit Wiring (Surface and Recessed)
The non-metallic conduit may be either threaded type or plain type-and shall b e used with
corresponding accessories. The number of insulated cables that may be drawn into non-metallic
conduit, is given in Table 9.5 of annexure.
The method of fixing this conduit is similar to the rigid metallic conduit except that the distance
between saddles is reduced to 6 0 cm.
Electrical Installation
to Buildiqs

i) Define circuit and point wiring.

ii) What are the types of wiring '! Describe wood casing wiring.


f 1
9.5.1 Distribution Board
earlier each circuit shall be protected by means of a fuse wire with fuse base and fuse
by means of a miniature circuit breaker. Number of such protection devices are housed
( -

or four (in a three phase d.b.) MCBs housed in the same sheet metal box connected by
dolley acts as the controlling switch. It is recommended that at the last level of


I I circuit 1
I circuit 2
I I1 % * circuit 3
I@ @ II

circuit 5

submain I circuit 6
~ t c e i v i npoint
~ I I

I t
I I tnside f i a t house etc.

Figure 9.6

1) Supply company's cutout fuse unit

3) Customer's switch fuse unit at receiving end

) 4) Control switch fuse unit i p i d e flatlshop etc.
1 5) Way single phase distribution fuse board,

9.5.2 Panel Boards
where supply is availed. In the former case all the floor panel boards are connected to yet another
main panel board in the meter room. The distribution boards and the panel boards are
icterconnected by means of suitable size and type of cables. (See in Figure 9.7).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- FORTH FLOOR

IIr- -- - --- - - - - ------- -- THIRO FLOOR



- - - - - -- - - - - - - GROUNO FLOOR

- sub-main C a b l ~ s

outgoing control switches
Busbar chamber

Incomer control switch

7J Panel Board







Figure 9.7
The panel board consists of a) a suitable capacity switch for controlling the incoming supply, b) a
dust, vermin and whether proof sheet steel chamber of required length in which a set of copper or
aluminium flats of size sufficient to carry current equivalent or more than the capacity of the
incoming control switch are mounted using insulators of required size, shape and at intervals,
c) set of rigid copper or aluminium flat or rod conductors of appropriate size between the
incoming switch and busbars and between the busbar and outgoing switches, d) required number
of switches of appropriate rating to control the outgoing supply, e) other dccessories like cable
end boxes, trunking between the switches and the busbar chamber, voltmeter, ammeter and other
metering devices, and f) arrangements for ensuring earth continuity. These panel boards can be
either industrial type or cubicle type:In an industrial type panel board, the metal clad switch fuse
units are mounted on a sturdy MS framework comprising MS angles and flats of appropriate
hile fabricating care shall be taken to ensure that all switches are mounted at operable Electrical Lnstallation
. In the cuhicle type panel board, though the electrical connectiol~is same as in industrial to Buildings
nel board, the switch fuse components are fixed inside separate compartment. The panel is
t of 18 G or 16 G MS sheets. Large cubicle panels are fabricated in sections for easy
. The Figure 9.8 illustrates cuhicle panel board.



SlOE V l E W

U Figure 9.8 :Foundation Plan

15.3 ~ i d n Mains
very larke installations serving a large numher of floors in a high rise building, in order to
void large number of long cables running from floor panels to the main panel, which may turn
ut LO be very costly and to provide for future expansion of loads, rising main of adequate
apacity for a set of floors is provided. The floor panels are connected to the rising main via a tap
malns is nothing but a vertical busbar of adequate size provided inside a whether
proof and dust proof sheet metal enclosure installed for the entire height of a set of
rlse building with provisions for tapping power at each floor level.






A :Rising main for gmund to 10th floor; B :Rising main for 11th to 20th floor
C :Rising main for 21st to 30th floor;D :Typical top off at every floor
E :Typical floor panel; F :Main control Panel; C :Power enble:H :Rising main COW (switch 6 ) -
I Figure 9.9 t Rising Maim in High Ripe Boildings

It is recommended that a single segment of the rising main caters to the requirements of not more
than ten floors. Similarly when the area in each floor is large it is the geueral practice to provide
Elements of ~lect&aland more than one rising m a n and the load in that floor is shared by all the rising mains. It is
Air-conditioningDesign recommended that one set of rising main is provided for every 1000 sq.m. It is necessary to
provide separate rising mains for essential and emergency loads. Though from the electrical
distribution point of view it is ideal to have these rising mains in the centre, of the floor space,
taking practical consideration into account, these rising mains are provided near the side walls.
While locating the rising mains care shall be taken to ensure that the rising main shaft is not very
close to shafts for telephone cables, computer communicatioll cables so as to avoid
electromagnetic interference. The schematic diagram in Figure 9.9 explains provisioil of rising
mains in a high rise building.
9.5.4 Power Cables
Panel hoards and distribution boards are interconnected by means of PVC insulated, PVC
sheathed and steel armoured cables. These cables are laid underground, in trenches or fixed to the
walls and ceilings. A number of such cables are even laid on a cable tray. These cables are
provided with brass cable glands at ends and each conductor is provided with su~tablesize lugs
for connections. A separate earth conductor equal to half the size of phase conductor or 75 sq.mm
whichever is less, is laid and connected alongwith the cables between the panels and distribution
board. The current carrying capacities of different sizes of conductor with respect to the
conditiohs of their laying is given in Table 9.6 of the annexure. While selecting cables care shall
be taken to use appropriate derating factors for the correct condition of installat~on.These factors
are given at the bottom of the table.
.- -
i) Draw a sketch ot industrial or cubicle type panel board and label components.
ii) Describe provision of rising mains in the buildings.


9.6.1 Illumination Standards
In residential areas and rooms where the number of light fitting and the type of light fittings are
decided by individual taste and aesthetical consideration. In public utility areas the same is
decided by the level of illumination required for the area. Different illumination levels are
required according to the activities being carried out in that area. Table 9.7 in the iulnexure gives
the recommended illumination levels for different areas.
9.6.2 Lamps and Luminares
Different types of lamps, their light output etc. are listed in the following Table 9.8.
Table 9.8
Electrid Installation
to Buildings
ps can be used without any luminare, in order to give protectioii to the lamp as well
light output in the desired direction and to increase the aesthetic of a place in

plane is obtained. A large number of small lamps will give a very even illumination,

ht ratio) is important in this connection and a sufficiently even illumination is

ined if the value of this ratio does not exceed the figures given in Table 9.9 below.
tting depends upon the views of the architects, and thetype of installation viz.
mounting or recessed mounting.

I ordin&
u Table 9.9 :Maximum Permissible Values of Spacinmeight Ratio

industrial fittings 1 1.5 1

I ~oncedratingfittings - - - - - - --

Indirec fittings (ratid = spacinglceiling height) 1.5

Standar 1 fluorescent lamps 1.5

fitting and lamp and having decided on the required illuminatioli level
fittings required is calculated as under.

The fittin manufacturers supply the mutual absorption factor B for fittings with more than one

m e room index R is calculated using the following formula.

Length x Width (of the area)

Height X (Length x Width)

(Height is
Pe mounting height of fixture from the working plane.)

of light fittings supply a chart which gives the coefticient of utilisation C for each
r various room indices, spacing between fixtures and reflection factors for
walls. In absence of such a chart, the coefficient of utilisation can be taken as
1 fixtures. 0.6 for industrial fixtures and 0.4 for decorative fixtures with perspex

The maint ance factor is decided by the designer according to his perception of how well the
installation 's going to b e maintained. Generally the maintenance factor is take as 0.7.

Similarly derating factor D for the lamp is decided depending upon the life of the lamp. The
reduction i light output during the first 100 hours is more rapid. Thereafter it is more or less
constant up o about 90% of the average lamp life. Fall in output is rapid thereafter.

The numbe of light fittings required for the area is given by -
Element., of Electrical and Example 9.1
Air-conditioning Design
A room of 30 m wide, 60 m long and 3 m high (floor to false ceiling) having light coloured walls
and ceiling is to be illuminated using concealed type mirror optic fittings each with 2 nos. of 40
W fluorescent tube lights. An average and uniform illumination level of 400 lux is to be provided
on a horizontal plane parallel to the floor and 0.75 m above it. Estimate number of fittings
assuming the following :
C = coefficient of utilisation of a mirror optic fitting for a room having light coloured
walls and ceiling and with a room index of 26.7, spacing to hight ratio 1.3 is 0.6.
D = lamp derating factor is 0.85
I = lumens per watt is 50
M = maintenance factor is 0.75
B = mutual induction for two lamps in the same fittings is 0.90

30 x 60 x 400
No. of fittings =
50 x 40 x 2 x 0.9 x 0.75 x 0.6 x 0.85
- = 522.87 or say 520
Spacing between fittings = 3m
No, of rows in 60 M = 6013 = 20
Number of lamps per row = 520DO = 26
Length of row = 30m
Total length of fittings in a row = 26 x 1.250 = 32.5 m
Hence it is not possible to fix 26 fittings in 30 m width. Therefore reduce the spaclng between
fltting to 2.5 m. For the revised spacinglheight ratio of 2.512.25 i.e. l .I 1 the coefficient of
utilisation is assumed to be 0.65 then the number of fittings required works out to -
No. of fittings = 7200011492
= 482 or say 480
No. of rows = 6012.5 = 24
No. of fittingsirow = 480124 = 20
The length of 24 fittings = 24 x 1.25 = 30 m.
It will be just possible to accommodate 480 fittings (24 rows of 20 fittings each).

Calculate the number of twin mirror optic fluorescent fixtures with 40 W tubelights for an
office area of 50 m x 60 m with a floor to false ceiling height of 2.5 m. The required
illumination level is 300 lux. Use the following data.
C = coefficient of utilisation for the room with spacing to height ratio of 1.3 is 0.7
D = lamp derating factor is 0.90
I =lumens per watt is 55
M = maintenance factor is 0.80
B = mutual induction for two lamps in the same fittings is 0.92
Electrical installation
9.7 EARTHING to Buildings

, Now 1 us see definitions of few terms commonly used in earthing.

The coiductive mass of earth, whose potential at any point is taken as zero.
Earth b c t r o d e
of conductors in intimate contact with and providing an electrical

Earth lectrode Resistance
offered by an earth electrode in intimate contact with the surrounding earth for
is expressed in ohms.

Electri Ily Independent Earth Electrode
earth fault occurs in 'an electrical installation, or whenever a current is carried by the
e, the potential (voltage) of the earth electrode with respect to the general mass of
aises. This results in the existence of a voltage gradient in the soil around the electrode.
s of this voltage are a) jeopardise the safety of human being and animals standing close

ed within a radius of 2-2.5 m from any earth electrode and sufficient precaution is
human being or animal take rest within this distance. An effective method to
of electric shock to human being and animals is to bury the pipe or rod electrodes

r electrodes by a distance such that the performance or effectiveness of this electrode is

allyway by fault current flowing in other electrodes. The normal distance of
earth electrodes to be independent is 2 m to 2.5 m.
Main Terminal

The ter 'nal or bar provided for the connection of protective and functional earthing conductors
to the e: thing.

A systei of earth electrodes consistiiig of interconnected conductors buried in the earth to
provide mmon earth for electrical devices and metallic struchues.

lassification of Earthing
Elements of Electrical and ensure stability of circuit potential with respect to earth by grounding the lleutral point
Air-conditioning Design
ensure prompt and effective operation of protective devices during earth faults and
protect telephone, signal, computer cables from high ground potential due to system
earth fault currents.
Safety Earthing
The objective of the safety earthing is to:
ensure freedom from dangerous electric shock voltage to persons and animals and
safely carry the current without affecting the structure or electrical/electronic equipment
and without endangering the life of inmates in the building due to lightening.
9.7.4 Selection of Site
The resistance of earth electrode depends upon the resistivity of the surroundmg soil. The soil
resistanre depends upon the moisture content, chemical composition, concentration of salt, grain
size, grain distribution, closeness of packing and temperature of earth. h~ order to have \i good
earthing, a site shall be selected in accordance wlth the following in that order of performance.
wet marshy grounds.
clay, loomy, airable or clayey soil, calyey soil or loomy mixed with small quantity of
clay and loomy mixed with sand, gravel and stones.
Damp and wet sand, peat.
Dry sand, chalk, gravel, limestone, granite and stony ground and all soils where virgin rock is
very close to the surface should be avoided. A site should be chosen that is not naturally well
drained. If a cut and fill exercise has been carried out or an imported fill has h'een carried out,
deeper driving of electrode may be necessary to reach layers of reasonable resistiv~tyand stable
ground. Site should be away from any building structure, water line or gas line by atleast 2 m
Where the soil resistivity is very high, soil treatment with bentornite or similar material may be
used. hl areas where soil temperature is likely to fall below 0 OC the earth electrode shall be
installed well below frost line. To reduce the soil resistivity, it is necessary to dissolve in the
moisture some substances like sodium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium carbonate, copper
sulphate, salt and soft coke or salt and charcoal in suitable proportion. Though this treatment may
be effective over a period of many years, the resistivity may be tested annually and i t necessary
additional treatment done. While deciding the treatment the corrosive effect of the substances on
the earth electrode should be considered.

9.7.5 Earth Electrodes

This can be either pipe, rod, plate or strip. ?he type of the electrode is determined by tlre
estimated fault current that is likely to be carried by the electrode and the resistivity of the
surroullding soil.

Wherever the resistance of a single plate is higher, two or more plates sepiuated atleast by 2 m
from each other may be used in parallel. The plate electrode shall be of size not less than
60 cm x 60 cm. The thickness shall he as follows :
Cast Iron 12 mm ribbed
GI or Steel 6.3 mm
Copper 3.15 mm
Pipe or Rods
A number of rods or pipes connected in parallel, separated by a distance of not less than the
length of driven pipe or rod, may be used whenever the soil resistance is high. Pipes ]nay be of
cast !ron, not less than 100 mm dia, 2.5 - 3 m long and 13 mm thick, MS or GI pipes of 38 - 50
mm Gia or copper, steel cored copper or galvanised steel rods of 13, 16 or 19 mm dia and 1220
mm to 2400 mm long can also be used as electrodes.
Electrical Installation
to Buildings
width x 6.3 mm thick) or copper (50 mm width x 3.15 rnm thick) and of
gth, usually about 15-20 m is buried in shallow depth to act as earth electrode. These
advantage where high resistivity soil underlies surface layers of low resistivity.
a1 strips of electrodes are required to reduce the resistivity, they may be installed in
ed by a distance of not less than 2.5 m or in a radial formation and all of them

9.7.61 Earth Conductors

4nimum cross sectional area of earthing conductors shall be as given below Table9.10.
here the fault current is expected to be higher, then the cross sectional area of
r has to be calculated taking into account the time taken by the operating device
upply and the permissible current density for the earth conductor. The
ity depends upon the material of protection or insulation, initial
the fault) and the conductor material. Though subject to certain
of cable, screens for conductors can be used as earth conductor it is
arate earth conductors.
Minimum Sizes of Copper Earthing Leads, Copper Bonding Leadsand Copper Earth
Conductors not Forming part of the same Cable as the Associated Circuit Conductors

al Nominal Cross- Nominal Cross- Nominal Cross-

sectional Area of sectional Area of sectional Area of
Earthing Lead Earth Continuity Bonding Lead
sa. mm sa. mm sa. mm sa. mm

95.0 50.0 50.0 16.0

120.0 50.0 b 50.0 16.0
150.0 50.0 50.0 16.0
1 d5.0 and above 70.0 70.0 50.0

9.7.7 types of Earth Stations

of pipe earth electrode and plate earth electrode which are widely and most
shown in Figure 9.10 8~9.11.

9.7.8 Statutory Requirements

um voltage equipment shall be earthed by two separate and distinct connections. The
oints shall be earthed liy not less than two separate and distinct connections. As far as
earth connections shall be visible for inspection. No addition to Q e current carrying
1 be made which will increase the fault current or its duration until it is ascertained that
arrangement of earth electrodes can support such addition. All earthings shall
following specifications prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards.

IS 304) 1 1987 1 Code of practice for earthing

IS 2301 ( 1969 I Code of practice for the protection of building and allied
1 I I structures against lightening.
IS 768)
) 1974 ( Guide for control of undesirable static electricity -- --3
Elements of Electrical and

NOTE A f t e r l q y i n q .the erth from the e a r t h but t o t h e e l e c t r o d e t h r o u g h the PVC conduits

at at the p ~ et n t r y c o n d u l t s s h c u l d be sealed W I t h bitumen c o m p o u n d .

AII dim ensions i n m i l iimetrrs

Figure 9.10 :Typical Arrangement of Pipe Electrode


/ EACH 50x12



Figure 9.11 :Typical Arrangement of Plate Electrode

Electrical InMation
to Buildings

I i) Define electrically independent earth electrode. What precaution has to be taken while
locating an earth station ?
ii) How do you select a site for a good earth station? Where do you use strip electrodes?
iii) What are the type of earth station? Draw a sketch for any one type.


i 8.1 Need for Voltage Regulation
1 the-electrical equipment and machinery are designed to work under certain specified
ns like voltage and frequency in case of alternating current equipment. As far as
in&the supply frequency is concerned the customer has little option as the frequency
same throughout the supply company's grid. However, it is necessary to take adequate
regulate the voltage within his own premises to ensure that :

/ II
the appliances and equipment deliver their rat& output
performs more efficienuy and optimally
the life expectancy increases.
p,standard voltages of interest to the customers with higher and lower limits are as under.
Low/Medium Voltage Standard High Low

I Siligle phase supply 240 V 264 V

1 Three phase supply 415 V 457 V

6.6 k V 7.2 k V
f High Voltage 11.0 kV 12.0 kV
I 33.0 k V 36.0 kV

s the voltage reduces the electric motors draw more current to deliver the rated output resulting
more heat in the windings and consequent failure of winding insulation. As the voltage
flow in equipment like heating equipment, lamps etc. resulting in
Hence it is essential to maintain the supply voltage within the
Elements of Electricd and 9.8.2 Voltage Regulation
Air-conditioning Design
It is defined as the ratio (expressed in percentage) of the difference between the standard voltage
and the actual voltage when full load current is drawn or supplied by the equipment to the
standard voltage or the actual voltage when there is no current drawn or supplied by the -

vs - VA
Voltage Regulation (%) = x 100
where VA = Actual Voltage at full load, and
V, = Standard or no load volt
In order to prevent prohlems due to low voltage and to take corrective steps, careful study of the
voltage fluctuations at the site and discussion with supply company's engineers is necessary. The
supply voltage may fluctuate not only because of the load in the building hut also due to the
variation in the loads of other customers supplied from the same line or same substation. The
voltage correction methods and the location of these devices in the installation are different for
these two cases.

9.8.3 Voltage Correction Devices

Where the voltage at the supply point itself fluctuates either with or without the buildings'
electrical load, one of the following methods/ devices can he provided.
In Case of High Tension Supply

Off Load Tap Changing on the Transformers : As a general practice the distribution
transformers are provided with off load tap changing arrangement to take care of voltage
fluctuation of + 10% 'old -10%. Taps are provided in steps of 2.5%. This method in effect
changes the ratio of number of turns in primary and secondary windings of the transformer
thus compensating for the decrease or increase in the supply voltage. However this methods
will he of use only wlleli the voltage fluctuation is seasonal or infrequent and the entire
electrical supply in the premises can he put off for tap changing.
On Load Tap Changing :This method is similar to the off load tap changing except that the
tap can be changed without the need to put off the power supply.
Automatic Voltage Regulation : In this an electronic circuit is provided to contii~uously
monitor and give appropriate signal to effect a stepless change in the ratio of primary and
secondary windings of the transformer to maintain constant output voltage without putting
off the power supply.
In all the aforesaid types, wherever the rluctuations in supply voltage is expected to he very high
the same has to he specified while desigiiinglordering the transformers.
In Case of Low Tension Supply

If the total connected load is small and power breaks of milli-seconds are acceptable, a huck
and hoost voltage stahiliser can he installed. This corrects the output voltage in steps (similar
to tap changing hut tap changing is done automatically.)
If the total connected load is not so high or when power hreaks even for very small duration
are not acceptable, servo controlled voltage stahilisers can he used (similar to automatic
voltage regulators).
If the total connected load is very small and a fairly constant and stable voltage without any
surges is required, and the load at any time does not fall below 25% of the rated load,
constant voltage transformers popularly known as CVT can be used. The efficiency of CVTs
is very low when compared to the huck and hoost (relay type) and servo colitrolled voltage
stabilisers. However the CVTs require least or no maintenance.
The relay type huck and hoost regulator is suitable for use with appliances like refrigerators,
television sets, lighting and fan circuits. The servo controlled stahilisers are suitable for use with
appliances like computers, computer peripherals etc. CVTs is suitable for supply of power to
highly voltage sensitive electronic control circuits, one or two home computers etc.
uch cables. While selectil~gthe size of cables proper care shall be taken to apply,

etc. No cable shall he selected in which the overall voltage drop while carrying the full
t due to all connected loads plus a factor of safety for future loads say 20% to 25%, exceeds

9.8. Need for High Power Factor

auld mailltail1 certan power factor in their i~lstallatio~l

and if not, pay a penalty
to the deviation (on the low side) from the prescrihed power factor. This is usually' a
the charges for kWH in case of single part tariff or a percentage of Maximum

at 0.6 pf. The maximum demand charges for this load is for 10010.6 = 166.67 kVA. If the

9.8.5 Methods of Improvement in Power Factor
kVA (RkVA). I11 general this reactive kVA is
of inductive loads, purely capacitive load is added
ctive kVA and improves the power factor

1I OV - Voltage Vec tor

O A - C u r r e n t Vector/ Power Vector for log
0 ~ ' -Current Vector/ Power Vector for @'\aq
O C - Power in KW
08 R e a c t i v e KVA for$" l a g
08'- ~ e a c t i v e IKVA tor 4'" lag
~ o t i n g o f ~ . f ~. m p r o v e m e n t capacitor 06-08'

I Figure 9.12 :Power Factor Impmvement

Elements of Electrical and From the above vector diagram it can be derivcd that the rating of the capacitor required to
Air-conditioning Design increase the power factor of a load is given by
RkVA (Leading) = P (tan $, - tail $,)
P = the connected load or the maximum demand in kW,
0, = cos-' (pf,) - pf, being the power factor prior to correction,
= c ~ s (pf,)
- ~ - pf, being the expected power factor after correction, and
RkVA = Reactive kVA of the capacitor required.
Table 9.11 of annexure gives the size of capacitor in kVAR required per kW of load for given
degree of power factor correction.
It is necessary to specify and insist upon high power factor for large induction motors in order to
reduce reactive kVA required to improve the power factor. The fluorescent light fittings which
constitute a large portion of the load in general office buildi~lgswithout air-conditioning has a low
power factor of about 0.6. Such light fittings shall be provided with power factor improvement
capacitors in the fitting itself as an integral component along with starters aid chokes.
In case of inductioii motors, it is better to connect appropriate size capacitors across the motor
terminals in a way such that the capacitors come on line when the motor is started and goes off
the line, when the motor is switched off. However in large iiistallatioiis with quite a number of
induction motors working at different hours this method calls for capacitors whose combiiieil
kVA is very large. In such cases it is advisable to pool the capacitors at the supply receiving point.
At this point the effect of only the active load at any point of time is reflected. This is similar to
the connected load and maximum demand. The capacitors are connected in a bank so that these
can be added or removed from the line in steps either automatically or manually to maintain the
power factor at the desired level.

9.8.6 Economics of Power Factor Improvement

Though it is ideal to maintain unity power factor it is practically not done as it calls for large
capacitors requiring huge capital cost. The supply companies specify the minimum power factor
to be maintained. In case of installation subjected to single part tariff, it will suffice mmaintain a
pf equal to this prescribed minimum. I11 case of installation subjected to two part tariff, though it
will he enough to maintain a pf equal to that specified by the supply company, large saving in
energy bills can be effected by a higher factor, as higher power factor for the same load wiil be
met with a lower kVA demand and hence lower demand charges.
To understand this let us consider the fol!..wing example.
A factory has a maximum demand of 175 kW at a power factor of 0.75. The tariff is Rs 200 per
kVA and Rs 2.50 per kWH. The cost of provision of power factor improvement capacitor is
Rs 250 per kVA. The interest, depreciation and maintenance cost, the cost of power loss in the
capacitor can be taken as 20% and 2% respectively of the capital cost.
The most economical power factor is given by the formula.
cos $= dl- (b/aj2
where b = the yearly overall cost of capacitors per kVA, and
a = the fixed charge payable per kVA of maximum demand.
In the present case
cos $ = 41 - ((250 x 0.22)/200)~
- d l - 0.0075625
= d 0.924375
= 0.9614442 or say 0.96
Hence maximum return for the investment is achieved when the power factor is improved upto
0.96 p.f. At the present power factor of 0.75 the reactive kVA for a load of 175 kW is
175 tan (cos-I 0.75) = 175 x 0.88 = 154 kVAR. At the now proposed power factor of 0.96 the
reactive kVA for the same load is 175 tan ( cos-' 0.96 ) = 175 x 0.29 = 5 1. Therefore, the
capacitors required works out to 154 - 51 = 103 or say 105 kVAR. The capital cost works out to
105 X 250 = Rs. 26,2501- and the savings in energy bill works out to {(17510.75) - (17510 9 6 ) ) x
s. IU,LW. 111us ule puwer factor improvement can result in enormous savings in energy Electrical Imtallation
to Building?;
increasing the efficiency of the system as a whole.

Define voltage regulation. Explain the need to maintain constant rated voltage.
What are the causes for voltage fluctuation? Briefly explain the methods for c o W t i n g
voltage fluctuations with respect to different causes.
ib) Why is it necessaiy to maintain a high power factor'?
i l l Calculate the most economical power factor given the following.
) Maximum Demand 100 kW
fi present power factor 0.75
1 Maximum Demand Charges Rs 2501- per kVA per month
1 Power factor required to be maintained r 0.84

I Penalty for low power factor

Fost of power factor improvement :

2% of total of demand plus consumption
charges for every 1% drop in power factor.

1 Capacitor per kVAR Rs 3001-

P Cost of maintenance of power factor

improvement capacitor Rs 50 per kVAR per year

Energy consumption charges
(Assume the load to be working for
250 hours in a month) Rs 1.60 per unit
Life of capacitor 15 years
(Use straight line method for depreciation)


Electrical Requirements for Lifts
e general practice that all office buildings and residential buildings having four or more
ors are provided with a means of vertical transportation. In public utility areas like hospitals,
rts etc. wherever there is more than one level either lifts or escalators are provided. It is
nd the scope of this unit to go into the details of traffic analysis and other design aspects.
ever, it is intended to discuss the electrical and physical requirements in this chapter.
erever the traffic is more and the number of floors are also more, it is advisable to provide a
mber of lifts in one or two groups. Again within the same group of lifts some can be specified
certain floors while others may serve all floors.
f lectrical Requirements
11 lifts whether small or big have 3 phase electric motors and hence it can be safely presumed
at the electricalload is 3 phase balanced. Though the latest lift'drivks such as variable voltage
ariable frequency ones are more efficient than the conventional lifts viz. Single speed (for speeds
pto lmlsec), two speed (for speeds upto 1.5mIsec) or variable voltage drives (for s p v d s upto
.5 mlsec) the overall efficiency does not exceed 60%. Having arrived at the capacity of the lift
he contract speed the pcwer of the motor is approximately calculated using the following

No. of persons x contract speed x 68

Motor Power ckW) =
2 x 0.60 x 75
Elements of Electrical nad It is necessary to lay a separate power cable for the lift from the point of availi~lgservice to the lift
Air-conditioning Desipp machine room. While selecting the size of the cable the fact t!le lift motor starts and stops quite
frequently shall be kept in mind and the cable selected liberally i.e. to limit the voltage drop
within 2% while carrying atleast 1.5 to 2 times the full load (rated) current of the lift motor. The
regulations stipulate that no power cable(wires shall be taken through the lift shaft, except the
power supply cable for the lift motor. Separate cable shall be laid for the electrical power
requirements of lift machine room, lift shaft and lift car lighting. Two distinct and separate earth
connections shall be provided for the body of the electric motor and other steel structures in the
lift machine room. Adequate ventilation arrangements shall be provided for the lift machine room.
If the natural ventilation is not sufficient, exhaust fans shall be provided. Modem lifts with
microprocessor controls and lift installations with large number of lifts in the same machine room
call for even air-conditioning of the lift machine room. While designing electrical installation, the
requirements of such air-conditioning equipment shall also be taken care of, but the same shall not
be mixed with the lift power and light cables. In buildings of height more than 25 m or having
more than seven levels the requirements stipulate that atleast one lift is designated as tire lift and
has alternate standby sciuce of power supply e.g. diesel generator set. Lift machine room
generally being the highest point in any building, shall be protected against lightening strikes.

9.9.2 Physical Requirements for Lifts

General arrangements of a typical passenger lift installation is shown in Figure 9.13.

The Table 9.12 gives the physical requirements such as lift well size, lift pit depth, clearance
between the lift landing and the bottom of the lift machine room, machine room dimensions etc
for the different capacities atd speeds.
Table 9.12 - Electrical Installation
- to Buildings

common lift shaft of appropriate size can be provided for a group of lifts, fie lift shall

Care sh I.be taken in respect of the following :

pT(Ivision to ensure that no water flows into the lift shaft from the floor/lobbies

' F e lift pit is provided witn water proofing so that no water seeps through due to rains or
ater level in the surrounding

e lift shaft wall is either 150 mm RCC or 230 mm thick brick. Partition walls made of
ood and metal shall not be used as lift shaft wall

'P e lift shaft is m e and vertical. Allow adequate tolerances particularly when the lift
s aft is very high

1' t shall be located in a location very close to the entrylexit to.the building and not deep
i side the building
a vap door shall be provided in the floor above the last lift lobby to facilitate
of equipment for installation, removal of machinery for repairs
machine room a hoisting beam or hoisting hook to support the heaviest machine
may be provided
l i t machine room shall be easily accessible
provided with a ventilator just below the machine room floor slab for

9.9.3 D termination of Generator Capacity

cuation of the building in case of fire, iii) power loads for operation of fire fighting
iv) to ensure completion of a continuous physical or chemical process which
d in the middle of the process may result either in damage to the process
Elements of Electrical nnd the supply voltage, frequency, voltage and frequency tolerances, power, starting current,
Air-conditioning Design sequence of starting of equipment
the permitted or allowable time for change over from regular supply to emergency supply
the need to operate the equivalent for the complete duration of power failure or whether the
equipment can complete the work on hand and can be stopped thereafter till the regular
power supply resumes. In the latter case the time required for completioli of a process from
the start to end is also required to be ascertained.
whether-the equipment can be switched off in the middle of the process of a~iyfire
Based on the information collected, loads are first divided into two categories viz. (a) loads that
will permit a short break in power during change over from one source to another and (b) loads
that require changeover of source without any break. The loads in the category (a) are connected
to a generator set.
The total kVA of all such loads constitute the essential load. This essential load is divided into
two separate types viz. (a) which can be and must be switched off during fire emergency and
(b) which continuous to be OM even during fire emergency (except fire emergency loads). This is
illustrated by the following situation.
In a building having a group of lifts, one or two of them is classified as fire lifts, When in the
normal circumstances, all the lifts may be connected to an emergency source, in case of fire
emergency, only the fire lifts are connected and kept ON. Similarly all fire emergency loads are
kept off during normal power failures, but switched on during power emergency. If the loads in
each type are substantial the feasibility and economics of either going in for a single large
capacity generator or a number of small capacity generators has to be examined. The
permittedlallowable time for changeover from one source to another dictates whether the
generator set is provided with a Automatic Mains Failure control which enables the set to get
started and feed the loads within about 30 seconds of mains power failure without any human
interaction, is provided for the set or not. The total generator capacity shall be the maximum of
the sum of type (a) and type (b) loads or the sum of fire emergency and type (b) loads. While this
is the working capacity of the generator set the actual capacity of the generator set is selected such
that the starting current requirement of the largest motor that may be started while all other loads
are already kept ON is met without appreciable dip in voltage. It is the usual practice to provlde
for an additional capacity equal to half the full load requirement of such device. While designing
the electrical distribution for the building it shall be ensured that different category and types of
loads are separately wired for connection to generator or standby power source.

9.9.4 Physical Requirements for Generator Set

The generator set produces lot of noise and heat during operation. It is therefore, necessary to
locate the generators away from the working area and to provide the generator room with
adequate ventilation. It is also necessary to ascertain the permissible levels of noise and pollution
emission and the height at which the exhaust from the engine is permitted to be let to the
atmosphere from the local pollution control authorities.
The generator set also produces certain amount of vibration during operation. It is therefore,
advisable to provide the generator set in a separate structure and if for some reason if this is not
feasible, the generator shall be provided in the ground floor on firm ground and with appropriate
anti-vibration arrangements like floating foundation, vibration elimination pads etc. If the
generator is required to be located in basement of a building or in a place where required
ventilation is not naturally available, mechanical ventilation has to be provided. In some cases it
may so happen that it will not be possible to provide for the full ventilation requirements of a
generator set (including that of the radiators). Under these conditions, an engine with heat
exchanger and a cooling tower is provided instead of an engine with air cooled radiator. The noise
of generator operation can be reduced by either going in for acoustic insulation of the generator
room or by acoustic hoods surrounding the generator set.

9.9.5 UPS Systems

,The loads that require changeover of source without any break are connected to an unintermptable
power supply source. The generator source, being a limited capacity power source, may have
voltage surges (due to fluctuations in load or startinglstopping of motors), fluctuations in
frequency and higher harmonics. Even the power from the supply company is not without surges,
voltage and frequency fluctuations. The loads which require very clean power for operation
point of view, may have to be connected to UPS, the output of Electrical 1n.Stdlilti01
to Buildings

is an equipment in which the raw power from the supply source is rectified to a
in turn is in parallel connected to a storage battery set of same voltage, and in
to an inverter which converts the DC to AC source of required voltage and
following block diagram illustrates this principle in Figure 9.14:

Figure 9.14 :UPS System

ecting the rechargeable battery to the DC bus the batteries are allowed either to get
from the AC mains supply or in the absence of mains supply instantly provide DC source
the battery set is decided by the time for which the UPS is
e main AC supply fails. The surges, voltage and frequency
are not reflected in the UPS output as they are electrically

require lesser ventilation.

the UPS and battery
s which produces a certain
provided with acoustic

output of UPS is electrically separated from the AC mains, it is necessary to provide

e earth station for neutral grounding to ensure zero potential to the neutral of UPS output

i) What provisions are made in the structure for lifts instalsation? and what precautions
are required to be taken for them?
lii) HOW is the capacity o f a emergency generator set is arrived at
iv) Describe UPS with a block diagram.


an the voltage at which various equipment and utilities in the installation work, then it is
to provide substation equipment. Substation equipment consist of devices to receive
a higher voltage, convert or transform the voltage to a level suitable for local

9.10. Transformer Capacity
oad (in kVA) of the installation is
e diversity factor is assumed. For
d load and the diversity factor the
Elements of Electrical and
Air-conditioningDesign connecrw LUiiU
Maximum Demand =
Diversity Factor
Though this gives required rating of the transformer, in order to take care of future expansion of
the building and addition of connected load, a safety factor of atleast 1.25 is applied over the
expected maximum demand and thereafter a transformer of next higher standard rating is selected.
Though in most cases a single transformer can meet the total demand it is always advantageous to
provide two or three transformers, each of about 60%-70% (for two transformers) or about 35%-
45% (for three transformers) as this will provide sufficient power even when a transformer is out
of service either for repairs or for routine maintenance. In case of group of buildings like large
residential colonies or huge industrial complex having a number of structures, it is also the usual
practice to provide more than one substation to reduce the cost of distribution arrangements and to
minimise voltage drop and transmission losses.

9.10.2 Types sf Substation

Substations are classified mainly as outdoor substations and indoor substations. However the
following combillations are possible.

a) Pole mounted transformer with overhead HT line and overhead LT lines -This is the
simplest of all and is best suitable for single transformer installations with less critical
loads. This consists of two steel tubular poles on which the following are mounted.
i) a set of 3 disc insulators rated for the receiving high tension voltage,
ii) a set of 3 lightening arrestor devices,
iii) 2 sets of pin insulators and an air-break switch with operating handle brought down
to about 1500 mm above ground level,
iv) 2 sets of pin insulators and horn gap fuse arrangements or a set of gang operated
drop out fuse unit,
v) transformer suitable for outdoor application with HT and LT side bushings,
vi) one LT fuse switch arrangement of appropriate rating,
vii) a set of LTpisc insulators.
This arrangement is suitable for capacities upto 250 kVA arrangement.

b) Plinth mounted transformers with overhead HTad LT lines : The arrangement in this case
is similar to (a) above except that the transformer is mounted not on the pole but on a
separate plinth constructed close to the two polelfour pole structure. This arrangement is
recommended for transformers of capacities,higher than 250 kVA. With a 4 pole structure
two transformers can be mounted.
c) Outdoor substations with oil circuit breakers : whenever the system fault level (in MVA)
is high, the simple arrangement of airbreak switch and horn gap fuse or gang operated drop
out fuse switches are not enough, to safely open and close (ONIOFF) the HT lines and to
protect the transformer. Under such conditions it iS necessary to replace this by a suitably
rated oil circuit breaker. These oil circuit breakers can be a simple oil immersed switch
with HT fuse links of high rupturing capacity or an oil immersed switch with overload and
earth.fault sensing and tripping devices with provision for manual tripping.
d) Substations with outdoor HT equipment, transformers and with indoor LT equipment : In
all the three types discussed above while the HT side can be with overhead lines, the LT
side can still be with under ground cable. In such cases, the transformer is provided with
outdoor type bushings on the HT side, and with a box suitable to receive the underground
cable on the LT table. The cable connects the LT side of the transformer to the controlling
incomer switch or air circuit breaker on the main LT distribution panel located inside a
structure. The length of the cable shall be as small as possible, usually not more than 10 to
15 metres. The main LT distribution panel can either be located in the main building or in a
small but separate structure which can also house the emergency diesel generator set, if one
is proposed.
e) Indoor substations with outdoor HT receiving point : There are situations wherein a
customer prefers to have an indoor substation but the supply company, due to the existing
local practice has only overhead PIT distribution system. The customer is therefore
constrained to receive the HT supply on an outdoor two pole structure. The two ole
u structure contains only the switching device. A suitable size high tension cable connects
this switching device to the indoor HT switching equipment.
Electrical Invtallatio~~
to Buildings I
1 Indcr. wbstations : In this type of substations all equipment are rated for indoor duty and
u: i l y consists of
the supply company's breaker and metering device

I ii)

the consumer's PIT panel with one incomer breaker and as many breakers as the
number of transformers to control and protect each transformer independently
required number of indoor type transformers
lk) main LT distribution panel.

9.10. Substation Equipment
mers : Distribution transformer is an electromagnetic device to step-down the higher
sually 400 volts in a 3 phase system. The transformer consists of
ly a primary (high voltage winding) and a secondary winding (low voltage winding).
indings are wound on a common ferro magnetic core, but are physically separated. The
windings in each depends upon the requircd ratio of voltages. If V, is the primary
oltage, then the ratio of number of turns in primary and

-- = -

vs Ns
Ns are number of turns in primary and secondary windings respectively. The
indings are required to be insulated from its supporting and protective enclosure.
also generate heat due to iron and copper losses. This heat is required to be
the surroundings and the winding temperature maintained at reasonable temperature.
oil acts both as insulator and a medium to transfer heat from the windings to the
f the transformer. When the capacity of the transformer is very small, the role of
1 is performed even by air.

Depend g upoil the heat dissipation arrangement the uansformers are classified as:

1/ AN
Natural cooli~lgby atmospheric air circulation
The cooling by air is improved by an air blast directed by suitab~e'mnkin~
and produced
by a fan

Oil immersed with natural cooling withlwithout external pipes and radiators to increase
the heat transformer surface 1
IoB I, The cooling of an ON type transformer is improved by air blast over the external heat
transformer surface
il is circulated by a pump to natural air coolers
OFB borced circulation of the oil to a radiator where it is cooled hy an air blast
the Increasing capacity of transformer.

In additif to the primary and secondary windings. the transformers have following accessories.

a) : When the temperature of transformer oil changes due to change in load, its
reases or decreases. Thus it is necessary to expel or take in atmospheric air to
ospheric pressure inside the transformer. As the atmospheric air contains
the transformer oil has an affinity to absorb moisture losing its insulation
ty it is essential to remove the moisture from the air entering the transformer. The air
thed through a silica gel container. This silica gel container is called breather.
C servator : A tank containing surplus quantity of transformer oil to make up for loss of
tra sforiner oil in small quantities. This also has an oil level indicator.
losion vent :A device which breaks whenever me pressure inside the transformer
beyond a design point and lets out the pressure before the transformer is
Elements of Electrical and d) Oil drain valve : to drain oil during routine maintenance
e) Oil/Winding temperature gauge or thermometer : to indicate temperatures of oil and
f) Buchholtz relay : This relay is provided usually on transformers of 1 0 0 kVA and above.
Whenever there is a rapid generation of gas inside the transformer due to any winding fault
the supply to the transformer is automatically switched off by this relay.
High Tension Breakers : This is a device to facilitate manual switching ON or OFF the
transformers and to protect the transformers bom overload and earthfault. When a high voltage
circuit is switched off, a electric arc takes place between the separating contact surfaces. It is
necessary to provide arc extinguishing arrangement to (a) ensure complete and safe separation
and (b) increase the life of contact surfaces. In oil circuit breakers the set of fixed and moving
contact surfaces are immersed in transformer oil. The oil quenches the arc. Though oil circuit
breakers are still the most commonly used type, the use of other types of circuit breakers viz. Air
circuit breakers, vacuum breakers, SF, breakers are on the increase.
The high tension circuit breakers have the following accessories.
a) Potential transformer which converts the high incoming voltage to 110 voltas for
measurement and indication.
b) Current transformer for metering and protection
c) Overload relay to trip the breaker when the current through the breaker exceed the preset
d) Eanh fault relay to trip the breaker whenever an earth fault occurs on the downstream side.
The breakers are rated according to (a) voltage (b) rated capacity, i.e. full load amps and (c)
rupturing capacity, i.e. the capability of the breaker to withstand and isolate very high fault

9.10.4 Physical Requirements

In all the outdoor substation types, care shall be taken to locate the transformer and switch yard in
a safe place maintaining the required clearance from adjacent structures. The yard is spread with a
layer of sand and gravel to prevent growth of any kind of vegetation and also to control spread of
oil leakages In normal course. This will also prevent spread of fire to a limited extent, in case of
an accident. The yard is provided with fencing to prevent entry of animals and unauthorised
persons. Whenever more than one transformer is provided in the same yard it is advisable to
provide a baffle wall of 230 mm thick bricks between the transformers so that any accident in one
transformer does not affect other transformers.
In case of indoor substations, the equipment are provided in separate rooms. In the transformer
room the transformers are separated by baffle walls. As the connections between these equipment
are either with HT or'LT cables, cable trenches are provided in the substation rooms. The indoor
substation area shall have proper ventilation. Extra precaution is to be taken to ensure that no
water enters the substation area due to rainslfloods. The substation room particularly the
transformer room shall be provided with doors of size large enough to move out I move in the
pansformers without any difficulty and without the need to dismantle/reassemble any part or
component of the transformer. A clear height of not less than 4 M shall be available in the
substation area. It is better to provide a separate structure for the substation as long as it is
feasible. If for some reasons it is decided to have indoor substation within the main building.

The following is required to be taken into account while planning and designing the structure.
a) the ceilinglroof of the entire substation area is designed to withstand the forces of
explosion that may occur in the substation equipment
b) the substation area is located preferably in an area under the podium and not under the higt
rise structure
c) separate entrance is provided. The size of the entrance shall be large enough to move
inlmove out the largest of the equipment without any difficulties
d) the area is provided with adequate natural light and ventilation. In absence of this the
design of the substation should take care to provide mechanical ventilation and adequate
emergency lights.
e) In high rise buildings, the substation area shall be provided with automatic acting mulsifier
system to prevent spread of fue and to extinguish fue in the substation rooms
f) when the total quantity of transformer oil used in all transformers is large, a drain
mangement with soak pit (outside the building) of adequate size filled with sand and
gravel shall be provided.

indicated in the Tables 9.13 and 9.14 are only approximate and purely for planning
. The actual area required depends upon the design of the substation and may be obtained
e electrical consultant.

Under such circumstances, the builder tends to compromise on safety aspects in order to

Table 9.13

1 ) Recommended areas for Transformer Room and substation fir iffe ere it Capacities 1
Capacity of Transformer Room Total Substation Area (HT, LT panels,
Transformer Area (Sq.m) Transformers but without Generators)
(kVA) (ss.m)
2 X 500 36.0 130

2 x 1000 39.0 149

3 x 1000 58.0 197
llowing Table 9.14 gives additional area required whenever emergency generator is also
ed alongwith the substation.

Table 9.14
Capacity kW Additional Area for Generator
Area (sq.m)
25 56
48 56
1 100 65

(A t ical layout of an indoor substation with 2 transformers irgiven in Figure 9.15)





Y Figure 9.15

Note :

I e height required for the generating set room shall be minimum 4.0 m clear from the soffit of the beam
ElemenB of Electrical and SAQ 9
Air-conditioning Design

i) Explain various types of substations.

ii) Draw a sketch of indoor substation and state the factors that are t c ~be considered while
deciding an indoor substation.
iii) Write a brief note on transformers

0 1 1 going through the unit you shall now be able to plan an efficient and be~terbuilding which
takes care of the requirements of substation equipment, standby source of power, distribution of
power and electrical lift installations. In brief they are :
a) a3sessment of requirement of power for various services like lighting, power for
various equipment, drives, a.c plant, lifts, pumps, fire fighting equipment etc.
h) division of load into normal, emergency and fue emergency loads
c) survey of site and selection of economical supply voltage and tariff
d) different types of wiring systems, lighting designs
e) distribution of power inside the building
f) regulation of voltage and economics of power factor imprnvement
g) determination of generator and transformer capacities
You shall also be in a position to take care of the following physical requirements.
a) Space/room for receiving power supply from the company in case of low tension
b) type of substation and its space requirements in case of high tension supply
c) provision of shafts for taking cables to all the floors of the building or installing
rising mains and shafts for te!ephone and other low voltage cables
d) provision of space for floor distribution panels
e) location and size of generator room
f) lift shaft, pit and machine rooln
You will also appreciate that proper designing of electrical installation and making necessary
provision in the building right at the plallning stage results in lessor cost, early completion of the
project. besides achieving an efficient and safer building to live and work.


SAQ 1 i) Refer 9.2.!

ii) Refer 9.2.2
SAQ 2 i) Refer f i s t para of 9.3.2 a ~ Figure
d 9.2
ii) Refer respective subparas under 9.3.3 Electrid Inshallatio~~
.. to Buildings
iii) Refer subpara "Power Factor" under 9.3.3
iv) Refer subpara "Diversity Factor" under 9.3.3
v) Refer subpara~"Tariff"under 9.3.3
SAQ 3 i) Refer subparas "Circuit" and "Point" under 9.4.2
ii) Refer first para under 9.4.3 and subpara "wood casing wiring" under 9.4.3 (The table
9.3 may be omitted).

SAQ 4 i) Refer Figure 9.8
ii) Refer 9.5.3 and Figure 9.9.
SAQ 5 Given
Size of room 50mx60m
Mounting height 2.5 m
i lllunlination level required 300 lux (1;)
Coefficient of utilisation (C) 0.7
I Lamp derating factor (D)
I Lamp efficiency (1)

Maintenance factor (M) 0.80
Number of tubes (N)per fitting 2
Wattage of each lamp (W) 40
Mutual induction in (B)in twin fitting 0.92
Required to find out The number of fittings

Number of fittings =
55 x 40 x 2 x 0.92 x 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.9
= 44 1.13 or say 440 fittings
iven spacing ratio is 1:2
ence spacing between fittings = 2.5 x 1.2 = 3 m
ength of the room =60m
= 6013 = 20
o. of fittings per row = 440120 2 22
ngth of each fitting = 1.25 m
@ length of fittings in a row = 22 x 1.25 = 27.5 rn
total width available = 50 m
baP between fittings in a row = (50 - 27.51122 = 1.023 m
SAQ 6 i) Refer subpara "Electrically Independent Earth Electrode" under 9.7.2
ii) Refer 9.7.4
1 iii) Refer 9.7.7 - Draw either Figure 9.10 or 9.11
SAQ 7 i) Refer 9.8.1 (Except table 11) and first para under 9.8.2
ii) Refer second para of 9.8.2 from "The supply voltage ......"and 9.8.3
iii) Refer 9.8.4 upto "........but also saves on maximum demand charges"
Elements of E l d c d and iv) From the given data
Air-conditioning Dosign
Present maximum demand = 10010.75 = 133.33 or 133 kVA
Present maximum demand charges Rs = 133 x 250 = Rs 33250.00 /month

No. of full load operating hourslmonth = 250 hrs.

No. of units consumed per month = 250 x 100 = 250000lmonth
Consumption charges per year Rs = 25000 x 12 x 1.60 = Rs 480000.00
Capital cost of capacitorkVAR = Rs 300.00
Life of capacitor = Rs 300115 = Rs 20.00 IkVAWear
Cost of maintenance of power factor ) = Rs 50.00 kVAR
improvement capacitor including )
power loss per year I
Interest on capital @ 16% = Rs 300 x 161100 = Rs 48.00
Total owning and operating costfkVAWear = Rs 20 + Rs 50 + Rs 48
= Rs 118.00
Penalty for low power factor
% Penalty = (0.85 - 0.75) x 100 x 2 = 20%
Total chargeslyear = Rs 399000 + 480000 = Rs 879000.00
Penalty Rs = 879000 x 281100 = Rs 175800.00
For rest of the calculation refer table at the end of the chapter.
From the table it could be seen that maximum saving is achieved by maintaining unity
power factor.
SAQ 8 i) Refer 9.9.2. "A lift shaft, lift pit and lift machine room are provided as per BIS
standards applicable for the capacity and speed of the lift ~elected.While a common
lift shaft ...........for smoke exhaust."
ii) Refer 9.9.3
iii) Refer 9.9.5
SAQ 9 'i) Refer 9.10.2
ii) Refer Figure 9.15 and 9.10.3
iii Refer subpara "Transformers" under 9.10.2
Relation It

Selection of iVirillg Systcn~sill Kcl;rtio~~

to C o ~ ~ d u r i t ) r s

Conductors Metlrod of 111sialkrtio11

and Cables

Witlrout Clipped Cull- Cahlr Cablr C;lblc 011 Su1)1)orI

F i x i ~ ~ g Direct duit t r u ~ ~ l i i ~ ~ fducti~lg
i 1;ldder. I I I S I I ~ ~ I ~ I I I \KIT
(includi~lg c:~blr
skirlit~fi. tr.ly.
iru~~ki~~g, cable
flus11 noor brackets

I 3 4 5 6 S o
Bars NP NP NP KP N 1' XI' I' S I'

lnsulntrd NP NP P I' 1' N I' I' 1 '


Shrnthrd Cnblrs (includ~ngnrnlourzd ;uid niin~,r;lli~i.sul:rl'd)

Multi-1.srr P 1' P t' I' I' S ,\ I'

Siugle core NA P P P P 1' SA , I'
P = Perniitled NI'= Not Pernutted NA = hot Apl>lic:thie or 11oL~ior~ilally
us~.iii l l [~u.~i.t~i.~,

'able 9.3: Size of F Casing ~dCapping and Nunrber of Cables ill

* For copper condudors only. # For aluni~niun~

C O I I ~ U C I O C Solily.
Table of Illumination Levels
Survey of the Recommendations of the Illumination on the Visual Task, to Serve as <;uidance when
Designing Lighting Installations

No. Types of Work Levels in Lux
1 Offices ,
Drawing offices 1500 750
Office premises (normal office-work, book-keeping, typing, colrespondence. 800 400
reading, writing, operating office machines)
1SO 75
Premises where work is not carried out continuously (archives. staircase.
corridor, waiting room)
2 Schools
General classmoms 500 250
Art classrooms 800 400
Sewing classrooms 800 450
3. 111dustry
Very fine (making watclles and small instruments. engraving) 5000 25(K)
Fine (fine assembly work, setting turret latches, fine turning, fine pressing. 20OU I 000
800 400
Ordinary (drilling, mug11 tunling, ordinary assembly work)
300 150
Rough (forging, rollil~gl
4. Shops
Sales premises, showrooms in large cities 1000 500
In other places 500 250
Shop windows
In shopping centres 2000 1000
In other streets 1000 500
5. Churches 1 50 75
6. Homes
Living rooms
Local lighting (visual task) 1000 500
General lighting (envhnmental lighting) 100 50
Local lighting (working plane) 500 250
General lighting ' 250 1 25
Corridors, Staircases, Attics, Cellars, Store nwms, Garages)
Local lighting (e.g. for hobby comer) 500 250
General lighting 100 50
Table 9.4 :Maximum Number of Cables that can be Drawn into Rigid Steel Conduits

1) The table shows the maximum capacity of conduits for the simultaneously drawing of cables. ?he column headed S apply to runs of conduit which have distance not exceeding 4.25 m between drawn-in
boxes and which do not deflect from the straight by an angle of' more than 150. The columns headed B apply to runs of conduit which deflect from the straight by an angle of more than 150.
2) In case an inspection type draw-in box has been provided and if the cable is first drawn through one straight conduit. then through the drawn-in box and then through the second straight conduit. such
systems may be considered as that of a straight conduit even if the conduit deflects through the straight by more than 150.
3) * For copper conductors onky. # For aluminium conductors only.
Table 9.5 : Maximum Number of Cables that can be Drawn into Non-metallic Conduits
Table 9.6: Current Carrying Capacities and Associated Voltage Drops for T w i l and hlulticore Armoured PVC Insulated Cables (Aluminium Conductors)

Cross-sectional Area of
.pa!looP dy 03 paau i o ~ s yuo!l3npai ou 'Iaam!p neiaAo nap) a 3 : ~
spaasxa lua3~fpeuaaMlaq %upedsalaqM (2
.awld auo rrem aiorn u! paqdnq sdnar%%utpnpv'papeol Lnpnba a q s auo jo salqw jo sdnoiS 01 alqexldde are siol3ej a s a u (1 :s a ~ o ~

alqes aiosglnur auo ueq) alow l o salqe3 aio3-al8ys a m p ueql aiow JO sdnar%IOJ ~ 1 0 1 uo!ya1103
3~~ (9
Table 9.15 : Load = 100 kW No. of Units Consumed = 25000 kWWmonth Unit Charge = Rs. 48UOOO/T~lonth

From the tahle it can be seen that increasing the power factor to unity is most economical

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