Detailing of Steel Structure: SI Cture
Detailing of Steel Structure: SI Cture
Detailing of Steel Structure: SI Cture
8.5 Floori~lgSystem
85.1 Floors
8.5 2 Steel Be;~nis. Beam to Beam (Ionnectioo
8.5.3 Beam to Column ('onnect~on
X 5.4 1)eage Philosophy
0 :cti ves
Ai studying this unit you should be able to
knoyhow neat sketches and structural drawings art: drawn, al~tl
draw useful drawings of roof-trusses, beams, columns and some steel girders
including details of their end coiinections.
8.2.1 Dead Loads
Dead load (DL) consists of self weight of the materials used for construction. The density of
the various materials is indicated in I.S. 875 (Part 1). The rounded off values of weights of a
few materials is indicated below in Table 8.1 as per the above referred code.
Table 8.1
2) Bricks
Common brick - 16 to 19 1 600 to 1900
kN/rn3 kp/m3
Pressed bricks A
17 to 19 1700 to 1900
Refractory bricks A
18 to20 1800 tto 2000
4.2.4 ~orn~utatiod of Wind Load
ind loads are gellerally calculated based on the provisio~~s given in I.S.875 (Part 3) - 1987.
e n ~ a g ~ ~ i t uofdthe
e wiird pressure (PZ)at any level (2)above ground is given by
P, = design wind pressure in N / ~atSheight (Z) above mean ground level, and
V,= desigii wind velocity in m k at height (2).
velocity of the wind at 10 m height from the llleall ground level is referred to as basic wind
d and is given in the wind map of India in Figure 1 of the code. The maximum wind speed
dicated in the my) is 55 infsec and Lhe corresponding maximum wind pressure is estimated
about 1.8 kN/n~-whicll occurs in region near about Ladakh in the Himalayan region. The
wind speed near the eastern coastal region is 50 m/sec. which correspcmds to about 1.5
of wind pressure at level 10 m above the ground. The basic wind speed near the western
stal land from Ratnagiri to Siuat which also includes Mumbai (Bombay) port, is about 44
ec which correspond.^ to a maximtun wind pressure of 1.2 kN/m2. In the region near Delhi
wind pressure is around 1.3 kN/m 2
Th factory building having overhead travelling crane facility, l ~ a generally
s large column-free
, ~ ~ f S l Col1dructJon
~rl ; ~ e wllereby
a lo~lgspa11 trusses are required to he provided to support the ronf with A.C. sheets
on the top. When crane cjlpacity is high, the height of colunlrl is also substantially large. A
built up column of two I sections (Two legged colunin) is gclierally provided so that the onter
leg (1-0) is extended above the gantry level to support the roof trusses as shown in Figure 8.1
(Sectioll Y I Y l ) while the inner leg (Li) directly supports the gantry girder. The rails are laid
along gantry-girder over which the wheels of crane-girder can move. Figure 8.1 shows the
layout plan for a typical factory which has di~nellsiollsof42 m x 21 nl in plan. Reference
directiorls X and Y are marked in the plan. The grid-lines marked (1) to (8) alolrg Y directio~i
show centre to centre of steel colulnlis alolig X direction. Grid Lincs ( A ) , (B). (C), (D) aud E
parallel to X direction are centre lilies of hou~idarycolumns which are spaced at 5.25 in c/c
along Y direci~on.The portion of plan between grid lines (3) to (5) show plan details at gantry'
-r RIDGE LNEL 13.50
. . lllle
8.3.1 boof Systern
Figure 81 (c,d,e) :Derails oPTypical Factory Buildbg
I /
es (TR) which are placed along the grid lines (1) to (8) are fabricated out of a
mbers as shown in Figure 8.2 (a), 8.2 (c) with joints U i , U2, U3 etc. at top chord
at a spacing of about 1.4 m centre to centre. The purlins
trusses are placed over these joints. Thus the spacing of
they support A.C. corrugated sheets with their span same as
11s.This is a desirable span of the sheets from two considerations. i) The
lable sizes of A.C. sheets range from 1.0 m to 3 m with an i~lcrementalvalue of
m the deflection point of view, its maximum span is restricted to 1.65 m. Further,
lso required between adjacent sheets. The location of
Y i Y I as ,well as in part plan of nearly two hays between
(3). The trusses are not always necessary at end grids (1) and (S), as span
ines is reduced due to provision of extra boundary columls along grid lines
s shown. However, many times it is worthwhile to consider for the future
Detailing OP Steel Construction expansion of the factory when additional Land-space is available beyond these grid line. The
extensio~iof column-free area is easily possible if uusses along grid lines ( I ) andq8) are also
provided afid supported on columns (81, El) and (As, Es) respectively. When such provision is
made, the steel columns Bs, Cs on grid lines (B) and (C), which then become ~nternalcolumns.
can be removed, if desired.
This system of wind resistance by the Tie-action of two diagonal members. only one of which
is effective for a given direction of wind is referred to as "Duplicate-Tie System".
1 , ~ )Stability d Trusses Detailing OF Steel Structure
The plane roof truss is fully designed for vertical loads in the plane of the truss while it is likely
to be unstable under wind loads perpendicular to its plaue. To achieve overall integrated action
of the roofing system, diagonal bracing (Rafter-Bracing) in both directions are gei~erally
provided in the plane of roof sheets (called as Rafter-Plane also) in panels of the boundary bays
along all the edges. hl case the number of bays are quite more, such stiffening arrangement of
diagonal bracing is repeated after about every 8 to 10 bays. During erection of trusses,
contractors need to take special measures for its stability.
bigure 8.1 shows roofing system for a typical factory shed
is consists of
1) Structural Steel Roof Truss (TR) as shown in Figure 8.1 [its Elevation in part (c)
and in part layout plan in Figure 8.1 (a)]
2) Ft~rlins(P) shown in Figure 8.1 (parts a and c)
3) Ties in part plan in Figure 8.1 (part- a)
3) Horizontal Wind-girder (W 1 W2 W3 W4) in (Part a ) at caves level.
Figare 8 2 (b) :Alternative Intend Pattern of Truss Member with Shorter Vertical Member at Support
The top chord hembers (i.e. Rafter members) of the truss are generally provided with a
uniform slope generally in the range of 115 to 112.5 i.e. about 11' to 26'. At places where
rainfall is quite high it is better to provide a minimum slope of 1:3 from the point of view of
avoiding percolation of rain-water and water-leakages. This slope is also desirable where wind
velocities are larger than 44 rntsec. A map of India showing wind velocities in different regions
is given in I.S. 875, Part IU.In a few cases specially for long-span truss, the uuss has a
end-vertical member and a flatter-slope as shown in Figure 8.2(c).
Figare 8.2 (c): Alternative Internal Pattern of Trim Members with Shorter Vertical Eod Member
h 1 internal members and purlins on the right-side of centre line of uuss are not shown in the
Figure. These are assumed to be provided symmetrically. In the industries where
ovenslftunaces create flue gases, the outlet for the same can be created by providing
monitor-system in trusses as shown in Figure 8.2(d). The top chord member of the above
referred types of trusses generally carry large axial compression force under effects of D.L. +
L.L. and hence designed as compression member under effects of combination of D.L. + L.L.
In case of a truss which acts as a cantilever and supported at ohe end fully, the top-chord
member will be in tension.
The internal members of the truss, which are either vertical or inclined are provided so that Detailing of S t c d SI
effective length of top chord compression member is reduced. Since the A.C. corrugated sheets
are to be supported over a span of about 1.4 m, from the deflection criteria, it is preferable to
provide the top chord joints at spacing of about 1.4 m so that purlins can be supported at these
joints. Since the purlin loads are at the joints of the truss, the truss-members wili carry only
It the top chord joints are spaced at say 2.8 m clc, and purlills are spaced at 1.4 m clc, the top
chord members will carry substantial bending moment apart from axial coinpression force. The
design of top chord members will then become heavier, and the weight of such a truss is likely
to be higher even though the weights of some of the internal members will be reduced.
Figure 8.2 shows the elevation of 50% (i.e. left half) of the truss on one side of centre line of
symmetry central vertical member U8 Ts is also centre line of symmetry.
In order to draw the fabrication drawing of a truss, initially it is required to draw the axis-line
(or centroidal axes) of all the members of the truss showing the locatioli of point of intersectioli
of axial forces. Such a point at the joint is called as work-pointinode centre of the truss.
Knowing the distance of centroid from the top facehottom face of the truss member (which is
generally an angle-section), the top chord memher and hottom chord members can be d r a m on
the drawing. The angle cleat about 200 mm long is generally welded to top face of top-chord
member as shown typically in Figure 8.2 (a) and (d).
1 8 M b 225 C C L U W
1 b, PLAN AT 2-2
I 4 M B 225
L20 a! BOLT
1Jigul.r. 8.4 (a,b, c, d) :Detailing of Roller Joint (L1) of Truss on Steel Column
DetailingofSteel seen that a lock plate is welded to steel column at distance of about 200 to 250 Inin below the
cap-plate so that anchor bolt provided in shoe plate and base-plate is held fixed by nut and
lock-nuts applied on the lock plate as seen in Figure 8.4 (a). The hole provided in the shoe plate
is elongated (or oblong hole) with its length about (3) times the bolt diameter. The bolt head of
the bolt is kept above the shoe-plate with a clearance of about 1.5 to 2 mm so that shoe-plate
call slide over the cap-plate smoothly, to allow for expansionlcontraction of truss-length during
Generally, point loads from purlins are transferred on the top-chord joints of the truss and
under such condition members of the truss carry only axial-forces either tensile or compressive
111 nature. The strength of any tension member is given by
Generally, as per 1.S 800 Lhe permissible tensile stress pat) under axial tensile load is
150 N/mm2(i.e 0.6 fy).The shape of tension members in the roof truss IS generally angle
section either single or double angle as shown in Figure 8.5 (a). The members are connected at
the joint through a gusset plate. The tension load capacity of the member depends on its net
area (An&)whlch is the effect~vearea of section. The effectwe area is computed as follows;
N.B :Note that if ed connection is bolted, net Area ( A l ) is the shaded position.
b) In case of a pair of angles back to back (or a single tee) connected by one leg of the angle
to the same side of a gusset plate as shown 111 Figure 8.5 (b) when the two angles are
tacked to each other by rivetslweld witll spacing less than (l(X1O) mm
c) 111 case of double angles placed back to back with gusset plate in between tlle two as
shown in Figure 8.5 (c) provided members are suitably tacked to each other all along their
length by Tack boltslweld ;it distance less than 10(N mm center to center.
Detailing d Steel Structure
! The truss-member which carry colnpression force are also generally angle section and are
dealt with separately later in the unit of structural steel column.
Refer Figure 8.6 showi~lglayout of purlins, their connection with truss members and
Roof-Sheets. The purlins are the structural steel members directly supporting the A.C. sheets or
G.I. corrugated sheet of the roof. Normally, the length of sheets available in the market are 1,
1.5,2,2.5, 3 m. The corrugated A.C. sheets cannot span more than 1.65 m clc from the
detlection criteria of the structural design consideration. Considering both these aspects
maxi~numspan of the sheet is generally adopted as about 1.4 metres so that a sheet of 1.5
rnetre length covers one span along with a total lap of 100 mm with the adjacent sheets, while a
(3) metre long sheet as shown in Figure 8.6 (a) "J bolts" of 6 to 8 mm diameters are used to
fix up the A.C. sheets to the purlins. Generally, angle section purlins are used when the spacing
of the trusses are upto (4) metres. When the spacing of the trusses is more than or equal to 4.0
m. the channel section is generally preferred. 111 case the spacing of the trusses exceeds 8.0 m
or 50 it is preferable to provide a built up purlin made either of two angles, one at top and one
at hottorn with a M.S. barlnlild steel angle and lacing members placed diagonally connecting
the two :wgles at a series of equidistant points. Angle of diagonal member with the horizontal
varies <tom45' to 60". As an alternative to this a three angle purlin forming a triangular
.onfiguration with two angles at the top at a spacing of 1.2 m to 1.4 m and one angle at the
ottom connected with diagonal lacing members of m.s bar on all the three faces.
etailing of Purlin-connection with Truss and Sheets
igure 8.6 shows the details of A.C. slleetings and purlins as supported on the top chord
lember of the trusses. Figure 8.6 (a) shows a sectioli of purlin mounted at approximately on
he truss joint through a11 angle cleat welded on the topchord in directiou across the truss. The
entre of a typical truss joint marked as WI is a point intersection of the centroidal axes of the
d o u s mernhers of the truss. This point Wi is sometimes referred to as node centre or the
etails of the angle cleat whose lengtll is generally not less than about 160 mm
welded on the top chord members of the truss, is shown in Figure 8.6 (d). Each purlin is
enerally discontilluolls over the trusses and connected to their cleat angle by means of at least
y 12 mm or 16 mm diameter as shown in Figure 8.6 (d). The advantage of
ts is to provide partial continuity effect on interior mss-joints, so that
as bonding-moment at mid-spa1 of purlin are reduced. Sometimes a fish
ate of 6 nlln to 8 mm is also provided to stiffen the joint (i.e. to provide more amount of fixty
o be noted that bolt's are not provided at location where cleat angles are
In view of this, the bolts shown in Figure 8.6 (a) are shown dotted and are
tion. The exact locations of the bolts are shown in Roof-plan layout
trial structures, generally steel columns are provided and the extenla1 face of the
is covered with A.C. or G.1. corrugated sheets. Figure 8.7 shows the typical details of
cladding of the building formed by A.C. sheets supported on horizontal side cladding
(similar to purlins of the trusses). Figure 8.7 (a) shows a typical layout plan of the
by means of J bolts as show11in section X2-X2. The vertical sheets are generally 1 m
d a suitable lap between the two adjacent sheets is provided as shown in part plan of
.10 sllows how A.C. ridge can be constructed at the crow11 edge of the roof-truss.
ridges are also available so U~at(J) bolts can be conveniently located.
Detailing of Steel Construction
Hooril~gsystem co~~sists of floor and the supporting beams. There are two types of tloors
generally used in the industries :
1) Chequerred Plate Floor,
2) Grating Floor.
Sometimes R.C.C. slab is also used as floor. The floor referred above is supported on
secondary or main beams. Finally, beams are supported on the columns.
8.5.1 Floors
a) Chequerred Plates: Chequerred plates are either plain mild steel plates or mild steel
plates with top surface provided with slurations or shallow notches of about 1.5 nllll depth
having various patterns - diamond shaped pattern being more common. Generally plate
sizes of l m width are used over the steel beams of channel section or (I) sections. The
thicknesses of these plates are generally 8 mm to 12 mm depending up011 the span which
can vary from 600 to 1200 mrn.
b) Gratings : Gratings are fabricated steel tloors from flats. Span of the gratings can be
varied from 1 m to 2 m and the length of the grating can be chosen in the range o i 2 nl to
3111.Grating consists of two series of flats called as
1) Main member, and
2) Secondary member.
rnunc". -71
C) -- -
X X-
Figure 8.12 (b, bi, c) :Typical Structural Steel Floor System
i 6) Determine rhe maximum hending compressive and tensile stresses and check
whether these are less than the permissible bending compression for compressive
Detailing of Steel Cnnstruction stresses and permissible bending tensile stress for tensile stresses. The value of the
maximum permissible bending stress in tension can be taken as obt = 0.66 fy as
recommended in IS 800-1 984.
7) Compute the maximum shear stress and check whether it is less than the
permissible shear stress. Value of the maximum permissible shear stress can be
taken as that recommended in I.S. Code.
T~,= 0.45 fy
fy= Yield stress of the steel. 1
The average shear stress calculated on the cross-section of the web of the beam
shall generally not exceed the value Tva= 0.4fy.
8) Determine the maximum deflection and check whether it is less than the 1
permissibie value of -
Let the permissible axial compression load that can be carried by a column be (PC),
P, = Axial load capacity in compression = a,, x A
where A is the cross-sectional area of the colunln
Lx .
Thus ;in rxx= 8.32 cm is the critical radius of gyratioi~and r.1~1:IS the Sleilderness - Ratio. Tlle
vdues of Axial 1o;ld Capacity (PC) for this two-legged colum~iis also Tabulated in Table 8.2.
T a s e (C) : Ftlrther when column heights are quite large, the axial load capacity of a built-up
~ each leg of < 75 x 75 x 6 and external dimensions of 400 mm,x 400
four-legged c o l u m ~with
nlnl shown in Figwe 8.15 (h) is computed and Tabulated for comparison. Since CXX= 2.06
r min > (20 - Cxx). Assume r~,i,,= 18 cin (Apl)roximately)
Referring to Table 8.3 and Figure 8.15 (ii, b), it is noted that columns under cases a) and c)
have alnlost same area of cross-section. Colunill of case (a) callnot have effective lellgth more
Ulan 4 metres since its slenderness ratio (1)is then beyonrl (180).However, the column under
case (c) call be co~lstn~cted even with effective lalgth of 12 metres when its value of h = 66.7
o~llya i d its load carrying capacity is (398 kN) no re
than the correspol~di~lg
value (310 IrN) of .
2(ISMB 200) of case (b) for which area of cross-section is almost double of that of case (C).
Table 8.2 :Axial Load Capacity (PJ of Columns of Different
Configurations for Various Values of the Effective Length
* Value of h -, 186 is marginally higher than a value of (180) whlch is ga~lerallyconsidered as it$
upper limit for steel column.
.In the case of a Compression members of a roof-truss, a double angle sectioii is generally 'used
"' (L) =kTeater 12 m.Refer p l a c e ~ ~of ~ t ailgla in starred c o l ] f l ~ ~ ~ill
k ~two o rUoit
( 5 ) in the
ofSAVs ( ~ 0 l ~ pro,mhlems).
ed ~t is tllal
Detailing of Steel Construction
gyration is TX = rx value of single angle, where X & Y are axes through centroid
of combined section of two angles, while x and y are axes of individual section.
c) When two aiigles are connected in starred fashion, the miuirnum value
(r min) is further improved and given by ruuwhich happens to be the maximum
value of (r = rulSof a single angle section.
d) When a coinpression member is quite long, the starred shape of cross-section of
two aiigles can be chosen suitably to make an eco~iomicaldesign.
8.6.2 Battens and Lacing
When a columii is built up of two or more members, it is necessary that these member he
suitably connected to each other by plates or angles so that cornbilled section of the column can
act as an integrated unit. Consider a case of Two I sections as shown in Figure 8.16 (a).
P C C 150 THK
. .
a ) 75 X 8 PLATES OR
bl S O X S O X 6 ANGLE
= M . B . 200
structural steel column are generally not provided below the ground level. Since it may
ntact with moist-soil. It needs to be fully encased in concrete if it
1 below ground-level.
I ally a steel coluinn is supported on the top of a R.C.C pedestal (similar to short and
R.C. column) at a level about 300 mm or more above ground level. The steel base plate
e bottom face of the column and Anchor bolts1Holding down bolts
provided as shown in Figure 8.16 (a &b). These bolts are well anchored in the concrete of
I bolt length embedded in the concrete is about 30 x diameter of the
lded at bottom of bolt to further develope additional mechanical
ts help to prevent the overturlliilg or lifting of steel column when
igned for wlnd-load. Sometimes the height of pedestal is quite large 'and R.C.C. spread
ting is provided below it so that it bears on a good soil-strata at appropriate depth. As shown
ure 8. lh. the base plate is stiffened by a) stiffells plates (S1) and b) gusset base plates of
le thickness. These are welded to the hase-plate of the columll aild also welded/bolted to
nges on both sides of the two-legged-column. The load tr'ansfer from steel-column to soil is
s through a continuous medium of R.C.C footing and pedestal. The clear cover of the
in-reinforcement bar is also generally 2 50 mm so that corrosion effect are reduced.
re 8.1'6 mainly shows the detailing of the base of steel column wherein connection
een column to the base-plate and connectic~ndetails of hase-plate to the pedestal are
rcement in the R.C.C. pedestal or the footing are not indicated
has to be studied separately as a part of design of reinforced concrete footings.
SQPE 1:5
8 THK(-/ /
tcJ beetiom BB (for Web-s@ice) (d) Butt Weld Joint tJt)
Figure 8.17: Solid-Web Plate Girder ( Span -16 m )
The length of the web plate available in market call be about 10 to 12 metres. Hence it is
necessary to make a joint of two web plates at some location (W) as indicated in
Figure 8.17 (b). Plan section BB is showii in Figure 8.17 (c) wherein it is seen that cover plate Detailing of Steel Structure
of about 500 mm wide and 1400 deep can be weldedholted on each side of web plate. These
plates and weld-size are to be designed adequately to resist mainly shear-force and partial B.M.
carried by tlie we6 at that section.
Bearing stiffener (B.S.) over a column of I sectioii is detailed in Figure 8.18 (a, b). The pair of
stiffener plate on each side of web of girder are welded to the web and generally these plates
are placed in alig~inlentwith the flange-plates of colunin helowlabove. These plates have their
end faces cut to the profile of top and bottom tlaiige angles of the girder and placed with proper
beanng over the legs of the angles.
The typical welding details of the bearing stiffener to the web plate are shown in the three
views o f Figure 8.18 to transfer the co~ice~itrated load from reaction provided by the steel
column. The typical details of welding between web and tlanges are also shown in the part
elevation of the figure. Iii the view (AA), a clamping plate (B) welded to column tlanges is
shown. The holding-clown bolts provided through base-plate of the girder are held with the
help of this clamping plate. In case of roller support at right hand side (R) of the girder
(Figure 8.17) the bolt hole in the base plate need to be made oblong and the top nut of the bolt
is kept above the base plate and the tlange plate by a clearance of about 1.5 mm so that the etid
of the girder along with the base platc can slide while the bolt remailis in position since it is
locked with l o c k - i ~ ~oil
~ t the
s clampiiig plate. I11 these situation it is better to provide a separate
cap-plate welded on tlie top of the column so that hase plate can slide over the same smoothly.
The circular bolt holes shown in Figure 8.18 (c) are meant of hinged support at end (L) of the
In tnis girder web plate is not provided and hence the name "Open Web Girder" is
appropriate. The cross-beams B I and B2 are supported over the two girders at the joints of
horizontal bottom chord and the verticalldiagonal member. The function of the cross-beams
which are generally R.S.J (Rolled steel joisl of I section is to support the R.C.C. slab over
which people can walk. The side elevation in Figure 8.19 (b) shows liow conliectioli of girder
and R.S.J can be designed. The layout plan of R.S.J. is shown in Figure 8.19 (c). It is a good
practice to provide wind bracings (Dl designed as ties in diagonal direction in betwecii tlie
R.S.J. as shown in thc layout. The horizoiital wind load over the height of tlie girder or over
side sheetiiigs if provided will cause horizontal bending of this horizontal open-web girder
provided below tlie R.C.C. slah. This girder is also supported on the Vme vertical columns. In
the layout plan it is noted that alternate cross-bcams are extended beyond the centre lines of
girder by about 700 mm. The raker arms (R) as shown in Figure 8.19 (b) are provided from
these ends to provide lateral restraint to the top-chord ~rieniberof the girder. It is known that
top chord member which carries axial compression forces should be provided with lateral
restrailits to reduce its effective length against buckling in horizontal plane also. I11 tlie vertical
ntrolled by the spacing of vertical niellibers (v) of the girder.
The details of members and their conliection at joints are not shown since these are similar to
those shown ill the case of roof-truss. A detail of raker connection with top chord arid bottom
R.S.J. is however shown in Figure 8.20.
Gantry girders are essentially required iu factory building where devices for lifting machinery
or its part and trallsporting the same fro111ally location of Ule factory tloor to any other locatio~i
as required are required to be provided. Generally the part of trailsporting the masses of
machine-parts is to be dense at quite high level over the essential head room so illat working of
persolls 'in other portion is not affected. Thus electrically operated overhead travelling cranes
(0.T.C) are usually provided. The trolley with wheels, carrying the hoisting system aiid its
hook is supported over the rails of the crane-girder aiid call be moved along the crane-girder.
The crane-girder itseltl is provided with eiid wheels and call he rolled over the rails of the
1)elailiny nf Steel Cnnstruction
r TOP CHORD MEMBER ( 2 BER ( 2 L 90~90~8)I I
\ v3 i ,/ vz 1
1 ez
,r a'= 3000
10.2 I I r I 1
16 Tk
L a 7 n
CJ Layout Ran of Cross Beams (B1& Bz).Supporting R.C.C. slab and Diagonal wind Bracings
Figure 8.19: Open web Girder for Railway Foot -over Bridge ( Typical )
- -
RAKER(L65X 6 5 x 6 )
longitudinal girder (along X direction called as gantry girder supported on steel columns A I , A2
etc. as shown is general layout. plan and elevatiol~of the factory building in Figure 8.1.
The gantry girder thus carries the vertical loads transferred through the wheels of the lnovlllg
crane girder. When the trolley moves in cross-direction (Y) and suddenly accelerates or breaks.
the lateral forces in horizontal directions are also transferred to the gmUy girder apart:ronl the
vertical loads. In view of this the gantry girder is to be designed for both vertical arid horizontal
bending. Hence, generally its cross-section is a cornpound section with a channel placed with
its web horizontal on tlie top of I section with its web vertical as shown in Figure 8.1 (d).
i) a) Draw a neat drawing showing a bolted connection of beam 1.S.M.B
350 to another 1.S.M.B 500 going in perpendicular direction.
b) Draw a similar detail if it is a welded connection, through cleat allgles
connected web to web.
ii) Draw a detail of an open web girder at its end supported on steel colum~lof I
' section
a) if it is a hinged con~iection,and ..
b) if it is a roller connection.
iii) Draw a welded detail of bearing stiffener of a solid-web girder supported over a
steel column of I section.
iv) Draw a typical detail of a web-splice of solid web plate girder
v) Draw a built up column of two I sections and show a typical lacing detail.
19ctaili11gnf S t r d Structure
s a part of professional practice and improvement can bc done by
llce in tlle various jobs. The details of various drawiligs indicated are only the
tion. Whenever you move about any structure, you should take interest to inspect
s are provided and how the same are jointed to form the structure
the roof. You may draw to scale the details shown below to
sses, the centre-line of members, cuttillg length of various iliterllal members, purlills &
eir connection with top chord member and the A.C. roof-shwts.
e floor slab such as chequerred plates and grating to be shown along with various k a n l s