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aaaaa Region XI Grade Level Grade 10

DAILY Teacher JUADJIE B. PARBA Learning Area
LESSON Teaching
PLAN September 2:00-3:00
Dates and Quarter Second
09, 2019 P.M

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of characteristic features of Afro-Latin
American music and Popular music.

B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to performs vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin
American music and selections of Popular music

C. Learning The Learner...

(Write the LC Code) 1. observes dance styles, instruments, and rhythms of Afro Latin American and
popular music through video, movies and live performances.

2. describes the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American and

popular music.

3. listens perceptively to Afro-Latin American and popular music.


4. dances to different selected styles of Afro-Latin American and popular music.


5. analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and popular music.


6. sings selections of Afro-Latin American and popular music in appropriate

pitch, rhythm, style, and expression.

7. explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources suitable to chosen

vocal and instrumental selections.

8. improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to selected songs.


9. choreographs a chosen dance music.


10. evaluates music and music performances using knowledge of musical

elements and style.

II.CONTENT Afro-Latin American and Popular Music

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide HORIZONS Music and Arts Appreciation for young Filipinos pages 38-44
2. Learner’s Materials HORIZONS Music and Arts Appreciation for young Filipinos pages 120-119
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, speaker, CD recordings, video clips, and internet recordings of African
American Music.
A. Reviewing previous Elicit (English, History)
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Review: Concepts of Music of the 20th Century.
B. Establishing a purpose for Engage (English, ICT)
the lesson
C. Presenting Show video/film clips from YouTube of excerpts of African and Latin American
examples/instances of the Music. (Lion King for African Music)
new lesson
Play selected recordings of African music.

Let the students watch the video and listen to the music. On a piece of pad paper,
let them describe the music that they listened and watched in their own words.
D. Discussing new concepts Explore (English)
and practicing new skills
#1 Call some volunteer students to read their descriptions or observations.
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
F. Developing Mastery Explain (English,History)
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) The teacher will explain the Historical and cultural background of African Music
as well as the Traditional Music of Africa.

G. Finding practical Elaborate (English, History, Arts)

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living The teacher will discuss the following:
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the Some Types of African Music
lesson -Afrobeat
-Kwassa Kwassa
Latin American Music Influenced by African Music
Vocal Forms of African Music
-Call and Response
I. Evaluating learning Evaluation (English)

Answer the following: ½ crosswise

1. Which type of music was popularized by Bob Marley?

2. What is the distinctive quality of the reggae music form?
3. What is the meaning of the term “spiritual” as a musical form?
4. What are the different musical instruments included in the maracatu?

J. Additional activities for Find examples of songs and artists under Vocal Forms of African Music.
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. Of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. Of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who require
E. Which of teaching strategies
worked well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared By: Observed By:


Teacher I HT I/ School-in-Charge

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