INFLIBNET Newsletter Jan March 2019
INFLIBNET Newsletter Jan March 2019
Five-day National Workshop on Creation and Management of Digital Libraries Using Open Source
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Software, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 07 -11 January 2019
Five-day National Workshop on Libraries on Cloud, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 11th-16th March
Five-day National Workshop on Trends in LIS Research: Approaches and Methods, Mizoram
University, Aizawl, 11th -15th March 2019
8. Republic Day
9. Award
th th th
10. Meetings of 19 Council, 36 Governing Board and 28 Finance Committee, INFLIBNET Centre
12. Article
22. Visitors
I am happy and glad to share that INFLIBNET Centre received ‘EduShine Excellence Award 2019’ from Shri
Suresh Prabhu, Hon'ble Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Government of India
presented by ASSOCHAM in the 12th National Education Summit on 21st February 2019 in the presence of
Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble Former President of India for its digital initiative execution, for the largest
ETD repository ‘Shodhganga’.
As always INFLIBNET Centre is continuing its pace by plying the information services and requirements to
the stakeholders by adding innovative projects. The Team at INFLIBNET Centre is on the toes keeping them
involved and busy in executing the new projects and streamlining the existing projects for better outreach
to a large number of professionals across the nation.
The Centre has a very special day as the Hon’ble Chairman, University Grants Commission and President,
INFLIBNET Council, Prof D P Singh made his debut visit to the INFLIBNET Centre on 08th March 2019 to
chair the 19th Governing Council Meeting. Prof Singh congratulated the INFLIBNET Centre for its
contributions to the academic stakeholders and the tireless support to the UGC for automating their schemes
and activities. It was a great opportunity for the INFLIBNET staff to meet the Hon’ble Chairman.
Further, I am happy and glad to congratulate the INFLIBNET Centre team in getting associated with two
newly launched projects: ‘Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching
(PMMMNMTT)’ and ‘Scheme for Higher Education Youth for Apprenticeship and Skills (SHREYAS)’. Also,
the team at INFLIBNET Centre is rigorously working behind the screen for the forthcoming NIRF 2018
ranking, which is going to be launched on 08th April 2019.
This issue of Newsletter feature an article entitled “Library Services Platform (LSP): An Overview” by Mr.
Pallab Pradhan, Scientist-B (LS) which briefly elaborates on the concept of Library Services Platform, its
characteristics, features, and functions in detail.
I am sure that in this new year, the Centre will bring new more achievements thorugh its activities.
(J P Singh Joorel)
Participants of 146th Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 with the Director and Technical Staff of the
Participants of 147 Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 with the Director and Technical Staff of the
Panjab University, Chandigarh in collaboration graced the occasion. Dr Mritunjay Kumar, Assistant
with INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar organized a Archivist was the Organizing Secretary of the
Five-day National Workshop on Creation and workshop. In his inaugural speech, Prof Raj Kumar
Management of Digital Libraries Using Open emphasized the importance of creating and
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Source Softwares during 7 to 11 January 2019 at maintaining the digital library by keeping the shift
A C Joshi Library. Prof Raj Kumar, Vice-chancellor or change to the virtual world; through the process
was the chief guest; Prof. Shankarji Jha, Dean of of digitization, the information reach can be
University Instructions; Prof. Sanjay Kaushik, Dean maximized to all the stakeholders. Prof Shakarji
of College Development Council & Director of Jha, Dean of University Instruction said that in the
ICSSR; and Dr Rashmi Yadav, University Librarian age of information and technology, digitization
Five-day National Workshop on Libraries on Cloud all the dignitaries and participants. Dr Miteshkumar
was organised at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar Pandya briefed about the workshop. Prof J P Singh
th th
from 11 to 16 March 2019. Mr Divyakant Joorel, Director, INFLIBNET Centre, inaugurated
Vaghela, Scientist B (CS), Dr Miteshkumar Pandya, the workshop. Mr Divyakant Vaghela extended
Scientist B (LS), Mr Raja V, Scientist B (CS) and Dr H the vote of thanks at the end of the workshop.
G Hosamani, Scientist C (LS), INFLIBNET Centre Details of lectures delivered by Scientists of the
coordinated the workshop. The Workshop aimed INFLIBNET Centre during the national workshop
to equip participants in cloud computing were as follows:
technology. Mrs Hema Cholin, STO (LS) welcomed
Mr Vijay Shrimali, STA (CS), Mr Gaurav Kumar and participants participated in the workshop. Dr H. G.
Ms Vaishali Prajapati, Project Associates served as Hosamani, Scientist (LS) chaired the valedictory.
practical resource persons for the workshop. 09
Participants of National Workshop on Libraries on Cloud with the Director and Technical Staff
of the INFLIBNET Centre
Five-day National Workshop on “Trends in LIS Pravakar Rath, Senior Professor, DLIS, Mizoram
Research: Approaches and Methods” was University, Aizawl pointed out the recent trends in
organized by Department of Library and LIS curriculum as well as the impact of research in
Information Science, Mizoram University during an online environment. Prof H N Prasad and Prof
th th
11 to 15 March 2019, in collaboration with NVR Jyoti Kumar, Dean, SEMIS, Mizoram
INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat; and University were the Guest of Honour. Prof NVR
sponsored by the Defence Research and Jyoti Kumar stressed upon to conduct such kind of
Development Organisation (DRDO), New Delhi workshops for increasing academic integrity. He
and ICSSR-NERC, Shillong. Prof S N Singh, Head, also stressed upon the qualitative and quantitative
DLIS, Mizoram University welcomed the assessment of LIS research conducted in India. 44
dignitaries and participants. Prof KRS Sambasiva registered participants comprising of library
Rao, Vice-Chancellor of Mizoram University, professionals, faculty members and research
Aizawl was the Chief Guest of the function. In his scholars from Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
brief speech, he stressed upon the requirement of Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Research scholars from
the recent trends in LIS and focused upon the DLIS, Mizoram University participated in the
digitization of ancient books for better preservation workshop. Dr Manoj Kumar Verma, Coordinator of
and access to the user community. He stressed the National Workshop extended a vote of thanks
upon to make use of the latest technologies like a to all the workshop participants. Details of lectures
virtual library, virtual learning systems, and social delivered by experts during the national workshop
media applications in the library sector to make the were as follows:
information reach to a larger community. Prof
Republic Day
he INFLIBNET Centre celebrated 70 Republic Day Centre. Mr Yatrik Patel, Dr H G Hosamani,
on 26th January 2019 at INFLIBNET Centre, Infocity, Scientist C (LS) and Mr Swapnil Patel, Scientist B
Gandhinagar. The National Flag was hoisted by (CS) addressed the staff and family members of
Mr Yatrik Patel, Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET INFLIBNET Centre.
70 Republic Day
8 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)
The 19th Council, 36th Governing Board and 28th He also visited the infrastructural facilities at the
Finance Committee meetings of INFLIBNET Centre Centre including Auditorium, Database
was held in the Board Room of INFLIBNET Centre, Management R & D, Data Centre / Shodhganga,
Gandhinagar on Friday, 15th March 2019 at 12.00 and Library / walk-in User Area. Later, Prof D P
Noon and 03.00 PM respectively. Prof Dhirendra Singh had a one to one interaction with the core
Pal Singh, Chairman, Council, INFLIBNET; staff of the Centre in the Auditorium to know the
Chairman, UGC, New Delhi; and Former Director Centre's development activities and discussed
NAAC chaired the meetings. Prof D P Singh during about the staff related issues. Prof J P Singh Joorel,
his visit to the INFLIBNET Centre planted a sapling Director, INFLIBNET Centre and Senior Staff
in the lawns of the Centre's premises to mark his members of the Centre felicitated Prof D P Singh
debut visit to the INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar. with a shawl and a memento as a token of gratitude.
Prof J P Singh Joorel, Director, INFLIBNET Centre with Prof D P Singh, Chairman, UGC
The Minister for Human Resources Development, Evaluation Meeting for Atal Ranking of
Shri Prakash Javadekar has launched the Scheme Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA),
for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 20th – 23rd
Skills (SHREYAS) for providing industry March 2019
apprenticeship opportunities to the general
The INFLIBNET Centre organized an Evaluation
graduates on 27th February 2019. Its aim is to
Meeting for Atal Ranking of Institutions on
enhance the employability of Indian youth by
Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) at INFLIBNET
providing 'on the job work exposure' and earning th rd
Centre, Gandhinagar from 20 to 23 March 2019.
of stipend. The INFLIBNET Centre was assigned the
Mr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, Mr.
task of developing a platform for SHREYAS. Mr
Dipan Kumar Sahu, Executive Consultant and Ms.
Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS), INFLIBNET
Shweta Bhatnagar from MHRD Innovation Cell,
Centre, Gandhinagar delivered a technical
New Delhi; Ms. Sridevi Pankajam, Group General
presentation during the programme.
Manager, ANZ, Bengaluru; Ms. Bhanu Rekha,
National Council for Teacher Education Senior Manager, Chairman's Office and Ms.
Accreditation Management System Tvishee Kumar, Manager, Market Intelligence from
Cyient, Hyderabad; Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist
The INFLIBNET Centre was assigned to develop the
C (CS), Mr. Hiteshkumar Solanki, Scientist B (CS),
NCTE Accreditation Management System and this
Mr. Raja V, Scientist B (CS), Mr. Dharmesh Shah,
project is in the pipeline.
STA (CS), Mr. Mihir Prajapati and Mr. Sachin Mali,
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission Sr. Project Officers (CS) from INFLIBNET Centre,
on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Gandhinagar attended the evaluation meeting.
They assessed the criteria and weightage for the
The Scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
current evaluation; fine-tuned the existing data by
National Mission on Teachers and Teaching is the
removal of anomalies, and validated the criteria
culmination of the Government of India efforts in
based as the parameter in determining the accuracy
launching a comprehensive umbrella scheme
in the ranking framework.
aimed at improving the quality of education at all
levels by infusing quality and excellence in our
teachers and teaching. The INFLIBNET Centre was
assigned the task of creating a portal for digitizing
the entire process, including receiving of
The application of information and communication technology (ICT) in libraries has gradually changed
the day-to-day functions and services of libraries. Libraries had dramatically transited over the years,
starting from “library automation” in the 1930s to the current evolving genres of the next generation of
integrated library systems or library services platforms (LSP) since more than a half-decade. The LSP can
be defined as the next generation of library management systems that has beyond all inbuilt features of
an ILS, built on multi-tenant SaaS platform, taking advantage of cloud computing, web technologies
and discovery service to provide capabilities to manage physical, digital and electronic materials, and
other services in a single unified system. Various LSP products are available in the market such as OCLC
WorldShare Management Services, Ex Libris Alma, Sierra from Innovative Interfaces, ProQuest Intota,
Kuali OLE, SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Suite, and FOLIO. This article briefly elaborates on the concept of
Library Services Platform (LSP), its features, functions and characteristics in detail.
Figure 1: Current Situation in Libraries' Technology Development adopted from Chan (2015)
Ex Libris Alma was first announced in July 2009, Alma supports an array of widely adopted
and the subsequent first production was released in standards such as NCIP, SRU, Z39.50, SIP2 or
July 2012. Ex Libris Alma is a unified library OAI/PMH to streamline interoperability with other
services platform which helps to manage print, systems. (
electronic, and digital materials in a single products/alma-library-services-platform/).
interface. It is a completely cloud-based service.
As a part of curriculum industrial visits, 90 students and 3 faculty members of Computer Engineering and
Information Technology, Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar visited
INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 2nd January 2019. 100 students and 3 faculty members of Shri Mahila
BCA College, Junagadh visited INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 4th January 2019. 12 students and 3
faculty members of the Dept. of Library and Information Science, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University,
Ajmer visited INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 13th March 2019. The centre also witnessed the below
dignitaries as our esteemed visitors from 14th to 15th March 2019.
Prof Pratosh Bansal, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
iv) Conferred as a Guest of Honour and delivered Mr Manoj Kumar was invited to deliver a guest
the inaugural lecture during the National lecture on Shodhganga, Research Ethics and IRINS
Seminar organized by Department of in the Academic Activity Series organized at the JSS
Statistics, Sardar Patel University, Anand, Medical College by JSS Academy of Higher
Gujarat during 1st – 2nd March 2019. Education & Research on 24th January 2019. He
presented an invited paper on “Shodhganga: a
v) Delivered 'Prof S Dasgupta Memorial Lecture' boon for research & its impact in Indian
titled “INFLIBNET: Role in Higher Education Universities” during the 2 n d International
and Research in India” during 81st Foundation Conference of Changing Landscape of Science &
Day Celebration of Delhi Library Association Technology Libraries (CLSTL 2019) held at Indian
at Delhi on 10 March 2019. Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IIT
On Shodhganga
Respected Sir,
With your continuous effort Shodhganga is becoming as beautiful and very wide Ganga. I am so happy of your
contribution. Good Luck for you and your dedicated and tireless team members.
With kind regards.
Librarian, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Abishekapatti
Tirunelveli - 627 012, Tamilnadu.
Shani Minogue
Dear Staff at Shodhganga,
I hope this email finds you well. Firstly, thank you for creating this resource: I've just stumbled upon it, and as an
undergraduate doing my dissertation on Indian urban planning, the content I have found is invaluable.
Kind regards,
Shani Minogue, London
Dear Sir,
I am an independent scholar and greatly appreciate the service that is being provided through Shodhganga.
However I am having challenges in my searches for material. If I search for a topic I am very grateful that I am often
led to one of the dissertations that are posted on your website.
Modi D S,
BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat
Dear Shodhganga,
Your repository truly is unique and I always enjoy browsing the vast amount of knowledge contained in it. Some
of the thesis are truly enlightening works. Thanks for all your hard work!
I noticed you encourage the use of a “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike4.0International”. Does this apply
to all of your thesis (unless otherwise specified)?
Thank you!
Best regards,
Gabe Hiemstra
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From: Manonmaniam Library <>
Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Requesting - update - reg
To: Shodhganga Inflibnet <>, Manoj Kumar K <>
Respected Sir,
Thank you very for accepting our uploaded theses of our Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. We are so happy
on seeing our University in one of the top 10 Universities.
Thank very sir to you and your dedicated untried team members.
With kind regards,