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INFLIBNET Newsletter Jan March 2019

INFLIBNET Newsletter

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INFLIBNET Newsletter Jan March 2019

INFLIBNET Newsletter

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Vol. 26, No.

1 (January to March 2019)

Library Services Platform (LSP): An Overview

Pallab Pradhan, Scientist B (LS)

IndCat e-PG Pathshala

https://indcat.inflibnet.ac.in/ https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/
Prof J P Singh Joorel SOUL Helpline Vidya-Mitra: Integrated e-content Portal
Tel. : +91-79-23268300 http://vidyamitra.inflibnet.ac.in/
Mr K Siva Shankar
VIDWAN INFLIBNET’s Institutional Repositary
Mr Mohit Kumar https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/ http://ir.inflibnet.ac.in/
Mrs Roma Asnani e-ShodhSindhu Shodhganga
https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/ http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/
N-LIST (E-resources for College) ICT Skill Development Programmes
http://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/ https://www.inflibnet.ac.in/hrd/
InfiStats: Usage Statistics Portal for e-Resource INFED
https://www.inflibnet.ac.in/infistat/ https://parichay.inflibnet.ac.in/

1. From Director's Desk

3. Training Programme on SOUL 2.0, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar

4. Specialized Training Programmes/National Workshops/ National Conferences

Five-day National Workshop on Creation and Management of Digital Libraries Using Open Source
th th
Software, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 07 -11 January 2019

Five-day National Workshop on Libraries on Cloud, INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 11th-16th March

Five-day National Workshop on Trends in LIS Research: Approaches and Methods, Mizoram
University, Aizawl, 11th -15th March 2019

8. Republic Day

9. Award
th th th
10. Meetings of 19 Council, 36 Governing Board and 28 Finance Committee, INFLIBNET Centre

11. New Projects @ INFLIBNET Centre

12. Article

22. Visitors

23. Staff News

26. User's Speak

31. INFLIBNET in Regional News

Dear readers

My heartiest greetings on the occasion of ‘Holi’, the Festival of Colours!

I am happy and glad to share that INFLIBNET Centre received ‘EduShine Excellence Award 2019’ from Shri
Suresh Prabhu, Hon'ble Minister for Commerce & Industry and Civil Aviation, Government of India
presented by ASSOCHAM in the 12th National Education Summit on 21st February 2019 in the presence of
Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble Former President of India for its digital initiative execution, for the largest
ETD repository ‘Shodhganga’.

As always INFLIBNET Centre is continuing its pace by plying the information services and requirements to
the stakeholders by adding innovative projects. The Team at INFLIBNET Centre is on the toes keeping them
involved and busy in executing the new projects and streamlining the existing projects for better outreach
to a large number of professionals across the nation.

1 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

The Centre continued to do the important task of conducting training programmes for the library &
information science community of the universities and colleges. Two training programmes on SOUL 2.0
were organized at the INFLIBNET Centre during this period. Three specialized Training Programmes and
National Workshops of variable durations were organized at the INFLIBNET Centre on various topics
including Creation and Management of Digital Libraries, Libraries on Cloud and Trends in LIS Research:
Approaches and Methods.

The Centre has a very special day as the Hon’ble Chairman, University Grants Commission and President,
INFLIBNET Council, Prof D P Singh made his debut visit to the INFLIBNET Centre on 08th March 2019 to
chair the 19th Governing Council Meeting. Prof Singh congratulated the INFLIBNET Centre for its
contributions to the academic stakeholders and the tireless support to the UGC for automating their schemes
and activities. It was a great opportunity for the INFLIBNET staff to meet the Hon’ble Chairman.

Further, I am happy and glad to congratulate the INFLIBNET Centre team in getting associated with two
newly launched projects: ‘Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching
(PMMMNMTT)’ and ‘Scheme for Higher Education Youth for Apprenticeship and Skills (SHREYAS)’. Also,
the team at INFLIBNET Centre is rigorously working behind the screen for the forthcoming NIRF 2018
ranking, which is going to be launched on 08th April 2019.

This issue of Newsletter feature an article entitled “Library Services Platform (LSP): An Overview” by Mr.
Pallab Pradhan, Scientist-B (LS) which briefly elaborates on the concept of Library Services Platform, its
characteristics, features, and functions in detail.

I am sure that in this new year, the Centre will bring new more achievements thorugh its activities.

(J P Singh Joorel)

2 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Training Programme on SOUL 2.0, INFLIBNET Centre,
The INFLIBNET Centre regularly conducts SOUL Gandhinagar during this quarter. These
2.0 Training Programmes to impart training on programmes were coordinated by Dr H G
Installation and Operation of SOUL Software for its Hosamani, Scientist C (LS), INFLIBNET Centre. 31
users. The following two training programmes participants attended these two training
were organized at the INFLIBNET Centre, programmes as per the details given below:

Sl.  Name of the Programme Date of the Programme No. of Participants

1 146 Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 28th January – 02nd February 2019 17
2 147 Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 25th– 30th March 2019 14

Participants of 146th Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 with the Director and Technical Staff of the

Participants of 147 Training Programme on SOUL 2.0 with the Director and Technical Staff of the

3 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Specialized Training Programmes/National Workshops/
National Conferences

Five-day National Workshop on Creation and Management of Digital Libraries

Using Open Source Software, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 07th - 11th January

Participants of National Workshop on Creation and Management of Digital Libraries Using

Open Source Software at Panjab University, Chandigarh

Panjab University, Chandigarh in collaboration graced the occasion. Dr Mritunjay Kumar, Assistant
with INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar organized a Archivist was the Organizing Secretary of the
Five-day National Workshop on Creation and workshop. In his inaugural speech, Prof Raj Kumar
Management of Digital Libraries Using Open emphasized the importance of creating and
th th
Source Softwares during 7 to 11 January 2019 at maintaining the digital library by keeping the shift
A C Joshi Library. Prof Raj Kumar, Vice-chancellor or change to the virtual world; through the process
was the chief guest; Prof. Shankarji Jha, Dean of of digitization, the information reach can be
University Instructions; Prof. Sanjay Kaushik, Dean maximized to all the stakeholders. Prof Shakarji
of College Development Council & Director of Jha, Dean of University Instruction said that in the
ICSSR; and Dr Rashmi Yadav, University Librarian age of information and technology, digitization

4 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

plays a great role in learning. Prof Sanjay Kaushik, Information Retrieval and ‘DSpace: an overview’
Dean of College gave importance for the open and ‘DSpace: Workflow & Submissions’. Followed
source technology & cloud computing, and how by invited guest lectures delivered by subject
they are interlinked in the internet age. Prof Preeti experts Dr. Jatinder Kumar Samyal, BUEST, Baddi
Mahajan, in her keynote address to the workshop Solan; Dr. Parminder Singh, Associate Professor,
participants and invitees, briefed the changes took Dev Samaj College for Women, Chandigarh; Dr
place from a traditional library to a digital library. Rupak Chakravarty, DLIS, Panjab and Dr Naveen
She discussed about the shift from traditional Aggarwal, Associate Professor, UIET, PU on
library to digital environment, and emphasized on various topics followed by “hands-on” practical
providing 24X7 information through user friendly sessions on the software modules by the
interface giving access to multimedia resources participants. Mr Swapnil Patel, Scientist B (CS) and
through various search operations and provide Vijay Shrimali STA (CS), INFLIBNET Centre were
unlimited storage space. Prof Anu Gupta, the resource persons for practical sessions. Ms
Department of Computer Science and Applications Nirupma Chohda, Assistant Librarian presented
delivered a presentation on Open Source Software: overview report of the workshop. Prof. Karamjeet
An Overview. Prof. Harish Kumar, University Singh, Registrar said that libraries are the lamp for
Institute of Engineering and Technology delivered the educational society. Dr Jivesh Bansal, Deputy
a presentation on ‘Information retrieval’. Librarian proposed the vote of thanks to all the
dignitaries and participants.
Mr Swapnil Patel, Scientist B (CS), INFLIBNET
Centre delivered presentations on ‘Meta Data and
Metadata Standards for Interoperability in

Five-day National Workshop on Libraries on Cloud, INFLIBNET Centre,

Gandhinagar, 11th - 16th March 2019

Five-day National Workshop on Libraries on Cloud all the dignitaries and participants. Dr Miteshkumar
was organised at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar Pandya briefed about the workshop. Prof J P Singh
th th
from 11 to 16 March 2019. Mr Divyakant Joorel, Director, INFLIBNET Centre, inaugurated
Vaghela, Scientist B (CS), Dr Miteshkumar Pandya, the workshop. Mr Divyakant Vaghela extended
Scientist B (LS), Mr Raja V, Scientist B (CS) and Dr H the vote of thanks at the end of the workshop.
G Hosamani, Scientist C (LS), INFLIBNET Centre Details of lectures delivered by Scientists of the
coordinated the workshop. The Workshop aimed INFLIBNET Centre during the national workshop
to equip participants in cloud computing were as follows:
technology. Mrs Hema Cholin, STO (LS) welcomed

5 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Topics Name of the Experts from INFLIBNET
INFLIBNET Activities and Services Mr Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS)
Introduction to cloud computing & Public Cloud Mr Raja V, Scientist B (CS)
An overview and AWS Features and Demonstration,
Understanding EPrints (Features, Statistics, Bazzar,
Altmetrics etc.), Creation of IR using EPrints and
Installation, Advanced configuration
Met Registration on Cloud with special reference Dr Miteshkumar Pandya Scientist - B (LS)
to Azure, Installation and Configuration of Joomla
on Cloud, Modules, Components and Menu
Configuration & Creating and Managing User
Forum and Online Form and Koha: Acquisition
Virtualization and Linux Basic Commands Mr Hitesh Solanki, Scientist B (CS)
Overview of KOHA and Administration Module Mr Vijay Shrimali, STA (CS)
KOHA Installation in Ubuntu on Cloud, Catalogue Mr. Divyakant Vaghela, Scientist B(CS)
& Circulation Module
Eprints Administration, Record Submission, Mr K Siva Shankar, Scientist B (LS)
Maintenance, Backup and Restore

Mr Vijay Shrimali, STA (CS), Mr Gaurav Kumar and participants participated in the workshop. Dr H. G.
Ms Vaishali Prajapati, Project Associates served as Hosamani, Scientist (LS) chaired the valedictory.
practical resource persons for the workshop. 09

Participants of National Workshop on Libraries on Cloud with the Director and Technical Staff
of the INFLIBNET Centre

6 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Five-day National Workshop on Trends in LIS Research: Approaches and
Methods, Mizoram University, Aizawl, 11th -15th March 2019

Five-day National Workshop on “Trends in LIS Pravakar Rath, Senior Professor, DLIS, Mizoram
Research: Approaches and Methods” was University, Aizawl pointed out the recent trends in
organized by Department of Library and LIS curriculum as well as the impact of research in
Information Science, Mizoram University during an online environment. Prof H N Prasad and Prof
th th
11 to 15 March 2019, in collaboration with NVR Jyoti Kumar, Dean, SEMIS, Mizoram
INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat; and University were the Guest of Honour. Prof NVR
sponsored by the Defence Research and Jyoti Kumar stressed upon to conduct such kind of
Development Organisation (DRDO), New Delhi workshops for increasing academic integrity. He
and ICSSR-NERC, Shillong. Prof S N Singh, Head, also stressed upon the qualitative and quantitative
DLIS, Mizoram University welcomed the assessment of LIS research conducted in India. 44
dignitaries and participants. Prof KRS Sambasiva registered participants comprising of library
Rao, Vice-Chancellor of Mizoram University, professionals, faculty members and research
Aizawl was the Chief Guest of the function. In his scholars from Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya,
brief speech, he stressed upon the requirement of Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Research scholars from
the recent trends in LIS and focused upon the DLIS, Mizoram University participated in the
digitization of ancient books for better preservation workshop. Dr Manoj Kumar Verma, Coordinator of
and access to the user community. He stressed the National Workshop extended a vote of thanks
upon to make use of the latest technologies like a to all the workshop participants. Details of lectures
virtual library, virtual learning systems, and social delivered by experts during the national workshop
media applications in the library sector to make the were as follows:
information reach to a larger community. Prof

Topics Name of the Experts

Research in Library & Information Science: Trends, Prof. H. N. Prasad, Senior Faculty Member and
Problems and Issues; Research Methodology for Library University Librarian, Banaras Hindu University,
& Information Science; Information Users’, Information Varanasi
Need and Information Seeking Behaviour
Statistical Methods for Research Prof. L. S. K. Sharma, Department of Management,
Mizoram University, Aizawl
Academic Integrity and Prevention of 3 Plagiarism Prof. Pravakar Rath, Senior Professor, DLIS, Mizoram
University, Aizawl
Framing and Testing of Hypothesis Prof. C. Lalfamkima Varte, Department of
Psychology, Mizoram University, Aizawl
Application of Library 2.0 in Library Cataloguing Prof. S. N. Singh, Head, DLIS, Mizoram
University, Aizawl

7 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Topics Name of the Experts
Research Trends in Public Library and Copyright Prof. R. K. Ngurtinkhuma, DLIS, Mizoram
and IPR in Research University, Aizawl
Data Analysis with SPSS Prof. L. S. K. Sharma, Department of
Management, Mizoram University, Aizawl
Research Impact Matrices: Calculation and Context Ms. Kruti J Trivedi, Scientist B(LS), INFLIBNET
and Advanced Search Techniques of Web of Centre, Gandhinagar
Science and Scopus
Network Analysis and Visualizations using R Mr. Hitesh Solanki, Scientist B(CS), INFLIBNET
(demonstration-cum-hands on) Centre, Gandhinagar
Webometric Research Trends and Evaluation Dr. Akhandanand Shukla, Assistant Professor,
Methods of Blog Content DLIS, Mizoram University, Aizawl
Significance of Information Literacy in LIS Research Dr. F. Chanchinmawia, Assistant Librarian,
Academy of Integrated Christian Studies, Aizawl

Republic Day
he INFLIBNET Centre celebrated 70 Republic Day Centre. Mr Yatrik Patel, Dr H G Hosamani,
on 26th January 2019 at INFLIBNET Centre, Infocity, Scientist C (LS) and Mr Swapnil Patel, Scientist B
Gandhinagar. The National Flag was hoisted by (CS) addressed the staff and family members of
Mr Yatrik Patel, Scientist D (CS), INFLIBNET INFLIBNET Centre.

70 Republic Day
8 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

EduShine Excellence Award 2019

INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar received based on the Shodhganga project to recognize

EduShine Excellence Award 2019 on 21st February INFLIBNET Centre as "Emerging Institute
2019 at Le Meridien, New Delhi from Shri Suresh Promoting Government Digital Initiatives" during
Prabhu, Hon'ble Minister for Commerce & Industry 12th ASSOCHAM National Education Summit
and Civil Aviation, Government of India, presented under the theme "Making India a global
by ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers of Knowledge Powerhouse: Catalyzing Reforms and
Commerce and Industry of India). The award was Innovation".

EduShine Excellence Award 2019

9 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

th th
Meetings of 19 Council, 36 Governing Board and
28th Finance Committee, INFLIBNET Centre

The 19th Council, 36th Governing Board and 28th He also visited the infrastructural facilities at the
Finance Committee meetings of INFLIBNET Centre Centre including Auditorium, Database
was held in the Board Room of INFLIBNET Centre, Management R & D, Data Centre / Shodhganga,
Gandhinagar on Friday, 15th March 2019 at 12.00 and Library / walk-in User Area. Later, Prof D P
Noon and 03.00 PM respectively. Prof Dhirendra Singh had a one to one interaction with the core
Pal Singh, Chairman, Council, INFLIBNET; staff of the Centre in the Auditorium to know the
Chairman, UGC, New Delhi; and Former Director Centre's development activities and discussed
NAAC chaired the meetings. Prof D P Singh during about the staff related issues. Prof J P Singh Joorel,
his visit to the INFLIBNET Centre planted a sapling Director, INFLIBNET Centre and Senior Staff
in the lawns of the Centre's premises to mark his members of the Centre felicitated Prof D P Singh
debut visit to the INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar. with a shawl and a memento as a token of gratitude.

Prof J P Singh Joorel, Director, INFLIBNET Centre with Prof D P Singh, Chairman, UGC

10 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

New Project @ INFLIBNET Centre
SHREYAS (Scheme for Higher Education Youth in applications, sanction, fund release, online
Apprenticeship and Skills) reporting, monitoring etc.

The Minister for Human Resources Development, Evaluation Meeting for Atal Ranking of
Shri Prakash Javadekar has launched the Scheme Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA),
for Higher Education Youth in Apprenticeship and INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, 20th – 23rd
Skills (SHREYAS) for providing industry March 2019
apprenticeship opportunities to the general
The INFLIBNET Centre organized an Evaluation
graduates on 27th February 2019. Its aim is to
Meeting for Atal Ranking of Institutions on
enhance the employability of Indian youth by
Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) at INFLIBNET
providing 'on the job work exposure' and earning th rd
Centre, Gandhinagar from 20 to 23 March 2019.
of stipend. The INFLIBNET Centre was assigned the
Mr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, Mr.
task of developing a platform for SHREYAS. Mr
Dipan Kumar Sahu, Executive Consultant and Ms.
Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS), INFLIBNET
Shweta Bhatnagar from MHRD Innovation Cell,
Centre, Gandhinagar delivered a technical
New Delhi; Ms. Sridevi Pankajam, Group General
presentation during the programme.
Manager, ANZ, Bengaluru; Ms. Bhanu Rekha,
National Council for Teacher Education Senior Manager, Chairman's Office and Ms.
Accreditation Management System Tvishee Kumar, Manager, Market Intelligence from
Cyient, Hyderabad; Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist
The INFLIBNET Centre was assigned to develop the
C (CS), Mr. Hiteshkumar Solanki, Scientist B (CS),
NCTE Accreditation Management System and this
Mr. Raja V, Scientist B (CS), Mr. Dharmesh Shah,
project is in the pipeline.
STA (CS), Mr. Mihir Prajapati and Mr. Sachin Mali,
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission Sr. Project Officers (CS) from INFLIBNET Centre,
on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) Gandhinagar attended the evaluation meeting.
They assessed the criteria and weightage for the
The Scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
current evaluation; fine-tuned the existing data by
National Mission on Teachers and Teaching is the
removal of anomalies, and validated the criteria
culmination of the Government of India efforts in
based as the parameter in determining the accuracy
launching a comprehensive umbrella scheme
in the ranking framework.
aimed at improving the quality of education at all
levels by infusing quality and excellence in our
teachers and teaching. The INFLIBNET Centre was
assigned the task of creating a portal for digitizing
the entire process, including receiving of

11 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Library Services Platform (LSP): An Overview
Pallab Pradhan, Scientist B (LS)

The application of information and communication technology (ICT) in libraries has gradually changed
the day-to-day functions and services of libraries. Libraries had dramatically transited over the years,
starting from “library automation” in the 1930s to the current evolving genres of the next generation of
integrated library systems or library services platforms (LSP) since more than a half-decade. The LSP can
be defined as the next generation of library management systems that has beyond all inbuilt features of
an ILS, built on multi-tenant SaaS platform, taking advantage of cloud computing, web technologies
and discovery service to provide capabilities to manage physical, digital and electronic materials, and
other services in a single unified system. Various LSP products are available in the market such as OCLC
WorldShare Management Services, Ex Libris Alma, Sierra from Innovative Interfaces, ProQuest Intota,
Kuali OLE, SirsiDynix BLUEcloud Suite, and FOLIO. This article briefly elaborates on the concept of
Library Services Platform (LSP), its features, functions and characteristics in detail.

1. Introduction well as a challenge. New concepts, new

technological systems are being added/adapted to
Change is the law of nature. In today's world, every
ease the functions of libraries, but it is also
aspect of life is getting changed rapidly and
becoming very challenging for the library staff to
evolving with time. Latest information and
cope up with the continuous changing patterns and
technological development have brought a
accepting new technologies in their profession.
dramatic change in every field, and libraries are no
exception to it. Due to the advent, especially the In the 1930s, the efforts of library automation
application and continuous development of system were started by Herman Hollerith of the US
information and communication technology (ICT), Census Bureau who invented punched card
the library and information world had a great technology, with the help of Dr Jolul Shaw
impact. It has affected the functioning of each and Buildings, the then Director of Surgeon-General's
every aspect of a library: beginning with the Library (now the National Library of Medicine). In
selection of materials, acquisitions, classification, 1935, Dr Ralph H. Parker created a circulation
cataloguing, collection development and control system at the University of Texas at Austin
management, serials control, storage, using the Hollerith Punched Card or IBM Punched
organization, automation, searching, processing, card equipment. However, due to slow progress in
retrieval, reference services, ILL-sharing, analysis, the development of computer systems, the efforts
reporting, etc. However, the applications of ICT in were put into an experimental project of a library
libraries can be considered as an opportunity as automation system. Later in the 1960s, the first

12 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

trend of library automation was developed in the operated. Information previously available only
US, using computers for creating bibliographic through print became available in the market
databases as library catalogues. Library of Congress through CD-ROMs which made the information
developed a machine-readable catalogue of its more accessible. The 1990s have seen the rise of
holdings records using the MARC input format. In computer networking. By linking computers
1967, the OCLC (Online Computer Library together, networks were formed where access was
Center), was started as the first computer-based provided with both locally and remotely, and
library network. During the 1970s the resources were shared over these networked
development of the integrated computer chip and computers. Libraries also started using Internet and
storage devices led to an explosion of library the World Wide Web (WWW) on a large-scale,
automation. RLIN (Research Libraries Information providing quick library and information services to
Network) and WLN (Washington Library Network) their users. Then, hardware-specific automation
started the online library networks. In this decade, a packages, packages with web-interface, came into
number of libraries started automation using the the market. The traditional library catalogues were
microcomputers of their organizations. During the largely replaced by computerized catalogues or
1980s, when the rapid development of lower cost OPACs (Ashikuzzaman, 2014). The resources
microcomputers and its easy availability in libraries became in an electronic/on-line form, various
happened, the automation becomes a possible online databases were being subscribed, and
proposition for all types and sizes of libraries. Many repositories were being developed by libraries.
library automation packages also came into the Figure 1 depicts the technological evolution along
market. The introduction of CD-ROMs in late with the evolution of libraries.
1980s has changed the way libraries were

Figure 1: Current Situation in Libraries' Technology Development adopted from Chan (2015)

13 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Technological advances have led to open new link resolver, discovery platform (the next-Gen
opportunities for libraries to unify their services in a catalogs), and any other software that may be part
single platform, link to other computer networks of delivering library services
and discovery worldwide.For the past two-three (http://www.librarytechnology.org/ltg-
decades the integrated library systems (ILS) have displaytext.pl?RC=16501)..
rapidly changed and developed, and their presence
According to Marshall Breeding; a library services
was felt in the libraries. Thus, the library world has
platform enables libraries to acquire and manage
seen a great transition phase in itself with the
their collections, spanning multiple formats of
evolving genres of library automation/library content, including at a minimum physical material
management/integrated library systems. And, since and electronic content. These products support
a half-decade the latest in this segment is the multiple procurement processes, including those
emergence of the next generation of integrated related to items purchased for permanent
library systems or library services platforms (LSP. ownership, those made available through paid
This article briefly elaborates about LSP, its features licenses and subscriptions, and those selected from
& functions, and details about the LSP products open-access sources. They offer a metadata
available in the market for libraries across the management environment offering multiple
globe. schemas as appropriate for each of the respective
material formats, including at a minimum the
2. Library Services Platform (LSP): Concept
MARC family of metadata standards and Dublin
For more than a half-decade, the library services Core (Breeding, 2015).
platforms (LSPs) are being used which are swiftly
A Library Services Platform (LSP) is the “next
replacing the Integrated Library Systems (ILSs) in
generation” of library management systems that
provides the capabilities to better manage our
Renowned library technologist and consultant collections in all formats, and handle the ever-
Marshal Breeding coined the term “library services growing means of access to electronic resources
platform” in the year 2011 to describe a new set of and print materials (https://news.lib.uci.edu/new-
products that were being developed and promised library-services-platform-lsp-launching).
to take a much different approach to library According to Mohammed Ali (2018), “Library
resource management with a set of new Services Platforms take advantage of cloud
characteristics than the incumbent integrated computing & Web technologies to provide
capabilities to manage physical, digital &
library systems. These all-new inclusive systems
electronic materials in a single unified system.” The
reframe the library workflows and combine the
Library services platform is a Web-based, clientless
management of all library materials, print and
system in the cloud with advanced set of features
digital. These platforms promise to provide an
from searching to managing electronic/digital
integrated system environment to include
collections (http://www.valenj.org/conference
acquisitions, cataloguing, circulation, electronic
resource management (ERM), serials, reporting,

14 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

The LSPs can be defined as the next generation of Ø APIs Exposed for Extensibility &
library management systems that has beyond all Interoperability
inbuilt features of an ILS, built on multi-tenant SaaS
4. Library Services Platform Products
platform, taking advantage of cloud computing,
web technologies and discovery service to provide There are many vendors available in the market
capabilities to manage physical, digital & who are developing and providing library services
electronic materials, and other services in a single platform products to libraries/institutions of
unified system. different types across the globe.

3. Characteristics of a Library Services Platform 4.1 BLUEcloud/BLUEcloud Campus: products of

The characteristics of Library Services Platforms
may vary from product to product. In general, the BLUEcloud suite was first announced in March
various characteristics of a Library Services 2013 at the COSUGI 2013 user conference in
Platform are outlined below. Utah, USA and the subsequent first production was
released in June 2013. BLUEcloud Library
Functional Characteristics:
Services Platform (LSP) is a browser-based system
Ø Management of Print formats of Materials & ERMS that comprises SirsiDynix's cloud-based
Ø Replacement of Multiple Incumbent Products "administration, discovery, acquisition, and
Ø Extensive Metadata Management collection management applications" that augment
Ø Multiple Procurement Workflows libraries' current Horizon and Symphony systems.
Ø Knowledge Bases It can be accessed from a desktop, laptop, tablet or
Ø Collection Management smart phone. BLUEcloud can be integrated with
both SaaS and locally hosted Horizon and
Ø Data Repository and Management
Symphony systems. The BLUEcloud Library
Ø Discovery Services
Services Platform is next-generation software for
Ø Data Analytics & Reporting
libraries of all types and sizes that allows the library
Ø Conceptual Organization to do more for less—less hardware, less
Ø License Management maintenance, and less cost.
Ø ILL and Resource Sharing
The BLUEcloud LSP is made up of three major
Ø Link-Resolver
components which help to stop the duplication of
Technical Characteristics: data and integrate all searches across products.
Ø Beyond Client/Server Computing
Ø BLUEcloud Staff: includes cloud-based
Ø Cloud-based Architecture
Administration, Cataloging, Circulation,
Ø SaaS/DaaS Platforms
Acquisitions, and Serials applications for the price
Ø Web-Based Interfaces
of ILS maintenance. It also includes premium
Ø Multi-Tenant Platforms applications such as SirsiDynix MobileCirc and the
Ø Services-Oriented Architecture powerful Analytics application.

15 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Ø BLUEcloud Discovery: gives your community helps the library meet its goals and serve its users
facet-based searching with BLUEcloud PAC while offering critical workflow efficiency by
and BookMyne, included in ILS maintenance. It streamlining the selection, acquisition,
also includes Social Library for Facebook cataloguing, fulfilment and assessment of
integration and BookMyne+, Enterprise, and resources. Unlike other library management
Portfolio for robust customization and systems, Intota features eresource lifecycle
additional features. management, including, Demand Driven
Acquisition (DDA) and the industry's most
Ø BLUEcloud Marketplace: offers libraries end-to-
authoritative and comprehensive Knowledgebase
end eResource management with eResource
of library resources.
Central. It also includes the upcoming Global
Titles Lists and Global Vendor Access to Intota integrates multiple workflows into one
give libraries, instant access to available titles platform and increases value and efficiency by
from multiple vendors for the leveraging best-in-class features and functionality.
price of ILS maintenance
Ø “My Intota' feature provides an “Activities” and
“Databases” workspace that includes tasks,
BLUEcloud Campus was first announced in June deadlines and associated action steps—with
2014. BLUEcloud Campus is a unique multiple filtering capabilities and access to
collaboration between SirsiDynix and EBSCO, more detail relevant to the specific task—all
designed specifically for academic and school within an easy-to-navigate single interface.
libraries. BLUEcloud Campus gives academic and
school libraries native access to EBSCO content, Ø Management – Intota offers a flexible approach
robust eResource management, and integration to managing all aspects of the library's e-
with learning management systems and other resources. Its unified intelligent workflows
education-oriented software. It helps to bring all break down data silos, while automating
library resources and staff tools to the cloud. manual processes. The advanced support for
DDA and evidence-based acquisition models
4.2 Intota : a product of Serials Solutions,
streamlines the entire e-resource lifecycle.
Ø Discovery – Integrated into Intota, the
Intota was first announced in June 2011, and the
Summon® service generates unbiased search
subsequent first production was released in June
results with one-click access to full-text
2014. The innovative Intota Library Services
resources using direct linking and 360 Link.
Platform (LSP) designed to address the key issue in
library operations: the lack of integrated systems Ø Assessment – Integrating both quantitative and
that capture all the formats contained in library qualitative analysis of print and digital content,
collections. Intota is an integrated suite of services Intota includes Intota™ Assessment. Exclusive to
delivered via multi-tenant SaaS architecture and ProQuest, highly valued data from Resources

16 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

for College Libraries™ and Books in Print® gives Major features of Ex Libris Alma are outlined
libraries a holistic view of their holdings. below:
Libraries needing only a best-in-class collection
Unified Management: A unified system, it helps to
assessment solution can subscribe to Intota
streamline the management of catalogs,
Assessment as a stand-alone service.
collections, and electronic, print and digital
Ø Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA) – Using a resources, as well as curation, acquisitions,
unique approach to interoperability, Intota fully discovery and analytics.
automates library DDA programs. Libraries
Digital Resources: Alma's unified management
benefit from an affordable acquisition model
supports discovery of all digital collections of a
and the entire workflow is optimized from
library. Alma supports easy data migration and
acquisition to management and discovery to
uploads from third-party systems using standards
like the OAI-PMH, either one-by-one or via an
Ø Knowledgebase – ProQuest's global efficient bulk ingest program as well as automatic
Knowledgebase of electronic, print and digital collection creation from EAD-formatted metadata.
resource metadata is foundational to Intota.
Enriched and maintained by librarians with Analytics: Alma Analytics is an integrated, and
expertise in data curation, this comprehensive integral component of the Alma solution. It
and authoritative compilation of data is provides comprehensive usage data from both
centrally updated on behalf of thousands of COUNTER reports and Alma Link resolver.
libraries (https://www.proquest.com/
Collaborative Networks: Libraries working
together can collaborate easily across Alma's cloud
architecture, expanding their workflows and
Ø Integrated Services: Intota also has integrated services. Through Shared Catalog, libraries can
services via its Summon Service; Intota coordinate metadata management, including
Assessment; 360 Link and 360 Resource batch imports and asset searches.
Manager (https://www.proquest.com/products-
Open Platform: With comprehensive support for
open standards and over 150 REST APIs, Alma can
4.3 Alma: a product of Ex Libris, ProQuest be quickly integrated with library infrastructure.

Ex Libris Alma was first announced in July 2009, Alma supports an array of widely adopted
and the subsequent first production was released in standards such as NCIP, SRU, Z39.50, SIP2 or
July 2012. Ex Libris Alma is a unified library OAI/PMH to streamline interoperability with other
services platform which helps to manage print, systems. (https://www.exlibrisgroup.com/
electronic, and digital materials in a single products/alma-library-services-platform/).
interface. It is a completely cloud-based service.

17 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

4.4 Sierra: a product of Innovative Interfaces runs on Amazon AWS. It is completely web-based
and is hosted in a FedRAMP-compliant cloud
Sierra was first announced in April 2011, and the
facility providing mobile access from all devices.
subsequent first production was released in April
Bibliovation is a full-featured open development
2012. Sierra is a leading LSP, and is designed to
LSP that uses relational databases storing all data
make a library much effective by integrating
types including bibliographic, patron, transaction,
separate workflows into one, to seamless
acquisitions as well as digital objects.
Some of the components included in Bibliovation
Sierra has the following features:
Unified Application: Sierra integrates multiple
Bibliovation Discovery Layer: The Bibliovation
workflows - eResource Management, Circulation,
Discovery Layer can incorporate the results from
Cataloging, Acquisitions, and more into one easy to
database vendors such as EBSCO, ProQuest and
use interface to allow uninterrupted progress on a
even 'boutique' databases that are not part of the
day to day initiatives or special projects, and save
database aggregator's offerings.
valuable time.
Biblios Cataloging Editor: Biblios is a MARC21-
RESTful APIs: Sierra facilitates libraries to have
compliant, web-based cataloguing editor which
connections with the communities they serve.
provides full support for bibliographic, holdings,
Whether it is finance applications, learning
and authority records. MARC21 validation rules
management systems, or any community the
are built into Biblios and provide library staff with
library exists within, Sierra is open and can
color coded displays when there are rules
Workflow on the Go: Working seamlessly with
GetIt Acquisitions: GetIt Acquisitions is a web-
Mobile Worklists, Sierra liberates library staff with a
based, EDI-compliant fund accounting application.
mobile experience that moves library operations
It includes support for purchase orders, invoices,
into the stacks and away from repetitive material
multi-layer fund hierarchy, and Z39 searching.
GetIt Acquisitions has its own relational database
With MyLibrary! feature of Sierra, patrons can and uses APIs to exchange data with the catalog
access library resources, place holds, check out (http://www.ptfs.com/bibliovation).
digital items, and visit their library on social media
4.6 WorldShare® Management Services (WMS):
all in one place on their mobile
a product OCLC
WorldShare® Management Services (WMS) was
4.5 Bibliovation™: a product of LibLime, PTFS
first announced in April 2009, and the subsequent
The Bibliovation™ is a highly flexible Library first production was released in November 2010.
Services Platform (LSP) offered as a SaaS solution. It OCLC WorldShare Management Services is open,

18 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

cloud-based library services platform. WorldShare Manager, WorldShare Report Designer and
Management Services (WMS) provides all of the WorldShare Collection Evaluation
applications needed to manage a library, including (https://www.oclc.org/en/worldshare-
acquisitions, circulation, resource sharing, management-services.html).
metadata and electronic resource management,
4.7 Kuali Open Library Environment (OLE): an
and discovery service for library users. WorldShare
Open Source product
Management Services enables to draw on the
collaborative data and work of libraries worldwide Kuali OLE was first announced in June 2008, and
for more efficient workflows. the subsequent first production was released in
Aug 2014. The Kuali Foundation is a non-profit
It provides: (i) an integrated library workflows
501(c)3 organization dedicated to the
consisting a complete set of library management
development of open source administrative
applications and platform services which are built
software solutions for higher education. Kuali
on the OCLC WorldShare Platform (ii) streamline
delivers administrative software built specifically
workflows helps to perform routine tasks, including
for higher education to more than 160 institutions
e-resource management and cataloguing, (iii)
using modern, cloud-based technologies. Kuali, a
realize cost savings by eliminating fees related to
SaaS software company focused exclusively on
the purchase of separate serials management,
serving higher education. Current modules of Kuali
course reserves, OpenURL resolver and A – Z list
OLE allow for acquisitions, metadata management,
services, , (v) provide an intuitive search
rights management, discovery tools, and a host of
experience through WorldCat Discovery for library
other functions (http://opensource-
users, which enables searching simultaneously
across all library's electronic, digital and physical
resources, and (vi) to get better information about OLE automates core library functions in a way
library systems by generating standard reports suited to modern workflows and that interoperates
based on local data on acquisition, circulation, with business and content applications beyond the
cataloging/collection, and e-resources. library. OLE allows libraries to manage their
WorldShare Report Designer and Collection scholarly content, and to continue with their
Evaluation are add-on services of WMS. business functions through OLE or through the
enterprise integration of OLE with Identity
Worldshare Management services have almost all
Management, Enterprise Resource Planning
the features which are required for a library to
systems and Virtual Learning Environment systems
execute a smooth and proper workflow system.
The key modules are WorldShare Acquisitions,
WorldShare Circulation, WorldShare Metadata,
WorldShare Collection Manager, WorldShare 4.8 FOLIO: an Open Source project
Record Manager, WorldCat Discovery,
FOLIO, which stands for the “Future of Libraries is
WorldShare Interlibrary Loan, WorldShare License
Open”, is a community project to develop an open

19 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

source library services platform (LSP). FOLIO, an FOLIO is an app-based platform: Similar to how
open source project, aims to reimagine library users have the freedom to choose from a variety of
software through a unique collaboration of smartphone apps, libraries can choose which
libraries, developers and vendors. It moves beyond FOLIO apps to use. A library could continue to use
the traditional library management system to a new its existing automation system (such as Koha or
paradigm, to develop an open source library Evergreen) and make use of apps, such as
services platform (LSP), where apps are built on an electronic resource management.
open platform, providing libraries more choice and
The FOLIO project has been in development for
delivering new services to users
about two years. FOLIO kicked off in January 25,
(https://www.folio.org/). FOLIO is hosted by the
2019 with the release of the FOLIO Aster Release
Open Library Foundation, an independent, not-for-
which is the first in a series of named releases.
profit organization designed to ensure the
availability, accessibility and sustainability of open Index Data has been the lead architect and
source and open access projects for and by libraries developers for FOLIO, and now it offers a complete
(https://www.folio.org/about/). set of services that enable libraries to leverage
FOLIO's innovative open source library platform
Major features of FOLIO are provided below:
designed to support the collaboration of
FOLIO architecture is based on microservices: libraries, developers, and vendors in creating new
which is an easy and innovative method to quickly k i n d s o f l i b r a r y s e r v i c e s
add new capabilities. With microservice (https://www.indexdata.com/folio/).
architecture, there is no need to replace an entire
5. Conclusion
system, rather apps and modules can be
continually renewed and replaced. In this article, a brief profile of different Library
Services Platforms (LSPs) is provided. A total
FOLIO is inspired by cloud technologies and by
number of seven LSP products have been covered
open-ended platforms: such as smartphones and
in the article which are in use by the libraries
operating systems. It is essentially a web-based
worldwide. Among those, Kuali OLE and FOLIO
system for administering complex workflows in
LSPs are open source in nature. As like any system,
and between organizations, in which the
it is always very difficult to choose the best among
individual work tasks are supported by "apps" on
all as each of these products have their own set of
the platform.
features, characteristics and functions to perform
The FOLIO platform provides shared facilities: various library services and tasks in their own way.
such as notifications, permissions, and task It is found that till today, no libraries in India
management, but the organization of the whether it's academic or special have been using
workflows is entirely up to the library, and the such LSP systems. However, Indian Library
possible tasks that FOLIO can support depends on Technology companies/vendors and libraries are
the apps that are installed. embracing and adopting technologies such as

20 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

cloud service, SaaS architecture, discovery Information Standards Quarterly, 24(4), 4.
services, etc. along with their full-fledged https://doi.org/10.3789/isqv24n4.2012.02
integrated library systems in place. 8. McEvoy, K. (2016). Introducing FOLIO - A
new collaboration bringing libraries, service
providers and developers together to speed
1. Ashikuzzaman, Md. (2014). History of Library innovation and redefine the future of library
Automation. Retrieved from automation. FOLIO News Release. Retrieved
http://www.lisbdnet.com/history-of-library- from www.folio.org
9. Mohammed Ali, Salihin. (2018). Library
2. Breeding, M. (2015). Library Services services platform: A platform for innovation.
Platforms: A Maturing Genre of Products. In LAS-NLB Professional Sharing Session:
Library Technology Reports: Expert Guides to Innovation. Research Collection Library.
Library Systems and Services (Vol. 51), No-4. Available at: http://ink.library.smu.
https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.5860/ltr.5 edu.sg/library_research/114
10. Serials Solutions has announced their planned
3. Breeding, M. (2018). Library Systems Report Integrated Library System (ILS) replacement,
2018: New technologies enable an expanded I n t o t a . R e t r i e v e d f r o m
vision of library services. http://www.librarytechnology.org/ltg-
https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2018/ displaytext.pl?RC=16501
11. S i r s i D y n i x : B L U E c l o u d L S P .
4. Chad, K. (2016). Rethinking the Library http://www.sirsidynix.com/lsp Accessed on
Services Platform. Higher Education: Library 30/01/2019.
Technology Briefing Paper, (January), 1–10.
12. Intota Enables Transformation of Library
Workflows, June 25, 2014,
5. Chan, H. C. Y. 2015. Library3.0 for Public https://www.proquest.com/about/news/2014
Library, Journal of Service Science and /Intota-Enables-Transformation-of-Library-
Management, 8, pp. 741-753. Workflows.html. Accessed on 30/04/2015
13. Ex Libris Alma: The fastest growing cloud-
6. Gallagher, M. (2016). How to Conduct a based library services platform.
Library Services Platform: Review and https://www.exlibrisgroup.com/products/alm
Selection. Computer in Libraries (Information a-library-services-platform/. Accessed on
Today), 36(8). Retrieved from 30/04/2015
14. Innovative, Sierra is designed to make your
l i b r a r y e f f e c t i v e .
7. Grant, C. (2012). The Future of Library Accessed on 30/04/2019.
Systems: Library Services Platforms.

21 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

15. News: South Central Library System Selects get with apps and APIs: Tomorrow's library
Bibliovation. (2018). management software will be flexible,
http://www.koha.org/news-?a=1&a=1 modular, extensible, and affordable.
Accessed on 30/04/2019 https://opensource.com/article/18/6/folio
16. Bibliovation™. 18. FOLIO Launches Aster Release: Open Source
http://www.ptfs.com/bibliovation Accessed Project Release Focuses on Early Adopters.
on 30/04/2019 (2019). https://www.folio.org/about/news-
17. Watkins, D. (2018). Why libraries need to events/article/folio-launches-aster-release/


As a part of curriculum industrial visits, 90 students and 3 faculty members of Computer Engineering and
Information Technology, Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar visited
INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 2nd January 2019. 100 students and 3 faculty members of Shri Mahila
BCA College, Junagadh visited INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 4th January 2019. 12 students and 3
faculty members of the Dept. of Library and Information Science, Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University,
Ajmer visited INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar on 13th March 2019. The centre also witnessed the below
dignitaries as our esteemed visitors from 14th to 15th March 2019.

Prof Dhirendra Pal Singh, Chairman, UGC, New Delhi

Dr Braj Bihari Kumar, Chairman, New Delhi

Prof Yogesh Singh, Vice Chancellor, Delhi Technical University, Delhi

Mr P K Thakur, Finance Advicer, UGC, New Delhi

Prof Dileep Malkhede, Adviser –I (RIFD), AICTE, New Delhi

Prof S K Singh, Vice Chancellor, Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga

Dr Anand Byrappa, Librarian, IISc, Bengaluru

Prof B K Tripathi, Director, IUCTE for Teacher Education, BHU, Varanasi

Prof Kamlesh P Joshipura, Former VC, Saurashtra University, Rajkot

Prof Pratosh Bansal, Institute of Engineering & Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

Mr Gurinder S Malik, Senior Consultant, MHRD, New Delhi

Mr Parameswaran N, Advisor MHRD, New Delhi

22 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Staff News
Prof J P Singh Joorel, Director vi) Delivered the inaugural lecture during the
National Seminar on “The Role of Library and
Prof Joorel delivered the following inaugural
Information Services in the New Millennium”
lectures and also nominated as a member during
at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University,
the period under report:
Ahmedabad on 16th March 2019.
i) Conferred as a Guest of Honour and delivered
Prof J P Singh Joorel was Chief Guest in the
the inaugural lecture on “From e-books to e-
inaugural function of two days National Seminar
learning” at Cochin University of Science &
on “Toolkit to Accelerate Research” organised by
Technology, Cochin on 23 January 2019
Department of Library Science, Kuvempu
during Library Technology Conclave jointly
University, Shivmogga in collaboration with LIS
organized Informatics, Bengaluru and by
Academy, Bengaluru during 22nd – 23rd March
Cochin University of Science & Technology,
2019. Prof J P Singh Joorel was nominated as a
Core Committee member of Consortium for
ii) Conferred as a Guest of Honour and delivered Academic and Research Ethics (CARE) UGC. As a
the inaugural lecture during the National member of the Committee of Inter-University
Seminar on “Transformation of Indian Rural Center For Teacher Education (IUCTE), he attended
Economy” at GH Patel Institute of Business the meeting of Vision Document preparation of
Management, Sardar Patel University, Anand, IUCTE, BHU Varanasi at UGC, New Delhi on 19
th th
Gujarat during 9 -10 February 2019. February 2019. As a nominated member of the
Court of Central University of Haryana, he attended
iii) Delivered lecture in the “Inter-Disciplinary its meeting held at Central University of Haryana,
Refresher Course” organized by Human th
Mahendragarh on 26 March 2019.
Resource Development Centre, University of
Jammu, Jammu on 18th February 2019. Mr Manoj Kumar K, Scientist D (CS)

iv) Conferred as a Guest of Honour and delivered Mr Manoj Kumar was invited to deliver a guest
the inaugural lecture during the National lecture on Shodhganga, Research Ethics and IRINS
Seminar organized by Department of in the Academic Activity Series organized at the JSS
Statistics, Sardar Patel University, Anand, Medical College by JSS Academy of Higher
Gujarat during 1st – 2nd March 2019. Education & Research on 24th January 2019. He
presented an invited paper on “Shodhganga: a
v) Delivered 'Prof S Dasgupta Memorial Lecture' boon for research & its impact in Indian
titled “INFLIBNET: Role in Higher Education Universities” during the 2 n d International
and Research in India” during 81st Foundation Conference of Changing Landscape of Science &
Day Celebration of Delhi Library Association Technology Libraries (CLSTL 2019) held at Indian
at Delhi on 10 March 2019. Institute of Technology Gandhinagar (IIT

23 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

th nd
Gandhinagar ) from 28 February to 2 March post data capturing system for Atal Ranking of
2019. He was invited as Plenary Speaker in a Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)
National Seminar on 'The Role of Library and on 22 February 2019. He was also invited to
Information Services in the New Millennium' at Dr demonstrate NCTE Accreditation Management
Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, System during two days Northern Regional
Ahmedabad on 16th March 2019. Conference on Prospects & Challenges in Teacher
Education organized by All India Association of
Mr Ashok Kumar Rai, Scientist D (CS)
Private Colleges and National Council for Teacher
Mr Ashok Kumar was invited to deliver a lecture on Education at NCTE, Jaipur from 8th to 9th March
'INFLIBNET Activities and its benefits in Research 2019. He demonstrated about NMTT portal to all
and MOOCs' during National Workshop on PMMMNMTT Centre nodal officers through Video
Academic Writing and Research Productivity at IK Conferencing on 13th March 2019. He was invited
Gujral Panjab Technical University, Kapurthala, to demonstrate the work status of UGC-DEB Portal
Panjab during 4th to 5th February 2019. He was also at MHRD, New Delhi on 19 March 2019.
invited to deliver a lecture on e-Learning MOOCs
Dr Miteshkumar Pandya, Scientist B (LS)
as a resource person during Training-cum-
Workshop on E-learning in Higher Education at Dr Miteshkumar was invited to deliver lectures in
Iswar Saran Degree College, University of National Workshop on SWAYAM organized by
th th
Allahabad, Prayagraj (UP) from 07 -13 February Arts College Bamkhede in collaboration with
2019. As a special invitee, he delivered a North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on 28
presentation on e-ShodhSindu (eSS) status for the February 2019 at Arts College Bamkhede, Ta.
year 2019 during 2 International Conference of Shahada, Dist Nandurbar, Maharashtra.
Changing Landscape of Science & Technology
Mr Raja V, Scientist B (CS)
Libraries (CLSTL 2019) held at Indian Institute of
Technology Gandhinagar (IIT Gandhinagar ) on 3rd Mr Raja was invited by JSS Academy of Higher
March 2019. Education & JSS Science and Technology
University, Mysuru as a resource person on 11th
Mr Abhishek Kumar, Scientist C (CS)
January 2019 to deliver a guest lecture on
Mr Abhishek Kumar was invited to attend a 'Technology Platforms for Teaching-Learning
meeting regarding e-governance at UGC, New Academic Tools from INFLIBNET' giving emphasis
Delhi on 10th January 2019. He was also invited for on Cloud-computing technology. Mr Raja V was
a review meeting of Swayam Prabha at CEC, New invited by National Institute of Design (NID),
Delhi on 11th January 2019. He was also invited to Gandhinagar to deliver a guest lecture on 'Role of
demonstrate NCTE Accreditation Work Flow INFED @ NID' on 5 February 2019.
Management at NCTE, New Delhi on 24 January
He was one of the participants representing South-
2019. He was invited to deliver a lecture on
th Asia in the 'Identity and Access Management
MOOCs at Sophia College, Mumbai on 25
(IAM)' workshop and meetings held in conjunction
January 2019. He was invited to demonstrate the
with the 47th Asia Pacific Advanced Networking

24 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

th nd
(APAN) Conference held during 18 to 22 Mr Kimidi Siva Shankar, Scientist B (LS)
February 2019 at Daejeon, South Korea. His
Mr K Siva Shankar as a Co-author presented an
conference presentation was on “Indian Access
abstract presentation titled 'Indian research
Management Federation updates and New
information network system: research impact &
initiatives about INFED. Attendance at this event
analytics' from one of the conference themes
was funded by the BACKFIRE project within the
'Trends In Scholarly Communication: Open
framework of the European Commission funded nd
Science, Open Access & Open Data' during 2
Asi@Connect project. The goal of this project is to
International Conference, “Changing Landscape of
develop the eduroam and eduGAIN services
Science & Technology Libraries (CLSTL 2019)”
within the Asia Pacific region, and this was the 3rd
organized by Indian Institute of Technology
meeting in the series on its path. On 19th March th nd
Gandhinagar from 28 February – 2 March 2019.
2019, Mr Raja took a Video Conferencing
The presentation received the conference best
presentation with IUCAA Technical Team, Pune for
abstract presentation.
integrating LIGO-India Services with INFED.

Mr Raja V participated in the Identity and Access

Management (IAM) Workshop and 47 Asia Pacific
Advanced Networking (APAN) Conference, Mr Siva Shankar K and Mr Kannan P receiving
Daejeon, South Korea memento from Amit Prashant, Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar

25 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

User’s Speak

On Shodhganga
Respected Sir,
With your continuous effort Shodhganga is becoming as beautiful and very wide Ganga. I am so happy of your
contribution. Good Luck for you and your dedicated and tireless team members.
With kind regards.
Librarian, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Abishekapatti
Tirunelveli - 627 012, Tamilnadu.
Shani Minogue sminogue.london@gmail.com
Dear Staff at Shodhganga,
I hope this email finds you well. Firstly, thank you for creating this resource: I've just stumbled upon it, and as an
undergraduate doing my dissertation on Indian urban planning, the content I have found is invaluable.

Kind regards,
Shani Minogue, London
Dear Sir,
I am an independent scholar and greatly appreciate the service that is being provided through Shodhganga.
However I am having challenges in my searches for material. If I search for a topic I am very grateful that I am often
led to one of the dissertations that are posted on your website.

Again, Many thanks

In appreciation, Mary Girard
Madison, WI USA
Thanks a lot for generous gestures through extending such nice services. I wish all the best for the future
Regards to the team.

Modi D S,
BVM Engineering College, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat

26 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Dear Shodhganga
As a researcher, I often use your wonderful website. We often do land on very interesting research.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Gabe Hiemstra <info@wisdomlib.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 23, 2018 at 4:43 AM
Subject: Inquiry regarding copyright
To: <suboohi@inflibnet.ac.in>

Dear Shodhganga,
Your repository truly is unique and I always enjoy browsing the vast amount of knowledge contained in it. Some
of the thesis are truly enlightening works. Thanks for all your hard work!
I noticed you encourage the use of a “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike4.0International”. Does this apply
to all of your thesis (unless otherwise specified)?

So, for example, if I would like to place some documents on my website,

would I be able to do so under the terms of this license?

Thank you!
Best regards,
Gabe Hiemstra
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Manonmaniam Library <msulibrarytvl@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Requesting - update - reg
To: Shodhganga Inflibnet <shodhganga@inflibnet.ac.in>, Manoj Kumar K <manoj@inflibnet.ac.in>

Respected Sir,
Thank you very for accepting our uploaded theses of our Manonmaniam Sundaranar University. We are so happy
on seeing our University in one of the top 10 Universities.
Thank very sir to you and your dedicated untried team members.
With kind regards,

27 Vol. 26, No. 1 (January to March 2019)

Information and Library Network Centre
(An Autonomous Inter-University Centre of UGC)

Infocity, Gandhinagar - 382007, Gujarat, India

Email: director@inflibnet.ac.in


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