Fs6 Episode 2

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“The Camarines Norte State College shall provide higher and advance
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Daet, Camarines Norte

As a prospective teacher, every moment in your life is decision-making.

To a large extent, your educational decisions, choices and directions will be
influenced by your philosophy. It is a personal statement of your beliefs,
thoughts, views, and values of education, schools, teachings, and learning.
Your philosophy is the best guide to explore the teaching field.

In this learning experience, you will be guided through the experiential organizer
as follows:
Your Intended Learning Outcome:
Develop philosophy statements of a future K-to-12 teacher
Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection
2.1 Exposure
An invitation to experience: Identifying belief
2.2 Participation
Generating data through answering belief
survey form
2.3 Identification
Categorizing belief statements according to
school of thoughts

• As future K to 12
teachers, what
will be my
2.4 Internalization personal


Contextualizing internalized knowledge philosophy in
• How are my
2.5 Dissemination statements of
Intrinsic transfer: Formulating belief compared with
statements of a K to 12 teacher others?


As a prospective teacher, every moment in your life is decision-making.
To a large extent, your educational decisions, choices and directions will be
influenced by your philosophy. It is a personal statement of your beliefs,
thoughts, views, and values of education, schools, teachings, and learnings.
Your philosophy is the best guide to explore the teaching field.

In this learning experience, you will be guided through the experiential organizer
as follows:
Your Intended Learning Outcome:
Develop philosophy statements of a future K-to-12 teacher
Your Experiential Tasks Your Reflection
2.1 Exposure As future K to 12
teacher, what will be
An invitation to experience: Identifying belief my personal
statements philosophy in
2.2 Participation teaching?
How are my
Generating data through answering belief survey statements of
form philosophy compared
with others?
2.3 Identification
Categorizing belief statements according to school
of thoughts
2.4 Internalization
Contextualizing internalized knowledge
2.5 Dissemination
Intrinsic transfer: Formulating belief statements of a
K to 12 teacher


2.1 EXPOSURE (An invitation to experience: Identifying
belief statements)
My Belief Statements
The following are statements of thoughts, views, and values as they relate to
teaching. For each item below, respond accordingly to the strength of your
5-Strongly Agree
4-Moderately Agree
3-Slightly Agree
1-Strongly Disagree
Do I believe in this statement? 5 4 3 2 1
1. Education is constant. /
2. The schools’ function is to teach the world. /
3. The school sharpens the mind. /
4. The school continually seeks to discover ways to improve /
5. The school exists to aid students in knowing themselves /
and their place in society.
6. Change is necessary at all times. /
7. Education is a preparation for life. /
8. The curriculum focuses on values development. /
9. The teacher is a model of behavior. /
10. The teacher must impart knowledge of reality. /
11. Curriculum consists of subjects and doctrines. /
12. The curriculum puts heavy emphasis on social subjects /
and emphasis.
13. The school presents exemplary models of behavior. /
14. The school is dominated by subjects such as Math and /
15. The teacher interprets and tells. /
16. The students determine what should be taught. /
17. The students are actively involved in discovering the /
world in which they live.


18. The students are passive participants in the study of /
19. The students are passive recipients of learning. /
20. The teachers’ questions assist students in personal /
21. Methods of teaching are receiving, memorizing and /
22. The methods of teaching are observation and study. /
23. The methods of learning are problem solving and /
24. Subject matter is a matter of interpretation. /
25. Subject matters are literary, philosophical and religious. /

(Generating data through answering belief
survey form)

Request one new teacher (1-3 years in teaching) and one seasoned teacher (4
or more years of teaching experience) to answer the given belief statements
survey forms.

A. Mark your beliefs as a new teacher using the following numerical indicators.

5-Strongly Agree
4-Moderately Agree
3-Slightly Agree
1-Strongly Disagree

Belief Statements for New Teachers

Do I believe in this statement? 5 4 3 2 1
1. Education is constant. /


2. The schools’ function is to teach the world. /
3. The school sharpens the mind. /
4. The school continually seeks to discover ways to improve /
5. The school exists to aid students in knowing themselves /
and their place in society.
6. Change is necessary at all times. /
7. Education is a preparation for life. /
8. The curriculum focuses on values development. /
9. The teacher is a model of behavior. /
10. The teacher must impart knowledge of reality. /
11. Curriculum consists of subjects and doctrines. /
12.The curriculum puts heavy emphasis on social subjects /
and emphasis.
13. The school presents exemplary models of behavior. /
14. The school is dominated by subjects such as Math and /
15. The teacher interprets and tells. /
16. The students determine what should be taught. /
17. The students are actively involved in discovering the /
world in which they live.
18. The students are passive participants in the study of /
19. The students are passive recipients of learning. /
20. The teachers’ questions assist students in personal /
21. Methods of teaching are receiving, memorizing and /
22. The methods of teaching are observation and study. /
23. The methods of learning are problem solving and inquiry. /
24. Subject matter is a matter of interpretation. /
25. Subject matters are literary, philosophical and religious. /

Survey form completed by:

Christine Gail D. Gaza
Teacher in Chung Hua


B. Mark your beliefs as a seasoned teacher using the following numerical

5-Strongly Agree
4-Moderately Agree
3-Slightly Agree
1-Strongly Disagree

Do I believe in this statement? 5 4 3 2 1

1. Education is constant. /
2. The schools’ function is to teach the world. /
3. The school sharpens the mind. /
4. The school continually seeks to discover ways to improve /
5. The school exists to aid students in knowing themselves /
and their place in society.
6. Change is necessary at all times. /
7. Education is a preparation for life. /
8. The curriculum focuses on values development. /
9. The teacher is a model of behavior. /
10. The teacher must impart knowledge of reality. /
11. Curriculum consists of subjects and doctrines. /
12.The curriculum puts heavy emphasis on social subjects /
and emphasis.
13. The school presents exemplary models of behavior. /
14. The school is dominated by subjects such as Math and /
15. The teacher interprets and tells. /
16. The students determine what should be taught. /
17. The students are actively involved in discovering the /
world in which they live.
18. The students are passive participants in the study of /


19. The students are passive recipients of learning. /
20. The teachers’ questions assist students in personal /
21. Methods of teaching are receiving, memorizing and /
22. The methods of teaching are observation and study. /
23. The methods of learning are problem solving and inquiry. /
24. Subject matter is a matter of interpretation. /
25. Subject matters are literary, philosophical and religious. /

Survey form completed by:

Cesar C. Baloloy
Teacher in Matango National High School

There are several kinds of philosophical beliefs which represent broad

spectrum of thoughts of what school should do, what curriculum should offer,
how teacher will teach and how students will learn. Our belief score will focus
on five distinct school of thoughts: perrenialism, idealism, realism,
experimentalism, and existentialism.

A. Compare the philosophical views of the new and seasoned teacher with
your own by checking the appropriate boxes.


Strength of Belief
Item Do I believe in this My New Seasoned
statement? Own Teacher Teacher
1 Education is constant. 1 1 2
7 Education is a preparation for 5 5 5


11 Curriculum consists of 3 4 4
subjects and doctrines.
15 The teacher interprets and 3 3 3
19 The students are passive 1 1 1
recipients of learning.
Compare the results. Who among you strongly adhere (rating of 5) to
perrenialism as a school of thought?

The new and seasoned teacher and I do not strongly adhere to

perennialism most probably because the only constant thing in this world is
change and there will always be a change in education. Yes, all of us agree
that education prepares us for real life situations. Even though the curriculum
is sometimes consisting of subjects and doctrines, the learnings thought in
schools are more than that. We also agree that there are times that a teacher
interprets and tells but it wouldn’t practice the cognitive thinking skills of the
students by merely having a teacher-centered class discussion. The students
should also share their insights about the concepts taught by the teacher. All
of us strongly disagree that students are passive recipients of learning. It is
because there will be no effective teaching and learning process if the
students are not active. When they are told, they forget it easily. When they
listen, they remember but discover, they understand and learn.

The seasoned teacher mostly adheres to the philosophy of perennialism.

It’s probably because he is used to teaching everlasting truths in his teaching
career. I am the one who least adhere to perennialism because I believe that
although everlasting truths are important in education, those shouldn’t be
given the most emphasis. Due to the contemporary change in society, there
should also be a change in education. We should also consider the concepts
that are important at the present.


Strength of Belief
Item Do I believe in this statement? My New Seasoned
Own Teacher Teacher
3 The school sharpens the mind. 5 5 5
9 The teacher is a model of 5 5 5
13 The school presents exemplary 5 5 5
models of behavior.
21 Methods of teaching are 1 1 2
receiving, memorizing and


25 Subject matters are literary, 3 3 3
philosophical and religious.
Compare the results. Who among you have strong tendencies to be believers
of idealism.
All of us strongly agree that the school sharpens the mind. After all, one
of the main purposes of the education is to develop the cognitive thinking
skills of the students. That’s why we practice Socratic Dialogue or the Inquiry
Method which aims to enhance the way of thinking of the students through
question and answer approach. Also, all of us strongly agree that the teacher
is a model of behavior and that the school presents exemplary models of
behavior. The teachers should be role models so that students will adapt
proper behavior. The school should be the training ground for the students in
teaching them how to behave well. However, all of us also disagree to the
idea that the methods of teaching are receiving, memorizing, and reporting.
Those methods will just cater the literal level of understanding. Those would
not develop the higher order thinking skills of the students. All of us slightly
agree that subject matters are literary, philosophical, and religious. It’s
because education focuses on the mind and knowledge. However, there are
times that we should also focus on the reality.

Our answers are nearly the same. The new teacher and I have the same
answers. The seasoned teacher is the one who have the most but not that
strong tendency to be believer of idealism. Therefore, he believes that
education should develop the mind of the students and how they think.
However, just like me and the new teacher, he also thinks that it’s not enough
to let the students receive, memorize, and report.


Strength of Belief
Item Do I believe in this statement? My New Seasoned
Own Teacher Teacher
2 The schools’ function is to teach 5 5 5
the world.
10 The teacher must impart 5 5 5
knowledge of reality.
14 The school is dominated by 2 3 2
subjects such as Math and
18 The students are passive 1 1 1
participants in the study of
22 The methods of teaching are 3 3 3
observation and study.


Compare the results. Who among you have strong tendencies to be a realist

All of us strongly agree that the function of the schools is to teach the
world. In other words, we believe that education should teach the students
on how to deal with real life situations. Also, all of us strongly agree that the
teacher must impart knowledge of reality. We should not only focus on the
mind and ideas, but also the body and the reality. The seasoned teacher and
I do not agree that the school is dominated by subjects such as Math and
Science. There are also other subjects that should be given an emphasis. On
the other hand, the new teacher slightly agrees in it. It’s probably because
she believes that most of what is taught are real. All of us strongly disagree
that the students are passive participants in the study of things. We believe
that the students should be active agents on their own learning. All of us
slightly agree that the methods of teaching are observation and study. It
actually depends on the concept to be taught. There are some concepts that
require observation in reality. However, we also believe that there are other
methods of teaching aside from those.

Our answers are nearly the same. The seasoned teacher and I have the
same answers. The new teacher is the one who has the most but not that
strong tendency to be a realist teacher. She believes that education should
have an emphasis on the reality. However, just like me and the seasoned
teacher, she also believes that it depends upon the concept to be taught. It
should be balanced. Not too idealistic, and not also too realistic.


Strength of Belief
Item Do I believe in this statement? My New Seasoned
Own Teacher Teacher
4 The school continually seeks to 5 5 5
discover ways to improve society.
8 The curriculum focuses on values 5 5 5
12 The curriculum puts heavy 5 4 4
emphasis on social subjects and
17 The students are actively involved 5 5 5
in discovering the world in which
they live.
23 The methods of learning are 5 5 4
problem solving and inquiry.


Compare the results. Are you all experimentalist teachers? Who among you
have the strong tendencies to be experimentalists?

All of us strongly agree that the school continually seeks to discover ways
to improve society. Meaning, we believe that through discovering, the
students will be able to make solutions on the problems and be active agents
in developing the society. Additionally, all of us agree that the curriculum
focuses on values development. The schools should produce morally upright
citizens imbued with positive values. Moreover, both the new and seasoned
teacher agree that the curriculum puts heavy emphasis on social subjects
and emphasis. I strongly agree to that statement. It’s because education
should teach the students how to learn and how to make use of what they
have learned. All of us strongly agree that the students are actively involved
in discovering the world in which they live. Indeed, education is a never-
ending discovery. The students will be able to easily acquire knowledge
through discovering. The new teacher and I strongly agree that the methods
of learning are problem solving and inquiry. The seasoned teacher also
agrees to that statement. Students best learn when they are involved, and
they will be involved when they are being asked and challenged to solve

I guess we are all experimentalists, but I have the strong tendencies to

be experimentalists. It’s because I believe that when the students discover
knowledge, they are engaged in the teaching and learning process and when
they are actively engaged, they will be able to acquire more knowledge.
Indeed, students should be given the opportunity to construct their own


Strength of Belief
Item Do I believe in this statement? My New Seasoned
Own Teacher Teacher
5 The school exists to aid students in 5 5 5
knowing themselves and their place in
6 Change is necessary at all times. 5 4 5
16 The students determine what should 4 4 4
be taught.
20 The teachers’ questions assist 5 5 5
students in personal journey.
24 Subject matter is a matter of 3 3 4


Compare the results. Who among you are strong believers of existentialism as
a school of thought?
B. What philosophical agreements develop among the new, seasoned
teachers, and in you?
All of us strongly believe that the school exists to aid students in knowing
themselves There and
manyplace in society.
beliefs Truly, education
in education that the new requires students to take
and seasoned
teacher, and for their upon.
I agree own actions
Yes, the and shape
main their of
purpose own destinies.
education Additionally,
is to
develop the cognitive thinking skills of the students. However, schools at all
seasoned teacher and I strongly believe that change is necessary
shouldTherefore, educationnot is not
onlyconstant. Therebutwould always be and change. The
mold the students cognitively, also affectively
new teacher also agrees to that statement. Both the new and seasoned teacher
kinesthetically because humans are not made only with brain, but also
agree that the students determine what should be taught. They should be given
the heart
willand body. We
to choose whatalso agree
they wantthat
to subjects to be taughtall
learn. Furthermore, in of
a school
us strongly
are essential. But, the subject matter itself should
agree that the teachers’ questions assist students in personal journey. not be given the most
emphasis. After all, learning will not exist with just an input
questioning, the teachers are able to let the students decide on their own. In of knowledge,
but alsoterms,
simpler output. In other
they words,
are just guides. a concept is useless
The students areunless
the mainit isagents
on their
So, we believe that we should not only teach the students
own learning. The new teacher and I slightly agree that subject matter is a matterwhat to learn,
also how to learn, and how toteacher
The seasoned apply whatalsothey havetolearned.
agrees Also, we The
that statement.
believe thatacquired
education by should
the students depend The
be balanced. on how they should
teacher have interpreted
not be too it.
idealistic, and not too realistic. There should be an equal emphasis to
and reality there are only few differences on our answers, the seasoned
of things.
teacher is the one who is the strong believer of existentialism. Therefore, he
acknowledges we areofmore
the freewill of experimentalist
the students on their own andlearning.
teachers. We agree that the students should be active agents of their own
learning. They should be allowed to learn at their own pace and discover
what they want to learn. We consider the freewill, choice, and
responsibility of the students. In that way, they will be more engaged in
learning and there will be an interactive teaching and learning process.
Therefore, they will be able to acquire deeper learning because we believe
that students learn best when they are engaged.
I have realized that due to the emergence of the modern society,
education has also changed. The teacher is no longer the sole source of
learning but is only a facilitator of the teaching and learning process.
He/She just asks questions wherein the students will discover the answers
and implement activities so that the students will be roused to learn. For
instance, when teaching the math subject, the teacher just gives the
problem at first and the students are tasked to find their own solutions.
Letting the students discover knowledge and be active agents of
their own learning gives them hands-on experiences in learning. It
develops their metacognition or thinking beyond thinking. It lets them be
motivated and encouraged to learn. They will not just remember the
concepts, but instead, they will understand and apply. Overall, we believe
that effective education is about balancing the methods of instruction and
considering the learners and letting them be part of the teaching and
learning process.


C. What significant differences appear among these groups? (new teacher,
seasoned teacher, and you)
Although our answers are nearly the same, still, there are significant
differences on what we believe in. The seasoned teacher mostly adheres to
perennialism because he is used to teaching everlasting truths in education.
Yes, these forever truths are important to be learned by the students but those
should not be given the most emphasis. On the other hand, the new teacher is
the one who mostly adheres to idealism. I have realized that it’s important to
teach ideas and concepts to develop the thinking ability of the students.
However, receiving, memorizing, and reporting ideas are not enough to mold
the mind of the students. The new and seasoned teacher believe on this idea
too. But among us, the new teacher is the most idealistic.
Additionally, the seasoned teacher mostly adheres to realism. This
explains why old teachers are fond of making traditional instructional materials
to represent a real object or the real object itself. Indeed, what is taught in the
classroom should be applicable to real life situations.
I am the one who mostly adheres to experimentalism because I believe
that students should discover their own learning. The seasoned teacher mostly
adheres to existentialism which is about giving the students free will, choice,
and responsibility to discover what they want to learn.
Overall, the seasoned teacher mostly adheres to perennialism, realism,
and existentialism. It’s because they are already used to teaching the
everlasting truths in education, and they always use instructional materials and
real objects. Also, they let the students to learn what they want to learn by giving
them free will and responsibility. The new teacher mostly adheres to idealism.
Perhaps because of the fact that she is only new in the teaching career, she
isn’t used to teaching yet, and that’s why she is slightly idealistic. On the other
hand, I mostly adhere to experimentalism because in order for me to become
an effective teacher in this 21st century, I should let my students be engaged in
learning and discover knowledge and skills by themselves.
Therefore, even though we have these significant differences in
education, the philosophies we will apply should always be balanced. It
depends on the students, if those are effective to them. I believe that the new
teacher and I would be able to develop our beliefs in education. I will definitely
carry what I have learned in this episode in FS 6 when I become a teacher. I
have learned much from the new teacher and most importantly from the
seasoned teacher who is rich with experiences in teaching.


(Contextualizing initialized knowledge)

With the present Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum (K to 12), what do you
think will be the most appropriate philosophical beliefs about:


Education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of

knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. It molds the students to become
ideal citizens and therefore create an ideal society. Through the present
enhanced basic education curriculum which Is the Kto12, education would
prepare the students for the real world. It would be more advanced, skill-
oriented, and more on application of knowledge.


The school is the training ground for the students. In the Kto12
curriculum, the school includes well-trained teachers, sufficient facilities, and
progressive students. It would be the place wherein the students will be able to
develop their total well-being including the cognitive thinking skills, creativity,
values and behavior, and skills in applying what they have learned.


The curriculum is the heart of an institution. With the Kto12 curriculum,

the curriculum would be more enhanced and developed. The contents would
be organized and more effective due to the additional two years. Also, the
curriculum is consisting of the subject matter. However, it’s more on the
application of knowledge through learning activities and experiences.


The teachers are the ground work that facilitate the teaching and
learning process. The teachers are considered as the thread that ties. They are
no longer the sole source of learning but rather, they let the students to discover
their own learnings. The teachers’ task is not only to teach the students what to
learn, but also on how to learn.



The students are the ones acquiring knowledge. In the Kto12 curriculum,
they have more advanced learning and are already prepared to face the real
world because they have practiced their skills in their 12 years of schooling.
They are already progressive, competent enough, and can therefore be globally
competitive in the future.

Methods of Teaching?

The teaching methodologies are effective and appropriate to the

students. It’s because the teachers were already trained enough to know what’s
best for the students. With regards to the Kto12 curriculum, the methods of
teaching are more experience-based because it would serve as the preparation
for the future career of the students.

(Intrinsic transfer: Formulating belief statements of a K
to 12 teacher)
See the big picture in your career path. Think seriously about the K to 12
program as your source of Belief Statements of a K to 12 teacher. Develop
your belief statements of a K to 12 teacher.

Use the following questions to guide you in stating your belief:

A. What are schools for?

Schools are for shaping the total well-being of the students.

Schools do not only develop the critical thinking skills of the students or
their minds, but also their hearts and body in applying what they have
learned. In schools, the students are molded and trained how to become
ideal citizens. Schools develop the knowledge and skills of the students.
In other words, schools serve as the training ground for the students in
terms of preparing themselves in their future career.

B. What subjects are of value?

The subjects that are important are English, Filipino, Math, and
Science, Araling Panlipunan, and ESP. English subject is the study of
the English language. It’s very significant to learn about the English
language because it’s the universal medium of communication. It will
help us in having a communication with other foreign people who also
know how to use the English language. Also, Filipino is important since
it’s the language used in the Philippines. It would help us to be an
effective communicator in using the Filipino language. The English and
Filipino would develop our skills in communication, either written or
spoken. Additionally, Math subject is important in developing our logical
thinking skills and the knowledge to be learned in it can be applied in


real life situations especially the math operations such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and addition. Moreover, Science subject is
significant in studying the physical world. Furthermore, Araling
Panlipunan is also important in studying the history and economics. Last
but not the least, ESP is important in shaping the behavior of the
C. What is an ideal K to 12 teacher?

An ideal Kto12 teacher is an effective and efficient teacher who is

able to be proficient in knowing what, when, and how to teach. Of course,
the teacher should be knowledgeable about the subject matter. After all,
you cannot give what you do not have. Also, the teacher should be able
to know when to teach the students. The students should first be
motivated for them to be prepared to learn. Most importantly, the teacher
should know how to teach or what are the strategies in teaching that are
effective and suited to the students. An ideal Kto12 teacher is the one
who possess the characteristics of an effective teacher such as having
a well-managed classroom, providing students with the maximum
opportunity to learn, maintaining an academic focus, having high
expectations of what students can achieve, adopting a style that is
business-like and work-oriented, showing enthusiasm, using strategies
to keep students on task, motivated and productive, employing direct
and explicit instructional procedures, giving them instructions and
explanations, demonstrating appropriate task-approach strategies,
monitoring closely what students are doing, adjusting instruction to
individual needs, re-teach when necessary, using a variety of resources,
spending a significant amount of time in interactive, whole class
teaching, using assistive technology, video viewing, and doing
collaborative teaching and learning process.
D. What should be the primary goal of a K to 12 teacher?

The primary goal of a Kto12 teacher is to teach the students how

to use their minds ad where to go to acquire knowledge when their
curiosity is aroused. The purpose of a Kto12 teacher is to teach the
students how to know, to do, to live together, and to be. So, the teacher
should teach the students how to know or to learn knowledge and skills.
Also, the teacher should teach the students how to do or how to apply
the knowledge they have learned. The teacher should also teach the
students to live together or develop an understanding of other people
and appreciate interdependence. Lastly, the teacher should teach the
students on how to be or how to make a better version of themselves as
to developing their potentials, knowledge, and skills.

E. What is the best way for students to learn?


The best way for the students to learn is to let them be engaged
in the teaching and learning process. The teacher shouldn’t be the only
source of knowledge in the classroom, but also, the students should be
given the chance to share their insights and discover their own learning.
After all, education is a never-ending discovery. The students learn best
when they are involved. They usually gain deeper learning when they
are able to experience through the activities facilitated by the teacher.
They also learn best when they can construct their own knowledge
through interacting with the environment by exploring and manipulating
objects, performing experiments, wrestling with questions and
controversies, and developing hypothesis to solve problems that can
contribute to the development of a lifelong love of learning.



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