MST-I Solutions ME 503 (A) Mechatronics Departmental Elective
MST-I Solutions ME 503 (A) Mechatronics Departmental Elective
MST-I Solutions ME 503 (A) Mechatronics Departmental Elective
Q.1 Define Mechatronics. State any three of its applications in the 2.Lathe Machine
field of mechanical engineering. [5 Marks]
Definition: It field of study that implies the synergistic integration
of electronic engineering, electrical engineering, control
engineering and computer technology maintenance of a wide
range of engineering products and Processes".with mechanical Q.2 What are various objectives, advantages and disadvantages of
engineering for the design, manufacture, analyses and processes. mechatronics? [5 Marks]
A device which converts a physical quantity into the proportional iii. As active and passive transducers iv. As transducers and
inverse transducers.
electrical signal is called a transducer.
The electrical signal produced may be a voltage, current or Broadly one such generalization is concerned with energy
considerations wherein they are classified as active & Passive
frequency. A transducer uses many effects to produce such
conversion. The process of transforming signal from one form to transducers.
other is called A component whose output energy is supplied entirely by its
transduction. A transducer is also called pick up. The transduction input signal (physical quantity under measurement) is
commonly called a passive transducer.
element transforms the output of the sensor to an electrical output,
as shown:- In other words the passive transducers derive the power
required for transduction from an auxiliary source. Active
transducers are those which do not require an auxiliary power
source to produce their output. They are also known as self
generating type since they produce their own voltage or current
Classification: output. Some of the passive transducers ( electrical
transducers), their electrical parameter (resistance, capacitance,
The Classification of Transducers is done in many ways. Some of the
etc), principle of operation and applications are listed below.
criteria for the classification are based on
Resistive Transducers
Their area of application.
Capacitance Transducers
Method of energy conversion,
Inductance Transducers
Nature of output signal,
Voltage and current Transducers
According to Electrical principles involved,
Self-Generating Transducers (No External Power) – Active
Electrical parameter used,
Principle of operation, & Typical applications.
Q.6 Define a mechatronics sensor. Discuss in brief various
approach to classify sensors. [5 Marks]