MST-I Solutions ME 503 (A) Mechatronics Departmental Elective

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ME 503 (A) Mechatronics Departmental Elective electric power and the output after processed by the system is

ME-V Semester (ME-1 & ME-2) rotation.

MM:20 Duration: 2Hr
Attempt ANY FOUR questions. All question carry equal marks. 1.Washing Machine

Q.1 Define Mechatronics. State any three of its applications in the 2.Lathe Machine
field of mechanical engineering. [5 Marks]
Definition: It field of study that implies the synergistic integration
of electronic engineering, electrical engineering, control
engineering and computer technology maintenance of a wide
range of engineering products and Processes".with mechanical Q.2 What are various objectives, advantages and disadvantages of
engineering for the design, manufacture, analyses and processes. mechatronics? [5 Marks]

The objectives of mechatronics are the following.

1. To improve product and operative process efficiency.

2. To develop novel mechanisms causing ease of operation
3. To design new and innovative products required quality
(functionality/price) at a shortened development cycle.
4. To create new technology using novel concepts having
better control over the progress of the whole process.
5. Increase number of possible solution variants.
6. Decreasing complexity of search for most suitable brining
solution using the most appropriate technology,
Mechatronic systems have made it very easy to design processes
and products thereby get more functions, higher efficiency and
reliability, lower demands on energy, minimal size and weight and
lower cost.
Application of mechatronics facilitates rapid setting up and cost
effective operation of manufacturing facilities.
Mechatronic systems help in optimizing performance and quality,
hence can be adopted to changing needs.
Applications: Disadvantages:
Job erosion of existing old system.
Mechatronics system may be concerned only with their
relationship between the input and output. Here, the input is the
The field of mechatronics requires a knowledge of different
disciplines as approach to solution to a combine problem.
The design cannot be finalized and safety issues are complicated in
mechatronic systems. Such systems also require more parts than
others, and involve a greater risk of component failure.
Q.4 Describe in brief the working principle of an automatic
washing machine as an interdisciplinary approach of
mechatronics? [5 Marks]

The agitator is powered by an electric motor using a rubber belt.

During the spin cycle, the same electric motor turns the inner drum
(red) at high speed, throwing water through its holes into the outer
drum. When the wash is finished, the pump drains the water from
the outer drum.

Soil removal in a washing machine is a combination of chemical and

mechanical processes.

1. Chemical action. The detergent or soap solution dissolves and

Q.3 What are main elements of a mechatronics system, explain in loosens the soil in the fabric.
brief. [5 Marks]
2. Mechanical action. Flexing the clothes and forcing the detergent
or soap through removes the soil. The functioning of the washer is
aided by the heat and softness of the water, which increases the
chemical action of the detergent or soap used.

Almost all modern automatic washers employ one of two types of

mechanical action, tumbler or agitator. The latter is by far the more
popular and more commonly used. But all automatic washers,
regardless of type, model, or make, have only four basic functions of
operation: (1) fill, (2) wash, (3) pump out, and (4) extraction (spin).

The heart of the agitator-type washing machine is the agitator,

which turns back and forth, the blades or vanes catches clothes and
move them about. This movement also creates turbulence in the
water, which contribute to the cleaning action. The motion, is
transmitted through a motor and pinion gear which drives the The transducers can be classified broadly
i. On the basis of transduction form used
Q.5 Define transducer. Classify them for mechatronics applications.
ii. As primary and secondary transducers
[5 Marks]

A device which converts a physical quantity into the proportional iii. As active and passive transducers iv. As transducers and
inverse transducers.
electrical signal is called a transducer.

The electrical signal produced may be a voltage, current or Broadly one such generalization is concerned with energy
considerations wherein they are classified as active & Passive
frequency. A transducer uses many effects to produce such
conversion. The process of transforming signal from one form to transducers.
other is called A component whose output energy is supplied entirely by its
transduction. A transducer is also called pick up. The transduction input signal (physical quantity under measurement) is
commonly called a passive transducer.
element transforms the output of the sensor to an electrical output,
as shown:- In other words the passive transducers derive the power
required for transduction from an auxiliary source. Active
transducers are those which do not require an auxiliary power
source to produce their output. They are also known as self
generating type since they produce their own voltage or current
Classification: output. Some of the passive transducers ( electrical
transducers), their electrical parameter (resistance, capacitance,
The Classification of Transducers is done in many ways. Some of the
etc), principle of operation and applications are listed below.
criteria for the classification are based on
Resistive Transducers
Their area of application.
Capacitance Transducers
Method of energy conversion,
Inductance Transducers
Nature of output signal,
Voltage and current Transducers
According to Electrical principles involved,
Self-Generating Transducers (No External Power) – Active
Electrical parameter used,
Principle of operation, & Typical applications.
Q.6 Define a mechatronics sensor. Discuss in brief various
approach to classify sensors. [5 Marks]

Definition: Sensor is a device that when exposed to a physical

phenomenon (temperature, displacement, force, etc.) produces a
proportional output signal (electrical, mechanical, magnetic, etc.).
The term transducer is often used synonymously with sensors.
However, ideally, a sensor is a device that responds to a change in
the physical phenomenon.

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