Apple-Consumer Behavior

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Consumers often buy products not because of their attributes per se but rather because
of the ultimate benefits that these attributes provide, in turn leading to the satisfaction of
ultimate values. And Apple is a type of company which understand their customers & future
aspects of innovation in a way that no other companies do. That’s the reason that apple is at no.
1 place in Top 50 Most innovative companies. This paper endeavors to recognize the consumer
perception towards the Apple products and what is Apple’s ideology.



Apple Inc belongs to the technology industry, which is the most valuable and growing
industry in global market. The technology industry has two major sectors: hardware and
software. On one hand, Dell, Lenovo, Samsung, Intel, Sony, and Xiaomi are the representatives
of the hardware. Their business includes the personal computer, mobile phone, tablet, music
player, and other electronic devices. On the other hand, IBM, Microsoft, and Android are
participating in the software sector. Besides, some other companies like Apple Inc and Google
are playing the important role in the both sectors. In the technology industry, every large
successful company has some similar strategies in quality, price, innovation, globalization, and
consumer spending area. By the development of the science, an increasing number of companies
invest in the technology industry. And the competition is becoming fiercer between the
companies in the maturity markets and emerging markets. Apple Inc was created by Steve Jobs
and Steve Wozniak in 1976. At the beginning, Apple Inc only produced easy-to-use computer to
the PC market. Due to the special designing and revolutionary concepts, Apple Inc became the
industry leader since 1980. At the same year, Apple Inc launched a successful IPO. Nowadays,
Apple Inc is the most valuable company in the history of the world. Apple Inc created a lot of
revolutionary products like Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Apple watch. This company also
brought some great applications and system, like iOS and Apple Pay to consumers as well. In the
future, Apple Inc is going to challenge the unfamiliar industries such as car and cable. After the
death of founder Jobs, Apple Inc is trying to creating the new legendary stories under the lead of
new CEO Tim Cook.

Apple’s Corporate Mission Statement

Apple Inc.’s corporate mission has changed over time. The company considers the changing
business landscape, which influences the possibilities of what the business can do. The company
recognizes the changing market and industry environment. Apple’s current mission statement is
as follows:

“Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and
professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online
store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App store, and
is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.”

Apple’s Corporate Vision Statement

Apple Inc.’s corporate vision influences strategic management in terms of the decisions that the
company’s managers make to reach a future of leadership in the various industries where the
business operates. Apple introduced a new vision statement under the leadership of Tim Cook,
who stated the following:
“We believe that we are on the face of the earth to make great products and that’s not changing.
We are constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple not the complex. We believe
that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products that we make,
and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution. We believe in
saying no to thousands of projects, so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important
and meaningful to us. We believe in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of our groups, which
allow us to innovate in a way that others cannot. And frankly, we don’t settle for anything less
than excellence in every group in the company, and we have the self-honesty to admit when
we’re wrong and the courage to change. And I think regardless of who is in what job those values
are so embedded in this company that Apple will do extremely well.”

Apple Products
Listing down all the Apple products is a very difficult task, but here are the few, major ones:
1. iPhone, Air Pods
2. Mac including iMac, Mac Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini.
3. iPod - touch, nano, shuffle, classic.
4. iPad
5. Apple Watch
6. Apple TV

And a huge number of softwares, mostly for the Mac OSX and iOS, including keynote, pages,
numbers, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, Logic Pro, etc.
What makes them unique?
1. The OS and hardware built together, marrying them perfectly, making them a breeze
to use. E.g. though the iPhone runs only a dual core processor, its performance is
comparable to an octa core in a similar android phone.
2. The ecosystem, the key to Apple's success. With features like Continuity, Handoff,
AirDrop, AirPlay, AirPrint, Apple aims to attract people to buy products to create an
ecosystem of devices. And obviously, you will now start to use SMS on your Mac!
3. Design and build quality. Apple uses precision tools and advanced, lightweight
materials in the construction of their devices. It gives the owner a reputation that's worth
all the money you've spent. And yeah, no plastic.
4. The after service. Though most Apple products barely need service, Apple has an
amazing system for service. Apple store genius bars, for example, an excellent way to
explain this. And if you don't have apple stores around, you can always call them up. Plus
they have a huge support portal where other Apple users can answer all your questions.
How Apple Uses Consumer Behavior
The reason why Apple get such a success is because their insight of customer behavior.
Needs are the basic of purchasing behavior. Maslow stated there are five levels of human needs.
The most basic one is psychological need. And then, they are safety needs, social needs, esteem
need. The top one is self-actualization needs, which is the famous Maslow’s hierarchy needs

Fig: Maslow’s hierarchy needs
Most products from Apple belong to high-end products because they are high-technique
products and not cheap. According to Maslow’s hierarchy needs, owning an iPhone or an iMac
could satisfy their esteem need. For example, in China, many young people purchase Apple’s
products since it could represent their wealth and status.
Customer involvement
Customer involvement plays a very important role in marketing which could influence customers
purchasing behavior. It is also quiet necessary during the process of Apple marketing strategy.
There are 3 factors could affect customer involvement which are-
1. Influence of Families and Groups:
Families, friends and colleagues strongly contribute to a person's choice of buying. Secondary
influences include interaction with various membership, reference, and organizations. A person
often buys an item because it fulfills the desire to be acknowledged for it by family, peers and
other people he is related to or affiliated with. Another social factor that impacts buying the
product is peer pressure; the consumer buys the handset because everyone else is getting it and
talking about it.
2. Media Hype and Branding:
Every new release of an Apple product is covered by various media outlets, including TV, radio
news, print and web. Apple itself maintains its official website fully equipped with solid marketing

strategies to keep its Apple branding before the news media. It banks on its image of being a
revolutionary product offering integrated features and converged multimedia services.
3. Social proof and product value:
Apple leverages social proof for the launch of its products, then effectively records and shares its
top sales to the general public to affirm the consumer's emotional responses. Social proof is also
known as "informational social influence," wherein people who don’t know what action to take
(for instance, when choosing which mobile phone handset to buy) tend to rely on the behavior
of others to determine their own course of action.
As more individuals base their decisions on "what most people already did" (what is most
popular), this becomes a psychological phenomenon. The consumers also tend to perceive that
they can get more reliable products and guides when following the majority because significant
information is readily available in various venues. From forums discussing the various iPhone
concerns to first-hand experiences of families, friends and colleagues, social and consumer forces
contribute strongly to the purchase of an Apple product.

Research Methodology
Research Objective
A. To study the Factor affecting the consumer perception towards the apple products.
Research Design
This project involves descriptive research design as my project is questionnaire based. Descriptive
research includes survey and fact- finding enquiries kinds. The major purpose of descriptive
research is description of the state of affairs, as it exists at present.
Sample Design
A. Sampling Techniques
The sampling technique used is the convenience and judgmental sampling.
B. Sample Size
For this study the Sample Size are 100 people

C. Sources of Data
The research may be based on primary or secondary data or on both. In this report I have used
the information gathered through secondary data and primary data. Primary data collect from
the questionnaire and secondary data collect from the website, Journal and books.

Data Analysis & Interpretation
The data had been processed and analyzed by tabulation interpretation so that findings can be
communicated and can be easily understood. The findings were presented in the best possible
way. Tables and graphs had been used for illustration of findings of the research.

Demographic Data Analysis

Demographics No. of Respondents Percentage of Respondents
Age group
Under 18 4 9.30
18-30 25 58.10
30 or above 14 32.60
Total 43 100
Male 23 53.5
Female 20 46.5
Total 43 100

Interpretation: From the above chart it can be interpreted that almost all of the population
are aware of the brand as it is one of the most exquisite and popular brand around the globe.

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Interpretation: From the above graph it can be interpreted that most people are aware of
apple products from social media as it is the most reliable platform in today's digital world. On
the other hand e-commerce also got a fair bit of the share due to the various attractive offers it
presents about the product to the customers, whereas Hoardings is least popular among the five
due to its less popularity among the masses.

Interpretation: From the above chart it can be interpreted that all the respondents agree to
the fact that apple is a premium brand because of its high price which most people can’t afford.
Apple products are most popular among the higher middle class people and above that.

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Interpretation: From the above chart it can be interpreted that around 71% of the respondents
agree that buying apple products show's one's high status as many cannot afford it due to its
inflated price, only the rich or perhaps the higher middle class society can afford it.

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Interpretation: From the above graph it can be interpreted that social media has the highest
influence followed by family or friends and e-commerce websites as in today's world most of the
people are connected through social media and their various activities regarding the Apple
products or how the products are marketed through the social media platforms entices a huge
customer base in eventually buying the product.

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In this modern era, Apple is at number 1st place in World’s most Innovative companies. Apple is
type of company who always bring something new to the table rather than just following his
competitors. When it comes to marketing strategy, Apple is very strong in creating it for their
products very effectively. Apple understand their customer and know what they really want.
Consumer buying behavior was never simple, yet understanding it is an essential task of
marketing management and the one who is able to do it successfully, comes out as the winner.
That’s why they are so able to sell their highly expensive products easily in this modern-day
The above study shows how much various stimulus influences the attitude formation of
consumers about the Apple products and how Apple has been successful in using consumer
behavior marketing. The result of the survey shows that social media has the highest influence
followed by family or friends and e-commerce websites.

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