LP Pe Jan 6
LP Pe Jan 6
LP Pe Jan 6
3, 2020
a. Apply the correct techniques in Hip hop and street dance to minimize risk of
injuries. PE10PF-IIIc-h-56
II. Subject Matter:
Topic : Active Recreation (Street dance and HipHop)
III. Procedure:
Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Checking of attendance
c. Recall
Lesson Proper
A. Activity
The teacher will let the students do the Activity 20: THINK ABOUT IT
(Please refer to the LM page 224)
B. Analysis
The teacher will let the students answer the following question:
a. What is the significance of the Active Recreation?
b. What are the benefits that we can get in performing hip hop and street
c. Why do we need to study the different dance styles of hip hop and street
d. Why do you think we need to execute the steps correctly?
C. Abstraction
The teacher will discuss about knowing the advantages and disadvantages of
performing Hip-hop and Street Dance.
D. Application
Let the group apply the correct techniques in performing the different dance
and Styles of hip hop and street dance.
IV. Evaluation
Presentation of group performance in Hip hop Dancesstyles.
Crativity -------------- 25%
Mastery ---------------25%
Cooperation ---------------25%
Group Behavior ---------------25%
V. Assignment
Have a prior reading about Contemporary Philippine Music on page 92.