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A Research Study

Presented to the Faculty of

Mechanical Engineering Department

Babas, Davy Jones C.
Pareja, Jaffet A.
Reyes, Karl Reynald S.
Talandron, Loida Mae D.
Turico, Renalyn Y.

In partial fulfillment of
The requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

The Philippines is gifted with abundant natural resources and is considered as one of the

world’s “mega biodiversity” countries, rich in both fauna and flora. It is a country with a land

area of 30 million hectares where 47% of the area belongs to the agricultural sector. Thus,

majority of the Filipino citizens rely on farming to make a living.

Rice production is one of the most important agricultural aspect when it comes to

farming. Rice remains the agricultural commodity with foremost political and economic

significance in the Philippines. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, rice is a

major staple of the country as it accounts for 35 percent of average calorie intake of the

population and as much as 60-65 percent of the households in the lowest income quartile (David

and Balisacan, 1995). Rice farming is the source of income and employment of 11.5 million

farmers and family members. Rice contributes 13 percent to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), 16

percent to the Gross Value Added (GVA) of agriculture, and 3.5 percent to the Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) (Gonzales, 1999).But then, as of 2017, the country’s food security is at risk as

millions of farmers are getting too old for what is back- breaking work and their children are not

keen on taking over for lack of incentive to do so. And as weather conditions become more

intense, typhoons do damage, there might come a time when the country will not have enough

farmers to grow and produce food.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In present times when rice supply in the Philippines is less than enough to feed the

country, it is no secret that Filipino farmers spend a lot of effort to produce the rice we buy and

consume. Part of rice production is the drying process, which takes days or even weeks, during

when farmers have toendure the heat of the noon sun. Aside from possible dehydration, the

prolonged exposure to sunlight gives them high risk of heat stroke.

Thus, the researchers thought of a way on how they could help lessen the heavy burden

carried by the local farmers, hence this machine. It will not only eliminate the health hazards

brought about by the drying process but also increase production rate.

1.3 Objective

The study aims to design and fabricate an alternative solar grain dryer using transparent

sheets for the farmers in the agricultural areas in the Philippines. The study also aims to utilize

indigenous materials from the local community and reduce fabrication cost whilst maintaining

high efficiency

Specifically, it aims to:

 To design and fabricate a prototype that can dry 1 cavan of paddy faster than the

conventional method

 To compare the prototype to the traditional way of drying

 To analyze and evaluate the operation of the prototype

 To test the prototype

1.4 Scope and Limitation

The alternative solar grain dryer using transparent sheets will be designed to help in

drying the grains, mostly but not limited to palay, harvested by the farmers in the agricultural

areas of the Philippines. The machine will focus on grains like rice, corn, etc. and will not cover

any other types of produce.

The mechanism will not be fully automated as human interaction is needed to lay down

the grains before they are subjected to the drying process. Any other processes done to grains

prior to drying (e.g. threshing for palay) will not be affected.

1.5 Significance of the Research

Grains contain moisture not adequate for storage when gathered from farms. Thus, grain

drying is one of the essential process to prevent spoilage during storage. As the Philippines rely

on a great tonnage of grains such as rice, corns, sorghum, and the like for consumption and

industrial uses, it is a requisite to provide safe storage where microbial growth is

inhibited.According to the study conducted in 2001 to 2006 by the Philippine Statistics

Authority, there is a steep drop in production of grains of 48.4 and 47.7 % respectively because

of the large-volume imports. Therefore, the proposed machine can yield additional production

and income in the sector where there would be time saving capability in performing the drying

process. As it saves time, more grains can be stored and farmers would also be able to save labor

work. The availability of a machine would be essential to have more efficient and convenient


In comparison with grain dryers available in the market, the proposed equipment shall

have high efficiency to make more products and shall only be used for small and medium-scaled
community. This will create more job opportunities in both urban and rural communities in the

country. As it is always stated that necessity is the mother of inventions, developments and

innovation of simple to complicated machineries in providing answers in what the world needs

give opportunity to make a living in the community all around the globe.

1.6 Theoretical Framework

Natural drying


Engineering and
Technology Studies,
Theories and
Concepts in the Analysis and Design
Mechanical Field

Hardware Fabrication Development of an

Requirements: Alternative Solar
Fans, Rollers, Chain Grain Dryer Using
and Sprockets, Metal Transparent Sheets
Pipes and Bars, Shaft, Assembly
Relays, Switches,

Arduino IDE

1. Research Design
The traditional methods used by farmers for drying grain rely on natural air movement to

reduce moisture content to a safe level for storage. In addition, they may utilize the extra drying

capacity gained by exposing the produce to the sun.

Natural drying may be divided in three main methods:

• Drying in the field before harvesting.

• Drying in shallow layers and exposing to sun and wind on a surface that prevents

moisture from the ground from reaching the produce.

• Drying in, or on, a structure that has open sides to permit air movement through the


Field drying

The method of leaving the crop standing in the field for drying is popular in areas where

maturity of the crop coincides with the beginning of a dry season. However, a crop left

unharvested is exposed to attack by insects, birds, rodents, wild animals, strong winds and

occasional rain showers, which can damage and reduce the crop considerably. These factors are

particularly important with the new, improved high-yielding crop varieties, which are often more

susceptible to damage from the environment than the traditional varieties.

Shallow-layer natural drying

The harvested crop is spread on hard ground, on roofs, on purpose-built platforms or on

trays. As the crop is exposed to the sun, it will dry fairly quickly depending on the humidity of

the ambient air. The produce should be stirred frequently to ensure even drying. The

disadvantage of this method is that the crop has to be brought in or covered every evening or
before rain. The labor requirements may be reduced considerably by placing the harvest on a

plastic or tarpaulin sheet for easy handling or on a platform/tray covered by transparent plastic.

Ventilated structures for natural drying

Very small producers may suspend bundles of the crop from trees or poles so they are

freely exposed to the air. With larger quantities, the harvested crop may be heaped on platforms

or racks and topped by a layer of straw for rain protection. This method is commonly used for

sheaves of paddy and cereals, as well as for cob-maize and groundnut plants. Drying is

dependent on the free flow of air through the crop, so the heap should be made as open as

possible. The next step is to have a more permanent ventilated structure in which the crop may

be heaped for drying, well protected from rain.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth

search done by the researchers. This will also present the synthesis of the art, theoretical and

conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the definition

of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Related Literature

Paddy Drying Methods

Traditional Drying Systems

In our common society as of today, the use of traditional drying system is still done in

many places across the country’s agricultural area, for the reason that it is more convenient, less

expensive and easy to manage. The different methods of drying are as follows:

A. Sun drying -It is a method where the grains where spread under the sun, where grains is

usually on mats and pavements.

 Mat drying - used in small to medium-scale drying where threshed grain are placed on

mats, nets, or canvas

 Pavement drying - often used in large-scale drying for grain collectors and millers,

where grains are laid on pavements specifically made for drying

B. Field drying and stacking – It is a strategy for pre-drying hand-reaped trims before sifting

where agriculturists cut rice panicles in the field and stacked them in little heaps over the

harvest stubble
C. Mechanical Drying System

The Moisture from the wet grains are forcefully remove by means of forcing whether the

ambient air or heated air into the grain bulk, such systems are called mechanical drying

systems. Below is the list on which the system is done through

A. Heated air drying – For the rapid drying of grains, the heated air drying utilizes heated air

for drying. The process of drying is stopped when the appropriate moisture is attained.

The type of Heated air drying are as follows:

 Batch dryer - It can be used by farmers, contractors, and small rice mills

 Re-circulating batch dryer - can be used by commercial rice mills and cooperatives

 Continuous flow dryer - not very common, but used by some larger billing enterprises

that handle large volumes of wet paddy

B. Low-temperature drying or in-store drying – manage the relative humidity instead of the

temperature of the dry air on which all grain layers in the deep bed achieve the desired

moisture. This can be attainable with the help of using:

In/Store Dryer – very high quality of grains was produces, but it also requires a very

long drying time on which usually in four days up to two weeks

C. Solar drying - most recent drying innovation that can mimic sun drying notwithstanding

amid stormy and rainy conditions. This is done through:

 Solar bubble dryer – which can be built locally and be utilized by small-scale farmers.

D. Grain cooling - cools the grain to safe stockpiling conditions as opposed to drying it,

enabling grains to be preserved for longer periods

Equilibrium Moisture Content

In the storage, the final moisture content of the paddy depends on the relative humidity

and temperature in the atmosphere of the grain. The resulting final grain moisture content from

the storage area is known as the ‘Equilibrium Moisture Content’. The grains which are exposed

to the humidity in the air, specifically during the rainy season on which the reading of the

relative humidity reaches 95% to 100%, are likely to increase the moisture content and will

eventually deteriorate with respects to the quality.

Equilibrium Relative Humidity

Given the condition, that a grain is placed in a storage which is well sealed enclosure like

silos, bag etc., on which the air outside have no free contact in the air surrounding the grain. In

such case, the equilibrium will be achieved by the relative humidity of the enclosed air with the

moisture content in the grain. ‘Equilibrium relative humidity’ is define as the final relative

humidity of the enclosed air. The higher the grain moisture content of the put away grain, the

higher the equilibrium relative humidity, and the higher the odds of mold advancement or loss of

germination. To conclude, 65% or below is considered a safe prevention against the development

of molds for the equilibrium relative humidity inside the storage

Drying Process

Moisture Removal

The Moisture is present in two places when it comes to paddy grain, first is at the surface

of the grain, where external moisture is present and the second is inside the grain, which is the

internal moisture. The moisture in the surface is immediately evaporated when the grain is
exposed to hot air, while the moisture internally evaporates in a very slow rate for it must move

from inside to the outside surface of the grain. Thus, the moisture from internal and the external

part of the grain, evaporates at a rate differently[ CITATION Int13 \l 1033 ].

Drying Rate and Temperature

The Drying rate of the grain can be increase above the 18% moisture content, which will

the drying will occur faster by supplying a temperature that is higher temperature provided that

there will be no big changes in the temperature of the grain. However, below the 18% moisture

content of the grain, When the drying air temperature will increase, the paddy might be

potentially damaged. Therefore, to remove the external moisture, that is the moisture in the

surface of the grain, higher drying air temperature is to be used down to 18% moisture content,

further than that, lower drying air temperature is to be used for the drying of the internal moisture

of the grain. Drying Air temperature should never exceed 43°C regardless of the moisture

content[ CITATION Int13 \l 1033 ]

Uniform Drying

Variation of moisture content of every individual grain will always take place in a

uniform drying process. Increasing the rate of frequency of stirring in sun drying will improve

the uniformity of drying, maintaining a good quality of the grain, and it will lessen the re-wetting

of dried grains.[ CITATION Int13 \l 1033 ]


The moisture within the grain equalize due to diffusion when the drying of the grain is

temporarily stopped. When the drying is restarted, a higher drying rate is observed compared to

the continuous drying. This process on which the drying process is stopped and then restart is
called tempering. Moreover, during the tempering period, the moisture difference between the

grain is begun to be in equilibrium thus, equalize. To maintain a good quality of the grain, it is

recommended that tempering period may be included during the process of drying the grains to

allow the allocation of the moisture internally in the grain. [ CITATION Int13 \l 1033 ]

Layer Thickness

Layer Thickness Spread the grains in thin layers, ideally 2-4 cm. Too thin layers tend to

warm up rapidly with negative impact on the head rice recuperation. When the layers are too

thick, the tendency for the lower part of the grain is to absorb the moisture that is given off by

the upper part. Broken grains may be the product after mixing the grains. The layer’s thickness

optimum size is in between 2-4cm.[ CITATION Int13 \l 1033 ]


Mixing and turning the grain during good weather condition is the most important

practice , To maintain a good quality of the grain, the IRRI recommends that the grain may be

stirred at least once per hour, but it is much better every 30 minutes in order to achieve uniform

moisture content in the grain. Different moisture content in every grain may lead to subsequent

grain cracking and re-wetting.

The Technology of a Solar Bubble Dryer

Drying is one of the most critical part to preserve the desired quality of grains. To

minimize the fungal growth and infestation of the grains, immediate drying is encouraged to

achieve the correct moisture content right after the harvest. Around the world, Sun-drying is the

most typical and most common style used in terms of drying grains. The process is basic and

simple and depends on solar energy. But the weather condition is still to be considered. Due to

climate change, the weather became very unpredictable and a rain that is not expected can delay

the drying process, on which leads to make the grain wet again, the quality of the grain will also

be degraded. When the quality of the grains is deteriorated, its market value will reduce.

In common villages in the Philippines, the setup of the rice grains is usually spread out on

the roads to dry using the sun’s radiated heat on which an agricultural engineer from University

of Hohenheim, Germany named Engr. Ana Salvatierra have this familiar scenery. [ CITATION

Far14 \l 1033 ]

The method of drying the grains under the sun is also the most common drying method in

different tropical countries like India, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand because of it is less

expensive and more convenient. The heat source of sun-drying is the sun. But, it is laborious and

unreliable. The grains needed to be mix by farmers at least every half hour for equal drying.

When the sun is too hot, the farmer need to cover the grain to lessen the cracking from

overheating and consistently keep animals away from the grain. The Cloudy skies extend the

drying period. And a sudden rain makes the farmer hurried to collect the grains to prevent it to

become wet. The constant threat of rainfall made the traditional way of drying the grains under

the sun a wasted effort of farmers’ hard work. Certainly, the quality of the grains decreases and

postharvest losses could increase around 20% or even more.[ CITATION Far14 \l 1033 ]
To minimize the effect of the unpredictable weather to the grains during the stage of

drying an innovation of solar bubble dryer takes place.


The First design according to Engr. Salvatierra, she includes a chimney, but a chimney is

not very efficient to move the air through the drying tunnel. And when a typhoon comes, there is

an instance of the chimney to fall. Revision of the design had been taken place by using small

ventilators to move air. And then Engr. Salvatierra come up with the bubble concept.

The Air is circulated and the bubble is inflated by the means of using the small ventilator.

The waters are removed by the air-flow from inside the drying tunnel on which the grains where

spread, the air-flow also prevents overheating. Using a metal roller underneath the dryer, the

grains are stirred from time to time to ensure the drying of the grains evenly.

The Solar bubble dryer can dry paddy to a moisture content level of 10 percent to 13 per

cent, depending on whether the weather is dry or wet. According to Martin Gummert, head of the

IRRI post-harvest unit, the dryer has numerous advantage over mechanical dryers for the small-

scale farmers. The price is less expensive and easy to operate and set-up. The design is very ideal

for the rural areas without power source of electricity. Compare to the mechanical dryers that

need a vast amount of paddy to operate/dry, the solar bubble dryer can utilize one tonne on

which can dry in two days, depending on the given weather condition.

For Example, a typical recirculating batch dryer requires at least 10 tons of paddy in one

drying operation. Auditing the Energy consumed by the machine which needs electricity to run

the dryer and a fuel for the air-heater simultaneously, the Operating Cost for this type of dryer is
higher. Solar bubble dryer additional benefit comes from its photovoltaic solar panels that

provide power to the battery of the ventilators (Gummert, n.d.).

In addition, neighboring country like Myanmar, have many farming village that do not

have access to electricity. Battery and the solar panel can also be utilized for other purposes, for

example, when the dryer is not in use the power comes from battery can be used for the lighting

of the house.

As of today, the solar bubble dryer is being tested in different countries such as in

Myanmar, Vietnam, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Africa [ CITATION Far14 \l 1033 ]

When the surface of the grains heats up due to when the day is sunny, the increase in the

frequency of mixing the grains is necessary to take place. A rolling bar where designed intend to

place underneath the dryer for mixing the grains. Two persons are required to pull the handles of

the bar and roll it down the whole length of the contraption to mix the grains inside. Other

paraphernalia to the roller is attached which enables the grain to be mix more effectively

The Solar Bubble dryer require low-maintenance, and is environment-friendly, also

hassle-free, the Material of the dryer is locally available, it is economical to build. Introducing a

low-cost drying solution into the market is an valuable aspect that could encourage intended

users— small-scale farmers, in this case—to cope with the advancing of technology.

Solar Bubble Dryer can be used in two methods. First, the transparent sheet cover helps in

collecting heat coming from solar energy. When high temperature is acquired inside the system,

smaller amount of time is needed to dry the Paddy.

Second, Solar bubble dryer has system control to produce electricity, coming from the

collected solar energy, inverted and stored using deep cycle battery. Also, blowers, connected to

the battery, are used to aerate the plastic sheet and remove the moisture from the grains inside it.

Solar bubble dryer has a roller, maneuvered by farmers, are used to mix the paddy without the

need of opening the plastic sheet. This protects the paddy from contamination of small rocks and

other unwanted particles. [ CITATION Int13 \l 1033 ]


Solar bubble can be used in any flat surface like backyard, or dooryard. Even

rice field is also advisable. The area where the solar bubble will set up should

have a good exposure to sun light. To obtain it, the area should be free from

tree, buildings and other structure that might cover or shade the dryer. To

get best results:

1. Locate area where the sun has the highest exposure throughout the

day. The best time to observe is in the afternoon.

2. The paddy will be laid in plastic, so that it can be mixed easily. Since it

is a vulnerable to tearing, it is advisable to clean the area first. Remove

any unwanted pointed objects and if possible, try to level the ground.
3. Lay the plastic sheet evenly. Tie the other end, and pull it to prevent

any fold that might get the roller stop from mixing.

4. Assemble the control panel and connect the battery. Position the solar

panels and blowers to the controller and secure electrical wiring.

5. Prepare the paddy. Fill up the plastic with the desired amount and

depth. Secure allowance of 1 meter on the blower free from paddy.

Spread the grains evenly from left to right and top to bottom using a

rake. Close the plastic sheet and secure it.

6. Turn on the system and use rollers to mix the paddy with desired

mixing interval. The advisable time is 30 minutes.


In 2011, design for 1-ton capacity of paddy dryer has begun. This design went through many

revisions while it is being tested in the country. The first prototype design is a chimney with steel

assembly that supports the plastic sheets on the rice grains. Operators of the prototype found it

hard to maneuver it because one should pull out the plastic sheet on the steel pipes. Also, the

chimney’s efficiency in blowing air throughout is low. Since the design is stand alone, it was

also damaged by strong winds and typhoons.

One of the pioneers in designing paddy dryer is Engr. Salvatierra. According to him, they

made the prototype revisions out from the observation and recorded data they gathered. Also,

surveys and field tests become helpful to them in modifying the design.

After a year, a simple prototype design was proposed. The machine consists of 2 layers of

plastic sheets, the dark layer where the paddy will be laid and the transparent sheet cover to
protect the grains and also served as roofing. These sheets will be joined by a zipper. According

to Engr. Salvatierra, the term solar bubble was coined from the bubble shape of the plastic sheet

when it is being aerated by the blower.

The recent design they worked on has 2 ventilators, with steel pipes as the support of the

structure. Solar bubble dryer is tested and evaluated for its efficacy and product quality.


Grain - a small, hard seed, especially the seed of a food plant such as wheat, corn, rye,

oats, rice, or millet.

Drying floor - is made of a proprietary watertight material to prevent water permeation

from below. The top cover and the drying floor are joined together by heavy-duty


Roller bar – located underneath the dryer for mixing the grains
Chapter 3


This chapter envelope all the processes used in the study which includes the yielding of

the design and its significance. Also, it includes the phases of project development, and product

evaluation. Through flow charts, the researchers will be able to demonstrate the construction of

machine as well as fabrication of the product.


The development of the alternative solar grain dryer using transparent sheets is a product

of gathered ideas for modification and improvement of existing equipment. The proposed study

is a combination of scientific and applied research with continuous development process. Ideas

for the improvement of existing machineries were gathered that resulted to an agricultural

conceptualized design that can help in the fabrication of the proposed prototype. Different

concepts, theories, and ideas made way in the formulation of the said project where subject

courses and materials are to be engaged in the foundation of the fabrication of the prototype.


The alternative solar grain dryer using transparent sheets is a 6ft. by 9ft. prototype

designed to dry 1 cavan of grains. It has a 12V high-torque, low rpm DC motor, two fans for the

ventilation, a transparent sheet that covers the grains to be dried, and a microcontroller for the
relays of the system. A timer was also used to cut off and to latch the power supply whenever

mixing is needed. All the components were supplied by a 12V, 65Ah deep cycle battery.

Figure 3.1 – Isometric View of the Design

Figure 3.1 illustrates

the design of an alternative solar grain dryer using transparent sheets. It includes 2 dc


The Alternative Grain Dryer using Transparent Sheets can have a load of 1 cavan of paddy.

The timer can be set with a minimum interval of 1 minute and a maximum interval of one

week. 16 cycles of automatic on and off can be programmed into the timer. Manual on and off is

also available.
The fans and motor draws power from the 65Ah rechargeable battery while the Arduino

microcontroller will have a different power source specifically a 9 volt battery.


Each phase in project development is defined and needed to follow to acquire desired

results. Project development flow chart aids in fine-tuning and identifying arising problems that

might occur during each phase. These are as follows:


As technology advances abruptly in every aspect in the society, the agricultural sector is

subjected to a vast need for improvement as it contributes to a large scale of necessities that

every nation should meet. Palay is a staple food of the country, thus, belongs to a great

percentage in the farming industry. Palay undergoes a drying process prior to packing and

storage. Aside from palay, other grains such as corns, sorghums, and the like, also need drying in

the whole process. Farmers dry grains manually in the area and as the grains are exposed to heat,

mixing it from time to time is observed to be done. As it require a lot of manual labor to take the

whole process, it is observed that the productivity and the work load of the farmers are affected.


Drying reduces grain moisture content to a safe level for storage. It is the most critical

operation after harvesting a rice crop. When rice is harvested, it will contain up to 25% moisture.

High moisture level during storage can lead to grain discoloration, encourage development of

molds, and increase the likelihood of attack from pests. It is important to dry rice grain as soon as

possible after harvesting— ideally within 24 hours. Delays in drying, incomplete drying or

ineffective drying will reduce grain quality and result in losses. Using sun’s heat is one of the

conventional methods to dry harvested grains. Sun drying, either mat or pavement drying is used

to dry grains when subjected directly to sun. Nevertheless, there are disadvantages in using this

conventional method. Heat for drying is needed when it rains or at night when

solar radiation is low. Also, a large space for solar collectors for heated air
drying is required. According to Rice Knowledge Bank, the solar collector

area needed is around 10 times the area of the drying bin.


The following procedures were done for the study:

3.8.1 Gathering of Data

Ideas and concepts regarding improvements in the present

machines to deal with an effective production in focus with the small-

scaled community were gathered and studied. Overviews in the

agricultural aspect in provinces were studied. Provinces where grain was

considered as the main crop were gathered and interviews from the locals

were conducted.

The following components were identified through research and study:

3.8.2 Machine assembly

3.8.3 Drying Theory

3.8.4 Mixing Mechanism

3.8.5 Electric motor

Most farmers try to avoid having to use a grain dryer, or at least try to use it very little,

whenever possible. This is because of the added expense the additional step will involve. This is

why farmers will leave the crops out in the field as long as they possibly dare in the fall. The

dead plants will naturally dry out the corn and beans. However, harvest must be done before the

plants start dropping the valuable crop.

However, a grain dryer can also be a valuable tool for large-scale farming operations.

This is because it allows for earlier harvesting of at least some of the crop. Without

advancements in grain dryer technology, that prolonged harvesting season, created by starting

earlier, may not have been possible. In the long run, this can be a financial benefit to the farming



The combination of ideas and gathered date provided the main concept of the study, to

dry grains in the community. The proposed prototype design was based on the existing grain

drying technology in the Philippines where different engineering subject courses are to be

incorporated to form a new technology. Modifications on the design were made with ideas and

analysis concerning machine elements and design, motion, and instrumentation. Individual

components are based on research and investigation within available materials that can increase

the output of the study. Consultation has also been done for modification and further

suggestions/recommendations for the proposed prototype.


Proper material selection for needed specifications for the design is an essential

consideration for the construction of the prototype. Solar drying requires direct heat from

the sun. The use of transparent sheets to enclose the grains will allow absorption of

sunlight while trapping the heat inside the system. As for the frame, a material that can be

used for a longer time at a low cost is suitable for the construction and fabrication. With

the recommendation and the aspects in consideration, the proponents decided that the

frame will be made of galvanized iron pipes.

3.10.1 COMPONENTS Chains and Sprockets

The power transmitting element to be used in the study is chain drives.

Chain drives are used for the reason that the chain cannot slip on the sprocket, so

the chain and sprocket provides a positive, non-slip drive. Bearing

Mixing of grains is needed to obtain equal loss of moisture in the whole

system. A long rod is used to act as a mixer in the prototype wherein bearings are

used to reduce friction between the contact surfaces. Shaft

A shaft is a rotating member used to transmit power. It is driven by the

prime mover wherein the power is taken from the chains. Relay Module

Relays are switches that open and close circuits electromechanically or

electronically. Relays control one electrical circuit by opening and closing

contacts in another circuit. Switching motor polarity is needed for the mixing

system to work back and forth. In this case, a relay module is used to execute the

mechanism. Limit Switch

Limit switches are to be attached at both ends of the frame to send signals

in the relay module to change polarity at the certain distance


The electrical diagram that shows the wiring for the limit switches and relays is as

Figure 3.2 – Electrical Diagram


Part selection and fabrication were carefully done to ensure that the aforementioned

objectives of the machine were met. Also, several factors and operation conditions were

considered in the selection and fabrication of the parts. The assembly was done strictly following

the design, keeping in mind the variables of operation and problems the machine may encounter.

3.11.1 Prototype Assembly Setting-up the Frame

Assemble the frame according to the specified assignment of the parts in

the prototype. Prototype’s Components Assembly

a. Attach the fans into the slot allotted in the frame.

b. Set-up the transparent sheet and attach it to the system.

c. Connect the wirings to the control panel in accordance to the

distinctive terminals.

d. All component parts are assembled and carried on the frame.


Evaluating the effectiveness of the study will be done with a series of performance tests

at a certain period of time. This will rate the proposed prototype according to the functionality,

efficiency, and acceptability of the system. The evaluation process will aid in the improvement

of the performance and will determine the range of operational capability of the project.


The test for the efficiency of the prototype will be based on a comparative study of the

drying time between the traditional grain-drying method and the use of the machine. Sampling

method is to be used by setting up nine zones for each method and measuring the loss of

moisture until 14% is reached by weighing the grains for equal time intervals, which was set to

thirty minutes as it was the recommended time for mixing to achieve uniform moisture content
stated by the International Rice Research Institute. The step-by-step procedure for testing the

efficiency is as follows:

3.12.1 Set up the traditional drying method as well as the prototype with the same


3.12.2 Assign nine zones for each method where samplings will be collected.

3.12.3 Weigh the samplings with equal volume using a digital weighing scale then record

the data. Obtain the mean of the nine samples.

3.12.4 For every thirty minutes, mix the grains. Afterward, weigh the samplings once

more and determine the final moisture content with the weight loss by the


100−MC i
m f =mi ( 100−MC f )

m i = Initial weight

m f = Final weight

MC i = Initial moisture content

MC f = Final moisture content

Repeat the step until 14% moisture content is reached in both method. The drying

time needed until the required percentage is reached will determine the efficiency

of the prototype in comparison with the traditional drying.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the technical design, detailed structure, technical description and its

parts and the project’s capabilities and limitations. It also presents the discussion of the data and

results of the equipment’s performance relevant to the procedures stated in the previous chapter.


The alternative solar grain dryer using transparent sheets is designed to dry 1 cavan of

grains. It has a 12V high-torque, low rpm DC motor, two fans for the ventilation and a

microcontroller for the temperature and relative humidity reading of the system. A timer was

also used to cut off and to latch the power supply whenever mixing is needed. All the

components were supplied by a 12V, 65Ah deep cycle battery.


The project structure and assembly present the auxiliary details of the major parts of the

Alternative dryer using transparent sheets

` Figure 4.b shows Figure 4.b – 12V DC fan the 12V dc fan that

is responsible for circulating air inside the dryer

Figure 4.c – Arduino Microcontroller

The figure above shows

an Arduino microcontroller. Two of which were used in the Alternative Dryer’s system, one for

the relay system and another for the humidity and temperature sensor. It was coded using

Figure 4.e – 12v DC Motor
4.e shows the 12v DC

Motor that powers the mixer of the dryer. Attached to it

is a shafting that translates the

rotary motion to the other side of

the dryer
Figure 4.f – Timer

A programmable weekly timer is shown in figure 4.f. It turns the motor on or off

depending on the settings of the user


The following tables and charts present the results obtained from performing the

testing procedure stated in the previous chapter.

Weight and Moisture Content of Paddy Grains using Traditional Drying
Trial No. 1

1 182 178 176 175 174 171 168 167 165 163 162 160
2 179 175 172 171 173 170 167 167 166 165 164 163
3 175 175 174 171 170 170 168 165 165 164 164 163
4 177 176 174 173 170 166 165 164 163 161 160 158
5 176 173 171 170 169 171 167 165 163 163 161 160
6 173 173 172 171 170 166 164 162 160 159 159 158
7 175 175 173 172 170 167 166 164 163 161 160 158
8 176 175 173 173 173 169 167 166 164 163 161 159
9 178 175 173 170 167 166 163 162 162 161 160 156
Averag 176.7 175.0 173.1 171.7 170.6 168.4 166.1 164.6 163.4 162.2 161.2 159.4

e 8 0 1 8 7 4 1 7 4 2 2 4
MC, % 23.00 22.22 21.37 20.76 20.24 19.19 18.06 17.34 16.72 16.09 15.57

The table above shows the weight of the paddy grain samples taken from the first

batch dried using the traditional way of drying. A cup of sample was taken from each of the 9

zones and were weighed using the electronic scale. Results showed that the weight of the

paddy grains decreased significantly every interval. The first 30 minutes showed that the

weight of a cup of paddy grains ranges from 175 g to 182 g while, after the last 30 minutes,

the weight only ranges from 156 g to 163 g. On average, the weight of the paddy grains

decreased gradually from 176.78 g to 159.44 g in 6 hours.

Meanwhile, the moisture content obtained from computations using the recorded

weight of the paddy grains can also be seen in the table. It can be observed that, like the
weight, it gradually decreases from 23% to around 14% over the period of 6 hours, which is

the safe moisture content for storing the grains.

Weight and Moisture Content of Paddy Grains using Solar Grain Dryer
Trial No. 1
The table above shows the weight of the paddy grain samples taken from the first batch


1 178 176 168 166 165 165 160 158 157

2 182 174 171 168 168 165 161 159 157
3 178 178 174 172 165 164 162 161 158
4 174 172 170 169 162 163 161 159 158
5 173 175 171 169 168 167 163 161 159
6 177 172 170 169 165 166 163 161 160
7 179 177 175 173 170 167 165 163 162
8 178 175 172 170 165 163 162 160 159
9 177 173 168 168 166 163 162 161 160
Avera 177.3 174.6 171.0 169.3 166.0 164.7 162.1 160.3 158.8
ge 3 7 0 3 0 8 1 3 9
MC, % 23.00 21.82 20.15 19.36 17.74 17.13 15.77 14.84
dried using the alternative Solar Grain Dryer. A cup of sample was taken from each of the 9

zones and were weighed using the electronic scale. Results showed that the weight of the paddy

grains decreased significantly every interval. The first 30 minutes showed that the weight of a

cup of paddy grains ranges from 173 g to 182 g while, after the last 30 minutes, the weight only

ranges from 157 g to 162 g. On average, the weight of the paddy grains decreased gradually from

177.33 g to 158.89 g in 4.5 hours.

Relationship between Drying TIme and Weight







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Traditional Solar Grain Dryer

Meanwhile, the moisture content obtained from computations using the recorded weight

of the paddy grains can also be seen in the table. It can be observed that, like the weight, it

gradually decreases from 23% to around 14% over the period of 6 hours, which is the safe

moisture content for storing the grains.

Relationship of Drying Time and Average Weight of Paddy Grains
Trial No. 1

The chart shows the relationship of time to the moisture content of the paddy grains

for the first trial. It also presents the comparison between the drying rate of the traditional sun

drying to that of the Alternative Solar Grain Dryer. It can be observed that although both of

them can effectively reduce the moisture content of the grains, the Solare Grain Dryer

achieved the target 14% moisture content faster than the traditional way.
Weight and Moisture Content of Paddy Grains using Traditional Drying
Trial No. 2

The table above shows the weight of the paddy grain samples taken from the first

batch dried using the traditional sun drying. A cup of sample was taken from each of the 9

zones and were weighed using the electronic scale. Results showed that the weight of the

paddy grains decreased significantly every interval. The first 30 minutes showed that the

weight of a cup of paddy grains ranges from 176 g to 180 g while, after the last 30 minutes,

the weight only ranges from 158 g to 163 g. On average, the weight of the paddy grains

decreased gradually from 177.56 g to 160.22 g in 4.5 hours.

Meanwhile, the moisture content obtained from computations using the recorded

weight of the paddy grains can also be seen in the table. It can be observed that, like the
weight, it gradually decreases from 23% to around 14% over the period of 6 hours, which is

the safe moisture content for storing the grains.

Weight and Moisture Content of Paddy Grains using Solar Grain Dryer
Trial No. 2

The table above shows the weight of the paddy grain samples taken from the first

batch dried using the alternative Solar Grain Dryer. A cup of sample was taken from each of

the 9 zones and were weighed using the electronic scale.

Relationship between Drying TIme and Weight






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Traditional Solar Grain Dryer

Results showed that the weight of the paddy grains decreased significantly every

interval. The first 30 minutes showed that the weight of a cup of paddy grains ranges from

177 g to 180 g while, after the last 30 minutes, the weight only ranges from 159 g to 164 g.

On average, the weight of the paddy grains decreased gradually from 178.33 g to 160.67 g in

4.5 hours.

The chart shows the relationship of time to the moisture content of the paddy grains
Relationship of Drying Time and Average Weight of Paddy Grains
Trial No. 2

for the second trial. It also presents the comparison between the drying rate of the traditional

sun drying to that of the Alternative Solar Grain Dryer. It can be observed that although both

of them can effectively reduce the moisture content of the grains, the Solare Grain Dryer

achieved the target 14% moisture content faster than the traditional way.

Average Time for Traditional Drying and Solar Grain Dryer to reach 14% MC

Time Before Paddy Grains reached 14% MC

Trial 1 Trial 2 Average
Traditional 6 hr 6 hr 6 hr

Solar Grain Dryer 4.5 hr 4.5 hr 4.5 hr

Results showed that on average, paddy grains achieve the desired moisture content

after 4.5 hours in the Solar Grain Dryer while it took 6 hours for the traditional sun drying.

The reduction of weight of the paddy grains can be accounted to the moisture content

of the grains being removed. Both ways use the heat of the sun to reduce the moisture

content, what must have caused the difference are the transparent sheets of the solar grain

dryer. It traps the heat of the sun inside the tunnel while the continuous air flow takes out the

removed moisture from the grains.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the conclusions, summary of findings and recommendations for

future development of the designed project.


After conducting the testing and evaluation on the machine, the following major findings

were derived:

5.1.1 The Alternative Solar Grain Dryer using transparent Sheets has a drying capacity of

1 cavan of paddy.

5.1.2 The frequency of mixing the paddy affects the length of time needed in drying the

paddy. The first and second trial has the same time interval of 30 minutes. Comparative

study was done between the Alternative Solar Grain Dryer using Transparent Sheets and

the traditional drying method wherein two trials were executed. The first and second trial

obtained the same results for both methods; for the machine it took 4 hours and 30

minutes in the drying process of the paddy to reach the required amount of 14% moisture

content while the conventional or natural solar drying took 6 hours in the drying process.

5.1.3 The overall environment condition affects the drying process. Sunny weather is the

most ideal time or condition to dry the paddy wherein the temperature in the environment

is high. Due to some features, the machine can still dry the paddy even if it is not a sunny

or good weather because it has a cover and a blower to help the paddy dry.


The researchers have come to the conclusion from the information collected during the

testing of paddy in numerous trials.

5.2.1 The study entitled “Development of an Alternative Solar Grain Dryer using

Transparent Sheets” was able to acquire the main objective of the study. With the

information collected using the weighing method of the paddy, the machine was shown to
dry paddy to 14% of moisture content in a weight of 1 cavan. Based on the results it is 1

hour and 30 minutes faster than the conventional or natural sun drying method, meeting

the main objective of the study.

5.2.2 In addition, the study also successfully met all the other objectives. The machine

was able to design and fabricate a semi-automated alternative solar grain dryer using

transparent sheets and it was accomplish successfully. Also, the timer of the machine is a

programmable timer that enables the machine to accurately relay the mixer to mix the

paddy inside the transparent plastic sheets.

5.2.3 As seen in the information collected, it is apparent that the machine is faster in

drying paddy than the conventional or natural sun drying method. The time required for

drying paddy using the machine is shorter whether it is sunny or not, with that, the study

was successful and all the objectives has been successfully met.


Some developments are needed to enhance the design of the machine for it to become

more effective. The recommendations are as follows:

5.3.1 Using a solar panel into the machine for the continuous supply of power in the

battery while drying the paddy in a sunny environment.

5.3.2 Using a moisture meter to reduce the time and effort in weighing the paddy to

determine the moisture content

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