Collocation/ Phrase I Learned Its Meaning Using It in 2 Sentences

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Collocation/ phrase I learned Its meaning Using it in 2 sentences

1. Lock down It means that people are not 1- We can’t go to school

allowed to go anywhere. because the lock down.
2- No body care about the lock
down , and almost everybody
go out.
2. Various measures Actions and steps to control the 1- The WHO took various
transmission measures to deal with this
2- In Africa , there is no Various
measures .
3. Face masks Medical mask to keep you safe 1- You must put your face mask
of COVID - 19 whenever you out .
2- please , put the face mask on
you face .
4. Avoid contact Try not to contact 1- In these unprecedented
time , we have to avoid
contact .
2- we need to avoid contact
with sick people.
5. Unprecedented events . Events that never happen 1-All this events of these days
before . are unprecedented events.
2- I hope all these
unprecedented events end
6. Vulnerable people Elderly , unwell , weak : people . 1- We have to do not visit
vulnerable people .
2- I hope all the vulnerable
people in Gaza stay safe .
7. Body ach When your body hurts 1- I have a body ach since the
2- The body ach is one of the
symptoms of COVID-19.
8. Stock up (foods) . It’s mean to buy food for the 1- people started to stock up
future food since the war began.
2- In this lock down , we need to
stock up foods.
9. Mandatory Necessary 1- It’s mandatory to help elder
people in this time .
2- It’s mandatory to avoid
contact .
10. Stay positive It means stay optimistic 1- Stay positive , every thing will
improve soon.
2- hope you can able to stay
positive in these hard days .
11. To contain the To limit the spread of 1- Government took various
transmission. something . measures to contain the
2- please help us to contain the
transmission , and stay home.
12. To develop symptoms When symptoms start to appear 1- we need to stay away form
any one is developing the
symptoms of COVID-19
2- The COVID-19 symptoms
could not been developed for
up to two weeks
13. To postpone events To delay events 1- We need to postpone until
the end of lock down.
2- it’s awful to postpone the
wedding party , but it’s
14. To seal borders 1. To Close the borders 1-Gaza government seal the
2- all world must seal the
borders until we defeat this
horrible virus
15. To declare a pandemic Officially announced 1 – WHO declare a pandemic .
2- Who declare a medicine for
H1N1 .
One thing I liked most about I liked it related to the medical field, which is my old field.
this assignment
One thing I disliked most It is very direct.
about this assignment

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