Deadly Day of The Dread Destructus PDF
Deadly Day of The Dread Destructus PDF
Deadly Day of The Dread Destructus PDF
Graphic Design & Art Direction Hal Mangold Interior Art MK Ultra Studios
Green Ronin Staff Chris Pramas, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Steve Kenson,
Jon Leithuesser, Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz, and Bill Bodden
Capers: Deadly Day of the Dread Destructus is ©2010 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Reference to other copyrighted material
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If the player characters haven’t met before or are part of a new
pre-debut hero group, the gamemaster can use TV and radio news
This adventure is set in Freedom City during the mad, wonderful era
reports, the scores of flashing lights and sirens all headed to the
circa 1956-1969 (described in detail in the Silver Age sourcebook
museum, or concerned phone calls from loved ones as needed to
from Green Ronin Publishing). It can, however, be used in any sea-
alert the heroes that something is indeed amiss.
board campaign city of the gamemaster’s choice simply by changing
Once they’re on the scene, the characters are briefed by “Mad
the proper names.
Dog” Rae, head of the “Dog Pound Squad,” a special Freedom City
The adventure’s Silver Age time frame can be adjusted too, as it’s
Police unit meant to combat superhuman violence. Famous or not,
anchored to that era mostly in tone rather than history. Advice is
he’s glad to see the heroes, as he believes they’ve the best chance
given on how to substitute more modern versions of the Silver Age
of smoking the crooks out of the museum with a minimum of dam-
villains included right after their game statistics.
age to the many priceless exhibits inside. Unfortunately, Rae doesn’t
Although the Silver Age and Freedom City sourcebooks are recom-
have much to offer other than moral support. The police have no
mended for running this adventure and capturing the feel of the era,
specifics on whom the villains might be, and Rae can’t spare any
they are not required. The adventure contains everything needed to
men at the moment without compromising the cordon. Unless they
run it using just the Mutants & Masterminds rulebook.
just need a flashlight, a museum floor plan, or a Chesterfield, the
Players intending to play in this adventure should read no further.
characters are entirely on their own.
The rest of the text is for the gamemaster only!
finds the switch. Even in the dim light, it’s apparent there are already her, lest he lose his rep with the ladies of Freedom City. Speaking of
some broken and smashed bits of things scattered across the floor. the Minstrel’s romances, he took part in the heist for reasons simi-
Curious characters can attempt a Knowledge (current events) skill lar to the Human Centrifuge, as he was the very first criminal boss
check (DC 20) or Knowledge (streetwise) skill check (DC 15) to rec- betrayed by Roller Girl (she was the original Octavia). Therefore, his
ognize each villain. Recalling specific details about any given baddie old resentment can also be exploited with a Sense Motive skill check
is a little trickier (+5 DC), but success reminds a hero of a particular in the same manner as the Human Centrifuge, previously.
masked crook’s general capabilities.
The ensuing fight means different things to different baddies, and ROLLER GIRL
these quirks can affect how the gamemaster portrays them. To wit: By far the most sensible person in the room, Roller Girl aims to fight
just long enough to avoid being labeled a coward by her villain
THE ALCHEMISTRESS peers, then rocket-skate out the nearest open door to freedom. Her
Her mercurial nature means she’s not always lucid enough to use doing so is another way gamemasters can tilt the odds back in the
her potentially lethal powers to their fullest extent. This makes her good guys’ favor. In fact, if the heroes are really taking it on the
the gamemaster’s great equalizer. If things are going too well for the chin, Roller Girl is more than willing to hit either of her former asso-
heroes, the Alchemistress can regain her cunning long enough to ciates the Human Centrifuge and the Minstrel with a parting shot as
transform the air around them into chlorine (Suffocate) or the floor she exits stage left.
into hot tar (Snare). On the other hand, if the villains are winning,
she can spend her actions giggling to herself and transmuting the
broken glass on the floor into pretty emeralds. WE DON’T TALK ANYMORE
If the maybe-not-all-that-super superheroes manage to lose to the
COLOR QUEEN motley collection of masked baddies, the good news is they suffer
Her powers offer a lot of options, but being surrounded by so much no further harm other than extreme embarrassment. They wake up
art reminds her of her failed painting career and infuriates her. with almost everything of interest gone, but the humbled heroes
Therefore, she’s prone to using powers like Blast, Telekinesis, and probably want to look around a bit just to confirm these facts (see
Emotion Control (hatred) that are likely to cause gratuitous damage Private Investigations below for details).
to the museum. Savvy heroes can pick up on her frustrations with a In the more likely outcome, the good guys win, and the bad guys
successful Sense Motive check (DC 20), and exploit this sore point are in FCPD custody en route to the nearest jail cell. Ambulances
for a +5 bonus on attempts to demoralize her with the Intimidate and doctors arrive for those who need them shortly thereafter. The
skill or to employ the Distract feat against her. police allow the heroes to question any captured crooks, just so long
as things remain civil, and an officer is always present to listen for
THE CREEPING TERROR anything useful.
Depending on the villain, they are varying degrees of cooperative
The senior super-villain present has seen enough prisons for his lik-
during interrogation. The Intimidate skill works as normal. On the
ing, and is thus one of the few with any mind to affect an escape.
Diplomacy skill Interaction Table, the Creeping Terror is Indifferent,
He’s more than willing to sacrifice his Thugs (named Slow, Steady,
Color Queen, Roller Girl, Octavia, and the assorted Thugs are
Languid, Leisure, and Delay–as their monogrammed sweaters clearly
Unfriendly, and the Minstrel and the Human Centrifuge are Hostile,
indicate) for the sake of his own getaway. Not that he’s going to
while the Alchemistress can have any attitude the gamemaster
make it very far, mind you, but still.
needs her to. Roller Girl’s attitude can improve to Helpful if she’s
THE HUMAN CENTRIFUGE offered a plea bargain in exchange for testifying against the others,
as will the attitudes of her spurned former partners if they’re offered
It was his ego that ultimately turned idle bar talk into felony bur- the chance to give evidence against her.
glary, and any hero listening to his ranting can piece together most If they agree to talk, all of them recount the evening’s goings-on
of what prompted this caper. A character who makes a Sense Motive colored by their individual crazy super-villain perspectives. However,
check (DC 20) figures out why this bungled heist is so personal to none willingly give up the location of the Hive of Scum & Villainy,
the Human Centrifuge: he’s one of Roller Girl’s former partners, and and if the characters learn of it by other means (e.g., Mind Reading),
was set up, robbed, and betrayed by her. Mischievous heroes can it will relocate long before the forces of law and order arrive.
prey upon this grudge and get a +5 bonus on attempts to demor-
alize him with the Intimidate skill or to employ the Distract feat
against him. THIS IS NOT A TEST
THE MINSTREL Immediately after the heroes have learned all they can or will from
the villains a loud disturbance echoes through the night, accom-
Like the Creeping Terror, the Minstrel is quite prepared to use his panied by searchlights sweeping the sky from all directions. Even
Thugs (Bass, Treble, Soprano, Tenor, and Baritone) as distractions in without their aid, the sight and sound of a large object streaking
order to save his own hide. His Sidekick/girlfriend du jour Octavia across the stars is readily apparent. For a moment, it looks like it
is a different story, as he has to at least make a show of protecting will take the tops off the city’s skyscrapers, but it passes safely over
Shortly thereafter, a great commotion becomes noticeable from
the direction of the dockyards, the source of which soon becomes
quite visible, the Dread Destructus: a 60-foot-long scaly-winged
serpent. The fantastic beast is headed out to sea, scaring the
bejeezus out of hundreds of innocent bystanders as it goes and
drawing heavy fire from nearby U.S. Navy ships and Air Force jets.
The combined firepower seemingly has no effect other than draw-
ing the monster away from the more-populated areas, leaving the
characters (inconveniently, the only heroes in town at the moment)
to save Freedom City.
Defeating the surly serpent is not easy, but it can be done using
brains, brawn, or a combination of the two. The most difficult way
is a frontal attack, because the flying lizard is not easily damaged.
Clever thinking on the players’ parts and a lot of combined attacks
just might be able to do the trick before the sinister snake crushes
them all. If the monster accumulates a -10 penalty (or more) to its
Toughness saves, it decides to run back to the ocean depths.
The heroes can then pursue the Dread Destructus if they
wish, but they’ve pretty much saved the city at that point.
There are plenty of men, women, and children who need
aid and comfort after even a brief monster rampage,
so the heroes’ proper place at this juncture is helping
If the characters lose, the gamemaster can have
the Dread Destructus flatten the city before returning
to its oceanic slumber, but that’s kind of a jerk move.
More mercifully, the Freedom League or similar hero
the city, headed in the direc-
group can arrive in the nick of time and save the day,
tion of the Wharton
leaving the heroes hopefully a little wiser and (more impor-
State Forest then turn-
tantly) alive, with standing homes to go back to.
ing back towards
the ocean.
Succeeding at
a DC 20 Notice
Clever player characters may suspect a connection between the
check confirms
sudden appearance of a giant winged serpent and the attempted
the skies to be oth-
museum heist. Or not. It’s certainly possible to conclude the
erwise empty, though all the trappings
adventure with Giant Flying Alligator Wrestling, but any caped
of a full-blown air raid drill continue:
detectives amongst the heroes may look for a less violent way
searchlights, sirens, and nervous white-
to resolve the city’s current crisis. Their investigations can take
helmeted air-raid marshals.
place after the super-villains are beaten and before the Dread
Flying characters may wish to go aloft and
Destructus’ arrival in town, or while the monster rampages, forcing
get a closer look, but they’re bound to draw some anti-
their teammates to battle the scaly menace until they put all the
aircraft fire from trigger-happy ground crews. It’s just for
clues together. It’s the gamemaster’s call.
in-game effect, though; a DC 15 Stealth check sees them safely to
The head curator Dr. John Banning (clad in robe and slippers)
the ground without further incident.
arrives at the museum shortly after the battle’s conclusion to inspect
A huge flying object above their home city is all it takes to get
the damage, and is more than happy to confirm information for the
most heroes to go investigating. If not, it won’t be long before the
heroes between yawns. With the right combination of smarts and a
stern-faced cops (who’ve secured the museum) and the insistent air-
hot die, the following clues can be uncovered in the museum.
• A Search skill check (DC 15) of the lobby turns up all the appar- City may still have a stray super-villain or two on the loose if any
ent loot the villains failed to get away with. It’s all obviously escaped the museum battle. Given the nature of giant comic-book
valuable (items that were labeled “RARE ARTIFACT” in the monsters, it’s just matter of time before someone else summons
display cases and the like) and culturally significant, but of no the Dread Destructus and the monster returns to plague the
obvious bearing on the current reptile emergency. heroes and their beloved home city again. Thus, the players can
• Succeeding the Search check by 5 or more (DC 20 or higher) look forward to Deadly Day of the Dread Destructus Deux on some
uncovers another item, wedged behind a display column. It future game night.
resembles an unusually large ram’s horn, but colored an odd
reddish-brown color (matching the Dread Destructus’ hue, by
the by).
• Studying the horn with an Investigate skill check (DC 15) or This section provides all the statistics for the opponents facing our
Notice skill check (DC 20) confirms the narrow end is open, heroes in Deadly Day of the Dread Destructus.
like it was intended to be a musical instrument. It shows signs
of having been played recently (The Minstrel swiped the horn
from the locked room where it was undergoing study, and blew
it in a fit of anger in a vain attempt to stop the villains’ petty Christina Hartley was hailed as the greatest mind in the field of
arguing–a story he will recount for the heroes if properly ques- chemistry since Marie Curie herself. She won every accolade and
tioned). award that could be bestowed on a scientist, but she wanted more.
Hartley’s genius allowed her to see as no one else could how all the
• Another Investigate skill check (DC 15) or Notice skill check seeming miracles of modern chemistry barely scratched the surface
(DC 20) reveals a strange series of symbols around the large of its possibilities. She aimed to unlock those remaining secrets at
open end of the horn. A Knowledge (arcane lore) skill check any cost, and as a result of her incautious maniacal obsession she
(DC 15) identifies it as ancient Atlantean, and success against was exposed to ever-more dangerous and exotic chemical concoc-
DC 20 provides a rough translation: “Beware the Dread tions. In time she realized the ancient dreams of the alchemists and
Destructus who hears only this horn!” Dr. Banning’s ancient fashioned a wand capable of transmuting the elements at will, but
Atlantean is a little rusty, but he can confirm the language by then she was also quite mad.
and the word “Destructus” if the heroes can’t dope it out them- The now criminally insane Hartley dubbed herself “the
selves. Alchemistress,” and dedicated herself to pursuing the wealth and
If the good guys piece together that the Minstrel’s errant toot power she feels is due someone of her awesome abilities. Throughout
brought down the wrath of the Dread Destructus on the city, their Freedom City’s “Silver Age” era, only the heroism of its costumed
options increase dramatically. They can use the horn to lure the evil heroes and the Alchemistress’ own lunacy prevented her from get-
flying lizard out to sea and far away from Freedom City for a start, ting them.
perhaps to a waiting A-bomb (a sensible solution during the Silver
Age). Alternately, once the heroes figure out the sound of the horn
attracts the Two-Eyed, Two-Horned Flying Vermillion People Eater,
they can simply bait the Dread Destructus out towards the deep
Str 10 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 30 Wis 18 Cha 16
water then chuck the horn into the drink. It will follow, all the way
back to its watery rest. Skills: Bluff 8 (+11), Craft (chemical) 15 (+25), Craft (electronic) 8
(+18), Knowledge (physical sciences) 15 (+25), Notice 6 (+10)
Feats: Attack Focus (ranged), Attractive, Defensive Roll 8, Dodge
THE NO-PRIZE Focus 8, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Master Plan, Skill Mastery
(Craft [chemical], Knowledge [physical sciences]), Ultimate Skill
The players each get a power point for stopping the Dread
(Knowledge [physical sciences])
Destructus from destroying Freedom City, unless (in the gamemas-
ter’s view) the reckless heroes caused so much unnecessary collateral Powers:
Device 20 (Alchemy Wand, easy to lose)
damage in the process they essentially did Destructus’ evil work for
Alchemy Wand: Enhanced Feat 2 (Quick Change 2), Transform
it. In that case they get nothing, to help cover the city’s clean-up 16 (non-living matter into other non-living matter; Continuous;
costs. The gamemaster may also want to give each player a power affects 500,000 lbs. of mass)
point for their earlier encounter with the villains and the interroga- Combat: Attack +3 (melee), +4 (ranged), Grapple +3, Damage +0
tion and investigation that followed. (unarmed), Defense +11 (+1 flat-footed), Knockback –4 (–0 flat-
footed), Initiative +1
IN NEXT MONTH’S EXCITING ISSUE... Saving Throws: Toughness +9 (+1 flat-footed), Fortitude +3, Reflex
+3, Will +5
Depending on the outcome, there may be unresolved plot threads
Abilities 38 + Skills 13 (52 ranks) + Feats 23 + Powers 60 +
the gamemaster can follow up on in later adventures. Freedom
Combat 12 + Saves 5 = 151 Total
COLOR QUEEN more before they acted and live in much happier, nicer world. The
misery of the Great Depression and the madness of World War II
convinced him to move his theories into practice, and he set out to
Carla Paisley was driven by her overriding love of painting, but her
singular lack of talent kept her from earning the acclaim she felt was force humanity to live at a more unhurried pace.
her due. Her despised day-job in her family’s electronics firm and Bradford used his mad genius to construct an arsenal of fantastic
the endless critical mockery of her art left her angry and embittered. devices all designed to plumb tucker folks out and make them slow
While scouting potential landscapes, Carla discovered the wreckage down. With them, he set out to steal enough money to fund construc-
of a crashed flying saucer, and from it she salvaged the multi-hued tion of larger-scale models with which he could force his leisurely will on
“Color Wheel” device that became her criminal trademark. the whole human race. Freedom City was sufficiently panicked by his
As the Color Queen, she became the scourge of Freedom City’s strange weaponry that the papers dubbed him “the Creeping Terror,”
art community, as she jealously sought revenge on “lesser” creators and the name stuck long after the alleged “terror” subsided. Bradford’s
who “unjustly” robbed her of fame and adulation. She also proved “creeping,” however, continued unabated for another three decades.
herself quite willing to line her own pockets with ill-gotten loot in
the process. USE IN LATER AGES
The Creeping Terror’s criminal career dates back to the Golden Age
USE IN LATER AGES when the original Johnny Rocket routinely sent him off to prison,
Color Queen was defeated by the Star Knight (A’Lan Koor) just prior and continued well into the Bronze Age. Even after Bradford’s death
to his departure from Earth in 1977, and he confiscated the Color in 1977, the technological fruits of his off-kilter genius remain, wait-
Wheel and returned it to its planet of origin. Of course, if one such ing for the right loon to come along and pick them up.
Saving Throws: Toughness +13 (+5 without Spinning), Fortitude Combat: Attack +5 (melee), +8 (ranged), Grapple +6, Damage +10
+6, Reflex +6, Will +3 (Blast), +0 (unarmed), Defense +6 (+2 flat-footed), Knockback –6,
Initiative +4
Abilities 38 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 8 + Powers 68 +
Combat 24 + Saves 4 = 156 Total Saving Throws: Toughness +12 (+3 without Force Field), Fortitude
+4, Reflex +5, Will +4
Abilities 32 + Skills 28 (112 ranks) + Feats 20 + Powers 36 +
THE HUMAN CENTRIFUGE Combat 20 + Saves 3 = 139 Total
Air Force Captain Bobby Smith seemed poised to become another of them, he created his own villainous alter ego as the Minstrel, and
NASA’s clean-cut, athletic, go-getter astronauts until a freak accident committed daring robberies throughout Freedom City during the
sent him down a crooked path. Exposed to an accidental radiation “Silver Age” era.
leak while undergoing centrifuge training, Smith emerged from
the machine with vastly increased intelligence, the ability to spin USE IN LATER AGES
at incredible speeds, and a new sociopathic personality. The former
The Minstrel has not been seen or heard from since the Maestro
officer and gentleman thereafter dedicated himself to criminal may-
resumed his own criminal career, and is generally believed to have
hem, and became infamous as the Human Centrifuge.
suffered some unpleasant fate at his father’s hands. Therefore, the
Maestro is best substitute in a Modern Age series, and his game
USE IN LATER AGES statistics are found in the Freedom City sourcebook, page 150. The
Smith was eventually cured in 1984 through the efforts of Dr. Minstrel’s stats are close enough to serve if the gamemaster doesn’t
Alexander Atom. As long as centrifuge training continues, however, have that sourcebook handy.
the world remains only one radiation leak away from another person
assuming the Human Centrifuge’s mantle.
THE MINSTREL Lisa Elliot always made the most of any opportunity, no matter how
strange. She became a star on the roller derby circuit when it proved
It’s said children are born to break their parents’ hearts, and so more lucrative than any other potential use of her considerable wits.
it was with Charles Van Johnson , progeny of Basil (the Maestro) Later, when the chance to join up with a super-villain’s gang came
Fatherton. The unexpected result of a dalliance between Fatherton her way, she took it. Lisa excelled at crime, and ingratiated herself
and a comely young cellist, infant Charles was quickly abandoned enough to learn all the boss’ trade secrets. When the opportunity
by his father when Fatherton turned to super-villainy. By the time to betray him emerged, he was soon on his way to prison, and she
Fatherton emerged from Providence Asylum seemingly cured and walked away richer and better-armed. After making saps out of a
ready to reconnect with his son, Charles had grown into a heartless couple more unsuspecting bad guys, Lisa was more than ready to
philanderer. make her debut as the villainess Roller Girl.
Charles feigned interest in his father’s make-good efforts just Her solo crooked career sometimes made her rich, and some-
long enough to learn all the Maestro’s criminal secrets. With times made her a prison inmate, but whatever the circumstances
THE DREAD DESTRUCTUS to awaken it survived the sinking of Atlantis, with that forbidden
knowledge transmitted by word of mouth through the ages. Now,
At 60’ in length, Destructus is hard to miss. It’s serpentine in appear- the monster awakens, and the Deadly Day of Dread Destructus
ance, covered in prominent red-brown scales the color of dried blood. threatens to be Freedom City’s last.
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Stephen Kenson, Mark C. Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.
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7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, Freedom City, Second Edition, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin Publishing;
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Author Steve Kenson.
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Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability Capers: Deadly Day of the Dread Destructus, Copyright 2010, Green Ronin
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work Publishing; Author Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.