Case Study of Best Practices of NIA

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Case study of Best Practices of NIA

a) The Institution encourages and gives the permission the PG, PhD Scholars to participate and
present paper in many National, International Seminars, conferences and CME’s.
b) The Institution conducts special classes for the students, in addition to the regular teaching and
learning activities.
c) For Scholars, daily theoretical as well as practical teaching, training and guidance, Various
weekly activities with regard to Seminars, Discussions, Journal Club, Thesis Topic Discussions,
Case Presentations, Clinical Methods and Departmental Examinations etc. are conducted
regularly by the Departments.
d) Every year, The Institution is organizing workshop on Research Methodology and Scientific
writing for PG 1st year scholars.
e) The Institution conducts various National and International seminars/conferences, National
workshops, Departmental Workshop/CME, orientation programme, training programme, guest
lectures for students and scholars.
Best Practice 1:
1. Title of the Practice
Title: Research Methodology and Scientific Writing
Every year, The Institution is organizing workshop on Research Methodology and Scientific
writing for PG 1st year scholars.
2. Objectives of the Practice
What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the underlying
principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)
Objectives of the Practice:
1. To encourage the scholars to formulate research proposal and to develop suitable research
methods & Data analysis tools.
2. To encourage the faculty & scholars to organize and present research papers in the
national/international seminars/ conferences/ workshops
3. To publish quality research articles in reputed journals.
4. To enhance knowledge and skills and to open up the discussion to participants.
Intended outcome:
These academic activities will be helpful for all PG, PhD Scholars and also faculty members and
develops research-based knowledge. Upon completion of this practice, scholars will be able to
understand various type of research, scientific method used in research, able to identify research
problem, formulate and test hypothesis. It will help to understand the importance of scientific
communication. Due to this activity, Logical thinking power, intellectual power and all qualities
of research scholars develops in scholars.
3. The Context
What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in designing
and implementing this practice (in about 150 words)
* The challenges that the students experience in doing research have been identified as follows:
Research methodology is new subject for new learners. So, first year scholars don’t
aware about research methodology and they face challenges from choosing a topic,
choosing the right methodology, to finding study participants, dealing with data, Time
span, limited knowledge about conducting research, Problem in reaching a conclusion
and making recommendations, Referencing & Plagiarism etc.
Sometimes, some scholars don’t have any interest to understand research methodology,
they don’t attend the workshop, they just do copy-paste from previous thesis and do
plagiarism in out of limit without citing and do haphazard research. For these scholars,
Introduction to research, what qualities should have in research scholar, teacher’s
cooperation and encouragement is necessary.
To overcome these challenging issues, this best practice has been adopted.
4. The Practice
Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education. What
were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?
Participation in research methodology & scientific writing workshop is must for every
research scholar. Research is an essential of higher education in the world today. Research based
knowledge is the key for the development in the scientific world. Therefore, the word ‘Research’
has got the importance in this modern time. Writing a good proposal or any scientific matter is an
art and research scholar must learn this art. The goal of scientific research is publication.
Therefore, it is highly relevant in the context of higher learning not only in India, but anywhere
in the world.
Time, money and man power are the most important constraints or limitations.
5. Evidence of Success
Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review results.
What do these results indicate? Describe in about 200 words.
* The performance of the scholars improved due to these academic activities.
The scholars were able to prepare a research proposal and well understood about (1)
how to formulate a topic for research and to describe the what, why, and how of the
protocol, (2) biomedical literature search and review (3) study design, statistical
concepts, and result analyses, and (4) publication ethics (5) writing a scientific paper
and thesis.
Created an interest about research in scholars & produced an awareness on the need for
research to update knowledge of the scholars at international standards.
The research publications (quality research paper) which are enormously published
during the past few years is another indicator.
Before workshop scholars had many myths about research that good journals don’t
publish theoretical/hypothetical articles, journals published only those studies that show
positive results etc. but after this activity, scholars haven’t any myths and doubt.
Many of our former and present scholars have occupied important positions in
government organizations like CCRAS (Research organization), AIIA, Ministry of
Ayush and various government and private academic Institution. Some even went
abroad and are pursuing higher education. This also shows achievement of our
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the practice (in
about 150 words).
* Getting the guest speakers agree to come on the specific time period is one of the
greatest problems. This can be solved by keeping a reserve list of speakers. Institution needs to
have sufficient time to plan. Sometime this may not be possible so Institution can plan these
activities before admission of PG first year learners. Inadequate time for workshop is also a big
problem because in limited time whole syllabus of research methodology and scientific writing
can’t explained in details. So, Institute can increase the days of workshop. It will help for better
understanding for new learners because research methodology is new subject for new learners.
Scholars must be evaluated before and after workshop which helps both teachers and scholars to
understand where they stand. Amenities in Auditorium like Sound & Light schemes, a big
screen for LCD Projections, Separate Generator Set for power back-up, etc. has to be checked
before workshop. The faculty is to be informed well in advance so that they can give their
precious time from their busy schedule in this activity.
7. Notes
Optional. Add any other information that may be relevant for adopting/ implementing the Best
Practice in other institutions (in about 150 words).
Best practice 2
1. Title of the Practice
“Induction Program for Newly Entrants”
2. Objectives of the Practice
What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the
underlying principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)
Objective of the Practice:
1. To introduce to institute environment and set-up of the students within institute.
2. To explain Scope and Opportunities in Ayurveda and future and possibilities of Ayurveda
on the global platform.
3. To produce graduates who efficiently serve in health services and also as Ayurvedic
practitioners by providing relief to the patients by Ayurvedic therapeutic measures.
4. To develop faith and trust towards Ayurveda.
5. To channelize the blooming energies and mental resources of the young brains in the
progress of Ayurveda.
Intended outcome:
This orientation programme will be helpful to get information of each and every
subject/department of Ayurveda and entire institute environment. The students will understand
their responsibilities and expectation from them.
3. The Context
What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in designing
and implementing this practice (in about 150 words)
When new students enter an institution, they come with the diverse thoughts and wrong
myth about Ayurveda and Institution. Some students decide to stay with or quit the institute in
the first week after admission. Some students do preparation for NEET examination and after
selection they quit the institute. For such students induction programme is necessary to stay in
the institute and settle down quickly in the new environment and give them a sense of belonging.
4. The Practice
Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education. What
were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?
Induction programme for new entrants is essential for every institution. Because when
new students enter an institution, they come with the diverse thoughts, backgrounds and
preparations. It is important to help them adjust to the new environment and inculcate in them
the ethos of the institution with a sense of larger purpose. Its propose to make the students feel
comfortable in their new environment, open them up, set a healthy daily routine, create bonding
in the batch as well as between faculty and students, reduce competition and making them work
for excellence in the field of Ayurveda.
Time and man power are the most important constraints or limitations.
5. Evidence of Success
Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review results.
What do these results indicate? Describe in about 200 words.
• Many events like orientation, visit to respective departments, director’s address, special
lectures, interaction between teachers and students & discussions were scheduled.
• The students were very happy with the induction Program as they got to know about what
Ayurveda is and how the qualification they will obtain will benefit them in the career they
are going to adopt.
• During orientation programme, Students became familiar to Dept./Branch & Innovations,
mission, vision, goals of institute. At the same time, student understood their own role in
achieving the goals of the institute. They became well oriented to entire institute
environment and about disciplines of institution. Created bonding in the batch as well as
between faculty and students.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the practice (in about
150 words).
• Institution needs administrative cooperation and encouragement. Fortunately, Institution
does not have such a problem.
• After this activity, Periodic follow-up sessions are essential to find our how the students
perceived their institution. Concerns or problems can be addressed at this time. These
follow up sessions can also be a platform for airing new ideas and suggestion.
• Getting the guest speakers agree to come on the specific time period is another problem.
This can be solved by keeping a reserve list of speakers.
a) The Institution encourages and gives the permission the PG, PhD Scholars to participate and
present paper in many National, International Seminars, conferences and CME’s.
b) The Institution conducts special classes for the students, in addition to the regular teaching and
learning activities.
c) For Scholars, daily theoretical as well as practical teaching, training and guidance, Various
weekly activities with regard to Seminars, Discussions, Journal Club, Thesis Topic Discussions,
Case Presentations, Clinical Methods and Departmental Examinations etc. are conducted
regularly by the Departments.
d) Every year, The Institution is organizing workshop on Research Methodology and Scientific
writing for PG 1st year scholars.
e) The Institution conducts various National and International seminars/conferences, National
workshops, Departmental Workshop/CME, orientation programme, training programme, guest
lectures for students and scholars.
Best Practice 1:
1. Title of the Practice
Title: Research Methodology and Scientific Writing
Every year, The Institution is organizing workshop on Research Methodology and Scientific
writing for PG 1st year scholars.
2. Objectives of the Practice
What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the underlying
principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)
Objectives of the Practice:
1. To encourage the scholars to formulate research proposal and to develop suitable research
methods & Data analysis tools.
2. To encourage the faculty & scholars to organize and present research papers in the
national/international seminars/ conferences/ workshops
3. To publish quality research articles in reputed journals.
4. To enhance knowledge and skills and to open up the discussion to participants.
Intended outcome:
These academic activities will be helpful for all PG, PhD Scholars and also faculty members and
develops research-based knowledge. Upon completion of this practice, scholars will be able to
understand various type of research, scientific method used in research, able to identify research
problem, formulate and test hypothesis. It will help to understand the importance of scientific
communication. Due to this activity, Logical thinking power, intellectual power and all qualities
of research scholars develops in scholars.
3. The Context
What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in designing
and implementing this practice (in about 150 words)
* The challenges that the students experience in doing research have been identified as follows:
Research methodology is new subject for new learners. So, first year scholars don’t
aware about research methodology and they face challenges from choosing a topic,
choosing the right methodology, to finding study participants, dealing with data, Time
span, limited knowledge about conducting research, Problem in reaching a conclusion
and making recommendations, Referencing & Plagiarism etc.
Sometimes, some scholars don’t have any interest to understand research methodology,
they don’t attend the workshop, they just do copy-paste from previous thesis and do
plagiarism in out of limit without citing and do haphazard research. For these scholars,
Introduction to research, what qualities should have in research scholar, teacher’s
cooperation and encouragement is necessary.
To overcome these challenging issues, this best practice has been adopted.
4. The Practice
Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education. What
were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?
Participation in research methodology & scientific writing workshop is must for every
research scholar. Research is an essential of higher education in the world today. Research based
knowledge is the key for the development in the scientific world. Therefore, the word ‘Research’
has got the importance in this modern time. Writing a good proposal or any scientific matter is an
art and research scholar must learn this art. The goal of scientific research is publication.
Therefore, it is highly relevant in the context of higher learning not only in India, but anywhere
in the world.
Time, money and man power are the most important constraints or limitations.
5. Evidence of Success
Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review results.
What do these results indicate? Describe in about 200 words.
* The performance of the scholars improved due to these academic activities.
The scholars were able to prepare a research proposal and well understood about (1)
how to formulate a topic for research and to describe the what, why, and how of the
protocol, (2) biomedical literature search and review (3) study design, statistical
concepts, and result analyses, and (4) publication ethics (5) writing a scientific paper
and thesis.
Created an interest about research in scholars & produced an awareness on the need for
research to update knowledge of the scholars at international standards.
The research publications (quality research paper) which are enormously published
during the past few years is another indicator.
Before workshop scholars had many myths about research that good journals don’t
publish theoretical/hypothetical articles, journals published only those studies that show
positive results etc. but after this activity, scholars haven’t any myths and doubt.
Many of our former and present scholars have occupied important positions in
government organizations like CCRAS (Research organization), AIIA, Ministry of
Ayush and various government and private academic Institution. Some even went
abroad and are pursuing higher education. This also shows achievement of our
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the practice (in
about 150 words).
* Getting the guest speakers agree to come on the specific time period is one of the
greatest problems. This can be solved by keeping a reserve list of speakers. Institution needs to
have sufficient time to plan. Sometime this may not be possible so Institution can plan these
activities before admission of PG first year learners. Inadequate time for workshop is also a big
problem because in limited time whole syllabus of research methodology and scientific writing
can’t explained in details. So, Institute can increase the days of workshop. It will help for better
understanding for new learners because research methodology is new subject for new learners.
Scholars must be evaluated before and after workshop which helps both teachers and scholars to
understand where they stand. Amenities in Auditorium like Sound & Light schemes, a big
screen for LCD Projections, Separate Generator Set for power back-up, etc. has to be checked
before workshop. The faculty is to be informed well in advance so that they can give their
precious time from their busy schedule in this activity.
7. Notes
Optional. Add any other information that may be relevant for adopting/ implementing the Best
Practice in other institutions (in about 150 words).
Best practice 2
1. Title of the Practice
“Induction Program for Newly Entrants”
2. Objectives of the Practice
What are the objectives / intended outcomes of this “best practice” and what are the
underlying principles or concepts of this practice (in about 100 words)
Objective of the Practice:
1. To introduce to institute environment and set-up of the students within institute.
2. To explain Scope and Opportunities in Ayurveda and future and possibilities of Ayurveda
on the global platform.
3. To produce graduates who efficiently serve in health services and also as Ayurvedic
practitioners by providing relief to the patients by Ayurvedic therapeutic measures.
4. To develop faith and trust towards Ayurveda.
5. To channelize the blooming energies and mental resources of the young brains in the
progress of Ayurveda.
Intended outcome:
This orientation programme will be helpful to get information of each and every
subject/department of Ayurveda and entire institute environment. The students will understand
their responsibilities and expectation from them.
3. The Context
What were the contextual features or challenging issues that needed to be addressed in designing
and implementing this practice (in about 150 words)
When new students enter an institution, they come with the diverse thoughts and wrong
myth about Ayurveda and Institution. Some students decide to stay with or quit the institute in
the first week after admission. Some students do preparation for NEET examination and after
selection they quit the institute. For such students induction programme is necessary to stay in
the institute and settle down quickly in the new environment and give them a sense of belonging.
4. The Practice
Describe the practice and its uniqueness in the context of India higher education. What
were the constraints / limitations, if any, faced (in about 400 words)?
Induction programme for new entrants is essential for every institution. Because when
new students enter an institution, they come with the diverse thoughts, backgrounds and
preparations. It is important to help them adjust to the new environment and inculcate in them
the ethos of the institution with a sense of larger purpose. Its propose to make the students feel
comfortable in their new environment, open them up, set a healthy daily routine, create bonding
in the batch as well as between faculty and students, reduce competition and making them work
for excellence in the field of Ayurveda.
Time and man power are the most important constraints or limitations.
5. Evidence of Success
Provide evidence of success such as performance against targets and benchmarks, review results.
What do these results indicate? Describe in about 200 words.
• Many events like orientation, visit to respective departments, director’s address, special
lectures, interaction between teachers and students & discussions were scheduled.
• The students were very happy with the induction Program as they got to know about what
Ayurveda is and how the qualification they will obtain will benefit them in the career they
are going to adopt.
• During orientation programme, Students became familiar to Dept./Branch & Innovations,
mission, vision, goals of institute. At the same time, student understood their own role in
achieving the goals of the institute. They became well oriented to entire institute
environment and about disciplines of institution. Created bonding in the batch as well as
between faculty and students.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Identify the problems encountered and resources required to implement the practice (in about
150 words).
• Institution needs administrative cooperation and encouragement. Fortunately, Institution
does not have such a problem.
• After this activity, Periodic follow-up sessions are essential to find our how the students
perceived their institution. Concerns or problems can be addressed at this time. These
follow up sessions can also be a platform for airing new ideas and suggestion.
• Getting the guest speakers agree to come on the specific time period is another problem.
This can be solved by keeping a reserve list of speakers.

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