04 - Motion in Two Dimension

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1. If air resistance is not considered in projectiles, the 9. A ball rolls of a staircase with a horizontal velocity u m/s.
horizontal motion takes place with If the steps are h metre high and b metre wide, the ball
(a) constant velocity (b) constant acceleration will hit the edge of the nth step, if
(c) constant retardation (d) variable velocity 2
(a) n = 2hu (b) n = 2hu
2. A stone is just released from the window of a train gb 2 gb
moving along a horizontal straight track. The stone will 2 2

hit the ground following a (c) n = 2hu (d) n = hu

gb gb 2
(a) straight line path (b) circular path
(c) parabolic path (d) hyperbolic path 10. A projectile is projected with kinetic energy K. If it has
3. Range of a projectile is R, when the angle of projection is the maximum possible horizontal range, then its kinetic
30o. Then, the value of the other angle of projection for energy at the highest point will be
the same range is (a) 0.25K (b) 0.5K
(a) 45o (b) 60o (c) 0.75K (d) 1.0K
(c) 50 (d) 40o 11. To hit a target, the shooter should point his gun
4. The velocity of projection of a body is increased by 2%. (a) slightly lower than the target
Keeping other factors constant, what will be percentage (b) along the direction of the target
change in the maximum height attained? (c) slightly higher than the target
(a) 1% (b) 2% (d) slightly sideways
(c) 4% (d) 8% 12. A boy throws a ball upwards with a velocity v0 = 20 m/s.
5. An object is thrown along a direction inclined at an angle The wind imparts a horizontal acceleration of 4 m/s2 to
of 45o with the horizontal direction. The horizontal range the left. The angle θ at which the ball must be thrown so
of the particle is equal to that the ball returns to the boy’s hand is (g = 10 m/s2)
(a) vertical height (a) tan-1(1.2) (b) tan-1(0.2)
(b) twice the vertical height (c) tan (2) (d) tan-1(0.4)
(c) thrice the vertical height 13. A particle is fired with velocity u making angle θ with
(d) four times the vertical height the horizontal. What is the change in speed when it is at
6. A bomb is dropped from an aeroplane when it is directly the highest point?
above a target at a height of 1254.4 m. The aeroplane is (a) u cosθ (b) u
going horizontally with a speed of 150 m/s. The distance (c) u sinθ (d) (u cosθ - u)
by which it will miss the target is 14. A ball is thrown from a point with a speed v0 at an angle
(a) 1.2 km (b) 2.4 km of projection θ. From the same point and at the same
(c) 1.8 km (d) 2.8 km instant a person starts running with a constant speed v0/2
7. The range of a projectile when fired at 75o with the to catch the ball. Will the person be able to catch the
horizontal is 0.5 km. What will be the range when it is ball? If yes, what should be the angle of projection?
fired at an angle of 45o? (a) Yes, 60o (b) Yes, 30o
(a) 0.5 km (b) 1.0 km (c) No (d) Yes, 45o
(c) 1.5 km (d) 2.0 km 15. A person can throw a stone to a maximum height of h
8. At what angle with the horizontal should a ball be metre. The maximum distance to which he can throw the
thrown so that its range R is related to the time of flight stone is
as R = 5T2. (Take g = 10 ms-1) h
(a) h (b)
(a) 30o (b) 45o 2
(c) 60 (d) 90o (c) 2h (d) 3h
16. A hiker stands on the edge of a cliff 490 m above the 2 2
3. (b): Range R = u sin2θ = u .2 sinθ cosθ
ground and throws a stone horizontally with a speed of g g
15 ms-1. The time taken by the stone to reach ground is
∴ θ = 30o or 60o
(a) 10 s (b) 5 s
2 2
(c) 12 s (d) 15 s 4. (c): h = u sin θ
17. Two paper screens A and B are separated by 150 m. A
bullet pierces A and then B. The hole B is 15 cm below Hence Δh = 2. Δu
the hole in A. If the bullet is travelling horizontally at the h u
time of hitting A, then the velocity of the bullet at A is Δu Δh
Since = 2% , = 4%
(g = 10 ms-1) u h
(a) 100 3 ms-1 (b) 200 3 ms-1 2 2 o
5. (d): At θ = 45o, R = u sin2θ = u sin90 = u

-1 -1
(c) 300 3 ms (d) 500 3 ms g g g

18. The range R of a projectile is same when its maximum u 2 sin 2 θ u 2 sin 2 45o u 2
h= = =
heights are h1 and h2. What is the relation between R, h1 2g 2g 4g
and h2? ∴ R = 4h
(a) R = h1h2 (b) R = 2h1h2
6. (b): t = 2h = 2 x 1254.4 = 16 s
(c) R = 2 h1h2 (d) R = 4 h1h2 g 9.8
19. The time of flight of a projectile on an upward inclined R = vt = 150 x 16 = 2400 m or 2.4 km
plane depends upon o
7. (b): R 2 = sin2θ1 = sin90 = 1
(a) angle of projection R 1 sin2θ 2 sin150 o 2
(b) angle of inclination of the plane
(c) air resistance R2 = 2R1 = 2 x 0.5 = 1.0 km
(d) both (a) and (b) 8. (b): R = g sin2θ = g 2sinθ cosθ = g cosθ = 5 cot θ
T2 4sin 2 θ 4sin 2 θ 2sinθ
20. The speed of a projectile at its maximum height is 3
5 = 5 cotθ or θ = 45
times its initial speed. If the range of the projectile is P
9. (c): If the ball hits the nth step,
times the maximum height attained by it, P is equal to
horizontal distance traversed = nb
(a) 4 (b) 2 3 vertical distance traversed = nh
velocity along horizontal direction = u
(c) 4 3 (d) 3 velocity along vertical direction = 0
nb = ut, t = nb
nh = 0 + gt
1. (a): In the absence of air resistance, the projectile moves 2
1  nb 
with constant horizontal velocity because acceleration due nh = g 
2  u 
to gravity is totally vertical. 2hu 2
2. (c): The horizontal velocity will be same as that of the gb 2
train and uniform. The vertical motion will be controlled 10. (b): Since range is maximum, θ = 45o.
by the gravitational force and accelerated. The resultant At the highest point, the net velocity vx = vcos45o = v
motion will be along a parabolic trajectory. 2
1 2 1 v2 K
K.E = mv x = m = = 0.5K
2 2 2 2
11. (c): The shooter has to direct slightly upward as the path 18. (d): Range is same for angles of projection θ and (90 - θ)
followed by a projectile is a parabolic trajectory. u 2 sin2θ , u 2 sin 2 θ , u 2 cos 2 θ
R= h1 = h2 =
12. (d): vx = v0sinθ = 20sinθ g 2g 2g

vy = v0cosθ = 20cosθ u 2 sinθ cosθ 1  u 2 sin2θ  R

h1h2 = =  =
2v y 40cosθ 2g 4 g  4
Time of flight T = = = 4cosθ
g 10 R = 4 h1h2
Displacement in horizontal direction is zero. 19. (d): The time of flight of a projectile depends upon angle
1 of projection and angle of inclination of the plane.
0 = vx T − ax T 2
20. (c): Speed at maximum height = ucosθ = 3
2v x 40sinθ u
T = = = 10sinθ 2
ax 4
cosθ = 3
4 cosθ = 10 sinθ 2
4 θ = 30o
tanθ =
10 Phmax = R
θ = tan-1(0.4) R tan θ
hmax =
13. (d): Speed at the highest point vh = u cosθ 4

Speed at the starting point vs = u 4 4

P= = =4 3
tan θ tan 30 o
Change in speed = (u cosθ - u)
14. (a): For the person to be able to catch the ball, the
horizontal component of velocity of the ball should be
same as the speed of the person.
v0 or 1 or θ = 60o
v0 cosθ = cosθ =
2 2
15. (c): max = g
H max u
Rmax = 2h

16. (a): t = 2h 2 x 490

= = 10 s
g 9.8
17. (d): R = ut = 150

2h 2 x 0.15 3
t= = =
g 10 10

150 150 x 10
u= = = 500 3 ms −1
t 3

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