A Report submitted
Vaishali Sharma
(Roll no:- 1802970107)
I, undersigned hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “WORKING CAPITAL
MANAGEMENT” Written and submitted by me to the DR. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical
University, Lucknow partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree for
Master of Business Administration under the guidance of Dr. Prateek Gupta (Associate
Professor) is my original work and conclusion drawn therein are based on the material
collected by myself.
Certified that Vaishali Sharma (1802970107) has carried out the research work presented in
the report entitled “Working Capital Management at DCM Shriram Industries Ltd.” for
Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh under my/our supervision. The report
embodies results of original work, and studies as are carried out by the student himself and
the contents of the report do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to the
(Associate Professor)
Getting a project ready requires the work and effort of many people . I would like to pay my
sincere gratitude and thanks to those people , who directed me at every step in this project
I extend my sincere thank and gratitude to Dr. Prateek Gupta (Associate Professor), my
mentor, for helping me and providing valuable support throughout the term of the project . It
I am also very thankful to Mrs. Sohini Pandey my company guide , Ms. Jigyasa , Mr.
Deepeak Maheshwari , Mr. Sachin , Mr. Jagjeet Singh Negi and others who have shared
their expertise and knowledge with me without which the completion of project would not
have been possible. Also for their guidance and support and providing us corporate exposure
1. Executive Summary 6
2. Introduction 7
8. Findings 80-81
9. Recommendations 82
10. Conclusions 83
11. Bibliography 84
This study tries to explore the impact of working capital management on profitability of DCM
Shriram Industries Ltd. Working Capital can be defined as the amount when current asset is
The focus of this paper is to analyze how the company manages its working capital on the
basis of cash, inventory period, receivable period and payable period management and how it
influence the profitability of an organization. The project report contains the analysis of five
years data of DCM Shriram Industries Ltd. commencing from the year 2014 to 2018.
Afterwards description of the company including its history, products, manufacturing units,
etc. is discussed. Working Capital Management policy for DCM Shriram Industries Ltd. is
discussed elaborately. They follow aggressive WCM policy because of their higher utilization
of short term financing. Analysis of the collected data is presented in chapter five. It contains
descriptive, correlation and multiple regression analysis of the variables with proper
interpretation and it was found that there is relationship between profitability and working
capital components. Finally findings and conclusion chapter includes a summary of the
It is a commitment that has helped us maintain leadership in every area of our operations.
A tradition of excellence.
Daurala Sugar Works was established in the pre independence era in the year 1932 at
Daurala, a small unknown village near Meerut on New Delhi - Haridwar National highway
no. 58.
Over this period of time, diversification of activities were pioneered under the umbrella brand
Today , after more than eight decades it continues to command respect as one of the more
efficient and modern sugar factories of the country, being a familiar name not only in India
Over this period of time, diversification of activities were pioneered under the umbrella brand
The entire range of products are manufactured in modern plants having contemporary
assurance and control system ensures continual improvement and choicest quality products to
1. Sugar
2. Chemical and drug intermediaries
3. Alcohol
2. Shriram Rayons
Shriram Rayons was set up in 1965 to produce rayon tyre cord. The
engineering and design was provided by Chemtex Inc., USA and Beaunit
Fibres Inc., USA. Over the years this facility has been upgraded and
tenacity rayon tyre cord with state of the art twisting, weaving and
Quality Systems
Certified by TUV NORD CERT GmbH for:
ISO 9001:2015 for manufacturing & sale of grey
Poduct Range
Under Rayon and Nylon
Nylon Product
Chemical Products
We are known for adapting to change. We have transformed the unit from domestic
Recipient of 20 Export Awards for highest exports of Rayon Tyre Product (Man
Made Technical Textiles) from the Synthetic & Rayon Textiles Export Promotion
Recipients of 15 Safety Awards for safe and healthy operations from Government
We are ISO 9001:2015 , ISO 14001:2015 (TUV NORD CERT GmbH) & BS
Our products have been approved for tyre reinforcement by all major international
tyre giants.
3. Daurala Organics
years, it has achieved major share of the Indian market for its main products.Daurala
For more than a century the names DCM and Shriram have stood for a pioneering spirit.
The cornerstones of the group's success have been integrity, innovation and excellence that
The reputation of DCM Shriram Industries has been crafted by the vision of Sir Shriram.
Fashioned by him into a major force in corporate enterprise, we strive to fulfil a legacy of
above all the goodwill and faith of employees, shareholders and generations of customers.
intermediates. Affiliations with three European companies were established to obtain state-
of-the-art technology.
The growth of the business has been spectacular. Within a short span of 4 years, Daurala
The sprawling Daurala complex is spread over 300 acres, around 90 kms from Delhi, and
Glycine, D (-) Para Hydroxy Phenyl Glycine and its derivatives, Sodium / Potassium
Phenyl Acetate.
Daurala Organics has ISO 9001, 14001 & OHSAS 18001 certification.
Quality Systems
Highest degree of product specifications and quality standards are
Safety of men, machines & materials has a high priority. One of the
Human Resource
Human resource development, career planning & skill-upgradation are
Quality Of Life
Helping to improve the quality of life of employees is a part of the
Social Responsibility
Quality policy
DCM Shriram Industries Ltd. has inherited the precept of giving the customer "an extra inch"
from its founder. The group has moved away from its one-time staple, textiles, but the
precept remains. And it applies to product specifications and quality as much as to other
aspects of business.
Environment health and safety
DCM Shriram Industries has always been dedicated to meeting their responsibility towards
protection of environment and conserving scarce natural resources. This has prompted us to
Boilers modified for multi-fuel arrangement and can be run on various renewable
Effective flue gas wet scrubbing system using in-house technologies to release
Effluent Treatment Plants set up in all factories to not only control discharge of
pollutants within prescribed limit but also generates bio gas which is used as a claen
Newer technology are adopted to minimise consumption of energy and water in the
Bio compost plant provides eco-friendly manure to the farmers of the area
It is our policy to maintain the wholesomeness of the environment and preserve the
Health and safety of employees and the public is of paramount importance to us.
Shriram Rayons, has won the National Safety Award for 15 Yrs.
Organise regular training programmes covering all aspects of safety and hazardous
Social Commitments
- Workers' clubs equipped with reading room, sports
distinguished poets.
- Organising free family planning & welfare camps in
Along with fixed assets such as plant and equipment, working capital is considered a part of
operating capital. Gross working capital is equal to current assets. Working capital is
calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. If current assets are less than current
liabilities, an entity has a working capital deficiency, also called a working capital deficit.
cannot readily be converted into cash. Positive working capital is required to ensure that a
firm is able to continue its operations and that it has sufficient funds to satisfy both
capital involves managing inventories, accounts receivable and payable, and cash.
Capital required for a business can be classified under two main categories viz.
(i) Fixed capital
(ii) Working capital.
Every business needs funds for two purposes for its establishment and to carry out its
day-to-day operations. Long-term funds are required to create production facilities through
purchase of fixed assets such as plant and machinery, land, Building etc. Investments in these
assets represent that part of firm’s capital which is blocked on permanent basis and is called
fixed capital. Funds are also needed for short-term purposes for purchase of raw materials,
payment of wages and other day-to-day expenses etc. These funds are known as working
capital which is also known as Revolving or circulating capital or short term capital.
According to Shubin, “Working capital is amount of funds necessary to cover the cost of
Gross working capital is the capital invested in total current assets of the enterprise.
Examples of current assets are : cash in hand and bank balances, Bills Receivable, Short term
loans and advances, prepaid expenses, Accrued Incomes etc. The gross working capital is
financial or going concern concept. Net working capital is excess of Current Assets over
Current liabilities.
When current assets exceed the current liabilities the working capital is positive and negative
working capital results when current liabilities are more than current assets. Examples of
current liabilities are Bills Payable, Sunday debtors, accrued expenses, Bank Overdraft,
Provision for taxation etc. Net working capital is an accounting concept of working capital.
On the basis of concept working capital is classified as gross working capital and net working
capital. On the basis of time working capital may be classifies as Permanent or fixed working
Permanent or Fixed working capital
It is the minimum amount which is required to ensure effective utilisation of fixed facilities
and for maintaining the circulation of current assets. There is always a minimum level of
current assets which its continuously required by enterprise to carry out its normal business
operations. As the business grows, the requirements of permanent working capital also
increase due to increase in current assets. The permanent working capital can further be
classified as regular working capital and reserve working capital required to ensure
circulation of current assets from cash to inventories, from inventories to receivables and
from receivables to cash and so on. Reserve working capital is the excess mount over the
requirement for regular working capital which may be provided for contingencies that may
It is the amount of working capital which is required to meet the seasonal demands and some
special exigencies. Variable working capital is further classified as seasonal working capital
and special working capital. The capital required to meet seasonal needs of the enterprise is
called seasonal working capital. Special working capital is that part of working capital which
Working capital is the life blood and nerve centre of a business. Hence, it is very essential to
maintain smooth running of a business. No business can run successfully without an adequate
amount of working capital. The main advantages of maintaining adequate amount of working
2. Goodwill: Sufficient working capital enables a business concern to make prompt
3. Easy Loans: A concern having adequate working capital, high solvency and good
credit standing can arrange loans from banks and others on easy and favourable terms.
company which has ample working capital can make regular payment of salaries, wages
and other day to day commitments which raises morale of its employees, increases their
pay quick and regular dividends to is investor as there may not be much pressure to
plough back profits which gains the confidence of investors and creates a favourable
working capital can exploit favourable market conditions such as purchasing its
requirements in bulk when the prices are lower and by holding its inventories for higher
Excess or Inadequate Working Capital
Every business concern should have adequate working capital to run its business operations.
It should have neither excess working capital nor inadequate working capital. Both excess as
well as short working capital positions are bad for any business.
1. Excessive working capital means idle funds which earn no profits for business and
2. When there is a redundant working capital it may lead to unnecessary purchasing and
4. Due to low rate of return on investments, the value of shares may also fall.
6. When there is excessive working capital, relations with banks and other financial
1. A concern which has inadequate working capital cannot pay its short-term liabilities
in time. Thus, it will lose its reputation and shall not be able to get good credit facilities.
3. It becomes difficult for firm to exploit favourable market conditions and undertake
4. The rate of return on investments also falls with shortage of working capital.
5. The firm cannot pay day-to-day expenses of its operations and it created
The need for working capital arises due to time gap between production and realisation of
cash from sales. There is an operating cycle involved in sales and realisation of cash. There
are time gaps in purchase of raw materials and production, production and sales, and sales
and realisation of cash. Thus, working capital is needed for following purposes.
3. To incur day-to-day expenses and overhead costs such as fuel, power etc.
6. To maintain inventories of raw materials, work in progress, stores and spares and
finished stock.
Greater size of business unit large will be requirements of working capital. The amount of
working capital needed goes on increasing with growth and expansion of business till it
attains maturity. At maturity the amount of working capital needed is called normal working
The following are important factors which influence working capital requirements:
depend upon nature of its business. Public utility undertakings like electricity,
water supply need very limited working capital because they offer cash sales only
and supply services, not products, and such no funds are tied up in inventories and
receivables whereas trading and financial firms require less investment in fixed
assets but have to invest large amounts in current assets and as such they need large
will require higher working capital. The production could be kept either steady by
accumulating inventories during slack periods with view to meet high demand
during peak season or production could be curtailed during slack season and
of manufacture, larger is the amount of working capital required. The longer the
manufacturing time, the raw materials and other supplies have to be carried for
longer period in the process with progressive increment of labour and service costs
processes of production, the process with the shortest production period should be
5. Credit Policy: A concern that purchases its requirements on credit and sell its
a concern buying its requirements for cash and allowing credit to its customers,
shall need larger amount of working capital as very huge amount of funds are
6. Business Cycles: In period of boom i.e. when business is prosperous, there is need
for larger amount of working capital due to increase in sales, rise in prices etc. On
contrary in times of depression the business contracts, sales decline, difficulties are
faced in collections from debtors and firms may have large amount of working
increase with growth and expansion of its business activities. In fast growing
expansion in the volume of business the firm may have retained profits to provide
8. Earning Capacity and Dividend Policy: The firms with high earning capacity
generate cash profits from operations and contribute to working capital. The
dividend policy of concern also influences the requirements of its working capital.
A firm that maintains a steady high rate of cash dividend irrespective of its
generation of profits need more working capital than firm that retains larger part of
its profits and does not pay so high rate of cash dividend.
requirements. Generally, the rising prices will require the firm to maintain large
amount of working capital as more funds will be required to maintain the same
current assets. The effect of rising prices may be different for different firms.
starts with the purchase of raw material and ends with realisation of cash from the
sale of finished products. This cycle involves purchase of raw materials and stores,
its conversion into stocks of finished goods through work in progress with
progressive increment of labour and service costs, conversion of finished stock into
sales, debtors and receivables and ultimately realisation of cash and this cycle
again from cash to purchase of raw material and so on. The speed with which the
Management of Working Capital
Working capital refers to excess of current assets over current liabilities. Management of
working capital therefore is concerned with the problems that arise in attempting to manage
current assets, current liabilities and inter relationship that exists between them. The basic
goal of working capital management is to manage the current assets and current of a firm in
such a way that satisfactory level of working capital is maintained i.e. it is neither inadequate
nor excessive. This is so because both inadequate as well as excessive working capital
positions are bad for any business. Inadequacy of working capital may lead the firm to
insolvency and excessive working capital implies idle funds which earns no profits for the
profitability, liquidity and structural health of organization. In this context, evolving capital
and liquidity.
3. Dimension III is concerned with decisions about composition and level of current
Principles of Working Capital Management
1. Principle of Risk Variation: Risk refers to inability of firm to meet its obligation as and
when they become due for payment. Larger investment in current assets with less dependence
on short-term borrowings increases liquidity, reduces risk and thereby decreases opportunity
for gain or loss. On other hand less investment in current assets with greater dependence on
There is definite direct relationship between degree of risk and profitability. A conservative
management prefers to minimize risk by maintaining higher level of current assets while
liberal management assumes greater risk by reducing working capital. However, the goal of
management should be to establish suitable trade off between profitability and risk.
2. Principle of Cost of Capital: The various sources of raising working capital finance have
different cost of capital and degree of risk involved. Generally, higher the risk lower is cost
and lower the risk higher is the cost. A sound working capital management should always try
investment in current assets. According to this principle, the amount of working capital
invested in each component should be adequately justified by firm’s equity position. Every
rupee invested in current assets should contribute to the net worth of firm. The level of
of finance for working capital. According to this principle, a firm should make every effort to
relate maturities of payment to its flow of internally generated funds. Generally, shorter the
maturity schedule of current liabilities in relation to expected cash inflows, the greater
transactions of a simultaneous but opposite nature which counterbalance effect of each other.
With reference to financing mix, the term hedging refers to ‘process of matching of
maturities of debt with maturities of financial needs’. According to this approach the maturity
of sources of funds should match the nature of assets to be financed. This approach is also
known as ‘matching approach’ which classifies the requirements of total working capital into
The hedging approach suggests that permanent working capital requirements should be
financed with funds from long-term sources while temporary working capital requirements
(2) The Conservative Approach: This approach suggests that the entire estimated
investments in current assets should be financed from long-term sources and short-term
sources should be used only for emergency requirements. The distinct features of this
approach are:
(ii) Liquidity is greater
(iii) Risk is minimised
(iv) The cost of financing is relatively more as interest has to be paid even on
Trade off Between the Hedging and Conservative Approaches
The hedging approach implies low cost, high profit and high risk while the conservative
approach leads to high cost, low profits and low risk. Both the approaches are the two
extremes and neither of them serves the purpose of efficient working capital management. A
trade off between the two will then be an acceptable approach. The level of trade off may
differ from case to case depending upon the perception of risk by the persons involved in
financial decision making. However, one way of determining the trade off is by finding the
average of maximum and the minimum requirements of current assets. The average
requirements so calculated may be financed out of long-term funds and excess over the
requirements of current asset should be financed from short-term sources even a part of fixed
assets investments be financed from short-term sources. This approach makes the finance –
The term working capital may be used to denote either the gross working capital
which refers to total current assets or net working capital which refers to excess of current
The working capital requirement for a firm depends upon several factors such as
The working capital need of the firm may be bifurcated into permanent and temporary
working capital.
The Hedging Approach says that permanent requirement should be financed by long
term sources while the temporary requirement should be financed by short-term sources
of finance. The Conservative approach on the other hand says that the working capital
requirement be financed from long-term sources. The Aggressive approach says that even
Every firm must monitor the working capital position and for this purpose certain
“ Working Capital is the life blood and controlling nerve centre of a business.” No
avoid the shortage of working capital at once, an estimate of working capital requirements
working capital. But estimation of working capital requirements is not an easy task and
large numbers of factors have to be considered before starting this exercise. There are
(1) Working Capital as a Percentage of Net Sales: This approach to estimate the working
capital requirement is based on the fact that the working capital for any firm is directly
related to the sales volume of that firm. So, the working capital requirement is expressed as a
percentage of expected sales for a particular period. This approach is based on the assumption
that higher the sales level, the greater would be the need for working capital. There are three
c) The difference between the two above, is the net working capital as a % of net sales.
estimation of working capital requirement is based on the fact that the total assets of the firm
are consisting of fixed assets and current assets. On the basis of past experience, a
relationship between (i) total current assets i.e., gross working capital; or net working capital
i.e. Current assets – Current liabilities; and (ii) total fixed assets or total assets of the firm is
established. The estimation of working capital therefore, depends upon the estimation of
Both the above approaches to the estimation of working capital requirement are
(3) Working Capital based on Operating Cycle: In this approach, the working capital
estimate depends upon the operating cycle of the firm. A detailed analysis is made for each
component of working capital and estimation is made for each of these components. The
Inventory of Work-in-Progress
For manufacturing organisation, the following factors have to be taken into consideration
2. The length of time for which raw material are to remain in stores before they are issued for
3. The length of production cycle or work in process i.e. the time taken for conversion of raw
4. The length of sales cycle during which finished goods are to be kept waiting for sales.
6. The amount of cash required to pay day to day expenses of the business.
given above, the total of the current liabilities i.e. the last two item, is deducted to find out the
requirements of working capital. In case of purely trading concern, points 1,2,3 would not
arise but all other factors from points 4 to 9 are to be taken into consideration. In order to
provide for contingencies, some extras amount generally calculated as a fixed percentage of
the working capital may be added as margin of safety. Suggested Proforma for estimation of
I. Current Assets: Amount Amount Amount
Minimum Cash Balance ****
Raw Materials ****
Work-in-Progress ****
Finished Goods **** ****
Debtors ****
Bills **** ****
Gross Working Capital (CA) **** ****
Creditors for purchases ****
Creditors for Wages ****
Creditors for Overheads ****
Total Current Liabilities (CL) **** ****
Excess of CA over CL ****
+ Safety Margin ****
Net Working Capital
Cash is one of the current assets of a business. It is needed at all times to keep the business
going. A business concern should always keep sufficient cash for meeting its obligations.
Any shortage of cash will hamper the operations of a concern and any excess of it will be
unproductive. Cash is the most unproductive of all the assets. While fixed asses like
machinery, plant, etc. and current assets such as inventory will help the business in increasing
its earning capacity, cash in hand will not add anything to the concern. It is in this context
Nature of Cash
For some persons, cash means only money in the form of currency (cash in hand). For
other persons, cash means both cash in hand and cash at bank. Some even include near cash
assets in it. They take marketable securities too as part of cash. These are the securities which
Cash itself does not produce good or services. It is used as a medium to acquire other
assets. It is the other assets which are used in manufacturing goods or providing services. The
A business has to keep required cash for meeting various needs. The assets acquired
by cash again help the business in producing cash. The goods manufactured of services
produced are sold to acquire cash. A firm will have to maintain a critical level of cash. If at a
time it does not have sufficient cash with it, it will have to borrow from the market for
There remains a gap between cash inflows and cash outflows. Sometimes cash
receipts are more than the payments or it may be vice-versa at another time. A financial
Motives for Holding Cash
The firm’s needs for cash may be attributed to the following needs: Transactions
motive, Precautionary motive and Speculative motive. These motives are discussed as
1. Transaction Motive: A firm needs cash for making transacions in the day-to-day
operations. The cash is needed to make purchases, pay expenses, taxes, dividend, etc. The
cash needs arise due to the fact that there is no complete synchronization between cash
receipts and payments. Sometimes cash receipts exceed cash payments or vice-versa. The
transaction needs of cash can be anticipated because the expected payments in near future can
be estimated. The receipts in future may also be anticipated but the things do not happen as
desired. If more cash is needed for payments than receipts, it may be raised through bank
overdraft. On the other hand if there are more cash receipts than payments, it may be spent on
marketable securities.
2. Precautionary Motive: A firm is required to keep cash for meeting various contingencies.
Though cash inflows and cash outflows are anticipated but there may be variations in these
estimates. For example a debtor who was to pay after 7 days may inform of his inability to
pay; on the other hand a supplier who used to give credit for 15 days may not have the stock
to supply or he may not be in a position to give credit at present. In these situations cash
receipts will be less then expected and cash payments will be more as purchases may have to
be made for cash instead of credit. Such contingencies often arise in a business. A firm
should keep some cash for such contingencies or it should be in a position to raise finances at
a short period.
profitable opportunities as and when they arise. Such opportunities do not come in a regular
manner. These opportunities cannot be scientifically predicted but only conjectures can be
made about their occurrence. The price of shares and securities may be low at a time with an
expectation that these will go up shortly. Such opportunities can be availed of if a firm has
Cash Management
Cash management has assumed importance because it is the most significant of all the
current assets. It is required to meet business obligations and it is unproductive when not
Cash Management needs strategies to deal with various facets of cash. Following are some of
its facets.
(a) Cash Planning: Cash planning is a technique to plan and control the use of cash. A
projected cash flow statement may be prepared, based on the present business operations and
anticipated future activities. The cash inflows from various sources may be anticipated and
(b) Cash Forecasts and Budgeting: A cash budget is the most important device for the
control of receipts and payments of cash. A cash budget is an estimate of cash receipts and
over a future, short or long period of time. It is a forecast of expected cash intake and outlay.
The short-term forecasts can be made with the help of cash flow projections. The
finance manager will make estimates of likely receipts in the near future and the expected
disbursements in that period. Though it is not possible to make exact forecasts even then
estimates of cash flow will enable the planners to make arrangement for cash needs. A
financial manager should keep in mind the sources from where he will meet short-term needs.
He should also plan for productive use of surplus cash for short periods.
The long-term cash forecasts are also essential for proper cash planning. These
estimates may be for three, four, five or more years. Long-term forecasts indicate company’s
Both short term and long term cash forecasts may be made with help of following
In this method the receipt and payment of cash are estimated. The cash receipts may
be from cash sales, collections from debtors, sale of fixed assets, receipts of dividend or other
income of all the items; it is difficult to forecast the sales. The sales may be on cash as well as
credit basis. Cash sales will bring receipts at the time of sales while credit sale will bring cash
later on. The collections from debtors will depend upon the credit policy of the firm. Any
fluctuation in sales will disturb the receipts of cash. Payments may be made for cash
The receipts and disbursements are to be equalled over a short as well as long periods.
Any shortfall in receipts will have to be met from banks or other sources. Similarly, surplus
cash may be invested in risk free marketable securities. It may be easy to make estimates for
This method may also be known as sources and uses approach. It generally has three
sections: sources of cash, uses of cash and adjusted cash balance. The adjusted net income
method helps in projecting the company’s need for cash at some future date and to see
whether the company will be able to generate sufficient cash. If not, then it will have to
decide about borrowing or issuing shares etc. in preparing its statement the items like net
income, depreciation, dividends, taxes etc. can easily be determined from company’s annual
operating budget. The estimation of working capital movement becomes difficult because
items like receivables and inventories are influenced by factors such as fluctuations in raw
material costs, changing demand for company’s products. This method helps in keeping
After estimating the cash flows, efforts should be made to adhere to the estimates or
receipts and payments of cash. Cash management will be successful only if cash collections
are accelerated and cash disbursements, as far as possible, are delayed. The following
from customers should be prompt. This will be possible by prompt billing. The customers
should be promptly informed about the amount payable and the time by which it should
be paid. Another method for prompting customers to pay earlier is to allow them cash
improving the cash collecting process. Once the customer writes a cheque in favour of the
concern the collection can be quickened by its early collection. There is a time gap
between the cheque sent by the customer and the amount collected against it. This is due
to many factors, (i) mailing time, i.e. time taken by post office for transferring cheque
from customer to the firm, referred to as postal float; (ii) time taken in processing the
called lethargy and (iii) collection time within the bank, i.e. time taken by the bank in
collecting the payment from the customer’s bank, called bank float. The postal float,
lethargy and bank float are collectively referred to as deposit float. The term deposit float
refers to cheques written buy customers but the amount not yet usable by the firm.
3. Decentralised Collections: A big firm operating over wide geographical area can
collecting centres are opened in different areas instead of collecting receipts at one place.
The idea of opening different collecting centres is to reduce the mailing time for
customer’s dispatch of cheque and its receipt in the firm and then reducing the time in
processing and collecting time. Under this system the firm selects some collecting centres
at different places. The places are selected on the basis of number of consumers and the
controlling cash outflows is slow down the payments as far as possible. Following methods
1. Paying on Last Date: The disbursements can be delayed on making payments on the last
due date only. It is credit is for 10 days then payment should be made on 10 th day only. It can
help in using the money for short periods and the firm can make use of cash discount also.
2. Payments through Drafts: A company can delay payments by issuing drafts to the
suppliers instead of giving cheques. When a cheque is issued then the company will have to
keep a balance in its account so that the cheque is paid whenever it comes. On the other hand
a draft is payable only on presentation to the issuer. The receiver will give the draft to its
bank for presenting it to the buyer’s bank. It takes a number of days before it is actually paid.
3. Adjusting Payroll Funds: Some economy can be exercised on payroll funds also. It can
be done by reducing the frequency of payments. If the payments are made weekly then this
period can be extended to a month. Secondly, finance manager can plan the issuing of salary
cheques and their disbursements. If the cheques are issued on Saturday then only a few
cheque may be presented for payment, even on Monday all cheques may not be presented.
made through drafts or cheques. When cheques are issued from the main office then it will
take time for the cheques to be cleared through post. The benefit of cheque collecting time is
the company has accounts with more than one bank then amounts can be transferred to the
bank where disbursements are to be made. It will help in avoiding excess amount in one
6. Making use of Float: Float is a difference between the balance shown in company’s cash
book (Bank column) and balance in passbook of the bank. Whenever a cheque is issued, the
balance at bank in cashbook is reduced. The party to whom the cheque is issued may not
present it for payment immediately. If the party is at some other station then cheque will
come through post and it may take a number of days before it is presented. Until the time; the
cheques are not presented to bank for payment there will be a balance in the bank. The
A firm has to maintain a minimum amount of cash for settling the dues in time. The
cash is needed to purchase raw materials, pay creditors, day-to-day expenses, dividend etc.
An appropriate amount of cash balance to be maintained should be determined on the
basis of past experience and future expectations. If a firm maintains less cash balance then its
liquidity position will be weak. If higher cash balance is maintained then an opportunity to
earn is lost. Thus, a firm should maintain an optimum cash balance, neither a small nor a
There are basically two approaches to determine an optimal cash balance, namely, (i)
Minimising Cost Models and (ii) Preparing Cash Budget. Cash budget is the most important
Cash Budget
future period of time. In the words of soloman Ezra, a cash budget is “an analysis of flow of
cash in a business over a future, short or long period of time. It is a forecast of expected cash
intake and outlay.” It is a device to plan and control the use of cash. Thus a firm by preparing
a cash budget can plan the use of excess cash and make arrangements for the necessary cash
The cash receipts from various sources are anticipated. The estimated cash collections
for sales, debts, bills receivable, interests, dividends and other incomes and sale of
investments and other assets will be taken into account. The amounts to be spent on purchase
of materials, payment to creditors and meeting various other revenue and capital expenditure
needs should be considered. Cash forecasts will include all possible sources from which cash
will be received and the channels in which payments are to be made so that a consolidated
Baumol’s Model
William J. Baumol has suggested a model for determining the optimum balance of
cash based upon carrying and transaction costs of cash. The carrying cost refers to the cost of
the holding cash i.e. interest; and transaction cost refers to the cost involved in getting the
marketable securities converted into cash, the algebraic representation of the model is:
Limitations of Model:
1. The model assumes a constant rate of use of cash. This is hypothetical assumption.
Generally the cash outflows in any firm are not regular and hence this model may not
2. The transaction cost will also be difficult to be measured since these depend upon the
Miller-Orr Model
The Miller–Orr model argues that changes in cash balance over a given period are
random in size as well as in direction. The cash balance of a firm may fluctuate irregularly
over a period of time. The model assumes (i) out of the two assets i.e. cash and marketable
securities, the latter has a marginal yield, and (ii) transfer of cash to marketable securities and
vice versa is possible without any delay but of course of at some cost.
The model has specified two control limits for cash balance. An upper limit, H, beyond
which cash balance need not be allowed to go and a lower limit, L, below which the cash
level is not allowed to reduce. The cash balance should be allowed to move within these
limits. If the cash level reaches the upper control limit, H, then at this point, apart of the cash
should be invested in marketable securities in such a way that the cash balance comes down
to a predetermined level called return level, R, If the cash balance reaches the lower level, L
then sufficient marketable securities should be sold to realize cash so that cash balance is
restored to the return level, R. No transaction between cash and marketable securities is
undertaken so long as the cash balance is between the two limits of H and L.
The Miller–Orr model has superiority over the Baumol’s model. The latter assumes
constant need and constant rate of use of funds, the Miller-Orr model, on the other hand is
more realistic and maintains that the actual cash balance may fluctuate between higher and
A sound managerial control requires proper management of liquid assets and inventory.
These assets are a part of working capital of the business. An efficient use of financial
resources is necessary to avoid financial distress. Receivables result from credit sales. A
concern is required to allow credit sales in order to expand its sales volume. It is not always
possible to sell goods on cash basis only. Sometimes, other concerns in that line might have
established a practice of selling goods on credit basis. Under these circumstances, it is not
possible to avoid credit sales without adversely affecting sales. The increase in sales is also
essential to increase profitability. After a certain level of sales the increase in sales will not
proportionately increase production costs. The increase in sales will bring in more profits.
Thus, receivables constitute a significant portion of current assets of a firm. But, for
investment in receivables, a firm has to incur certain costs. Further, there is a risk of bad
debts also. It is, therefore, very necessary to have a proper control and management of
Meaning of Receivables: Receivables represent amounts owed to the firm as a result of sale
of goods or services in the ordinary course of business. These are claims of the firm against
its customers and form part of its current assets. Receivables are also known as accounts
receivables, trade receivables, customer receivables or book debts. The receivables are
carried for the customers. The period of credit and extent of receivables depends upon the
credit policy followed by the firm. The purpose of maintaining or investing in receivables is
Costs of Maintaining Receivable: The allowing of credit to customers means giving funds
for the customer’s use. The concern incurs the following cost on maintaining receivables:
(1) Cost of Financing Receivables: When goods and services are provided on credit
then concern’s capital is allowed to be used by the customers. The receivables are financed
from the funds supplied by shareholders for long term financing and through retained
earnings. The concern incurs some cost for colleting funds which finance receivables.
management. The customers who do not pay the money during a stipulated credit period are
sent reminders for early payments. Some persons may have to be sent for collection these
amounts. All these costs are known as collection costs which a concern is generally required
to incur.
(3) Bad Debts : Some customers may fail to pay the amounts due towards them. The
amounts which the customers fail to pay are known as bad debts. Though a concern may be
able to reduced bad debts through efficient collection machinery but one cannot altogether
Besides sales, a number of other factors also influence the size of receivables. The following
(1) Size of Credit Sales: The volume of credit sales is the first factor which increases or
decreases the size of receivables. If a concern sells only on cash basis as in the case of Bata
Shoe Company, then there will be no receivables. The higher the part of credit sales out of
(2) Credit Policies: A firm with conservative credit policy will have a low size of receivables
while a firm with liberal credit policy will be increasing this figure. If collections are prompt
then even if credit is liberally extended the size of receivables will remain under control. In
case receivables remain outstanding for a longer period, there is always a possibility of bad
(3) Terms of Trade: The size of receivables also depends upon the terms of trade. The
period of credit allowed and rates of discount given are linked with receivables. If credit
period allowed is more then receivables will also be more. Sometimes trade policies of
(4) Expansion Plans: When a concern wants to expand its activities, it will have to enter new
markets. To attract customers, it will give incentives in the form of credit facilities. The
period of credit can be reduced when the firm is able to get permanent customers. In the early
stages of expansion more credit becomes essential and size of receivables will be more.
(5) Relation with Profits: The credit policy is followed with a view to increase sales. When
sales increase beyond a certain level the additional costs incurred are less than the increase in
revenues. It will be beneficial to increase sales beyond the point because it will bring more
profits. The increase in profits will be followed by an increase in the size of receivables or
should be sent periodical reminders if they fail to pay in time. On the other hand, if adequate
attention is not paid towards credit collection then the concern can land itself in a serious
financial problem. An efficient credit collection machinery will reduce the size of
(7) Habits of Customers: The paying habits of customers also have bearing on the size of
receivables. The customers may be in the habit of delaying payments even though they are
financially sound. The concern should remain in touch with such customers and should make
trade debtors. We have already stated that certain investment in receivables is necessary to
increase the sales and the profits of a firm. But at the same time investment in this asset
involves cost considerations also. Further, there is always a risk of bad debts too. Thus, the
debtors. In the words of Bolton, S.E., the objectives of receivables management is “to
promote sales and profits until that point is reached where the return on investment in further
funding of receivables is less than the cost of funds raised to finance that additional credit.”
credit policy is related to decisions such as credit standards, length of credit period, cash
by the credit policy of a concern. By liberalising credit policy the volume of sales can be
increased resulting into increased profits. The increased volume of sales is associated with
certain risks too. It will result in enhanced costs and risks of bad debts and delayed receipts.
The increase in number of customers will increase the clerical wok of maintaining the
additional accounts and collecting of information about the credit worthiness of customers.
There may be more bad debt losses due to extension of credit to less worthy customers.
(b) Length of Credit Period: Credit terms or length of credit period means the period
allowed to the customers for making the payment. The customers paying well in time may
also be allowed certain cash discount. A concern fixes its own terms of credit depending upon
its customers and the volume of sales. The competitive pressure from other firms compels to
follow similar credit terms, otherwise customers may feel inclined to purchase from a firm
which allows more days for paying credit purchases. Sometimes more credit time is allowed
to increase sales to existing customers and also to attract new customers. The length of credit
concern will be able to use the additional funds received from expedited collections due to
cash discount. The discount allowed involves cost. The discount should be allowed only if its
cost is less than the earnings from additional funds. If the funds cannot be profitably
availing the discount. The additional period allowed for this facility may prompt some more
customers to avail discount and make payments. This will mean additional funds released
from receivables which may be alternatively used. At the same time the extending of discount
period will result in late collection of funds because those who were getting discount and
making payments as per earlier schedule will also delay their payments.
After formulating the credit policy, its proper execution is very important. The evaluation of
credit applications and finding out the credit worthiness of customers should be undertaken.
gather credit information about the customers. This information should be adequate enough
so that proper analysis about the financial position of the customers is possible. This type of
investigation can be undertaken only upto a certain limit because it will involve cost.
The sources from which credit information will be available should be ascertained. The
information may be available from financial statements, credit rating agencies, reports from
banks, firm’s records etc. Financial reports of the customer for a number of years will be
helpful in determining the financial position and profitability position. The balance sheet will
help in finding out the short term and long term position of the concern. The income
statements will show the profitability position of concern. The liquidity position and current
assets movement will help in finding out the current financial position. A proper analysis of
financial statements will be helpful in determining the credit worthiness of customers. There
are credit rating agencies which can supply information about various concerns. These
agencies regularly collect information about business units from various sources and keep
this information upto date. The information is kept in confidence and may be used when
Credit information may be available with banks too. The banks have their credit
In case of old customers, business own records may help to know their credit
worthiness. The frequency of payments, cash discounts availed, interest paid on over due
payments etc. may help to form an opinion about the quality of credit.
(b) Credit Analysis: After gathering the required information, the finance manager should
analyse it to find out the credit worthiness of potential customers and also to see whether they
satisfy the standards of the concern or not. The credit analysis will determine the degree of
risk associated with the account, the capacity of the customer borrow and his ability and
willingness to pay.
(c) Credit Decision: After analysing the credit worthiness of the customer, the finance
manager has to take a decision whether the credit is to be extended and if yes then up to what
level. He will match the creditworthiness of the customer with the credit standards of the
be made. In such cases the benefit of extending the credit should be compared to the likely
bad debt losses and then decision should be taken. In case the customers are below the
company credit standards then they should not be out rightly refused. Rather they should be
offered some alternative facilities. A customer may be offered to pay on delivery of goods,
invoices may be sent through bank. Such a course help in retaining the customers at present
and their dealings may help in reviewing their requests at a later date.
part of working capital. Efforts should be made that funds are not tied up in receivables for
longer periods. The finance manager should make efforts to get receivables financed so that
working capital needs are met in time. The quality of receivables will determine the amount
of loan. The banks will accept receivable of dependable parties only. Another method of
getting funds against receivables is their outright sale to the bank. The bank will credit the
amount to the party after deducting discount and will collect the money from the customers
later. Here too, the bank will insist on quality receivables only. Besides banks, there may be
other agencies which can buy receivables and pay cash for them. This facility is known as
factoring. The factoring may be with or without recourse. It is without recourse then any bad
debt loss is taken up by the factor but if it is with recourse then bad debts losses will be
Factoring is collection and finance service designed to improve he cash flow position of the
sellers by converting sales invoices into ready cash. The procedure of factoring can be
explained as follows:
1. Under an agreement between the selling firm and factor firm, the latter makes an
appraisal of the credit worthiness of potential customers and may also set the credit limit
2. The sales documents will contain the instructions to make payment directly to factor
3. When the payment is received by the factor on the due date the factor shall deduct its
fees, charges etc and credit the balance to the firm’s accounts.
4. In some cases, if agreed the factor firm may also provide advance finance to selling
firm for which it may charge from selling firm. In a way this tantamount to bill
discounting by the factor firm. However factoring is something more than mere bill
discounting, as the former includes analysis of the credit worthiness of the customer also.
The factor may pay whole or a substantial portion of sales vale to the selling firm
immediately on sales being effected. The balance if any, may be paid on normal due date.
Benefits and Cost of Factoring: A firm availing factoring services may have the following
§ Better Administration
§ Better Evaluation
However, the factoring involves some monetary and non-monetary costs as follows:
Monetary Costs
a) The factor firm charges substantial fees and commission for collection of
b) The advance fiancé provided by factor firm would be available at a higher
Non-Monetary Costs
a) The factor firm doing the evaluation of credit worthiness of the customer will be
primarily concerned with the minimization of risk of delays and defaults. In the
b) A factor is in fact a third party to the customer who may not feel comfortable while
The collection o f amounts due to the customers is very important. The collection policy the
termed as strict and lenient. A strict policy of collection will involve more efforts on
collection. Such a policy has both positive and negative effects. This policy will enable early
collection of dues and will reduce bad debt losses. The money collected will be used for other
purposes and the profits of the concern will go up. On the other hand a rigorous collection
policy will involve increased collection costs. It may also reduce the volume of sales. A
lenient policy may increase the debt collection period and more bad debt losses. A customer
not clearing the dues for long may not repeat his order because he will have to pay earlier
Every enterprise needs inventory for smooth running of its activities. It serves as a link
between production and distribution processes. There is, generally, a time lag between the
recognition of need and its fulfilment. The greater the time – lag, the higher the
assets/working capital in most of the undertakings. Thus, it is very essential to have proper
availability of materials in sufficient quantity as and when required and also to minimise
investment in inventories.
concern, it may include raw materials, work in process and stores, etc. Inventory includes the
following things:
(a) Raw Material: Raw material form a major input into the organisation. They are required
to carry out production activities uninterruptedly. The quantity of raw materials required will
be determined by the rate of consumption and the time required for replenishing the supplies.
The factors like the availability of raw materials and government regulations etc. too affect
(b) Work in Progress: The work-in-progress is that stage of stocks which are in between
raw materials and finished goods. The raw materials enter the process of manufacture but
they are yet to attain a final shape of finished goods. The quantum of work in progress
depends upon the time taken in the manufacturing process. The greater the time taken in
(c) Consumables: These are the materials which are needed to smoothen the process of
production. These materials do not directly enter production but they act as catalysts, etc.
(d) Finished goods: These are the goods which are ready for the consumers. The stock of
finished goods provides a buffer between production and market. The purpose of maintaining
(e) Spares: Spares also form a part of inventory. The consumption pattern of raw materials,
consumables, finished goods are different from that of spares. The stocking policies of spares
are different from industry to industry. Some industries like transport will require more spares
than the other concerns. The costly spare parts like engines, maintenance spares etc. are not
discarded after use, rather they are kept in ready position for further use.
(ii) The Precautionary Motive
The holding of inventories involves blocking of a firm’s funds and incurrence of capital and
other costs. It also exposes the firm to certain risks. The various costs and risks involved in
financial resources. The firm has, therefore, to arrange for additional funds to
meet the cost of inventories. The funds may be arranged from own resources or
from outsiders. But in both cases, the firm incurs a cost. In the former case, there
is an opportunity cost of investment while in later case the firm has to pay interest
to outsiders.
of paper work and communicating with supplier. There is always minimum cot
involve whenever an order for replenishment of good is placed. The total annual
cost of ordering is equal to cost per order multiplied by the number of order
placed in a year.
(iii) Cost of Stock-outs: A stock out is a situation when the firm is not having units of
an item in store but there is demand for that either from the customers or the
production department. The stock out refer to demand for an item whose
inventory level is reduced to zero and insufficient level. There is always a cost of
stock out in the sense that the firm faces a situation of lost sales or back orders.
storage as well as handling of materials. The storage costs include the rental of the
Inventory Management
management. A proper planning of purchasing, handling storing and accounting should form
determine (a) what to purchase (b) how much to purchase (c) from where to purchase (d)
There are conflicting interests of different departmental heads over the issue of
inventory. The finance manager will try to invest less in inventory because for him it is an
idle investment, whereas production manager will emphasise to acquire more and more
inventory as he does not want any interruption in production due to shortage of inventory.
The purpose of inventory management is to keep the stocks in such a way that neither there is
over-stocking nor under-stocking. The over-stocking will mean reduction of liquidity and
starving of other production processes; under-stocking, on the other hand, will result in
The main objectives of inventory management are operational and financial. The operational
objectives mean that the materials and spares should be available in sufficient quantity so that
work is not disrupted for want of inventory. The financial objective means that investments in
inventories should not remain idle and minimum working capital should be locked in it. The
(1) To ensure continuous supply of materials spares and finished goods so that
production should not suffer at any time and the customers demand should also be
(3) To keep material cost under control so that they contribute in reducing cost of
(5) To ensure perpetual inventory control so that materials shown in stock ledgers
(9) To facilitate furnishing of data for short term and long term planning and control of
(10) To design proper organisation of inventory. A clear cut accountability should be fixed
proper inventory control not only helps in solving the acute problem of liquidity but also
increases profits and causes substantial reduction in the working capital of the concern. The
following are the important tools and techniques of inventory management and control:
4. A.B.C. Analysis
5. VED Analysis
Carrying of too much and too little of inventories is detrimental to the firm. If the
inventory level is too little, the firm will face frequent stock-outs involving heavy ordering
cost and if the inventory level is too high it will be unnecessary tie-up of capital. Therefore,
an efficient inventory management requires that a firm should maintain an optimum level of
inventory where inventory costs are the minimum and at the same time there is not stock-out
over a period of time. The demand for materials may fluctuate and delivery of inventory may
also be delayed and in such a situation the firm can face a problem of stock-out. The stock-
out can prove costly by affecting the smooth working of the concern. In order to protect
against the stock out arising out of usage fluctuations, firms usually maintain some margin of
safety or safety stocks. Two costs are involved in the determination of this stock i.e.
opportunity cost of stock-outs and the carrying costs. The stock out of raw materials cause
production disruption resulting in higher cost of production. Similarly, the stock out of
finished goods result into failure of firm in competition, as firm cannot provide proper
customer service. If a firm maintains low level of safety frequent stock out will occur
resulting in large opportunity coast. On the other hand larger quantity of safety stock involves
A decision about how much to order has great significance in inventory management.
The quantity to be purchased should neither be small nor big because costs of buying and
carrying materials are very high. Economic order quantity is the size of the lot to be
purchased which is economically viable. This is the quantity of materials which can be
purchased at minimum costs. Generally, economic order quantity is the point at which
inventory carrying costs are equal to order costs. In determining economic order quantity it is
assumed that cost of a managing inventory is made of solely of two parts i.e. ordering costs
(A) Ordering Costs: These are costs that are associated with the purchasing or ordering of
These costs are also know as buying costs and will arise only when some purchases are made.
(B) Carrying Costs: These are costs for holding the inventories. These costs will not be
(1) The cost of capital invested in inventories. An interest will be paid on the amount of
(2) Cost of storage which could have been used for other purposes.
(3) Insurance Cost
The study is conducted at “DCM Shriram Industries, Ghaziabad” for 6 weeks duration. The
study of W.C. management is purely based on secondary data and all the information is
available within the company itself in the form of records. To get proper understanding of
this concept, I have done the study of the balance sheets, profit and loss A/C’s, cash accounts,
trial balance, and cost sheets. I have also conducted the interviews with employees of
accounts and finance department and stores department. So, scope of the study is limited up
to the availability of official records and information provided by the employees. The study is
supposed to be related to the period of last five years.
Research design:
This study is based on the applied and descriptive research. The study focused on the
Ltd. Through ratio analysis and horizontal and vertical analysis, the result of the
usefulness of the system. Hence, the tools such as ratios, comparative and common-
size income statement, comparative and common-size balance sheet are used to arrive
at the conclusion.
Annual reports
Research articles
Research Techniques:
The project report entitled “Financial Statement Analysis of DCM Shriram Industries
Ltd.” is purely based on annual reports and other published reports. Therefore this
study mainly consists of interpretation of financial statements. The major tools that
Ratio Analysis
Liquidity ratios :
Liquidity ratios measure the ability of the firm to meet its current obligations (liabilities). A
firm should ensure that it doesn’t suffer from lack of liquidity, and also that it doesn’t have
excess liquidity. The failure of a company to meet its obligations due to lack of sufficient
liquidity will result in a poor credit worthiness, loss of creditors’ confidence or even in legal
tangles resulting in the closure of the company. A very high degree of liquidity is also bad;
idle assets earn nothing. The firm’s funds will be unnecessarily tied up in current assets.
Therefore, it is necessary to strike a proper balance between high liquidity and lack of
● Current Ratio
● Cash Ratio
1. Current ratio:
The current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay short-term and
long-term obligations. To gauge this ability, the current ratio considers the current total assets
of a company (both liquid and illiquid) relative to that company’s current total liabilities. The
2. Quick ratio/ acid-test ratio:
The quick ratio or acid test ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures the ability of a company to
pay its current liabilities when they come due with only quick assets. Quick assets are current
assets that can be converted to cash within 90 days or in the short-term. Cash, cash
are considered quick assets. Liquid assets are also equal to total current assets minus
Formula :
3. Cash ratio:
The cash ratio or cash coverage ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a firm’s ability to pay
off its current liabilities with only cash and cash equivalents. The cash ratio is much more
restrictive than the current ratio or quick ratio because no other current assets can be used to
Formula :
4. Net working capital ratio:
The net working capital ratio is the net amount of all elements of working capital. It is
intended to reveal whether a business has a sufficient amount of net funds available in the
short term to stay in operation. the intent is to track the proportion of short term net funds to
assets, usually on a trend line. By doing so, you can tell if a business is gradually shifting
more of its assets into or out of long-term assets, such as fixed assets. An
increasing ratio is considered good, since it implies that a business is minimizing its
investment in fixed assets and keeping its asset reserves as liquid as possible.
Net working capital ratio: (Current Assets- Current Liabilities)/ Total Assets
Working capital turnover is a ratio which measures how efficiently a company is using its
working capital to support a given level of sales. Also referred to as net sales to working
capital, it shows the relationship between the funds used to finance a company's operations
A high turnover ratio shows that management is being very efficient in using a company’s
short-term assets and liabilities for supporting sales, i.e., it is generating a higher dollar
amount of sales for every dollar of the working capital used. In contrast, a low ratio may
its sales – which could lead to an excessive amount of bad debts or obsolete inventory.
The receivables turnover ratio is an accounting measure used to quantify a firm's
effectiveness in extending credit and in collecting debts on that credit. The receivables
Inventory turnover is a ratio showing how many times a company has sold and
replaced inventory during a period. The company can then divide the days in the period by
the inventory turnover formula to calculate the days it takes to sell the inventory on hand. It is
Low turnover implies weak sales and, excess inventory. A high ratio implies either strong
MAR'2014 MAR'2015 MAR'2016 MAR'2017 MAR'2018
There was a decline in current ratio from March 2014 to March 2015. In the past four years,
current ratio of the company has improved. It shows that the short-term debt paying ability of
the business has improved. There are sufficient current assets available with the company to
pay-off its current liabilities. It also represents a margin of safety for their creditors. The
increasing trend of current ratio reflects the greater margin of safety along firm’s ability to
MAR'2014 MAR'2015 MAR'2016 MAR'2017 MAR'2018
Quick ratio or Acid-test ratio is considered a more reliable test of short-term solvency
than current ratio because it shows the ability of the business to pay short term debts
immediately. Above graph shows that the company has not enough liquid assets to pay-off its
current liabilities. Since three years, company has witnessed an increasing trend before that it
decreased. However, the company managed to improve their short-term financial position by
MAR'2014 MAR'2015 MAR'2016 MAR'2017 MAR'2018
In the past five years, the company’s cash ratio is less than 1 which means that the current
liabilities are more than cash and cash equivalents. The company has insufficient cash on
hand to pay off short-term debt. In the past five years, the company has more current
liabilities as compared to its cash and cash equivalents. This indicates that the company might
have a risk of facing a financial difficulty. But the cash ratio of the company is increasing at
an increasing rate from the last four years which reflects the company’s potential to deal with
MAR'2014 MAR'2015 MAR'2016 MAR'2017 MAR'2018
The operating profit ratio decreased by 30% from the year 2013-14 to 2014- 15. However,
it showed an upward trend from the year 2014-15 to 2016-17 and came back to its normal
condition in the year 2017-18 after an extra-ordinary jump of about 89% increase in operating
profit during the year 2016-17. The operating profit of the company doesn’t seem satisfactory
as the lower ratio reflects that the company is not making enough money from its ongoing
MAR'2014 MAR'2015 MAR'2016 MAR'2017 MAR'2018
In the last five years, 2017-18 accounted the highest inventory turnover ratio. From the year
2015-16 to 2017-18, the company accounted a continuous increase in its inventory turnover
ratio which reflects company’s efficiency to control its merchandise and its effectiveness to
MAR'2014 MAR'2015 MAR'2016 MAR'2017 MAR'2018
In the last five years, company accounted its lowest debtors turnover ratio in the FY 2017-18.
From the last five years, there is a downward trend in company’s debtors turnover ratio which
depicts that the company have poor collection processes and customers with financial
difficulty. Low ratio implies that the company should reassess its credit policies in order to
ensure the timely collection of imparted credit that is not earning interest for the firm.
Finance costs 2,814.32 3,805.56 (991.24)
Interest income (174.53) (172.93) 1.6
Interest received against subvention (350.42) (696.08) (345.66)
Deferred rent amortisation 1.30 1.80 (0.5)
Loss on sale of property, plant and equipments 49.05 143.46 (94.41)
(net of tax)
Profit on sale of current investments (60.23) (17.47) 42.76
Net gain on fair value of investments - (18.14) (18.14)
Operating profit before changes in assets 11,155.56 20,168.28 9012.72
and liabilities
Changes in operating assets and liabilities
(Decrease) in trade payables (5,622.15) (2,167.61) 3454.54
(Decrease) / Increase in other financial 5.11 (149.21) (144.1)
(Decrease) / Increase in other liabilities and (2,437.29) 252.73 2690.02
(Increase) in trade receivables (1,689.89) (2,444.04) (4133.93)
Decrease / (Increase) in inventories 5,912.16 (4,476.24) 10388.4
Decrease / (Increase) in financial assets 254.70 (164.61) 419.31
Decrease / (Increase) in other assets 880.57 (184.93) 1065.5
Cash generated from operations 8,458.77 10,834.37 (2375.6)
Net income tax paid (2,140.84) (3,436.34) 5577.18
Net cash from operating activities (A) 6,317.93 7,398.03 1080.1
Purchase of current investments (9,964.00) – (9964.0)
Proceeds from sale of current investments 10,248.41 739.42 9508.99
Changes in other bank balances (175.36) (287.46) 462.82
Interest received 148.53 148.83 0.30
Inter corporate deposits received back 150.00 40.00 110.0
Net cash used in investing activities (B) (3,291.43) (1,997.49) (1293.94)
equivalents (A+B+C)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of 515.14 531.13 (15.99)
the year
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 867.39 515.14 352.25
Component of cash and cash equivalents
the year
The short-term debt paying ability of the business has improved. There are sufficient
current assets available with the company to pay-off its current liabilities.
Company has not enough liquid assets to pay-off its current liabilities. Since three
The company has insufficient cash on hand to pay off short-term debt. In the past five
years, the company has more current liabilities as compared to its cash and cash
equivalents. This indicates that the company might have a risk of facing a financial
The operating profit of the company doesn’t seem satisfactory as the lower ratio
reflects that the company is not making enough money from its ongoing operations to
Increase in its inventory turnover ratio which reflects company’s efficiency to control
Increase in its inventory turnover ratio which reflects company’s efficiency to control
There is a downward trend in company’s debtors turnover ratio which depicts that the
company have poor collection processes and customers with financial difficulty
The study has identified and examined the working capital position position of DCM
Shriram Industries Ltd. It has been observed that the assessment of working capital position
requires evaluation many factors. The study has identified various techniques for the
DCM Shriram Industries Limited maintains a sound position in terms of liquidity, solvency
and profitability. The company had primarily been operating on debt but now they have
become equity oriented. Because of the external economic conditions, FY 2016-17 proved
to be the most profitable financial year and FY 2014-15, the least profitable financial year
for the company. It has been observed that the company has a competent management
Company Reports
➢ Annual Reports of DCM Shriram Industries Ltd. of the financial years 2017-
Books Referred
➢ capital