Unit IG2: Risk Assessment

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The document discusses a risk assessment conducted for a construction company in Dubai. It identifies hazards like working at heights, exposure to sunlight, and electrical safety and proposes controls like installing fall protection, providing shade and water, and using residual current devices.

The organization, Al Jaleel Construction Company, carries out various construction projects like buildings, roads, factories and bridges. Its activities on site include excavation, finishing work, plumbing, tiling, painting, welding etc.

Hazards identified include falls from height, heat stress due to sunlight, electrocution from power tools. Controls proposed were installing guardrails, providing shade and water, using residual current devices.

Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: by submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that the
work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Part 1: Background

Include in here the organisation’s name* and location* and number of workers. You must then go on to give a description of the main
activities/products/services carried out. You must also describe the area to be risk assessed eg, whole site, and anything else that you
consider relevant (approximately 150 to 200 words):

My selected organization is Al Jaleel Construction Company located in Dubai with total number of workers employed 350

Al Jaleel Construction Company is working on different projects like power transmission, distribution sector and building construction work and
currently working on a mega project of construction of Al Mehraj Hotel in Dubai, Al Jaleel construction company is a well stablish mature
organization of almost 20 year old, it is the big company, its services sach as houses, appartments, schools, roads,factories and bridges
manufacturing and number of activities are carried out on construction site such as excavation work, finishing, steel, electrical, plumbing work,
tiles, doors, painting demolition, welding, loading/unloading, moving construction materials, plastering of roof and walls, and drilling work.
Al Jaleel construction company operates 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM 6 day in a week, Friday off so there are 9 working hours for workers including 1-hour
rest in a day. So only one shift involved in shift system.

My assessment will cover Project engineering department site where different civil and MEP works are carried out HR, Financial and marketing
department has separates risk assessment. The project manager who reports directly to managing director has direct responsibility of health and

You must now give a brief outline on how you completed the risk assessment (approximately 200 words):

I start looking the ILO Code of Practice (COP) relating to construction works and I found COP Safety and Health in construction,
https://www.ilo.org good source of information after studying deeply,
I start working around the workplace and talk with different workers who are working and they gave me information which is very
authentic and can’t be observable by a simple visual inspection, for example different workers don’t know there are safety jackets are
available and why these should be worn. Then I looked the accidents and incident records to gather information in the past problems,
I also checked inspection reports records, safety committee meeting minutes, even i checked the ppolicy and also checked the
medical record to see if there were any recurring themes for ill health.

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For assessing a control measures, ILO C165, R175, safety and health in construction and C155/R164 recommendation 1988.HSE
construction design and management Regulation 2005. Work at height Regulation 2005.
I also referred ILO convention C155 and recommendation R164 and ILO COP Safety and Health building & civil engineering works
%20gaudiness%20documents%20construction%20dust%20https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/eh44.pdf .

* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Al Jaleel Construction Company

Date of assessment:1/03/2020
Scope of risk assessment: Under Construction Al Mehraj Hotel, Dubai

Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
Vibration Workers using faulty hand All workers are trained in use of Setup of monitoring system to ensure 2 Week Supervisor
held disks, Cutters, vibration tools that vibration tools and equipment’s
Sanding or Grinders & Hilti Drills could are not excessively used without
grinding lead to arm and hand Ensure that equipments are proper maintenance.
activity sach vibration (HAV) well maintained to avoid
as grinders, Tendons, white finger, excessive vibration Installing the vibration dumping seats 1 month Finance manager
hilti drill, nerve damage, muscles supervisor
cutters and weakness, joint damage Implementing Job rotation for workers
hand held disk who are performing continuous 1 Week HSE Officer

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
operations with such tools.

Provide vibration reducing PPE such

as vibration absorb gloves
1 week
Electricity Workers, Electrician’s Replace the damaged electrical cables 1 week Line
with suitable cables with a outer manager/Supervisor
covering such as an insulating sheath
Damaged Skin Burns/ Scalds, Tools inspection training for on the cables
electrical Electrocution resulting in identification of damaged &
cables found fatalities, Fire induced by faulty tools given to all Provide tools and cables stead 2 week Store manager
of powered sparking operators and workers.
tools during Damaged Tools must be stored and 2 days Supervisor/Store
Link Box in registered separately for rectification manager
installation as well as to restrict their use.
Tool fitness card or sticker must be 1 week Health and safety officer
pasted on every tool and should be
checked by operator prior to its usage

The main switchboard has need to Supervisor

built with residual current device 1week Store manager

Substance All Workers involved in the All the chemicals are kept in a Stop the usage of storing chemicals in 1 week Supervisor
Abuse at work use of these chemicals well-ventilated area away from water bottles.
direct sunlight.
Diesel and Acute or chronic effects on Suitable containers should be provided1 week Store manager
thinner was worker’s health due to Workers are informed about the for all the chemicals HSE officer
stored in water accidental ingestion and usage of these chemicals and
bottles contact could lead to serious the hazards through tool box Labelling & Precautions to be pasted 1 week Store manager
accessed by talk on contents of the containers

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
persnol use illnesses such as vomiting’s,
skin irritation, respiratory Constant supervision should be done 1 month Supervisor / HSE
problem, lung disease regularly Officer
nausea, loss of

Work at height All workers, visitors Use of certified slinging Barricading the lifting area to restrict 1 weeks Line manager
passing by or involved in accessories in place. unnecessary access by visitors,
During lifting lifting operations due to members of public.
activity rigger improper slinging could Lifting plan in place to execute
is not lead to fatal accidents, lifting operations Obtaining permits from competent 1 month Supervisor
possessing multiple injuries & authorities while working near
competence damages to the overhead power lines
certificate. surrounding area or
equipment’s. Arrangement of competence training 3 days Health and safety
by a third party for certification of the officer
all the workers such as crane operator,
rigger & flagmen.

Tool box talks to all the workers prior 1 month Health and safety
to each lifting activity about special officer

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
Work at height Workers working at height Scaffolding erected by Provision of safety harness to all the 2 days Line Manager /
without safety harnesses competent persons certified by people working at height. Supervisor
Workers on scaffolds might be a third party.
working on harmed by falling from
scaffolding for height, resulting in Scaffolding inspected by Provide frame and brace scaffolding 3weeks Fiance manager
painting work fractures, head injuries, scaffolding inspector and place system Supervisor
other co-workers, visitors green tag with his signature.
Tool box talks on all precautions prior HSE Officer
Proper warning signs in place to each shift for those working at
related to the nature of work. height

1 month

Health welfare All employees working Suitable sheds provided at Alter working schedule to work in 2 Week Line Manager /
and work outdoors could be affected ample locations at all work cooler time. Director
environment to Heat Stress, Fatigue areas under direct sunlight.
and Sun Stroke leading to Install drinking water stations and 1 month Supervisor
Mesons dehydration in the body. Cotton based clothing provided shelters nearby the activity areas.
plustring and to entire workforce for better
welders perspiration and comfort
working in especially during hot season Mandatory instructions & supervision 1 month Supervisor / HSE
high to entire workforce about the adverse Officer
temperature, effects & it’s precautions during hot
exposed to season.
direct sunlight
and high
levels of

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be completed person’s job title
(within …)

Hazardous All Workers Proper PPE is Provided to all Assign workers to clean the rest area. 2 days Supervisor
Substances the workers such as safety
shoes,safety helmet,safety Isolate or barricade the area with
Sharp edges Could lead to potential gloves. provision of relevant signage
objects, sustain puncture injury, Adhere to safe system of work. 1 week Store Manager
concreet sever cut and fatal injuries
waste found at Continuous monitoring and inspection
various 1 month Supervisor
worker moving
area and
worker reat
Noise Workers working with No control measures available Issuance of hearing protection aids 3 days Store Manager
benchtop grinders & such as ear plugs to lessen the noise
Noise emitting cutters working without exposure.
from any ear protection which
Machineries could lead to hearing loss. Adequate maintenance of 1 Week Store Manager / Line
Hilty drill, machinery/tools which could reduce
cutter and the equipment noise
grinder Store Manager / Line
emitting noise Alternative shift procedures to avoid 2 Weeks Manager
during work consistent exposure of same individual
Educating workers on hazards & Supervisor / HSE
precautions to be considered while 1 week Officer
working in a noisy environment

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Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
through tool box talks

Work Workers working with Workers briefed about the Installation of suitable platform for 1 week Store manager
equipment machinery hazards associated with fixing the cutter to stay firm.
and machinery improper tools through tool box
Found unstable platform of talks
steel cutter which could
Non result in grave injuries
maintenance while in operation Workers provided with suitable
of machinery protection such as gloves.
Steel cutter

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You must pIck the three highest priority/most urgent actions and justify your choice. Your justification must include moral, legal and financial argumen
(500 to 700 words); consideration of likelihood and probable severity of injury, ill-health and/or harm (150 to 250 words); description of how effective each acti
is likely to be in controlling the risk (250 to 350 words).

The action that I prioritise are:

1. The main switchboard has need to built with residual current device. (hazard category Electricity)

2. Purchased water cooler and Shelters to place on site so employee work under the high temperature they can drink the cold water and rest in the shel
(hazard category employee working in high temperature under direct sunlight (Radiation UV))

3. Provide frame and Brace scaffolding system. (hazard category work at height)

Al Jaleel construction company according to the occupational safety and health administration it has moral responsibility to protect their worker and others who
connected to their business and provide to healthy and safe place of work. Al jaleel construction company has moral and legal responsibility to provid
welfare facilities of their employees at the site or the work place where the fulfil their bodily requairments. It is clearly mentioned in ILO 167 about
provision of basic welfare facilities and easy access to it and mental satisfaction of the employees. It is employer responsibilities to the comply with th
prescribed safety and health measures at the work place. Accidents at the work place could lead to serious injuries, even death which have a major
impects workers mently health. Al jaleel construction company expected to provide a work place free of hazards good excess ,agress and morally
provide safe hardware and substances which would be requaired to be use rotienly or not rotienly.

Financial impacts include to the Al jaleel construction company insurance costs premium will increase, loss of production or reduce output due to loss of staff o
staff being diverted to investigate the accidents, sikness cover sick pay, Damege (Plants, meterials, premises, Fines panalties) and the cost of
accidently damage property associated with enforcement action.

Possible enforcement actions that Al Jaleel construction could receive the possible enforcement action with prohibitions that all the particular activities stop. Al
jaleel constitution company Could receive the notices thats two types possible enforcement action these are prohibition or improvement if prohibitions
thats means stop all the works of the particular activities and the improvement means things put must be right within certain time period relating these
activities by the regulation authority. The financial impects on the organization could effect if these activities would stop.

There are also specific requirements that Al Jaleel construction company need to meet under the ILO Convention C155 and
Recommendation (R164). The Convention/Recommendation requires employers to make sure that machines and equipment are safe to use.
Specifically, the ILO’s CoP ‘Safety and health in the use of machinery; (section 8.5) requires that all lifting equipment and accessories should

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be maintained, inspected and tested at appropriate intervals. Failure to do so could have serious repercussions, including worker \
compensation claims.

The ILO’s Convention C155 and Recommendation (R164) requires employers to make sure that processes are reasonably safe. The ILO
code of practice (CoP) ‘Safety in the use of chemicals at work’ gives specific advice on the appropriate measures that employers must make
to protect workers against the risks identified by an assessment of risk. The ILO’s Code of Practice ‘Recording and notification of
occupational accidents and diseases require employers to report cases of occupational asthma to our country’s health and safety regulator.

The organisation could also find that civil claims from workers made ill by these work activities could be made. Some of these claims may be
made some years after the worker has left Al Jaleel construction company employment. The likely amount of compensation payable for civil
claims can be substantial; in addition to this legal fee (solicitors, courts etc) would also be likely to be very high. I would also point out that
many of these costs would not recoverably from the insurance company.

If something goes wrong, Al Jaleel construction company reputation could take a serious hit which could result in loss of
contracts (especially the insurance work).

Likelihood and severity:

1.The likelihood of uncertified rigger working on site is quite serious issue, uncertified rigger not knows the technical specification of how to
carrying the load and what is the capacity of crane and load and clings, the severity of the risk occurring could be fairly serious, injury is
likely to head injury, falling load form hight cause serious injury or fatality, possible death, the severity will depend on when and how it’s going
wrong, e.g., fall load due to crane capacity is not applicable, un correct signal form the rigger side and load stuck with any structure, etc.

2.Working under direct sunlight and water cooler is not available on site is very serious issue on site, without water facility there is more
likelihood possibility of occurring accident on site and under the direct sunlight the risk going to higher, consequences are likely to be
unconscious of high temperature, mentally disturb, headache, stress cause some dangerous happened on site, severity of the risk is quite
high because there is also no availability of shelter where work can take rest during break.

3.The likelihood of injuries occurring from working at hight is quite high. The severity of the risk occurring could be fairly serious. Injuries are
likely to range from minor injuries such as bruising, sprains/strains, slightly more serious injuries such as fractures, or very serious injuries
such as head or internal injuries. The severity will depend on what height the worker falls from e.g., from the top of the Scaffold (over an
eight-foot drop) or fall from the access steps.

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Controlling the risk:

1.The residence current device or safety switch protect us from the most frequent cause of electrocution, RCDs is electric safety devices to design to immediat
switch off the supply of electricity and when electric leaking to earth is detected at harmful levels. I also
mention the timescale 3days in the report so without the installing the RCDs to work on site can more dangerous for
others, and it is the company policy that every person should train and competent in his work so there is less possibility of any unwanted

2.Exposed to direct sunlight and high levels of humidity is a major subject on site mostly worker working under the direct sunlight and they are
affected of low water lever in body so must be provide the cold water on site, also provide the shelter for him is very good precaution so
worker is not under the direct sunlight, allow to time of rest after 1 hour 10 minutes is highly recommended, I also mention the timescale in
report 1 month so install the cold-water cooler on site in this period.

3.According to the Health and safety executive working at height is the construction industries top causes of death and majuor injuries in the work place. The
underlying principal of the work at height regulation is working at height should be avoided where ever possible and also providing the training which
aware the worker complete hazards about the work at height and how to control the risk of height. I provide the frame and brace scaffolding system to
the workers and also i have given a timescale of 1 week to provide a frame and brace scaffolding system as discuss and agreed with the project
manager. It is hoped that this project will be completed well within given timeline.

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

You must now give a review date for your risk assessment and say why you have chosen this date (10 to 50 words).

I spoke with the line manager and the company Risk assessment is every 6 months which I agreed as for a construction site 6 month is good

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enough to review the risk assessment.

You must now indicate how the risk assessment findings will be communicated (including who needs to know the information) (100 to 150 words).
Regarding this risk assessment I arrange a meeting with responsible person of finance department to discuss and agree to go through action in
that risk assessment. Also discuss and provide the summery of my findings and action to the site manager also officially send through email for
further actions. In next tool box talk I aware to the workers about my findings and also, I tells to the worker that action to be taken. This al findings
of the risk assessment and actions to be taken posted on the company entrance that every worker has access to read and knowledge.

You must now indicate how you will follow-up on the risk assessment to check that the actions have been carried out (100 to 150 words).

With a proper schedule meeting with the Supervisor and the Line manager I recorded the deadline of each actions to be taken.
I will check with them regularly about the progress in each action. If no action is taken, I will discuss with the representative about the issues such
as delay in work due to manpower. Any action which is overdue I will speak with the Top management about the concern so that necessary action
is taken as soon as possible.

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