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Calculus I Formulas
MAC 2311

1. Limits and Derivatives

2. Differentiation rules

3. Applications of Differentiation

4. Integrals

5. Applications of Integration

Professor: Dr. Mohammad Shakil

C0-Author: Jeongmin Correa

Mathematics Department

Miami Dade College -- Hialeah Campus


Any rational function is continuous where it is defined on its domain.

y y= f(x) Basic Limit Evaluations at

left right
x=a x
Relationship between the Limit and one-sided limits
(left & right ( )


(f(x) =a polynomial or rational func. in the domain of x)


4. [f(x) f(x) (x) Limit at Infinity: Horizontal asymptotes

5. [f(x)g(x)] = f(x) g(x)

6. =
y y y
7. f(g(x)) = f ( (x)) H.P.
8. x x x
y y

Indeterminate Forms:
x x

(When a limit of rational func. has an indeterminate form, Find Vertical Asymptotes
Simplify the func. by common factors between numerator and denominator.)
1. Simplify the func. by common factors between numerator and

2. Make the denominator =0 for x

Squeeze Theorem
3. x = a is the Vertical Asymptotes.

Limit of Trigonometric Functions

Absolute function
f(x) =
1. -(x-c) if x
2. 0 if x = c
3. x-c if x

Prove Continuous at x = a of f(x)

1. f(a) exists. f(a) is defined at x=a

Any polynomial is continuous everywhere all x.

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Definition of the number e No Differentiable

(when )
corner discontinuous tangent line(m)=vertical f'(x) =

Slope; m y = p(x) = a polynomial degree n

1. m > 0 positive
2. m < 0 negative
3. m = 0 Horizontal
4. m = Vertical = no slope

Derivatives and Rates of change

The Linear approximation = a tangent line approximation
a slope of secant line
The Linearization of at a y = f (x)

(x+h, f(x+h)) a slope of tangent line

(x , f(x))

The differentials dy by using L x ’ x x-a) + f(a)

x h
The differentials dy by using L x ’ x x-a) + f(a)
a tangent line
f(x+h) (x+h , f(x+h))
= average rate of change or different quotient
The slope of tangent line = m (of f(x) at x=a)
(dx,,dy) dy
(x, f(x))

= Velocity of f(x) as v x x+h

(limit of difference quotient or Derivative of f(x) at x=a)

An Equation of Tangent Line

Use the given f(x) p(
1. Find slope m

2. Find f'( =m
3. y - (x- ) --> to make y = ax + b form

Find Approximate the function

Differentiable at x

( x of L(x) is 0 because 0.04 is closest to 0)

Provided the limit exists.
We say that the func. y = f(x) is differentiable at x

Derivatives of y = f (x) L ’
y' = f'(x) = =

Differentiable at a = continuous at a ( x of L(x) is 0 because -0.015 is closest to 0)

No differentiable the f(x) could be continuous or not
No Limit, No differentiable

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Differentiation Formulas Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Func.

3. Constant Multiple Rule c f(x) = c f '(x)

4. Sum & Difference Rule [ f(x) g(x)] = f '(x) g '(x)

5. Natural Exponential Func.

6. Power Rule = (n is any real number)

7. Product Rule [f(x) g(x)] = f ' (x) g(x) + f(x) g '(x)

8. Quotient Rule =

x x x Hyperbolic Functions
x x
1) = f '(x)

2) =


4) sin (f(x)) = cos (f(x)) f '(x)

5) cos (f(x)) =

6) tan (f(x)) = (f(x)) f '(x)


=[ (use form to solve)

Derivatives of Hyperbolic Functions

Derivatives of Trigonometric Func.

Inverse Hyperbolic functions

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Derivatives of Inverse Hyperbolic functions Finding Absolute (Global) Max. & Min values (on a closed interval [a, b])
1. f '(x) = 0 Solve for x c , d... = the Critical Numbers (C.N.)= c, d, ...
2. 1) f(a) & f(b) from [a, b]
2) f(c) & f(d) from C.N.
3. Max.= the largest value
Min.= the smallest value

Finding Relative (Local) Max. & Min values on an opened interval

1. f '(x) = 0
a) Solve for x c , d... = the Critical Numbers (C.N.)
b) Critical Points: Find f(c), f(d),... --> (c, f(c)) (d, f(d))...
Hyperbolic Identities
1) 2. Use Arrow diagram
2) a) Draw an arrow line
3) b) Put C.N, on the line
4) c) Choose Testing Points (T.P.) on
5) 3. Increasing interval: f '(T.P.) 0
6) Decreasing interval: f' (T.P.) 0
7) =1 4. Find Relative (local) Values Max. ( ) at x= ( ),
8) Min. ( ) at x= ( )

T.P. C.P. T.P. C.P. T.P.

f '(T.P.) 0 m=0 f' (T.P.) 0 m=0 f '(T.P.) 0

14) Finding Inflection Points of Concavity Changes
1. Find
Solve for x = Inflection Points I.P.
3. Use Arrow diagram
Intermediate Value Theorem
a) Draw an arrow line & Put I.P, on the line
Suppose that f(x) is continuous on [a, b]
c) Choose Testing Points (T.P.) on
Let f(a) N f(b) where f(a) f(b)
Then it exists a number c is belong to (a, b) such that f(c)=N

5. Inflection Points: where the concavity changes (I.P., f(I.P.))

Extreme Values = Absolute (Global) Values
Max. f(c) f(x); (the largest) for all x in the domain of f
Min. f(d) f(x); (the smallest) for all x in the domain of f
continuous on a closed interval [a,b]

Relative (Local) Values

Max. f(c) f(x) when x is near c : x= a & c
T.P. I.P. T.P. I.P. T.P. .
Min. f(d) f(x) when x is near d : x= b & d
f '(T.P.) 0 m=0 f' (T.P.) 0 m=0 f '(T.P.) 0
continuous on a opened interval (

Some Optimization Problems

1) Suppose that f(x) is continuous on an interval 'I'
f(c) f(d)
where and the x is the only one C.N.
2) If Absolute Min. at x=c
x =c x=d x =a x =b
If Absolute Max. at x=c
a, b, c,& d are critical numbers where f'(x) = 0 and solve for x

Miami Dade College -- Hialeah Campus

Simple Apply to Economics' Business L'Hospital's Rule
1. Demand Func. = D(x) = p(x) (=Price func. that price per unit)
where x = number of units demanding by consumer at that price 'p.'
It's good for forms

2. Revenue Func. 1. Derivative is continuous 'til it doesn't have the forms.

=(sold numbers selling price) 2. If doesn't have forms, make into the forms
Max. of Rev. = x

Indeterminate Powers ( forms)

3. The Profit Func. Using Derivatives of Logarithmic Func.

; C(x) = Cost Func. (P(x); a capital letter P)

Max. of Prof .= , solve for x (Make the same base)

The Intermediate Value Theorem

Marginal Analysis f(x) is continuous on [a, b] - a closed interval
1. Cost Func. = by Polynomial (=total cost) Let where
such that

It's called 'Marginal Cost' of producing units.

3. Actual cost or Actual Revenue of Rolle's Theorem

If , then 1) f(x) is continuous on [a, b]
2) f(x) is differentiable in (a, b)
3) f(a) = f(b)
4) Then Then such that
1. Marginal ~ =

2. To find Max or Min. of Revenue

Mean Value Theorem
1) Find
1) f(x) is continuous on [a, b]
2) f(x) is differentiable in (a, b)
3) , Q; When Revenue has Max. or Min? 3) f(a) f(b)
4) R(a)= ? (don't forget unit) Q; What is Max or Min. of Revenue?
(Finding Max or Min. of Profit is the same step)

3. To find Actual Revenue from sale of 4th Unit

Newton's Method
2) (to find 4th value)
How to solve a Business Calculus' problem
1. Underline all numbers and functions
2. Find what is the main question (ex) Max. of Revenue ex) is given ,
3. Find all elements to solve the func. (ex)
4. Do the next step. (ex) solve for x
5. Don't forget unit of the answer. (ex) 40 thousand dollars

... (cont.)
*Keep repeating it 'til two numbers are very close each other & then stop.

Miami Dade College -- Hialeah Campus

Antiderivative Exponential & Logarithmic Forms


then f(x) called Antiderivative of g(x) w.r.t. , then Notation


Basic of Integral

Hyperbolic Forms

Trigonometric Forms

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Differentiation Formulas Antiderivative(Integral) Formulas

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Antiderivatives of = Indefinite Integral Definite Integral

is continuous. This represents the area x

F(x) is called Antiderivative of on an interval I under the curve y=f(x) bounded by x-axis a b
if . and the lines x=a and x=b.

1) Left and Right Endpoints

*Member of the family of Antiderivatives of y

so we use the idea that the slope of tangent line by slopes of secants lines
and the limit of these approximations.
0 0 x
Suppose we divides S into n th strips and the area A is between left and
right endpoints of the rectangles. (the width of all strips are same.)
-3 -3 L
(C is an arbitrary constant.)

The Substitution Rule

1. Let
Ex) is divided by four strips in [0, 1]
y (1, 1) y (1, 1) y (1, 1)


0 0 0

Area=A Using left end points Using right end points

The area using Left Endpoints=

1. Let
The area using Right Endpoints=

2) Sample Points
We also find the area with using sample points (any points in each strip).
y y=f(x)
Integral Substitution
The width
of all strips
are same.

a b
(n th strips)
The height if the th rectangle to be the value of at any number
in the th subinterval

3) Midpoint Rule

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x Properties of Definite Integral

1- Using Right Endpoint

2- Using Midpoint

X The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

0 1 2 Suppose is continuous on [a, b]

The Substitution Rule of Definite Integral

*Norm of P *
Integrals of Symmetric functions suppose f(x) is continuous on [-a, a]

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Areas between Curves
Suppose for all x in [a,b]

1. Find [a, b]
1. to find [a, b] ; when
2. which is ; test any No. between [a, b]
0 2. Find
then the bigger func. is and the other one is

Volumes by Cylindrical Shells

Find the area of the shaded region.

-4 0 3

1. Find [a, b] ; the radius y

(5, 4)

Find the area of the shaded region.

x 1. Find [c, d]= [-2, 4] 2. Find the Circumference
- test any No. in [-2, 4] It's about
3. Find the height x

y x=1
1. Find [a, b] ; the radius
2. Find the Circumference
It's about r=1
3. Find the height x
Let S be a solid that lies between x=a and x=b.
0 1
If the cross-sectional area of S in the plane , through x and perpendicular
to the x-axis, is A(x), where A is a continuous func.

Average Values of Func.

If is continuous on [a, b], then there exists a number c in [a, b] such that


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Work Problems

*The Work done in moving the object from a to b

Hooke's Law
a positive constant (called the spring constant)
a natural length

a stretched length

a) Find the spring's force constant.

a) the spring's force constant =

1. Find it
2. Change the unit to m(Meter)

b) How much work is done ?

2. [a, b]=? [0.05, 0.08]

Miami Dade College -- Hialeah Campus

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