White Oil Dehydration: Direct Current Electrostatic Treaters

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Direct Current Electrostatic Treaters

White oil dehydration

White oil streams often require
dehydration before they can be used as
feedstocks for the major processes within
a refinery. To achieve this, NATCO applies
Direct Current (DC) Electrostatic Treater
technology to reduce the aqueous phase
of such streams down to ppm levels.
Many DC Treaters have been supplied to
process a variety of distillates including
gas condensate, LPG, naphtha, jet fuel,
kerosene and diesel.

The very high separation efficiency of a

DC Treater is derived from the high
voltage electrostatic field applied to the
electrode system within the process
vessel. Since, fields of this intensity can be
maintained when the process stream has
low electrical conductivity, (this
technology can also be used to desalt all
but the lowest crude oils).

Design features
To achieve efficient electrostatic
dehydration, the inter-relationships
between each component of the treater, Skid mounted KRSO DC Treater 1200 bopd MRL Madras
discussed below, must be fully recognised
and optimised.
A fully reactive power unit ensures that
the electrical supply system cannot be
Power units overloaded. This means that the DC
The power units used for DC Treaters Treater can remain on line, even in
produce a high voltage DC electrostatic adverse operating conditions.
field within the process vessel. A low
voltage, AC, three phase power supply is
stepped up and rectified in a A separate voltage controller, mounted on
transformer/power unit to give a virtually the local control panel, allows the
constant single phase DC output. electrode voltage level to be varied over
Depending on the application, the the full voltage range. This permits the
voltage on the electrodes will generally be optimum voltage level to be selected and
in the range 20,000 – 40,000 volts. the best performance to be achieved.
NATCO power units incorporate two
important design features which
contribute towards flexible and reliable
operation. These are full reactance and
the ability to vary the output voltage.

Vertical Electrostatic Coalescer on UOP Merox plant,
ELF Gargenville refinery, France

Issue 1 09.02 Page 1280-A1

Direct Current Electrostatic Treaters
High pressure bushings
Our designs use PTFE as the insulating
material for the high pressure bushings
and for the electrode insulators to provide
safe, reliable and trouble-free operation.
The high pressure bushings are critical
specialist items which connect the high
voltage supply from the power unit
outside the vessel to the electrode array
inside the vessel. The high pressure
bushings are designed to accommodate
the temperature and elevated pressure
conditions that can be required in this

Electrode system
Natco’s electrode system is designed to
maximize the performance of the unit.
The vertical electrode configuration offers
an open, free, fluid flow regime
throughout the electrostatic field. Size,
orientation and location of the electrode
array within the process vessel are critical
design features.
Horizontal Electrostatic Coalescer installed on UOP Merox® plant, Neste Oy Porvoo refinery, Finland

Fluid distribution Operating conditions Packaging

An important requirement in the design The operating conditions for the DC DC Treater units can be supplied in either
of DC Treaters is to minimize flow Treater will depend primarily on the vertical or horizontal configuration. As
turbulence inside the vessel. NATCO conditions available from the preceding these units are relatively small, most of
designs feature a low pressure drop inlet process stage. However, the operating our clients choose to have their units
distribution and outlet collection systems pressure must be high enough to prevent delivered as fully modular, skid-mounted
which ensures uniform distribution of the vaporization of the stream being packages ready for quick and easy site
inlet stream into the electrode array and processed. installation.
provides even draw-off of effluent and
product streams. The inlet stream is
introduced below the electrode system
which is located above the normal
liquid/liquid interface level.

For more information on NATCO DC Treaters or other NATCO Group products contact:

NATCO Group Head Office NATCO Canada Axsia Howmar

Houston, USA Calgary, Canada Camberley, England
Tel: +(1) 713 683 9292 Tel: +(1) 403 236 1850 Tel: +(44) 1276 681101
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

NATCO Japan Axsia Group

Tokyo, Japan Gloucester, England
Tel: +(81) 33288 1901 Tel: +(44) 1452 833800
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Issue 1 09.02 Page 1280-A2

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