The Problem and Review of Related Literature

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Drug is a chemical substance that brings about physical,

physiological, behavioral and/or psychological change in a person

taking it. Dangerous drug a substance affecting the central

nervous system which when taken into a human body brings about

physical emotional or behavioral changes in a person taking.

“The fights against illegal drugs are not a matter of choice.

It is a must, if we are to leave behind a just and livable

society for this and future generation. Neither is it a stand-

alone action that diminishes the importance of our war against

poverty and inequality” said Hon. Hilario Perez Davide III, the

Governor of Cebu in the implementation of anti-illegal drugs

campaign in Cebu.

Illegal Drugs is one of the major problem of our country

especially how to prevent this problem. Over the last decade

until today, the Philippines has increase the size of prisoner,

half of them are committed drug violation. The illegal drugs were

prevalent in our country. Even the unsubstantial children were

involved in illegal drugs. Illegal drugs place serious

constraints on the ability of developing like the Philippines, to

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 2

achieve improvement across the full range of established

development goals. Violence remains to be the one of the most

apparent impact of illegal drugs. Drug related crimes continue to

proliferate, not only inflicting injuries and deaths but also

wearing away at the fabric society and diverting resources that

are greatly needed to achieve progress. Economic stability is

also affected by illegal drugs as it lowers productivity through

occupational injuries and spread diseases in workplace. The

effects of drug abuse on national development are significant as

productivity gains are crucial for the country to attain a

competitive position in the volatile world economy. The power of

drugs to influence not only the present but also the future makes

it all the more disturbing. Drugs target the youth, individuals

on their most productive years. As a consequence, illegal drugs

are able to convert a vibrant source of productivity into a

burden on society.

The first law on illegal drugs is RA 6425, also known as

Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972. This law has been the backbone of

the drug of law enforcement system in the Philippines in the year

of 1972 to 2002.Recognizing the need to further strengthen

existing law governing Philippine Drug Law enforcement system the

Philippine President Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo sign the Republic

Act 9165, known as comprehensive dangerous drugs act of 2002.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 3

This law defines more concrete courses of action for the national

anti – drug campaign.

With the advent of the comprehensive drugs law (RA 9165), the

country has faced with an estimated 6.7 million drug users in

2004. The main drug abuse is methamphetamine hydrochloride

(shabu), followed by marijuana, and third is inhalant.

Since the RA 9165 was implemented until now, there are several

campaigns that implemented by the government to neutralize, to

prevent and to suppress the illegal drugs such as Oplan Antenna,

Oplan Banat, Oplan Iceberg, Oplan Thunderbolt I, II, III, etc.

The latest drug campaigns of the government are Oplan Tokhang,

Oplan Double Barrel and Oplan Sagip.

The barangays, as the first line of defense, should lead the

fight against illegal drugs through campaign. Memorandum Circular

no. 2015-63, Revitalization of the Barangay anti-Drug Abuse

Council (BADAC) was created. The Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council

have a function and powers to plan, strategize, implement and

evaluate , programs and project on drug abuse prevention in the

barangay. The Barangay anti-drug abuse council is a support of

PNP in implementing anti-illegal drug campaign. The

researchers chosen Barangay Mayapyap Norte because, this area was

on the top list active in BADAC, while other barangays are

inactive. The Barangay Captain of Mayapyap norte create the

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 4

Executive Order No. 03 series of 2016 ‘An Executive Order

Reorganizing The Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council(BADAC) And

Their Power and Functions And Also Creating The Different

Committees And Naming The Members Thereof.

With the campaigns of the government, the researchers want to

measures on how the BADAC is effective as support of PNP in

implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Foreign Literature

The National Drug Control Strategy (2014) is the primary

strategy in the fight against drugs in the United States, falling

the responsibility of the Office National Drug Control

Policy(ONDCP). The latter is a branch of the Executive Office of

the president of the United States , created in 1989 following

the adoption of the Anti- Drug Act.(ONDCP,2014)

Generally speaking, illicit drug use has declined in the

United States over the past 20 years. The Monitoring the Future

study (2014), a survey on the drug use behavior of the American

8th, 10th and 12th graders, showed an overall rate of drug use of
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 5

27.2% for all three graders, a 6.9% decrease since 1997.(NIDA,

2014) ; (Johnson,et al, 2015).

Singapore pursues a comprehensive national strategy to combat

the scourge of drugs, comprising a high- profile public education

campaign, treatment and rehabilitation of drug offenders, as well

as strict laws and stiff penalties against those involved in the

drug trade. Public education against drug abuse starts in

schools. For abusers, our approach is to try hard to wean them

relapsing. They are given two chances in a drug rehabilitation

center. If they go through counseling, kick their drug habit and

return to society with useful skills, they will not have any

criminal record. Those who are still addicted to go prison, where

they put on general rehabilitation programed to help them

reintegrate into the community. Strong community support against

drug abuse has been critical to our fight against drugs.

Singapore society resolutely rejects drug abuse. Several

voluntary welfare organizations run halfway to house to help

recovering addicts adjust back into society . Many employers also

come forward to offer reformed drug addicts employment

opportunities. (

Mass media campaigns are an interesting preventive tool as

they make it possible to reach large numbers of people. They are

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 6

primarily aimed at raising awareness of the harmful effects of

drugs and discouraging their use. Although numerous countries and

large sums of money have been invested in producing them media

campaign have not been sufficiently assessed to determine how

effective they truly (Wakefield, loken, &hornik, 2010) indeed,

research shows little evidence for their ability to reduce drug

use (UNODC, 2013).

Australia has two principal organizations that comprise the

strategies governance structure are the Intergovernmental

committee on drugs (IGCD) and the Australian National Advisory

Council on Alcohol and Drugs. These organizations bring together

experts from the health, justice, and education sectors and are

responsible for coordinating the strategy for the federal

government. The strategy also recognizes the importance of

evidence- based programs and policies and relies on the

scientific support of three specialized research center: the

national Drug and Alcohol research Center, the national Drug

research Institute and the National Centre for Education on

Training And Addiction .(CIPC,2012)

The Dutch Drug Policy: Continuity and Changes, Its

implementation has been updated through progress report on

specific issues, such as the fight against the production and

trafficking of ecstacy (2001-2007), cocaine trafficking at school

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 7

Airport(2002), restricting the use and professional production of

cannabis(2004), as well as the prevention and reduction of drug

use(Which resulted in modification to coffee shop regulation

limiting access to them. (Veiligheid, 2008).

Local Literature

Memorandum Circular no. 2015-63, Revitalization of the

Barangay anti-Drug Abuse Council(BADAC) and their role in drug

clearing operation. Drug related incidents have constantly

presented in our country and resulted in multiple crime

incidents. Despite the effort of the PNP and other law

enforcement agencies of the Government, their lingering presence

threatens the peace and order communities nationwide. The

barangays, as the first line of defense, should lead the fight

against illegal drugs through campaign. The Barangay Anti-Drug

Abuse Council have a function and powers to plan, strategize,

implement and evaluate programs and project on drug abuse

prevention in the barangay. They have roles and responsibilities

to prepare and maintain a confidential list of suspected users,

pushers, financiers and/or protectors of illegal Drug trade found

in the LGUs area of jurisdiction to be submitted to the

city/municipal Anti Drug Abuse Council copy furnished the PNP-

Anti illegal Drug Special Operation Task Force (AIDSOTF).

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 8

LOI (Letter of Instruction) 16/2012 (Plan for a revitalized

campaign against illegal drug). This letter of instruction sets

forth the revision of anti-illegal drug strategy of Philippine

National Police(PNP) to further strengthen its support mechanism

to Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency(PDEA) in the campaign

against illegal drugs nationwide.

Memorandum Circular no. 15/2010, Guidelines for a drug-free

Workplace in Bureaucracy. Pursuant to Republic Act No. 9165,

otherwise known as the ‘Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of

2002’, the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), as the premier agency

responsible for formulating policies and programs on drug

prevention and control recommended the adoption of the DOB’s

Drug-Free Workplace Program or a similar program in all

government agencies in order to achieve the vision of a national

workplace. In compliance with RA 9165 and is support of the DDB,s

undertaking, the Civil Service Commission pursuant to CSC

Resolution No. 101359 dated July 6,2010 prescribes the guidelines

for a drug-free workplace in the bureaucracy such as:

Mandatory Drug Test-To ensure that only those qualified shall be

screened and recruited and to prevent the detrimental

effects(e.g. lower productivity, poor decision making; increased

accidents; more compensation claims; and reduced team effort)

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 9

which drug use and abuse may cause in the workplace, the conduct

of mandatory drug test shall be required for pre-employment, etc.

Sorsogon City is the last local government unit to be declared

as drug-cleared in the province of Sorsogon since the intensified

anti-narcotics drive of the government that was aimed at both

high-profile and street level drug personalities started in July

2016.The Sorsogon City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (SCADAC) came up

with the declaration as contained in its resolution No 1-2017

dated February 27.According to the resolution, all of the city’s

64 barangays have been declared as “drug-cleared” villages based

on the declaration of their respective barangay councils and

Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (BADAC).It also stated that the

intensified operation of “Project Double Barrel” resulted in the

total eradication of the presence of drug personalities and

illegal drug activities in the city of Sorsogon.”City Mayor Sally

Lee lauded the declaration as she attributed it to the relentless

efforts of the community stakeholders, especially the Philippine

National Police, barangay officials, schools, women, senior

citizens, students and youth organizations. (Manila Bullitien)

Local Studies
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 10

In study conducted by Medoza, et al.(2016),entitled Anti-

Illegal Drugs Campaign: What Works and What Doesn’t Work. Since

its inception at the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961,

the global war on drugs has remained a contentious issue.

International evidence has illustrated that there was no clear

link between a punitive approach or decriminalization and the

increase or decrease of drug users. Despite this, some countries

continue to adopt an enforcement-centric approach on the war on

drugs. At the same time, the Philippines welcomed the new

administration under Pres. Rodrigo Duterte this year. The country

also faced the administration’s intensified campaign against the

use of illegal drugs. In aid of the government’s campaign against

illegal drugs and in support of coordinated action across

different agencies tasked with tackling the illegal drugs

problem, the Ateneo School of Government, the Ateneo School of

Medicine and Public Health, the Ateneo Human Rights Center and

the Ateneo Law School conducted a policy forum on “Anti-Drug

Campaigns: What Works and What Doesn’t Work” last 3 October 2016.

The policy forum brought together international and local

experts, policymakers, andvarious stakeholders in the anti-

illegal drugs campaign in Southeast Asia and beyond. It offered a

unique opportunity to present different views and learning

experiences of other countries.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 11

In the study conducted by Baes et. al (2011) entitled ‘Drug

Prevention Campaign of Las piňas city, It can be concluded that

the citizen of Las Piňas City have a positive perception towards

the drug prevention campaign of local govt. All the survey

question received an overall average of 3.98 which is verbally

interpreted as slightly agree. This means that the citizen of Las

Piňas believe that their local government is doing its task of

protecting its community from the hazard of illegal drugs.

Furthermore, it can be concluded that Las Pinas city does abide

by what is being prescribed by the comprehensive dangerous drugs

act of 2002 which is pertinent law on this study except for

particular provision with regard to the allocation of substantial

budget for funding the creation and implementation of programs

related to drug prevention campaign.

In the study conducted by Canding entitled

‘Assessment of Local Government of Response to Drug Addiction in

Municipality of Dasmarinas, Cavite. The citizen of Dasmarinas,

Cavite affirmed that they are aware of the programs regarding

preventive education and information found in the newspaper.

However, the citizen are not aware of the said program of the

local government because of some reason such as lack of funds,

lack of personnel and lack of participation from the other

agencies and community.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 12

Foreign Studies

In the study conducted by Office of National Drug Control

Policy (1997) entitled “The National Youth Anti-Drug Media

Campaign” diverse. The Drug-related communication environment is

remarkably active and diverse. Although there is heightened

concern in the media about the adolescent drug use epidemic

popular culture still tends to normalize drug use, and active

debates are currently raging on a full range of issues, from the

medical use of marijuana to the provision of drug-treatment

programs in our Nation’s prisons. The fractious nature of this

communication environment can, In some instances, cause confusion

and in action. This can be true even for issues, such as

preventing adolescent drug use, on which there is broad societal

consensus regarding the need to take action. To reverse the

adolescent drug use epidemic in America, our Nation’s youth,

parents, and other people who touch the lives of youth must hear

consistent, clear, compelling, and truthful messages about the

reality and true costs of using drugs and the benefits of living

drug free. The impact of drug prevention messages and activities

offered in communities across America will be enhanced to the

extent that the messages be informed by proven strategies and

communicated by many voices. The National Youth Anti-Drug Media

Campaign will be one of those voices; through coordination with

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 13

community-based organizations, professional associations, the

entertainment industry, and the media, those voices will


Conceptual Framework

In this study the researchers aims to determine Effectiveness

of Barangay Anti- Drugs Abuse Council as Support of Philippine

National Police-Provincial Anti-illegal Drug Monitoring Center in

Implementing Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign

Effectiveness was measured only by the end result. Sometimes

a good plan is better when they are executed even violently today

than the perfect plan which is executed tomorrow for tomorrow is

too late.

The drug problem are worldwide phenomenon, beyond the power

of anyone government to deal with, not are drugs simply the

concern of the law enforcement agencies, drug influence politics,

international relation, peace and war, and the economics of

individual countries and of the entire world.

To further discuss the conceptual framework of the study, the

researchers used the independent and dependent variables. The

independent variables deal with the profile of the respondents,

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 14

problem encountered by two groups of respondents in implementing

anti-illegal drugs campaign and level of effectiveness of BADAC

as support of PNP-PAIDMC in implementing anti-illegal drugs

campaign. Dependent variables deal with Efficiency of BADAC as

support of PNP-Provincial Anti-illegal Drug Monitoring Center in

implementing anti-illegal Drug Campaign.

Research Paradigm
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 15



1. Profile of the
2. Problems
encountered by
two group of Efficiency of BADAC as
respondents in support of PNP-PAIDMC
implementing in implementing anti-
anti-illegal illegal drugs campaign
drugs campaign
3. How effective is
the BADAC in
supporting PNP-
drugs campaign

Figure 1

Paradigm of the study

Statement of the problem

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 16

This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of Barangay

Anti- Drugs Abuse Council as Support of Philippine National

Police-Provincial Anti-illegal Drug Monitoring Center in

Implementing Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the profile of the respondent be described in terms


1.1 PNP-PAIDMC Member

1.1.1 age;

1.1.2 gender;

1.1.3 educational Attainment; and

1.1.4 years in the service?

1.2 BADAC Member

1.2.1 age;

1.2.2 gender;

1.2.3 educational attainment; and

1.2.4 years in the barangay?

2. What is the degree of the problems encountered by the two

groups of respondents in implementing anti-illegal drug campaign?

3. How effective is the BADAC in supporting PNP-PAIDMC in

implementing anti- illegal drugs campaign?

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 17

4. What is the implication of the study to the prevention of drug


Significance of the study

This study entitled “Effectiveness of BADAC as support of PNP-

PAIDMC in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign” is important

to the following group or agency.

Community- Through this study the community realizes their

important role in cooperating and implementing anti-illegal drugs

campaign to become a drug free society.

Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) -In this study, they

will know that they need a well-coordination in the PNP-PAIDMC to

the implementation of anti-illegal drug campaign.

PNP-Provincial Anti-illegal Drug Monitoring Center(PNP-PAIDMC)-

The study benefits them all for that they have significant role

in implementing anti-illegal drug campaign and they become more

effective in the implementation of anti-illegal drug campaign.

Criminology students- this study will help them to be more

knowledgeable regarding the implementation of anti-illegal drug

campaign and as a future law enforcer they can use it to become

more effective in implementing anti-illegal drug campaign.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 18

Other researchers- This kind of study serve as reference to the

other researchers, who will tackle with similar study if not

really the same, but at least related to the problem and studies.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focused on the effectiveness of Barangay Anti-

Drug Abuse Council as support of PNP-Provincial Anti-illegal

Monitoring Center in implementing anti-illegal drug campaign. The

respondents were the 15 member of PNP-PAIDMC who were chosen

using accidental sampling and 15 member of BADAC of Mayapyap

Norte Cabanatuan city, Nueva Ecija were chosen using purposive

sampling design. The method of research used in the study was

descriptive method and questionnaire checklist was the main tool

used in the conduct of study. The study was limited to the

profile of the respondent, problems encountered and how

effectiveness is the BADAC in supporting of PNP-PAIDMC in

implementing anti-illegal drug campaign.

The study was conducted for a period of one semester from

July to October, 2017.

Definition of Terms

Terms are defined operationally in order to give a clear and

better understanding of the study.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 19

Anti-illegal drug campaign- it refers to the program of

government implemented by PDEA and PNP-AIDSOTF to stop the

prevalence of illegal drugs in our society.

Barangay Anti-Drug abuse Council (BADAC) -their principal

responsibilities is to support of overall government efforts to

address peace and order, particularly to curb illegal drugs and

other substances and implementation of anti-illegal drugs


Effectiveness- the degree to which something is successful in

producing a desired result.

Illegal Drugs-a substance affecting the central nervous system

which when taken into a human body brings about physical

emotional or behavioral changes in a person taking.

PNP-Provincial Anti-illegal Drug Monitoring Center- have a

function to monitor and implementing a campaign against illegal

drugs in the whole province.


Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 20

This chapter presents the following: research methods,

respondent, data gathering, instrument, used reliability and

validity of the instrument and statistical treatment of data.

Research Method

This study used the descriptive method of research for this

is the most appropriate means of evaluating the Effectiveness of

BADAC as support of PNP-PAIDMC in implementing anti- illegal drug


Descriptive method is method used to obtain information

concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe “what

exist” with respect to variable or condition in a situation. The

method involved range from the survey which describes the status,

the correlation study which investigate the relationship between

the variables, to developmental studies which seeks to determine

changes over time (Key, 1997)

Calderon (1993) defines descriptive research as a purposive

process of gathering, analyzing, classifying, and tabulating data

about prevailing conditions, practices, belief, processes, trends

and cause effect relationships and then making adequate and

accurate interpretation about such data with or without the aid

of the statistical method.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 21


The respondents of the research study were the 15 member of PNP-

Provincial Anti-illegal Drug monitoring Center of Cabanatuan

city, Nueva Ecija and 15 members of BADAC of Brgy. Mayapyap norte

Cabanatuan city. The first group of respondents was selected

through accidental sampling because they meet by chance. And the

second group of respondents was selected through purposive

sampling because of their knowledge of the information desire.

The two groups of respondent were able to give accurate

information necessary to preferred topic.

Instrument Used

The following are given consideration in the formulation of the

questionnaire checklists used of the conduct of this study, as


Part 1 Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondent.


The instrument was design to draw information on the socio-

demographic profile respondent in terms of age, gender,

educational attainment, Years in the service(for PNP-PIADMC

member)Years in the Barangay ( for BADAC member)

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 22

Part II. What are the Problems encountered by two groups of

respondents in terms of implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign.

Problems encountered by two groups of respondent in terms in

implementing anti- illegal drug campaign.


The instrument was composed of five (5) item checklist. i.e.,

lack of coordination of two groups of respondents in implementing

anti-illegal drugs campaign, insufficient of funds to support the

anti-illegal drugs campaign, absence of cooperation of other concerned

government agencies in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign, lack

of participation of the citizen in the peace in order particularly in

campaign against illegal drugs, and lack of personnel of BADAC to

support the PNP-PAIDMC in campaign against illegal drugs.


The response to each item was evaluated according to Likert’s

Scale as shown below:

Range Scale Verbal Description

4.21-5.0 5 Very Serious (VS)

3.41-4.20 4 Serious(S)

2.61-3.40 3 moderately serious (MS)

1.81-2.60 2 Not serious (NS)

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 23

1.00-1.80 1 No Problem at all (NPA)

Part III How effective is the BADAC in supporting the PNP-PAIDMC

in implementing anti-illegal drug campaign.


The instruments were composed of five (5) item checklist i.e.,

prepare and maintain a confidential list of suspected users,

pushers, financiers or protectors of illegal drug trade found in

the LGUs area, assist the PNP-PAIDMC in conducting seminars

related to drug prevention and bad effect of illegal drugs,

coordinate and collaborate with other institution in implementing

programs and projects on the drug abuse prevention at the

barangay, continuously gather and update on all drug related

incidents, and assist the PNP in conducting Oplan Tokhang

The responses to each item were evaluated according to the

Likert’s Scale as shown below:

Range Scale Verbal Description

4.21-5.0 5 Very Effective (EF)

3.41-4.40 4 Effective (E)

2.61-3.40 3 Moderately Effective (ME)

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 24

1.81-2.60 2 Ineffective (IE)

1.00-1.80 1 Very Ineffective (VE)

The questionnaire checklist is a close-ended question wherein

the respondents are asked to check at the most applicable

response to the question stated in the questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers first sought permission from the head of

PNP-PAIDMC of Cabanatuan City Nueva Ecija to allow them to float

the questionnaire checklist from among the target respondent in

the research local of the study. And also, the researchers sought

permission from Barangay captain of Mayapyap Norte Cabanatuan

city, Nueva Ecija for allowing them to float questionnaire

checklist from among the target respondent in the research local

of the study.

The researchers personally administered, and explain the

mechanics and concept in answering the questionnaire for a period

of one (1) to two (2) weeks from among the target respondents.

Individual and personal approach was also used by the researchers

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 25

to facilitate the expeditious and early retrieval of the duly

accomplish questionnaire checklist.

Reliability and Validity

The reliability of the instrument was measured using a dry

run, wherein the researchers distributed the questionnaire

checklist to the twelve (12) barangay officials/employee of

different barangay's in Cabanatuan city such as Barangay Sangitan

west, barangay Kapitan Pepe, barangay Bantug norte and barangay

San Roque and nine (9) selected personnel of Cabanatuan city

Police Station. The validity of instrument was measured based on

the related literatures and studies and consulting our thesis

adviser and research professor.

The barangay officials/employees of different barangays of

Cabanatuan city and police personnel of Cabanatuan city police

station gave a same assessed to the problems encountered by two

groups of respondent in terms of anti-illegal drugs campaign as

moderately serious while in the how effectiveness is the BADAC as

support of PNP-PAIDMC in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign

gave their different assessed as very effective from barangay

officials/employee and assessed as effective from police

personnel of Cabanatuan city.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 26

Statistical Treatment of Data

1. Socio- Demographic Profile of Respondents.

The data on the questionnaire checklist that deal with the

socio demographic profile of respondent used the frequency and

percentage distribution of responses. The data gathered was

computed and analyzed for significant findings, (Parreno,


% = -------X


% = Percent of Frequency

f = Frequency

N = Total numbers of respondents

2. The degree of problems encountered by two group of

respondents in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign in

the research locale of the study. The weighted frequency

and weighted mean will be computed in order to be able to

evaluate the reponses. (Parreno, 2006).

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 27


X = ∑fx


X = Mean

f = Frequency

x = Mid-Value

3. How effectiveness is the BADAC in supporting the PNP-PAIDMC

in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign in the research

locale of the study. The weighted frequency and weighted

mean will be computed in order to be able to evaluate the

responses. (Parreno, 2006).


X = ∑fx


X = Mean

F = Frequency

X = Mid-Value



This chapter the presentation of statistical data relative

to the problems as earlier posited. Corresponding analysis and

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 28

interpretation regarding these data were also presented in this

portion of the study.

1. Socio Demographic Profile of the Respondents

To understand the knowledge and competency of the

respondents in this study, their profiles are presented


The following table presents the distribution and

percentage (%) of the demographic profile of the respondent

as to age.


Profile of the Respondent’s as to Age



21-25 - - - - - -

26-30 6 40 1 - - -

31-35 3 20 2.5 - - -

36-40 3 20 2.5 1 6.67 5

41-45 1 6.67 5 1 6.67 5

46-50 1 6.67 5 2 13.33 3

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 29

51-55 - - - 6 40 1

56-60 1 6.67 5 1 6.67 5

61-Above - - - 4 26.66 2

TOTAL 15 100 15 100

Table 1.1 PNP-PAIDMC member ranked first were 26-30 years old

with a frequency of 6 or 40 percent, ranked second were the 31-

35,and 36-40 years old with a frequency of both 3 or 20 percent,

ranked third were the 41-45, 46-50,and 56-60 years old with a

frequency of both 1 or 6.67.From BADAC member ranked first were

the 51-55 years old with a frequency of 6 or 40 percent, ranked

second were the 61-Above with a frequency of 4 or 26.66 percent,

ranked third were the 46-50 with a frequency of 2 or 13.33

percent and ranked fourth were the 36-40, 41-45 and 51-55 years

old with a frequency of both 1 or 6.67 percent.

Based on the result of age distribution, it can be inferred

that majority of PNP-PAIDMC member are in between 26-30. It

simply because the maximum age requirements in PNP is 26-30 and

majority of the BADAC are range from 51-55 because they know how

to dealing with others.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 30

Tables 1.2 illustrate the frequency and percentage

distribution of the demographic profile of the respondents as to



Profile of the Respondents as to Gender


Male 9 60 1 15 100 1
Female 6 40 2 - - -
TOTAL 15 100 15 100

Table 1.2 PNP-PAIDMC ranks first were male with the frequency

of 9 or 60 percent and rank second were females with a frequency

of 6 or 40 percent. From BADAC member ranked first were male with

a frequency of 15 or 100 percent.

As shown from the findings, majority of the PNP-PAIDMC are male

because based on RA 8551, in terms of recruitment, 90% of new

applicant must be male. While majority of the BADAC are male due

to the fact that they are more physically fit to implement the

campaign against illegal drugs.

1.3 Educational Attainment

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 31

Table 1.3 illustrates the frequency and percentage

distribution of demographic profile of the respondents as to

Educational Attainment.


Profile of the Respondents as to Educational Attainment



Doctorate Graduate - - - - - -

With Doctor's Unit - - - - - -

Master's Graduate - - - - - -

With Master's Unit 2 13.33 2 - - -

College Graduate 13 86.67 1 - - -

College Undergraduate - - - - - -

High School Graduate - - - 6 40 2

High School
Undergraduate - - - 7 46.67 1
Elementary Graduate
- - - 2 13.33 3
Undergraduate - - - - - -

TOTAL 15 100 15 100

In the distribution of respondents of the PNP-PAIDMC with

regard to their educational attainment, rank first were the

College graduate with a frequency of 13 or 86.67 percent, ranked

second, were the With Master unit with a frequency of 2 or 13.33

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 32

percent. From BADAC member ranked first were the high school

undergraduate with a frequency of 7 or 46.67 percent, ranked

second were the High School graduate with a frequency of 6 or 40

percent and ranked third were the Elementary graduate with a

frequency of 2 or 13.33 percent.

As shown from the findings, majority of the PNP-PAIDMC were

college graduate because according to RA 8551 the requirement for

a new applicant of PNP is that he/she must have Baccalaureate

degree. While majority of the BADAC member was High school

Undergraduate because there is no availability position that

suitable to them.

1.4 Years in the service and years in the Barangay

Tables 1.4 illustrate the frequency and the percentage of the

demographic profile of the respondent as to years in the service

and years in the barangay.


Profile of the Respondents as to Years in Service and Years in

the Barangay

Years in
Service Barangay

1-5 3 20 3 1-5 - - -
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 33

6-10 5 33.33 1 6-10 - - -

11-15 4 26.66 2 11-15 - - -

16-20 1 6.67 5 16-20 2 13.33 3.5

21-25 1 6.67 5 21-25 2 13.33 3.5

26-30 - - - 26-30 7 46.67 1

31-Above 1 6.67 5 31-Above 4 26.67 2

TOTAL 15 100 15 100

Table 1.4 Years in the service PNP-PAIDMC, ranked first were 6-

10 year with a frequency of 5 or 33.33 percent, Ranked second

were 11-15 years with a frequency of 4 or 26.66 percent, ranked

third were 1-5 years with a frequency of 3 or 20 percent and the

ranked fourth were 16-20, 21-25 and 31 Above with a frequency of

both 1 or 6.67 percent. From BADAC years in the barangay, ranked

first were the 26-30 years with a frequency of 7 or 46.67

percent, ranked second were 31-Above with a frequency of 4 or

26.67 percent, and the ranked third were 16-20 and 21-25 with a

frequency of both 2 or 13.33 percent.

As shown from the findings, majority of the PNP-PAIDMC are 6-

10 years in service indicated that they a sufficient experience

and knowledge in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign. While

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 34

majority of the BADAC are 26-30 years in the barangay, it simply

because they are grow up in that barangay.

2. Degree of problems encountered by two groups of respondent in

terms of implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign.

Table 2.1 presents the weighted mean, verbal interpretation

and ranking of the responses of respondents on the problem

encountered by two groups of respondents in terms of implementing

anti-illegal drugs campaign.


Distribution of the responses on the Problems encountered by two

groups of respondent in terms of implementing anti-illegal drugs

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 35

Statement WM VD R WM VD R
1. Lack of coordination
between the groups of
respondents in implementing 4.27 VS 3.5 2.53 NS 4
anti-illegal drugs campaign.
2. Insufficient of funds to
support the anti-illegal drugs 4.40 VS 2 2.20 NS 5
3. Absence of cooperation of
other concerned government
agencies in implementing anti- 4.27 VS 3.5 3.47 S 1
illegal drugs campaign.
4.Lack of participation of the
citizen in the peace and order
particularly in campaign 4.20 S 5 2.87 MS 3
against illegal drugs
5. Lack of personnel of BADAC
to support the PNP-PAIDMC in
campaign against illegal 4.47 VS 1 3.33 MS 2

GMW&OVD 4.32 VS 2.88 MS

As assessed by PNP-PAIDMC member, shown from the table,the

respondents gave their assessment with the overall mean

4.32,interpreted as “Very Serious”. The highest mean assessment

was on the lack of personnel of BADAC to support the PNP-PAIDMC

in campaign against illegal drugs with a weighted mean of 4.47

and the lowest mean was on the lack of participation of the

citizen in the peace in order particularly in campaign against

illegal drugs with a weighted mean of 4.20.

As assessed by BADAC members, Shown from the table, The

respondents gave their assessment with overall mean 2.88

interpreted as “Moderate Serious”. The highest mean assessment

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 36

was on the Absence of cooperation of other concerned government

agencies in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign with a

weighted mean of 3.47 and the lowest mean was on the insufficient

of funds to support the anti-illegal drugs campaign with a

weighted mean of 2.20.

As shown from the table the PNP-PAIDMC were encountering

problems to the lack of personnel of BADAC to support the PNP-

PAIDMC in campaign against illegal drugs. While from the BADAC

assessment, they encountering problems regards to absence of

cooperation of other concerned government agencies in

implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign. The PNP-PAIDMC gave

assessment on the Lack of participation of the citizen in the

peace in order particularly in campaign against illegal drugs as

serious, while the BADAC gave assessment on the Insufficient of

funds to support the anti-illegal drugs campaign as Not Serious.

The two groups of respondents were experiencing a problem in the

performance of their duties. The PNP-PAIDMC needs more personnel

of BADAC to support them to implement well the campaign against

illegal drugs. They encourage the barangay officials to increase

the number of BADAC personnel to reach the accurate personnel to

support them. The BADAC necessary to encourage the other

government agencies to cooperate for a better result of campaign

against illegal drugs.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 37

3. How effective is the BADAC in supporting the PNP-PAIDMC in

implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign.

Table 3.1 presents the weighted mean, verbal interpretation and

ranking of the responses of respondents on the How effectiveness

is the BADAC in supporting the PNP-PAIDMC in implementing anti-

illegal drugs campaign.


Distribution of responses on the Effectiveness of the BADAC in

supporting PNP-PAIDMC in implementing anti-illegal drugs

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 38

1. Prepare and maintain a
confidential list of suspected
users, pushers, financiers or 4.00 E 1 4.73 VE 1
protectors of illegal drug trade
found in the LGUs area.
2. Assist the PNP-PAIDMC in
conducting seminars related to
drug prevention and bad effect 3.73 E 3.5 4.33 VE 3
of illegal drugs.
3. Coordinate and collaborate
with other institution in
implementing programs and 3.67 E 5 4.20 E 4
projects on the drug abuse
prevention at the barangay.
4. Continuously gather and
update on all drug related 3.87 E 2 3.93 E 5
5. Assist the PNP in conducting
Oplan Tokhang. 3.73 E 3.5 4.60 VE 2

GMW&OVD 3.80 E 4.36 VE

As assessed by the BADAC, shown from the table, the

respondents gave their assessment with overall mean 4.36

interpreted as Very Effective. The highest mean was on the

prepare and maintain a confidential list of suspected users,

pushers, financiers or protectors of illegal drug trade found in

the LGUs area with a weighted mean of 4.73 interpreted as Very

Effective and the lowest mean was on the continuously gather and

update on all drug related incidents with a weighted mean of

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 39

As assessed by the PNP-PAIDMC, shown from the table, the

respondents gave their assessment with over all mean 3.80

interpreted as Effective. The highest mean was same from the

assessment of BADAC with a weighted mean of 4.00 interpreted as

Effective; and the lowest mean was on the coordinate and

collaborate with other institution in implementing programs and

projects on r drug abuse prevention at the barangay with a

weighted mean of 3.67.

As stated from the findings above, the result shows that the

two groups of respondents has a different assessment on how the

BADAC is effective as support of PNP-PAIDMC in implementing anti-

illegal drugs campaign, according to BADAC and PNP-PAIDMC,

personnel the BADAC were effective in preparing and maintaining a

confidential list of suspected users, pushers, financiers or

protectors of illegal drug trade found in the LGUs area. They

really do their job to combat the illegal drug that prevalent in

our country to become a drug free society.

According to memorandum circular no. 2015-63 number 3 letter b

the BADAC has roles and responsibilities to prepare and maintain

a confidential list of suspected user, pushers, financier and

protector of illegal drug trade found in the LGUs area.

The assessment given by two groups of respondents indicated

that the BADAC were effective in the performance of their duty as

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 40

support of PNP-PAIDMC in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign

for the better result of campaign.

4. What is the implication of the study to the prevention of drug


The study dealt with the effectiveness of Barangay Anti-Drug

Abuse Council as support of PNP- Provincial Anti-Illegal Drug

Monitoring Center in implementing Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign. It

gives a reflection to the prevention of drug addiction if the

said campaigns were effective and well implemented.

The implication of the study to the Prevention of drug

addiction is the BADAC is effective as support of PNP- Provincial

Anti-illegal Drug Monitoring Center in implementing campaign

against illegal drugs. The BADAC and the PNP-PAIDMC need to

intensify the campaign against illegal drugs. If the campaign is

well- implemented and effective, the prevention of drug addiction

will be obtain.



Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 41

This chapter presents the summary, corresponding conclusion

and derived recommendations that could be pursued by the other


Summary of findings

This study aims to determine the ‘Effectiveness of Barangay

Anti- Drugs Abuse Council as Support of Philippine National

Police-Provincial Anti-illegal Drug Monitoring Center in

Implementing Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign’. The descriptive method

of research was employed in this study, and employing the

questionnaire checklist. The respondents were the 15 member of

BADAC from Mayapyap norte Cabanatuan City were chosen using

purposive sampling and 15 PNP-PAIDMC personnel of Cabanatuan

City,Nueva ecija who were through accidental sampling. The study

was conducted for a period of one semester from July to


Specifically, it sought to answer the following question:

1. How may the profile of the respondent be described in terms


1.1 PNP-PAIDMC Member

1.1.1 Age;

1.1.2 Gender;

1.1.3 Educational Attainment; and

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 42

1.1.4 Years in the service?

1.2 BADAC Member

1.2.1 Age;

1.2.2 Gender;

1.2.3 Educational attainment; and

1.2.4 Years in the barangay?

2.What is the degree of the problems encountered by two groups of

respondent in implementing anti-illegal drug campaign?

3.How effectiveness is the BADAC in supporting PNP-PAIDMC in

implementing anti- illegal drugs campaign?

4. What is the implication of the study to Prevention of Drug


Based on data gathered, the following were the finding of the

study based on the sequence of the specific problem posed under

the statement of the problem in chapter one.

1.Socio-demographic profile of Respondents

1.1 Age
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 43

The PNPN-PAIDMC personnel are distributed to different age

bracket were 26-30 years old with a frequency of 6 or 40 percent,

were the 31-35,and 36-40 years old with a frequency of both 3 or

20 percent, and were the 41-45, 46-50,and 56-60 years old with a

frequency of both 1 or 6.67.From BADAC member were the 51-55

years old with a frequency of 6 or 40 percent, were the 61-Above

with a frequency of 4 or 26.66 percent, were the 46-50 with a

frequency of 2 or 13.33 percent and were the 36-40, 41-45 and 51-

55 years old with a frequency of both 1 or 6.67 percent.

1.2 Gender

PNP-PAIDMC personnel were male with the frequency of 9 or

60 percent and were females with a frequency of 6 or 40 percent.

From BADAC member were male with a frequency of 15 or 100


1.3 Educational Attainment

PNP-PAIDMC personnel were the College graduate with a

frequency of 13 or 86.67 percent, and were the With Master unit

with a frequency of 2 or 13.33 percent. While from BADAC member

were the high school undergraduate with a frequency of 7 or 46.67

percent, were the High School graduate with a frequency of 6 or

40 percent and were the elementary graduate with a frequency of 2

or 13.33 percent.
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 44

1.4 Years in Service (for PNP-PAIDMC) and Years in Barangay

(for BADAC)

Five (5) or 33.33% of the PNP-PAIDMC personnel were in the

service ranging from 6-10 years; Four (4) or 26.66% were in the

service ranging from 11-15 years; Three (3)or 20% were in the

service ranging from 1-5 years and; One (1) or 6.67 % were in the

service ranging from 16-20, 21-25 and 31-Above of years. From

BADAC personnel years in the barangay, were the 26-30 years with

a frequency of 7 or 46.67 percent, were 31-Above with a frequency

of 4 or 26.67 percent, and were 16-20 and 21-25 with a frequency

of both 2 or 13.33 percent.

2. Problems encountered by two groups of Respondents in terms of

implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign.

 PNP-PAIDMC personnel

The respondents gave their assessment with an overall mean of

4.32 with a weighted mean range 4.21-5.00 with an overall verbal

description of 'Very Serious'.

 BADAC personnel
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 45

The respondents gave their assessment with an overall mean of

2.88 with a weighted mean range 2.61-3.40 with an overall verbal

description of 'Moderately Serious'.

3. How effectiveness is the BADAC in supporting the PNP-PAIDMC in

implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign.

 BADAC personnel

The respondents gave their assessment with an overall

mean of 4.36 with a weighted mean ranged 4.21-5.00 with an

overall verbal description of 'Very Effective'.

 PNP-PAIDMC personnel

The respondents gave their assessment with an overall

mean of 3.80 with a weighted mean ranged 3.41-4.20 with an

overall verbal description of 'Effective'.

4. What is the implication of the study to prevention of drug


The study dealt with the effectiveness of Barangay Anti-Drug

Abuse Council as support of PNP- Provincial Anti-Illegal Drug

Monitoring Center in implementing Anti-Illegal Drugs Campaign. It

gives a refection to the prevention of drug addiction if the said

campaigns were effective and well implemented.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 46

The implication of the study to Prevention of drug addiction

is the BADAC is effective as support of PNP- Provincial Anti-

illegal Drug Monitoring Center in implementing campaign against

illegal drugs. The BADAC and the PNP-PAIDMC need tighten the

campaign against illegal drugs. If the campaign is well-

implemented and effective, the prevention of drug addiction will

be obtain.


From the given findings, the following conclusions are

hereby drawn:

1. Majority of the BADAC personnel are in matured ages; all of

them are male; majority of them are high school undergraduate;

and most of them are live and/or stay for a many years in the

barangay while in the PNP-PAIDMC personnel, majority of them are

at the right age upon entering PNP; most of them are male; and

majority of them has the proper education which is required for

police personnel to perform his/her work well.

2. The BADAC personnel assessed the problem encountered by two

groups of respondents in terms of implementing anti-illegal drugs

campaign as 'Moderately Serious' they were still experiencing

problem in term of absence of cooperation of other concerned

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 47

government agencies in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign while

as assessed by PNP-PAIDMC personnel, they experiencing a problem as a

'Very Serious' these problem were the Lack of personnel of BADAC to

support the PNP-PAIDMC in campaign against illegal drugs that they

need increasing the number of BADAC to support them for the better

result of campaign.

3. As assessed by two groups of respondents indicated that the

Barangay anti-drug abuse council was effective in supporting the PNP-

Provincial Anti-Illegal Drug Monitoring Center in implementing in

campaign against illegal drugs. It shows that the BADAC were doing

their job-well.

4. The prevention of drug addiction will be obtain, if the campaign

against illegal drugs was effective and well implemented by the BADAC

and the PNP -PAIDMC.


In view of the aforementioned conclusion, the following

recommendations are hereby offered:

1. Recruit a young BADAC member. They have a sufficient physical

strength to do well the campaign against illegal drugs to become

more effective the BADAC as support of the PNP.

2. The Barangay Captain should increase the number of BADAC to

become more effective as support of PNP. The Government should

create a memorandum that all the agencies of government help and

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 48

give assistance to the campaign against illegal drugs of PNP and


3. Continue the good performance of BADAC as support PNP-PAIDMC

in implementing anti-illegal drugs campaign.

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 49

A. Published Book

Calderon, Jose F. (1993) Elements of research for Thesis Writing,

MAndaluyong City National Books Store Inc.

PNP manual on illegal drugs operation and investigation (2015)

Aclis, Donnabel O. (2016) Drug Education and Vice Control

B. Unpublished Material

Aclis, Donnabel O. (2016) Drug Education and Vice Control

Medoza,et al.(2016)STUDY TITLE: anti-illegal drugs campaign: What

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Miguel, May V. (2017) Criminological Research.

Baes et. al (2011)THESIS ENTITLED ‘Drug Prevention Campaign of

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Canding ENTITLED: ‘Assessment of Local

Government of Response to Drug Addiction in Municipality of

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C. Electronic Sources
Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 50

Anti-Drug-Abuse-Council-BADAC and-their-Role-in-Drug-Clearing-

Effectiveness of Barangay . . . . . . 51

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