Saep 368 PDF
Saep 368 PDF
Saep 368 PDF
1 Scope.............................................................. 2
2 Applicable Documents.................................... 2
3 Definitions....................................................... 2
4 Instructions...................................................... 6
5 Responsibilities............................................... 7
Revision Summary................................................. 9
1 Scope
This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure (SAEP) defines requirements for the
planning, engineering, rationalization, configuration and maintenance of alarm systems
within DCS and SCADA Systems. This procedure is applicable to both existing and
new facilities.
The objective of this procedure is to ensure that only the necessary alarms with the
appropriate priorities and set-points are configured within the system and those alarms
can be effectively managed by the console operator.
This document also defines the roles and responsibilities for Proponent Departments,
Project Management and Process & Control Systems Department (P&CSD).
2 Applicable Documents
The requirements contained in the following document apply to the extent specified in
this procedure:
Industry Standards
3 Definitions
3.1 Acronyms
DCS Distributed Control System
ESD Emergency Shutdown System
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
HMI Human Machine Interface
MOC Management of Change
P&ID Piping and Instrument Diagram
PHA Process Hazard Analysis
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
Alarm Floods: Alarm floods are defined as periods of alarm activity with
presentation rates higher than the operator can respond. Alarm floods can make
a difficult process situation much worse. In a severe flood, the alarm system
becomes a nuisance, a hindrance, or a distraction, rather than a useful tool.
Alarm Message: A text string displayed with the alarm indication that provides
additional information to the operator.
Alarms per Day: Number of alarms per day is a good indicator of the health of
the alarm management system. Periods of unusually high alarm activity are
easily identified in the trend charts. Excessive alarm events can result from
abnormal conditions or equipment failure.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
Alarm Priority: The relative importance assigned to an alarm within the alarm
system to indicate the urgency of response (e.g., seriousness of consequences
and allowable response time).
Alarm Settings: Alarm settings constitute the configuration of a tag and its
alarms. The alarm algorithm, alarm trip points, priority, and dead band are
examples of alarm settings.
Alarm System: The collection of hardware and software that detects an alarm
state, communicates the indication of that state to the operator, and records
changes in the alarm state.
Alarmable Tags: Alarmable tags are tags that can have at least one alarm.
Best Practice guidelines provide that only about 75% of alarmable tags should
have one or more alarms set.
Duplicate Alarms: Duplicate alarms are alarms that persistently occur within a
short time period of other alarms. Alarms are considered duplicate or redundant
when they consistently occur within one second of each other.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
Stale Alarm: Stale alarms are in the alarm state continuously for more than
24 hours. Following their initial appearance, stale alarms provide no valuable
information to the operators. They clutter the alarm displays and interfere with
the operator’s ability to detect and respond to new and meaningful alarms.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
4 Instructions
Every site that deploys a DCS or SCADA System shall develop an Alarm
Philosophy Document based on the guidelines stated in Appendix A.
This document shall provide the criteria for alarm selection, priority setting,
set-point allocation and the configuration of any alarm handling methods to
minimizing duplication, repetition alarm floods.
4.2.1 Every site/project that deploys a DCS or SCADA system shall conduct
alarm rationalization of proposed alarms using the alarm philosophy as a
guideline. The output of the rationalization process is a rationalized
Master Alarm System Database. This database shall provide the details,
on a per alarm basis of alarm set-points, priority and any specific
configuration requirements.
4.2.3 Every site/project shall use a standard database engine (i.e., MS-SQL or
Oracle) to develop and maintain the rationalized alarm system database.
4.2.4 The master alarm database, P&ID drawings and other relevant
documents shall be updated to contain the final alarm configuration.
This section provides guidance for alarm system ongoing monitoring and
periodic performance assessment that are essential to achieve and maintain the
acceptable performance target at Saudi Aramco processing facilities.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
4.3.2 The alarm tags generating the most frequent alarms shall be resolved
through proper and timely maintenance of faulty or malfunctioning
instruments and sensors.
4.3.3 When sensor noise or chattering occurs, the first line of action will be to
correct the field instrument should be checked to determine if sensor
malfunction is the cause of the alarm. If this is not the case, then signal
filters and/or time delays should be reviewed to determine if appropriate
values have been assigned.
4.3.5 Every site/project that deploys a DCS or SCADA system shall install and
utilize an Alarm Management Optimization application.
5 Responsibilities
5.1 Saudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT) – Applicable for new
a. Develop an Alarm Philosophy Document. This document shall be
consistent for all units within the facility.
b. Provide the Alarm System Database and rationalize the identified alarms
based on the Alarm Philosophy Document.
c. Submit the above documents for review to the appropriate Saudi Aramco
d. Update the appropriate DCS and SCADA engineering design documents
and configuration files to include the final rationalized Alarms System
e. Conduct Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) of alarm management systems
to ensure the system complies with mandatory requirements. The FAT
shall also confirm that the alarm system configuration is consistent with the
Master Alarm System Database. Testing shall also include any advanced
alarming functions, such as masking, suppression or shelving.
f. Provide standard alarm performance reports as detailed in Appendix B of
this procedure.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
Revision Summary
15 January 2011 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure.
22 June 2016 Revised the Next Planned Update, reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued as
major revision.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
This appendix provides the guidance to develop Alarm Philosophy Document for each specific
site. It outlines potential approaches that can be included in an Alarm Philosophy Document in
order to properly manage the identification, rationalization, configuration, implementation,
operations, maintenance, monitoring and assessment, Management of Change, and audit
1. Introduction
Each Alarm Philosophy Document should contain the following phrase in this section:
This document has been developed for the <vendor name and DCS/SCADA model>.
Periodically, this document should be revised to incorporate new control system
features available from < DCS/SCADA model> and other hardware and software.
This section should describe the purpose and use of the alarm system.
The site will set up alarm system to meet their operating goals on one or more of the
a. Safety, health, and environmental
b. Reliability
c. Product quality
d. Production rate and efficiency
3. Definition of Alarms
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
The decision to inform the operator of an event is the first step to take when
defining alarms. The following circumstances are used to determine when a
process alarm is necessary:
a. Making process changes by manipulation of the control system
b. Directing others to make changes in the control or process system
c. Contacting maintenance or engineering personnel regarding a situation
d. Alarms should have the aspect of urgency, and indicate situations requiring,
operator actions to avoid or mitigate undesirable consequences
e. Time between the annunciation of the alarm and operator corrective actions
to comprehend the defined consequence should be adequate
f. Alarms should only indicate abnormal situations
g. An alarm should indicate a sole event and should not duplicate a condition
already indicated by another alarm
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
In this section, steps for operator to handle the alarms should be described. The steps
involved in the overall operator response to an alarm are listed below.
6 Corrective action Corrective action is the operator’s direct response to the alarm.
Reliable method for alarm selection and priority is essential as it will improve the
operator’s ability to determine what is happening and will increase the probability of a
correct response. Many problematic alarms can be avoided by ensuring that the best
possible alarm type is selected for detection of an abnormal condition. This section
should address a consistent practice for alarm selection and priority definition, as follows:
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
The decision to inform the operator of an event is the first step to take when
maintaining an alarm management based system. The two questions below are
used to determine conditions when a process alarm is necessary.
a. Does the event require operator action? (Examples: a process change, an
observation, consultation, or notification of others.)
b. Is the event being alarmed the best indicator of the root cause of the
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
Risk Matrix
Impact Category Minor Major Severe
Personnel First aid injury, no Lost time injury, or Life Threatening
disability, no lost Worker disabling, or
time recordable severe injuries
Public or Minimal exposure. Exposed to hazards Exposed to life
Environment that may cause threatening hazard.
No impact. Does
not cross fence Disruption of basic
line. Contained services. Impact
and medical first aid
release. Little, if involving the
any, clean up. community.
Damage Claims.
Source eliminated. Catastrophic property
Uncontained release
of hazardous
materials with major
environmental impact
and 3rd party impact.
Plant/Equipment Equipment Results in unit Results in loss of
damage that downtime up to entire unit or critical
result in negligible 15 days, some to equipment for more
unit downtime. severe equipment than 15 days.
Event costing Event costing
Costs/Production Event costing >$5MM
<$50M $50M-$5MM
Maximum time to respond is the time within which the operators can take
action(s) to prevent or mitigate undesired consequence(s) caused by an abnormal
condition. This response time must include the action of outside personnel
following direction from the board operator. The board operator’s ability to
respond to an alarm in a timely fashion determines the degree of success in
preventing loss. The consequences of an uncorrected alarm generally get worse
with the passage of time.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
Therefore, the shorter the time to respond, the higher the priority of the alarm
will be, assuming equal consequences can result.
For each alarm being rationalized, and, for each area, the maximum time
allowable to respond will be identified. This value will allow the response time
to be placed in one of the response time classes as shown in the table.
Maximum Time to
Minor Major Severe
Respond in Minutes
Time > 30 No Alarm No Alarm No Alarm
10>Time>30 Priority 3 Priority 3 Priority 2
3>Time>10 Priority 3 Priority 2 Priority 2
Time< 3 Priority 2 Priority 1 Priority 1
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
6. Alarm Settings
Alarm setpoints are typically determined by the engineer responsible for that part of the
plant who is familiar with the process variable and process operation. This clause of the
Alarm Philosophy Document should include:
a. Methods of determining alarm set points,
b. Criteria of determining alarm set points,
c. Process dynamics and time needed to response, and
d. How to handle third party system.
Prior to startup mode and to minimize chattering alarms, appropriate alarm dead bands
and digital delay times are recommended. In the philosophy document it may be
helpful to supplement default values with important exceptions and known special
considerations or conditions. It may also be helpful to document procedures for
reviewing the starting values and adjusting them as necessary after significant operating
experience. The recommended design settings for delay time and dead band are shown
This section should define the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), types of analyses and
reports recommended by industry best practices to support alarm system monitoring and
assessment. Appendix B, Alarm System Performance Assessment, includes examples of
such analyses and reports. The assessment should cover, as a minimum the following:
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
c. Standing/Stale alarms
d. Duplicate alarms
e. Consequential alarms
This section should list the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) required to
measure the performance of the alarm system. The KPI’s in the below table can
be used to measure the performance of the alarm system.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
This section should address methods that maybe required to be applied during the plant
operation and maintenance processes.
8.2 Training
To enable the operators to effectively handle the alarm system and take the
correct action to respond to each alarm, an initial training should be conducted
during the configuration of new alarm system or rationalized alarms
implementation. The Alarm Philosophy Document should not specify details of
the site training program, only additional information related to alarms, which is
recommended to include:
The audible and visual indications for alarms
The distinction of alarm priorities
The use of the alarm HMI features (e.g., alarm summary sorting and filtering)
The approved methods for shelving and suppression
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Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
When process incidents occur, the alarm and event log for the time surrounding
the incident should be examined during the investigation to determine if alarm
system performance was a contributing factor in the incident.
The Alarm Philosophy Document may include guidance on the alarm system
chronology, a logbook that records the problems in the process and in the alarm
system identified by the monitoring system, the actions taken to resolve those
problems, and the results of the actions. This document or file captures the
business value of alarm management practices.
This section should specify a methodology that can be used to verify the necessity,
prioritization, setting determination, and documentation of each process alarm to
alleviate process alarms level of performance. This methodology is referred to as
Documentation and Rationalization of alarms (D&R).
During a unit rationalization, all DCS/SCADA points shall be rationalized, along with
any other systems which provide alarm or abnormal situation notification to the board
The impact, severity, and response time matrices defined in Section 5 of this Appendix,
should be used to rationalize each alarm and will be documented in the Alarm Master
Database. The Alarm Philosophy Document specifies which of the following aspects
will be documented during the rationalization process:
a) Control System tag identification
b) Alarm description and type
c) Alarm classification
d) Existing alarm priority
e) Proposed priority
f) Override priority
g) Alarm set-point value or logical condition
h) Existing trip point and proposed trip point
i) Potential cause of alarm
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Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
j) Operator action
k) The time available for the operator to respond to the alarm
l) Consequence of inaction or incorrect action
m) Advanced alarm handling techniques if necessary
n) Related reference documents such as HAZOP study
The management of change (MOC) section of the Alarm Philosophy Document should
define both the applicable MOC procedure(s) and the types of change subject to those
MOC procedures.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
The Alarm Management System shall be configured to generate periodic alarm performance
reports. Report should be distributed to concerned parties, including the area process control
engineer, operations shift supervisors and maintenance and technical support engineers.
The following alarm system performance parameters are used to measure performance.
# Parameter Description
Total number of alarms received per operator console in a defined
Average Alarm Rate period of time. Used as an indicator of overall performance.
per Operator Console Avg. Alarm rate is typically reported in alarms / hour (avg) and
alarms per day.
Maximum Alarm Rate This is the maximum average alarm rate per hour over a 24 hr
per Operator Console period.
Typically, the top ten (10) most frequent alarms per report period
(i.e., weekly) are listed. These alarms are referred to as ‘Bad
3 Most Frequent Alarms
Actors’. Substantial improvements in alarm system performance
can be achieved by addressing Bad Actors.
An alarm which repeatedly transitions between alarm state and
normal state is referred to as a chattering alarm. These alarms can
4 Chattering Alarms
be reduced by addressing instrumentation issues or increasing alarm
Alarms which remain in alarm state for more than 24 hrs are
referred to as stale alarms. Stale alarms should be examined to
5 Stale Alarms
ensure they were properly rationalized. State based alarming may
be used to prevent stale alarms.
The number of alarms which are inhibited or disabled, not through
Inhibited or Disabled
6 automatic alarm suppression or other authorized means, should be
Duplicate alarms occur when two alarms are raised for the same
event. As an example, BAD PV may be alarmed at the input block
7 Duplicate Alarms and also in the PID control block. Duplicate alarms should be
reported to enable engineering teams to eliminate duplicate alarms
and potentially update the alarm philosophy document, if required.
Alarm Priority This metric provides the distribution of alarm priorities for a defined
Distribution time period as a percentage of total alarms received.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-368
Issue Date: 22 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 22 June 2019 Alarm System Management
The Alarm System Performance Report shall include, but not limited to, the following outline:
This section should list Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with the targets vs. the
actual measured from the system. The recommended KPIs are shown below.
3. Recommended Actions
This section should contain solutions for the identified bad actors and necessary actions
that can be taken to implement the recommended solutions.
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