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The document outlines a methodology for annually evaluating the performance of field Operation Inspection Units (OIUs) across Saudi Aramco facilities. Various aspects of the OIUs' inspection programs and activities are evaluated using criteria defined in appendices to calculate an overall PIPI score.

The purpose of the PIPI is to provide a comparative evaluation of OIU performance on an annual basis and to outline the basis for OIUs to gather, maintain and communicate relevant data to the Inspection Department (ID) to ensure the effectiveness of field inspection programs and integrity of operating facility assets.

The PIPI evaluates OIU performance in several categories including personnel work experience and certifications, job training, external assessments, self-assessments, utilization of Saudi Aramco's Inspection Filing system, key performance indicators, implementation of Risk-Based Inspection methodology, use of inspection technologies, and proactive actions/knowledge sharing.

Engineering Procedure

SAEP-372 5 June 2016

Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)
Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee

1 Scope........................................................................................... 2
2 Purpose....................................................................................... 2
3 Conflicts and Deviations.............................................................. 3
4 Applicable Documents................................................................. 3
5 Definitions and Acronyms............................................................ 4
6 Instructions.................................................................................. 6
7 Responsibilities.......................................................................... 10
8 Categories of Performance........................................................ 11
9 Root Cause Analysis (RCA)....................................................... 12
Appendix A - PIPI Evaluation Elements..................................................... 13
Appendix B.1 - Personnel Work Experience Evaluation Criteria................ 14
Appendix B.2 - Average OIU Personnel Experience Data Sheet............... 16
Appendix C.1 - Personnel Job Certification Evaluation Criteria.................. 17
Appendix C.2 - Personnel Job Certification Data Sheet............................. 19
Appendix C.3 - Personnel Job Specialization Data Sheet.......................... 20
Appendix D.1 - Job Training Evaluation Criteria................................……. 21
Appendix D.2 - Job Training Data Sheet.................................................... 22
Appendix E.1 - External Assessment Evaluation Criteria........................... 23
Appendix E.2 - Consolidated Master List (SAMPLE).................................. 26
Appendix F - OIU Annual Self-Assessment Evaluation Criteria................ 27
Appendix G - SAIF Utilization Evaluation Criteria....................................... 30
Appendix H.1 - KPIs Evaluation Criteria..................................................... 34
Appendix H.2 - OIU Key Performance Indicators....................................... 36
Appendix H.3 - KPIs Approval Documentation (SAMPLE)…...................... 37
Appendix H.4 - KPIs Summary Sheet (SAMPLE)…………………..…........ 38
Appendix I.1 - RBI Implementation Evaluation Criteria.............................. 39
Appendix I.2 - RBI Implementation Data Sheet.......................................... 41
Appendix J - Inspection Technology Utilization Criteria............................. 42
Appendix K - Proactive Actions and Knowledge Sharing Criteria.............. 45
Appendix M - PIPI Score Conflict Resolution Process…………………….. 48
Appendix N - PIPI Score Conflict Resolution Request Sheet……………... 50

Previous Issue: 24 May 2015 Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 50
Contact: Lodhi, Zeeshan Farooq (lodhizf) on +966-13-8804518

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2016. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-372
Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

1 Scope

1.1 This Engineering Procedure specifies the methodology for annual comparative
evaluation of the performance of field Operation Inspection Units (OIUs) in all
Saudi Aramco operating facilities.

1.2 The output of the methodology described in this SAEP is a Plant Inspection
Performance Index hereafter referred to as PIPI.

1.3 This SAEP covers field inspection activities under the responsibility of
Operation Inspection Units.

1.4 This document also outlines basis for OIUs to gather, maintain and communicate
relevant data required to assure effectiveness of field inspection programs and
integrity of operating facility assets to the Inspection Department (ID) on an
annual basis or any other authorized Saudi Aramco organization as required.

1.5 Operation Inspection Units’ performance evaluation results shall be used to

identify strength elements and improvement opportunities which shall be
highlighted to the respective OIUs’ admin area heads for sharing with
department management.

1.6 This engineering procedure is not applicable to:

1.6.1 Operation Inspection Units’ activities and data which are not time

1.6.2 Operation Inspection Units’ that have not achieved three (3) years of
operating history from date of full turnover to Saudi Aramco with signed
final Mechanical Completion Certificates (MCC).

1.6.3 Project Inspection Units.

2 Purpose

This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure provides:

2.1 Data driven indication of the preparedness of measures required to ensure the
safety, integrity, and reliability of Saudi Aramco facilities.

2.2 Basis for comparative evaluation of the annual performance of OIUs in

operating facilities.

2.3 Process to identify gaps and improvement opportunities in the provision of field
inspection activities.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

2.4 Data to identify centers of excellence in inspection programs and top


2.5 Basis to achieve the following objectives:

2.5.1 Enhance and sustain Saudi Aramco inspection programs’ effectiveness

through continuous evaluation, checking and adjusting.

2.5.2 Transform operation inspection performance from reactive to proactive.

2.5.3 Enhance the competencies of Saudi Aramco inspection workforce.

2.5.4 Provide a platform for identifying and sharing inspection excellence, best
practices, and lessons learned amongst operating organizations.

2.5.5 Maintain operational efficiency with minimum variance in performance

of operations inspection units company-wide.

3 Conflicts and Deviations

3.1 Conflicts

Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Mandatory Saudi
Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAER) or industry standards, codes, and
forms shall be resolved in writing through Chairman, Inspection Engineering
Standards Committee of Saudi Aramco.

3.2 Deviations and Waivers

Direct all requests to deviate or waive the requirements of this MSAER

according to the internal company procedure SAEP-302, Instructions for
Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement.

4 Applicable Documents

Unless stated otherwise, all codes and standards referenced shall be the latest issue,
including Revisions and Addenda. When industry codes and standards, or Saudi Aramco
standards are required for use by Operations Inspection Units for specific programs under
OIU responsibility, they shall become a part of this Engineering Procedure.

 Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures

SAEP-20 Equipment Inspection Schedule
SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

SAEP-308 Operations Inspection Unit Reviews

SAEP-309 Inspection of Community and Operations Support
SAEP-343 Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) for Aramco Facilities
SAEP-1135 On-Stream Inspection Administration
SAEP-1161 Testing and Inspection (T&I) Reporting Procedure

 Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-L-133 Corrosion Protection Requirements for Pipelines,
Piping, and Process Equipment
SAES-A-135 Establishment of On-Stream Inspection (OSI)

 Saudi Aramco General Instruction

GI-0006.001 Notification Requirements for Incidents
(Including Fires)

5 Definitions and Acronyms

For the purpose of this procedure the terms used herein shall be interpreted as following:

Data Quality Demerit: The score which will be lost (from the achieved PIPI Score) if
the OIU submitted data is found unreliable and not fit to serve the specified PIPI purpose
for the given year. Submitted data shall be reliable, verifiable, accurate, complete, reflect
an up-to-date status, relevant, consistent across data sources, and accessible.

Evaluation Year: Year for which the performance is evaluated. Evaluation year will
be counted between January 1 to December 31. Also see Following Year.

Following Year: The year next to Evaluation Year.

Late Data Submittal Demerit: Data for each element shall be submitted for the full
evaluation year by January 7th of the following year. If OIU submit the data for any
element after January 7th, the OIU will lose 0.25 for each element. If January 7th of any
year falls on a non-working day, the first Saudi Aramco working day after the 7th
becomes the due date of submittal for that year.

Pending Issues: The unresolved issues, items, or data between Operation Inspection
Unit and the PIPI evaluation coordinator or his support team.

PIPI Evaluation Coordinator: Staff of Inspection Department, Operations Inspection

Division, Inspection Engineering Unit (IEU) assigned by IEU Supervisor with

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-372
Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

responsibility for coordinating the PIPI data indicated in this SAEP. Assignee may
change from year-to-year.

PIPI Evaluation Team: Staff assigned by IEU Supervisor, Inspection Engineering

Unit as subject matter experts for PIPI data evaluation within the guidelines of this
procedure. Assignees may change from year-to-year.

Robustness: The capability of the system to withstand short-term interruptions or

component failures without a major impact on capacity to deliver the committed
production levels safely and efficiently. For the purpose of this procedure the
robustness is taken as the indirect measure of the effectiveness of the inspection
programs implemented by the operation inspection unit, in terms of the uninterrupted
sound operation of the facility.

Safety Impact Demerit: The score which will be lost (from the achieved PIPI Score)
if the operating Department Safety Record is impacted by any incident as defined by
GI-0006.001, which is traceable to an inspection program in the PIPI year. It is the
responsibility of the OIU Supervisor to accurately report any relevant safety incident for
evaluation by the Staff of Inspection Department, Operations Inspection Division,
Inspection Engineering Unit with responsibility for coordinating the PIPI data processing.

SAIF Index Quotient: The SAIF Index Quotient is a mathematical representation of

the SAIF usage within the OIU. It indicates the usage level of the core modules used by
each OIU and are weighted according to their importance in ensuring asset integrity.
The quotient also gives credit for the use of additional modules and takes into account
the completeness of the data and the outstanding work items.

SMART KPIs: Implies Specific, Measurable, Actionable (Achievable or Attainable),

Realistic (Relevant) and Time Bound. The “SMART” KPI criteria requires:
 Objective to be Specific with a target
 Progress towards the target can be Measured
 Target goal is Actionable and Attainable
 Target goal is Relevant to the OIU department
 Time-frame for achieving the goal is specified

Year-to-Year Improvement Gain: Implies a PIPI Score in an assessment year which

is higher than the PIPI Score in the preceding year.

EIS: Equipment Inspection Schedule

ESA: Engineering Service Agreement

ID: Inspection Department

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-372
Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

IEU: Inspection Engineering Unit, Operations Inspection Division, Inspection Department

OIU: Operation Inspection Unit also referred to as Plant Inspection Unit

OOC: Out of company (courses)

RCA: Root Cause Analysis

SAIF: SAP Applications for Inspection of Facilities

6 Instructions

6.1 Guidelines

6.1.1 The evaluation of Annual Performance of inspection unit programs shall

be done on ten (10) elements as shown in Appendix A. The evaluation
of each element shall be done as per details given in this procedure.

6.1.2 Operation inspection units shall annually provide the performance

evaluation data to PIPI Evaluation Coordinator or Supervisor, Inspection
Engineering Unit of OID/ID.

a) All of the data shall be submitted through SAIF, utilizing the data forms
provided in Appendices B through L of this procedure.

b) Attachments shall be relevant and supplementary to requirements of the

data forms to be evaluated.

c) Submitted data shall be dated and relevant to the evaluation year to be

considered for evaluation.

6.1.3 Submitted data shall be distributed by PIPI evaluation coordinator to

PIPI evaluation team for review and comments.

6.1.4 PIPI evaluation team shall review the data and support documents if
required, and provide the comments to PIPI evaluation coordinator.
Each comment that indicates a deficiency in the submittal shall
reference the applicable document and paragraph number that specifies
the requirement.

6.1.5 PIPI evaluation coordinator shall communicate the results of initial

review to the Supervisor, OIU. In case, the data/support documents are
evaluated as incomplete or irrelevant, additional information or support
documents shall be requested.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

6.1.6 Supervisor, OIU shall provide the additional information if required

within time frame suggested in this procedure.

6.1.7 Final evaluation of all of the pending issues will be done by evaluation
team, after receiving additional information from OIU within the
prescribed time frame. The results of final evaluation shall be
communicated to the Supervisor, OIU. Any conflicts and
disagreements shall be resolved as per guidelines of this procedure.

6.1.8 Prior to or during the review period, the PIPI evaluation coordinator
can ask for any extra documentation not mentioned in this procedure,
which the coordinator or the evaluation team member may deem
necessary as objective evidence. Requested additional documentation
shall be:
a) Specified in an existing approved Saudi Aramco mandatory
referencing document (i.e., SAES, SAEP, and G.I.).
b) Concurred by SCC for SAEP-372.

6.1.9 All conflicts or disagreements between the PIPI evaluation coordinator

and OIU shall be resolved as follows:
a) Scoring, evaluation process and submittal issues shall be forwarded
to Supervisor IEU for resolution by the PIPI Score Conflict
Resolution Committee through process described in Appendix M.
The decision of the PIPI Scores Conflict Resolution Committee shall
be taken as final.
b) Standard interpretation issues on SAEP-372 shall be forwarded to the
Chairman, Inspection Engineering Standards Committee (SCC) for
final resolution in writing.

6.1.10 Final report shall be issued by Engineering Services, Admin Area Head
to Admin Area Head of the operation facility.
(a) All strength elements and opportunities for improvements within
evaluated OIU shall be highlighted along with recommendations
for improvement.
(b) A comparative performance analysis of OIUs’ programs, within the
company and within their admin area shall be provided.
(c) Common areas of strengths identified amongst top performers
shall be indicated.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

6.2 Timeline - Evaluation Period

6.2.1 OIUs shall submit all relevant data and support documents, to
IEU/OID/ID designated PIPI Coordinator. The following timeline
shall apply to the evaluation process:
a) OIUs shall submit all relevant data and support documents, to
IEU/OID/ID designated PIPI Coordinator on or before January 7th.
b) Initial review of submittals by the IEU/PIPI Evaluation team
should be completed and communicated to OIU Supervisor on or
before February 7th of following year.
c) OIUs Review of PIPI Evaluation Team Initial review should be
completed on or before February 15th of following year.
d) Submitting any conflict request shall be within two weeks of
receiving the initial score as per Appendices M&N.
e) OIUs submittal of additional documentation agreed with PIPI
Evaluation Team should be completed on or before February 21st
of following year.
f) Final PIPI Results will be issued on or before March 31st of
following year.

6.2.2 Data submitted after the due date shall be subject to a Late Data
Submittal Demerit which includes both of the following:
a) Data for elements submitted after above specified due date
will result in loss of 0.25 score for each element impacted.
Maximum demerit is 2.5 score when all ten (10) elements are
b) Additional data submitted after the above due date without written
request from IEU/OID/ID designated PIPI Coordinator will not be
accommodated for evaluation purposes.

6.2.3 The above timeline shall apply and any change from above stated
timeline shall be conveyed in writing by Supervisor, Inspection
Engineering Unit, OID/ID.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

6.3 Evaluation Elements

The performance evaluation shall be done as per following instructions:

6.3.1 Average Personnel Experience

The average personnel experience evaluation for the relevant disciplines

shall be per the criteria given in Appendix B.1, using OIU data provided
as per Appendix B.2.

6.3.2 Personnel Job Certification

The evaluation for job certification of full time and contract personnel
associated with the inspection unit shall be per Appendix C.1, using the
OIU data provided per Appendices C.2 and C.3.

6.3.3 Job Training

The evaluation for completed courses, seminars and workshops relevant

to engineering inspection technical discipline either as e-Learning or
OOC Course shall be as per Appendix D.1 using OIU data provided as
per Appendix D.2.

6.3.4 External Assessment

The evaluation criteria for the External Assessment element as per

Appendix E.

6.3.5 OIU Self-Assessment based on SAEP-308

The evaluation for OIU Self-Assessment implementation shall be as per

Appendix F.

6.3.6 SAIF Utilization

The optimum utilization of the SAIF system by OIU is measured as per

Appendix G.

6.3.7 OIU Key Performance Indicators

KPIs implementation by OIU is measured as per criteria provided in

Appendix H.1, using OIU data submitted as per Appendices H.2, H.3
and H.4.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

6.3.8 RBI Program

The RBI program implementation by OIU is measured as per

Appendix I.1 using OIU data submitted as per Appendix I.2.

6.3.9 Inspection Technology Utilization

The utilization of inspection technology by OIU is measured as per

Appendix J.

6.3.10 Proactive Actions and Knowledge Sharing

Proactive actions and knowledge sharing activities of OIU is measured

as per Appendix K.

7 Responsibilities

7.1 Supervisor Operation Inspection Unit shall:

7.1.1 Assign an individual or a team that will develop and maintain the data
required for performance evaluation as given in this procedure.

7.1.2 Validate and submit OIU data to the Inspection Engineering Unit,
Inspection Department for performance evaluation.

7.1.3 Act as primary contact person for communication with PIPI Evaluation

7.1.4 Ensure the provision of the data to IEU within the time frame provided
in this procedure.

7.1.5 Ensure delivery of any support documents as and when required by

PIPI evaluation coordinator.

7.1.6 Initiates and submit to IEU, Supervisor, any OIU specific PIPI score
issues for resolution as per guidelines of this procedure.

7.2 Supervisor Inspection Engineering Unit shall:

7.2.1 Appoint an individual within IEU as PIPI evaluation coordinator.

This individual shall act within the guidelines of this procedure.

7.2.2 Assign a team of subject matter experts as PIPI evaluation team to

evaluate the data received from all operation inspection units.

7.2.3 Validate the evaluation results compiled by PIPI evaluation

coordinator and the PIPI evaluation team.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

7.2.4 Submit any PIPI score issues raised by OIU to the PIPI Score Conflict
Resolution Committee for resolution as per guidelines of this procedure.

7.2.5 Coordinate all required Conflict Resolution Committee meeting

activities. The required action include finalizing membership approvals
and notifications, meeting scheduling and invitations, and OIU
Supervisor notification of committee decision after meeting.

7.3 PIPI evaluation coordinator shall:

7.3.1 Provide assistance as Single Point Contact (SPC) person to operation

inspection units in their submittal of the data to IEU for performance

7.3.2 Collect the performance data from all operation inspection units annually.

7.3.3 Distribute the data to the PIPI Evaluation team for their review, collect
the review comments/results from each team member, and compile the
results for each operation inspection unit.

7.3.4 Communicate with OIU Supervisor the initial review results, and receive
further data/clarifications on the pending issues.

7.3.5 Generate the final report showing the company wide performance index
within the prescribed time frame as per guidelines of this procedure.

7.3.6 Develop and maintain annual PIPI evaluation statistics and establish
the company wide gaps and trends.

7.4 Members of PIPI evaluation team shall:

7.4.1 Review and validate the data and support documents (if requested) for
PIPI criteria, (in their respective discipline).

7.4.2 Provide evaluation results/review comments within the prescribed time

frame as per guidelines of this procedure.

7.4.3 Provide recommendations for improvement in the programs falling

short in performance for each inspection unit.

8 Categories of Performance

In a given calendar year or evaluation period, there shall be a minimum of three

categories of performance (PIPI) feedback for each department covering:
(a) Overall performance amongst all benchmarked departments

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

(b) Performance within admin area

(c) year-to-year improvement gain or loss in performance

The company average PIPI score and each admin area average score will also be reported.

9 Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

The RCA required in this SAEP shall be performed with one of the below listed
methods and submitted using RCA Form (available in SAEP-308) with more details
utilizing PIPI Module in SAIF. Acceptable RCA methods are:
(a) Fishbone Diagram
(b) Root Cause Tree in TapRoot
(c) Any other RCA method linked to Six Sigma

Revision Summary
24 May 2015 Major revision.
5 June 2016 Minor revision.

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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-372
Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

Appendix A - PIPI Evaluation ElementsA.1

# Elements of Performance Index Measurement Max Score


1 Average Personnel Experience 7


2 Personnel Job Certification 13

3 Job Training 10

4 External Assessment 10

5 OIU Self-Assessment 10

6 SAIF Utilization 12

7 OIU Key Performance Indicators 10


8 RBI Program 10

9 Inspection Technology Utilization 5

10 Proactive Actions & Knowledge Sharing 12

Year-to-Year Improvement Gain A.2 +1

Late Data Submittal Demerit A.3 -2.5

Data Quality Demerit A.4 Minus X

Safety Impact Demerit A.5 Minus Y

Total Score 100

A.1 PIPI Evaluation Element: weights are based on corporate initiatives, best practices identified through
analysis of historical OIU Assessment observations and OIUs recommendations during conducted value
engineering workshops.
A.2 Year-to-Year Improvement Gain: to be calculated after summation of all scores and comparison to previous
year’s PIPI score. Value is full score where department is participating in first PIPI evaluation.
A.3 Late Data Submittal Demerit: shall be equal to loss of 0.25 score for each element impacted by late data
submittal and forfeiture of corporate evaluation for the data submitted after the specified due date.
A.4 Data Quality Demerit: X shall be equal to loss of the full score for the Element affected by data lacking integrity.
A.5 Safety Impact Demerit: Y shall be equal to loss of 5.0 points which is half the full score for OIU key
Performance Indicator Element.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

Appendix B.1 - Personnel Work Experience Evaluation CriteriaB.1

Evaluation for the personnel work experience shall be performed as per following criterion:

Personnel Experience Criteria

E/N Score (Max-7)
Evaluation Parameter

Industrial Work Experience B.2

(Unit Average)

a = Average Industrial Work Experience for

OIU employees = (a/b) * 2
1.1 2
b = Maximum Industrial Work Experience
average within all OIUs in the
evaluation year

Corrosion Engineer Experience B.3

c = OIU Corrosion Engineer Experience

1.2 1 = (c/d) * 1
d = Maximum Corrosion Engineer
Experience average within all OIUs in
the evaluation year.

Inspection Experience B.4

(Unit Average)

e = Average Inspection Experience

1.3 for OIU employees 2 = (e/f) * 2

f = Maximum Inspection Experience

average within all OIUs in the
evaluation year

Continuity of supervisory assignment B.5

1.4 g = Number of changes in permanent and 2 = (1 / 1+g) * 2

acting supervisors of inspection unit
within the last three (3) years

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)


B.1 The average experience evaluation shall be divided into following:

B.1.1 Industrial Work Experience

B.1.2 Corrosion Engineer Experience

B.1.3 Inspection Experience

B.1.4 Continuity of supervisory assignment

Note: (a) If an employee is transferred from one OIU to another (permanently or temporary), his experience shall be
counted towards the OIU where he has spent more than six (6) months during the PIPI evaluation year.

B.2 Industrial work experience of personnel associated with inspection unit, full time or contracted will be calculated
by dividing the average of the unit industrial work experience of all individuals with maximum Industrial Work
Experience average within all OIUs in the evaluation year. The industrial work experience includes the
employment with Saudi Aramco and non-Saudi Aramco process related industries. All personnel including the
experience of support personnel, like clerks, draftsmen, supplementary NDT contractors and inspection staff
shall only be considered if they have completed more than 6-months of service with that specific inspection unit.
Supervisors and PDPs on a rotational training program are excluded from being counted.

B.3 Number of years that the corrosion engineer had worked as professionally qualified or as Corrosion
engineer-in-training within or outside the inspection unit. The corrosion work experience includes the
employment with Saudi Aramco and non-Saudi Aramco process related industries. Employees still classified
as supervisors or PDPs are excluded from being counted.

B.4 Average inspection work experience of personnel associated with inspection unit, full time or contracted
inclusive of NDT technicians will be calculated by dividing the average of the unit inspection related work
experience of all individuals with maximum Inspection Experience average within all OIUs in the evaluation
year. The inspection work experience includes the employment with Saudi Aramco and non-Saudi Aramco
inspection related industry. Experience of support personnel, like clerks, draftsmen, supplementary NDT
contractors and inspection staff shall only be considered if they completed more than 6-months of service
with that specific inspection unit. PDPs on a rotational training program are excluded from being counted.

B.5 The continuity of supervisory assignment shall be determined by the number of changes in permanent and
acting supervisors of inspection unit within the last three (3) years as determined by individual Form
8000.Due to importance of this position, the corporate intent is that supervisor inspection unit should
maintain this position for longer periods and provide reasonable continuity in the management of inspection


If the new supervisor fulfill one of the following criteria, change shall not be counted:

- Worked as Inspection Unit Supervisor within Saudi Aramco facilities for a minimum of (3) years.

- The new OIU supervisor is a former OIU employee of the same unit.

- Acting assignment less than 90 days.

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

Appendix B.2 - Average OIU Personnel Experience Data Sheet

Facility Name:
Evaluation Year:

Total Service Total Inspection

Experience Experience
Name of the OIU Employee Badge (Saudi Aramco + (Saudi Aramco +
(full time/contractor) Number Non-Saudi Aramco) Non-Saudi Aramco)
(years) (years)

Total-X Total (Y) Total (Z)

Name of Supervisor OIU:

Badge number of Supervisor OIU:
Serving OIU since: (d)
Total Number of Employees: = ( X)
Total Unit Service experience: = (Y)
Total Inspection service Experience: = (Z)
a) Unit Average Industrial Experience: = (Y)/(X) years
b) Corrosion Engineer Experience = years
c) Unit Average Inspection Experience: = (Z)/(X) years
d) Number of OIU Supervisor changes (permanent and acting) in the last 3 years: __________
e) Continuity of current supervisory assignment: =________years

Signature of Supervisor, Inspection Unit: _____________________________________

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Issue Date: 5 June 2016
Next Planned Update: 24 May 2018 Plant Inspection Performance Index (PIPI)

Appendix C.1 - Personnel Job Certification Evaluation CriteriaC1

Evaluation for the Personnel Job Certification shall be performed as per following criteria:

Personnel Job Certification Score

E/N Criteria
Evaluation Parameter (Max-13)

Certification per Grade code requirements:

Percentage of employees with completed
minimum certification requirements as per
job ladder C2
2.1 9 = (a/b) * 9
a = Employees with completed minimum
certification requirements as per job ladder

b= Total Number of Employees

Non = 00

2.2 Corrosion Engineer Certification C3 2 One Professional Certification = 1

Two Professional Certification = 2

Non = 0

Number of (diverse) Specialization One Job Specialization

2.3 2
certificate holders in the Unit C4 Certification = 1

More than one = 2

C.1 The evaluation for the certification of the full time and contract personnel associated with the inspection unit
is subdivided into following:
C.1.1 Certification per Grade code requirements
C.1.2 Corrosion Engineer Certification, excluding supervisors
C.1.3 Number of (diverse) Specialization certificate holders in the Unit

C.2 The corporate intent is that all individuals associated with the Operation Inspection Unit shall be certified as
per latest job ladder. Employees falling short of their minimum Job certification requirement as per their
grade code will not be counted in evaluation process. NDT technician and SMP are excluded.
C.3 The corporate intent is that the corrosion engineer within operating facilities shall be certified in the field of
corrosion to support the daily corrosion management activities program. The corrosion engineer shall be
certified for min of 2 certificates of the below to get the full score (2):
 NACE Corrosion Technologist
 NACE Corrosion Specialist Certification
 API 571 - Corrosion and Materials Professional
 NACE CP Specialist Certification

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 Master or Phd degree on corrosion related topics.

 Or the combination of NACE basic corrosion + CP level II + CIP level II(All together).
C.4 The operation Inspection unit should be proactive in solving challenging inspection, corrosion and materials
related problems as well as in the development and implementation of the unit KPIs. For this purpose some
of the individuals in the Inspection units should have recognized job specialization certification in various
inspection related disciplines. The diversification of the specialization is a prime requirement. For this
purpose more than one specialist in same discipline will be counted as one. If one individual in the
inspection unit carries more than one specialization certification, each job certification will be counted for
evaluation purpose. The Inspection Unit should have Individuals with any one of the following Job
Specialization Certifications:
 Operational Excellence (OE) Assessor Certificate
 ISO 9001 Lead Auditor International Certification
 ASM-0331 Certification - Principle for Failure Analysis
 API 1169 - Pipeline Inspector
 API 571 - Corrosion and Materials Professional
 API 577 - Welding Inspection and Metallurgy Professional
 API 580 - Risk Based Inspection Professional
 API 936 - Refractory Personnel
 API Fitness-for-Service, API 579-1/AMSME FFS-1
 National Board - Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspection Certification
 INE-171 - CC Certified Welding Inspector (CWI)
 ASNT Level III
 NACE CP Technician
 NACE CP Technologist
 NACE CP Specialist Certification
 NACE Coating Inspector Program (CIP) Level-3
 NACE Protective Coating Specialist
 NACE Corrosion Technician
 NACE Corrosion Technologist
 NACE Corrosion Specialist Certification
 NACE PCIM (Pipeline Corrosion Integrity Management) Technician
 NACE PCIM Technologist
 NACE Internal Corrosion Technologist
 NACE Internal Corrosion Specialist (Pipelines)
 NACE Material Selection/Design Specialist
 NACE Chemical Treatment Specialist.
 If any inspection unit personnel is specialized in any other program than above, acceptability of the
specialization program shall be decided by Supervisor, Inspection Engineering Unit, Inspection

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Appendix C.2 - Personal Job Certification Data Sheet

Data for Average Personnel Certification shall be provided as per following data sheet:

Facility Name:
Evaluation Year:

a) Certification per Grade code requirements:

Name of the OIU Employee

(full time) with valid Minimum
Badge Grade Code Completed
Number required Job Certifications as per
grade code. Number of Employee Certifications

(See Note-1)


Note-1: Courses which do not require certification on completion are not applicable in this section.

b) Corrosion Engineer Professional Certification:

Name of the Badge Grade Code Completed

Corrosion Engineer Number of Employee Job Certifications


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Appendix C.3 - Personnel Job Specialization Data Sheet

Specialization Certificate Badge Number

Number Name of Employee
(see Note-3) of Employee


Note-3: Copies of the specialization job certifications shall be provided.

Total Number of Employees with valid job certifications as per grade code requirements: = (a)___________
Number of professional certification for corrosion engineer: = (b)_____________
Total number of Specializations within the inspection unit: = (c)_____________

Signature of Supervisor Inspection Unit: _____________________________________

Name of Supervisor Inspection Unit: ________________________________________

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Appendix D.1 - Job Training Evaluation CriteriaD.1

E/N Training Evaluation Parameter Criteria
individuals who completing min of 4 (or more) e-learning
courses in evaluation year D.2
4 Courses include one Safety Course & three Technical
3.1 Courses 4 = (a/b) * 4
a = Individuals who completing min of 4 (or more)
e-Learning courses in evaluation year
b = Total Number of Employees

Saudi Aramco or OOC Courses / seminars/workshops:

individuals who completing min of 2 (or more) SA held
courses/seminars/workshops in evaluation year D.3

3.2 c = individuals who completing min of 2 (or more) SA or 6 = (c/d) * 6

OOC held courses/seminars/workshops in evaluation
d = Total Number of Employees

D.1 Corporate intent is that the inspection units shall continuously develop the professional skills of their
employees. For this purpose, the skill development program of OIUs will be evaluated to assure effective
implementation of professional training programs.
D.2 The evaluation of e-learning courses is based on a minimum of 4 e-Learning courses per employee per year.
D.1.1 Courses shall be counted on per person bases.
D.1.2 Less than 4 courses (one safety course+ three technical courses) per person per year shall not be
D.1.3 Four (4) courses or more by one individual shall be taken as 1 count.
D.1.4 Extra courses by one individual shall not be credited to other individuals in the inspection unit.
D.1.5 SAIF E-learning are not credited in this element.
D.1.6 Saudi Aramco employees and Contractor (SMP) are required to complete the e-learning.
D.3 The requirement is for a minimum of 2 courses / seminars / workshops per person per year.
D.3.1 More than 2 courses / seminars/ workshops attended by one individual will be taken as 1 count.
D.3.2 Extra courses by one individual will not be credited to other individuals in inspection unit.
D.3.3 The Courses/ Seminars/ Workshops should be announced on the corporate website or via emails.
D.3.4 The safety talks, or workshops held within the inspection units, without corporate announcement and
invitation to other units outside the department will not qualify for consideration under the evaluation
criteria of this procedure.
D.3.5 Relevance of courses attended to engineering inspection will be decided by the PIPI evaluation team.
In case of disagreement between the team and OIU, the issue will be resolved as per guidelines of this
D.3.6 This sub-element is only mandated to Saudi Aramco employees. Contractor will not be counted.

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Appendix D.2 - Job Training Data Sheet

Data for personnel: Training shall be provided as per following data sheet
Facility Name:
Evaluation Year:

1. E-learning evaluation:
Name of the OIU Employee (full
time/contractor) who have completed
Badge Course Date
Number min of 3 technical + Safety related
Number Name completed
(See note-1)


Note-1: Training history record of each employee should be provided

2. Saudi Aramco or OOC courses / seminars:

Name of the OIU Employee
(full time) who have completed min of 2 Badge Course Date
technical related Saudi Aramco courses. Number Name completed
(See notes-2 & 3)


Note-2: Proof of attendance of course is required (booking record is not applicable).

Note-3: Non PEDD seminars should be announced in the corporate announcement system.

Total OIU Employee with min of 3 technical + 1 Safety related e-courses: = (a)
Total OIU Employee with min of 2 technical related Saudi Aramco or OOC courses: = (b)

Signature of Supervisor Inspection Unit: ______________________________________

Name of Supervisor Inspection Unit

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Appendix E.1 - External Assessment Evaluation CriteriaE.1.1

Evaluation for the External Assessment shall be performed as per following criteria:

OIU External Assessment Score Sub-Item

E/N Criteria
Evaluation Parameter (Max-10) Score

OIU maintains an approved consolidated Master List Yes 1

of all Observations relating to OIU programs in the
4.1 1
previous 3 years cycle provided by External
Organizations E.1.2 No 0

Number of closed trackable observations /

recommendations from External Assessment
conducted by an organizations external to OIU
Dept.E.1.3 4
4.2 4 = (a/b) * 4
a: Number of closed observations

b: Total No. of observations in the previous 3 years cycle

as per consolidated External Assessment master list.

RCA Form with details for trackable observations

submitted to IEU E.1.4

4.3 c: Number of observations with RCA Forms completed and 4 = (c/d) * 4 4

submitted to IEU.

d: Total No. of closed observations in the previous 3 years

cycle as per consolidated master list.

Annual Awareness Session conducted on External

Assessment Status for all OIU staff with presentation
uploaded to SAIF. E.1.5

4.4 g: No. of observations with CA, RCA & Process 1 = (g/h) * 1 1

Improvement Presented and available in SAIF.

h: Total No. of observations in current assessment cycle as

per consolidated master list.

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E.1.1 External Assessment Performance Evaluation basis shall be:

E.1.1.1 Applies to all observations (Open & Close) and recommendations in the previous 3 years cycle
relating to inspection programs from External Assessment conducted by any one of the following
 Operational Audits Dept
 Operational Excellence Dept
o Inspection Dept (per SAEP-308)
o Loss Prevention Dept. (LPD)
o Environmental Protection Dept. (EPD)
 Third Party Insurance
 Any external assessment / audit organization

E.1.1.2 The cut-off date for External Assessment to be considered is December 31st of the year prior to the
PIPI evaluation year. The intent is to allow proponents a minimum of 12 months to close external
assessment observations.

E.1.1.3 Post assessment closure of all observation items to the satisfaction of the Assessment Team

E.1.1.4 Submit RCA Form (available in SAEP-308) with more details for trackable observations to IEU
through utilizing Plant Assessment Module in SAIF. RCA shall be as per Section 9 requirements.

E.1.1.5 Results of the assessment and post assessment closure of action items including RCA
implementation by the OIU are used for the performance evaluation.

E.1.2 The Consolidated Master List of all External Assessment Observations and recommendations shall be
sectioned by responsible external party, approved annually and include:

E.1.2.1 The Expected Time to Complete (ETC) agreed with External Assessment Team

E1.2.2 Concurrence of OIU Dept. Engineering Division Head

E.1.2.3 Approval by OIU Dept. Manager before March 31st of the Evaluation year.

E.1.2.4 OIU shall utilize the sample form in Appendix E.2

E.1.3 This criteria shall be applied where open observations relating to inspection programs exist from External
Assessment conducted by any one of the following organizations:
 Operational Audits Dept
 Operational Excellence Dept
o Inspection Dept (per SAEP-308)
o Loss Prevention Dept. (LPD)
o Environmental Protection Dept. (EPD)
 Third Party Insurance
 Any external assessment / audit organization

Scoring shall be according to formula indicated in Criteria Table.

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E.1.4 OIU should complete RCA Form (as per SAEP-308, Appendix G) supported by more details and upload in
SAIF. The percentage shown in the table refers to the total of submitted RCA forms versus the total of
trackable observations.

E.1.5 Annual Awareness Session shall be conducted (before December 31 st of the PIPI Cycle year) on the
inspection related external assessment findings’ status for the department. A copy of all presentations at the
session shall be uploaded in SAIF for PIPI Scoring Evaluation. The session shall cover:

E.1.5.1 All items in the department’s “Approved Consolidated Master List of all External Assessment
Observations and Recommendations”

E.1.5.2 Current Status and ETC (where applicable)

E.1.5.3 RCA and process improvement implemented to prevent re-occurrence of each observation.

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Appendix E.2 - Consolidated Master List (SAMPLE)

NO Observation Description External Assessor Issue Date ETC

1 No system to track RBI assessments ID 10 Nov 2015 10 Oct 2012
During the interview and review of
RBI program, it was found that
there is no system to track the
implementation progress and
status of the RBI

2 XXXX OE 5 Dec 2015 2 Feb 2016

3 XXXX LPD 1 Sep 2015 6 Jan 2016

 Only Inspection related observations shall be included.
 Any observation issued during the evaluation year will not be included.
 The list shall include all observation (Open & Close) for the previous three (3) years.

Concur: _____________________________________
Xxxxxx, Superintendent, Eng. Div.

Concur: _____________________________________
Xxxxxx, Manager.

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Appendix F - OIU Annual Self-Assessment Evaluation Criteria F.1

Evaluation for OIU Self-Assessment shall be performed as per following criteria:

Score Sub-Item
E/N Evaluation Parameter Criteria
(Max-10) Score
0 0
5.1 Strength as per SAEP-308. F.2
2 2
≥2 (1 for each
One SME to lead the
5.2 Lead Assessor. F.3 1 1
One other department
5.3 Other department participation. F.4 2
Two other departments
Mechanical 0.5
5.4 Diversity of disciplines. F.5 1.5 Electrical 0.5
Civil 0.5
The percentage of
submitted RCA
Submit RCA Form forms versus the = (a/b) * 1.5 1.5
with more details for total of trackable
5.5 observations. (F.6.1) 2
trackable observations
to IEU. F.6 Submit it to IEU
PIPI review team. RCA Submission 0.5

1st Quarter 1

Report submission 2nd Quarter 0.75

Date. F.7 3rd Quarter 0.5
4th Quarter 0.25
5.6 1.5 OIU shall submit
Report Planning and
Planning Gantt Chart & 0.25
Implementation. F.8
Schedule of activities
OIU shall provide the
Team assignment assessment team
letter. F.9 members’ assignment

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F.1 Evaluation Basis:
F.1.1 In the formula:
a: Number of observations with RCA Forms completed and submitted to IEU as required in Section 9
of this SAEP.
b: Total No. of observations
F.1.2 The efforts of operation inspection unit towards effective self-assessment, and identification of the
gaps in all inspection programs established in SAEP-308 that are applicable to the OIU shall be
F.1.3 The inspection units shall provide the annual self-assessment results to Supervisor, Inspection
Engineering Unit as per requirements of SAEP-308.
F.2 OIU will score 1 for each strength item and the maximum score is two (2). Strengths will be evaluated as per
the following:
F.2.1 Obtain agreement of OIU Engineering Division head as Champion for each strength item who
confirms as meeting SAEP-308 requirements.
F.2.2 Obtain Validation from an external assessor within admin area for each. Reciprocal validation
between departments will not be accepted.
F.2.3 Submit to IEU PIPI Evaluation Coordinator for review.
F.2.4 Final Validation by PIPI Evaluation team.
F.2.5 Validated Strengths can be submitted any time along the evaluation year prior to 31 December.
In reference to SAEP-308 Appendix D, “Any observation which another Saudi Aramco facility can benefit from as a
recommended good practice and falls under one of the following:
A. Innovation idea approved by Technology Management Division of the corporate Intellectual Assets
Management Group, Dhahran.
B. Good Practice or program or tool or new cost effective process with proponent management documented
cost avoidance greater than one hundred thousand dollars per year (> $100M/yr.)”

The Strengths submitted under the category “A” (i.e. related to Innovation Idea) shall only be accepted if provided
with supporting documents such as; ESA, Engineering reports or a Technology Management Division report.
The Strengths submitted under the category “B” requires a realized cost avoidance of greater than $100M/yr
applicable to new Inspection Practice, Process and inspection programs.

The term "Strength” mentioned shall fulfil the following conditions:

 New and only Inspection Related
 Applicable only for the evaluation year of PIPI
 NDT Technology items.
 Items counted by other PIPI elements.
F.3 The leader of the self-assessment should have at least one of the following certificates in order to gain the
credit of one (1) score:
F.3.1 API Certificate (minimum one held by employee in life time)
F.3.2 IRCA Certificate (ISO 9001:2008)

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F.3.3 Operational Excellence (OE) Assessor Certificate

F.4 For other department participation, the following should be considered:
F.4.1 First external assessor from admin area.
F.4.2 Second external assessor from outside admin area.
F.4.3 Any department which provides an assessor cannot be assessed by proponent for 2 years.
F.4.4 External Assessor shall meet the qualification requirements for Lead Assessor in F.3.
F.5 Regarding the diversity of discipline, OIU will score 0.5 for each discipline until it reaches the maximum score
F.6 It is required to complete RCA Form (as per SAEP-308, Appendix G) supported by more details for trackable
observations (Immediate, High priority, Medium priority) and submit it to IEU.
F.6.1 The percentage shown in the table is referred to the total of submitted RCA forms versus the total of
trackable observations.
F.6.2 OIU must submit all established RCA forms supported by more details to IEU Supervisor.
F.7 OIU should submit Self-assessment report to IEU PIPI review team. OIU should submit the report in the
1st quarter in the evaluation year to get the full score (1.5).
F.8 OIU shall submit Planning Gantt Chart & Schedule of activities showing the OIU programs and the
name/logon details of the assessor who covered each program.
F.9 OIU shall provide the assessment team members’ assignment letter as issued and emailed by OIU
Supervisor prior to start of the self-assessment.

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Appendix G - SAIF Utilization Evaluation Criteria

Score Measurement
E/N Evaluation Parameter
(Max-12) Criteria
6.1 SAIF Training G.1 0.5 Weight*percentage of completed courses
A. 0% T&I overdue = 2.5* Time Factor
B. >0% - 2% = 2.0*Time Factor
6.2 T&I Overdue G.2 2.5 C. >2.0% - 5.0% = 1.5* Time Factor
D. >5.0% T&I overdue or max 10 T&I
overdue whichever is less= 0
Weight*(1-Number of overdue/Total number
6.3 OSI overdue G.3 2 of CMLs scheduled in a given
year)*Corrosion Class Factor
External Inspections (Mechanical, Electrical, Weight*(1-Number of overdue/Total number
6.4 2 of planned external inspection in a given
Civil and CP) Overdue G.4
year)*Time Factor
(Number of modules used/ Number of
6.5 Module Usage 1
relevant Modules)
Weight*{100%-(Ax-A)/(Max-A)} if Ax > A
Aging of the defect
notification of Non-T&I 1 Or
or Non-shutdown G.5
Defect Notification Weight*100% if Ax ≤ A
Usage Weight*{100%-(Ax-A)/(Max-A)} if Ax>A
Inspection response
time of Defect 1 Or
Notification Approval G.6
Weight*100% if Ax ≤ A
A. Submitting at least one valid idea to
enhance the system in one year = 0.25

G.7 B. Participating in voting system to enhance

6.7 Contribution to SAIF Enhancement 1
SAIF= 0.25
C. Participating in test the implementation
of the enhancement items = 0.5
A. Two SAIF self-assessment report
submitted per year = 1

G.8 B. One SAIF self-assessment report

6.8 SAIF Self-Assessment Report 1
submitted per year = 0.5
C. No SAIF self-assessment report
submitted per year = 0

Note: Total score will be multiplied by the percentage of SAIF master data upload (Technical Object 50%, OSI Measuring
Points 25%, and Inspection Plan 25%)

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G.1 Matrix of SAIF e-learning courses required

G.1.1 The SAIF e-learning courses are required to be taken once per individual unless there is a change
within the unit employees.
G.2 OIU shall do the actual inspection work + uploading data into SAIF to get the score. Revalidation test will be
equivalent T&I for pipelines. The following criteria will be used to measure this component:
A. 0% T&I overdue = 2.5* Time Factor
B. >0% - 2% = 2.0* Time Factor
C. >2.0% - 5.0% = 1.5* Time Factor
D. >5.0% T&I overdue or max 10 T&I overdue whichever is less= 0

Time Factor =
A. 100% if maximum T&I overdue is less than 15 days
B. 75% if maximum T&I overdue is less than 30 days
C. 50% if maximum overdue is less than 60 days
D. 0 for other cases

Plant A has a maximum T&I overdue for 14 days, so Plant A has time factor 100%.
Plant B has a maximum T&I overdue for 20 days, so Plant B has time factor 75%.
Plant C has a maximum T&I overdue for 50 days, so Plant C has time factor 50%.
Plant D has a maximum overdue for 65 days, so Plant D has time factor 0.

G.3 OSI overdue will be measured using this equation: Weight*(1-Number of overdue/Total number of CMLs
scheduled in a given year)*Corrosion Class Factor. Where Wight in the equation = the score of the
component and Corrosion Class factor =
A. 100% if only corrosion class 3 shown in the OSI overdue list.
B. 75% if corrosion class 2, 3 shown in the OSI overdue list.

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C. 50% if corrosion class 1, 2, 3 shown in the OSI overdue list.

D. 25% if corrosion class 0, 1, 2, 3 shown in the OSI overdue list.

G.4 External Inspection overdue will be measured using this equation: Weight*(1-Number of overdue/Total
number of planned external inspection in a given year)*Time Factor. Where each external inspection
discipline will be given 0.5 weight and the time factor =

A. 100% if average overdue time is within (0-10) days and maximum overdue is less than 15 days
B. 75% if average overdue time is within (0-15) days maximum overdue is less than 30 days
C. 50% if average overdue time is within (0-20) days maximum overdue is less than 60 days
D. 0 for other cases

Plant A has average overdue 8 days, and the maximum overdue is 14 days, so Plant A has time factor 100%.
Plant B has average overdue 8 days, and the maximum overdue is 20 days, so Plant B has time factor 75%.
Plant C has average overdue 18 days, and the maximum overdue is 65 days, so Plant C has time factor 50%.
Plant D has average overdue 22 days, and the maximum overdue is 65 days, so Plant D has time factor 0.

G.5 Ax: Average defect notification aging of plant x;

A: Average defect notification aging company-wide
Max: Maximum defect notification aging time.

G.6 Ax: Average response time of plant x;

A: Average response time of company-wide

Max: Maximum average response time.

G.6.1 The inspection unit response time will be calculated from the initiation of the defect notification in
system until the approval from the unit field supervisor.


Company average
Plant No. Average response time Score
response time

A 5 days = 100%
B 8 days = 100%- {(8-7) ÷ (15-7)} = 87.5%
7 days
C 10 days = 100%- {(10-7) ÷ (15-7)} = 62.5%
D 15 days = 100% - {(15-7) ÷ (15-7)} = 0%

G.7. Each department has to contribute to SAIF enhancement system by:

A. Submitting at least one valid idea to enhance the system in one year = 0.25
B. Participating in voting system to enhance SAIF = 0.25
C. Participating in test the implementation of the enhancement items = 0.5

G 7.1 To validate and approve an enhancement idea, ID SAIF admin and IT SAIF teams has to review
and accept it.

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G.8 Each department has to send a SAIF self-assessment report every six months to ID/OID/IEU. The report
shall be signed by the unit head and shall include:

A. Verification of the master date uploaded to SAIF.

B. Verification of the scheduling of the inspection plans.
C. Verification of the result recorded in SAIF.

Any discrepancies or missing date found during the self-assessment shall be reported to ID SAIF Admin team for
modification and upload.

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Appendix H.1 - KPIs Evaluation Criteria H.1.1

Max Score
E/N KPIs Evaluation Criteria
(Total: 10)
Complete KPI for all OIU Inspection programs in SAEP-308 (all twenty-three
7.1 programs) according to proactive elements criteria; and departmental 4
formalization and approval.
7.1.1 MeasurableH.1.2 1
Share KPIs with all OIU Personnel (email or letter) before end
7.1.2 0.5
of Q.1 (March). H.1.3
7.1.3 Identify gaps using RCA for five programs. H.1.4 1.5
Obtain Dept. Manager's Approval following presentation on KPI sheet, before
7.1.4 1
or on 30th April H.1.5
Proactive Initiatives to close identified Gaps including ESA for the 5 programs
7.2 with most improvement opportunities and objective evidence for completed 6
actions required to formalize the KPIs.
Documented corrective actions implemented for each of the top 5 programs
7.2.1 2.5
@ 0.5 score each. H.1.6
7.2.2 Tracking of progress to close gap, 0.1 for each of Top 5. H.1.7 0.5
OIU Department Manager’s Concurrence for Gaps’ Closure before or on 31 st
7.2.3 3
December H.1.8

H.1.1 To enhance continuous monitoring and improvement in the various field inspection programs, the operation
inspection unit shall develop “SMART” proactive Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each inspection
program listed in SAEP-308 that is applicable to the OIU department.
H.1.1.1 The intent of the KPI element is for OIUs to:
(a) Identify the department inspection programs which offer the most improvement opportunities
(b) Select top 5 challenge programs and identify related gaps through RCA as required in
Section 9 of this SAEP.
(c) Track the practical solutions utilized in incrementally closing identified gaps
(d) Validate closure such that implemented actions can be shared company-wide.
H.1.1.2 Submission shall include a description of the KPI goal, measured item, measurement value,
period covered and OIU target objective for the year as formalized in the 1st quarter and the
actual achieved as documented in the 4th quarter.
H.1.1.3 KPIs implementation evaluation is divided into two subdivisions and measured as per criteria
provided in Appendices H.1 and H.2:
a) KPI Development and Approval - OIU teams of 4-6 unit personnel shall develop KPIs for
each Inspection program according to the process steps for proactivity criteria and securing
departmental approval of the KPIs as required in Appendix H.2.
b) Action Tracking and Validation - Documented proactive initiatives implemented to close gaps
identified in the selected top 5 inspection programs (with the most improvement

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opportunities) is required. Typical acceptable documentation shall be Engineering Service

Agreements (ESA) or equivalent (see Appendix H.4). To validate implementation of planned
actions, gaps closure shall be approved by the Department Manager before the end of the
4th quarter (December 31). See Appendix H.3 (B).
H.1.1.4 A good KPI for the Relief Valve Program can be “to have zero (measurement value) overdue
RV’s (measured item) of all RVs due for testing in the year (period covered).” The OIU target will
be the number of RVs due for testing in the year
H.1.1.5 OIU may choose to develop more than one KPI for each program listed in SAEP-308, however,
for the purpose of PIPI evaluation, only one KPI per inspection program is required. The top 5
KPIs selected with department management approval and submitted for the year shall be those
which provide the most improvement opportunities.
H.1.1.6 The KPI, goal, measurement value, measured item or target shall be changed or revised to
provide a stretch goal if the target is accomplished in two subsequent years.
H.1.1.7 The KPI is considered accomplished in the short term if the ratio of actual to target is 100% in two
subsequent years.
H.1.2 Prorated over 24 programs. (See Appendices H.2 and H.4)
H.1.3 Email shall be issued by the unit supervisor to all OIU personnel outlining the KPIs, gaps identified and
proposed action plan. Action shall be completed before the end of the 1st quarter (31st March).
H.1.4 OIU shall identify gaps for the top 5 programs (Top 5 programs are the weakness programs within the unit)
with the most improvement opportunities supported by root causes analysis, which will result in a score of
0.3 point for each identified gap (and 0.3 times 5 for full score = 1.5). To be completed before the end of the
1st quarter (31st March).
H.1.5 Department Manager’s approval as per Appendix H.3 (A), shall be completed before end of day on 30th April.
H.1.6 OIU must document corrective actions implemented for each of the top 5 programs selected for closing
identified gaps, each documented CA will result in 0.5 score and full score is 1.5.
H.1.7 Evidence of tracking system used in tracking the progress towards closure of gaps shall gain 0.1 for each of
the “Top 5” gaps identified in OIU Department Manager’s approval letter for the KPIs.
H.1.8 Department Manager for OIU shall concur all gaps’ closure before the end of 4th quarter in order to get the
full point for this parameter (0.6 point for each gap closure concurrence = 3 points total). Appendix H.3 (B),
closure percentage completion concurrence shall be completed not later than 31 st December.
See Requirements in Appendix H.3.

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Appendix H.2 - OIU Key Performance IndicatorsH.2.1

Phase KPI Element Score

Develop KPIs:

 For all OIU Inspection programs in SAEP-308 (all twenty-three

programs or as applicable to the department).
Plan 4
 with departmental approval as required in Appendix H.2

 according to proactive element guidelines in Notes H.2.1 below.

Provide documented “Proactive Initiatives” to close identified Gaps in

the five (5) inspection programs with the most improvement
opportunities, such as:
Execute 6
 ESA with engineering services

 Objective evidence for completed action items identified by OIU or

third party evaluation of the gap.


H.2.1 KPIs Development Guidelines

H.2.1.1 KPIs submitted by OIU should be based on proactive elements and be SMART.

H.2.1.2 KPI shall be developed by a Team with input from key knowledge points in the department
and/or company to evaluate and implement each specific goal.

H.2.1.3 KPIs shall have Target Value

H.2.1.4 KPIs should be Measurable.

H.2.1.5 KPIs implementation Plan shall include assignment of a responsible person to Review.

H.2.1.6 Include process to Evaluate and Trend collected and analyzed data.

H.2.1.7 Plan, Forecast and indicate action items which can Predictably Close Gaps.

H.2.1.8 Assign Responsible person for Optimization of KPI implementation activities.

H.2.1.9 Management of Change (MOC) plan shall exist to support any changes which might be
required to close gaps identified.

H.2.1.10 Knowledge gained in developing and implementing each KPI shall be communicated and used
for training, lessons learned and Knowledge Sharing sessions.

H.2.1.11 KPIs implementation shall include an annual Reward Program.

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Appendix H.3 - KPIs Approval Documentation (SAMPLE)

Terminal Operation Department

Inspection Unit
Box 9270, RT
Tel. 678-1636, Fax 678-1277
June 11, 2013
TED/TIU-099/201 3
2013 Terminal Inspection Unit KPIs
Terminal Operation Department

Find attached for your approval are the 2013 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) with target established according
to SAEP-372 requirements for each of the inspection programs listed in SAEP-308 which are applicable at Terminal
Facilities. We have identified the inspection programs with the most improvement opportunities, required action to
close gaps with roles and responsibilities, ETC and periodic reporting with assigned person to track progress of

The top five programs which require increased focus in 2013 are:

1. Training Program; to accelerate five (5) inspectors’ job certification based on new job ladder
2. RBI Program; to complete the remaining RBI studies for ten (10) Yanbu Tanks.
3. Corrosion Program; to utilize the VCI technology to eliminate the underside corrosion of tanks bottom
plates for 40 tanks at Juaymah Tank Farm.
4. Defect Notification (DN); to expedite the implementation of none T&l DNs which are open for more than
one year, total of 80 DNs in list.
5. Inspection Technology Utilization; to deploy (11) proven applicable technologies in TOD.

xxxxxxx, Supervisor
Terminal Inspection Unit /TOD

Concur: _____________________________________
Xxxxxxxxxxx, Superintendent, Terminal Enrng. Div.

(A) Approved:______________________________
xxxxxxxxxxx, Manager/TOD

Attachment: TOD-IU 2013 KPIs

CC: TOD Superintendent (with attachment after approval)
Letter book, File

Gaps closure percentage completion concurrence:

(1) ______% , (2) ______% ,(3) ______%, (4) ______%, (5) ______%

(B) Concur: ______________________________

xxxxxxxxxxx, Manager/TOD

Attachment: Gaps Closure Report

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Appendix H.4 - KPIs Summary Sheet (SAMPLE)

Goal &
Target Actual Performance
Measurement Remarks/ Assign for
No. Program ( For Evaluation ( For Evaluation Percentage (%) ETC
( For Evaluation Documentation reporting
Year ) Year ) (Up to date)
Year )

1 Technical Administration
2 Worksheets

3 Management of
4 Positive Material
5 On-Stream Inspection
6 Plant Record Books and

7 Equipment Inspection
8 Relief Valve Program
9 NDT Operations
10 Corrosion Program

11 Plant and Equipment

12 Welding Inspection
13 Electrical Inspection
14 Civil Inspection
15 Coatings Inspection
16 Training Program

17 Involvement in
Management of Change

18 Cathodic Protection (CP)

Monitoring Program

19 Risk Based Inspection

(RBI) Program
20 SAIF Utilization

21 Inspection Technology

22 High Integrity Protective

Systems (HIPS) Program
23 Non-metallic Program

24 Community & Operations

Support Facilities

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Appendix I.1 - RBI Implementation Evaluation Criteria I.1

Evaluation for implementation of RBI shall be performed as per following criteria:

Score Sub-item
E/N RBI Evaluation Parameter Criteria
(Max-10) Score
Submission of an annual plan of evergreen RBI Yes 0.5
8.1 assessments for all process units as per SAEP-343 0.5
requirements (Planned – Ongoing – Completed) I.1 No 0
Completion percentage of required initial RBI
assessments out of total number of process units
a: total number of completed initial RBI
8.2 2 = (a/b)* 2 2
assessments by December 31st.
b: total number of process units requires RBI
assessment as per SAEP-343.

Completion percentage of required evergreening

assessments due per the submitted plan. I.3
c: total number of completed evergreening RBI
8.3 assessments by December 31st. 2.5 = (c/d)* 2.5 2.5
d: total number of required evergreening RBI
(full score if none is due)

Submission of a letter to proponent Division Head Yes 1

8.4 showing the plan to implement RBI assessments 1
recommendations and the status of implementation. No 0
Completion percentage of RBI recommendations
due (full score if none are due)
8.5 e: sum of percentage of completed RBI 2.5 = [e/(f*100)] * 2.5 2.5
recommendations per process unit.
f: total number of process units.

All RBI documents/files/software databases are No 0

8.6 0.5
uploaded on e-cabinet and e-Way Yes 0.5
None 0
8.7 Number of RBI facilitators per SAEP-343 criteria 1
≥1 1

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I.1 A comprehensive plan endorsed by the proponent Engineering Division Head shall be submitted
for IEU review and concurrence by January 31st. The plan shall cover all process units as per
I.2 Required RBI assessments as per SAEP-343.
I.3 Consider the initial RBI assessments due for evergreening process per SAEP-343.
Refer to SAEP-343 for evergreening requirements. Post T&I evergreening shall be completed
within 4 months after issuing the post T&I report. Post T&I report shall follow SAEP-1161

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Appendix I.2 - RBI Implementation Data Sheet

Data for RBI Program implementation shall be provided as per following data sheet:

Facility Name:
Evaluation Year:

Name of Facility/Unit (List all Units in the Plant)

Date Initial RBI completed

Date last RBI update completed (Evergreen)

EIS Deviations as Recommended per RBI Results

T&I Date after last RBI Results

% of Inspection Defect Notifications Issued

Based on RBI results

% of T&I Scope generated based on RBI results

Completion % of OSI Optimization based on RBI results

All RBI Documents/files/reports/databases

Uploaded on eWay

Numbers of RBI facilitators per SAEP-343 Criteria

* Provide documentation supporting each element.

Signature of Supervisor Inspection unit: ____________________________________

Name/Badge of Supervisor Inspection Unit: __________________________________

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Appendix J - Inspection Technology Utilization Criteria J.1

Evaluation for inspection technology utilization and commitment to non-conventional inspection technologies shall
be performed as per following criteria:


PA TOFD AUT C-map HT C-map Pipe I. ILI GW MFL Tank AVI Tube I.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CUI P. X-rays IR Gas Finder AE T AE LA AE V
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA

Total out of 3 3.00

• ( NA ) : Not applicable either for the facility at all or Not applicable in the meantime as the plant is new or the need of the
technology has not come yet (provide justifications)
• ( 1 ) : Applicable and used the technology provide supporting documents )
• ( 0 ) : Applicable but not utilized the technology


( Proactively, Partnering in New Technology, Signing & ESA Related to Technology)

Partnership in new TI (1.0) 1

ESA (1.0) 1

• ( 1 ) : If a facility has one or more TI , one or more ESA

• ( 0 ) : Applicable but not utilized the technology
• (NA): If the facility was not asked to partner in a TI or ESA
• Supporting documents must be submitted.





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PA Phased Array
TOFD Time of Flight Differ action
AUT Advanced Ultrasound Testing: Stepwise Cracking System
C-map HT Corrosion Mapping at High Temperature
Corrosion Mapping:
• P-Scan (Projection Scan)
• LPCMS (Longitudinal Pipe Corrosion Mapping System)
• RMS (Rapid Motion Scanner)
• LSI (Large Structure Inspection)
• Ambient Corrosion Mapping
Pipe Inspection:
• Saturated Low Frequency Eddy Current (SLOFEC)
Pipe I. • Robotic Pipe Scanner (RPS)
• Geometric Inspection Pigs (GIP)
• Other similar techniques
In Line Inspection:
• EMAT Scraper
• MFL Scraper
• UT Scraper
GW Guided Wave
MFL Tank Magnetic Flux Leakage for tank inspection
Advanced Visual Inspection:
• Remote Video Crawler
• Remote Video Borescope
• Small Bore Tube Inspection System
Tube Inspection:
• Magnetic Flux Leakage
• Internal Rotary Inspection System
Tube I.
• Remote Field Eddy Current Testing
• Eddy Current Testing
• Acoustic Eye Inspection System
Corrosion Under Insulation Profiler:
• Open Vision
• Other similar techniques

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• Medium power Digital X-ray
X-ray • High power Digital X-ray
IR Infrared Thermal Imaging
Gas Finder Infrared Gas Finder
AE T Acoustic Emission for Tank inspection
AE LA Acoustic Emission for loading arms
AE V Acoustic Emission for Valve leakage inspection


J.1 Inspection technologies deliver detailed inspection data on equipment condition that can be utilized for
engineering assessments such as fitness for service (FFS) and improves confidence in the integrity of
operating facilities’ assets. In this procedure, the utilization of inspection technologies is considered a
proactive approach toward improving asset integrity.

The NDT Technology Implementation Assessment scoring is divided into two sections:

o Advance NDT Services Utilization: reflects used advanced NDT services during the evaluation year.

o Commitment towards the Technology Program: evaluates the facility’s effective participation and
commitment toward inspection technology program through partnership and ESA.

J.2 (A) Advance NDT Services Utilizations:

Score of “1” is given for each utilized technology.

Score of “0” is given for each non-utilized technology.

Score of “NA” is given for technologies that are Not Applicable.

The maximum score from this section is 3 Points.

For the scores of “1” and “NA” supporting documents shall be provided.

All awarded points should be for technologies or activities deployed during the current evaluation year.

J.3 (B) Commitment toward Technology Program

• Score of “1” is given for an active ESA(s) or Partnership(s).

• Score of “Na” is given if there is no active ESA or Partnership.

• Score of “0” is given if the facility does not have effective participation in the technology program.

The maximum score that could be awarded is 2 Points.

If a facility has “NA” the two points weight will be added to Section (A).

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Appendix K - Proactive Actions and Knowledge Sharing Evaluation Criteria

(Activities listed below shall be completed by December 31 of the evaluation year and associated
confirmation included in submitted data to be considered)

E/N Proactive Actions & Knowledge Sharing Evaluation Parameter Max Score

10.1 Support for Community and Operations Support facilities - (All applicable) K.1 2.5

EIS for assigned (SAEP-309) Community and Operations Support facilities

10.1.1 1
developed and uploaded in SAIF K.2

10.1.2 Inspection per EIS of Community and Operations Support facilities completed K.3 1

Annual review of assigned Community and Operations Support facilities’

10.1.3 0.5
responsibilities for completeness (according to SAEP-309) completion K.4
Knowledge Sharing – OIU shall earn points for completing any of the action
10.2 15.5
items listed below on a pro-rated basis.

10.2.1 Participate in other OIUs Self-Assessment with one SME K.5 1

10.2.2 Participate in other OIUs T&I with SME K.6 2

Receive two (2) employees from other departments for training on 6-months
10.2.3 2
developmental assignment K.7
Placement of two (2) OIU employees with other department for 6-months
10.2.4 2
developmental assignment K.8
Conduct one-day technical workshop with a min of seven (7) other department
10.2.5 1.5
OIU employees attending K.9
Present two (2) technical papers at in-company (including other OIU technical
10.2.6 2
workshop) or OOC technical workshop K.10
Submit acceptable comments for any Standards (SAES, SAEP, SAMSS or
10.2.7 1
SAIP) revision K.11
Participation in ID/ES organized Value Engineering Workshop or Participate in
10.2.8 1.5
Standards Committee Meetings or Standards Awareness Session K.12
Submit draft Inspection Procedure or Best Practice for corporate application
10.2.9 0.5
consideration K.13
Coordinate and host training session leading to inspection job ladder required
10.2.10 2
certification with a min of seven (7) other department OIU employees attending K.14
Maximum Total Score Required of OIU from above as applicable 12

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K.1 OIU in department not providing inspection support for Community and Operations Support facilities shall
obtain all required twelve (12) points from any of the activities listed in 10.2.
K.2 OIU shall complete EIS through SAP for all assigned community and operation support facilities as per
SAEP-309. Evaluation score will be prorated for % of the assigned facilities completed.
K.3 OIU shall inspect all Community and operation support facilities as per EIS. Evaluation score will be
prorated for % of the assigned facilities which were due that were inspected.
K.4 Completion of annual review of Community & Operations Support facilities assigned to OIU and by posting a
comment on e-Standards website re-affirming or updating applicable SAEP-309 section (relating to OIU
only). Completion shall be confirmed by e-Standards website records.
K.5 If OIU claim participation in other OIUs self- assessment, participation shall be confirmed by providing the
transaction email between the two involved units. Conditions:
K.5.1 Participating Assessor shall meet this SAEP’s qualification requirements for external assessor
during OIU Self-Assessment.
K.5.2 Max of one Assessor per OIU per year shall be credited.
K.6 OIU participation in other OIUs’ T&I, shall be confirmed by the transaction email between the two involved
units. OIU will score 0.25 points for every week of participation during any T&I period in the evaluation year.
To get full Score (2.0) OIU can participate either by one employee or multiple employees.
Example : Assume supported T&I duration is one (1) month, OIU can get full score by participating with one
employee for four weeks (0.25 X 8 = 2.0) or can participate with multiple employees and distribute the
number of weeks to the employees ( one employee participate for 3 weeks and another for 1 week)
K.7 Development assignment slot provided to another department employee for training shall be completed by
December 31 of the evaluation year to be considered and confirmed by approved Form 8000 copy.
This parameter will be measured as per the following:
K.7.1 OIU will score (1) for continuous 6 months slot period for one employee.
K.7.2 OIU will score 0.1 point per month for providing a slot for less than 6 months. Example: OIU will
score 0.4 for providing 4 months slot period. Durations are not cumulative.
K.7.3 OIU shall provide slot for at least two employees to get full score (2)
K.7.4 Maximum one point for any one employee. (Only if that employee stayed for continuous 6 months)
K.8 Development assignment in another department by one (1) OIU employee for 6-months shall be completed
by December 31 of the evaluation year to be considered and confirmed by approved Form 8000 copy.
This parameter will be measured as per the following:
K.8.1 OIU will score one (1) point for sending one of their employees for developmental assignment in
another department for continuous 6 months. Full score for two employees.
K.8.2 OIU will score 0.1 points per month for sending one of their employees for developmental
assignment to another department for less than 6 months,. Example: OIU will score 0.4 for sending
an employee to another department for 4 months period. Durations are not cumulative.
K.9 Conduct of one-day technical workshop with a min of seven (7) other department OIU employees attending
shall be confirmed by (a) the transaction email between the involved Engineering division heads and host
Engineering division head, and (b) signed attendance sheet by all participants.
K.10 OIU delivery of two (2) technical papers (prorated for two points) at in-company (including other OIU technical
workshop) or OOC technical workshop, shall be confirmed by (a) published workshop proceeding, and (b)
retired business assignment showing physical attendance in the workshop for full duration. One score for one
technical paper.

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K.11 OIU submission of acceptable comments for standards (SAES, SAEP, SAMSS or SAIP) revision shall be
confirmed by attaching the reply from e-Standard website for the submitted comment. OIU will score 0.1 for
each comment and a maximum of 1.0 for these criteria. To be accepted, the comment shall contain the
following on the e-Standard tab:
K.11.1 Paragraph impacted
K.11.2 Comment, clearly stating the improvement opportunity found and suggested correction.
K.11.3 Justification for suggested correction in terms of Cost, Safety, Operation, or other criteria.
K.11.4 Confirm OIU Supervisor review by stating – “this comment was reviewed by OIU Supervisor” with
Logon ID of Supervisor included.
K.12 OIU participation in value engineering workshop conditions:
K.12.1 shall be full duration, confirmed by attaching a copy of the (a) published workshop attendance
record, and (b) retired business assignment showing physical attendance in the workshop for full
K.12.2 OIU is credited with 0.1 points for one participant’s full day attendance of scheduled workshop,
meeting, or awareness session.
K.12.3 Only one participant from OIU shall be credited for each VE, Meeting, or Awareness Session
K.12.4 Minimum of two comments (2) is required from participant at workshop to obtain participation slip
from session facilitator.
K.13 OIU submission of draft Inspection Procedure or Best Practice for corporate application consideration shall
be confirmed by the acknowledgement email from the Standards Committee Chairman.
K.14 Coordinate and host training session leading to inspection job ladder required certification with a min of
seven (7) other department OIU employees attending. Host shall extend invitation to all OIU Supervisor and
IEU/OID/ID Unit Supervisor.

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Appendix M - PIPI Score Conflict Resolution Process

1. An Annual PIPI Score Conflict Resolution Committee shall be established by Manager, Inspection
Department by February ending, consisting of the following members:
a) ID/OID, Division head,
 Committee Chairman
 Voting member
 Moderate Q&A session
b) Division head level (Engineering) as;
 Representative from Upstream Business Line (NAOO/SAOO/GO)
 Voting member
 Representative rotated annually between UBL admin areas
c) Division head level (Engineering) as;
 Representative from Downstream Business Line (R&NGLF/PD&T)
 Voting member
 Representative rotated annually between DBL admin areas
d) ID/OID/IEU, Supervisor
 Voting member
e) Inspection Engineering Standards Committee Chairman
 Voting member
 Vice-Chairman shall attend in the absence of the Chairman
f) PIPI Coordinator
 Record-Keeper
 Time-keeper
 Non-voting member

2. Objectives of the Conflict Resolution Committee

 To provide a conflict resolution mechanism for PIPI scores
 Act as platform and opportunity to understand OIU perspective
 Resolve disagreements in PIPI Scores

3. Members shall:
 Meet once a year (before end of February) to resolve PIPI Score conflicts prior to publishing results
 Deliberate privately for 10 minutes and vote on the presented facts only before proceeding to the
next submission
 Vote on all submissions and cannot abstain from voting on any item

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 Initiate Q&A on submissions

4. Any department making a submission shall not be a member of the Conflict Resolution Committee for the

5. OIU Supervisor shall present the OIU perspective of area in dispute (non-standards interpretation issues)
to the Committee in a 10 minutes Question & Answer (Q&A) session per item. Basis of presentation
shall be:
 Submitting party who dispute ID/OID/IEU scoring shall document their rationale and supporting
documents for conflict resolution committee review and the Q&A session
 Verbal submission only (lacking filled out Appendix N with all requirements) will be rejected without
 Issue focused, not personal
 Supporting data are available
 Submitting party shall propose solution options
 Standards interpretation issues are outside the scope of the Conflict Resolution Process and
interpretation requests shall be forwarded by the originator in written form to the Inspection
Engineering Standards Committee Chairman for resolution

6. Following submission, the submitting party shall leave the committee meeting room

7. Decision of the committee shall be final.

8. Submitting OIU Supervisor shall be notified of the Committee’s decision at the end of the meeting day by
ID/OID/IEU Supervisor.

9. Committee for the year shall dissolve once the scores are approved by ES, Admin head.

10. The last date to submit any conflict request is on February 20 of the following year.

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Appendix N - PIPI Score Conflict Resolution Request Sheet

OIU Department:
Admin Area:
Submitted by (OIU Supervisor, Name and Network ID)
PIPI Element
SAEP-372, Appendix ……..& Requirement No.
A. Evaluation Team Documented Score
B. OIU Requested Change Score
Variance – PIPI Score Conflict Size (B-A)

Score Conflict Summary:

Reason for Score Conflict:

Requested Change in Score:

Justification for Change in Score Request:

Attachments Required & Included:

1. SAEP-372, Appendix ……..& Requirement No. ….... (Yes / No)
2. Objective evidence for change in score (Yes / No)
Previous Year PIPI Score for Impacted SAEP-372 Element:
PIPI Score this Year for Impacted SAEP-372 Element if Suggested Correction is
Committee Members’ Vote to
Accept Requested Change in 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Score: (Yes/No)

Supervisor, OIU

Concur: __________________________________
Xxxxxxxxxxx, Division Head, Engineering Div.

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