Saep 349 PDF
Saep 349 PDF
Saep 349 PDF
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 Applicable Documents.................................... 3
4 Definitions...................................................... 3
5 Responsibilities.............................................. 6
6 Instructions..................................................... 7
1 Scope
This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure (SAEP) with its appendices prescribes the
minimum mandatory requirements and guidelines governing the planning, engineering,
design, installation, testing and monitoring of Advanced Process Control Systems
(APC) projects in Saudi Aramco plants. SAEP-349 is applicable to all Saudi Aramco
projects either as stand alone or which include advanced process control systems.
This entire procedure may be attached to and made a part of purchase orders.
In the event that some or all of the steps are executed by contractors or vendors, the
project team shall ensure that the project is executed within the framework of this
Selection of specific hardware or software platforms is not within the scope of these
standards and practices.
This document addresses the following list of steps for justifying, implementing, and
maintaining advanced control applications in Saudi Aramco refineries, gas plants and
other applicable facilities:
a) Feasibility Studies - Cost and benefit estimation
b) Implementation and execution
c) Inferential properties development
d) Documentation
e) Performance Monitoring
f) Post-audits
2.1 Any conflicts between this procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Procedures (SAEP), Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials
System Specifications (SAMSSs), Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry
standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing through the Manager,
Process & Control Systems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this procedure in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Process & Control Systems
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
3 Applicable Documents
The engineering execution of APC projects may be considered with the latest edition of
the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.
4 Definitions
4.1 Abbreviations
APC Advanced Process Control System
APCU Advanced Process Control Unit
ARC Advanced Regulatory Control
CV Controlled Variable
DV Disturbance Variable
DCS Distributed Control System
ES Engineering Services
ESA Engineering Services Agreement
FPD Facilities Planning Department
KPI Key Performance Indicators
MIS Management Information System
MV Manipulated Variable
MVC Multivariable control
OO Operating Organization
PAS Process Automation System
P&CSD Process & Control Systems Department
P&ID Process & Instrumentation Drawing
PID Proportional, Integral, Derivative feedback controller
PT Project Team
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
4.2 Definitions
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Controlled Variables (CV): process values that are maintained by the control
system by making appropriate adjustments to Manipulated Variables. These are
controller inputs to be kept at a set point. Examples are flow, pH, pressure,
temperature, level or concentration.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Project Team (PT): The team assigned the responsibility of implementing and
managing the project. The team may be led by a contractor (vendor), P&CSD,
operating organization, or any combination of the three.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Service Factor (SF): is a measure of the fraction of time that an APC application
is operating on-line over a specified period of time. It is expressed in percent.
5 Responsibilities
The APC Project Team (PT) is assigned the responsibility of implementing and
managing the project. The team may be led by a contractor (vendor), P&CSD,
operating organization, or any combination of the three. A project may be
performed using one of the following three methods:
a) Contractor. The contractor leads, provides all necessary manpower and
has full responsibility for project completion and success under the
management of the appropriate Saudi Aramco representative.
b) In-House. Saudi Aramco employees (P&CSD/OO) lead the project and
are fully responsible for all manpower, hardware and software
c) Combination of contractor and in-house. This type of project is led by
Saudi Aramco employees (P&CSD/OO) who will contract portions of the
work as needed.
Responsibilities include:
a) P&CSD shall be consulted before commencing any significant APC
project to effectively utilize corporate resources and ensure support for
long-term sustainability of the APC application. If appropriate, an
Engineering Service Agreement (ESA) will be developed between P&CSD
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Responsibilities include:
a) Consulting P&CSD before commencing any significant APC project.
b) Ensuring that sufficient engineering, operations and maintenance support
are available and committed to implement and maintain the APC
c) Following the procedures in this SAEP.
d) Correcting instrumentation deficiencies that hinder APC implementation
or operation.
e) Approving final acceptance of the APC application.
f) Review and approve any feasibility and post-audit studies/reports
associated with APC.
g) Revise operating procedures to include and reflect implementation of
6 Instructions
This section addresses the guidelines for estimating the benefits that
APC would bring to a particular process unit. APC benefits are
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
There are four (4) major methodologies for estimating APC benefits.
These are:
a) Industry experience
b) Best Operator
c) Statistical estimations
d) Simulation techniques
Generally, the funding used for APC projects is expense and not capital
sourced. This is primarily due to software licensing and engineering work
that make up the primary component of such projects. Any large capital
funding greater than $2MM for APC projects should follow the Facilities
Planning Department (FPD) Procedures & Guidelines (See website:
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
i) Training
j) Documentation
This task will likely need to be performed in conjunction with part of the
next step, Controller Scope/Preliminary Design, in order to have a good
handle on project scope to meet procurement requirements.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
During this phase, P&ID's are reviewed and a tag list is developed along
with the initial controller design. The envelope or scope of the
controller(s) is established and a list is developed of the preliminary
manipulated variables (MV), disturbance variables (DV), and controlled
variables (CV). The control objectives and required inferentials are
reviewed as shown below: See Table 6.2.
A kick-off meeting shall be held at the plant site with all project
personnel involved in the project. This includes Vendor consultants,
P&CSD engineers, and from the operating organization (OO) including
representatives from operations, maintenance and engineering groups.
A responsibility table shall be developed to clearly present a summary of
personnel roles pertaining to specific project tasks. Personnel involved
may represent OO, central engineering or contractor. See Table 6.3
below for an example of an APC project led by a contractor or P&CSD.
A kick-off meeting is held to:
a) Review detailed description of process operation, control
objectives, and historical operating and control issues.
b) Confirm the project scope.
c) Review and confirm the project steps and schedule.
d) Review the initial controller design (initial list of matrix variables).
e) Review existing inferentials and establish an inferentials
development and implementation plan.
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Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Table 6.3 lists deliverables and personnel requirements for this step.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems The filtering of all critical signals should be reviewed for noise.
Noisy signals should have the filter increased to remove the
noise as best as possible or use a heavily filtered copy of the
variable if it is not appropriate to filter – e.g., the variable is
also an input to a safety system function.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems Develop the Formal Plant Test Plan to provide the greatest
amount of information across a wide range of response
frequencies in the shortest amount of time. The plan will
specify the details of data collection including recommended
manner of collection, required software, etc.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems The plant test is carried out in close cooperation with the console
operators. In case of manual plant test, the console operators are
consulted on all step moves and make the required set point
changes. If this is an automatic test, then the steps moves
maximum sizes are determined by discussions with the console
operators. The set points changes are made automatically if an
automated step testing tool is used. The plant test is a good time
to start discussing the APC application with the console
operators and performing some training.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems After completion of the plant test, the plant response data is
analyzed using the off-line data analysis tools. The relationships
between all of the independent variables (manipulated and
disturbance) and the dependent variables (controlled) are
identified, and placed into a model matrix for use by the
controller. Tuning factors are adjusted to get the desired response action
of the controller. Initial controller parameters for
commissioning and field tuning shall be established from the
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
6.2.8 Commissioning Additional database points required for the controller are built,
any operator screen changes are made, and the controller is
started up to run on live plant data in open loop mode.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems The APC engineer (or the operator) shall also have the
capability to select and change the lab (or analyzer) bias
fraction that is for updating the inferential. Suspending
feedback is also equivalent to setting the bias fraction to zero.
The on-line inferential shall have the capability to reject
outliers, frozen signal, and feedback values that exceed a pre-
specified rate of change.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems The inferential shall have the capability to declare some inputs
as “critical” such that the inferential can be declared a bad
value result or cease to operate if a critical input fails the
validation check. Failure of feedback validation shall not cause
the inferential to stop predicting. The operator shall be notified
(via message or alarm) if the feedback signal does not return to
a good signal within a specified period of time.
6.3.4 Documentation
6.3.5 Interface Operator
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
The operator shall have access to enter lab feedback information, and to
reject the result of a particular feedback calculation. The operator shall
also have the ability to suspend analyzer or lab feedback to the
inferential indefinitely.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems Provides immediate key statistics with the ability for the
engineer to solicit additional information on-demand through
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems Indicates more than just whether or not the application is on-
line. They shall show how effective the MVC controller is
accomplishing its objectives.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
6.6 Post-Audits
Revision Summary
5 December 2012 Revised the “Next Planned Update”. Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and
reissued with minor changes.
3 December 2014 Editorial revision to transfer responsibility from Process Control to Process Optimization
Solutions Stds. Committee.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
There are four (4) major methodologies for estimating APC benefits. These are:
a) Industry experience
b) Best Operator
c) Statistical estimations
d) Simulation techniques
Saudi Aramco recommends the statistical estimation method for final justification of
APC projects. The first two methods may be used for preliminary selection, budgetary
and project prioritization. The simulation technique may be the most accurate and
comprehensive but depends heavily on accurate process steady-state and dynamic
models. The development of these models can be very resource demanding and
prohibitive in cost. This method should be considered only if such models already
exist. The first two methods are discussed below in more detail.
The 'Best Operator' method is the next easiest to perform. It only requires historical
data for some key process controlled variables (CV). The average value of a variable is
then compared to the best achievable by an operator. The difference between the
average and the best operator represents the potential improvement with APC installed.
The assumption is that the APC will consistently perform like the best operator.
Accuracy with this method is around ± 20%. This method is not recommended for final
justification use with Saudi Aramco since it assumes that APC can do no better than the
best operator and optimum operating conditions may be outside the historic operating
region of the plant.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
The statistical method is the most widely used methodology for estimating benefits prior
to the implementation of APC. It takes the form of a formal “Feasibility Study.” This
method requires more effort than the best operator approach, because of the need for more
extensive historical data and statistical calculations. The mean and standard deviation of
the data are calculated. A reduction in the standard deviation is assumed based on
experience with similar applications. This reduction is the greater stability that APC can
provide. Statistical formulas based on confidence regions are then used to estimate the
possible changes to the data mean value enacted by APC, which results in the benefits.
Although statistical analysis of plant data is usually the best way to accurately estimate
APC benefits, there may be cases when this approach is not valid. Some refinery
processes have characteristics that tend to invalidate the statistical approach.
For example, an objective function that is based on maximum product rates may
invalidate estimated benefits that rely on reduced variability in the process. In these
cases, another method, such as the simulation method should be explored.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Assumptions will have to be made where necessary data and information are not
available. Assumptions relative to missing data and the impact upon the
confidence of economic predictions should be discussed with and accepted by
site personnel.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
operation closer to constraints. Often a 50% reduction is assumed, but the current
value of the standard deviation should be considered and evaluated before
assuming further reduction. Often a 50% reduction can be somewhat conservative
as shown by actual audits of control applications. The improvement in standard
deviation will translate to tighter control to specifications and targets, and can be
represented in financial terms.
It should also be noted that the improvement in stability of the controlled variables
is often achieved by more frequent adjustments of the manipulated variables.
However, the net effect is a reduction in variability of the controlled variables.
The prediction of reduced variability may then affect the overall process yield,
feed rate or energy usage. Economic factors for these effects should be readily
available from the site. The same data can be obtained from a rigorous steady
state process model and appropriate pricing information. Such a model can also
be used to assess the impact of the predicted change(s) on other process
parameters to confirm that the change is realistic and viable with respect to
known process operating limits/constraints.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
The information and data produced for a benefits prediction study provides a
very sound basis (Base Case) for carrying out a subsequent post-application
audit. The application implementation will always be in the future. Hence, it is
important that the impact of any intervening changes; both non-control (process
modifications, catalyst/target changes, etc.) and control are evaluated to check
the validity of the base case.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Table B.1 lists the minimum documentation requirements for an APC project.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Document Title Description
Details the procedure and schedule for the rigorous plant
tests and follows the required content as described in
6 Formal Plant Step Test Plan
item 3 of this table – “Pre-Test Step Plan'. It may also
contain expected CV changes based on MV moves.
Once the Plant Test, model identification and controller
development are completed, the Detailed Design
Documentation shall be prepared and delivered for
review by Saudi Aramco prior to the controllers
7 Final Detailed Design Document
commissioning phase. In addition to an update of what
the Preliminary Design contains, this document will
include the matrixes of the final controllers, models,
configurations and calculations.
This document describes the plans for commissioning
activities for each MVC. It should contain controller
design features and constraints that operations should be
8 Controller Commissioning Plan aware of during commissioning. It should have a
commissioning schedule for each controller and MV.
It should detail steps for PAS setup, operations review,
shedding mode testing, and any impact to operations.
This document is intended to introduce the plant
operations staff to the applications which are installed,
and to provide the essential information required to
9 Operator Manual operate these applications. This document is intended to
be a quick reference, not an in-depth reference manual.
The reader is referred to the application specific manuals
for more detailed or background information.
Once commissioning of the controller has been
completed as part of the field implementation phase, the
10 As-Built Design Document Detailed Design Document will be updated and re-issued
to an “as-built” status. See Table B.2 for content of the
Design Document.
Plant P&IDs shall be updated to reflect the APC loops,
11 Updated P&IDs inferential calculations, and any medications or additions
to the regulatory controls.
Table B.2 lists the minimum required content for the as-built engineering design
documentation. The sections are suggested for the document, but some can be renamed
or combined if appropriate. The engineering manual shall be provided as an indexed
PDF document or Microsoft Word document.
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Title Description
This section shall list all special online calculations done
during pre-processing or post-processing of the control
10 Custom Controller Calculations application(s). This includes variable transformations,
custom calculations, etc. A print out of the calculations
shall be included.
Includes hardware and system architecture of DCS with
APC system. Should include configuration
details/procedure of APC system within the DCS and
address any site specific system issues.
All new DCS tags, calculations, code, filtering, etc.,
created or generated to support the MVC control
application(s) shall be described in this section.
Process Automation System
11 Any custom code written in the DCS shall be listed.
Configuration and Calculations
All DCS configuration changes made to existing DCS tags
shall also be listed.
All tuning parameters of regulatory loops that are modified
shall be listed.
Any project related changes to the data historization
should be noted and explained.
All property inferential calculations developed as part of
12 Inferential Property Calculations the control application(s) project shall be documented.
The formulae shall be listed.
Describes variables, interfaces and procedures for a
13 Performance Monitoring
performance monitoring component if applicable.
This section shall describe typical procedures for
managing the control application(s) online. This includes
starting and stopping the online MVC software, updating
and changing control application tuning, or other
14 Controller Management modifications to the application(s).
Special accounts, passwords, and server names required
to access the control applications on the control servers
shall be documented.
Controller model and gain matrices should be included.
15 Controller Model A short comment indicating the rationale for the choice of
models/gains shall be provided.
Controller configuration file should be included with any
customizations. All text and binary files required for the
off-line and online portions of the APC or MVC application
shall be provided in the as-built revision. The specific files
are not enumerated since each MVC vendor implements a
16 Configuration File
different structure. However, all files required to duplicate
the off-line development environment data set (not
included in the application software itself) and to
completely rebuild the online application (not included in
the application software itself) shall be provided.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
Appendix C – Post-Audits
C.1 General
The purpose of this section is to provide a set of guidelines to characterize how well an
advanced process control (APC) project satisfied its objectives. In addition, this
document will present different approaches to benefits estimation as well as several
guidelines to ensure consistent basis of comparison between the before and after APC
process information.
To reap the most benefits from an APC application, it is necessary to monitor and
analyze the APC application performance. In evaluating an APC project, it is necessary
to evaluate the application's control, process, and economic performance measures.
Benefits from APC projects are typically realized in the form of:
● Increased conversion and yield of higher value products
● Decreased utilities and energy cost
● Improved product quality control
● Qualitative benefits that improve overall operations and productivity which are
difficult to quantify.
The proposed performance measures shall help identify such benefits and possibly
highlight areas of opportunity for further improvements.
One of the challenges in developing post audit reports is maintaining consistent basis of
comparison between the before and after APC implementation process conditions and
information. This consistency lends credibility that benefits reported are actual
(realistic) benefits attained. The following are some guidelines that could help in
establishing the study base case and timing considerations:
a) Controller should be stable (service factor greater than 90%) and running for at
least three (3) months before conducting a post audit study.
b) Benefits calculations shall consider controller operating for 300 to 350 days per
year, with a projected service factor (controller up-time) of 85%. If actual service
factor is known then it shall be used.
c) Compare the current operating condition of the plant with the conditions
documented in the base case. Conditions like feed rate, feed composition,
ambient temperature, season, down stream unit capacities, product specifications,
etc., have to be as close as possible to the base-case data to ensure a meaningful
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
d) If the above requirement is not possible, then as a minimum, base case data should
represent normal plant operation, and data that is one (1) year apart is conducive
to matching seasonal conditions.
e) Ensure that current operating conditions are normal plant or process unit operating
conditions (e.g., feed rate, feed composition, quality targets, etc.)
f) Base case and post-APC implementation data quality must be ensured. Process
upsets, excursions, and abnormal operating modes shall be excluded from the data
sets to maintain a consistent basis for comparison.
g) Post audit report shall highlight if the base case and post-APC data are corrected
for energy/material balance and/or normalized.
h) If for some reason, base case pre-APC data is limited or not representative of
current normal operating conditions, regression based models or off-line
simulation could be used to generate the base case data.
i) Only when all other means to obtain base case data are not possible, the controller
can be turned-off for a sufficient period of time to collect the pre-APC base case
information. This is not a good method for establishing a comparison as operators
can learn how the multivariable controller works and try to match, and they often
rise to the challenge.
j) Confirm quality and feed rate targets with the Production and Planning
organizations at the facility. If the feed rate and feed composition are significantly
different from the base case conditions, the performance run will not be
representative of typical operating conditions and a meaningful comparison with
the base case data will not be possible.
k) Confirm that important plant equipment and field instrumentation (pumps, valves,
transmitters, analyzers, etc.) are working properly. Any serious instrumentation or
analyzer problems have to be corrected before the performance test run can
l) Confirm that all the important valves have sufficiently small hysterisis and
stiction. Any cycles in PID controllers must be small enough not to adversely
affect the controller. Any significant cycles in the process when the controller is
switched off, must be corrected.
m) Confirm that the quality of inferential models predictions is acceptable as
compared to analyzer readings and/or lab analysis results.
n) Investigate any process or equipment modifications made since the completion of
commissioning. Major changes may change the dynamics of the process, and the
controller models may not adequately represent process behavior anymore.
(Additional step tests may have to be performed to improve the controller
performance after a major process modification. If this is the case, include it in
the recommendations.)
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Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
o) Product and energy prices information need to be included in the post audit report.
Use of current product and energy prices is encouraged, however using pricing
information from the pre-APC project benefit analysis phase (if any) may give an
insight on actual vs. estimated benefits of the APC project. Whenever possible,
the report shall calculate the benefits using both current and benefit analysis phase
pricing information.
p) Compare PID controller tuning present at the time of the step test with current
tuning, and confirm that any changes made since commissioning does not
adversely affect the controller's performance. Inappropriate tuning changes have
to be corrected.
q) Ensure that the MV and CV limits of the controller are set up in such a way as to
maximize the economic benefits while maintaining safe plant operation.
r) Observe the controller performance during the post audit evaluation period to
ensure that its performance is still comparable with the results achieved at the end
of commissioning. Any major issues related to the controller performance have to
be identified and resolved before the post audit performance run is started.
s) Ensure that the data collection system is functioning properly, and that all the
important tags are collected at the same frequency as the base case data. Any data
compression or filtering that was not active when the base-case data was
collected, has to be removed for the test period. A data back-up procedure has to
be in place as well.
t) Review the data on a daily basis. Any abnormal incidents unrelated to the
controller (e.g., loss of feed pumps, reflux pumps, fan trips, loss of electricity
supply, or abnormal operating conditions) have to be removed from the data set.
The performance run has to be extended until an adequate period of normal
operating data has been collected.
u) If controller performance unexpectedly degrades (e.g., due to a major change in
operating condition or equipment changes), the post audit test run has to be stopped.
If required, the controller has to be modified before the test run is restarted.
v) Present a short training session to operations, engineering, and planning personnel
explaining the post audit methodology, and the performance run conditions.
w) Finally, it is recommended that a review process be conducted with Operations,
Planning, and Engineering staff to validate and agree upon the results before the
post audit report is issued.
APC benefits estimation methodologies typically include the use of statistical data
analysis (mean, standard deviation, and variance) of process variables, or products yield
and quality information represented in financial terms. Sometimes statistical methods
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Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
alone cannot quantify the benefits attained from an APC application, thus a combination
of these methods may be required. Other methods may include performance analysis
from a material/energy balance perspective, or from a pure controller variables behavior
point of view (e.g., constraints handling and cost variables information.) How these
methods are applied at each site may be unique, therefore, the post audit report needs to
describe the methodology followed.
Although the main objective of APC post audit studies is to highlight the tangible benefits
reaped from the application, almost all APC implementations result in numerous
intangible benefits that cannot be represented in financial terms, yet result in noticeable
improvement in aspects related to the process unit or plant operation. As an example,
APC applications can dramatically improve the stability of the process, reduce operators'
intervention, and improve flexibility of the process especially when switching to different
modes of operation. The post audit report must highlight such intangible benefits and
possibly present some before and after APC information as a measure of improvement.
This is a measure of how well the controller satisfies its objectives. Statistical
analysis measures (standard deviation, variance, and mean) as well as regulatory
control measures (set point tracking, speed of response, etc.) can be used to
describe this measure.
Controller and process information relevant to this measure may include items
listed in Table C.1.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
The post audit report shall highlight, whenever possible, the observed control
performance improvements supported by process data plots and statistical data
analysis for both the before and after APC scenarios. Sometimes, conducting a
test-run for the controller is necessary to determine the performance
improvement information and to verify whether the controller is able to satisfy
its objective(s) or not.
This measure focuses on the controller's influence on the process behavior under
APC. Products yield and quality information may give an indication to the
tangible benefits of the APC controller. Statistical analysis tools can be used to
identify the process performance improvement; however, the intangible benefits
attained from the APC application also need to be highlighted in this measure.
Process stability, flexibility, and operators’ intervention information are
particularly important to highlight.
Other indications to the benefits from a process performance point of view are
the optimization and constraints handling abilities of the controller. Collected
process data need to show that the controller is driving the process to the
optimum operating point as per the controller objective, and is riding the right
constraints for the current mode of operation. For controllers with multiple
modes of operation, a test run shall be conducted to test their performance in all
modes unless the expense to the unit operation is too excessive.
Controller and process information relevant to this measure may include items
listed in Table C.2.
One may chose to combine both the control performance and process
performance measures together when conducting the post audit study.
Page 39 of 41
Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
The combined measure then shall present all the tangible and intangible benefits
attained by the APC application.
Since the inferential properties and the regulatory loops are essential to the APC
application, the post audit report shall provide an indication about the performance of the
inferential models (if any) and the regulatory control loops during the evaluation period.
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Document Responsibility: Process Optimization Solutions Standards Committee SAEP-349
Issue Date: 3 December 2014
Next Planned Update: 5 December 2017 Advanced Process Control (APC) Systems
The performance of the regulatory control layer needs to be addressed briefly in the
report. Poor performing loops need to be highlighted, tuning and remediation efforts
need to be included in the report for action and future reference.
Table C.4 contains a list of sections that a post audit report should contain.
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