Ak Groundwork Tutorial PDF

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The passage provides tips and techniques for creating realistic groundwork bases for scale models, including recommendations for materials, application of plaster, painting, and adding details.

Rubber molds, wood frames, foam, plasticard, ceramic plaster and fine sand are some of the basic materials recommended. Silicone glue is best for gluing foam pieces together.

The foam should be covered with a minimum 2mm layer of plaster. Fine stones or cat litter can be sprinkled in while wet. Tire or track marks should be added before drying. The basecoat paint is typically black.

tips and tricks


Rubber moulds are prefect to create pieces Ceramic plaster is best suited for this job as Always fill the moulds completely.
of rock or individual stones of various it dries quickly and becomes rock hard.
shapes and sizes.

Pieces of foam are

perfect to make the
basic lay out of the
ground work as they
are easily cut to
shape. They are best
glued together with
silicone glue.

For the edges use plasticard witha thickness of at least 1,5mm to avoid deforming.

Dryfitting is Make sure the wooden

important before frame is sturdy enough
You can leave the plasticard as it is or
you make the final to carry the weight of the
cover it with veneer of your choice. Cut
cuts. entire base.
the veneer roughly in size and bring it to
form once glued to the plasticard.

These are the basic It’s recommended

materials needed to that you mix fine
make up a decent sand and wood glue
groundwork. Most of into the plaster. The
can be found in your wood glue will help it
garden. stick to the foam.
Make sure the foam is covered with layer of A knife or a spatula are perfect to When you add the rocks use a brush and
minimum 2mm plaster. apply the plaster. water to blend them in with the surface.

Fine stones or cat litter can be sprinkled in If you want to add tire or track marks When completed, you can set the whole
the still wet plaster. this must be done before the plaster is base aside to let it dry overnight.
completely dry.

Before painting make Depending of where

a test fit of the position your model is situated
of your vehicle. you can apply the
basecoat. But make
always a bit lighter than
the color you have in

The perfect basecoat

is just black.
The vegetation is sprayed in various Some small stones are hand painted in
green tones. Use a piece of paper to avoid several different color to add more variation
overspray. in tone.
Apply several washes to bring everything
together. This can be done with oils or with
ready to use products.

Garbage or pieces of
vehicles are perfect to
fill an empty corner.

Use some colorful

pieces of garbage or
equipment to bring
more color in your

Always work with

enough variation in
tone and sizes of the
vegetation and rocks.
The best way to attach figures and vehicles to the base is with metal
pins. Attach some pins in the vehicles and figures and glue them in
place in the corresponding holes made in the base.

Painting the wooden frame and the veneer

section in the prefered colors is the final step.

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